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Oral Motor Exercises 
Children may have difficulty or need strengthening in all of these areas or they may need to focus on just 
one particular muscle. If you see your child has no problem completing certain groups of these exercises, 
there's probably not a weakness there! 

Tongue Exercises: 

Use a vibrating toothbrush to brush teeth (stimulates tongue movement) 

● There are smaller ones for babies and toddlers. Note that vibration can be an intense sensory 
input, if your child refuses, take baby steps to help them get used to the sensation. Never force. 

Licking popsicles or lollipops outside of the mouth 

Placing applesauce, yogurt, or pudding on the corners of the mouth and having kids lick off 

Click or cluck tongue 

Sing "La, la, la" 

Try to touch tongue to tip of nose 

Blow raspberries 

Count teeth with tongue 

Lip and Cheek Exercises: 

Blowing air kisses 

Drinking through a straw (Learn ​how to teach babies and toddlers to drink from a straw​ from as early as 

9 months old). 

● Experiment with thicker textures like milkshakes and even applesauce to make it more 

Hold a small carrot stick or other food in between the teeth without using teeth to hold it steady 

Alisha Grogan MOT, OTR/L 2020

Make silly faces 

● Fish lips (ages 3 and up) 

● Make "O" shape with lips 
● Spread lips far apart 
● Kiss lips 
● Blow fish face, with cheeks puffed out 

Blow bubbles (20 months plus) 


● Pick a nursery rhyme that your child likes and try humming it together 

Play a harmonica 

Use party blowers 

Smack lips together 

Blow whistles (easy ones can be used from about 18 months and older) 

● There are a ton of whistles out there, many are very affordable.  
● Other whistles are more challenging. Sets are also available if you want a variety. 

Jaw Exercises: 

Bite on a vibrating toy 

● Baby teethers can work if they fit in your child's mouth 

● Handheld massagers can even be held to the jaw for a few seconds at a time to stimulate the 
● Animal jigglers are designed to go inside your child's mouth and can even be used as utensils. Kids 
are often motivated to bite on the chewy texture. 
● For the most intensive vibration, therapists may use a z-vibe. These are very powerful and should 
be used carefully, making sure your child is comfortable with the sensation. ​Vibration is very 
stimulating to the muscles in short bursts of 3-5 seconds, but starts to relax the muscles after 
that point​. Watch for your child's reactions. 

Use a mesh bag (found in the baby department) to chew on foods directly on the molars 

● We want kids to chew directly on their molars, or where they will be, on the back of their gums. 
Hold (or have them hold) the mesh bag and chew while keeping it in place. I love to put frozen 
grapes or strawberries in the bag, but use a food you think your child will enjoy! 

Chew on molars with chewy foods 

● Dried mango strips 

● Beef jerky 

Alisha Grogan MOT, OTR/L 2020

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