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You only get one body, it is the temple of your soul.

Even God is willing to dwell

there, if you truly treat your body like a temple, it will serve you well for decades.
If you abuse it, you must be prepared for poor health and lack of energy.
- Samuel Aunweor


This chapter highlights the importance of good health education to support
healthy lifestyle, to improve nutrition and to engage in various exercises.
It contains information to increase physical and health literacy
competencies that will enable the learner to set fitness and health goals for
The definition implies that physical fitness is a personal matter and it is
viewed within the context of an individual. It is a personal responsibility. A
person’s physical fitness is determined by age or heredity, and his or her
behavior. Although many people cannot control their age or heredity, their
lifestyle can help them become physically fit and stay that way. Everyone is
unique and varies greatly in his/her capacity to do work for physical activities. But
anyone can improve by doing exercises regularly.
A person’s level of physical fitness depends largely on how frequently
he/she performs physical activities or actual exercises.
Moreover, physical fitness in the optimum levels of fitness varies,
depending on age, gender, and the physical ability, and overall health. Despite
these variations, there is general agreement among experts that the components
of physical fitness should be grouped into two broad categories that correspond
to two levels of performance: athletes and non - athletes.
The general health and fitness exercise during the actual activities is
recommended that you do some moderate intensity for a minimum of 30 to 40
minutes a day.


1. Agility - the ability to change direction quickly.

2. Balance - the ability to remain stable even when moving
3. Coordination - the ability to use vision, touch and muscle sense.
4. Power - simply defined as the ability to release maximum strength.
5. Reaction Time - the amount of time it takes to make a physical response
once you see the need to take an action.
6. Speed - the rate at which one covers distance in a short period of time.


1 Enhancement College Textbook|
By Dr. Punzalan et. al (2019)
1. Cardiovascular fitness - from the word cardio which means heart, the ability
to exercise at an elevated heart rate for a designated time while supplying
adequate oxygen to the body.
2. Flexibility - the ability to move joint with ease through the normal range of
motion and muscles to their fullest extent
3. Endurance - the ability to exercise without tiring in a long period of time.
4. Strength - the ability to exert force against resistance in a short period of time.
5. Body Composition - ideally, a state in which body fat does not exceed 25
percent of the total body composition.

Physical fitness is essential to healthy growth and development. The

components of physical fitness can be grouped into two categories. Skills
related and health related
The emotional aspects stated that the participating in leisure - time
activities, games and sports related are satisfaction, attitude and values.
The kinds of physiological benefits can be derived from participating in
sports - related fitness.


To maintain regular exercises, physical fitness helps the individual:

1. Competence in movement and motor skills in any various physical activity

2. Habitual physical activity participation to achieve and maintain good health.
3. Understanding various movement concepts, principles, and tactics as they
apply to the learning physical activity.
4. Valuing physical activities for enjoyment, as part of socialization.
5. Minimize stress response
6. Delay aging process
7. Improve posture movement and appearance by strengthening muscles that
support the body.
8. Improve organic function.
9. Prevent heart ailment.
10. Improve assessment through fitness tests that support fitness and health
11. Achieve and maintain a health - enhancing level of physical fitness.
12. Participate regularly in lifelong physical activity


2 Enhancement College Textbook|
By Dr. Punzalan et. al (2019)

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