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Wael Zaghariet Report ( 765 Question in Management Scale Questionnaire ) .

Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report

Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report

The task of identifying who is or would be a good manager is admittedly complex, yet the consequences of
hiring or retaining a mediocre manager are too grave to take such determinations lightly. It is essential for an
organization's success to have managers who are well-matched to their job descriptions. Armed with the
information from this test, you can become familiar with the areas that would require attention and careful
consideration if you were to apply for a management position.

Your delegation style as a manager is: The Developing Delegator

This type of delegator is not very willing to delegate, but for good reasons. Developing Delegators would
prefer to entrust tasks to someone only when they feel that an employee is ready to handle more
challenging responsibilities. For Developing Delegators, employees may need to prove themselves first.

Your managerial style is: The By-the-Book Manager

Your management style most closely resembles the By-the-Book Manager.

Pros of this style:

o Will explain decisions and goals to employees.

o Dedicated to doing things that are in the best interest of employees. Will make employee needs a

Cons of this style:

o They are the ultimate decision makers. They feel they know what is best for their workers.
o They still drawn the line between boss and employee, and will adopt an autocratic management
o While employees are encouraged to offer feedback, it is not likely to change the manager's mind
once it's made up. Their flexibility is limited.
o Every decision and action must go through the manager. This makes it difficult to develop
autonomous workers - they are completely dependent on the manager.
o Delegation is out of the question.
Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report


The task of identifying who is or would be a good manager is

admittedly complex, yet the consequences of hiring or retaining a A recent poll taken by
mediocre manager are too grave to take such determinations lightly. It found that
is essential for an organization's success to have managers who are employees feel that the area
well-matched to their job descriptions. Armed with the information managers most require
from this test, you can become familiar with the areas that would improvement in is
require attention and careful consideration if you were to apply for a "acknowledging their own
management position. mistakes."

There is certainly more than one type of manager, and different times, situations, and kinds of organizations
need different types of managers. Tough times may call for an authoritarian manager who can take charge
and make firm decisions. During labor shortages, a people-oriented leader who can keep good employees
may be needed. There are, however, certain key skills and traits that make a manager capable of governing
employees. An effective manager has a solid sense of self, is capable of withstanding the stress of running a
department or organization, and possesses solid self-confidence. Moreover, managers must be good with
people - we've all had a boss who lacked people skills, and such a limitation weighs heavily on the entire
department. Being able to identify problems with employees is extremely important, as are communication
and listening skills, and the ability to empathize.

Managers must wear many hats, and must be capable of dealing with the day-to-day and long-term realities
of managing a group of people and an organization. This is definitely not a position for everyone. Remember
that a manager can make or break a company, and can wield a great deal of influence over the productivity
and sense of satisfaction of those they manage.
Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report


Overall Score


Conceptual Skills

Big Picture Focus

Technical Skills

Analytical Reasoning


Brainstorming Knowledge

Problem Solving

Openness to Innovation


Comfort with Ambiguity

Proactive Approach


Information Gathering and Analysis
Goal Setting




Organizational Skills

Time Management

Project Management

HR Functions

HR & Succession Planning

Recruitment and Hiring



Managing Diversity

Building Effective Teams


Comfort with Authority

Managerial Courage

Self-Oriented Accountability


Setting a Good Example



Team Player

Customer Focus

Assessing Performance

Healthy Other-Oriented

Other-Oriented Accountability

Giving Customer Feedback

Giving Praise

Rewarding Performance



Positive Mindset

Outlook on Success


Corporate Citizenship




Communicating Vision

Presentation Skills




Measuring/Evaluating Results

Quality Control

Business Acumen

Comfort with Risk-taking

Calculated Risk-taking
Nose for Opportunity



Negotiating Ability

Interpersonal Skills

Soft Skills


Communication Skills

Listening Skills

Social Skills

Social Insight Ability


Conflict Management




Intrapersonal Skills






Healthy Self-Oriented Perfectionism

Openness to Improvement
Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report



Planning (score 63)

Planning is the managerial function that forms the basis of how an

organization is run. It involves setting objectives for employees to achieve,
Determining the
and overall goals for the company, as well as deciding how these goals will
organization's direction.
be reached. Managers must be well-informed and on top of everything that
goes on in their organization and in the business world. This allows for
effective and thoughtful planning, and the ability to adjust plans when necessary.

Conceptual Skills (score 65)

Managers who possess conceptual ability know their organization inside-out.

They evaluate every process that goes on in the company, anticipate
Ability to analyze
problems before they happen and come up with solutions to solve these
situations and formulate
problems. They are always on the lookout for ways to make various functions
ideas, solutions, and
more efficient. While some further improvement is needed, you seem to theories.
possess most of the skills and traits that encompass conceptual skills. Refer
to the results to below for information on the traits and skills that are important facets of conceptual ability.

o You generally have little difficulty stepping back from a situation and viewing it from a more
global perspective. When you are able to see the big picture, you are more likely to view problems
in light of long-term consequences or potential, and analyze whether there is room for growth,
change, or improvement. You are also better able to set goals with a wider scope.
o Your technical skills are limited. You will likely require a fair amount of on-the-job training in
order to be successful. It is important for managers to possess at least some technical skill in
order to use a company's equipment, technology, and/or software, and train others to use it as
o Your analytical reasoning skills are satisfactory, but there is still some room for improvement. In
general, when you apply the analytical reasoning process effectively, you are better-equipped to
solve problems you encounter at work. The analytical reasoning process entails identifying the
important information, taking a systematic approach to problem solving, and utilizing various
skills in order to come up with a reasonable solution.
o You seem to be fairly creative. In general, you seem to be rather good at generating inventive
thoughts, which is an ability that can most certainly come in handy. Creativity plays a significant
role in nearly every aspect of management, from coming up with new ideas in a dynamic business
world and planning for a company's future, to solving problems and motivating employees. Being
open to creativity may also inspire creativity in your employees.
o You are very knowledgeable about the brainstorming process. This not only enhances the
creativity of the ideas you produce, but the depth and quantity as well.
o Your approach to problem solving is usually conducive to effective resolution. You seem to be
reasonably experienced with many of the issues encountered in management.
o Your degree of openness to innovation is likely context-dependent. You are open to some
changes and ideas, but likely prefer to stick with the tried and true in other situations. You won't
jump on every novelty. Keep in mind that in order to keep your organization competitive, you
need to remain up-to-date on the latest changes in the business world, or your company,
technology, and methods of operation risk becoming obsolete.

Foresight (score 56)

Planning, especially when managing a company and all its complexities,

involves a great deal of foresight, and this is an aspect where you will need
Ability to deal with
some improvement. Review the results below for information on the traits
possible future events.
that make up this key skill. If you are lacking in any of the areas described
below, it can be a challenge for you to anticipate possible issues that you will
encounter in the future.

o You are comfortable with a certain degree of ambiguity. You would likely be able to handle some
of the uncertainty inherent in planning for the future, and in any risk-taking situation, but are not
entirely at ease dealing with unknown factors. This fear of "what ifs" can worry you. You need to
accept that even the best laid-out plans may not work as intended, and will require adjustments
along the way.
o You usually take a proactive approach to your work. You are more likely to act rather than react.
Instead of waiting for things to happen or fall into place, you make them happen yourself. You
seem to understand that the best plan of action against problems is taking the initiative to
prepare for them before they happen.

Process (score 68)

The Process aspect of Planning involves the traits and skills needed to
execute a plan. While the first two aspects are essential to creating an
Determining how to
effective plan, this step ensures that resources are organized effectively and
carry out a plan.
efficiently in order to implement the plan. This is an area where you are
reasonably skilled and prepared, which helps the project stay on track during
the execution of a plan, when keeping to deadlines is crucial. Review the results below for more details on
any areas that need improvement.

o Gathering and analyzing information is an area where you are reasonably skilled. You seem to be
fairly familiar with the process of obtaining and evaluating reliable information needed to execute
plans, although you could improve a little more. This is an essential skill, as it will be the basis of
every decision you make as a manager.
o You tend to be a goal-setter. You have a fair amount of knowledge as to how to set appropriate
goals, and this will keep your employees motivated, as it helps them have something to aim for.
In order to execute the plans you create for your organization and assess their success, you must
set goals for your team to achieve.
o You have excellent prioritization skills. When it comes to knowing what to do and when to do it,
you have no problem making smart decisions. Goals, tasks, and plans have their logical sequence,
and employees are kept on track.
o Although you are probably fine making decisions most of the time, your responses imply that you
are not entirely comfortable with this duty. You either lack confidence in some areas or become
indecisive when you feel overwhelmed. You need to increase your decision-making confidence
because it is up to you as manager to decide how to achieve goals, complete tasks, and execute

Organizing (score 73)

Organizing involves the traits and skills needed to execute a plan. While
Planning determines what will be done and how, this function involves
Execution of plans.
ensuring that resources are organized effectively and efficiently as the plan is
carried out. Decisions are made by the manager as to who does what and by
when. The Organizing aspect of management ensures that goals are achieved. Refer to the results below for
information on the skills and traits that encompass this function.

o You are able to stay organized most of the time, although you may occasionally struggle when
work is busy or stressful. Overall, you apply organization strategies fairly consistently. This skill
will help you juggle the many duties of a manager, including ensuring that projects are done on
time and goals are met.
o You seem to know what it takes to manage your time effectively and likely use some strategies to
do so. You are usually able to divvy up available time in an efficient manner, but some
improvement is still possible. When you do apply time management strategies, deadlines are met
and timely execution of projects and plans are smoother.
o You are very familiar with project management and why it is important. This knowledge and
expertise helps you keep track of the progress of projects, resources being used, deadlines, and
which tasks each employee is in charge of completing.

HR Functions (score 75)

HR Functions are managerial duties that involve creating a staff that will help
the company achieve its goals. This is a function where there are certain legal
Duties that revolve
rules that must be followed to ensure that fairness and legal standards are
around putting together
upheld. The right staff can make a company great - poor hiring methods,
an effective staff.
recruitment, and training can break a company. Managers must possess a
great deal of knowledge in this area in order to ensure that they have the right people for the right position.

o You have some knowledge of succession planning, but could still further expand your expertise in
this area. Succession planning is the process of developing personnel internally to fit a key
position at some point in the future, or at least ensuring that the company is ready with a new
candidate when a position becomes available. It is essential to be well-informed about succession
planning and to implement it as soon as possible, so that you will be sufficiently prepared for
future available positions or for sudden changes in your staff.
o You seem to be quite knowledgeable about hiring staff in a fair and legal manner. Being well-
informed about recruitment and hiring procedures can prevent errors with legal consequences,
and help you make better hiring decisions.
o Onboarding refers to the process of preparing and assimilating new employees into the company.
Your results indicate that you are fairly knowledgeable about onboarding and what it involves,
although there is still room to expand your expertise. Effective onboarding prepares new hires to
adapt to their position more quickly, which is especially true for those who don't have a great deal
of experience to fall back on.
o You have an excellent training approach. Your comprehensive and active training process for new
hires will help them adapt to their position and learn the ropes
o You have some knowledge about how to develop and respect diversity in your staff, but need to
further educate yourself. This will prevent unfair decisions and discrimination, even if
o You have the knowledge and expertise needed to build a well-rounded, cohesive and motivated
team. You know how to bring out the best in your group.

Directing (score 65)

Giving orders of what to do, how to do it, by when, and by who is one thing.
To really bring out the best in employees in a way that benefits them and the
Guiding employees to
organization as a whole is a different issue. This, in essence, is Directing.
attain their full potential
This managerial function encompasses traits and skills that not only
and achieve goals.
empower employees, but also characterize highly successful managers.

Authoritativeness (score 46)

Your results indicate that you are somewhat authoritative, but aren't always
able to display a take-charge attitude. Overall, the manner in which you carry
Ability to be firm and
yourself may not always be firm enough to demonstrate an air of authority to
self-assured in one's
others. This can sometimes make it difficult to effectively take control of
people and situations. Review the results below for areas where you could

o Although you would be relatively comfortable in a position of authority, it's a role that would take
some time for you to get used to. It's essential that you become more comfortable in a managerial
role, or you may struggle to gain respect and compliance from some employees.
o You will have a lot of difficulty handling the less pleasant managerial tasks that may not make you
popular with employees, like providing negative feedback or carrying out disciplinary measures.
You will need to find the courage to do so if you wish to become a manager.
o You take responsibility when things go wrong in your organization or department - you feel that
you should be accountable for everything and everyone that you manage. The role of manager in
itself implies the need to be accountable, and your willingness to do so will reflect well on you in
the minds of employees and clients.
o Your fairly low level of confidence is a concern. To be an authoritative manager, you need to give
those you manage the impression that you capable of taking on this challenging role. You are not
quite at this level of self-assurance yet. Others may lose their confidence in you if they observe
your lack of confidence.

Setting a Good Example (score 72)

On most occasions, you will set a good example for your employees to
follow. As a manager, you must do more than simply give out orders and
Conducting oneself in a
make decisions - you will need to be the type of person who can help others
manner that models the
live up to their full potential. In order to do so, you must model the way that
type of behavior we
you want your employees to behave. Review the results below for more desire to see in others.
information, as there may still be a few things that need improvement.

o You are generally a reliable person, although you may occasionally falter. Overall, you seem to
want to give employees the impression to that you can be depended upon to come through when
o Your behavior will give others the impression that you are generally quite committed to the
success of the company and your employees. In order to keep productivity and morale at a peak
level, strive to regularly make it clear to employees that you are committed to the company and
its goals.
o You are not expected to be your employees' best friend, but you do need to conduct yourself as
though you are a contributing member of the team, one who wants to work together to achieve
the organization's goals. Your actions will often reflect this. You seem to be a fairly supportive
and loyal member of your team.
o Beyond their potential for profit, it is essential to emphasize the importance of focusing on your
customers - of respecting them and making them happy - and you generally seem to understand
the value of this. You will try to set a good example for employees on how customers should be

Assessing Performance (score 79)

Evaluating employee
performance to ensure
You understand that assessing employee performance fairly important, but
that they live up to work
need to make sure this is a consistent routine. In order to get the best out of
those you manage, it is not only important to set standards for them, but
also to assess whether they are living up to those standards as well. By
making it clear to employees where they stand performance-wise, productivity and motivation can improve.

o You often set standards for employees to live up to in order to bring out the best in them. You
likely don't expect perfection, but strive to set the bar reasonably high. While you should ensure
that you do this on regular basis, you are definitely on the right track to helping employees
achieve success. These standards push employees but do not end up making them feel hopeless
and unsuccessful.
o You often emphasize accountability in your employees - sending the message to them that they
are active rather than passive participants in the success of the organization. While you should
ensure that this is done on a regular basis, you generally try to make employees feel
responsibility for and involved in their work.
o Making employees fully aware of performance feedback from customers is something you
consider very important. You will be providing them with vital information that could help them
connect with customers and provide them with better service.
o You praise employees frequently, or at least consider it important to do so. By regularly praising
employee achievements, they will know what they are doing well, and most importantly, will be
more likely to want to keep up the good work.
o You will often provide rewards to employees; most especially when you feel it is well-deserved.
Keep in mind that a clear way to motivate employees and let them know working hard is
worthwhile and greatly appreciated is to offer consistent rewards

Inspiring (score 61)

You have what it takes to inspire your employees, and to make them take
pride in the company they work for. While you could further develop the
Assesses whether a
traits that encompass this factor, you are certainly on the right track. Your
person possess the
employees will take more pride in the company and work hard under your
traits that can instill a
management. Refer to the breakdown of results below for the areas in which sense of pride and
you can improve. purpose in employees.

o You are somewhat charismatic, but could use more of that energy and dynamism. Boosting your
charisma will help you inspire employees more and make them want to join in and help you
realize the organization's plans and ideas.
o Your behavior at work, at least on most occasions, is guided by a set of principles. You seem to
possess some work values, and usually strive to live up to your ethical standards, which will
inspire employees to do the same.
o Your attitude is usually more positive than negative, which will make it easier to inspire
employees. Obstacles, stressful days, and difficult projects will be less of a challenge for
employees to get through if you encourage them to display a more upbeat attitude and positive
o You feel that for the most part, you have some control over your potential for success. It's what
you do, not external circumstances that are the determining factor. This attitude will promote the
idea to employees that their hard work and effort can make a difference. An even more proactive
attitude couldn't hurt, however.
o You are moderately passionate about your work. With a strong level of enthusiasm for your
occupation, inspiring others will be much easier for you.
o You understand the importance of practicing corporate citizenship, and are generally interested in
implementing it, with few reservations. Corporate citizenship involves adopting practices that are
socially, environmentally, and culturally beneficial to the community that the company is a
member of. Many of the most desirable want to work for an organization whose practices are

Leading (score 66)

You are on your way to becoming a good leader - but there may still be some
areas where improvement will be needed. Refer to the results below for more
Guiding and bringing
details. Even if you do possess strong skills in other areas related to the
out the best in others.
more technical or business side of management, relating to employees in a
manner that fosters development and empowerment requires strong
leadership ability. Fortunately you have many of the traits of a good leader.

o You likely recognize the importance of keeping employees motivated, and you seem to have a
fairly good idea of how to go about doing this effectively. Your ability to motivate others will help
boost morale during difficult times.
o You often provide guidance and coaching in order to help nurture and develop employee
potential. You have the potential to be an excellent mentor if you spend more time developing
this ability and to guiding, training, and advising others.
o You see the need to communicate your vision for the company to employees, but won't do this all
the time. Perhaps you feel it isn't necessary to keep employees in the loop about everything. Keep
in mind however, that in order to effectively lead others to achieve company goals, those you lead
need to know the direction they are heading in, and why.
o While you are likely not a total stranger to presentations, this is still an area you are not entirely
comfortable with. As you improve your presentation skills however, your comfort level will likely
increase as a result. Ideas, tasks, and motivational speeches will likely go over better if you are
able to present them in a more effective manner.
o You consciously make it a point to be fair and just to all employees, regardless of their position or
background. You treat everyone with equal respect.

Controlling (score 75)

The Controlling function of management is in place to in order to keep goals

and plans on track. Managers need to do more than simply tell others what
Assessing progress and
to do - they need to make sure that the tasks they have been assigned, no
ensuring that plans and
matter how minor, are being done properly. These skills related to the
goals are unfolding
controlling function allow managers to gauge the effectiveness of ideas or effectively.
plans they have implemented, and make tweaks if necessary.
o You will actively stay informed about employee progress on tasks and projects. This will allow you
to stay on top of how everything is unfolding and potentially prevent problems and errors before
they happen.
o Once a task has been completed, a good manager will go over it to see whether it is in line with
expectations. You usually take the time to measure employee output against expectations for the
projects they have been working on. This can prevent sloppy or unprofessional work from going
unnoticed and result in an overall better performance from your team. Make sure to be consistent
in this area and do not let important projects go by without checking them over.
o You are fairly good with details, which is essential to quality control. You are more likely to catch
errors and to be able to deal with the structured, step-by-step approach that is required to
complete a project or bring a plan to fruition.

Business Acumen (score 62)

Business Acumen encompasses traits and skills that are essential to the
running of a business. Aside from guiding and directing employees,
Knowledge and ability to
managers also need to ensure that they are running a successful business.
effectively run a
Managers need to keep the business side of things in focus at all times, even
when dealing with the people-side of their management tasks.

o While you are moderately comfortable taking risks, you are likely to hesitate in high-risk
situations. Taking risks is part of the business world, and something you will need to learn to
become more comfortable with - with experience, your comfort level may increase.
o You are or are likely to be a calculated risk-taker. Acting on impulse when it comes to taking
chances is not your style - you think things through and then take a leap of faith, knowing you
have done your best to plan for all eventualities Your ability to take smart risks will keep your
organization competitive and successful in the business world.
o Although you don't possess a natural business sense or ability to find business prospects easily,
you possess at least some skill in this area. This can develop further with experience, but you
need to make sure to keep yourself constantly informed about changes in the business world and
be more open to potential business opportunities.
o You seem to know the direction you want your organization to head in and what you want to
achieve, although this vision may still need to be solidified. With a solid vision in mind, you can
more easily make your mark in the business world.
o With a little time, you can adapt to new or unfamiliar stimuli, but you likely find yourself caught
off-guard initially. Staying in line with a dynamic business world is going to be a bit of challenge
at first for you.
o While the degree to which you will be involved in negotiations may vary depending on your field,
all managers must be involved with negotiating to some degree. This is due to the fact that even
resolving issues with employees and settling deadlines with clients requires the ability to
negotiate. This is an area where you are doing fairly well - negotiating can become one of your
top strengths if you continue to improve.
Interpersonal Skills (score 61)

When working with people, interpersonal skills are indispensable. Managers

will be in constant contact with clients and employees, and require both a
verbal and non-verbal presence - interpersonal skills are the basis of a
behavioral, personality,
manager's ability to inspire, motivate, and command respect as well as
and emotional factors
acquiescence. This is an area in which any deficiency is highly evident - many that come into play
employees and clients will struggle to look for any redeeming traits if a during social
manager's interpersonal ability is deficient. interactions.

Soft Skills (score 71)

Your interpersonal skills are fairly good. Your skills and attitude generally
favor an open and friendly work atmosphere, although you can still work to
Ability to interact
improve in this area. In order to build a strong rapport with others,
effectively with others.
interpersonal skills are essential - and are not abilities that can be worked
around or compensated for by other skills. You are doing reasonably well in
this area, but it would be a good idea to refer to the breakdown of results below and work on any areas that
have room for improvement.

o Most of the time, you give others the impression that you are fairly approachable and open. Your
words and actions are likely to make employees feel welcomed.
o You have reasonably good communication skills. While there is still room for improvement, you
can communicate clearly and effectively with relative ease.
o Although there is still some room for improvement, you seem to understand what active listening
involves, and strive to practice it in your interactions with others. You are less likely to miss out
on important information communicated by others.
o You comport yourself very well in social situations - you have stellar skills. Others likely feel that
you are well-mannered and easy to interact with.
o You are a very insightful individual, and are capable of taking context into consideration when
making judgments about other people's emotions or behavior. You try to give people the benefit
of the doubt, and when they behave poorly, seek to understand where their behavior might be
coming from. This will allow you to obtain a clear understanding of those you work with, and
adjust your managerial approach accordingly.
o You are a relatively empathetic person, and will try as much as possible to place yourself in other
people's shoes, although you may occasionally have trouble doing so. Overall however, you can
generally understand employees and build a meaningful rapport with them.
o You may have every intention of resolving conflict in the most ideal way, but it can sometimes be
a challenge for you. Overall, your approach to resolving conflict is reasonably good, but could use
further improvement. Otherwise, conflicts at work may escalate if you do not resolve them

Poise (score 51)

When faced with difficult or stressful situations, you do at times struggle to

maintain your composure. You may not lose control of your emotions
Ability to maintain
immediately (or all the time), but you may do so if a stressful situation or
composure and
annoying person persists, or if stressors pile up at work. It's likely that
emotional control in the
learning some stress management and emotional regulation techniques face of stress or other
could help you gain greater control. Poise is essential in a position of challenging situations.
authority, as others will look to you as a model of appropriate behavior at
work. Losing control, even occasionally, can lead to defensiveness, hostility, fear, or low morale in others,
and deter employees from bringing up problems out of fear of how you will react. Review the results below
for information on the areas in which you can improve.

o You will usually take a moment to consider the social consequences of your behavior, but there
may be a few occasions when you either have a little trouble self-monitoring, or you don't fully
contemplate the consequences of your actions. Overall, however, you are reasonably capable of
regulating how you act in different situations, which improves your conduct at work.
o Overall, you can maintain your patience most of the time, which makes it less likely that you'll
take actions that you will regret. You still have room to improve your patience even more,
however. There may still be particularly trying situations or people that you find more difficult to
o You are not very assertive, and will struggle to be firm in situations when it is necessary. You
need to be able to take charge of situations and people when working in a managerial position,
and this not something that will come at all easily to you.

Intrapersonal Skills (score 70)

Besides taking care of the "external world" in the form of everyday tasks,
managing and directing employees, and running an organization, managers
Encompasses traits and
must also govern their "internal world". Intrapersonal skills are the traits that
abilities that allow an
allow a manager to attain personal success. These are factors that must be
individual to achieve his
developed from within, if a manager hopes to achieve his or her potential. or her full potential.
Intrapersonal skills can impact other areas", as internal difficulties in the
form of a lack of determination or self-development will almost always have palpable repercussions on
actions that are taken and decisions that are made.
Determination (score 69)

Your level of effort and determination is quite strong, although you may want
to develop it even further. Overall, when times become difficult (troubles with
A success orientation;
employees, difficult projects) or you are overwhelmed with managerial
focused and purposeful
responsibilities and problems to resolve, you will be able to tap into this
plodding towards
determination to help you get through these obstacles - at least most of the achievement.
time. Determination is essential, as it provides the push needed to overcome

o You are able to focus on a goal when you put your mind to it. While sticking to long-term goals
can occasionally be a challenge, you have it in you to do so. This will help you stay on track in the
process of achieving goals you set for yourself and the company.
o You have a fairly strong level of drive. You seem to have a suitable amount of determination to
push yourself to go beyond your current capabilities. With a little more drive, you can boost your
performance and potential for success even higher, as you seem to generally want to give it your
o You are fairly resilient, although you may occasionally find it a challenge to stay strong after
particularly trying situations. While it could take you a bit of time to pick yourself up after
experiencing a setback, you will do so eventually, and will keep plodding forward.

Self-Development (score 71)

You are fairly interested in further self-development, although you may not
see the need to upgrade every aspect of your skill set. Managerial styles have
Strong, proactive desire
developed and changed with time, which is a sign that you need to
to develop one's
continuously adjust your approaches as you go. Even if you have expertise in
many areas, as the business world changes, technologies and other abilities
will need to change too. You are generally willing to upgrade your abilities
for the most part.

o You usually don't expect perfection from yourself, but you also won't settle for lower standards
than you are capable of achieving. You generally possess a healthy level of perfectionism, but
need to ensure that you consistently set standards for yourself that are challenging but
o You have some interest in expanding your knowledge much further and seek to improve in areas
where you may not have achieved your full potential. You may not see the need for self-
improvement in all areas, but see the benefits of lifelong learning. This increases your ability to
grow as a manager, and as a person.
Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report


The following is a summarized version of your results, categorized as Strengths, Potential "A good manager is a
Strengths, and Limitations. person who isn't worried
about his/her own career
Strengths but rather the careers of
those who work for
him/her." - H.S.M. Burns
·You have strong managerial potential
·You are likely to excel in the Planning aspect of management
·You possess good conceptual skills
·You are able to see the "big picture"
·You possess good analytical reasoning skills
·You show creative potential
·You know what effective brainstorming requires
·You have a good approach to problem solving
·You have a proactive approach to work
·You are likely to do well in the Process aspect of management
·You are able to gather and analyze information effectively
·You are goal oriented
·You know how to effectively prioritize tasks and projects
·You are likely to excel in the Organizing aspect of management
·You possess good organization skills
·You manage your time well
·You are familiar with the process of effective project management
·You are likely to excel in the HR aspect of management
·You are familiar with HR and Succession Planning
·You are familiar with the process of recruitment and hiring
·You are familiar with the process of onboarding
·You are able to train new employees effectively
·You know how to build effective teams
·You are likely to excel in the Directing aspect of management
·You take responsibility for your behavior
·You are likely to set a good example for those you manage
·You are a reliable person
·You tackle tasks and goals with dedication and commitment
·You are a team player
·You consider it important to instill customer service in employees
·You are likely to do well in the Assessing Performance aspect of management
·You set healthy standards for employees to live up to
·You instill a sense of personal responsibility in employees
·You consider it important to offer employees customer feedback on their performance
·You actively praise employees
·You consider it important to reward employee performance
·You are likely to be a source of inspiration for those you manage
·You possess strong principles related to ethical behavior
·You have a positive mindset
·You believe you have control over how successful you will be
·You are willing to practice corporate citizenship
·You are likely to do well in the Leading aspect of management
·You are able to motivate employees effectively
·You possess good coaching ability
·You are likely to treat everyone you manage in a fair manner
·You are likely to excel in the Controlling aspect of management
·You are able to monitor employee performance effectively
·You understand the importance of measuring and evaluating results of employee output in
light of set expectations
·You excel in quality control
·You are likely to excel in the Business aspect of management
·You are a calculated risk-taker
·You have a well-defined vision for your organization
·You possess good negotiating ability
·You possess good interpersonal skills
·You possess good soft skills
·You have an approachable demeanor
·You possess good communication skills
·You possess good listening skills
·You possess good social skills
·You are socially insightful
·You practice empathy
·You self-monitor your behavior
·You are a patient person
·You possess good intrapersonal skills
·You show a strong level of determination
·You have a steady, consistent work effort
·You are driven to achieve success
·You are resilient
·You consider self-development important
·You have a healthy level of perfectionism
·You are open to self-improvement

Potential Strengths

·You are somewhat open to innovation

·You possess reasonably good foresight
·You are moderately comfortable dealing with situations that involve ambiguity
·You are sometimes able to make decisions effectively
·You know how to manage diversity to some degree
·You are likely to be a moderately authoritative manager
·You are moderately comfortable in a position of authority
·You are somewhat charismatic
·You are moderately passionate about management
·You are able to communicate your vision to others reasonably well
·You possess decent presentation skills
·You are moderately comfortable taking risks
·You are reasonably good at uncovering business opportunities
·You are able to adapt to different situations reasonably well
·You sometimes deal with conflict in a productive manner
·You display poise on some occasions


·You do not possess a great deal of technical skill

·You will need more managerial courage in order to tackle sensitive tasks
·Your level of confidence is low
·You are not very assertive
Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report


Advice made available with actual full reports only.

Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report


The task of identifying who is or would be a good manager is admittedly complex, yet the consequences of
hiring or retaining a mediocre manager are too grave to take such determinations lightly. It is essential for an
organization's success to have managers who are well-matched to their job descriptions. Armed with the
information from this test, you can become familiar with the areas that would require attention and careful
consideration if you were to apply for a management position.

Your delegation style as a manager is: The Developing Delegator

This type of delegator is not very willing to delegate, but for good reasons. Developing Delegators would
prefer to entrust tasks to someone only when they feel that an employee is ready to handle more
challenging responsibilities. For Developing Delegators, employees may need to prove themselves first.

Your managerial style is: The By-the-Book Manager

Your management style most closely resembles the By-the-Book Manager.

Pros of this style:

o Will explain decisions and goals to employees.

o Dedicated to doing things that are in the best interest of employees. Will make employee needs a

Cons of this style:

o They are the ultimate decision makers. They feel they know what is best for their workers.
o They still drawn the line between boss and employee, and will adopt an autocratic management
o While employees are encouraged to offer feedback, it is not likely to change the manager's mind
once it's made up. Their flexibility is limited.
o Every decision and action must go through the manager. This makes it difficult to develop
autonomous workers - they are completely dependent on the manager.
o Delegation is out of the question.

Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report


The task of identifying who is or would be a good manager is

admittedly complex, yet the consequences of hiring or retaining a A recent poll taken by
mediocre manager are too grave to take such determinations lightly. It found that
is essential for an organization's success to have managers who are employees feel that the area
well-matched to their job descriptions. Armed with the information managers most require
from this test, you can become familiar with the areas that would improvement in is
require attention and careful consideration if you were to apply for a "acknowledging their own
management position. mistakes."

There is certainly more than one type of manager, and different times, situations, and kinds of organizations
need different types of managers. Tough times may call for an authoritarian manager who can take charge
and make firm decisions. During labor shortages, a people-oriented leader who can keep good employees
may be needed. There are, however, certain key skills and traits that make a manager capable of governing
employees. An effective manager has a solid sense of self, is capable of withstanding the stress of running a
department or organization, and possesses solid self-confidence. Moreover, managers must be good with
people - we've all had a boss who lacked people skills, and such a limitation weighs heavily on the entire
department. Being able to identify problems with employees is extremely important, as are communication
and listening skills, and the ability to empathize.

Managers must wear many hats, and must be capable of dealing with the day-to-day and long-term realities
of managing a group of people and an organization. This is definitely not a position for everyone. Remember
that a manager can make or break a company, and can wield a great deal of influence over the productivity
and sense of satisfaction of those they manage.
Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report


Overall Score


Conceptual Skills

Big Picture Focus

Technical Skills

Analytical Reasoning


Brainstorming Knowledge

Problem Solving

Openness to Innovation

Comfort with Ambiguity

Proactive Approach


Information Gathering and Analysis

Goal Setting




Organizational Skills

Time Management

Project Management

HR Functions

HR & Succession Planning

Recruitment and Hiring


Managing Diversity

Building Effective Teams



Comfort with Authority

Managerial Courage

Self-Oriented Accountability


Setting a Good Example



Team Player

Customer Focus

Assessing Performance

Healthy Other-Oriented

Other-Oriented Accountability

Giving Customer Feedback
Giving Praise

Rewarding Performance




Positive Mindset

Outlook on Success


Corporate Citizenship




Communicating Vision

Presentation Skills




Measuring/Evaluating Results
Quality Control

Business Acumen

Comfort with Risk-taking

Calculated Risk-taking

Nose for Opportunity



Negotiating Ability

Interpersonal Skills

Soft Skills


Communication Skills

Listening Skills

Social Skills

Social Insight Ability


Conflict Management




Intrapersonal Skills






Healthy Self-Oriented Perfectionism

Openness to Improvement

Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report


Planning (score 63)

Planning is the managerial function that forms the basis of how an
Determining the
organization is run. It involves setting objectives for employees to achieve,
organization's direction.
and overall goals for the company, as well as deciding how these goals will
be reached. Managers must be well-informed and on top of everything that
goes on in their organization and in the business world. This allows for effective and thoughtful planning,
and the ability to adjust plans when necessary.

Conceptual Skills (score 65)

Managers who possess conceptual ability know their organization inside-out.

They evaluate every process that goes on in the company, anticipate
Ability to analyze
problems before they happen and come up with solutions to solve these
situations and formulate
problems. They are always on the lookout for ways to make various functions
ideas, solutions, and
more efficient. While some further improvement is needed, you seem to theories.
possess most of the skills and traits that encompass conceptual skills. Refer
to the results to below for information on the traits and skills that are important facets of conceptual ability.

o You generally have little difficulty stepping back from a situation and viewing it from a more
global perspective. When you are able to see the big picture, you are more likely to view problems
in light of long-term consequences or potential, and analyze whether there is room for growth,
change, or improvement. You are also better able to set goals with a wider scope.
o Your technical skills are limited. You will likely require a fair amount of on-the-job training in
order to be successful. It is important for managers to possess at least some technical skill in
order to use a company's equipment, technology, and/or software, and train others to use it as
o Your analytical reasoning skills are satisfactory, but there is still some room for improvement. In
general, when you apply the analytical reasoning process effectively, you are better-equipped to
solve problems you encounter at work. The analytical reasoning process entails identifying the
important information, taking a systematic approach to problem solving, and utilizing various
skills in order to come up with a reasonable solution.
o You seem to be fairly creative. In general, you seem to be rather good at generating inventive
thoughts, which is an ability that can most certainly come in handy. Creativity plays a significant
role in nearly every aspect of management, from coming up with new ideas in a dynamic business
world and planning for a company's future, to solving problems and motivating employees. Being
open to creativity may also inspire creativity in your employees.
o You are very knowledgeable about the brainstorming process. This not only enhances the
creativity of the ideas you produce, but the depth and quantity as well.
o Your approach to problem solving is usually conducive to effective resolution. You seem to be
reasonably experienced with many of the issues encountered in management.
o Your degree of openness to innovation is likely context-dependent. You are open to some
changes and ideas, but likely prefer to stick with the tried and true in other situations. You won't
jump on every novelty. Keep in mind that in order to keep your organization competitive, you
need to remain up-to-date on the latest changes in the business world, or your company,
technology, and methods of operation risk becoming obsolete.
Foresight (score 56)

Planning, especially when managing a company and all its complexities,

involves a great deal of foresight, and this is an aspect where you will need
Ability to deal with
some improvement. Review the results below for information on the traits
possible future events.
that make up this key skill. If you are lacking in any of the areas described
below, it can be a challenge for you to anticipate possible issues that you will
encounter in the future.

o You are comfortable with a certain degree of ambiguity. You would likely be able to handle some
of the uncertainty inherent in planning for the future, and in any risk-taking situation, but are not
entirely at ease dealing with unknown factors. This fear of "what ifs" can worry you. You need to
accept that even the best laid-out plans may not work as intended, and will require adjustments
along the way.
o You usually take a proactive approach to your work. You are more likely to act rather than react.
Instead of waiting for things to happen or fall into place, you make them happen yourself. You
seem to understand that the best plan of action against problems is taking the initiative to
prepare for them before they happen.

Process (score 68)

The Process aspect of Planning involves the traits and skills needed to
execute a plan. While the first two aspects are essential to creating an
Determining how to
effective plan, this step ensures that resources are organized effectively and
carry out a plan.
efficiently in order to implement the plan. This is an area where you are
reasonably skilled and prepared, which helps the project stay on track during
the execution of a plan, when keeping to deadlines is crucial. Review the results below for more details on
any areas that need improvement.

o Gathering and analyzing information is an area where you are reasonably skilled. You seem to be
fairly familiar with the process of obtaining and evaluating reliable information needed to execute
plans, although you could improve a little more. This is an essential skill, as it will be the basis of
every decision you make as a manager.
o You tend to be a goal-setter. You have a fair amount of knowledge as to how to set appropriate
goals, and this will keep your employees motivated, as it helps them have something to aim for.
In order to execute the plans you create for your organization and assess their success, you must
set goals for your team to achieve.
o You have excellent prioritization skills. When it comes to knowing what to do and when to do it,
you have no problem making smart decisions. Goals, tasks, and plans have their logical sequence,
and employees are kept on track.
o Although you are probably fine making decisions most of the time, your responses imply that you
are not entirely comfortable with this duty. You either lack confidence in some areas or become
indecisive when you feel overwhelmed. You need to increase your decision-making confidence
because it is up to you as manager to decide how to achieve goals, complete tasks, and execute
Organizing (score 73)

Organizing involves the traits and skills needed to execute a plan. While
Planning determines what will be done and how, this function involves
Execution of plans.
ensuring that resources are organized effectively and efficiently as the plan is
carried out. Decisions are made by the manager as to who does what and by
when. The Organizing aspect of management ensures that goals are achieved. Refer to the results below for
information on the skills and traits that encompass this function.

o You are able to stay organized most of the time, although you may occasionally struggle when
work is busy or stressful. Overall, you apply organization strategies fairly consistently. This skill
will help you juggle the many duties of a manager, including ensuring that projects are done on
time and goals are met.
o You seem to know what it takes to manage your time effectively and likely use some strategies to
do so. You are usually able to divvy up available time in an efficient manner, but some
improvement is still possible. When you do apply time management strategies, deadlines are met
and timely execution of projects and plans are smoother.
o You are very familiar with project management and why it is important. This knowledge and
expertise helps you keep track of the progress of projects, resources being used, deadlines, and
which tasks each employee is in charge of completing.

HR Functions (score 75)

HR Functions are managerial duties that involve creating a staff that will help
the company achieve its goals. This is a function where there are certain legal
Duties that revolve
rules that must be followed to ensure that fairness and legal standards are
around putting together
upheld. The right staff can make a company great - poor hiring methods,
an effective staff.
recruitment, and training can break a company. Managers must possess a
great deal of knowledge in this area in order to ensure that they have the
right people for the right position.

o You have some knowledge of succession planning, but could still further expand your expertise in
this area. Succession planning is the process of developing personnel internally to fit a key
position at some point in the future, or at least ensuring that the company is ready with a new
candidate when a position becomes available. It is essential to be well-informed about succession
planning and to implement it as soon as possible, so that you will be sufficiently prepared for
future available positions or for sudden changes in your staff.
o You seem to be quite knowledgeable about hiring staff in a fair and legal manner. Being well-
informed about recruitment and hiring procedures can prevent errors with legal consequences,
and help you make better hiring decisions.
o Onboarding refers to the process of preparing and assimilating new employees into the company.
Your results indicate that you are fairly knowledgeable about onboarding and what it involves,
although there is still room to expand your expertise. Effective onboarding prepares new hires to
adapt to their position more quickly, which is especially true for those who don't have a great deal
of experience to fall back on.
o You have an excellent training approach. Your comprehensive and active training process for new
hires will help them adapt to their position and learn the ropes
o You have some knowledge about how to develop and respect diversity in your staff, but need to
further educate yourself. This will prevent unfair decisions and discrimination, even if
o You have the knowledge and expertise needed to build a well-rounded, cohesive and motivated
team. You know how to bring out the best in your group.

Directing (score 65)

Giving orders of what to do, how to do it, by when, and by who is one thing.
To really bring out the best in employees in a way that benefits them and the
Guiding employees to
organization as a whole is a different issue. This, in essence, is Directing.
attain their full potential
This managerial function encompasses traits and skills that not only
and achieve goals.
empower employees, but also characterize highly successful managers.

Authoritativeness (score 46)

Your results indicate that you are somewhat authoritative, but aren't always
able to display a take-charge attitude. Overall, the manner in which you carry
Ability to be firm and
yourself may not always be firm enough to demonstrate an air of authority to
self-assured in one's
others. This can sometimes make it difficult to effectively take control of
people and situations. Review the results below for areas where you could

o Although you would be relatively comfortable in a position of authority, it's a role that would take
some time for you to get used to. It's essential that you become more comfortable in a managerial
role, or you may struggle to gain respect and compliance from some employees.
o You will have a lot of difficulty handling the less pleasant managerial tasks that may not make you
popular with employees, like providing negative feedback or carrying out disciplinary measures.
You will need to find the courage to do so if you wish to become a manager.
o You take responsibility when things go wrong in your organization or department - you feel that
you should be accountable for everything and everyone that you manage. The role of manager in
itself implies the need to be accountable, and your willingness to do so will reflect well on you in
the minds of employees and clients.
o Your fairly low level of confidence is a concern. To be an authoritative manager, you need to give
those you manage the impression that you capable of taking on this challenging role. You are not
quite at this level of self-assurance yet. Others may lose their confidence in you if they observe
your lack of confidence.
Setting a Good Example (score 72)

On most occasions, you will set a good example for your employees to
follow. As a manager, you must do more than simply give out orders and
Conducting oneself in a
make decisions - you will need to be the type of person who can help others
manner that models the
live up to their full potential. In order to do so, you must model the way that
type of behavior we
you want your employees to behave. Review the results below for more desire to see in others.
information, as there may still be a few things that need improvement.

o You are generally a reliable person, although you may occasionally falter. Overall, you seem to
want to give employees the impression to that you can be depended upon to come through when
o Your behavior will give others the impression that you are generally quite committed to the
success of the company and your employees. In order to keep productivity and morale at a peak
level, strive to regularly make it clear to employees that you are committed to the company and
its goals.
o You are not expected to be your employees' best friend, but you do need to conduct yourself as
though you are a contributing member of the team, one who wants to work together to achieve
the organization's goals. Your actions will often reflect this. You seem to be a fairly supportive
and loyal member of your team.
o Beyond their potential for profit, it is essential to emphasize the importance of focusing on your
customers - of respecting them and making them happy - and you generally seem to understand
the value of this. You will try to set a good example for employees on how customers should be

Assessing Performance (score 79)

You understand that assessing employee performance fairly important, but

need to make sure this is a consistent routine. In order to get the best out of
Evaluating employee
those you manage, it is not only important to set standards for them, but
performance to ensure
also to assess whether they are living up to those standards as well. By
that they live up to work
making it clear to employees where they stand performance-wise, standards.
productivity and motivation can improve.

o You often set standards for employees to live up to in order to bring out the best in them. You
likely don't expect perfection, but strive to set the bar reasonably high. While you should ensure
that you do this on regular basis, you are definitely on the right track to helping employees
achieve success. These standards push employees but do not end up making them feel hopeless
and unsuccessful.
o You often emphasize accountability in your employees - sending the message to them that they
are active rather than passive participants in the success of the organization. While you should
ensure that this is done on a regular basis, you generally try to make employees feel
responsibility for and involved in their work.
o Making employees fully aware of performance feedback from customers is something you
consider very important. You will be providing them with vital information that could help them
connect with customers and provide them with better service.
o You praise employees frequently, or at least consider it important to do so. By regularly praising
employee achievements, they will know what they are doing well, and most importantly, will be
more likely to want to keep up the good work.
o You will often provide rewards to employees; most especially when you feel it is well-deserved.
Keep in mind that a clear way to motivate employees and let them know working hard is
worthwhile and greatly appreciated is to offer consistent rewards

Inspiring (score 61)

You have what it takes to inspire your employees, and to make them take
pride in the company they work for. While you could further develop the
Assesses whether a
traits that encompass this factor, you are certainly on the right track. Your
person possess the
employees will take more pride in the company and work hard under your
traits that can instill a
management. Refer to the breakdown of results below for the areas in which sense of pride and
you can improve. purpose in employees.

o You are somewhat charismatic, but could use more of that energy and dynamism. Boosting your
charisma will help you inspire employees more and make them want to join in and help you
realize the organization's plans and ideas.
o Your behavior at work, at least on most occasions, is guided by a set of principles. You seem to
possess some work values, and usually strive to live up to your ethical standards, which will
inspire employees to do the same.
o Your attitude is usually more positive than negative, which will make it easier to inspire
employees. Obstacles, stressful days, and difficult projects will be less of a challenge for
employees to get through if you encourage them to display a more upbeat attitude and positive
o You feel that for the most part, you have some control over your potential for success. It's what
you do, not external circumstances that are the determining factor. This attitude will promote the
idea to employees that their hard work and effort can make a difference. An even more proactive
attitude couldn't hurt, however.
o You are moderately passionate about your work. With a strong level of enthusiasm for your
occupation, inspiring others will be much easier for you.
o You understand the importance of practicing corporate citizenship, and are generally interested in
implementing it, with few reservations. Corporate citizenship involves adopting practices that are
socially, environmentally, and culturally beneficial to the community that the company is a
member of. Many of the most desirable want to work for an organization whose practices are

Leading (score 66)

You are on your way to becoming a good leader - but there may still be some
Guiding and bringing
areas where improvement will be needed. Refer to the results below for more
out the best in others.
details. Even if you do possess strong skills in other areas related to the
more technical or business side of management, relating to employees in a
manner that fosters development and empowerment requires strong leadership ability. Fortunately you have
many of the traits of a good leader.

o You likely recognize the importance of keeping employees motivated, and you seem to have a
fairly good idea of how to go about doing this effectively. Your ability to motivate others will help
boost morale during difficult times.
o You often provide guidance and coaching in order to help nurture and develop employee
potential. You have the potential to be an excellent mentor if you spend more time developing
this ability and to guiding, training, and advising others.
o You see the need to communicate your vision for the company to employees, but won't do this all
the time. Perhaps you feel it isn't necessary to keep employees in the loop about everything. Keep
in mind however, that in order to effectively lead others to achieve company goals, those you lead
need to know the direction they are heading in, and why.
o While you are likely not a total stranger to presentations, this is still an area you are not entirely
comfortable with. As you improve your presentation skills however, your comfort level will likely
increase as a result. Ideas, tasks, and motivational speeches will likely go over better if you are
able to present them in a more effective manner.
o You consciously make it a point to be fair and just to all employees, regardless of their position or
background. You treat everyone with equal respect.

Controlling (score 75)

The Controlling function of management is in place to in order to keep goals

and plans on track. Managers need to do more than simply tell others what
Assessing progress and
to do - they need to make sure that the tasks they have been assigned, no
ensuring that plans and
matter how minor, are being done properly. These skills related to the
goals are unfolding
controlling function allow managers to gauge the effectiveness of ideas or effectively.
plans they have implemented, and make tweaks if necessary.

o You will actively stay informed about employee progress on tasks and projects. This will allow you
to stay on top of how everything is unfolding and potentially prevent problems and errors before
they happen.
o Once a task has been completed, a good manager will go over it to see whether it is in line with
expectations. You usually take the time to measure employee output against expectations for the
projects they have been working on. This can prevent sloppy or unprofessional work from going
unnoticed and result in an overall better performance from your team. Make sure to be consistent
in this area and do not let important projects go by without checking them over.
o You are fairly good with details, which is essential to quality control. You are more likely to catch
errors and to be able to deal with the structured, step-by-step approach that is required to
complete a project or bring a plan to fruition.
Business Acumen (score 62)

Business Acumen encompasses traits and skills that are essential to the
running of a business. Aside from guiding and directing employees,
Knowledge and ability to
managers also need to ensure that they are running a successful business.
effectively run a
Managers need to keep the business side of things in focus at all times, even
when dealing with the people-side of their management tasks.

o While you are moderately comfortable taking risks, you are likely to hesitate in high-risk
situations. Taking risks is part of the business world, and something you will need to learn to
become more comfortable with - with experience, your comfort level may increase.
o You are or are likely to be a calculated risk-taker. Acting on impulse when it comes to taking
chances is not your style - you think things through and then take a leap of faith, knowing you
have done your best to plan for all eventualities Your ability to take smart risks will keep your
organization competitive and successful in the business world.
o Although you don't possess a natural business sense or ability to find business prospects easily,
you possess at least some skill in this area. This can develop further with experience, but you
need to make sure to keep yourself constantly informed about changes in the business world and
be more open to potential business opportunities.
o You seem to know the direction you want your organization to head in and what you want to
achieve, although this vision may still need to be solidified. With a solid vision in mind, you can
more easily make your mark in the business world.
o With a little time, you can adapt to new or unfamiliar stimuli, but you likely find yourself caught
off-guard initially. Staying in line with a dynamic business world is going to be a bit of challenge
at first for you.
o While the degree to which you will be involved in negotiations may vary depending on your field,
all managers must be involved with negotiating to some degree. This is due to the fact that even
resolving issues with employees and settling deadlines with clients requires the ability to
negotiate. This is an area where you are doing fairly well - negotiating can become one of your
top strengths if you continue to improve.

Interpersonal Skills (score 61)

When working with people, interpersonal skills are indispensable. Managers

will be in constant contact with clients and employees, and require both a
verbal and non-verbal presence - interpersonal skills are the basis of a
behavioral, personality,
manager's ability to inspire, motivate, and command respect as well as
and emotional factors
acquiescence. This is an area in which any deficiency is highly evident - many that come into play
employees and clients will struggle to look for any redeeming traits if a during social
manager's interpersonal ability is deficient. interactions.

Soft Skills (score 71)

Your interpersonal skills are fairly good. Your skills and attitude generally
favor an open and friendly work atmosphere, although you can still work to
Ability to interact
improve in this area. In order to build a strong rapport with others,
effectively with others.
interpersonal skills are essential - and are not abilities that can be worked
around or compensated for by other skills. You are doing reasonably well in
this area, but it would be a good idea to refer to the breakdown of results below and work on any areas that
have room for improvement.

o Most of the time, you give others the impression that you are fairly approachable and open. Your
words and actions are likely to make employees feel welcomed.
o You have reasonably good communication skills. While there is still room for improvement, you
can communicate clearly and effectively with relative ease.
o Although there is still some room for improvement, you seem to understand what active listening
involves, and strive to practice it in your interactions with others. You are less likely to miss out
on important information communicated by others.
o You comport yourself very well in social situations - you have stellar skills. Others likely feel that
you are well-mannered and easy to interact with.
o You are a very insightful individual, and are capable of taking context into consideration when
making judgments about other people's emotions or behavior. You try to give people the benefit
of the doubt, and when they behave poorly, seek to understand where their behavior might be
coming from. This will allow you to obtain a clear understanding of those you work with, and
adjust your managerial approach accordingly.
o You are a relatively empathetic person, and will try as much as possible to place yourself in other
people's shoes, although you may occasionally have trouble doing so. Overall however, you can
generally understand employees and build a meaningful rapport with them.
o You may have every intention of resolving conflict in the most ideal way, but it can sometimes be
a challenge for you. Overall, your approach to resolving conflict is reasonably good, but could use
further improvement. Otherwise, conflicts at work may escalate if you do not resolve them

Poise (score 51)

When faced with difficult or stressful situations, you do at times struggle to

maintain your composure. You may not lose control of your emotions
Ability to maintain
immediately (or all the time), but you may do so if a stressful situation or
composure and
annoying person persists, or if stressors pile up at work. It's likely that
emotional control in the
learning some stress management and emotional regulation techniques face of stress or other
could help you gain greater control. Poise is essential in a position of challenging situations.
authority, as others will look to you as a model of appropriate behavior at
work. Losing control, even occasionally, can lead to defensiveness, hostility, fear, or low morale in others,
and deter employees from bringing up problems out of fear of how you will react. Review the results below
for information on the areas in which you can improve.

o You will usually take a moment to consider the social consequences of your behavior, but there
may be a few occasions when you either have a little trouble self-monitoring, or you don't fully
contemplate the consequences of your actions. Overall, however, you are reasonably capable of
regulating how you act in different situations, which improves your conduct at work.
o Overall, you can maintain your patience most of the time, which makes it less likely that you'll
take actions that you will regret. You still have room to improve your patience even more,
however. There may still be particularly trying situations or people that you find more difficult to
o You are not very assertive, and will struggle to be firm in situations when it is necessary. You
need to be able to take charge of situations and people when working in a managerial position,
and this not something that will come at all easily to you.

Intrapersonal Skills (score 70)

Besides taking care of the "external world" in the form of everyday tasks,
managing and directing employees, and running an organization, managers
Encompasses traits and
must also govern their "internal world". Intrapersonal skills are the traits that
abilities that allow an
allow a manager to attain personal success. These are factors that must be
individual to achieve his
developed from within, if a manager hopes to achieve his or her potential. or her full potential.
Intrapersonal skills can impact other areas", as internal difficulties in the
form of a lack of determination or self-development will almost always have palpable repercussions on
actions that are taken and decisions that are made.

Determination (score 69)

Your level of effort and determination is quite strong, although you may want
to develop it even further. Overall, when times become difficult (troubles with
A success orientation;
employees, difficult projects) or you are overwhelmed with managerial
focused and purposeful
responsibilities and problems to resolve, you will be able to tap into this
plodding towards
determination to help you get through these obstacles - at least most of the achievement.
time. Determination is essential, as it provides the push needed to overcome

o You are able to focus on a goal when you put your mind to it. While sticking to long-term goals
can occasionally be a challenge, you have it in you to do so. This will help you stay on track in the
process of achieving goals you set for yourself and the company.
o You have a fairly strong level of drive. You seem to have a suitable amount of determination to
push yourself to go beyond your current capabilities. With a little more drive, you can boost your
performance and potential for success even higher, as you seem to generally want to give it your
o You are fairly resilient, although you may occasionally find it a challenge to stay strong after
particularly trying situations. While it could take you a bit of time to pick yourself up after
experiencing a setback, you will do so eventually, and will keep plodding forward.

Self-Development (score 71)

You are fairly interested in further self-development, although you may not
Strong, proactive desire
see the need to upgrade every aspect of your skill set. Managerial styles have
to develop one's
developed and changed with time, which is a sign that you need to
continuously adjust your approaches as you go. Even if you have expertise in
many areas, as the business world changes, technologies and other abilities
will need to change too. You are generally willing to upgrade your abilities for the most part.

o You usually don't expect perfection from yourself, but you also won't settle for lower standards
than you are capable of achieving. You generally possess a healthy level of perfectionism, but
need to ensure that you consistently set standards for yourself that are challenging but
o You have some interest in expanding your knowledge much further and seek to improve in areas
where you may not have achieved your full potential. You may not see the need for self-
improvement in all areas, but see the benefits of lifelong learning. This increases your ability to
grow as a manager, and as a person.
Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report



The following is a summarized version of your results, categorized as Strengths, Potential "A good manager is a
Strengths, and Limitations. person who isn't worried
about his/her own career
Strengths but rather the careers of
those who work for
him/her." - H.S.M. Burns
·You have strong managerial potential
·You are likely to excel in the Planning aspect of management
·You possess good conceptual skills
·You are able to see the "big picture"
·You possess good analytical reasoning skills
·You show creative potential
·You know what effective brainstorming requires
·You have a good approach to problem solving
·You have a proactive approach to work
·You are likely to do well in the Process aspect of management
·You are able to gather and analyze information effectively
·You are goal oriented
·You know how to effectively prioritize tasks and projects
·You are likely to excel in the Organizing aspect of management
·You possess good organization skills
·You manage your time well
·You are familiar with the process of effective project management
·You are likely to excel in the HR aspect of management
·You are familiar with HR and Succession Planning
·You are familiar with the process of recruitment and hiring
·You are familiar with the process of onboarding
·You are able to train new employees effectively
·You know how to build effective teams
·You are likely to excel in the Directing aspect of management
·You take responsibility for your behavior
·You are likely to set a good example for those you manage
·You are a reliable person
·You tackle tasks and goals with dedication and commitment
·You are a team player
·You consider it important to instill customer service in employees
·You are likely to do well in the Assessing Performance aspect of management
·You set healthy standards for employees to live up to
·You instill a sense of personal responsibility in employees
·You consider it important to offer employees customer feedback on their performance
·You actively praise employees
·You consider it important to reward employee performance
·You are likely to be a source of inspiration for those you manage
·You possess strong principles related to ethical behavior
·You have a positive mindset
·You believe you have control over how successful you will be
·You are willing to practice corporate citizenship
·You are likely to do well in the Leading aspect of management
·You are able to motivate employees effectively
·You possess good coaching ability
·You are likely to treat everyone you manage in a fair manner
·You are likely to excel in the Controlling aspect of management
·You are able to monitor employee performance effectively
·You understand the importance of measuring and evaluating results of employee output in
light of set expectations
·You excel in quality control
·You are likely to excel in the Business aspect of management
·You are a calculated risk-taker
·You have a well-defined vision for your organization
·You possess good negotiating ability
·You possess good interpersonal skills
·You possess good soft skills
·You have an approachable demeanor
·You possess good communication skills
·You possess good listening skills
·You possess good social skills
·You are socially insightful
·You practice empathy
·You self-monitor your behavior
·You are a patient person
·You possess good intrapersonal skills
·You show a strong level of determination
·You have a steady, consistent work effort
·You are driven to achieve success
·You are resilient
·You consider self-development important
·You have a healthy level of perfectionism
·You are open to self-improvement

Potential Strengths

·You are somewhat open to innovation

·You possess reasonably good foresight
·You are moderately comfortable dealing with situations that involve ambiguity
·You are sometimes able to make decisions effectively
·You know how to manage diversity to some degree
·You are likely to be a moderately authoritative manager
·You are moderately comfortable in a position of authority
·You are somewhat charismatic
·You are moderately passionate about management
·You are able to communicate your vision to others reasonably well
·You possess decent presentation skills
·You are moderately comfortable taking risks
·You are reasonably good at uncovering business opportunities
·You are able to adapt to different situations reasonably well
·You sometimes deal with conflict in a productive manner
·You display poise on some occasions


·You do not possess a great deal of technical skill

·You will need more managerial courage in order to tackle sensitive tasks
·Your level of confidence is low
·You are not very assertive

Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report


Advice made available with actual full reports only.

Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report


Planning (score 63)

Planning is the managerial function that forms the basis of how an

organization is run. It involves setting objectives for employees to achieve,
Determining the
and overall goals for the company, as well as deciding how these goals will
organization's direction.
be reached. Managers must be well-informed and on top of everything that
goes on in their organization and in the business world. This allows for
effective and thoughtful planning, and the ability to adjust plans when necessary.

Conceptual Skills (score 65)

Managers who possess conceptual ability know their organization inside-out.

They evaluate every process that goes on in the company, anticipate
Ability to analyze
problems before they happen and come up with solutions to solve these
situations and formulate
problems. They are always on the lookout for ways to make various functions
ideas, solutions, and
more efficient. While some further improvement is needed, you seem to theories.
possess most of the skills and traits that encompass conceptual skills. Refer
to the results to below for information on the traits and skills that are important facets of conceptual ability.

o You generally have little difficulty stepping back from a situation and viewing it from a more
global perspective. When you are able to see the big picture, you are more likely to view problems
in light of long-term consequences or potential, and analyze whether there is room for growth,
change, or improvement. You are also better able to set goals with a wider scope.
o Your technical skills are limited. You will likely require a fair amount of on-the-job training in
order to be successful. It is important for managers to possess at least some technical skill in
order to use a company's equipment, technology, and/or software, and train others to use it as
o Your analytical reasoning skills are satisfactory, but there is still some room for improvement. In
general, when you apply the analytical reasoning process effectively, you are better-equipped to
solve problems you encounter at work. The analytical reasoning process entails identifying the
important information, taking a systematic approach to problem solving, and utilizing various
skills in order to come up with a reasonable solution.
o You seem to be fairly creative. In general, you seem to be rather good at generating inventive
thoughts, which is an ability that can most certainly come in handy. Creativity plays a significant
role in nearly every aspect of management, from coming up with new ideas in a dynamic business
world and planning for a company's future, to solving problems and motivating employees. Being
open to creativity may also inspire creativity in your employees.
o You are very knowledgeable about the brainstorming process. This not only enhances the
creativity of the ideas you produce, but the depth and quantity as well.
o Your approach to problem solving is usually conducive to effective resolution. You seem to be
reasonably experienced with many of the issues encountered in management.
o Your degree of openness to innovation is likely context-dependent. You are open to some
changes and ideas, but likely prefer to stick with the tried and true in other situations. You won't
jump on every novelty. Keep in mind that in order to keep your organization competitive, you
need to remain up-to-date on the latest changes in the business world, or your company,
technology, and methods of operation risk becoming obsolete.

Foresight (score 56)

Planning, especially when managing a company and all its complexities,

involves a great deal of foresight, and this is an aspect where you will need
Ability to deal with
some improvement. Review the results below for information on the traits
possible future events.
that make up this key skill. If you are lacking in any of the areas described
below, it can be a challenge for you to anticipate possible issues that you will
encounter in the future.

o You are comfortable with a certain degree of ambiguity. You would likely be able to handle some
of the uncertainty inherent in planning for the future, and in any risk-taking situation, but are not
entirely at ease dealing with unknown factors. This fear of "what ifs" can worry you. You need to
accept that even the best laid-out plans may not work as intended, and will require adjustments
along the way.
o You usually take a proactive approach to your work. You are more likely to act rather than react.
Instead of waiting for things to happen or fall into place, you make them happen yourself. You
seem to understand that the best plan of action against problems is taking the initiative to
prepare for them before they happen.

Process (score 68)

The Process aspect of Planning involves the traits and skills needed to
execute a plan. While the first two aspects are essential to creating an
Determining how to
effective plan, this step ensures that resources are organized effectively and
carry out a plan.
efficiently in order to implement the plan. This is an area where you are
reasonably skilled and prepared, which helps the project stay on track during
the execution of a plan, when keeping to deadlines is crucial. Review the results below for more details on
any areas that need improvement.

o Gathering and analyzing information is an area where you are reasonably skilled. You seem to be
fairly familiar with the process of obtaining and evaluating reliable information needed to execute
plans, although you could improve a little more. This is an essential skill, as it will be the basis of
every decision you make as a manager.
o You tend to be a goal-setter. You have a fair amount of knowledge as to how to set appropriate
goals, and this will keep your employees motivated, as it helps them have something to aim for.
In order to execute the plans you create for your organization and assess their success, you must
set goals for your team to achieve.
o You have excellent prioritization skills. When it comes to knowing what to do and when to do it,
you have no problem making smart decisions. Goals, tasks, and plans have their logical sequence,
and employees are kept on track.
o Although you are probably fine making decisions most of the time, your responses imply that you
are not entirely comfortable with this duty. You either lack confidence in some areas or become
indecisive when you feel overwhelmed. You need to increase your decision-making confidence
because it is up to you as manager to decide how to achieve goals, complete tasks, and execute

Organizing (score 73)

Organizing involves the traits and skills needed to execute a plan. While
Planning determines what will be done and how, this function involves
Execution of plans.
ensuring that resources are organized effectively and efficiently as the plan is
carried out. Decisions are made by the manager as to who does what and by
when. The Organizing aspect of management ensures that goals are achieved. Refer to the results below for
information on the skills and traits that encompass this function.

o You are able to stay organized most of the time, although you may occasionally struggle when
work is busy or stressful. Overall, you apply organization strategies fairly consistently. This skill
will help you juggle the many duties of a manager, including ensuring that projects are done on
time and goals are met.
o You seem to know what it takes to manage your time effectively and likely use some strategies to
do so. You are usually able to divvy up available time in an efficient manner, but some
improvement is still possible. When you do apply time management strategies, deadlines are met
and timely execution of projects and plans are smoother.
o You are very familiar with project management and why it is important. This knowledge and
expertise helps you keep track of the progress of projects, resources being used, deadlines, and
which tasks each employee is in charge of completing.

HR Functions (score 75)

HR Functions are managerial duties that involve creating a staff that will help
the company achieve its goals. This is a function where there are certain legal
Duties that revolve
rules that must be followed to ensure that fairness and legal standards are
around putting together
upheld. The right staff can make a company great - poor hiring methods,
an effective staff.
recruitment, and training can break a company. Managers must possess a
great deal of knowledge in this area in order to ensure that they have the
right people for the right position.

o You have some knowledge of succession planning, but could still further expand your expertise in
this area. Succession planning is the process of developing personnel internally to fit a key
position at some point in the future, or at least ensuring that the company is ready with a new
candidate when a position becomes available. It is essential to be well-informed about succession
planning and to implement it as soon as possible, so that you will be sufficiently prepared for
future available positions or for sudden changes in your staff.
o You seem to be quite knowledgeable about hiring staff in a fair and legal manner. Being well-
informed about recruitment and hiring procedures can prevent errors with legal consequences,
and help you make better hiring decisions.
o Onboarding refers to the process of preparing and assimilating new employees into the company.
Your results indicate that you are fairly knowledgeable about onboarding and what it involves,
although there is still room to expand your expertise. Effective onboarding prepares new hires to
adapt to their position more quickly, which is especially true for those who don't have a great deal
of experience to fall back on.
o You have an excellent training approach. Your comprehensive and active training process for new
hires will help them adapt to their position and learn the ropes
o You have some knowledge about how to develop and respect diversity in your staff, but need to
further educate yourself. This will prevent unfair decisions and discrimination, even if
o You have the knowledge and expertise needed to build a well-rounded, cohesive and motivated
team. You know how to bring out the best in your group.

Directing (score 65)

Giving orders of what to do, how to do it, by when, and by who is one thing.
To really bring out the best in employees in a way that benefits them and the
Guiding employees to
organization as a whole is a different issue. This, in essence, is Directing.
attain their full potential
This managerial function encompasses traits and skills that not only
and achieve goals.
empower employees, but also characterize highly successful managers.

Authoritativeness (score 46)

Your results indicate that you are somewhat authoritative, but aren't always
able to display a take-charge attitude. Overall, the manner in which you carry
Ability to be firm and
yourself may not always be firm enough to demonstrate an air of authority to
self-assured in one's
others. This can sometimes make it difficult to effectively take control of
people and situations. Review the results below for areas where you could

o Although you would be relatively comfortable in a position of authority, it's a role that would take
some time for you to get used to. It's essential that you become more comfortable in a managerial
role, or you may struggle to gain respect and compliance from some employees.
o You will have a lot of difficulty handling the less pleasant managerial tasks that may not make you
popular with employees, like providing negative feedback or carrying out disciplinary measures.
You will need to find the courage to do so if you wish to become a manager.
o You take responsibility when things go wrong in your organization or department - you feel that
you should be accountable for everything and everyone that you manage. The role of manager in
itself implies the need to be accountable, and your willingness to do so will reflect well on you in
the minds of employees and clients.
o Your fairly low level of confidence is a concern. To be an authoritative manager, you need to give
those you manage the impression that you capable of taking on this challenging role. You are not
quite at this level of self-assurance yet. Others may lose their confidence in you if they observe
your lack of confidence.

Setting a Good Example (score 72)

On most occasions, you will set a good example for your employees to
follow. As a manager, you must do more than simply give out orders and
Conducting oneself in a
make decisions - you will need to be the type of person who can help others
manner that models the
live up to their full potential. In order to do so, you must model the way that
type of behavior we
you want your employees to behave. Review the results below for more desire to see in others.
information, as there may still be a few things that need improvement.

o You are generally a reliable person, although you may occasionally falter. Overall, you seem to
want to give employees the impression to that you can be depended upon to come through when
o Your behavior will give others the impression that you are generally quite committed to the
success of the company and your employees. In order to keep productivity and morale at a peak
level, strive to regularly make it clear to employees that you are committed to the company and
its goals.
o You are not expected to be your employees' best friend, but you do need to conduct yourself as
though you are a contributing member of the team, one who wants to work together to achieve
the organization's goals. Your actions will often reflect this. You seem to be a fairly supportive
and loyal member of your team.
o Beyond their potential for profit, it is essential to emphasize the importance of focusing on your
customers - of respecting them and making them happy - and you generally seem to understand
the value of this. You will try to set a good example for employees on how customers should be

Assessing Performance (score 79)

You understand that assessing employee performance fairly important, but

need to make sure this is a consistent routine. In order to get the best out of
Evaluating employee
those you manage, it is not only important to set standards for them, but
performance to ensure
also to assess whether they are living up to those standards as well. By
that they live up to work
making it clear to employees where they stand performance-wise, standards.
productivity and motivation can improve.

o You often set standards for employees to live up to in order to bring out the best in them. You
likely don't expect perfection, but strive to set the bar reasonably high. While you should ensure
that you do this on regular basis, you are definitely on the right track to helping employees
achieve success. These standards push employees but do not end up making them feel hopeless
and unsuccessful.
o You often emphasize accountability in your employees - sending the message to them that they
are active rather than passive participants in the success of the organization. While you should
ensure that this is done on a regular basis, you generally try to make employees feel
responsibility for and involved in their work.
o Making employees fully aware of performance feedback from customers is something you
consider very important. You will be providing them with vital information that could help them
connect with customers and provide them with better service.
o You praise employees frequently, or at least consider it important to do so. By regularly praising
employee achievements, they will know what they are doing well, and most importantly, will be
more likely to want to keep up the good work.
o You will often provide rewards to employees; most especially when you feel it is well-deserved.
Keep in mind that a clear way to motivate employees and let them know working hard is
worthwhile and greatly appreciated is to offer consistent rewards

Inspiring (score 61)

You have what it takes to inspire your employees, and to make them take
pride in the company they work for. While you could further develop the
Assesses whether a
traits that encompass this factor, you are certainly on the right track. Your
person possess the
employees will take more pride in the company and work hard under your
traits that can instill a
management. Refer to the breakdown of results below for the areas in which sense of pride and
you can improve. purpose in employees.

o You are somewhat charismatic, but could use more of that energy and dynamism. Boosting your
charisma will help you inspire employees more and make them want to join in and help you
realize the organization's plans and ideas.
o Your behavior at work, at least on most occasions, is guided by a set of principles. You seem to
possess some work values, and usually strive to live up to your ethical standards, which will
inspire employees to do the same.
o Your attitude is usually more positive than negative, which will make it easier to inspire
employees. Obstacles, stressful days, and difficult projects will be less of a challenge for
employees to get through if you encourage them to display a more upbeat attitude and positive
o You feel that for the most part, you have some control over your potential for success. It's what
you do, not external circumstances that are the determining factor. This attitude will promote the
idea to employees that their hard work and effort can make a difference. An even more proactive
attitude couldn't hurt, however.
o You are moderately passionate about your work. With a strong level of enthusiasm for your
occupation, inspiring others will be much easier for you.
o You understand the importance of practicing corporate citizenship, and are generally interested in
implementing it, with few reservations. Corporate citizenship involves adopting practices that are
socially, environmentally, and culturally beneficial to the community that the company is a
member of. Many of the most desirable want to work for an organization whose practices are

Leading (score 66)

You are on your way to becoming a good leader - but there may still be some
areas where improvement will be needed. Refer to the results below for more
Guiding and bringing
details. Even if you do possess strong skills in other areas related to the
out the best in others.
more technical or business side of management, relating to employees in a
manner that fosters development and empowerment requires strong
leadership ability. Fortunately you have many of the traits of a good leader.

o You likely recognize the importance of keeping employees motivated, and you seem to have a
fairly good idea of how to go about doing this effectively. Your ability to motivate others will help
boost morale during difficult times.
o You often provide guidance and coaching in order to help nurture and develop employee
potential. You have the potential to be an excellent mentor if you spend more time developing
this ability and to guiding, training, and advising others.
o You see the need to communicate your vision for the company to employees, but won't do this all
the time. Perhaps you feel it isn't necessary to keep employees in the loop about everything. Keep
in mind however, that in order to effectively lead others to achieve company goals, those you lead
need to know the direction they are heading in, and why.
o While you are likely not a total stranger to presentations, this is still an area you are not entirely
comfortable with. As you improve your presentation skills however, your comfort level will likely
increase as a result. Ideas, tasks, and motivational speeches will likely go over better if you are
able to present them in a more effective manner.
o You consciously make it a point to be fair and just to all employees, regardless of their position or
background. You treat everyone with equal respect.

Controlling (score 75)

The Controlling function of management is in place to in order to keep goals

and plans on track. Managers need to do more than simply tell others what
Assessing progress and
to do - they need to make sure that the tasks they have been assigned, no
ensuring that plans and
matter how minor, are being done properly. These skills related to the
goals are unfolding
controlling function allow managers to gauge the effectiveness of ideas or effectively.
plans they have implemented, and make tweaks if necessary.

o You will actively stay informed about employee progress on tasks and projects. This will allow you
to stay on top of how everything is unfolding and potentially prevent problems and errors before
they happen.
o Once a task has been completed, a good manager will go over it to see whether it is in line with
expectations. You usually take the time to measure employee output against expectations for the
projects they have been working on. This can prevent sloppy or unprofessional work from going
unnoticed and result in an overall better performance from your team. Make sure to be consistent
in this area and do not let important projects go by without checking them over.
o You are fairly good with details, which is essential to quality control. You are more likely to catch
errors and to be able to deal with the structured, step-by-step approach that is required to
complete a project or bring a plan to fruition.

Business Acumen (score 62)

Business Acumen encompasses traits and skills that are essential to the
running of a business. Aside from guiding and directing employees,
Knowledge and ability to
managers also need to ensure that they are running a successful business.
effectively run a
Managers need to keep the business side of things in focus at all times, even
when dealing with the people-side of their management tasks.

o While you are moderately comfortable taking risks, you are likely to hesitate in high-risk
situations. Taking risks is part of the business world, and something you will need to learn to
become more comfortable with - with experience, your comfort level may increase.
o You are or are likely to be a calculated risk-taker. Acting on impulse when it comes to taking
chances is not your style - you think things through and then take a leap of faith, knowing you
have done your best to plan for all eventualities Your ability to take smart risks will keep your
organization competitive and successful in the business world.
o Although you don't possess a natural business sense or ability to find business prospects easily,
you possess at least some skill in this area. This can develop further with experience, but you
need to make sure to keep yourself constantly informed about changes in the business world and
be more open to potential business opportunities.
o You seem to know the direction you want your organization to head in and what you want to
achieve, although this vision may still need to be solidified. With a solid vision in mind, you can
more easily make your mark in the business world.
o With a little time, you can adapt to new or unfamiliar stimuli, but you likely find yourself caught
off-guard initially. Staying in line with a dynamic business world is going to be a bit of challenge
at first for you.
o While the degree to which you will be involved in negotiations may vary depending on your field,
all managers must be involved with negotiating to some degree. This is due to the fact that even
resolving issues with employees and settling deadlines with clients requires the ability to
negotiate. This is an area where you are doing fairly well - negotiating can become one of your
top strengths if you continue to improve.

Interpersonal Skills (score 61)

behavioral, personality,
and emotional factors
When working with people, interpersonal skills are indispensable. Managers
that come into play
will be in constant contact with clients and employees, and require both a
during social
verbal and non-verbal presence - interpersonal skills are the basis of a
manager's ability to inspire, motivate, and command respect as well as
acquiescence. This is an area in which any deficiency is highly evident - many
employees and clients will struggle to look for any redeeming traits if a manager's interpersonal ability is

Soft Skills (score 71)

Your interpersonal skills are fairly good. Your skills and attitude generally
favor an open and friendly work atmosphere, although you can still work to
Ability to interact
improve in this area. In order to build a strong rapport with others,
effectively with others.
interpersonal skills are essential - and are not abilities that can be worked
around or compensated for by other skills. You are doing reasonably well in
this area, but it would be a good idea to refer to the breakdown of results below and work on any areas that
have room for improvement.

o Most of the time, you give others the impression that you are fairly approachable and open. Your
words and actions are likely to make employees feel welcomed.
o You have reasonably good communication skills. While there is still room for improvement, you
can communicate clearly and effectively with relative ease.
o Although there is still some room for improvement, you seem to understand what active listening
involves, and strive to practice it in your interactions with others. You are less likely to miss out
on important information communicated by others.
o You comport yourself very well in social situations - you have stellar skills. Others likely feel that
you are well-mannered and easy to interact with.
o You are a very insightful individual, and are capable of taking context into consideration when
making judgments about other people's emotions or behavior. You try to give people the benefit
of the doubt, and when they behave poorly, seek to understand where their behavior might be
coming from. This will allow you to obtain a clear understanding of those you work with, and
adjust your managerial approach accordingly.
o You are a relatively empathetic person, and will try as much as possible to place yourself in other
people's shoes, although you may occasionally have trouble doing so. Overall however, you can
generally understand employees and build a meaningful rapport with them.
o You may have every intention of resolving conflict in the most ideal way, but it can sometimes be
a challenge for you. Overall, your approach to resolving conflict is reasonably good, but could use
further improvement. Otherwise, conflicts at work may escalate if you do not resolve them

Poise (score 51)

When faced with difficult or stressful situations, you do at times struggle to
Ability to maintain
maintain your composure. You may not lose control of your emotions
composure and
immediately (or all the time), but you may do so if a stressful situation or
emotional control in the
annoying person persists, or if stressors pile up at work. It's likely that
face of stress or other
learning some stress management and emotional regulation techniques
challenging situations.
could help you gain greater control. Poise is essential in a position of
authority, as others will look to you as a model of appropriate behavior at
work. Losing control, even occasionally, can lead to defensiveness, hostility, fear, or low morale in others,
and deter employees from bringing up problems out of fear of how you will react. Review the results below
for information on the areas in which you can improve.

o You will usually take a moment to consider the social consequences of your behavior, but there
may be a few occasions when you either have a little trouble self-monitoring, or you don't fully
contemplate the consequences of your actions. Overall, however, you are reasonably capable of
regulating how you act in different situations, which improves your conduct at work.
o Overall, you can maintain your patience most of the time, which makes it less likely that you'll
take actions that you will regret. You still have room to improve your patience even more,
however. There may still be particularly trying situations or people that you find more difficult to
o You are not very assertive, and will struggle to be firm in situations when it is necessary. You
need to be able to take charge of situations and people when working in a managerial position,
and this not something that will come at all easily to you.

Intrapersonal Skills (score 70)

Besides taking care of the "external world" in the form of everyday tasks,
managing and directing employees, and running an organization, managers
Encompasses traits and
must also govern their "internal world". Intrapersonal skills are the traits that
abilities that allow an
allow a manager to attain personal success. These are factors that must be
individual to achieve his
developed from within, if a manager hopes to achieve his or her potential. or her full potential.
Intrapersonal skills can impact other areas", as internal difficulties in the
form of a lack of determination or self-development will almost always have palpable repercussions on
actions that are taken and decisions that are made.

Determination (score 69)

Your level of effort and determination is quite strong, although you may want
to develop it even further. Overall, when times become difficult (troubles with
A success orientation;
employees, difficult projects) or you are overwhelmed with managerial
focused and purposeful
responsibilities and problems to resolve, you will be able to tap into this
plodding towards
determination to help you get through these obstacles - at least most of the achievement.
time. Determination is essential, as it provides the push needed to overcome
o You are able to focus on a goal when you put your mind to it. While sticking to long-term goals
can occasionally be a challenge, you have it in you to do so. This will help you stay on track in the
process of achieving goals you set for yourself and the company.
o You have a fairly strong level of drive. You seem to have a suitable amount of determination to
push yourself to go beyond your current capabilities. With a little more drive, you can boost your
performance and potential for success even higher, as you seem to generally want to give it your
o You are fairly resilient, although you may occasionally find it a challenge to stay strong after
particularly trying situations. While it could take you a bit of time to pick yourself up after
experiencing a setback, you will do so eventually, and will keep plodding forward.

Self-Development (score 71)

You are fairly interested in further self-development, although you may not
see the need to upgrade every aspect of your skill set. Managerial styles have
Strong, proactive desire
developed and changed with time, which is a sign that you need to
to develop one's
continuously adjust your approaches as you go. Even if you have expertise in
many areas, as the business world changes, technologies and other abilities
will need to change too. You are generally willing to upgrade your abilities
for the most part.

o You usually don't expect perfection from yourself, but you also won't settle for lower standards
than you are capable of achieving. You generally possess a healthy level of perfectionism, but
need to ensure that you consistently set standards for yourself that are challenging but
o You have some interest in expanding your knowledge much further and seek to improve in areas
where you may not have achieved your full potential. You may not see the need for self-
improvement in all areas, but see the benefits of lifelong learning. This increases your ability to
grow as a manager, and as a person.
Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report


The following is a summarized version of your results, categorized as Strengths, Potential "A good manager is a
Strengths, and Limitations. person who isn't worried
about his/her own career
Strengths but rather the careers of
those who work for
him/her." - H.S.M. Burns
·You have strong managerial potential
·You are likely to excel in the Planning aspect of management
·You possess good conceptual skills
·You are able to see the "big picture"
·You possess good analytical reasoning skills
·You show creative potential
·You know what effective brainstorming requires
·You have a good approach to problem solving
·You have a proactive approach to work
·You are likely to do well in the Process aspect of management
·You are able to gather and analyze information effectively
·You are goal oriented
·You know how to effectively prioritize tasks and projects
·You are likely to excel in the Organizing aspect of management
·You possess good organization skills
·You manage your time well
·You are familiar with the process of effective project management
·You are likely to excel in the HR aspect of management
·You are familiar with HR and Succession Planning
·You are familiar with the process of recruitment and hiring
·You are familiar with the process of onboarding
·You are able to train new employees effectively
·You know how to build effective teams
·You are likely to excel in the Directing aspect of management
·You take responsibility for your behavior
·You are likely to set a good example for those you manage
·You are a reliable person
·You tackle tasks and goals with dedication and commitment
·You are a team player
·You consider it important to instill customer service in employees
·You are likely to do well in the Assessing Performance aspect of management
·You set healthy standards for employees to live up to
·You instill a sense of personal responsibility in employees
·You consider it important to offer employees customer feedback on their performance
·You actively praise employees
·You consider it important to reward employee performance
·You are likely to be a source of inspiration for those you manage
·You possess strong principles related to ethical behavior
·You have a positive mindset
·You believe you have control over how successful you will be
·You are willing to practice corporate citizenship
·You are likely to do well in the Leading aspect of management
·You are able to motivate employees effectively
·You possess good coaching ability
·You are likely to treat everyone you manage in a fair manner
·You are likely to excel in the Controlling aspect of management
·You are able to monitor employee performance effectively
·You understand the importance of measuring and evaluating results of employee output in
light of set expectations
·You excel in quality control
·You are likely to excel in the Business aspect of management
·You are a calculated risk-taker
·You have a well-defined vision for your organization
·You possess good negotiating ability
·You possess good interpersonal skills
·You possess good soft skills
·You have an approachable demeanor
·You possess good communication skills
·You possess good listening skills
·You possess good social skills
·You are socially insightful
·You practice empathy
·You self-monitor your behavior
·You are a patient person
·You possess good intrapersonal skills
·You show a strong level of determination
·You have a steady, consistent work effort
·You are driven to achieve success
·You are resilient
·You consider self-development important
·You have a healthy level of perfectionism
·You are open to self-improvement

Potential Strengths

·You are somewhat open to innovation

·You possess reasonably good foresight
·You are moderately comfortable dealing with situations that involve ambiguity
·You are sometimes able to make decisions effectively
·You know how to manage diversity to some degree
·You are likely to be a moderately authoritative manager
·You are moderately comfortable in a position of authority
·You are somewhat charismatic
·You are moderately passionate about management
·You are able to communicate your vision to others reasonably well
·You possess decent presentation skills
·You are moderately comfortable taking risks
·You are reasonably good at uncovering business opportunities
·You are able to adapt to different situations reasonably well
·You sometimes deal with conflict in a productive manner
·You display poise on some occasions


·You do not possess a great deal of technical skill

·You will need more managerial courage in order to tackle sensitive tasks
·Your level of confidence is low
·You are not very assertive
Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report



Advice made available with actual full reports only.

Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report


The following is a summarized version of your results, categorized as Strengths, Potential "A good manager is a
Strengths, and Limitations. person who isn't worried
about his/her own career
Strengths but rather the careers of
those who work for
him/her." - H.S.M. Burns
·You have strong managerial potential
·You are likely to excel in the Planning aspect of management
·You possess good conceptual skills
·You are able to see the "big picture"
·You possess good analytical reasoning skills
·You show creative potential
·You know what effective brainstorming requires
·You have a good approach to problem solving
·You have a proactive approach to work
·You are likely to do well in the Process aspect of management
·You are able to gather and analyze information effectively
·You are goal oriented
·You know how to effectively prioritize tasks and projects
·You are likely to excel in the Organizing aspect of management
·You possess good organization skills
·You manage your time well
·You are familiar with the process of effective project management
·You are likely to excel in the HR aspect of management
·You are familiar with HR and Succession Planning
·You are familiar with the process of recruitment and hiring
·You are familiar with the process of onboarding
·You are able to train new employees effectively
·You know how to build effective teams
·You are likely to excel in the Directing aspect of management
·You take responsibility for your behavior
·You are likely to set a good example for those you manage
·You are a reliable person
·You tackle tasks and goals with dedication and commitment
·You are a team player
·You consider it important to instill customer service in employees
·You are likely to do well in the Assessing Performance aspect of management
·You set healthy standards for employees to live up to
·You instill a sense of personal responsibility in employees
·You consider it important to offer employees customer feedback on their performance
·You actively praise employees
·You consider it important to reward employee performance
·You are likely to be a source of inspiration for those you manage
·You possess strong principles related to ethical behavior
·You have a positive mindset
·You believe you have control over how successful you will be
·You are willing to practice corporate citizenship
·You are likely to do well in the Leading aspect of management
·You are able to motivate employees effectively
·You possess good coaching ability
·You are likely to treat everyone you manage in a fair manner
·You are likely to excel in the Controlling aspect of management
·You are able to monitor employee performance effectively
·You understand the importance of measuring and evaluating results of employee output in
light of set expectations
·You excel in quality control
·You are likely to excel in the Business aspect of management
·You are a calculated risk-taker
·You have a well-defined vision for your organization
·You possess good negotiating ability
·You possess good interpersonal skills
·You possess good soft skills
·You have an approachable demeanor
·You possess good communication skills
·You possess good listening skills
·You possess good social skills
·You are socially insightful
·You practice empathy
·You self-monitor your behavior
·You are a patient person
·You possess good intrapersonal skills
·You show a strong level of determination
·You have a steady, consistent work effort
·You are driven to achieve success
·You are resilient
·You consider self-development important
·You have a healthy level of perfectionism
·You are open to self-improvement

Potential Strengths

·You are somewhat open to innovation

·You possess reasonably good foresight
·You are moderately comfortable dealing with situations that involve ambiguity
·You are sometimes able to make decisions effectively
·You know how to manage diversity to some degree
·You are likely to be a moderately authoritative manager
·You are moderately comfortable in a position of authority
·You are somewhat charismatic
·You are moderately passionate about management
·You are able to communicate your vision to others reasonably well
·You possess decent presentation skills
·You are moderately comfortable taking risks
·You are reasonably good at uncovering business opportunities
·You are able to adapt to different situations reasonably well
·You sometimes deal with conflict in a productive manner
·You display poise on some occasions


·You do not possess a great deal of technical skill

·You will need more managerial courage in order to tackle sensitive tasks
·Your level of confidence is low
·You are not very assertive

Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report


Advice made available with actual full reports only.

Management Skills and Styles Assessment - Sample Report


Advice made available with actual full reports only.

Management Skills and Styles Assessment

detailed results
strengths & limitations

Snapshot Report



You are usually able to effectively stand your ground and command respect from others, but may hesitate on
some occasions. Generally however, you can firmly take control of people and situations. The manner in which
you carry yourself is typically secure enough to demonstrate an air of authority to others. Review the results
below for areas where improvement may be needed.

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