Duties and Responsibilities

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Duties and responsibilities.

Below are the duties and responsibilities of the following

in the school.


He or she provide strategic direction and establish a

vision for the subject which reflect the department's

and school's commitment to improving progress and

achievement of students.

He or she establish,develop and implement policies

and schemes of work for the subject in accordance

with the requirements of the subject followed

especially physics and specifications of the exam

boards in particular UGANDA NATIONAL


To establish a clear and a shared understanding of

the importance and role of subject especially physics

in contributing to student's moral,spiritual,cultural

mental and physical development.

To develop effective collaboration between

members of physics department and other

department such as chemistry,biology,maths and


To support members of physics department in the

operation and delivery of curriculum particularly

To ensure the department contribute to school's

development plan and to contribute towards the

review and development with in the department.

He or she is responsible for management of

continual cycle of performance of stuff with in the

department as set out in school's annual appraisal


To regularly consult and communicate with

departmental team and to hold departmental


He or she is responsible for checking that good

working practices are followed by all the members of

the department and to support departmental

members in this.

He or she establish clear expectations and

constructive working relationships among stuff

involved with the subject.this is done through

developing responsibilities and delegating tasks as



To represent the department's interests at

appropriate meetings such as annual meetings.

He or she is hold accountable for

planning,implementing and monitoring of whole

school and physics department,policies with in the


He or she ensures that there is a safe working and

learning environment in which all significant risks are

properly assessed.

He or she participate in the interview process for

physics teaching posts and to supervise and support

students,supply and new stuff with in the


To set personal targets and take responsibilities for

own continous development.

He or she actively participate in deploying stuff with

in the department and develop their expertise.

He or she nurtures and facilitates a collabrative

approach with in the department so that stuff can

share best practice and develop one another.


He or she have the following duties and


He or she prepares ,put out and set

apparatus,materials as required and to return

them to their place of storage as soon as a physics

practical lesson is finished.

He or she tests experiment and appropriate

apparatus as requested by members of the

department especially physics teachers before the

practical session.

He or she is responsible for checking physics

laboratory at the end of the school day.

He or she provides technical assistance to the

science teaching stuff in particular physics


He or she provide technical assistance to learners

especially during physics practical lesson in

particular on handling and use of certain

apparatus and devices to be used in the

He or she repairs the damaged lab equipment

where necessary.

The lab technician ensures safe waste disposal of

hazardous out used equipment such as

batteries,glassware and others.

He or she is held responsible for keeping a record

of expenditure per equipment in the laboratory

against budget and provide an on-going summary

account when requested by the head of


He or she catalogue new stock and materials in

the physics laboratory.

He or she photocopy and laminates as requested

by departmental stuff.

The laboratory technician monitors the use of

every day items in the laboratory.


Below are the duties and responsibilitied of the

assistant technician:

To assist the head technician in his or her duties in

the physics laboratory.

He or she prepares ( set-up and clear-up) practical

lesson for physics.

He or she orders for the equipment and apparatus as

directed by the head technician.

To follow all healthy and safety protocals and rules

of the physics laboratory while guiding students in a

physics practical lesson.

He or she ensure that working hour procedure is

followed strictly,that is to say if a practical is to last

two hours,then the students must carry out their

experiment in allocated time and when such time

elapses,Every one stops what ever they are doing

and gets out of the laboratory.

He or she is held accountable for reporting all

accidents,incidents that threatens the safety of

students in the laboratory.

He or she extends a supporting hand to the students

that seem stack while in the middle of a practical.

He or she provides learners with knowledge of using

some laboratory apparatus in the middle of a


A laboratory assistant technician takes charge of

head technician in case of his absence.


Below are the duties and the responsibilities of the lab

He or she prepares specific lesson materials and

equipment for the department especially during the

practical sessions.

He or she sets up and dismantles the apparatus or

the equipment for demonstration and practical

lesson as requested and detailed by physics


He or she checks individual components in and out

of a physics laboratory after each physics lesson for

damage and quantity.

He or she is responsible for local purchase of sundry

items needed by the physics department.

He or she is responsible for wiping work surfaces

after physics practical lesson if necessary in

preparation for the next practical.

He or she is responsible for repairing minor damages

to the apparatus or the equipment or arranges for

extensive nature.

Laboratory attendant construct simple apparatus

which can help the teachers in the department.

He or she is responsible for opening the laboratory

in the morning and ensures all is well ( heat, light,

board markers,chalk,dusters,white boards ).

He or she is responsible for delivering requests for

photocopying to the reprographic centre and

eventual collection of these photocopies.

Tracks the specific storage place of apparatus by use

of a computer and maintaining records of such.

Cares of textbooks related to physics.

He or she keeps petty cash accounts up to date.

Assists the head of department in the preparation of

annual budget for the department.

He or she checks all electrical equipment or

apparatus with the safety Test unit and keeping

records of faults found.

He or she up-dates the general stock record system.

He or she writes the equipment orders,and checking

apparatus on the arrival.

Being familiar with the use of computers,a

laboratory attendant assists in the daily work of the


He or she advise stuff on problems especially of

health and safety nature.

He or she co-operates with,and assisting the other

technicians from time to time.

Laboratory attendant sets laboratory equipment

before the practical on student alloted table.

He or she prepares laboratory for the next practical.

Laboratory attendant maintain daily basis student's

attendence in the laboratory.

He or she maintains breakage stock register.

He or she maintain component outward and inward


He or she maintain files and register of the


He or she attend meetings,seminars,workshops

related to physics as a subject for the purposes of



Below are the duties and responsibilities of the school

Manages school logistics and budgets.

Over see day to day school operations.

Sets learning goals for students and teacher based

on national curricular.

Monitor and reports on teacher performance in

school generally and in particular the science section

forexample the physics department,biology and


Responsible for presenting data from school

performance to board members and in particular

science subjects.

Carries out research about new resources

techniques with the aim of improving teaching.

It is held accountable for interview and hire school

personnel which includes teaching stuff and non

teaching stuff.

Reviews and implements school policies and


Provides guidance and counseling to teaching stuff in


It is held responsible for handling emergencies and

school crises.

Responsible for organising school events such as

inter -class competitions,inter-school competitions in

terms of foot ball,netball,debates,mathematics

contests,all these are done to improve on learner's

social development.

Ensures a safe and clean environment for learners

that is to say implementing hygiene rules,makes sure

all the necessary materials needed are available all

the time.

School administrators such as principal,head teacher

attend conferences,workshops to gain knowledge on

current educational trends with the purpose of

running school more effectively.

Responsible for implementation and monitoring

school policies and safety protocals.

School administration overviews administrative tasks

forexample updating employee's records.

They are responsible for teacher Supervision and

education stuff and keep track of students


Ensures that school facilities remain safe for

students and fuculty and plan regular maintainance

of school grounds and equipments.


Below are duties of teachers and their responsibilities.

To be successful as a physics teacher, you should be

passionate about science and have a sound

understanding of scientific rules and methods.

Outstanding candidates have superb instructional skills,

are able to keep calm, and try their best to leave no

student behind.

Physics Teacher Responsibilities:

Understanding curriculum requirements, and creating

syllabi, lesson plans, and educational content that satisfy

these requirements.
Analyzing the needs, strengths, and weaknesses of

students and structuring lessons and assessments around


Adjusting teaching methods to suit different groups of


Creating engaging, stimulating lesson plans and asking

frequent questions to make sure students are on track.

Providing extra support to students that require it, and

more challenging tasks to those who are ahead of the


Keeping abreast of developments and research in the

field, and using this to ensure lessons are relevant.

Reporting any progress issues to the head of the

department, as well as the parents.

Attending meetings, training sessions, workshops,

conferences, and other continuing education initiatives.

Supervising lab sessions, delivering practical

demonstrations, and accompanying students on field


Keeping the line of communication open between

students, staff, and



Below are the duties and responsibities of the students:


Students are expected to comply with behavioral

expectations,and display

values,politeness,kindness,compassion .

They are required to meet the academic

expectations by creating a collabrative learning

environment and display values of teamwork and


Being respectful,students are required to indicate

high degree of respect to one another,this helps

them to contribute to the quality of learning

environment and reduce disruptions and disciplinary

Punctuality.students are supposed to be

punctual,being late especially in a physics lesson

creates a negative impact as he or she misses

important concepts.this consequently reflects in the

performance incase a habit of coming late to class


Students are expected to obey their teachers in

class,outside class even outside the school.

They expected to keep school neaty and tidy

especially classrooms,toilets,hostels and the

compound at large.

They are expected to greet every one with a smile.

They are supposed to abide by the school rules and


They are supposed to complete the assignments on


Students are expected to actively participate in the

activities organized in the school.

They are supposed to collabrate with their teachers


Eradicate illiteracy by using their acquired skills

and teach others reading and writing. This is

achieved through active participate in literacy

campaigns organized by their schools.

Fight anti-social activities a few corrupt people

Work with their teachers and other stuff members

to uplift the socially and economically

disadvantaged groups, blind children and orphans.

Be sensitive towards their environment and devise

ways to protect their environment from pollution,

fight energy crisis.

Students are the future of our nation. So it is

important for them to actively participate in the

cultural,social,political and economic affairs

striving to be the change they wish to see around



Below are the duties and the responsibilities of M.O.E&


It is responsible for


and implementing a curriculum which is used in the

central education process through the National

Curriculum Development center.

It is held accountable for setting up of policies upon

which all education institutions operates on.

It offers advice to the government concerning

education in the country and gives a way forwad on

the education system.

The ministry offers financial services in terms of

fundings to education and in all education

institutions through out the country.

It extends financial benefits in terms of

bursaries,scholarship to learners at all levels of


Through the ministry agents,inspection is carried out

in education institutions for the purpose of checking

standards and the need for improvement.

It guides and avails the right learning materials in

terms of text books,magazines,and so many others.

It is responsible for paying the teachers,head

teachers,lecturers,and other education related


It carries out conferences,seminars , workshops at all

levels in the education system with the aim of

developing individuals professionals.

It finances other body organs under it's umbrella

with aim of making our education system better.


Our schools are located in our community,therefore

the community produces a conducive environment

for the existence and operation of schools.

The community supplies the school with labor force

in terms of - school administration

- parents

-The teaching and non teaching stuff.

The community supplies the school with all the

materials necessary for the day to day surviving

and running of schools.these materials are : food

supplies,firewood,utensils,chalk,vehicles and very

many others.

The community hebors students during

holidays,therefore they are responsible for the

moral,spiritual upbringing of children.

The community is responsible for providing the

necessary security of the school property,this is by

supplying security personnel to the schools.

The community leaders provides advice to the

school administrators,as a member on the board

represent the community.

The community participate and engage in the

school activities.

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