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Motivation Letter

I completed my undergraduate program in World Economy and International Economic

Relations from Academy of Economic Studies, Moldova, Chisinau. The emphasis of my
study was to understand the fundamental economical principles that rule the world and
European economy. I intend to pursue my higher study in any renowned University
abroad. I feel that getting in a country other than one’s own is an education itself. Living
in such an environment with people having similar goals and aspirations is an enthralling
experience and is of considerable importance in one’s professional career. It is a strong
belief in my family that the European education system has the best to offer in the whole
world. Worms University of Applied Sciences is one of such university that ensures the
high standard of education. Also, Germany’s welcoming foreign policy, excellent
education standards and distinct approach to teaching have all inspired me tremendously.

Basically, Republic of Moldova is not a highly developed country. The higher study is not able
to compete with the present world status, but we have to face the challenges of 21st
century. I have gone through your university website and gathered knowledge about your
teaching patterns. I have an ardent desire to your teaching pattern. Being instructed in
decision-making authority, management skills and international business skills,
undoubtedly will help me to develop my previous academic standard. It will be my
privilege to work, develop Master’s Degree thesis and learn from professors with great
experience in theory and practice.

I also realize more and more that there is a big gap between theory and practice. Reading that
your university in the view of a future-oriented international labour market will educate
the students scientifically, practically and in an interdisciplinary manner, I hope and I
know this department is a useful addition to my current education that I can use for my
latter professional career. This department will definitely increase my opportunities to get
a good job.

Mater Degree will provide the necessary background to become a good specialist in International
Business Administration and Foreign trade, to anticipate and to react to ever-changing
environments. It is my pleasure and my opportunity, if I can engage all my skills, abilities
and labour to achieve knowledge from your University. I am confident enough that
accomplishing higher study in the proposed field, will contribute to my future
professional interest.

Besides professional aspects, studding at this university is very attractive for me from a more
personal point of view, as I love travelling and want very much to see Germany, to speak
with native German peoples, to know better German Traditions. Also I studied in my
country German Language, and I’d like to improve it in a German environment. And the
reason that makes me go forward is that I am a young mother and have a one year old
child, a girl. I want to be a good and a strong example for her and when she will grow up
to be proud of me.

Taking into consideration the master program activity and excellent facilities in my field of
interest are the most important factors which motivated me to choose this programme to
pursue my master study.
I shall appreciate an opportunity to join the course of study at this university and look forward to
an enriching relationship with your university and department.

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