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Member: Association of LASSAI- Accredited Superschools (ALAS)
Gov. Atila Balgos Ave.. Banica, Roxas City

Flexible Learning Plan Course Syllabus

A.Y 2020- 2021

Course Title ACCOUNTING RESEARCH Year Level 3rd Year Level Term Second Semester
Instructor Miles Nicko Santos Phone Number 09063369187 Email Address [email protected]
This course culminates the preparation of the learners for individual or group scientific inquiry which they have imbibed from the course
Accounting Research Methods. It endeavors to train the learners to become good researchers who are prepared to respond to the urgent
need of conducting research that can be useful in the field of accountancy, finance, business, economics and accounting education.
Course Description
The learners shall identify the problem (or research objective), conduct a review of related literatures, apply research methods, present the
evidences gathered and present findings and recommendations.

Course Learning outcomes Towards the end of the course, the learners shall, as a group, present before the defense panel their thesis output for evaluation on the
method and depth of analyses. While the defense should be a team effort of the student researchers and the faculty collaborators, the learners
are also assessed individually on how they contribute to their final thesis paper.

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:

A. Cognitive

 Analyze and use concepts, theories and fundamental methods of research in Accounting.
 Plan and organize research work;
 Design the research strategy;
 Collect, analyze, manipulate and describe data;
 Write the research study following the essential contents prescribed and standardized by research practitioners;
 Present the research output in accordance to the format established by the school;
B. Psychomotor

 Perform skillfully the data gathering procedures including the statistical tools learned from faculty collaborators;
 Construct the data gathered in an orderly and logical manner to convey how it would be beneficial to the accounting practice in
general; and

C. Affective

 Develop good communication system teamwork as well as leadership to conduct empirical and analytical research.

3 Prerequisite Instructional Delivery 36 hours Number of 5

Duration Topics

Requirements/ Resources
Week Delivery of
TOPIC OBJECTIVES outputs/ (Links/Supplementary Learning Strategies
Number instruction
Assessments reading materials
1-2 Preliminary Steps towards  Draft the Chapter 1 Classroom Draft of Chapter 1- Suggested Format for Concept-mapping
Research Proposal and and 2 of research discussion with 2 of Research, Thesis Study Formulated and recall
Formulating Chapter 1 to 2 study with the clear instructional and Presentation by College of St. John –
required contents as objectives and of Output Roxas; Bernardez, E.d.,
1.1 Finding a problem prescribed by the sequencing thru Ph.D, Methodology of
1.2 Setting up criteria of targeted school; Google Slides, Research and Thesis
respondents Meet Writing; Adanza, E.G.,
 Defend their title,
1.3 Furnishing a research title
objectives in a Bermudo, P.J.V.,
1.4 Identifying the research design
classroom Rasonable M.B., Methods
1.5 Selecting the research method
discussion; of Research: A Primer.
2.1 Review of related literature  Explain the related
2.2 Foreign and local literature literature of their
chosen study

3-5 How to Design and Write the  Draft the Chapter 3 of Classroom Draft of Chapter 3, Suggested Format for Concept-mapping
Survey-Questionnaire and their study; discussion with Survey- Thesis Study Formulated and recall
Chapter 3  Write the survey- clear instructional questionnaire, by College of St. John –
questionnaire and list objectives and Conduct of Roxas; Bernardez, E.d.,
3.1 Information about respondents their targeted sequencing thru reliability and Ph.D, Methodology of
3.2 Information about dependent respondents; Google Slides, validity testing, Research and Thesis
3.3 Statistical tools  Conduct sample Meet Writing; Adanza, E.G.,
testing of their Bermudo, P.J.V.,
4.1 Contents of Chapter 3 projected Rasonable M.B., Methods
4.2 Preparation of survey- respondents of Research: A Primer

5.1 Reliability and validity testing

6-8 Data Gathering and  Gather the results of Classroom Data gathering Suggested Format for Concept-mapping
Interpretation of Data and their survey and discussion with presentation, Draft Thesis Study Formulated and recall
Chapter 4 Writing interpret the results; clear instructional of Chapter 4, by College of St. John –
 Draft the Chapter 4 of objectives and Statistician’s key Roxas; Bernardez, E.d.,
6.1 Google Forms Dissemination their study with the sequencing thru remarks Ph.D, Methodology of
and Follow-up of Respondents aid of a statistician Google Slides, Research and Thesis
Meet Writing; Adanza, E.G.,
7.1 Discussion on interpretation of Bermudo, P.J.V.,
results with aid of a statistician Rasonable M.B., Methods
7.2 Contents of Chapter 4 of Research: A Primer
7.3 Presentation, analysis and
process of interpreting data

8.1 Furnishing of results and

statistician’s key remarks

9-10 Wrapping up and Conclusion  Draft the Chapter 5 of Classroom Draft of Chapter 5 Suggested Format for Concept-mapping
their study; discussion with and other Thesis Study Formulated and recall
9.1 Contents of Chapter 5  Write the other clear instructional Contents by College of St. John –
9.2 Examples of Findings, necessary contents in objectives and Roxas; Bernardez, E.d.,
Conclusions and their thesis; sequencing thru Ph.D, Methodology of
Recommendations  Compile all Chapter 1 Google Slides, Research and Thesis
9.3 Key discussion on importance to 5 drafts and submit Meet Writing; Adanza, E.G.,
of the results of the research to an English critic Bermudo, P.J.V.,
Rasonable M.B., Methods
10.1 Wrapping up of other contents of Research: A Primer
in a research study

11 Preparation for Defense  Prepare a Classroom Recitation Suggested Format for Concept-mapping
presentation for the discussion with Thesis Study Formulated and recall
11.1 Key discussion of problem final oral defense clear instructional by College of St. John –
areas in a research study objectives and Roxas; Bernardez, E.d.,
11.2 Preparation of presentation for sequencing thru Ph.D, Methodology of
oral defense Google Slides, Research and Thesis
Meet Writing; Adanza, E.G.,
Bermudo, P.J.V.,
Rasonable M.B., Methods
of Research: A Primer


Final Oral Defense 40%

Output Presentation 30%
Assignments 20%
Attendance 10%

 Suggested Format for Thesis Study Formulated by College of St. John – Roxas
 Bernardez, E.d., Ph.D, Methodology of Research and Thesis Writing, 2011 Edition, Jimczyville Publications
 Adanza, E.G., Bermudo, P.J.V., Rasonable M.B., Methods of Research: A Primer, 1 st Edition, Rex Book Store, Inc.

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