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Test 1 Gramatyka Wynik/30


Czasy teraźniejsze Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous

1 Wybierz prawidłową formę czasownika. A bit of a whirlwind romance I believe as they

0 I can’t help you right now, I’m afraid. I meet /

______________________ (know) each other for only
am meeting a friend in half an hour. a few months.
1 We’ll need to get a move on. The coach leaves / Marta: Really? No?
is leaving in half an hour. Joanna: And recently she 8 _____________________ (take up)
2 I have ironed / have been ironing the clothes.
going to the gym. She 9 _____________ (go) three or
What should I do next?
four times a week as she 10 __________________ (try)
3 My wrist hurts. I have been playing / have played that
to lose a bit of weight before the big day.
new online game non-stop for the last five hours.
4 How often are you going / do you go bowling with Janet? Marta: Wow. How some things change, eh?
5 We’d better get ready. The sun comes / is coming up /10
and we’ve got a long climb ahead of us.
3 Przekształć zdania, używając wyrazu podanego
6 Is Marcy okay? I think she has been crying / has cried.
drukowanymi literami, tak aby zachować znaczenie
7 My Spanish is getting much better. I am attending / zdania wyjściowego.
attend a class every Saturday. 0 I seldom go to art galleries. USUALLY
8 I think your egg is ready. It has boiled / has been boiling I don't usually go to art galleries.
for a few minutes now. 1 I haven’t eaten meat for over five years. MORE
9 Patrick and Eliza are having / have a baby. It’s a beautiful It 
golden-haired boy.  .
10 I have left / have been leaving him messages all morning 2 I started to live here in 2001. SINCE
but he hasn’t responded yet. I
11 Unbelievable! We’re only 45 seconds into the game  .
and Gerrard puts / is putting the ball in the back of the 3 She doesn’t get to see him very often. RARELY
Arsenal net! She
12 Here’s a good joke: A bear walks / has walked into
a restaurant…
4 These days, the number of people that use public
transport is rising. NOWADAYS
2 Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. More and more 
Joanna: Hi, Marta. I 0 haven’t seen (not / see) you for ages.
5 It’s annoying that Janet loses her glasses all the time.
How’s it going?
Marta: Great, thanks. And you? 1 ______________________
(you / hear) from Susan recently?  .
Joanna: Susan? She 2 ________________ (live) in London 6 You are very similar in appearance to your father. LOOK
at the moment and 3 _________________ (work) You 

temporarily as a waitress in a pizza restaurant just  .

7 It isn’t my intention to hurt you. MEAN
to try and earn a few pounds.
Marta: Really. 4 ____________________ (you / speak) to her
8 This is her first appearance on stage. NEVER
Joanna: She 5 _______________ (call) me every now and then She 
to fill me in on the news. And guess what?  .
She’s met a guy and they _______________________
____________ (get married) in the summer.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom rozszerzony

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