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Topic 1 : “ English is the unique key to unlock the door of

well-paid jobs ‘’
+ Language skills, especially English, quite literally open doors for new
opportunities. Speaking more languages helps you understand the
global marketplace better, as well as understanding the wants and
needs of international customers, suppliers and partners. 
+ Businesses see the correlation between bilingual or multilingual
employees and growth in international markets, so they are willing to
invest in acquiring staff with strong language skills.

+ Moreover, speaking more than one language has been shown to

increase skills like open-mindedness, empathy and creativity: all
important for career success and progression, no matter what your

+ Among the six languages for business including Arabic, Chinese,

French, Russian, Spanish and English, English is the most widely used in
the world. It is, in all the fields, the language of business, the Internet,
news, entertainments, travelling, studying, computers, sports, science
and so on.

The importance of learning the English language for getting a job in

multinational companies has been understood by youngsters, and
that’s very good.

If you’re interested in advancing the business world, English is a key to

success. Most countries in some way will do business with English
speaking countries. As well, English has become the international
language of business and it’s often used as a neutral language for
business between various countries. It is now common for an engineer
in Viet Nam to get technical support in English from an expert in China.
With English you can communicate with technicians and experts from
the United States in order to help your companies. You can also
communicate with business people from other countries in the neutral
language of English. Companies are also recognizing the value of English
and now pay more for employees who can speak English. So even in
your own country, speaking English can also get you more cash!

It really doesn’t matter what type of reason you have for wanting to
learn English, knowing this language will make your life easier.
Wherever you come from, Europe, Asia or Africa, you know how
important English language is. Most companies will ask you at least
know English, this has become a prerequisite for getting a job these

The ability to fluenty speak the English language in addition to your

native language can be beneficial if you’re seeking job opportunities
with international companies. The ability to speak a language spoken by
most business people can place you a step ahead of the competition.

Knowing English will open you the door to many new and exciting jobs
in countries and all over the world. As well, you will be able to obtain
jobs in your own country because you can speak English. Your resume
will be stronger because you’re bilingual and have a knowledge of the
English language. Your opportunities will be numerous when you can
speak and read English.

Therefore, young people having good knowledge of English will surely

get much more chances in finding jobs, even good jobs these days.
Topic 2 : What should/ shouldn’t we do to protect our
environment from pollution ?
+ People hold different views about how to cope with environment
problems. While some people argue that it is the duty of international
organization, rather than a single country, to solve environment-related
issues, I believe that both parties/ sides should join hands in solving this
On the one hand, many countries may share the same environmental
concerns; however, they would stem from various causes. Therefore,
each nation should implement different policies and measures to
address the problem. For example, over-exploitation of natural
resources and deforestation are identified as the biggest culprit for
desertification in the USA; whereas, the growing rate of desertified land
in China has been mainly caused by rapid urbanization. In addition, the
priority environmental issue is also varied in each country, calling for
different approach and strategies to tackle the problem. To illustrate, in
emerging economies such as Vietnam, reducing the worrying level of
air pollution from industrial activities is of highest priority.
On the other hand, the problems that each government is experiencing
are indeed interconnected, hence, concerted efforts by all nations are
necessary. Thus, international organizations such as the United Nations
play a vital role in promoting and coordinate global action to reduce
carbon footprint and curb the global warming threat. Furthermore,
wealthy countries should provide financial and technological support
for poor nations in the fight against green issues, since the detrimental
effects of environmental problems could spread beyond national
borders. In other words, an international effort is needed to yield an
efficient environment protection scheme
In conclusion, while international organizations could exert huge impact
on a global scale, the combination of international and governmental
efforts would have even more profound influences on the environment.

+ Since several environmental problems have been caused by humans’

forces, we need to act responsibly to reduce the damage that we are
doing to the Earth. This essay will explain environmental problems and
what governments and individuals can do to address these problems.
Two of the threats to the environment are air pollution and waste.
Global warming, which is well-known as a global issue because of its
devastating effect on the environment, is a result of gas emissions from
factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles. In addition, the increase in
human population comes along with a huge quantity of waste, which
contaminates the Earth and pollutes rivers and oceans.

On one hand, governments could reduce air pollution in many ways.

First, they could introduce laws to put a limit on factories’ gas emissions
or force companies to use renewable energy in production. Second,
they could also innovate the public transport system to become more
convenient and greener. By this way, governments can encourage
people to take public transport instead of driving, therefore reducing

On the other hand, individuals should also be responsible to lower

down pollution level in their surroundings. They can take buses and
subways or other means of public transportation rather than driving,
which could reduce the amount of exhaust fumes from vehicles. Also,
people should purchase reusable products and recycle as much as
possible to avoid releasing too much waste. For example, Vietnamese
people are recommended to use resuable or paper bags when going
shopping instead of plastic bags to cut down on plastic bags
In conclusion, both national governments and individuals must
understand the harmful impact they have on the environment and be
responsible to ease damage.

+ It is believed that only governments have the power to solve

environmental problems that are posing serious threats to today’s
world. However, I think that protecting the earth is the responsibility of
both governments and individuals.

It is true that some environmental issues are too big for individuals to
deal with. In order for serious problems, such as global warming,
prolonged droughts, violent storms or other extreme weather events,
to be effectively addressed, it requires the efforts and cooperation of
politicians and large environmental organisations. This is because
solving such problems requires special equipment, the use of modern
technological devices and large numbers of experienced scientists to
work together. For instance, it takes years for researchers to collect
various samples and analyse huge amounts of data in order to know
the major causes of global warming, and to help them find the most
effective solutions to tackle this problem. Only governments can have
sufficient funds and resources to invest in this.

However, I believe that individuals also need to take responsibility for

environmental protection. As individuals, we can help in various ways,
such as recycling more, buying more energy-efficient household items
or planting more trees in our gardens. I think that without the
cooperation of both politicians and individuals, environmental issues
will never be effectively tackled. For example, if farmers continue to
burn forests for their own purposes, regardless of the government’s
regulations, the problem of climate change will never be successfully

In conclusion, for the reasons mentioned above, I believe that

protecting the environment is the obligation of both politicians and

+ It is undeniable that human’s deeds are harming the environment.

This essay will discuss how the damage is caused, as well as the actions
the Government and individuals can take to protect our world.

There are some ways in which people contaminate the environment.

People worsen air pollution by making cars as their primary mode of
transportation. After all, the more cars are driven, the more carbon
dioxide is produced. Factories are also the main perpetrators of
pollution by producing so much waste. In addition, there are individuals
who dump rubbish in inappropriate places, such as river. Unfortunately,
their reckless actions make river a toxic place to live for fish and other
river inhabitants, eventually kill them.

The Government can solve environmental problems with a number of

actions. One of them is to implement a pollution threshold for factories.
If a company produces more pollution than the permitted threshold, it
will be fined. Therefore, industrial companies would take necessary
measures to reduce their waste. Another way is to improve public
transportations. Reliable, clean, and safe mass transports will
encourage people to use them, instead of using private cars.

Apart from the Government, individuals too can partake in protecting

the environment. Firstly, individuals can reduce household waste. For
instance, people can use cloth bag instead of plastic bag when
shopping. After all, plastic can not be decomposed and its build up will
harm the Earth. Secondly, people should use more public
transportation and if possible, walk more. That way, pollution that
comes from vehicles can be minimised.

In conclusion, people damage the environment with the high usage of

private cars and industrial waste, and also by throwing rubbish
irresponsibly. Government can solve these problems by implementing
waste limit and enhancing public transport system. Individuals can also
help by lessening their household waste and travelling by mass
transports and walking.

+ For the past few decades, we have observed a major shift in climatic
conditions of planet Earth. Drift in environmental system is largely due
to global warming which has become an acute problem. This essay will
analyze the root causes of global warming and will suggest remedies to
lower the risk associated with this alarming problem.

There are many causes behind global warming, but it is mostly due to
greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect is a phenomenon where gases
such as carbon-dioxide trap heat from the sun which causes the global
temperature to rise above optimal level. Activities of human beings
contribute equally in increase of global warming. Factories and vehicles
results in emission of carbon gases and fumes which are depleting the
ozone layer surrounding the earth. Utilization of fossil fuels and other
hazardous chemicals are other reasons of global warming. Moreover,
countries are becoming more industrialized and are dumping waste in
the atmosphere without realizing its harmful effects and severity of the
issue. Rising temperatures due to global warming would result in
melting of polar ice-caps which will trigger severe floods, droughts and
other extreme weather conditions.

This critical issue which could potentially eliminate the human race
should be death on government and individual level. Governments
should enforce strict policies and regulations to control the emission of
carbon gases from industries. More focus should be made on using
alternative petroleum products that are environmental friendly.
Industries that are certified green should be charged lower tax rate.
Awareness programs should be organized to educate masses. Apart
from government, individual members of the society should step
forward and play their role. People should select green vehicles for
their transportation requirement; they should dump the waste
properly, prefer to work in green certified industries and educate
others. To conclude, global warming poses serious threat to mankind,
wildlife and ecosystem of the planet. Governments and civilians both
share equal responsibility to overcome this issue and make planet earth
safer for mankind and other inhabitants.

Topic 3: Travelling wastes time and money

Gone are the days when people used to spend all their lives in the same
city and the tour was a word for rich people only. Now, with the
technological advancements, cheaper flight, and ever increasing
awareness towards other states and countries, the world has become a
smaller place. Having travelled since childhood, I can definitely say that
the tourism industry is changing fast and this is attracting a lot more
travellers each year. This essay delves into the reasons behind
increasing travellers and benefits of travelling.  
Firstly, people want to get refreshed quite often due to their increasing
workload and they have easy access to information they want. These
are the two main reasons people travel more frequently than ever
before. It is evident that busier workdays and the hectic lifestyle can
easily drain one out. People have started to work more and earn more
as compared to earlier days. Also, with the wave of information that
the internet has brought, everyone is better informed about the world
outside their office or home. These things have acted as precursors to
the increase in the number of people who opt travelling as a holiday get
Second, tourism is taken very seriously in several countries now.
Countries like Australia and France have travel & tourism as an
important part of their economy. Tourism contributes to around  30% 
of the national GDP for Dubai. Thus, people have started picking up
careers in the realm of tourism, as travel bloggers, trip organisers, etc. I
myself have met people who travel for a living and love doing so. These
factors have also led to accrual in the travelling population.  
I believe travelling exposes us to different people and their traditions,
outside or even within a country. India itself is a collection of myriad
customs, flavours and languages. Visiting places one has never been to
and meeting people with different beliefs broadens our perspectives.
Introduction to different cultures catalyses respect towards the mutual
differences. It helps us understand people in a new light, which can be
very helpful to alleviate tensions during political or cultural conflicts.  
In a nutshell, I would say that travelling is equivalent to education. It
can bring people closer to each other despite their differences, which is
very important in today’s world.

 Intercultural understanding. Nations are able to understand more

about other nations’ culture, language and customs from near.
 The tourism industry has become a lucrative business for many

 Increasing employment opportunity for the host country.

 Citizens have less stressful lifestyle by travelling more. They

temporarily leave stress and have more relaxation.

 Travelling enhances knowledge and broadens our horizon.

 Travelling gives the first-hand experience to learn new things.

 Makes people confident, more social and self-dependant.

 During the course of a travel, a traveller might experience

unforeseen circumstances and thus he becomes stronger in
dealing stress and unexpected situations.

 Enhance job and business opportunities.

 Travelling can shift our outlook of life in a better way and gives us
more idea about the way of life around the world.

 Travellers get to taste different types of foods, clothing, cultures,

environment and living.

 Exposure to diverse cultures and custom often eradicate the

narrow thinking and selfishness of people.

 A traveller with international exposure can have a better career

+ Travelling is a far better way to learn about the past and history
than reading them in a book.
 Travelling is refreshing and eliminates the monotony or boredom
of busy life we currently have in the competitive world. 

+ The benefits of travel cannot be stated in words. It is an experience

that has to be lived and enjoyed. Travelling provides an opportunity to
experience new cultures, various cuisines and meet different kinds of
people. All these add to life’s rich experience. Another major benefit of
travel is that it relaxes the mind. The more a person travels, his
knowledge repository increases. During the course of a travel, one
might experience unforeseen circumstances. The way we deal with
them is to be taken as a learning experience.
+Another advantage of travelling is it can shift our outlook of life in a
better way. Being exposed to new cultures and people will greatly turn
our paradigm and create a healthier perspective once we return back
home. For example, seeing different social classes creates compassion
and really makes us feel more blessed and contented. Like what
happened to me when I was in Banawe Rice Terraces in Ifugao here in
the Philippines for a certain school project, I have seen most of the
people there, living a difficult life. It is because they had to work the
whole day under the sun for their rice fields and their homes had no
electricity. So my hard day at work in the hospital suddenly does not
seem so bad for me at all.

+ Travelling is considered to the most effective way of learning.

Experience gathered first-hand travellers is considered more important
than reading or learning in other ways. Travelling offers the chance to
get acquainted with different cultures and traditions. This is also
beneficial to learn about history and new experiences. Travelling is
refreshing and eliminates the monotony or boredom of busy life.  
>< To begin with, many people incline to spend a lot of money and their
time on international tourism. Firstly, they tend to expend the amount
of money for accommodation. For example, when first coming to a
tourist area, they will choose expensive places such as luxury hotels,
famous resorts to have the best enjoyment and convenience during
their trip. Besides, the price of food at those locations is not only higher
than less touristy areas but also price gouging. Secondly, it takes
excessively time to move a long distance. With the selection for visiting
distant areas which are far from where they live, it can even cost one or
two days spending on a plane. The time in flight is wasting because the
vast majority of people won't do anything except staying in their seat
and sleep all the time.

Topic 4: What kind of job would you like to do after you

finish your education?
I would prefer to work in a multinational company which will offer me a
position related to my academic background and have a positive
working environment to learn and explore new things. I would not
worry too much about my designation and salary initially but the
company must have sufficient scope for career enhancement.

Money: Often a position within a multinational is better paid.

Benefits: Working in a big company often comes with numerous perks

which, depending on the company, can include: free lunches, gym
membership, trips, transport being paid, bonuses, a pension, a car and
health insurance.

Job security: You are less likely to lose your job through the company
collapsing in a multinational. 
Specialisation: You’re unlikely to have a hundred tasks to juggle at one
time. This takes the pressure off a little and gives less responsibility to
the individual. However this can lead to boredom.

Namedropping: In any future job a multinational will look much better

than a random startup nobody has heard of.

There are many companies that offer global opportunities to business

professionals. Mail service DHL, tech company Google, and Amway, a
leader in beauty and health products, all allow employees to work from
nearly anywhere across the globe. Even if you have to move, you can
still stay part of each company’s team.

H&M stands out as a global company that gives its employees the
ability to learn new skills. For example, recently in the Netherlands,
H&M employees had the chance to style actors and work on set as
extras in films. Unique opportunities like this allow for significant
professional development and can make employees more versatile.

The simple fact that employees of global companies are exposed to

different people from different backgrounds on a daily basis allows
them to learn new customs, traditions

 With a multinational company, you can learn how companies operate,

at different levels, in each region of the world the company operates in.
You are exposed to people from different cultures and backgrounds,
forcing you to reevaluate the way you see the world. And, you’re
always on your toes, learning new terminology, business practices and
techniques to develop

Broadening your horizons and working for a global company can

provide new challenges, help you grow and allow you to grow
professionally in ways you couldn’t while working for a smaller
company. Plus, the liberty to travel, experience new cultural thrills and
even new cuisines are some of the great opportunities employees
working for large, multinational organizations will appreciate.
Topic 5: Benefits of using public transport  
  Public transportations bring a lot of benefits for individuals and
societies. Firstly, it is clear that the existence of public transportations
will automatically reduce traffic problems. Secondly, if the utilisation of
public transportations increased, it means that there will be a reduction
in the consumption of fossil fuels. Consequently, it will reduce air
pollution and global warming issues. Therefore, the governments
should encourage their residents to use public transportations.

The very first advantage of using public transportation service is that it

reduced the burning of fossil fuel. We all know that fuels like petrol and
diesel take million of years to make. Therefore if we do not decrease
the usage level of these fuels then in future it will be diminished. So to
make sure that it will not happen in future, we need to save these fuels
as much as possible. The very first step towards it is the usage of public
transport service. Since a public transportation can carry a large
number of passengers it reduced the overall fuel consumption. Thus it
helps to reduce the air and environmental pollutions.

Secondly, more pollution will be generated if we opt to use private cars

for transportation. The more personal cars on the road, the more
pollution it will generate. So if we use bus or train for roaming then we
can fulfil our part to decrease the environmental pollutions. Further,
transportation cost is cheaper in the case of public transportation.
Another aspect is the accident risk. In private cars, the probability of
accident on road has increased dramatically. Last but not least, public
transportation increases your social contacts. Your social life will scatter
with the use of government transport service.

One of the major benefits of using public transport is that it reduces air
pollution. When more and more people use public transport, there will
be fewer private cars on the road. This helps reduce air pollution and
thus improve air quality. In addition, some means of public transport
such as high-speed trains, trains and hybrid buses cause zero pollution
because they run on electricity. Another advantage is that people can
be more productive while taking public transportation. When you are
driving, you have to focus on the road ahead of you.  But if you take
public transportation, you can finish an assignment, read a book or let
your mind wander.

Using public transportation saves a lot of money. Firstly, people do not

have to buy their own cars. When it comes to prices, the fare for buses
or taxis are cheaper than private cars when compared bus fare to the
oil price. Accordingly, people do not have to spend lots of money on gas
that they have to fill the tank. Also, they do not have to find a place for
parking as well.
Moreover, using less private cars saves environment and people’s
health as well. It causes less air pollution because carbon dioxide that
released from cars is decreased. As all people know that carbon dioxide
can harm people’s health, if less carbon dioxide release to the
environment, people do not have to breathe polluted air inevitably.
Furthermore, there will have no heavy traffic jam because people use
more public transportation
Even though it is a waste of time that people have to wait for a buses,
taxis, subway or sky train, it will not take people a long time to reach
their destination because public transportation nowadays are
developed to be faster and more convenient for citizens.

On the one hand, public transport is beneficial for both countries

and individuals. Firstly, public transport can help to decrease significant
quantities of private vehicles and exhaust fumes from them as well.
This contributes to reduce air pollution causing global warming which
may have devastating effect on our environment. Secondly, investment
in public facilities, particularly transportation system, will ease traffics
congestion as people are encouraged to travel by buses and trains
instead of driving. Finally, modern public transport is often fast and
cheap, which will bring out saving time and money on transit for
everyone. The availability of public transit opens up personal mobility
to everyone, giving each person the freedom to go virtually anywhere.

Many people are unable to drive, and a majority of drivers would

appreciate the ability to walk, cycle, or take public transit instead, at
least sometimes.

Having to hop in a car to drive miles to get a coffee and newspaper is

only an option if you drive.

Millions of non-drivers, such as children, are stuck in automobile

dominated suburban locales where they must depend on others for
Topic 6 : Talk about your favourite clothes. Why do you
like them?
Well, my favorite clothing style is casual clothing, which includes a
wide range of selections, such as T-shirts, jeans, or sporty outfits I
consider casual clothes are pretty comfortable simply because
wearing casual clothes like T-shorts and shorts helps me cope
comfortably with daily life activities, like walking, jogging, or going
up and down stairs

I can describe myself as a sporty person, so If I wore formal clothes like

a suit, it would really make me feel uncomfortable 

I also feel that a casual clothing style is appropriate for me to fit in /

blend in with my age group

For most of my peers at school, casual clothes are mainstream simply

because wearing clothes with designs or graphic patterns makes me
look more confident and energetic 

The biggest reason for casual clothes is that they are totally and utterly
affordable . Normally, a T-short only costs me roughly 5 USD, so I can
easily catch up with the cutting-edge trend without paying a fortune 

+ I wouldn’t go too far by saying I’m a fashionista or the like even

though I have quite a good sense of fashion and are usually praised for
my excellent choice of clothing. One of the items that I am crazy about
and is probably the most-worn piece of clothing in my closet is my
black leather jacket from ZARA.

Ever since I had my hair cut short, pixie style to be exact, my taste in
fashion has drastically changed to suit my rebellious hairstyle. I
have developed an appreciation for more classic, minimalist and
masculine outfits. Hence, when I saw a mannequin looking so cool but
not less feminine in a black leather jacket at a ZARA store, I
couldn’t take my eyes off of it and ended up buying the jacket and a
pair of ankle boots. The jacket’s jet-black color and classy design make
it an extremely versatile item that can be worn in multiple occasions
whether for a casual date or office wear. I usually wear them on top of
other apparel such as a tank top, a T-shirt or even a sundress to make
the outfit less boring as well as add some rugged flair to my chic style.
It is also featured with some metal zippers and pockets, which prove to
be pretty convenient to keep small items like key chains or some pocket
money. However, the only issue I have with it is the cleaning and
maintaining of the jacket. As it’s a big investment in my wardrobe,
there is no way I am going to get rid of it after only a few wears.
Keeping a leather jacket fresh and usable is a complicated, yet
rewarding process because if you do it right, it could last for years. I
believe a decent leather jacket not only complements my look but also
makes me feel comfortable in my own skin since it represents my
personalities as well as personal image better than anything: strong,
rebellious, yet timeless.

Topic 7: Today,many students use the Internet for their

study. What about you ?
Studying an online course provides a flexible timing and less budgeted
learning for students. They are able to learn their desire course and
subjects on their suitable time. This gives a great opportunity for
learners to gain new skills and strengthen their knowledge level staying
in their own place. For instance, a Nepali student who wants an
Australian degree in business management course does not have to
stay in Australia, he can study online and complete course staying at his
home. Hence, distant learning is economic and time saving.

Online learning proves to be a great alternative although traditional

universities are still widely considered as the best way to acquire
knowledge and a diploma. Access to all resources of a traditional
course is offered, which empowers learners to freely choose a wide
range of different subjects, from science to economics.
Furthermore, lower costs and the widespread presence of the
Internet allow unlimited numbers of participants regardless of not only
their financial background but also current living places. For example,
Coursera is a website that offers a variety of courses at reasonable
prices and presents legal degrees for participants upon completion of
each course. In online classes we can take the lectures conveniently
anywhere, without travelling to campus. We get the facility to attend
the classes anytime due to the option of flexible classes.  Online courses
are comparatively cheaper as there is less fees and no transportation
and stationary costs are involved. Virtual classes are suitable for those
who are working and are unable to attend the regular classes.

Topic 8: Describe a person that you admire and say why

+ Today I’d like to tell you about a teenager whom I really admire. She’s
is an avid activist on saving the environment. She’s Greta Thunberg- a
Swedish environmental activist on climate change whose campaigns
have gained a lot of international recognition in recent years. She’s now
16. She has Asperger’s Syndrome, a developmental disorder, but it
seems as a gift and a superpower. In May 2018, she decided to start
protesting in front of the Swedish parliament building, vowing to go on
until the government meet the carbon emissions target set by
environmentalists. Recently, she refused to travel by plane to
International conference on Climate change held in Chicago and
chose zero-emission boats instead. Her parents used to be not
enthusiastic about what she was persuing. They made it clear that she
would have to be on her own in pursuit of her dream. She also came
into a clash with some politicians, most notably with Amercian
president- Trump, as they see her efforts as barrier to their moving up
their career ladder and achieving target economic growth. I really
admire this person. She genuinely and deeply cares about the
environment. Many of us may be aware of environmental issues, but
just to some extent, but she wholeheartedly takes care of the
environment. She has brought these issues to an international
level, awakening us to our irreversible harms to the environment. She
also impresses me with her persistence, integrity and charisma. The
determination in her eyes urges people in the world to rethink about
their reckless actions to the environment and take immediate actions.
And her lasting efforts in various forms such
as demonstrations and strikes really touch our heart. That’s all I want
to say.

+ Well, the first person who came to my mind is my grandmother. She

is almost in her 80’s and she has always been a major influence on me. I
guess I could say that I’ve known my grandmother my whole life
because she was actually there the day I was born, and after the death
of my grandfather she started to live in our house, so I was lucky
enough to grow up and pass my adolescent years with her love and
affection. Since my childhood, she has always cared and loved me with
all of her heart, and she is a really kind and wise woman which is why I
always turn to her for advice. I think she’s a compassionate person
with a big heart, and always tries to help others whenever she can, and
I can recall many occasions when she took great risks to help other
people out. She’s also a successful mother of four children, one of
whom is my father. She has devoted her entire life for
the betterment of her kids, educating and guiding them to become
good people. She possesses a very charming personality and always
pleases everyone around her. Even a stranger can feel the warmth of
her heart within only a short time. I could really talk about her all day
long because I love and admire her for many reasons. But I must say,
the most important reason is her unconditional love for me. She is a
great mentor who always shows me the positive side of things and
guides me through my hardest times. Talking to her is
a soothing experience and the stories she tells are always informative
and full of important lessons and morals. I think she has had a great
influence on my attitude in life and on my personality, and for all these
reasons there’s a strong bond between us, and I admire her very much.

+ The person I admire most in my family is my mother. Why? She is

always there for me and never turns her back on me. She brought to
me in this world and because of her, I came to this world. She loves me
even when I disagree with her or do something wrong! Her love for me
is unconditional and I have countless reasons to admire and love her
the most. She is the most loving person I could possibly meet in my life.
She taught me the basic values of life and she put a great effort to
teach me to distinguish the right from wrong. She is a virtuous and
benevolent woman and I have a great admiration for her. She took care
of my elementary education and inspired me to read books outside of
my academic book list. In my childhood, she was always near me. She
took me to schools and playgrounds and waited patiently for a long so
that she could look after me. She never hesitates to inspire me
whenever I do something good. She is the best critic I can possibly have
and because of her, I have learned computer programming, art and
other important skills. She is a hard-working woman who has devoted
her entire life to her family. I learned the importance and necessity of a
close family from her. I have only a younger sister who is 12 years old
and my mum was always my best friend. In my teen ages she advised
me about many things and always supported me and that helped me a
lot to come out from the depression I had at that time. She inspired me
to take part in the outdoor activities and motivated me to play cricket
with other children of my age. She took great care of me when I was ill
and I can remember many sleepless nights she had spent to look after
me. She still does that whenever I get sick. She inspired me to get
admitted to the best university of our country and she is the one who
contributed the most to help me become the man I am. She was a
school teacher for about 5 years but she left her career and became a
full-time mum when I was born. Who else would make such great
sacrifice for me except my mother? She is my inspiration and idol in my
life. I admire her for everything she has done for me and everything she
still does for me. Her sacrifices and love for me are unparalleled to
anyone or anything in the whole world.

Topic 9 : Some people like reading books, others do not .

What about you ?
First, reading books helps us widen our knowledge. Vietnamese has a
proverb which means that we should travel to broad our
understanding, if we always stay at home with our mother, we will
never be wise. However, nowadays, not only does reading books costs
less money but it is also more comfortable than taking a trip. We just lie
on the couch and comprehensive what is happening in the books.
Thanks to the wide range of books such as science, literature,
astronomy, archeology, biology, physics, etc. we can get information
focus on our own fields as well as the others. The more books we have
read, the more knowing we have obtained.
Secondly, reading books helps us improve our expression ability like
writing and speaking. The writing style of some our favorite writers will
affect ours. Especially, when we read foreign literature, we will not only
know more about that country but also have chance to improve our
reading skill, learn new words which can be used to better our essays.
Last but not least, reading books helps us relax after a hard-working
day. It is also an interest for everybody who does not like to visit
crowded places at the weekend. They like quiet atmosphere and do not
want to disturb anybody so they consider books as their close friend.
They meet their stories, their lives in books and they feel extremely
sympathetic with the characters’ situations. Reading books makes them
happy and relieve stress.
+ Reading for enjoyment can help people to develop their imagination

and improve their language skills in many ways. Firstly, while watching
television is said to be more of a passive activity, reading is considered
to be an active form of learning. Reading stimulates people’s
brains more as they have to use their imagination to visualise the
characters and plot of the story, and this helps to further develop
their imaginative thinking skills. Secondly, language skills can also be
improved from reading. By reading regularly, people can expand their
vocabulary and learn different grammatical structures and how to use
them effectively.
+ Firstly, reading books can help children improve their academic
achievements. Children reading books regularly are likely to
have competent literacy skills, which is important for their study
because schools often require students to comprehend a great deal of
knowledge from reading various subjects' content. Hence, being
competent in literacy skills can provide children with an added
advantage when completing their assignments. Children with an
advantage in literacy skills tend to have higher results in school exams,
because they not only have wider knowledge but also better reading
and writing skills. 

More importantly, reading stories as a way of entertainment

is instrumental in cultivating children’s creativity. In this technological
world, when children depend too much on TV and computers in various
life aspects, engrossing in books is an undeniably wonderful stress
reliever to keep children away from electronic devices. Besides, reading
books encourages children to use their imagination to comprehend the
plots and characters of these stories, which in turn sharpens their
creativity. For illustrations, when immersing into Harry Potter for
relaxation, children have to use their creativity to fantasize and
understand the magical world with the existence of many fictional
characters such as witches, dragons, or monsters. 

In conclusion, I once again affirm that engaging in stories from books

can bring more benefits for children than spending time on TV and
video games, because children can gain both educational benefits and
great joy when enjoying book stories.

Topic 10 : Travelling helps we learn a lot

Nowadays, our society has been developing more and more. Therefore,
it would be good for our health if we could get away from our work at
least once a year by taking a vacation to a beauty spot in our country
because travelling really brings us a lot of benefits. First of all, when
travelling we shall have a very good opportunity to meet many people
so that we can increase our social communication. Also, travelling
might help us enlarge our knowledge of any fields such as customs,
cultures, traditions, and so on. For example, when we travel to any
countries of native English speaking, we will have a very wonderful
opportunity to practice English which we have already studied in , a
lacking of English environment country. Therefore, we can apply what
we have studied to reality which is a very necessary step in learning a
foreign language. Secondly, it is a time for us to forget all difficulties in
our busy daily life so that we can surely enjoy our wonderful and poetic
life comfortably. As a result, after travelling we will work more
effectively as well as feel that our life is more and more meaningful. All
in all, it is clear that travelling broadens our knowledge in many fields.
As a result, we feel that our life is more and more meaningful so that
we strongly have many good motivations to master our knowledge
more perfectly day after day in our busy daily life
+ Relax, unwind, and get away from it all – sometimes, I just need to
step back and take a very deep breath; whether or not life is going well.
If it’s going well, I need to step back, go somewhere, and analyze what’s
keeping this life together so well. How do I keep on moving on with this
kind of positive motivation?  For the most part, these trips are usually
short day trips – hikes or trail runs. When life is at a mess and at a high-
stress level, I usually get away from it all to relieve stress. Again, step
back and determine the cause of stress and the best solution to reduce
it. These trips are usually during weekends – two nights at most.
+ Discover the great big amazing world – different cities, different
states, and different countries. The beauty that this world posses is
beyond words and pictures. I can show you pictures of the Grand
Canyon and be very descriptive with words and tags, but I wouldn’t do
it justice.  Justice can only be served if I tell you to GO!
+  Move away from your comfort zone and journey into someone
else’s – this is the most important reason for my travelling, and it is also
the most subtle. When I visit a different country, a different state, a
different city - I experience the culture within that area. The longer I
stay, the richer my experience become with that culture, and the more
I learn and appreciate the differences in cultures. With experiences
comes awareness on how small choices that I make in my immediate
surrounding create ripple effects to those outside of my comfort zone.
Whatever your reason might be, just GO! I highly doubt that you will
regret it.
What benefits can traveling (travelling) bring to you? To supplement
what we learn from books and teachers, schools usually organize trips
for students. Many students considered the planned trips as social
outings designed for pleasure only. They don`t realize all the knowledge
and benefits they can derive from travel. In reality these trips can bring
about so many physical, social and mental benefits. Let`s describe these
benefits in details. I n some of our travels we have an opportunity to
live amongst nature, to inhale clean air and fresh breeze. We also have
opportunities to take long walks, to run, to jump and climb freely so
that we can develop physically healthy bodies. On such trips our
appetite improves and we sleep soundly. In addition, we gain a lot of
social and mental benefits from our trips. Travels and outings provide
students with opportunities to be joyful and friendly, and so escape
from everyday routines. They give us a chance to become better
-acquainted and socialize with others. From these contacts, we learn
how to relate to people, exchange ideas and gain friends. Our trips
provide us with association with nature, give us time to relax, meditate
and to enjoy games out-of-doors (outdoors). Living with others in
groups helps us (to) form good habits such as sharing consideration for
others, resourcefulness and friendliness. Moreover, travels and outings
will help to develop our knowledge and supplement what we learn
from books and teachers. The lessons on Geography, History and
Science will be more meaningful to us, enriched through true-to-life
observations and experiences. Through travels we can also learn about
our beautiful country, the historical relics, the places of interest, the
rich resources of our country, the progress that has taken place and the
improvements that need to be made

Topic 11 : Living in the city? Or country?

It is true that a city offers so many opportunities and advantages those
are absent in a countryside. For instance, the modern transportation
and communication systems are better in any city compared to a
village. In a city people have access to many different transportation
systems and have latest technologies to communicate; like cellular
phones, internet, fax etc. Moreover, when a new technology arrives at
the country it is first introduced in the city area and usually 2/3 years
later to the village. Secondly, cities provide better security to its
inhabitants like the mobile police patrols, special forces, community
police, security guards, traffic police etc. But in the village, the number
of security force persons are too low compared to the overall
population. Moreover, cities provide better treatment, hospitals,
qualified doctors, better educational institutes, and amusement parks
etc which are really inevitable to lead a better life. In many cases, those
facilities are absent or rare in a village. In my opinion, the reason for
why most people tend to live in a city is the vast opportunities of jobs.
Most of the corporate offices, industries, factories, government offices,
garments and manufacturing industries are either situated in a city or
close to the city. People have much more employment opportunities in
a city than a village. On the contrary, people living in a village, are often
forced to do a job that is not suitable at all for him since the job
opportunity is so narrow there. Again, schools or colleges are not
equipped with a better environment, labs, teachers and that's why
students in a village might not get a better education he/she deserves.
If we consider the entertainment facilities in a city then citizens of a city
have so many options like theatre, park, art gallery, museum,
amusement parks, libraries etc. But people in the villages have only TV
or books and very little facilities to spend leisure time.      

Driving everywhere can be a burden in a city of any size. Big cities often
lack sufficient parking or charge high rates for the available parking
options. But public transportation options fill this void, making owning
a car in a big city unnecessary. Whether traveling by taxi, subway
(called the “EL” in Chicago), or bus, you can reach your destination in a
city for a reasonable price, without the hassle of searching for a parking
spot. Many city dwellers combine transportation with exercise,
preferring to walk or ride a bike around town. Whether you’re looking
for a quick, stress-free way to navigate around town or want a way to
drastically cut down on the expense of getting around, big city public
transportation is the obvious choice.
Cities provide a wide array of entertainment options for any night of
the week. Visit a museum to take in a well-known art collection or learn
more about a subject that interests you. Experience a special date
night with a play at the theater.

Medical care in rural areas simply cannot compete with the options
available in a big city. Most people living in remote regions travel
dozens of miles to visit a doctor, and specialist visits could become an
overnight trip. Living in a big city gives you the opportunity to receive
the highest caliber of medical care without traveling hours from your

Competition in cities drives medical centers to hire only the most

knowledgeable staff, ensuring the finest care for you. More than a
dozen hospitals in the Chicago area are nationally ranked for the quality
of their medical care and superior staff. When it comes to finding a
doctor in big cities like Chicago, you have unparalleled options and
resources to get the care you need.

Topic 12: Pros and cons of cellphones to students

+ Using smartphones, through various learning apps and surfing web
assist in learning. Educational apps provide different mediums for
learning like video tutorials, mock tests, and teachers’ notes hence
assist in interactive learning through mentor interaction. Students can
involve in competitive learning through the internet where they can
involve in various events, tests, and quiz.

+ By having a cellphone available for a student, there is another layer of

personal security available to a student. If they feel they are in trouble,
they can call an emergency contact number for this way
cellphone is helpful to both parents and their children in case of any
emergencies. Incidences of attacks at a school, fires, kidnappings,
medical emergencies, and other emergencies can be reported quickly
for help.
+ In today’s world classroom education is not enough for the students
because there are many important lessons out there on which students
need to research on. The teacher encourages students to complete the
research tasks and the smartphone is a very good way to carry out
research. Using cellphone students can dig information on a specific
topic using various learning apps, surfing on the web and hence get
better results.

+ Since all smartphones have access to the internet and during

classwork, students can watch specific topics on the internet under
teachers’ guidance. And later teachers and students can discuss the
topic as presented in the video as a part of the learning experience.
Visual learning is the best way to gain a large amount of information
and it makes retain a large amount of information in a small period.

+ Voice recording feature can be useful to students who want to record

the lecture so that they can revise the lesson. Students can miss some
important instruction during lecture time and the voice note helps to
cover that part. Students can’t always have immediate access to note,
so voice notes can be helpful to jot down some important information.

+ Bullying is most common in school life and access to the cellphone to

students increases the chances of bullying as it creates a new possibility
for bullying. Online apps, social media, and other tools increase the
likelihood of bullying as they magnify the effect of bullying. Texts,
photos videos, voice mail can be spread through the cellphone which
aids in bullying.

+ Every piece of information is just a Google search away and with most
smartphones featuring a fully featured web browser with access to the
internet, the potential for cheating has grown exponentially. If cell
phones are allowed in classrooms during quizzes or testing, there are
chances that students will try to cheat by using cellphones and can
record or text answers. This has a negative impact on the education
system as well as students’ morale.

+ Cellphone offers different types of games, social media apps, texting

apps that are addicting in nature. Smartphone has become best friend
from a virtual world and it disconnects students from the real world. If
students spend much time with cellphone it might directly affect their
studies and decreases learning potential. Cellphones make it easier to
get disconnected from your families as well as friends as a person gets
attached to a cellphone most of the time.

+ Smartphone emits different kinds of radiations which has an adverse

effect on our health and longtime use of smartphone can affect our
eyes emits blue light emitted from the screen is highly harmful to
human eyes. Health issues like irregular sleep patterns, migraine,
weight loss, hypertension, and behavioural issues are some common
health issues regarding cellphone use.

Topic 13: What should/ shouldn’t we do to keep fit or

state healthy?
+ Even if you just get out for a walk a few times a week, exercise is
important in your daily routine to stay fit and healthy. Cardiovascular
exercise helps to strengthen the heart and lungs, strength training
helps to strengthen the muscles and stretching helps to reduce the risk
of injury by increasing flexibility. Exercise also improves circulation and
body awareness, and regular exercise can help combat depression.

+ Get as many fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet
as possible and make them the main part of your overall diet. Include
lean sources of protein such as poultry, fish, tofu and beans. Eat
balanced meals and do not overeat. Stop eating before you become
completely full and give yourself a chance to digest your food. Snack on
whole foods such as fruit, vegetables and nuts. Avoid highly processed
foods that contain artificial sweeteners or colors, hidden sugars or
excessive fat

+ A healthy breakfast starts your day off right. It sets you up so that you
have energy and fuel for optimal mental and physical performance.
Eating breakfast helps to maintain stable blood sugar levels and a
healthy weight because you are less likely to overindulge later in the

+Our bodies are made mostly of water. Most fluids and foods contain
water that will help to keep our bodies hydrated, but fresh, clean, plain
water is still the best and healthiest beverage for maintaining a healthy
body. It is the most natural cleanser for our organs and digestive
system. Being hydrated is crucial for the brain as well as for helping to
flush toxins out through the skin (perspiration) and urine.

+ Stress can cause many problems, from heart trouble to digestive

problems. This should not come as a surprise. What many people do
not know is what to do about it, how to manage their stress. Exercise,
meditation, doing what you love, appropriate boundaries, spirituality,
being in nature, and enjoyable hobbies all help alleviate the harmful
effects of stress on the body. Don't overwork. Take breaks (vacations,
mini-vacations, days off) and surround yourself with people who
support you.

+ An unbalanced diet ensures the body can't get the essential nutrients
it needs to protects the body from certain diseases. In addition, alcohol
consumption and smoking are the sources that lead to unhealthy
lifestyle. Smoking is a harmful lifestyle, as it seriously affect our health.
In fact, Smoking may cause addict and hard to eliminate the habit . Too
much intake of alcohol is not advisable. Drinking can be a slippery
slope, as excessive drinking can cause problems in virtually every area
of a person’s life.

+ Furthermore, poor sleep hygiene is also major causes of unhealthy

lifestyle which a large fraction of teenagers are involved in . Teenagers
mostly spend their time staying in front of the computer all night long
without sleeping. Slowly, they will mess up their time which is the
opposite way and so even skip their breakfast . This situation clearly
alert us that poor sleep hygiene will seriously affect our health .
Unhealthy lifestyle of many today leads to poor health. Prevent is
better than cure. As early as possible, we have to live a healthy lifestyle

+ Poor way of life decisions, for example, smoking, abuse of liquor,

terrible eating routine, absence of physical movement and insufficient
alleviation of ceaseless pressure are key donors in the advancement
and movement of preventable interminable infections, including
stoutness, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular
Topic 14: Children do not have time to take part in
outdoor activities like in the past .Why?
+ We already have entered into a digital world where technology has a
ripple effect on every people of every age. We cannot think of a single
day without the help and influence of technology in our personal and
professional life. It pervades each and every aspect of human life. But
when it comes to children’s creativity, we need to pause for a while to
think where we are heading to? Many people are out crying that
technology has a great negative impact on a child’s creativity. They
contend that today’s children are less creative comparing to the past
and they blame the dependency on technology for that. Although there
are great numbers of people who believe that technology is conducive
for children’s creativity, however, I am of my honest opinion that
technology affects our child creativity negatively.

To start with, a child’s brain development or allocating “neural real

estate” depends on how they spend their time. If they only confine to
high speed, numbing technology, then their brain efficiently
malfunctions the no longer needed frontal cortex. That is to say that
executive function, impulse control and critical thinking are essential
for learning are long gone. Likewise, imagination or creativity, also
necessary for learning, are gone that are necessary for success and
survival in the increasingly competitive world. Thus, early exposure to
technology hampers a child’ creativity.

Similarly, early exposure to technology also brings changes in brain

structure, chemistry, and function in areas pertaining to addiction. The
addiction to technology could be deemed as a lack of imagination and
creativity. For example, if a child could involve in a variety of activities
alternate to technology, they would not be addicted. The younger the
child is, and the more excessive exposure to technology he has, the
more chances that the toddler will be in addiction.

On the other hand, in the past, children had several natural avenues of
expressing their creativity than today. Just few decades ago, children
used to play outside all day, building forts, playing sports and many
games instantly devised by them. With their imaginative power,
children of the past innovated their own form of play that did not need
cost toys. Children then usually roamed a lot and their sensory world
was simple and nature based which boosted their imaginative power.

In conclusion, while no one can deny the advantages of technology in

today’s world, the connection to these devices may cause
disconnection from what a child direly need for healthy mental growth
that hones his imaginative and creative powers. So, what we need is to
balance the use of technology with those crucial factors regarding child

+ There are many reasons for the various pressures faced by children.
Firstly, schools are overloading children with enormous amount of
syllabus and frequent examinations. Due to this students tend to feel
stressed about their academics and develop anxiety.

+ It is widely believed that the principle reason which makes

Vietnamese students more stressed is the over-expectation from
parents. In fact, most Vietnamese parents who used to live in poor
conditions normally expect their children to achieve higher social status
than they did. Therefore, they force children to focus harder on their
study, irrespective of the children’s needs for relaxation or other
outdoor activities. Additionally, the competition amongst schools for
the top positions in the league table is another cause. In detail, some
schools intentionally require students to get highly involved in
strenuous and stressful school activities as well as demanding syllabus
so that the schools themselves may gain certain reputation, for their
own sake, as schools which have the highest rate of graduation, for
instance. To a certain extent, it is the aforementioned causes that put
mounting stress on Vietnamese students nowadays.

Topic 15 : Education is the key to success in life. And

teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their
students . Support your idea
+ As you gain your education, you’ll be gaining a deeper understanding
of what’s right, wrong, fair and unfair. As you develop your reasoning
and critical thinking skills, you’ll be able to apply these skills to
situations in your life. You’ll be aware of your rights and responsibilities
as a citizen. You’ll make more balanced personal judgments and over
time, you’ll apply these to society and help to make the world a better
+ As you progress through a college degree, you’ll learn how to manage
your time; how to juggle several tasks at the same time and how to
interact with all kinds of people, from fellow students to professors and
industry professionals. These skills are vital for the future. When you go
into the workplace — or back into the workplace if you’re a mature
student — you’ll take a more carefully honed set of interpersonal and
organisational skills with you. All of which will help you shine at work
and cope with the challenges that the professional world throws at you.
+ A degree is considered proof of your intelligence by many. Even at the
high school level, getting a certificate in a certain subject is a way of
proving to the outside world that you have an in-depth knowledge of
that subject and that you can stick out challenging scenarios to the end.
You can get through the tough times, the deadlines, the nights spent in
front of the computer, frantically writing your paper. You did it and this
will help you to believe in yourself and others (employers) to believe in
you. You’ll also be one step ahead in the knowledge stakes — having
dedicated time to studying the latest books, papers and learning on a
subject, you will have an in-depth understanding of your subject
matter, compared to those who only have general knowledge.

+ Teachers can act as a support system that is lacking elsewhere in

students’ lives. They can be a role model and an inspiration to go
further and to dream bigger. They hold students accountable for their
successes and failures and good teachers won’t let their talented
students get away with not living up to their full potential 

+ Teachers of all walks of life and subjects have the ability to shape
opinions and help form ideas about society, life and personal goals.
Teachers can also expand students’ limits and push their creativity.
Teachers simplify the complex, and make abstract concepts accessible
to students. Teachers also expose children to ideas and topics that they
might otherwise not have come into contact with. They can expand on
interests and push their students to do better.  Teachers don’t accept
failure, and therefore, students are more likely to succeed. Teachers
know when to push students, when to give a gentle nudge in the right
direction, and when to let students figure it out on their own. But they
won’t let a student give up. Teachers provide guidance to students of
all types. Teachers are able to see each child’s strengths and
weaknesses and can provide assistance and guidance to either get
them up to speed or push them higher. They will help to reveal
student’s best skills and teach valuable life skills as well, such as
communication, compassion, presentation, organization, following
directions, and more.

They are also a source of inspiration and motivation. Teachers inspire

students to do well, and motivate them to work hard and keep their
academic goals on track.

Topic 16: New changes in your hometown

Changing is inevitable and necessary in our daily life whose evidence
can be seen everywhere like climate change, nature phenomenon,
people and so on; besides, changing in the hometown where I am living
is also a noticeable change compared to the last few decades. The first
clear sign of change is the income rate. The annual income of each
person has increased much more than the last few years. More industry
branches opened meaning there are more high-paid career
opportunities for everyone. As the people’s need become more
important, more jobs exist that require more high-qualified people
which leads to the growth in income rate. The second invisible change
is public services. With the social progress, developing pubic facilities is
crucial. There are more parks, banks, cinemas, cafe shops opened to
absorb the increasing in population. Public transport like bus becomes
higher-quality and it is easier to find a bus stop to get on and travel
around. Last but not least, changing in education has made a huge
contribution to the national development. For instance, many
education institutes are recently built as primary, secondary and high
schools compared to my parents’ generation. Many schools
redecorated is also a clear sign the care of government in investing in
education. In short, my hometown has been through the change in size
and depth that is definitely important to build a better place to live. In
my belief, my hometown will continue, as a process, developing
although there will be sometime obstacles.

+ My hometown is becoming more and more vibrant as time goes by. It

used to be very dull and seemed to fall behind with development, but
now, everything has changed. It’s got a new lease of life with a great
economic situation with an increasing number of factories and chain
stores and a developed education system with many schools springing
up over the years.

+ Examples:

Topic 17: How important is the influence of family on

individuals ?
+ Family comprises of people of your blood, and they always accept you
for who you are. Your family would do anything to make you happy,
and they will always love you irrespective of the circumstances. 

+ The family is the only place where children get an opportunity to

study so much after school. In school, teachers pay more attention to
subjects that will enable children to get better jobs in future. At home,
family members allow children to learn healthy habits and discipline
which assist them to become responsible citizens. In addition, the
family members help children to live a perfect life in future.
When a child is born, the first person she sees is her parents and other
family members. Children learn some basic habits from their parents,
sisters, and brothers in early years of life. 

+ One thing you will agree with me is that life is full of ups and downs.
Some friends may disappear in your time of need. One of the
importance of the family is that they will always be with you whether
you are celebrating or mourning. This feature is an important aspect
that some people never realize. You will rarely come across parents,
brothers, and sisters who disappear during your time of difficulty.

The truth of the matter is that it’s only your parents who understand
you more than any other person in the world. They are always willing to
travel with you from the beginning to the end. They have a thorough
understanding of your feelings and always there when you need
someone abundantly. You may have so many people who can assist you
but your family comes in handy whenever you are alone. There is a
journey that your office mates, friends, and colleagues cannot walk
with you. However, the importance of family unit is that it has no

+ But the family is something different and it is a God’s gift. They never
jealous of you, instead they encourage when you pass every step.
Moreover, they celebrate with you in your every happy moment.
Especially parents always looking forward your every advance steps.
This is why the family is important in your every step.

+ If you don’t already have a defined set of family values, remember,

there’s no right or wrong way to go about forming and documenting
family systems that help guide your family values. If you don’t have well
established value systems in your family, then it’s time to get started.
Go forth, act intentionally and have conversations that will help your
family define and live your family values.

Topic 18: Can children and parents can be good friends?

+ Friends are unique and remarkable relation in the world. Friendship
helps you in any difficult situation. So now, does parents should
become their kid’s best friend? Yes. If parents become best friend to
their children, their children will become a good person by having a
good mentor. Furthermore, it parents are you friend, it will be very
inspiring delight for the children. Thus, I strongly agree that parents
should become their kid’s best friend because parents-children
friendship in the first place and parents can be encouraging when the
children lack of courage. The parents want the children to adore them.
It is because parents-children relationship can be warm, caring
responsive, sharing and trusting. Besides that, the children will be
closer an opened to their children to bring them up in right way. Thus,
it is relevant for parents to become their kid’s best friend as it can
strengthen the bond between them.

+ Yes, you can be friends with your child but in the beginning stages,
you should always be a parent. Later, you develop a friendship on how
you respond to, guide, care, love them. It’s easier to get along with you
when your children don’t feel like you’re suffocating them under
My mom and dad are my biggest fans. Whenever I’m feeling down, they push me
right back up and they do it with happiness because they don’t want to see me
fail. If I happen to get a bad test grade, I’m not afraid to be honest with my
parents because I know they will have the right words or advice for me to get me
back on my feet and try my hardest the second time around. Sometimes “friends”
never want to see you doing better than them so they set up ways for you to
never be as successful as them. With parents, they want you to be at the very top
and there’s no such thing as competition. I would take that over a fake friend
anytime! Trust is a huge word and I can personally say that I’ve had some people
in my life that were not very trustworthy with me and that has affected me a lot.
You know those times when you tell your best friend at school “OMG, don’t say
anything to anyone but this is what happened to me…" and then a few days later,
you find out your other friend knows about that story after you had told the
original person not to say anything? Well, with parents, that doesn’t really
happen. Your business is their business and it stays between them. No parent (at
least not mine) goes and tells their friends about your issues or talks crap about
you. That’s why I’m so blessed to have BFF parents because they are the
trustworthy people in my life. With parents you can make a really bad mistake
and, yeah, they may not like you for a couple of hours or days but they will never
stop loving you. I mean, they don’t really have an option; you are their child so
they deal with you no matter what. Parents always have your back and will always
be on your side if you do the same for them! Think about it this way: one day
down the line, you won't have your parents but what you will have is your own
kids and all that knowledge and advice that they instilled in you. You will be able
to pass down and it will be become a cycle. Don’t ever turn your back on your
parents because they are the most genuine best friends that you can have.

Like my dad always says, “I may be your dad by chance, but I will be your best
friend by choice.”

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