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Checklist for the Compliance against Department Order No. 198 series of 2018, or the IRR of RA
11058 entitled “An Act Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health
Standards and Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof”

DO 198 Penalty Appli-

Item Specific Requirements Action Plan
Sections (PhP) cability
1 Section 5. All workers shall be appropriately informed by the employer about all types of hazards in the 25k Yes
Workers’ workplace, and be provided access to training, education, and orientation on chemical safety,
Right to electrical safety, mechanical safety, ergonomics, and other hazards and risks.
2 Know. - The All workers, including new hires, shall be provided training and information for all types of 20k Yes
right to safety hazards in a workplace in a language and dialect that workers can understand. Training and
and health at information materials used shall be made readily available and accessible to workers.
3 work shall be A re-orientation on safety and health for workers in high risk establishments must be conducted 25K N/A
guaranteed. regularly, not less than once a quarter, and to be conducted immediately following any changes
in the operations and production process.
4 Section 8. Every employer, contractor or subcontractor, if any, shall provide his/her workers, free of 50k Yes
Workers’ charge, PPE any part of the body that may be exposed to hazards, and lifeline, safety belt or
Right to harness, gas or dust respirators or masks, and protective shields whenever necessary by reason
Personal of hazardous work process or environment, chemical, radiological, mechanical, and other
Protective irritants or hazards capable or causing injury impairment in the function of any part of the body
Equipment through absorption, inhalation or physical contact.
5 (PPE). All PPE shall be of the appropriate type as tested and approved by the DOLE based on its 50k Yes
standards and/or other means of verification.
6 Issuance of PPE shall be supplemented by training on the application, use, handling, cleaning 20k Yes
and maintenance of said PPE in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
7 Section 9. All establishments, projects, sites and all other places where work is being undertaken shall 30k Yes
Safety have safety signage and devices to warn the workers and the public of the hazards in the
Signages and workplace. Safety signage and devices shall be posted in prominent positions at strategic
Devices locations in a language understandable to all, and in accordance with the OSH standards on
color of signs for safety instructions and warnings, Globally Harmonized System (GHS)
pictograms, construction safety, classification and labelling of chemicals, radiation, safety
instruction and warning signs, set by DOLE.
8 Section 10: In relation to the use of equipment, such as but not limited to earth moving equipment, heavy 50k N/A
Safety in the duty equipment, materials handling equipment, and construction equipment, the employer,
Use of contractor or subcontractor, if any, must comply with the OSH standards set by DOLE on safety
Equipment and use of such equipment in the different phases of the company or project operation including
the transport to and from the establishment, project, site or place where work is being
9 Appropriate training and certification by the Technical Education and Skills Development 40k N/A
Authority (TESDA), Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) or other concerned government
agency shall be a requirement for operators before use of equipment, if applicable.
10 Section 11. The employer, contractor or subcontractor, if any, shall provide the workers in all 40k Yes
Occupational establishments, projects, sites and all other places where work is being undertaken adequate
Safety and and suitable information on the following: (a) Workplace hazards and the risk posed on the
Health safety and health of the workers such as chemical safety data sheets; (b) Control mechanisms in
Information place that reduces or minimizes the risk of exposure to hazards and other preventive strategies;
(c) Appropriate measures, including the probable location of workers, for the prevention,
control and protection against those hazards; and (d) Emergency and disaster management
protocols including proper evacuation and shut-down procedures.
11 Section 12. (a) For establishments – with less than ten (10) workers and low risk establishment with ten 40k N/A DOLE will released a prescribed
Occupational (10) to fifty (50) workers – The OSH program, which shall be duly signed by the employer, must format to follow
Safety and include at least the following:
Health (OSH) 1. Company commitment to comply with OSH Standards N/A
Program. 2. General safety and health programs, including: 2.1. Safety and health hazard identification, N/A
Covered risk assessment and control (HIRAC),
workplaces 2.2. Medical surveillance for early detection and management of occupational and work- N/A
shall develop related diseases, and
and 2.3. First aid and emergency medical services; N/A
implement a 3. Promotion of the following health domains: 3.1. Drug-free workplace (RA 9165), N/A
suitable OSH 3.2. Mental health services in the workplace (RA 11036), and N/A
program in a 3.3 Healthy lifestyle; N/A
format 4. Prevention and control of the following health domains: 4.1. HIV/AIDS (RA 8504), N/A
prescribed 4.2. Tuberculosis (EO 187-03), and N/A
by DOLE 4.3. Hepatitis B (DOLE DA 05-2010); N/A
which shall 5. Complete company or project details; N/A
be posted in 6. Composition and duties of the OSH committee; N/A
7. OSH personnel and facilities N/A
prominent 8. Safety and health promotion, training and education, including: 8.1. Orientation of all workers N/A
places on OSH, and
8.2. Conduct of risk assessment, evaluation and control; N/A
9. Conduct of toolbox meeting or safety meetings and job safety analysis, if applicable; N/A
10. Accident/incident/illness investigation, recording and reporting; N/A
11. Provision and use of PPE; N/A
12. Provision of safety signage; N/A
13. Provision of workers’ welfare facilities; N/A
14. Emergency and disaster preparedness and mandated drills; N/A
15. Solid waste management system; and N/A
16. Control and management of hazards. N/A
12 Section 12. (b) For medium to high risk establishments – with ten (10) workers to fifty (50) workers and 40k Yes DOLE will released a prescribed
Occupational low to high risk establishments with fifty-one (51) workers and above. – The OSH program, format to follow
Safety and which shall be duly signed by the employer, must include at least the following:
Health (OSH) 1. Company commitment to comply with OSH Standards Yes
Program. 2. General safety and health programs, including: 2.1. Safety and health hazard identification, Yes
Covered risk assessment and control (HIRAC),
workplaces 2.2. Medical surveillance for early detection and management of occupational and work- Yes
shall develop related diseases, and
and 2.3. First aid and emergency medical services; Yes
implement a 3. Promotion of the following health domains: 3.1. Drug-free workplace (RA 9165), Yes
suitable OSH 3.2. Mental health services in the workplace (RA 11036), and Yes Looking for the IRR (still draft)
program in a 3.3 Healthy lifestyle; Yes
format 4. Prevention and control of the following health domains: 4.1. HIV/AIDS (RA 8504), Yes
prescribed 4.2. Tuberculosis (EO 187-03), and Yes
by DOLE 4.3. Hepatitis B (DOLE DA 05-2010); Yes
which shall 5. Complete company or project details; Yes
be posted in 6. Composition and duties of the OSH committee; Yes
7. OSH personnel and facilities Yes
8. Safety and health promotion, training and education, including: 8.1. Orientation of all workers Yes
on OSH,
8.2. Conduct of risk assessment, evaluation and control; Yes
8.3. Continuous training on OSH of OSH personnel, and Yes
8.4. Work Permit System such as working at height, working at confined space, hot works, Yes
and other related activities;
9. Conduct of toolbox meeting or safety meetings and job safety analysis; Yes
10. Accident/incident/illness investigation, recording and reporting; Yes
11. Provision and use of PPE; Yes
12. Provision of safety signage; Yes
13. Dust control and management, and regulations on activities such as building of temporary Yes
structures, and lifting and operation of electrical, mechanical, communications systems, and
other equipment;
14. Provision of workers’ welfare facilities; Yes
15. Emergency and disaster preparedness and response plan to include the organization and Yes
creation of disaster control groups, business continuity plan, and updating the hazard, risk and
vulnerability assessment, as required;
16. Solid waste management system; Yes
17. Control and management of hazards; Yes
18. Prohibited acts and penalties for violations; and Yes
19. Cost of implementing company OSH program. Yes
13 The OSH program shall be communicated and be made readily available to all persons in the 40k Yes
14 The establishment shall submit a copy of the OSH program to the DOLE Regional, Provincial, 40k Yes
Field or Satellite Office having jurisdiction over the workplace. A duly signed company
commitment to comply (with the) OSH requirements together with the company OSH program
using the prescribed template shall be considered approved upon submission EXCEPT for
Construction Safety and Health Program which shall need approval by DOLE prior to
15 The company shall review and evaluate the OSH program at least once a year or as necessary, to 40k Yes
ensure that its objectives are met towards an improved safety and health performance.
16 Section 13. (a) For establishments – with less than ten (10) workers and low risk establishment with ten 40k N/A
Occupational (10) to fifty (50) workers. A SO1 shall establish an OSH committee composed of the following:
Safety and Chairperson : Company owner or manager
Health (OSH) Secretary : Safety officer of the workplace
Committee. Member : At least one (1) worker, preferably a union member if organized
17 To ensure The company owner, manager, or one of the workers shall undertake first aid training from the 25k N/A
that the Philippine Red Cross or any DOLE recognized organization.
18 safety and (b) For medium to high risk establishments – with ten (10) workers to fifty (50) workers and 40k Yes
health low to high risk establishments with fifty-one (51) workers and above. – The OSH committee of
program is the covered workplace shall be composed of the following:
observed Ex-officio chairperson : Employer or his/her representative
and Secretary : Safety officer of the workplace
enforced, a Ex-officio members : Certified first-aider, OH nurse, OH dentist, and OH physician, as
safety and applicable
health Members : Safety officers representing the contractor or subcontractor, as the
committee case may be, and representative/s of workers who shall come from the union, if the workers are
shall be organized, or elected workers through a simple vote of majority, if they are unorganized
organized in
19 covered (c) For two (2) or more establishments housed under building or complex including malls. – 40k Yes
workplaces. When two or more establishments are housed under one building or complex, the health and
safety committee organized in each workplace shall form themselves into a joint Coordinating
Committee to plan and implement programs and activities concerning all establishments. The
Joint Coordinating Committee shall be composed of the following:
Chairperson : Building owner or his/her representative such as the building administrator
Secretary : Safety officer of the building or complex appointed by the Chairperson
Member : At least two (2) safety officers from any of the establishment housed under
one building or complex
At least two (2) workers’ representatives, one of which must be from a union
if organized, from any of the establishment housed under one building or complex
20 The building administrator shall ensure that the Joint OSH committee shall submit its 30k Yes/No
organizational plans and minutes to the DOLE Regional office, copy furnished the Bureau of
Working Conditions.
21 Section 14: In the implementation of OSH Program, safety officers shall be employed or designated. 40k Yes

22 Safety officer/s of all workplace must possess the necessary training and experience 25k N/A
requirement according to its category. The respective qualifications of safety officers are as

23 25k N/A

24 25k Yes
25 25k N/A

26 In the case of contractor or subcontractor, at least one (1) safety officer must be deployed at 40k Yes/No
each specific area of operations to oversee the management of the safety and health program for
its own workforce.
27 The engagement of the services of a certified OSH consultant (SO4) shall be allowed for a period 40k Yes
not longer than one (1) year for establishments whose designated safety officer has to be
trained or is in the process of completing the prescribed training courses and relevant
28 Section 15: 40k Yes
Occupational First-Aider: One (1) for every 100
Health workers
and OH Nurse: 501-2000 1FT
Facilities. – >2000 1FT/shift and
Covered every 250 +1FT
shall have
qualified OH Physician: 501-2000 2PT
occupational >2000 1FT and 2PT
health every 500 +1FT or 4PT
such as
dentists, and
duly MOA of Health Care Provider:
complement Name of Service Provider and
ed with the period:
and facilities.

29 Every employer covered shall provide his/her workers medical services and facilities and shall 30k Yes
not be an excuse by an employer from maintaining in his/her workplace a first aid treatment
room or clinic for workers which shall be as follows:

30 The employer may not establish a hospital in the workplace where there is a hospital or dental 30k Yes MOA with nearest hospital(s):
cl;inic which is located not more than five (5) kilometers away from the workplace, accessible in If applicable, name and date:
not more than twenty-five (25) minutes travel time, and the employer has facilities readily
available for transporting workers to the hospital or dental clinic in cases of emergency. For
this purpose, the employer shall enter into a written contract with the hospital for the use of
such hospital for the treatment of workers in cases of emergency.
31 Section 16. (a) All safety and health personnel shall undergo the mandatory orientation or training on OSH 25k
Safety and as prescribed by DOLE. Said training shall be evidenced by the issuance of a certification by
Health DOLE or a DOLE-Accredited Training Organization.


32 N/A

33 Yes
34 N/A

35 First-Aider : Standard First Aid 25k Yes

36 OH Nurse : At least forty (40)-hour Basic OSH training course for OH Nurses 25k Yes
37 OH Dentist : At least forty (40)-hour Basic OSH training course 25k Yes
38 OH Physician : At least forty-six (56)-hour Basic OSH training course for OH Physicians 25k Yes
39 (b) All workers shall undergo the mandatory workers’ OSH seminar as prescribed by DOLE 25k Yes
which shall be jointly participated by workers and employers. The mandatory workers’ OSH
seminar may be conducted by the safety officer of the establishment or any certified
practitioner or consultant.
40 The workers’ OSH seminar and other trainings/orientations as required by the employer and by 25k Yes
any law shall be at no cost on the worker and considered as compensable working time.
41 (c) All personnel engaged in the operation, erection and dismantling of equipment and 25k Yes/No
scaffolds, structural erections, blasting operations, demolition, confined spaces, hazardous
chemicals, welding and flame cutting shall undergo specialized instruction and training on said
42 Section 17. All employers, contractors or subcontractors, if any, shall submit to DOLE all safety and health 30k Yes Use form DOLE/BWC/HSD/OH-47
Occupational reports and notifications such as but not limited to annual medical report (AMR),
43 Safety and OSH committee report, 30k Yes Use form DOLE/BWC/HSD/IP-5
44 Reports. Employer’s work accident/injury report (WAIR), and 30k Yes Use form DOLE/BWC/HSD, if
applicable, date submitted: (for
every disabling accident)
45 Annual work accident/injury exposure data report (AEDR). 30k Yes Use form DOLE/ BWC/OHSD-IP-6a
46 Section 18. The PRC shall determine the minimum and necessary competency on safety and health for OSH - Yes TESDA or PRC shall establish a
Workers’ personnel and use the same as equivalency in their application for Continuing Professional national competency standards
Competency Development (CPD) units. and prepare guidelines on
Certification. competency assessment and
certification for critical
occupations to include
requirements on safety and health.
47 All critical occupations shall undergo the mandatory competency assessment and certification 40k No For contractor/subcontractor
by TESDA. Am occupation shall be considered critical when:
(a) The performance of a job affects peoples’ lives and safety;
(b) The job involves the handling of complex tools, equipment and supplies;
(c) The job requires a relatively long period of education and training; and
(d) The performance of the job may compromise the safety, health and environmental
concerns within the immediate vicinity of the establishments.
48 Section 19: All establishments, projects, sites and all other places where work is being undertaken shall 40k Yes
Workers’ have the following free welfare facilities in order to ensure humane working conditions:
Welfare (a) Adequate supply of safe drinking water;
49 Facilities. (b) Adequate sanitary and washing facilities; 40k Yes
50 (c) Suitable living accommodation for workers, as may be applicable such as in construction, 40k Yes If applicable to night workers
shipping, fishing and night workers;
51 (d) Separate sanitary, washing and sleeping facilities for all gender, as may be applicable; 40k Yes
52 (e) Lactation station except those establishments as provided for under DOLE Department 40k Yes Breastfeeding Policy No and date
Order No. 143-15; approved:

Location of Lactation Room(s):

53 (f) Ramps, railings and the like, and 40k Yes
54 (g) Other workers’ welfare facilities as may be prescribed by the OSH standards and other 40k Yes
55 Section 20. All employers, contractors or subcontractors, if any shall comply with other occupational 40k Yes Registration shall be made in form
All Other safety and health standards as provided for in the 1978 DOLE Occupational Safety and DOLE-BWC-IP-3
Occupational Health Standards, as amended.
Safety and Rule 1020: Registration of Establishment
Health 1021: General Provisions
Standards. Every employer as defined in Rule 1002 (1) shall register his business with the Regional Labor Office or authorized
representative having jurisdiction thereof to form part of a databank of all covered establishments.
1022: Registrable Unit
The establishment regardless of size of economic activity, whether small, medium or large scale in one single location, shall be
one registrable unit.
1024: Registration
(1) Registration shall be made in form DOLE-BWC-IP-3 in three copies and to be submitted to the Regional Labor Office or
authorized representatives.
56 Rule 1040: Minutes of the Meeting of Safety & Health Committee 40k Yes To be submitted on a quarterly
1045: Duties of the Employers basis (no format)
(3) Reports to the enforcing authority having jurisdiction at least once in every three (3) months, counting from January, the
health and safety program of the organization outlining the activities undertaken including its safety performance, health and
safety committee meetings and its recommendations and measures taken to implement such recommendations.
57 Rule 1070: Work Environment Measurement (WEM) Report 40k Yes Highlighted for Illumination and
1077.03: Requirements General Ventilation/Humidity
(1) Working environment measurement shall include temperature, humidity, pressure, illumination,
ventilation, and concentration of substances and noise.
(2) The employer shall carry out the working environment measurement in indoor or other
workplaces where hazardous work is performed and shall keep a record of such measurement, which shall be made available
to the enforcing authority.
(3) The working environment measurement shall be performed periodically as may be necessary but not longer than annually.
(4) The working environment measurement shall be performed by the safety and medical personnel who have taken adequate
training and experience in working environment measurement.
(5) In the event of inability to perform the working environment measurement, the employer shall commission the
Bureau/Center for Occupational Safety and Health/Regional Labor Office concerned and other
58 Rules 1160, 1170 and 1180: Permit to Operate (Boiler, Pressure Vessels, etc.) 40k Yes/No If applicable, Permit No. and

59 Rule 1220: Permit to Operate (Elevator, etc.) 40k Yes/No If applicable, Permit No. and
60 Rule 1940: Fire Protection and Control 40k Yes
1944.05: Portable Extinguisher
(1) General Requirement
a. all places of employment, including those where automatic-sprinkler protection system is installed, shall be provided with
portable fire extinguishers for protection against incipient fires;
b. portable extinguishers shall be maintained in fully charged and operable condition and kept in their designated places at all
times when not in use;
c. approved fire extinguishers shall be used;
d. extinguishers shall be installed on hangers or brackets conspicuously located in unobstructed areas readily accessible in the
event of fire;
e. extinguishers having group weight not exceeding 18 kilograms shall be installed so that the top is not more than 1.5 meter
above the floor. Those exceeding 18 kgs., except wheeled types, shall be installed not more than 1 m. above the floor.
f. extinguishers shall be inspected monthly or at more frequent intervals when circumstances require to ensure they are in their
designated places, to determine physical damages and that they are in good operable condition;
g. at regular intervals of not more than one year, or when specifically indicated by an inspection, extinguishers shall be thoroughly
examined, recharged or repaired; and
h. on the place where extinguishers are located, the type and use of the extinguishers and instructions on its proper use shall be
marked in visible and easily readable letters.
61 (2) Selection of Extinguishers: 40k Yes Clean Agent or HCFC 123 or
Extinguishers shall be selected for the specific class or classes or hazards to be protected against similar for indoor/Chemical Fire
Ex for outdoor or common areas
62 (3) Distribution of fire extinguishers: 40k Yes
a. Extinguishers for light hazards Class “A” fires, where the amount of combustible or flammable materials present are of such
quantity that fires of small size may be expected in offices, schoolrooms, churches, assembly halls and other similar places shall
be located that a person will not travel more than thirty (30) meters from any point to reach the nearest extinguisher. One (1)
unit of five to six (5 to 6) quarts (1 114 to 1 1/2 gal.) foam extinguisher for every 250 sq. meters
63 g. Extinguishers shall have a durable tag securely attached to show the maintenance and re-charge data and containing the 40k Yes
signatures of persons performing the service;
64 h. Extinguishers shall be properly marked to indicate the suitability of the extinguishers for particular class of fires; 40k Yes

65 i. Extinguishers shall be hydrostatically tested before use and periodically tested at least once in every five (5) years or as may be 40k Yes
required by the enforcing authority when inspection indicate the need for such examination.
66 1947: Electrical Installation 40k Yes Refer to the latest edition of the
1947.01: General Requirements Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) –
All electrical installations shall be in accordance with the provisions of Rule 1210 (Electrical Safety)
2017 edition
67 1947.02: Emergency Systems 40k Yes
Emergency lighting system shall be provided to automatically light emergency exits in case of failure of the main electrical power
68 1948.01: Sounding Devices 40k Yes
(1) All buildings having two or more stories in height shall be equipped with fire alarm system and signals of distinctive quality
and pitch clearly audible to all persons inside the building.
(2) Hand-operated sending stations of fire alarm boxes shall be provided on every floor and located that the travel to reach a
station is not more than thirty (30) meters for industrial and commercial establishments with moderate or low hazard occupancy.
(3) Fire-alarm stations shall be conspicuous, readily accessible, and in the natural path of escape from fire.
(4) Hand operated sending stations of fire alarm boxes shall be provided on every floor and located such that the travel to reach
a station is not more than sixty-one (61) meters for business establishments with moderate or low hazard occupancy.
69 1948.02: Fire-fighting Drills 40k Yes
(1) Every place of employment depending on the magnitude of potential fires and the availability of assistance from the public
fire department shall organize a fire brigade to deal with fires and other related emergencies.
70 (2) The members of the fire brigade shall be physically qualified for the job and properly trained on firefighting use of hose, line, 40k Yes
ventilation of buildings, salvage operations, rescue operations, first aid, and other related activities.
71 1948.03: Fire Exit Drills: 40k Yes
(1) Fire-exit drills shall be conducted at least twice a year to maintain an orderly evacuation of buildings, unless the local fire
department requires a higher frequency of fire drills.
72 Section 21: The total cost of implementing a duly approved OSH program shall be an integral part of the - Yes
Cost of Safety operations cost. It shall be separate pay item in construction and in all contracting or
and Health subcontracting arrangements.

Other Requirements:

Item RA/DO Specific Requirements Penalty Action Plan
73 DO 174; DO Registration of subcontractors (e.g. DO 174, PCAB) For Yes If applicable, Permit No. and
13; validity:
RA 4566

74 PD 856 Sanitation Permits of Food Handlers And Canteen Concessionaire(s) For Yes If applicable, Permit No. and

75 DO No. 55-03 Family Welfare Policy and Programs For Yes Policy No and date approved:

76 RA 7877 Anti Sexual-Harassment Policy For Yes Policy No and date approved:
Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Policy and programs on the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace shall be developed and implemented in
conformance with RA 7877, known as the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995. It is an Act Declaring Sexual Harassment Unlawful
77 RA 9514 Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) For Yes FSIC No, date approved and
A. Further, the Chief, BFP or his duly authorized representative, is hereby specifically authorized to: 5. Issue Fire Safety
Inspection Certificate (FSIC) as a pre-requisite to the grants of permits and/or licenses by the local governments and other
government agencies concerned

Name of Organization: ____________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Nature of Business: _________________________________________________
Number of Direct Employees: ______________________ (as of _________________________ )

List of Subcontractors/Outsourced:
No. Name Service Provided No. of employees

Prepared by: ____________________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Position: ___________________________________________ Dept.: ___________________________________

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