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Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Appraising the Unity of
Plot, Setting, and Characterization

Department of Education - MIMAROPA Region

What I Need to Know
After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. appraise the unity of plot, setting, and characterization in a material

viewed to achieve the writer’s purpose.
1.1 recognize the writer’s purpose in writing the text.
1.2 determine the plot, setting and characters of the material

What I Know

Let’s see how much you know about this module. Read the following
statements carefully, then, write the letter of your answer. Take note of the
number items that you were not able to answer correctly and find out the
correct answer as you go over the module.
1. It is part of the story where a problem can start to be resolved.
A. Conclusion
B. Falling Action
C. Rising Action
2. It shows how the problem is resolved.
A. Conclusion
B. Exposition
C. Falling Action
3. The character is faced with a very difficult situation and he/she needs to
make a decision. What element of the story is this?
A. Character
B. Climax
C. Rising Action
4. Series of events in the story is called ______________.
A. Plot
B. Setting
C. Character
5. “Once upon a time, there was a boy whose name was Makato. He was an
orphan, for his father and mother died when he was very young”. What
element of plot is the above statement?
A. Climax
B. Denouement
C. Exposition

In this lesson, you will learn about the elements of a story and the
elements of plot. You will be required to watch a video/movie in order to
understand how the writer achieved his/her purpose in writing the story.
You will be watching the 1993 English movie “Dennis the Menace”
screen played by John Hughes Jr. and directed by Nick Castle.
While watching, take note of the important events that happened in the
story. Try to identify the characters, the setting and the plot of the story.
The following activities will help you in evaluating the unity of plot, setting
and characterization of a material viewed to achieve the purpose of the writer.

What’s In

Read and understand the short story. Then, do the activities that follow.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the
hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath
and sang out, “Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!” The villagers came
running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf away. But when they arrived
at the top of the hill, they found no wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their
angry faces. “Don’t cry wolf”, shepherd boy,” said the villagers, “when there’s
no wolf!” They went grumbling back down the hill.
Later the boy sang out again, Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the
sheep”. This naughty delight, he watched the villagers run up the hill to help
him drive the wolf away.
When the villagers saw no wolf they sternly said, “Save your frightened
song for when there is really something wrong! Don’t cry Wolf” when there is
no wolf.
But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling down the
hill once more.
Later, he saw a real wolf prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped
to his feet and sang out loudly as he could, “Wolf! Wolf!”
But the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again, and so they
didn’t come.

At sunset, everyone wondered why the shepherd boy hadn’t returned
to the village with their sheep. They went up the hill to find the boy. They
found him weeping.
“There really was a wolf here. The flock has scattered! I cried out “Wolf!”
Why didn’t you come?”
An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the village.
“We’ll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning, he said, putting
his arm around the youth, “Nobody believes a liar… even when he is telling
the truth.”

Directions: Below are events that happened in the story “The Boy who Cried
Wolf”. Present your plot analysis using the organizer as shown below. Write
them in their proper place.

A. Over a constant time, a real wolf came and he scorched.

B. To amuse himself, he scorched “Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is attacking the sheep.
C. They found the little shepherd boy weeping in the field.
D. The villagers wondered why the shepherd boy hadn’t returned to the village.
They moved toward the hill to observe.
E. There was once a little shepherd boy sitting on the hillside watching the village’s



What’s New
Use the chart below to analyze the short story “The Boy Who Cried
Wolf”. Use the questions provided in the first column.

1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. When and where did the story
Elements of Plot
3. Why did the little boy cry wolf?
4. The little boy cried wolf three times.
What did the villagers do when they
heard him cry for the
a. first time and second time they
heard the little boy?
b. third time they heard the little boy?
5. What happened to the little boy who
cried wolf?
6. What does crying wolf mean?
7. What is the moral of the story?

What Is It

Bits of Information
About the Film Maker
John Hughes Jr. is an American film-maker who began as an author of
humorous essays and stories for national lampoon. He went on to write,
produce and sometimes direct some of the most successful live action comedy
films of 1980’s and 1990’s. “Dennis the Menace” is one of his best stories
screen played along with “Home Alone”, Home Alone 2-Lost in New York, and
“Home Alone 3”
About the Text/Movie
Naughty Dennis Mitchell, a mischievous five year- old tiny rascal, is
dedicated to making his forbearing next-door neighbor George Wilson’s life
miserable, even though he really doesn’t mean it. But, now that school is out
for the summer, Dennis will have all the time in the world to channel his
overbearingly excessive energy to his beloved pensioner who only wants to be
left alone with his garden, while in the meantime, a tattered thief visits the
town. Undoubtedly, Dennis only wants to be of assistance. Who can hold a
grudge against this innocent and adorable little monster?


Films are big parts of our lives. Movies have always entertained us,
whether in cinemas or at home. When the movies are good, you love to see
them over and over again. You even think about the characters even after the
movie is over. A lot of talents and creativities go on making great movies.
Here are the elements of a great movie.
The character is the most important part of storytelling. They are the
life of the film. When you watch a film you need to like some of the characters.
You should feel like you can relate to those characters. Another is the plot,
which has six (6) parts such as exposition, rising action, climax, falling action
and resolution or denouement. A simple plot is enough to win people’s heart.
People don’t want an elaborated plot. It can make or break the cinema.
Exposition is the beginning of the story and prepares the way for upcoming
events. In here, the writer introduces the major characters, establishes the
setting and reveals the major conflicts in the story. Rising Action occurs
when the main problem or conflict is addressed with a form of action. It leads
up to the climax. It begins with the provoking incident, or a moment that sets
the story into action. Climax or the Turning point is the highest point in
the story where the conflict is most intense and the reader or the viewer are
forced to keep on reading/viewing until the end. It deals with the culmination
of events. Falling Action occurs immediately after the climax and details the
consequences whether good or bad that characters must deal with after
turning point of events. It leads up to the resolution and sets the stage for the
final chapter of the story. Resolution or denouement tells us what happens
to the characters after the conflict is resolved. It usually leaves readers or
viewers with a sense of closure, so, they understand the fate of the
protagonists and antagonists.
Sources: http:/ published March 13, 2016 by Penny Flores

 Now that you know these elements, you may proceed to the next

What’s More
Watch the movie “Dennis the Menace” carefully and
answer the questions below. Before watching, try to give as
many word as you can think about the word “menace”. You
are allowed to use dictionary. Focus on the possible
traits/attitudes of Dennis as mentioned or implied in the
material viewed.
(Note: In case you don’t have gadget, and internet
access to download the movie, your facilitator may provide
a copy for you. If in case there is no available copy, you
have been provided the written summary of the movie

“Dennis The Menace”. You may read it so that you may be able to finish
the given tasks.
by: John Hughes Jr.

Dennis Mitchell is a five-year old boy who lives with his parents,
Henry and Alice, and is the bane of next door neighbor George Wilson and
others in his neighborhood. One morning, Dennis shoots an aspirin into
George’s mouth with a sling shot after two failed attempts to give the man an
aspirin by hand. This causes George to gag and spit out the pill, as Dennis
flees home. Henry and Alice learned of the incident, but because they both
have to work, Alice has to take him to stay at Margaret Wade’s house for the
Dennis dislikes Margaret who is mean to him. Margaret and Dennis,
along with his friend Joey, venture into the woods to an abandoned tree house
and intend to fix it up. Later, while getting paint from a high shelf in the
garage, Dennis tries to grab his slingshot, which was taken away from him by
Henry, and accidentally spills the paint on the ground. He tries to vacuum it
up, but ends up spilling a glob of paint into George’s barbecue grill, while
George cooks chicken, and he tastes the paint. That night, Dennis has set of
baby sitters: Polly and her boyfriend, Mickey. He plays doorbell pranks on
them and they retaliate by sticking a thumbtacks on the doorbell and
preparing water and flour to douse on the prankster. However, George goes
over to Dennis’ house, against the wishes of his wife, Martha, to find out what
Dennis knows about the paint in his chicken…But when he rings the doorbell,
he pricks his thumb, and gets water and flour dumped on him, much to
Martha’s amusement.
Meanwhile, a burglar named Switchblade Sam
arrives in town and begins robbing houses as well as
stealing things outdoors and striking fear into the children
he meets. Henry and Alice are having increasing difficulty
getting people to watch Dennis when they both work.
George and Martha are charged with the task for the
weekend when Henry and Alice have been called away on
business trips. Martha loves Dennis as if he were her own
grandson, as she and George are childless and she enjoys
telling Dennis a bedtime poem that her mother told her.
However, George is further irritated by Dennis spilling bath on the bathroom
floor, replacing George’s nasal spray with his mouthwash and his toilet
cleanser, and letting Dennis’ dog Ruff into the house. George mistakes Ruff
for Martha in the dark. Fortunately for George, he has been selected to host
the Summer Floraganza, a long-awaited garden party. He has spent virtually
forty years growing and nurturing a rare night-blooming orchid especially for
the event. Despite the investment, the flower is supposed to die shortly after
blooming. Alice’s flight is delayed by a thunderstorm, so Dennis remains at
the Wilsons’ house from the night of the orchid’s blooming. Martha is
understanding, but George is deeply dismayed about this. But at her
insistence, he grudgingly lets Dennis stay outside for the party with a firm
warning to behave himself. However, Dennis presses the garage door button,
causing the door to knock over the dessert table and make a huge mess.
George angrily sends him inside shortly after seeing the mess.
While the Wilsons and their guests await the flower’s nocturnal
blooming, Switchblade Sam robs the house. Dennis hears him as he leaves,
then goes downstairs to find the safe open and George’s gold coins missing
from the safe. Just as the flower is about to bloom, he alerts George of the
robbery, distracting him and everyone else long enough to miss the flower’s
brief display. Furious about his forty-year investment gone to waste and
constant mishaps Dennis has cause, George severely chastises and disowns
Dennis, causing him to flee on his bike.
Dennis heads into the park, where Switchblade Sam grabs him as a
hostage. Henry and Alice arrive home to learn from Martha and the police of
Dennis’ disappearance prompting a town-wide search. Having discovered
Dennis was telling the truth about the robbery,
a guilt-ridden George reflects on the harsh
things he has said to Dennis and carries out his
own search for him. Meanwhile, Dennis
unintentionally but effectively defeats Sam by
trying him, losing the handcuff key,
bludgeoning him several times and torching
him twice, among other things. He returns to
the Wilson’s house the next morning with an
injured Sam in his wagon, having also
recovered George’s gold coins which he
discovered Sam stole. Before long, Sam is taken into police custody by the
town’s police chief who advised him at one point to leave town. When the
officer closes the door on Sam’s handcuffed hand, he ends up breaking his
hand, and Sam’s switchblade knife falls down the drain. Dennis and George
make amends, and the Mitchells and Wilsons are also on better terms. That
night, George explains that he learned some things about children.
“Kids are kids, you have to play by their rules. If you can’t do that,
you’re headed for trouble. You have to roll with the punches. You have to
expect the unexpected.”


Fill in the characters’ organizer with the attitude or behavior of Dennis, Mr.
Wilson and the thief displayed in the story. Write your answer on the face
of each character. Take note that all your answers/ideas are accepted, so, you
should not hesitate to give your answer.

Mr. Wilson The thief


From the movie “Dennis the Menace”, identify these elements of plot: the
exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution or
denouement. In a separate sheet, draw a mountain or any organizer where
you can write the sequence of events in the story. Try to evaluate the unity
of plot.

What I Have Learned

After you finished the given activities, remember to answer this question.

Did the writer achieve his/her purpose in writing the story?

How did he/she achieve his/her purpose?

What I Can Do
You have already learned how a writer can achieve his purpose in writing.
This time, you will be asked to watch your favorite movie/film. After
watching, try to evaluate the unity of the characters, plot, and setting and
explain how the writer achieve his purpose. Make your own organizer to
show the 5 elements of plot.
(Note: If ever you don’t have gadget or internet access to watch your favorite
movie, enjoy recalling what you had watched before. Ask assistance from
your facilitator or your siblings or whoever is around you in case you forgot
some characters and events. Then, use it to do this activity.) I know you can
do it.

Let us now evaluate the learnings you gained from this module. Read
the statement carefully. Then, write the letter of the answer that you think is
the best answer to the question. If you answered this activity well, you can

move to the next module. In case you get below 75% rating, you will be given
another activity/ies related to this module. But, I believe, you are ready to
proceed to the next module because you worked hard on this.
Good luck!

1. Series of events in the story is called

A. Character
B. Setting
C. Plot
2. “Once upon a time, there was a boy whose name was Makato, he was an
orphan, for his father and mother died when he was very young”. What
element of plot is the above statement?
A. Exposition
B. Denouement
C. Climax
3. The character is faced with a very difficult situation and he/she needs to
make a decision.
A. Climax
B. Character
C. Rising Action
4. It shows how the problem is resolved.
A. Exposition
B. Conclusion
C. Falling Action
5.It is part of the story where a problem can start to be resolved
A. Falling Action
B. Conclusion
C. Rising Action
6. Who are the two major characters in the story?
A. Dennis and Mr. Wilson
B. Dennis and the robber
C. Dennis and Margaret
7. What does Dennis give to Mr. Wilson because he is so sick?
A. a kiss
B. an aspirin
C. a teddy bear
8. What type of conflict is in the story?
A. Man vs. man
B. Man vs. himself
C. Man vs. Society
9. Alice and Henry felt sad and dismay when
A. Dennis insisted to go with them
B. Mr. Wilson did not accept their son
C. Everyone refused to babysit their son

What I Know
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C
What’s In
What’s New- Activity 1
1 Character The little shepherd boy
2 Setting In hillside/village
Elements of Plot
3 Exposition He cried out to catch the attention of the villagers
4 Rising Action *To amuse himself, he scorched “Wolf ! Wolf! the wolf is attacking the
Climax *The real wolf came prowling his flock but the villagers did not come
because they thought he was trying to fool them again.
5 Falling Action/ The villagers wonder why the little boy did not return to the village so
Resolution they went up and found him weeping. Then, an old man tried to
comfort him.
6 Answer may vary
7 Answer may vary
Key to Correction
C. naughty and mischievous
B. naughty but responsible
A. naughty but obedient
10. The writer/playwright describe Dennis as a 5-year-old tiny rascal and
C 9.
A 8.
C 7.
A 6.
A 5.
C 4.
A 3.
A 2.
C 1.
Activity 4: Answers may vary
What I Can Do

Answers may vary

What I Have Learned

Activity 3: Answers may vary

Activity 2: Answers may vary
What’s More


Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature for Grade 10 (Learner’s Material
http:/ published March 13, 2016 by
Penny Flores

Prepared by
Pres. Diosdado Macapagal
Memorial National High School


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