Using A NuGet Package

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Extending Logic with C# Code: 
Using a NuGet Package 


OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 1 

Table of Contents 
Table of Contents 2 

Define the Action in Integration Studio 4 

Implement Action in Microsoft Visual Studio 9 

Publish Extension and Sample App to OutSystems Server 13 

Extend Sample App to Use Extension 17 

Test Extension using Sample Application 21 

End of Lab 25 


OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 2 

The power of the OutSystems platform comes from the combination of rapid development and 
change using the visual low-code paradigm ​and​ the uncompromising capability to integrate and 
be extended with other technologies. 

Probably the best example of this is the capability to develop specific functionalities in the .NET 
C# language. This is beneficial when the need to integrate with a legacy external system arises 
or when we must invoke a specialized third-party executable. 

In this lab we will be implementing an Action in C#, using OutSystems Integration Studio and 
Microsoft Visual Studio, that will then be seamlessly callable from Service Studio modules, just 
as any other Server Action would be. 

The following sections will cover these scenarios:  

● Create a C# Action with simple type parameters 

● Use Visual Studio’s NuGet Package Manager to import a public .NET assembly into your 
● Publish Extension and use its functionality from a (sample) application   

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 3 

Define the Action in Integration Studio 

We will start by creating an extension in Integration Studio containing a single Action that 
requires no specialized types for its parameters. This action will allow the conversion of 
Markdown1 text to HTML, which could be used to build a CMS2 in OutSystems. 

To implement this we will be using both OutSystems Development Environment components 

(​Integration Studio ​and S
​ ervice Studio​) and M
​ icrosoft Visual Studio​. Please refer to an 
earlier Lab if you don’t have these installed and configured yet.  

1) Open Integration Studio and login in your OutSystems server (likely your personal 

a) Launch I​ ntegration Studio f​ rom a Desktop shortcut or the Windows Start Menu 

​or ​  

b) Connect ​Integration Studio​ to your OutSystems server using the icon on the top 

c) In the ​Connect to Environment​ dialog, enter the environment address, 
username and password you will be using to carry out the exercises, and click 


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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 4 


NOTE:​ This login information is exactly the same as you use to connect ​Service 
Studio​ to the OutSystems platform server. 

2) Create a ​New Extension​ and name it ​“MarkdownToHTML” 

a) In the top toolbar, click the N

​ ew ​button 

b) Integration Studio will change to display a newly created extension, change its 
name from the default “​ Extension”​ to ​MarkdownToHTML​ and press ​Return 


3) Define an Action named ​Markdown_ConvertToHTML​, with a Text input and a Text 

output parameter 

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 5 

a) Right-click the A
​ ctions​ folder and select A
​ dd Action​.

b) In the new opened tab, type in M

​ arkdown_ConvertToHTML​ to change the ​Name o
​ f 
the Action from the default ​“Action1”​. Press Return 

c) In the ​Parameters​ panel below, type in M

​ arkdown​ for the ​Name o
​ f the first 
parameter. Leave it as an I​ nput Parameter​, M
​ andatory ​and of ​Data Type 

d) Below the M
​ arkdown​ parameter, type in H
​ TML ​for the ​Name o
​ f the second 
parameter. Change its kind to Output Parameter by clicking on its icon. Leave its 
Data Type ​as “Text”. 

NOTE:​ Unticking the ​“Mandatory” c​ heckbox will allow an Input Parameter to be 
made optional. The mandatory concept is not applicable to Output Parameters so 
the checkbox in these parameters is non functional. 

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 6 

e) The Extension and Action definition should look like this 

4) Generate the solution project skeleton and launch Visual Studio 

a) In the top toolbar, press the ​Edit Source Code .NET b

​ utton 

b) Integration Studio will automatically generate the C# source to match our 
Extension definitions... 

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 7 

c) … and Microsoft Visual Studio will launch and load in the ​MarkdownToHTML 
project, ready for editing 


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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 8 

Implement Action in Microsoft Visual Studio 

In this section we will flesh out the body of M
​ ssMarkdown_ConvertToHTML​, to convert the 
input Markdown to the desired HTML format, in C#. 
Since Markdown conversion is not provided by the core Microsoft .NET Framework, we will be 
using an external assembly to have access to this functionality, which we will import into the 
extension using Microsoft’s NuGet Package Manager3. 
In the interest of understandability, this is a very short example using only one external 
dependency and a single line of C# code. Other exercise labs will employ more C# code, but will 
remain of reduced size. 
This is purely to simplify learning: there is (virtually) no constraints on the size and complexity of 
the C# code you can develop inside an extension, or the libraries that can be pulled into these 
extension projects. 
1) Locate and understand the context of the ​Markdown_ConvertToHTML​ action in the C# 
a) Double-click the ​MarkdownToHTML.cs​ ​file inside the ​MarkdownToHTML​ project in 
the ​Solution Explorer​ to reveal the project’s main C# class 

NOTE:​ Upon opening a source C# file, you may be notified that the file has 
inconsistent line endings. This is not a problem so, on that dialog, simply leave 
the ​Line ending​ to the suggested ​“Windows (CR LF)”,​ untick the ​“Always show this 
dialog”​ and click ​Yes​. 


OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 9 

b) Notice the function ​MssMarkdown_ConvertToHTML​, with parameters 

ssMarkdown​ and s​ sHTML​, where we will implement the “body” of our Action 

NOTE:​ The Solution, Project and “main” C# source filename will always match the 
name given to the Extension. 

The C# function that implements Action <ACTION_NAME> is always named 

Mss<ACTION_NAME>​, while all parameters in the generated C# stub will be 
named s​ s<PARAM_NAME>​. 

2) Import the ​CommonMark4 assembly into the extension project, using NuGet  
a) Right-click the M
​ arkdownToHTML​ element in Solution Explorer tree, and select 
the ​Manage NuGet Packages… ​ option 

b) On the main window, a NuGet management tab for the solution will appear. 
Select the ​Browse​ tab and type in ​CommonMark​ in the search input 

d) Locate and select ​CommonMark.NET​ from the result list on the left. The right 
panel will show details about this assembly. Ensure the “0.15.1” version is 
selected and press ​Install​. 


OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 10 

NOTE:​ Later ​stable v

​ ersions of the assembly will likely work too, but were not 
tested at the time this exercise was developed. 

e) After acknowledging that this operation will make changes to your solution, the 
Output Window​ will show the steps of the assembly installation. 
f) Upon completion, expand the R
​ eferences​ node in the ​Solution Explorer​ panel: 
CommonMark should be visible there. Select it and ensure its C
​ opy Local  
property is set to “True”. 

NOTE:​ Due to the way Integration Studio packs extensions, any external 
assemblies or resources that are required for the extension to function will need 
to reside inside the extension folder, on the appropriate subdirectory. The C
​ opy 
Local​ property ensures this (i.e. that C
​ ommonMark.dll​ is inside the ​bin/ ​folder). 

3) Implement the C# code for Markdown_ConvertToHTML  

a) Open M
​ arkdownToHTML.cs ​by double-clicking the file in ​Solution Explorer​, if 
it’s not already showing in Visual Studio’s main editor 

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 11 

b) Move to the M
​ ssMarkdown_ConvertToHTML ​function definition 

a) Replace the body of the function (i.e. between ​{​ and ​}​) with the following C# code 

// Convert markdown input into HTML output parameter

ssHTML = CommonMark.CommonMarkConverter.Convert(ssMarkdown);
c) Your function should now look like this 

NOTE:​ We are simply calling the ​Convert()​ method of the class 

CommonMarkConverter​, included in the C
​ ommonMark ​namespace on our 
action input parameter. We are then setting the output parameter to the result of 
the conversion. 

e) Ensure your extension has no errors by selecting the B

​ uild Solution​ option inside 
the ​Build ​top menu option 

f) The output window should show no errors 

g) Close Microsoft Visual Studio using menu ​ File​, option​ Exit​. 
NOTE:​ Building the solution inside ​Visual Studio i​ s not strictly needed, as the 
code will be rebuilt inside ​Integration Studio​. We do so simply to speed up error 
detection before leaving the Microsoft IDE. 


OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 12 

Publish Extension and Sample App to OutSystems Server 

In this section, we will publish the extension to the OutSystems server, making its functionality 
available to be used by any of the OutSystems applications on that environment. 
To simplify the testing of the ​MarkdownToHTML​ extension, a sample application (​Micro CMS​) 
that can easily be expanded to accommodate the extension’s new features is provided. This 
sample application will need to be published to your environment as well. 
1) Add Microsoft N
​ uGet package​ information to Extension 
a) Back in ​Integration Studio​, click the ​Resources t​ ab, to switch the tree to 
Extension contents display 

NOTE:​ This view shows the filesystem tree based on where the Extension was 
expanded in the developer’s machine. Files displayed comprise both included 
(dark) and excluded (greyed-out) from the Extension package. 

By default, Integration Studio already selects for inclusion file types it knows are 
important for the functioning and future developments of the Extension (such as 
.dll and .cs files). In this case we decided to override the default (of ignore) for 
packages.config. We do this so Microsoft Visual Studio can keep track of the 
CommonMark version we are currently using in the project. 

b) Locate the ​packages.config​ file in the tree, right-click it and select I​ nclude in 

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 13 

2) Publish the ​MarkdownToHTML​ extension to the OutSystems server 

a) Click the ​1-Click Publish​ button on the top toolbar 

b) Integration Studio should detect the inclusion of C
​ ommonMark​ into the project 
and add the necessary resources to the Extension. It will then compile it and 
publish it to the server. 

NOTE:​ During the process, your extension will also be saved locally to your hard 
drive. If you haven’t explicitly saved it before, you may be prompted for a path 
halfway through this publication. 

3) Publish the sample M
​ icro_CMS a
​ pplication into your server 
a) Open Service Studio from the Start Menu or by double clicking the icon. 

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 14 

b) In the ​Connect to Environment​ or ​Switch Environment ​dialog, enter the 

environment address, username and password you have been using for 
Integration Studio​, and click C
​ onnect​. 

c) In the ​Environment t​ op menu, select O
​ pen Files... 

d) Change the the bottom-right file type Combo filter to show “​ OutSystems 
Application Pack (*.oap)”​. Navigate to and select the M
​ icro CMS.oap s​ ample 
application, and then press ​Open​. 

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 15 

e) After confirmation, the ​Micro CMS a

​ pplication should install on your server 

NOTE:​ After the installation completes, the application will be moved further 
down in the list to be sorted alphabetically. Depending on how many applications 
you have already installed, it may therefore move out of view (you can use search 
to find it). 


OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 16 

Extend Sample App to Use Extension 

The sample M​ icro CMS a​ pplication is already functional, as it allows the user to create new 
Content pages, list and view them. However, when creating content, if you want to add any 
formatting, you will need to type in HTML tags yourself. 
In this section we will change this application so that the content creator can use the much 
more convenient markdown syntax to produce web pages. 
1) Extend ​Micro CMS ​to be able to invoke the action M
​ arkdown_ConvertToHTML​ from 
the M
​ arkdownToHTML ​Extension 
a) Click the ​Micro CMS​ application from the list in S
​ ervice Studio ​to open it 

b) Click the ​MicroCMS​ module inside the Micro CMS application view to open it 

c) Click the ​Manage Dependencies i​ con on the top toolbar 

d) In the ​Manage Dependencies d ​ ialog, type in “​ markdown” ​ in the Producers filter 
to narrow down the list. Then select the ​MarkdownToHTML E ​ xtension on the 

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 17 

producer panel, followed by ticking the M ​ arkdown_ConvertToHTML​ action in 

the elements panel. Finally press O
​ K​ to close this dialog. 

NOTE:​ Like any public action in Service Studio modules, C# actions created in an 
extension and consumed from the dependencies dialog become - in practical 
terms - indistinguishable from every other action in our (consuming) module. 

2) Add the M
​ arkdown_ConvertToHTML​ functionality to the ​CMSEntryDetail s​ creen 

a) In the Interface tab, double-click the O

​ nContentEditableChange ​screen action 
(inside the ​CMSEntryDetail s​ creen) to open it in the canvas. 

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 18 

b) Drag a ​Run Server Action​ from the toolbox and drop it on the Action flow just 
before the “​ Save Edited Content” ​Assign ​statement. 

c) On the S
​ elect Action p
​ opup, type in ​”markdown” ​in the filter area, and 
double-click the M
​ arkdown_ConvertToHTML​ action, to select it 

d) Set the ​Markdown​ parameter of the M

​ arkdown_ConvertToHTML​ action call to 


OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 19 

e) Click on the “​ Save Edited Content” ​Assign s​ tatement below, and change the 
expression-side of the assignment to “Markdown_ConvertToHTML.HTML” 

NOTE:​ The steps above are sufficient to use the extension functionality previously 
implemented. ​However​, if you press the S
​ ave​ button too rapidly after typing 
things into the ​Content​ multi-line input, the latest changes may not be saved. 

With this in mind, you may want to carry the following (multiple) step 

f) Repeat steps a) to e) above, but this time inside the S

​ ave ​screen action (also 
inside the ​CMSEntryDetail s​ creen) 


OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 20 

Test Extension using Sample Application 

It’s now time to try the improved ​MicroCMS a
​ pplication, that will now allow the input of 
markdown for the creation / editing of new content. 
1) Publish the ​MicroCMS m
​ odule and see the application in the browser. 

a) Click the 1-Click Publish​ button to publish the module to the server. 
b) After it’s done, press the Open in Browser button to open your application in 
your default browser.  

NOTE:​ If you are not yet logged into any application on your environment, you 
will be taken to the login screen. Simply login with any Registered user and you’ll 
be able to enter the application. 

c) Your application should look something like this

2) Add a new content using Markdown and view it in a dedicated page 

a) Press the “Create a new CMS Entry” link at the top-right corner of the application 


OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 21 

b) In the New CME Entry screen, set the entry ​Title t​ o “Sample” and set the entry 
Content​ to 


## Sub-heading

Paragraphs are separated

by a blank line.

Two spaces at the end of a line

produces a line break.

Text attributes _italic_,

**bold**, `monospace`.

Horizontal rule:


Bullet list:

* apples
* oranges
* pears

Numbered list:

1. wash
2. rinse
3. repeat

A [link][example].


g "NEO")

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 22 

c) When you stop typing, the right Preview panel will flash to show the HTML 
version of the markdown content above. You should see something like this 

d) Press the “Save” button to go back to the CMS Entries screen. Press the “Eye” icon 
on the line of the Sample we just created 

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 23 

e) This will open a dedicated page to display just your HTML content! 


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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 24 

End of Lab 
In this exercise lab, we created an Extension module that adds new functionality to be used by 
regular OutSystems Service Studio modules: adding a converter from Markdown to HTML. 

We used Integration Studio to define an action prototype, and then Microsoft Visual Studio to 
first import an external assembly into our C# project and then flesh out the action’s code. 

We published the extension, as well as a starter sample CMS application. 

We then extended that application to call the action from our Extension, and use the converter 
every time we create new content in the CMS application, thus showing the seamless 
integration of .NET C# into the OutSystems platform. 

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 25 

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