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Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in
the UN’s Plan to Halt Population Growth

Article · January 2016

DOI: 10.4172/2161-1165.1000232


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Kevin Galalae
University of Victoria


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Epidemiology: Open Access Galalae, Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 2016, 6:1

Review Article Open Access

Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in
the UN’s Plan to Halt Population Growth
Kevin Galalae*
Founder and Director, Center of Global Consciousness, Ayr, Ontario, Canada
*Corresponding author: Kevin Galalae, Founder and Director, Center of Global Consciousness, Ayr, Ontario, Canada, Tel: 519-632-9437; E-mail:
[email protected]
Received date: February 26, 2016; Accepted date: March 07, 2016; Published date: March 14, 2016
Copyright: © 2016 Galalae K. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Faced with resistance from civil society, pressured by an increasingly volatile world, handicapped by the loss of
the cover of secrecy, disarmed of plausible deniability, and driven by the sustainability agenda, the UN and national
governments have become desperate and isolated and have been forced to adopt a new strategy of population
control that no longer relies on their lost ability to turn man against man but on a newly gained ability to turn nature
against man. Population control via chemically-induced sterility and morbidity over the course of a lifetime through
the adulteration of the basic elements of life with endocrine disruptors is being phased out as more ambitious
depopulation targets via vaccine-induced apoptosis through mandatory immunization programmes are being phased
in. This new methodology of subverting fertility and increasing mortality, the two means of stable populations,
implemented under the guise of societal interventions for public health outcomes with the help of a new global
instrument of coercion called ‘public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) requires far fewer financial
and human resources but entails far greater risks for mankind and for all life on earth. This methodology allows for
the concomitant pursuit of peak population and peak life expectancy by genetically programming sterility and
morbidity early in life through childhood vaccines so the engineered demographic transition is accomplished
worldwide by 2050 in the most economical fashion and with the furthest timeframe of responsibility, but also with
little or no regard to the integrity of human life, fully outside the law and in defiance of constitutional guarantees.

Keywords Microcephaly; Apoptosis; Endocrine disruptors; Genetic The struggle to regain control of medicine and to free it of secret
programming; Demographic transition; Vestergaard international security prerogatives that cause collateral damage to the
genetic and intellectual endowment of humanity and have the potential
Introduction of irrevocably disrupting the natural balance has begun. What is at
stake is public health and social stability. What we stand to lose is the
The strategy used to halt population growth until recently has been perpetuation of our species and the continuation of our civilization.
to turn man against man by rewarding industry for adulterating the
basic elements of life with endocrine disruptors. Genetic Method
breakthroughs are now allowing governments to accomplish
demographic objectives and advance economic interests by turning This is an analysis of the contradictions, absurdities and
nature against man. inconsistencies used by national and international health authorities
and their reliance on fabricated data, false research and misleading
Above and beyond the obvious, namely that genocide is now
public statements in the current geopolitical context shaped by their
enabled by the ability of scientists to reprogrammed genes, this
diminished permission to harm health through chemical means and
indicates three other important developments. First, national
the increased urgency to accomplish the UN’s Sustainable
administrations and the UN system have become isolated and can no
Development Goals.
longer extort money from parliaments under false pretenses to fund
existing and covert chemical and biological depopulation methods.
Secondly, the public is becoming increasingly aware of the well-
guarded methodology of sterility, morbidity and death employed until Three decades ago, the infectious disease landscape was sparse and
now and people everywhere are taking action to protect themselves, HIV/AIDS was the only global threat to human health posed by a
thus making these methods less and less effective. communicable disease (Figure 1) according to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) [1].
And thirdly, civil society and professional groups, especially in the
medical community, have begun to openly speak up against the Today, countless new pathogens threaten the wellbeing of people in
existing methods and means of depopulation and to actively influence every corner of the world (Figure 2).
lawmakers to remove hundreds of endocrine disruptors from the food This is what we are led to believe by an international system that
system and environment as they are no longer willing to be relies on health threats to manufacture fear that is then capitalized on
manipulated by duplicitous state institutions to unknowingly act as to manufacture pesticides, drugs and vaccines that have a dual
foot soldiers for genocidal governments. purpose: heal or protect against a particular infectious disease while at

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

Page 2 of 16

the same time induce sterility and/or increase morbidity, as the need American people before national governments in the developing world
may be [2]. allow their application at home. These manufactured epidemics and
pandemics are then let loose on the regions of the world with the
highest total fertility rates, which are Africa, South-East Asia, and
South America, in that order.
A comparison of the 1985 with the 2016 map of global epidemics
suggests that the explosion of infectious threats around the world in
the past three decades cannot possibly be the result of nature gone
haywire-for if that were the case the pandemics would be uniformly
distributed around the world, or at the very least there would be parity
between developed nations-or of better monitoring-in which case
Africa’s derelict public health services would have missed any and all
outbreaks-and can only be attributed to a change in policy to allow
governments and the UN system to pursue vital demographic
This modus operandi is the result of a decision made by religious
authorities in 1953 to allow secular authorities to defuse the
population bomb by damaging human fertility only if in the process of
Figure 1: Global health threats in 1985. healing man from a disease; a decision enshrined in the 1968 encyclical
letter Humanae Vitae: On the Regulation of Birth [5].
Such ethical contortion by spiritual leaders cleared the way for
governments to commit genocide without any moral impediments and
to bypass democracy and violate the rule of law by hiding the use of
covert chemical and biological methods of population control behind
plausible deniability and the open use of psychosocial, legal and
economic methods of family subversion behind false pretenses of
promoting gender equality and child protection. As long as secular
authorities do more good than bad their religious counterparts
maintain the code of silence because the world cannot survive a
doubling of the population from 7 to 14 billion, which would occur in
30 years absent population control. This geopolitical imperative
therefore trumps all other considerations, even basic morality and the
fundamental right to life.
Six decades later, we find ourselves dying, both literally and
Figure 2: Global health threats in 2016. figuratively, in a dystopian and alienating society anchored in
totalitarian and dehumanizing institutions that are empowered to
commit Orwellian abuses and free to ignore Kafkaesque absurdities
If the incidence of infectious diseases had exploded as their birthed by giant and global bureaucracies that are fiercely protected by
reporting has exploded in the past 30 years than the number of victims the tacit support of the world’s spiritual leaders, the implicit collusion
would have also exploded. But the statistical data shows otherwise, of nearly every government on the planet, and the active involvement
namely that chronic diseases have replaced infectious diseases as of an ever-growing and ever-more intrusive military-industrial
primary killers and as the main burden of disease even in the complex to be able to continue to pursue desirable and constructive
developing world [3]. social outcomes through undesirable and destructive acts of structural
This epidemiologic transition, which precedes prosperity in the
developing world, is now fully explained by the misuse of endocrine In this environment every scientific discovery and medical
disruptors as covert chemical destroyers of human fertility and along breakthrough is a double-edged sword used openly for the short-term
with it also of human health, and by the abuse of immune-depressants good of mankind and the long-term detriment of nature by civil
delivered through an increasing and forced regime of vaccinations in society and misused secretly for the short-term ill of mankind and the
order to subvert longevity [4]. long-term benefit of nature by uncivil society, the latter of which is
allowed and helped to be a step ahead of the former. This political
A look at the recent map of global incidence of infectious diseases accommodation wields good and evil to create an artificial balance in
(Figure 2) reveals at a glance that the distribution of these profane society that equals the natural balance of divine nature so as to
manufactured pandemics is suspiciously and impossibly high in the prevent our civilization from unhinging itself. This balancing act of
U.S. and that three other parts of the world-Africa, South-East Asia, global proportions is blessed by religious authorities, administered by
and South America-follow suit but lag behind the U.S. The U.S., which the United Nations, facilitated by national governments, and carried
boasts the most expensive and sophisticated health care system in the out by the military-industrial complex.
world, registers by far the highest incidents of infectious disease
epidemics. This paradox can only be explained if these health threats It is man’s first attempt to mimic God by assuming command and
are conceived by the U.S. military-industrial complex and tested on the control of our entire civilization so that humanity is never again a

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

Page 3 of 16

victim of history and at the mercy of Nature and can instead cast its organization: in April 2009 over the H1N1 flu virus (Swine Flu)
own destiny. pandemic that started in Mexico [6]; in May 2014 over a supposedly
resurgent Polio in Pakistan, Cameroon and Syria that was deemed an
For better or worse this system has preserved us from nuclear
“extraordinary event” [7]; in August 2014 over the Ebola outbreak in
annihilation, mass starvation and environmental devastation.
West Africa [8], and most recently in February 2016 over Zika in Brazil
It has also drawn the world closer and has created economic and [9].
cultural common denominators that have allowed the last two
Each of these manufactured crises has pursued multiple objectives,
generations to be largely free of war, experience a stable state of
some legitimate and others illegitimate. What they have in common is
prosperity, and live twice as long and thrice as well as our distant
that they are all based on no evidence about the clinical features,
epidemiology and virology of reported but unconfirmed cases. In other
But the methodology of balancing life and death by artificial means words they are based on nothing.
for the sake of international peace, social stability and lasting
What they also have in common is that they have created
prosperity-and more recently also for environmental preservation-has
opportunities for interventions of a classified nature by allowing
come to a dead and deadly end, because the cumulative side effects of
authorities to have physical contact with people year after year, which
covert chemical poisoning and abusive biological interference with the
is particularly valuable for countries without cohesive and well-
immune system over multiple generations have done extensive and
developed infrastructure and where people, as a result, cannot be
perhaps irreparable damage to our genetic and intellectual
poisoned into sterility from afar by the state, as the West has done
endowment; damage that will in short time render humanity
through water, salt, milk or dental fluoridation and through the
completely incapable of reproduction and in even shorter time
adulteration of food and beverages with hundreds of endocrine
condemn us all through chronic illness to dysfunctional minds and
disabled bodies.
Physical proximity to individuals allows the state to get close
Over the past four years, author have succeeded in convincing those
enough to its citizens for long enough to involuntarily sterilize and/or
at the helm of the world that they cannot save let alone improve society
prematurely and slowly kill them selectively, as the need may be.
by involuntarily sterilizing, relentlessly enfeebling, and prematurely
killing man, no more than they can save the planet by damaging and
destroying mankind. First Public Health Emergency of International Concern
Only healthy individuals with healthy habits living in a healthy
society can save the planet and perpetuate the species. The H1N1 influenza virus that gave rise to the first public health
emergency of international concern (PHEIC) was a test run for future
That this is the only way forward appears to have sunk in since great man-made pandemics; the trigger for annual flu vaccinations that
effort is now being expended on removing hundreds of endocrine contain sterilizants or immune-depressants; the beginning of large-
disruptors deliberately inserted over the past seven decades in our food scale immunization programmes to reach all corners of the world; the
system and environment to primarily subvert fertility and occasionally chosen alternative to minimize antibiotic use and thus prevent
increase morbidity so that births and deaths could be brought in antibiotic resistance; a way to get to pregnant women in countries that
perfect balance at the desirable rate of 10 each annually per 1,000 are new to population control so as to inject them with sterilizing
people, which, if sustained, would complete the engineered tetanus toxoid vaccines laced with human chorionic gonadotropin
demographic transition from a natural state of many births and deaths (HCG) [10]; a way to get to the elderly in developed nations that have
and universally short lives to a managed state of few births and deaths reached the 4th or 5th stage of the demographic transition (and have
and universally long lives. therefore unsustainable dependency burdens) so as to weaken their
That policy makers have begun to understand the world can only be immune system and cause their premature death; a way to get to the
saved by healthy individuals with healthy habits living in a healthy chronically ill and to indigenous people that pose a burden on national
society is also apparent from the extraordinary efforts currently budgets or sit on desirable land that nations and corporations covet for
underway to shift reticent and conservative regions of the world from their natural resources; a means to obtain funding through
socially undesirable to socially desirable reproductive habits. collaborative action as a humanitarian imperative; and an effective way
to convince or coerce donor countries to mobilize resources to support
But while the struggle against tobacco and alcohol consumption and meeting the urgent needs of the ‘Least Resourced Countries’ (LRSs)
for low fat diets and active lifestyles is open and honest, the struggle identified through the ‘Urgent Needs Identification and Prioritization
against high fertility rates for people in their reproductive years living (UNIP) process, in other words fund population control programs in
in the developing world and the parallel struggle for short lifespans for least-developed nations and GAVI-eligible developing nations that
people in retirement, poverty and disability living in the developed cannot be otherwise funded.
world is hidden, perverse and dishonest.
All of these goals are couched in diplomatic language in official
Furthermore, the health agenda is distorted not only by hidden national and international documents that say one thing and mean
demographic but also by ambitious environmental objectives. another or that leave more unsaid then is being stated.

Let me illustrate On the issue of targeting pregnant women, one such document, and
a WHO position paper from 2010 [11], states: for countries
In its 68-year history, the World Health Organization (WHO) has considering the initiation or expansion of programmers for seasonal
declared a ‘public health emergency of international concern’ (PHEIC) influenza vaccination, WHO recommends that pregnant women
only four times, all of them in the past seven years and under the same should have the highest priority.
Director-General, Dr. Margaret Chan, who is still at the helm of the

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

Page 4 of 16

Pregnant women should be vaccinated with TIV (trivalent influenza money and fund a program of global genocide while handsomely
vaccine) at any stage of pregnancy. This recommendation is based on profiting from it.
evidence of a substantial risk of severe disease in this group and
In this system those who cause illness and death, and who have a
evidence that seasonal influenza vaccine is safe throughout pregnancy
license to kill, are financially rewarded and glorified, while those who
and effective in preventing influenza in the women as well as in their
find effective ways to heal are vilified, thus self-reinforcing the culture
young infants, in whom the disease burden is also high.
of death that the UN system has come to represent. In this system
Additional considerations for targeting pregnant women include the those who have a license to heal cannot possibly stand against those
operational feasibility, given existing mechanisms for delivering who have a license to kill. The sooner doctors and people around the
tetanus toxoid vaccine to pregnant women in low- and middle-income world come to realize this, the sooner we can rescue ourselves and
countries and the opportunity to strengthen maternal immunization regain control of the world and of our own bodies.
The need for funding is spelled out in a document entitled “Urgent
On the issue of targeting the elderly, the sick and indigenous people, Support for Developing Countries' Responses to the H1N1 Influenza
the same document states: Pandemic” [14].
Elderly persons (≥65 years of age) have the highest risk of mortality From the outset of the pandemic it was feared that the people in the
from influenza, and vaccination of the elderly has traditionally been least resourced countries would be most affected because of the higher
the main focus of influenza vaccine policy. Elderly people continue to prevalence of risk factors, including limited capacities of their health
be an important target for vaccination. Although increasing evidence systems and their relative difficulty to access recommended vaccines
demonstrates that available influenza vaccines are less effective in this and antiviral medicines.
population compared to younger adults, vaccination is still the most
In light of these concerns, in July 2009, the United Nations System
efficacious public health tool currently available to protect elderly
and partners sought to identify and highlight the priority needs of
individuals against influenza.
developing countries to support their response to the A (H1N1)
Persons with specific chronic diseases are at high risk for severe influenza pandemic.
influenza and continue to be an appropriate target group for
An “Urgent Needs Identification and Prioritization” (UNIP) process
vaccination. However, identification of these individuals and delivering
was undertaken and 64 Least Developed Countries and other “GAVI-
vaccination are often challenging and require considerable effort and
eligible” developing countries referred to as the Least Resourced
investment. In some settings, indigenous populations may be
Countries (LRC‟s) in this paper elected to participate in the process.
considered a priority for influenza vaccination due to increased risk of
The conclusions of the UNIP process were presented in a September
infection and higher than average rates of predisposing chronic
2009 report entitled “Urgent Support for Developing Countries'
Responses to the H1N1 Influenza Pandemic1”.
The ineffectiveness of flu vaccines on the elderly is willfully ignored
This report highlighted USD 1.48 billion in priority needs for
despite conclusive research [12]. It is ignored because the UN and its
medicines, vaccine and supplies, laboratory and surveillance services,
national collaborators in genocide cannot afford to lose their best and
communications capacity, investing in pandemic readiness, and needs
often only way of tweaking with life expectancy to complete the
of entities responsible for supporting regional and international
engineered demographic transition.
As of 2012, the WHO recommends seasonal influenza vaccination
To achieve the desired outcome in each population group and
to all people in all countries, giving the highest priority to pregnant
region of the world different formulas of the flu vaccine (TIV, QUIV,
women [13], the incubators of life; life that an overcrowded world can
LAIV) are manufactured and administered by unsuspecting medical
no longer welcome and must instead restrict by any and all means.
personnel acting in good faith but with utter ignorance as to what they
Pregnant women have the highest priority not because the UN and its
are injecting into people’s bloodstreams.
member states care about women but because they need to limit
women to two children only, thus to replacement level fertility. The military and American origin of the H1N1 influenza is
suggested by the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak in the U.S., which was traced
The enormous amounts of money generated by the pharmaceutical
back to just five recruits at Fort Dix in New Jersey and that the
industry from this steady and global stream of income serves the
American government used as an excuse to mass vaccinate 46 million
WHO and national health authorities as an indirect source of funding
or 24% of its citizens despite being fully aware that the vaccine could
for depopulation schemes, as this allows Big Pharma to offer drugs,
and would cause neurological damage and that no further confirmed
equipment and manpower at discounted prices to countries that
cases of Swine Flu infection had been or would be reported anywhere
desperately need to increase the capacity of their health care systems to
in the world since the outbreak was a fiction [15].
be able to subvert fertility under the guise of child and maternal health.
It is also suggested by the close relation of the current H1N1 strain
In this fashion, the ill caused by covertly damaging the human
to that of 1918 Spanish Flu, whose origin and virulence to this day
reproductive system and collaterally damaging human health in
remain a mystery but which killed 50 to 100 million able-bodied men
general, triggering an epidemiologic transition from infectious to
and women worldwide and was undoubtedly a man-made biological
chronic diseases throughout the developing world that will soon match
bomb that ended the First World War as brutally as the Hiroshima and
and eventually surpass that of the developed world, is hopefully offset
Nagasaki nuclear bombs ended the Second World War.
by the good done in alleviating the current burden of infectious disease
in countries that struggle to lift themselves out of poverty, as the Papal All indications are that the Spanish Flu virus was the creation of
encyclical letter Humanae Vitae demands. But in this fashion, the UN scientists working in the employ of the Catholic Church, whose
system and Big Pharma have also created a scheme to extort taxpayers’

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

Page 5 of 16

experience in covert methods of population control is unparalleled and as they work towards their contracted goal to create the 'special virus'
goes back 1000 years [16]. [17].
More importantly, it is suggested by the immune system damage The annual progress reports of the U.S. Special Virus Program show
done to vaccine recipients, damage that in rare cases unintended conclusively that the HIV enzyme was designed to have an affinity to
results in the crippling of the nervous system or in changes in the people of color by seeking out the receptor site CCR5 Delta 32 +
function of the autonomic nervous system, thus to Guillain-Barre (positive) that is common to all people of color but renders immune to
syndrome (GBS), an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune HIV infection some 15% of the Caucasian population that is endowed
system attacks the peripheral nerves and damages their myelin with the CCR5 Delta 32- (negative) gene common to people of
insulation. northern European descent [18].
Those who become ill with this rare syndrome are the tip of the And thanks to my work and sacrifices, the world knows since 2012
iceberg while the rest of the vaccine recipients suffer imperceptible that HIV was conceived to control population growth in Africa, by
changes that over time result in cardiovascular disease and blood increasing morbidity and mortality in an area of the world where
pressure across populations and thus to diminished life expectancy. decreasing fertility was not possible, and that the virus was delivered
into the bloodstreams of millions of unsuspecting Africans by the UN
Last but not least, and in hindsight, it is suggested by the false
and the WHO through a small-pox immunization program that took
advertising, the blatant political promotion and the barefaced
place in the late 1970s and early 1980s [19].
propaganda used to sell the influenza vaccine to an unknowing and
gullible population. The 1976 Swine Flu charade pioneered the use of The primary purpose of the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine – and one that
fear as a vehicle to mass inoculation against an illness that does not is borne out by statistical data-was to undermine the immune system
exist to introduce immune-depressants in the bloodstream of tens of of a large proportion of the population and thus slow down the rapid
millions. But to what end? (Figure 3). increase in the lifespan of Americans so that by the time the US
reaches the fourth stage of the demographic transition its dependency
burden would be lighter.
In the 25 years from 1950 to 1976, the U.S. life expectancy grew
from 68.2 to 72.9 years, thus by 4.7 years or 7% [20]. After the forced
vaccination program carried out in 1976 the gains in life expectancy
slowed down considerably and the next 25 years saw only an increase
in life expectancy from 72.9 to 75.5 years, thus just a modest 2.6 years
or 3.5%.
The vaccination regime introduced by the American government in
1976 therefore accomplished a 50% reduction in the pace of life
expectancy growth over a 25 year period.

What the American government is attempting to do through

vaccines is to engineer peak life expectancy just as it is engineering
Figure 3: Giving influenza vaccine to a patient. peak population through endocrine disruptors so that both transitions
are completed at the same time by 2050. Vaccines are used to limit
longevity and thus control death while endocrine disruptors are used
The American military-industrial complex took a page from the to limit fertility and thus control life.
Vatican’s encyclopedia of death and made the H1N1 strain that was
used in 1918 less virulent and infected a very small number of people The numbers it originally aimed at was a life expectancy of 80 years
on a military base to kick-start a false pandemic. and a total population of 350,000 million.
Seen in this light, the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak represents the This appears to have been the plan back in the 1970s. The
beginning of biological warfare directed at a civilian population in environmental imperative we are now facing has moved the bar lower
peace time, but it was only a test run for the human immunodeficiency for both life expectancy and maximum population. The sustainability
virus (HIV), which was unleashed on the African people in 1978, as agenda dictates an optimal population level for the U.S. of only 170
soon as the HIV virus was conceived. million according to the Overshoot Index and an equally drastic
Thanks to the work and sacrifices of Dr. Boyd Graves, we have reduction in population and consumption worldwide is suggested by
known since 1999 that the human immunodeficiency virus is a man- the fact that globally “the level of consumption is approximately 50%
made biological agent born in the labs of the American military- higher than the renewable production level” [21] (Figure 4).
industrial complex with assistance from Soviet scientists as the progeny
of the U.S. Special Virus Program (1962-1978): The relentless growth in life expectancy since the middle of the 20th
century, from a global average of c. 45 years to 71 years today, has set
A formerly secret federal virus development initiative to develop a governments in panic as it faces them with the frightening prospect of
contagious cancer that selectively kills based on genetic ethnic markers a world full of centenarians that would have to be cared for by the state
of the host. The U.S. Special Virus Program published 15 annual for as many as or more decades then they would have contributed to
progress reports detailing the progression of manipulating animal society as productive members.
viruses to infect human hosts. Each progress report details the progress
of 'special virus' scientists including Dr. Robert Gallo and Dr. Duesberg

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

Page 6 of 16

Figure 4: The relentless growth in life expectancy since the middle

of the 20th century.

Even more frightening for governments is the growing number and

proportion of elderly who reach a very advanced age that imposes on
governments the responsibility to care for such individuals for decades
after retirement, which is not only a prohibitively expensive prospect
but also a poor investment because it diverts scarce money from the
young to the old and thus from those who will soon be productive to
those who will never again be productive at a time along the
engineered demographic transition when governments can least afford
such luxury (Figure 5 and 6).

Given the material limitations we face and in light of the worldwide

effort to introduce mandatory immunization programmes despite an Figure 6: Expected years of retirement for men in selected OECD
increasingly loud public outcry and scientific evidence of their countries: 2007.
ineffectiveness, it may well be that policy makers and technocrats have
decided to limit life in the U.S. and elsewhere to 70 years, which is the
current global average, and the planet’s population to 4.5 billion, which
is the estimated sustainable population (Figure 7 and 8).

Judging by the poor state of health of the generations following the

baby boomers in the U.S. and elsewhere in the developed world it will
be a miracle if the average lifespan will reach 70.

Figure 7: Obesity in the United States.

The high and growing incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes,

obesity and cancer suggest that those born from 1960 to today will
have shorter lives than those born in the three decades prior to 1960.
By artificially limiting life expectancy and the total fertility rate
governments do not only stabilize the global population but also
reduce the ecological footprint of every individual and of humanity as
a whole, as well as ease the crushing dependency burdens expected in
the fourth and especially fifth stages of the engineered demographic
Figure 5: Percentage change in the world’s population by age: transition.
2010-2050. While the rationale is flawless the reality is disastrous because the
desirable socio-economic advantages gained by these interventions
during stage two and three of the demographic transition are short-
lived and are followed by an avalanche of undesirable consequences in
stages four and five: rapidly ageing populations, inverted population

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

Page 7 of 16

pyramids, shrinking workforce and revenues, declining productivity, world’s population that now lives in regions entirely free of indigenous
crushing healthcare costs and dependency burdens, collapsing health, wild polioviruses.
degraded DNA, enfeebled minds and bodies, mass dysfunction,
counterfeit societies, genocidal governments, non-existent rights and It is also increasingly likely that two of the three strains of wild
liberties, dystopian institutions, a global police state. poliovirus have been wiped out. Type 2 virus was last detected in India
in 1999 and the type 3 virus has not been detected anywhere in the
All human and financial resources are now used to survive the last
world since a child in Nigeria was paralysed by the virus in November
stage of the demographic transition.
Overall, the world remains largely on track to achieve all four of the
ambitious objectives set out in the Polio eradication and endgame
strategic plan-the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s strategy to end
all polio, everywhere, by 2018 [23].
The true purpose of the polio “emergency” is hidden in goal two of
the Global Polio Eradication Initiative mentioned above:
Objective 2 seeks to hasten the interruption of all poliovirus
transmission and, where possible, contribute to strengthening
immunization services for the delivery of other lifesaving vaccines

Under the pretext of curbing the spread of the polio virus from one
country to another the WHO gave itself a plausible reason to intensify
Figure 8: Diabetic prevalence per age group. eradication activities, in other words to mass vaccinate entire
populations in places where the total fertility rate is not under control.
The countries targeted are all high fertility nations and hotspots of
Second Public Health Emergency of International Concern poverty, conflict or environmental degradation: Afghanistan (TFR 5),
(PHEIC) Cameroon (TFR 4.7), Equatorial Guinea (TFR 5), Ethiopia (4.6), Israel
Despite the near-cessation of international spread of wild poliovirus (3.1), Nigeria (5.7), Pakistan (3.7), Somalia (6.6) and the Syrian Arab
by 2013, the WHO deemed it necessary to declare on 5 May 2014 a Republic (3) [25].
‘public health emergency of international concern’ (PHEIC), the Israel made the list because its TFR had slipped once it decided to
second only in its 68-year history, in which it stated: phase out water fluoridation as the sterilization method of choice and
After discussion and deliberation on the information provided, and because it’s environmental, water and land pressures are among the
in the context of the global polio eradication initiative, the Committee worse in the world Figure 9-16.
advised that the international spread of polio to date in 2014
constitutes an ‘extraordinary event’ and a public health risk to other We can expect drastic falls in the total fertility rates of these nations
States for which a coordinated international response is essential. The to appear in the statistics for 2015 and 2016.
current situation stands in stark contrast to the near-cessation of
international spread of wild poliovirus from January 2012 through the
2013 low transmission season for this disease (i.e. January to April).
If unchecked, this situation could result in failure to eradicate
globally one of the world’s most serious vaccine preventable diseases. It
was the unanimous view of the Committee that the conditions for a
Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) have
been met [22].
The paradox did not go unnoticed and an explanation had to be
For some, this declaration seemed a paradox. Polio is nearly
eradicated. The virus that once paralysed over 1000 children a day in
more than 125 countries paralysed just over one child a day in eight
countries in 2013.
Two of the three countries that have never stopped polio-
Afghanistan and Nigeria-overcame tremendous difficulties to achieve a
greater than 50% reduction in cases in 2013 and have kept their case Figure 9: Equatorial Guinea fertility.
counts in the single digits so far in 2014.

On 27 March 2014, India and the entire WHO South East Asia
Region were certified polio-free, bringing to 80% the proportion of the

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

Page 8 of 16

Figure 13: Nigeria total fertility.

Figure 10: Cameroon total fertility.

Figure 11: Ethiopia total fertility.

Figure 14: Somalia total fertility.

Figure 12: Pakistan total fertility. Figure 15: Syrian Arab Republic total fertility.

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

Page 9 of 16

Figure 16: Israel total fertility.

Author contend that the WHO made this desperate and dubious That the WHO acted out of desperation is confirmed by the quick
move in the absence of alternatives, which have been greatly curtailed succession of the third ‘public health emergency of international
once author gave final notice to the every head of state and concern’ (PHEIC), which followed within three months of its
government throughout 2014 to cease covert methods of population precursor.
control and published my appeals and evidence of genocide in “Peace
Without Poison”, which caught the UN system off-guard and forced Third Public Health Emergency of International Concern
national leaders to disengage from the depopulation program. In that (PHEIC)
document author stated:
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa has the hallmarks of an
You were elected to lead not to poison us. The path of least engineered pandemic tailor-made for a region of the world with the
resistance with respect to checks on population growth is no longer highest population growth rate (3%).
acceptable, if it ever was.
Upon issuing the third PHEIC in its history on 4 August 2014 the
You have inherited this system and are therefore not responsible for WHO stated:
the crimes committed in the past to prevent war, but you are
responsible for the crimes that are being committed in the present to The current EVD (Ebola Virus Disease) outbreak began in Guinea
preserve peace [26]. in December 2013. This outbreak now involves transmission in
Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. As of 4 August 2014,
Devoid of choices and abandoned by its partners in genocide, the countries have reported 1,711 cases (1,070 confirmed, 436 probable,
WHO reactivated the existing channels of mass immunization 205 suspect), including 932 deaths.
provided by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and saddled them
with the task of administering sterilizing vaccines under the cover of This is currently the largest EVD outbreak ever recorded. In
polio. response to the outbreak, a number of unaffected countries have made
a range of travel related advice or recommendations.

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

Page 10 of 16

Three of the nations singled out by the WHO not only have among have collapsed. The fourth nation, Nigeria, is Africa’s demographic
the highest fertility rates in the world and the lowest per capita income giant with a total fertility rate of 5.7 children per woman, 182 million
– Guinea (TFR 5.2, GDP $492), Liberia (TFR 4.8, GDP $484) and people (making it the most populous nation in Africa and the 7th most
Sierra Leone (TFR 4.8, GDP $613) – but have also fallen into the populous in the world), and the highest population density, at 188.9/
poverty trap and as such their health care systems and social order km2, among large African nations (Figure 17).

Figure 17: Total fertility in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

The international community engineered the Ebola pandemic in the “Kick Polio Out of Africa” campaign and the population could not
order to address this region’s dire demographic and economic be sterilized with estradiol or other estrogens while being immunized
problems and force wealthy nations to donate enough emergency for polio [27], Nigeria’s fertility rate has remained constant at c. 6
funds to rebuild the region’s health care capacity to a basic level so it children per woman Figure 18.
can begin to implement reproductive health services, both legal and
At this point it is appropriate to mention the mechanism by which
illegal, and climb out of poverty.
infertility is induced through vaccines.
Initially, a small number of Guineans and Liberians were
The latest generation of vaccines tamper with the genetic
deliberately infected and containment efforts were delayed long
modulation of apoptosis (“the ability of cells to kill themselves by
enough to allow the outbreak to spread. The WHO then capitalized on
activating an intrinsic cell suicide programme when they are no longer
the situation by declaring a ‘public health emergency of international
needed or become seriously damaged”) thus disrupting or deleting
concern’ (PHEIC), after which resources were still held back to cause
genes crucial to spermatogenesis by depriving them of gonadotrophin
enough panic in the local population and a sufficient threat to
and testosterone, hormones that are crucial to normal sexual
international travel to motivate wealthy nations to donate sufficient
development and reproductive function. Scarcity of these hormones
emergency funds and to force mandatory vaccines on the local
results in infertility through accelerated germ cell apoptosis [28].
population; vaccines that were undoubtedly laced with a sterilizing
agent. For instance, by targeting the Hsp70-2 gene, which plays a crucial
role in meiosis, a dramatic increase in spermatocyte apoptosis is
Nigeria is the primary target of the WHO. Because the nation’s
achieved, which results in male infertility but does not disrupt female
political establishment did not collaborate with the Global Polio
fertility [29].
Eradication Initiative (GPEI) launched by the WHO in 1988 or with

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

Page 11 of 16

The childhood vaccines administered in Africa compromise the Fourth Public Health Emergency of International Concern
normal development of the male reproductive system but spare (PHEIC)
females. This method of mass sterilization was designed to punish
Africa for its refusal to address the promiscuous habits of its male The fourth and latest ‘public health emergency of international
population by preventing males from fathering children with multiple concern’ (PHEIC), declared by the WHO on 1 February 2016, is one of
women. a kind, as it was not planned. Its primary and desperate objective is to
prevent the world from discovering the true culprit for the increase in
microcephaly in Brazil, namely the larvicide Pyriproxyfen, which is a
chemical of extraordinary importance to the UN system because it is a
vital component of covert sterilization to the WHO’s Global Technical
Strategy (GTS) for Malaria 2016-2030 (Figure 19).
The Global Technical Strategy (GTS) for Malaria is a masterplan not
only for Malaria eradication but also, and more importantly, for
bringing and keeping the entire developing world down to replacement
level fertility. It is indispensable to the depopulation lobby as it
provides them with a plausible cover for sterilizing hard-to-reach
people in remote places and in the flower of their reproductive lives all
around the world and on a continuous basis; places and people that
have so far escaped the tentacles of the UN system.

Figure 18: Nigeria total fertility.

Germ cell apoptosis can also be triggered through non-hormonal

regulatory stimuli, such as testicular toxins (of which Bisphenol A is
the primary example along with hundreds of other endocrine
disruptors used by the depopulation lobby in the adulteration of the
food system), heat stress and chemotherapeutic agents. These extrinsic
pathways for initiating apoptosis are being increasingly recognized in
the pathogenesis of many non-communicable diseases including
cancer, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, neurodegenerative Figure 19: Cumulative probability of malaria death, % and per 1,000
disorders, atherosclerosis and cardiomyopathy [28]. population, 2010.

The mechanism of apoptosis was not understood or described until

1972 [30] and this knowledge was immediately put to use by the The Zika virus and the Aedes aegypti mosquito serve as scapegoats
military-industrial complex, which is why the Swine Flu outbreak was for microcephaly and allow governments in the region and the UN to
triggered in 1976 to mass sterilize the American people and the HIV/ capitalize on the fear and confusion generated by this unintended crisis
AIDS epidemic was unleashed on the African people starting in 1978. to accomplish much-needed environmental, demographic and
legislative objectives. That Zika cannot possibly be the cause of
By inhibiting apoptosis through vaccines (intrinsic pathways) and
microcephaly is clarified by the total absence of microcephaly in
endocrine disruptors (extrinsic pathways), the depopulation lobby has
neighboring Colombia, which registered thousands of Zika infections
succeeded not only in causing sterility through gene disruption but
but no cases of microcephaly. Furthermore, the likely cause of
also in increasing morbidity through cancers, autoimmune diseases,
microcephaly, Pyriproxyfen, has already been identified by ABRASCO,
inflammatory diseases and viral infections, thus creating a self-
an organization of Brazilian doctors, who have demanded urgent
reinforcing cycle for more vaccines and other medical interventions so
epidemiological studies but whose demands have so far fallen on deaf
the medical system could be used in perpetuity for population control
ears [31].
So the question is not whether Zika causes microcephaly, but rather
This explains why despite astronomical increases in health services
why the Brazilian Ministry of Health, acting on the recommendation
from 1990 onward both morbidity and mortality have increased
of the WHO, has been applying Pyroproxyfen to the drinking-water
worldwide faster than the population. Between 1990 and 2013, for
reservoirs of the people of northeast Brazil, the region where the
instance, the number of deaths went from 47.5 million to 54.9 million,
incidence of microcephaly shot up?
a 16% increase [2].
The official answer is that the Brazilian Ministry of Health puts
Unless scientific breakthroughs and medical services are no longer
Pyroproxyfen into the drinking-water reservoirs of its citizens since the
misused for depopulation purposes these patterns and trends will
middle of 2014 on the recommendation of PAHO and the WHO to
continue and mankind will be destroyed by a system of international
inhibit the growth of mosquito larvae and thus provide vector control
peace that commands more victims than any conventional or even
for the spread of Dengue and Malaria.
nuclear war ever has or could.

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

Page 12 of 16

The Ministry of Health and the WHO know that Pyroproxyfen is Furthermore, potentially new human intruders will think twice
teratogenic and causes malformations in young mosquitoes that before venturing into the world’s most mosquito-infested region to
prevent the development of adult insect characteristics and of slash and burn so as to live off cattle rearing or subsistence farming.
reproductive organs to stop the proliferation of the Aedes aegypti The fear of infection and microcephaly, amplified by rumors, that may
mosquito. But neither the Ministry of Health nor the UN is about to just prove right, about the release of genetically modified Oxitec
recognize that the damage done to mosquito development from larva mosquitoes capable of spreading an embryo-death gene that leads to
to pupa to adult by Pyroproxyfen is also done to humans in their human sterility [39], will unburden governments in the region from
development from zygote to embryo to foetus. They are not about to the politically difficult and financially prohibitive task of safeguarding
admit it because Pyroproxyfen, a known sterilizant [32], is crucial to the territorial integrity and rich biodiversity of the Amazon, the world’s
the population control agenda and 300,000 Pyroproxyfen-coated bed most crucial natural habitat.
nets hang in every hut and over every bed of the UN Millennium
All conservation efforts have failed. This, it is hoped, will succeed
Villages Project [33]. They are not about to admit it because this
and will allow Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff to keep a promise
chemical and the bed nets coated with it are manufactured by
that she made in 2015 at the UN, namely to eliminate illegal
Sumimoto Chemicals, a strategic partner of Monsanto, the death
deforestation and restore 120,000 square kilometers of lost Amazonian
company par excellence and the corporate pivot of the depopulation
rainforest by 2030 [40].
lobby, and because it is known that the longevity and survival rates of
organisms treated with Pyroproxyfen are shorter and have significantly Considering that more than half of the world’s rainforest’s have been
fewer progeny [34] just as it is known that male flies sterilized with lost to deforestation in the past half-century, that Brazil has the world’s
Pyroproxyfen can transfer their sterility to females by sexual second-highest rates of deforestation (after Indonesia), that the
intercourse, according to Sumimoto Laboratory’s own research [35] country’s leadership has made a firm commitment to stop and reverse
and the same effect can be inferred for humans. They will not admit it the trend, that Sustainable Development Goal 15 adopted by 193
because a billion bed nets manufactured by Vestergaard and subsidized countries pledges to “protect terrestrial ecosystems” by halting
with UN funds are coated with a similar poison, Deltamethrin [36], deforestation and restoring degraded forests, that deforestation
which is a known neurotoxin and endocrine disruptor and listed as accounts for nearly 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and that
such by the EPA, as well as a known suppresser of spermatogenesis Norwegian Prime Minister (from 2005 to 2013).
[37], but that nevertheless cover the beds of just as many families
Jens Stoltenberg – a stalwart of the depopulation lobby and the
throughout the developing world. They will not admit it because the
current Secretary General of NATO (which coordinates the ultra-
WHO mandates the use of these sterilizing, mutagenic and
secret and global geoengineering program that sprays millions of tons
carcinogenic pyrethroid-based LLINs (long-lasting insecticidal nets) in
of metal oxides in the upper atmosphere to prevent global warming) –
its 2012 Global Plan for Insecticide Resistance Management in Malaria
pledged in 2008 to donate 1 billion US dollars to the then newly
Vectors [38].
established Amazon Fund on the condition that this money would go
It is a lot more convenient to blame Zika then to assume to projects aimed at slowing down the deforestation of the Amazon
responsibility for causing congenital malformations to an entire rainforest, one can safely conclude that this crisis has been engineered
generation of children in the process of sterilizing them and their at the highest global governance level to accomplish geopolitically
parents on the sly, especially when this poor excuse can be milked for important goals, and none other is more important than the
all its worth to accomplish other hidden goals. Well, let’s just see what preservation of the planet’s vital ecosystems.
these goals are.
To strengthen the case for protecting the Amazon a perceived rise in
infectious diseases and Zika are being blamed on deforestation and
Protect the Amazon? other environmental factors [41].
Brazil and Colombia are purportedly the most affected nations by
the Zika virus for a reason, namely they surround the Amazon Basin, Change abortion laws and sexual behavior and mandate
which needs to be protected from human intrusion because it sexual education
represents the right lung of the planet and its most prolific incubator of
life. No sooner was the Zika outbreak announced that calls for legislative
changes to abortion laws throughout Latin America began appearing
Whether the rate of infection is as large as it has been reported and in newspapers around the region and throughout the world and are
whether it is spreading as rapidly as medical authorities maintain it is being echoed with increasing frequency by NGOs and politicians
irrelevant since the fear generated by a real or invented pandemic is the despite the fact that Brazil’s and Columbia’s total fertility rates have
same so long as the mainstream media does its part to whip up mass been below replacement level for the past decade. This begs the
hysteria. question why?
The existing cattle ranchers and farmers, who are responsible for With chemical methods of population control via endocrine
deforesting the Amazon at a rate of 15,757 square kilometers a year disruptors inserted in water, food and beverages being phased out, and
since 1977, an abuse so large as to represent c. 18% of the world’s total in the absence of legal restrictions on fertility, governments need
annual deforestation, will be driven out by fear of infection and the permissive abortion laws and high contraceptive prevalence rates if
sterilizing chemicals used to presumably combat the carriers of disease. they are to eventually abandon covert methods of population control
If women are kept away or sent out of the Amazon for fear of for overt legislation that will allow them to keep the total fertility rate
infection, then the regional population will not grow and the Amazon at or below replacement level legally and honorably until such time as
will be protected. optimal population levels are reached (Figure 20).

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

Page 13 of 16

Latin America being primarily Roman Catholic a strong pro-life To soften public opinion to the idea of abortion the media flashes
stance has prevented changes to the legal code and most countries in images of babies with severe microcephaly at every opportunity and it
the region have restrictive abortion laws that either prohibit abortion could very well be that the apparent increase in congenital
in any and all circumstances (El Salvador, Nicaragua, and the malformations is greatly exaggerated to create a state of tension and
Dominican Republic) or allow it only in medical emergencies to save panic.
the mother’s life (Venezuela, Brazil, Guatemala).
The prospect of having to raise a child with microcephaly is
unappealing to most people and this makes abortion that much more
palatable. If enough parents demand abortion the political
establishment will duly abide and even religious objections will be
Indeed medical authorities have started to backtrack on the true
number of Zika infections that until recently have been grossly over-
At the end of January, the Brazilian Ministry of Health reported
3,760 suspected cases of microcephaly under investigation of which
709 have been rejected for being inaccurately diagnosed and only 404
were confirmed, 98% of which are concentrated in the north-east of
Brazil [44].
To weaken religious objections the UN system has also fashioned
three cases of Zika transmission through sexual contact and the CDC,
not to be outdone, has declared that it is investigating fourteen such
cases [45].
In all probability none of these cases is valid but the threat of sexual
transmission is needed to create a moral dilemma for conservative
Catholics and force the Church to change or at the very least soften its
teachings on birth control. To this end, Pope Francis was asked the
following on February 18 by a reporter on his flight back to Rome from
South America.
Paloma García Ovejero, Cadena COPE (Spain): Holy Father, for
several weeks there’s been a lot of concern in many Latin American
Figure 20: Contraceptive prevalence in countries in zika. countries but also in Europe regarding the Zika virus. The greatest risk
would be for pregnant women. There is anguish. Some authorities have
proposed abortion, or else to avoiding pregnancy.
In this restrictive legal environment, contraceptives are not always
available or affordable and the contraceptive prevalence rates are As regards avoiding pregnancy, on this issue, can the Church take
insufficient to reach and maintain replacement level fertility. into consideration the concept of “the lesser of two evils?”
The numbers in the table above are deceivingly high as they include Pope Francis: Abortion is not the lesser of two evils. It is a crime. It
modern and traditional methods of birth control and the latter are not is to throw someone out in order to save another. That’s what the Mafia
very reliable. does. It is a crime, an absolute evil. On the ‘lesser evil,’ avoiding
pregnancy, we are speaking in terms of the conflict between the fifth
To force much-needed legislation through, the authorities are
and sixth commandment. Paul VI, a great man, in a difficult situation
building momentum in favor of legalizing abortion by frightening
in Africa, permitted nuns to use contraceptives in cases of rape.
people with Zika, mosquitoes and microcephaly, on the one hand, and
angering them with futile health directives that advise women to delay Don’t confuse the evil of avoiding pregnancy by itself, with abortion.
pregnancy, on the other hand; knowing very well that couples cannot Abortion is not a theological problem, it is a human problem, and it is
delay or prevent pregnancy since contraceptives are neither readily a medical problem. You kill one person to save another, in the best case
available nor affordable to most people in this Catholic and poor scenario.
Or to live comfortably, no? It’s against the Hippocratic oaths doctors
Even before the WHO declared Zika an international health must take. It is an evil in and of itself, but it is not a religious evil in the
emergency, national governments began warning their people to delay beginning, no, it’s a human evil. Then obviously, as with every human
pregnancy. evil, each killing is condemned.
To date, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Jamaica and El Salvador have all On the other hand, avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil. In
asked their citizens to delay pregnancy, the latter for two years [42]. certain cases, as in this one, or in the oneauthormentioned of Blessed
Paul VI, it was clear.authorwould also urge doctors to do their utmost
Leaving all pretenses aside, Columbia’s health minister stated “that
to find vaccines against these two mosquitoes that carry this disease.
a confirmation of Zika infection and possible microcephaly may allow
This needs to be worked on [46].
women to qualify for abortions, which might otherwise be illegal” [43].

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

Page 14 of 16

Pope Francis stood his ground on abortion but wisely softened his The fear of Zika and the use of sterilizing chemicals in water
position on contraceptives thus paving the way for at least facilitating (larvicide Pyroproxyfen) and air (fumigant Malathion [48]) to
contraceptive use throughout the region, which is indeed the only way presumably act as vector control for the Zika-carrying Aedes aegypti
forward both for the region and for the world. mosquito allow the Brazilian government to level the fertility scale
between the south and the north.
Beyond Latin America and the realm of Catholicism calls for sexual
education in schools have become louder and more aggressive. In a
coordinated fashion, the mainstream media in the Arab world features Secure funding
stories of insufficient sexual education in the United States to implant Knowledge of covert depopulation methods is increasing rapidly
the idea at home without offending Muslims in the Middle East where due to the inability of state actors to censor the Internet and control the
the struggle against high fertility lags behind UN targets [47]. means of mass communication.
Fear and not just sexual education is promoted to alter mating Although the mainstream media is fully controlled and the
habits and encourage the use of contraceptives. Despite any evidence, alternative media is largely controlled the social media allows people
health authorities throughout the world maintain that the virus can be across the world to share and exchange information that is otherwise
spread through sexual intercourse for three months after infection. restricted and privileged.
This misconception is disseminated for one and one reason only, This has diminished the ability of governments to obtain funding
namely to get people to use protection during sexual activity in order for covert depopulation programmes from parliaments and legislatures
to prevent unwanted pregnancies and thus halt population growth. and has forced administrations and the UN-system to rely on
billionaires and corporations, who have duly filled in the void.
Suppress fertility rates and eliminate regional disparities
It also impairs the ability of the UN system to close the gap in per
That health authority’s use fear of Zika to combat population growth capita spending for health services to reduce maternal and child
is fairly obvious despite great efforts to conceal this objective. mortality as well as child undernutrition between the developed and
the developing world, which is a strategic priority for the sustainability
Equally obvious is why Brazil singled out the northeast of the
agenda, and indeed a worthy one.
country to launch a chemical attack on human fertility.
Europe for instance spends c. $1,400 per person for health care
The national total fertility rate of Brazil (Figure 21) is safely below
while Africa barely manages $140 dollars [49].
replacement level but national statistics fail to reveal regional
differences. The transfer of funding responsibilities from state to private actors
also has the advantage of protecting the newest strategies of
depopulation by limiting their knowledge to a smaller number of
individuals who are outside public office and scrutiny and therefore
not handicapped by oversight and transparency rules.
Last, the political establishment is distancing itself from the core of
the depopulation lobby perhaps in advance of disclosure so as to limit
ultimate responsibility for genocide to a very small number of
individuals and thus restore the credibility of the state.
The largest single donor to the WHO, surpassing all governments, is
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is also the largest funding
source to the GAVI alliance.
While Bill Gates can donate billions at a time and boast the largest
single charitable donation in history [50] President Obama has to take
advantage of opportunities created by manufactured pandemics to beg
for far more modest sums [51].
To fill the gap in population control funds left by retreating
governments, the depopulation lobby, led by Bill Gates and Warren
Figure 21: Brazil total fertility. Buffet, started in 2010 under the Giving Pledge campaign to pool the
wealth of other billionaires who agreed to donate a good proportion of
their fortunes to charity.
And Brazil’s regional differences are significant. The northeast,
As of April 2012, 81 billionaires have “committed to giving at least
which has the poorest and the brownest (62.5%) people in the country,
half of their fortunes to charity” [52] and more have joined them since.
also has significantly higher fertility rates than the rest of the country,
approximately 2.4 children per woman compared to only 1.6 in the Unfortunately, the charity envisioned by these individuals has more
south where the population is 75% white. in common with genocide and less with concern for the welfare of
individuals, which is why their billions are used to lower the
It is also the primary source of migrants for the Amazon region and
population and fertility bars two rungs lower by the end of the 21st
the Brazilian government has pledged to stop and reverse the
century (Figure 22), as planned by UN and national technocrats and
deforestation of the Amazon Basin.
revealed by their latest projections.

Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

Page 15 of 16

The best intentions do not justify genocide and crimes against misappropriation of public funds, and the debasement of executive
humanity, especially since these crimes committed as social powers.
interventions are now directed primarily at the most vulnerable
Instead of changing tack and empowering us so that we assume
members of society, children and the elderly, so the self-appointed
responsibility over restrictions on fertility, which would have brought
guardians of life and death can balance their economic and
the program of population control back to legality, our governments
demographic books.
have once again done the unthinkable and have taken the last possible
step towards illegality.
No longer able to turn man against man, thus to turn us against
each other, because they have lost the ability to manipulate us into
poisoning, impoverishing and imprisoning one another, our genocidal
governments have decided to turn nature against man, so as to make
nature our mortal enemy.
Vaccines now represent the newest battle line between the 1% and
the 99% and between international and individual prerogatives. In the
21st century it is the needle not the bomb that causes death and disease
at an unimaginable scale and at an unpredictable cost to the genetic
endowment of mankind.
But although the weapon has changed the goal remains the same, to
stop and reverse our numbers so that by the end of the 21st century
everybody will live just as long, just as sterile, and just as sick.
The planet will be saved but mankind destroyed.

Figure 22: World population by level of fertility over time
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Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Citation: Galalae K (2016) Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population
Growth. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 6: 232. doi:10.4172/2161-1165.1000232

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Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000232

ISSN:2161-1165 ECR, Open Access

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