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(AUD 1206 Operations Auditing)

1. What are the procedures to be done in terms of the fieldwork stage of an

internal auditor as a response to audit finding number 1 (excessive turnover)?

One thing that the auditor may have done was to raise the concern immediately.
Internal control deficiency is primarily related to operations. Auditors need to report the
concerns to management or to those charged with governance to avoid further impact.
They need to know what was going on in the operation and make them understand the
negative impacts that may happen if not avoided. Eventually, such a high turnover rate
may result in low employee morale. Its immediate consequences could be extreme
because it could make employees lose confidence within the organization. In this kind of
situation, it is important to communicate and give suggestions that will make the
company better.

2. What are your possible recommendations as an internal auditor as a response

to audit finding number 1 (excessive turnover)?

As auditors the possible recommendations that we can recommend as a

response to the audit findings on excessive turnover is to go over their current labor
practices. Since overworked and dissatisfied workers who have had increased tasks
and responsibilities owing to a lack of an engaged or skilled workforce are one of the
primary reasons we find for high employee turnover. Which is why the suggestions that
we can give are the following: (1) To reduce the high effort, create a changing timetable.
(2) Assure that these personnel are rewarded, and that extra labor is properly tracked
so that they will be fairly compensated. (3) Provide workers with bonuses and rewards
in exchange for their contributions to the firm. (4) Improve their vacation/sick leave
benefits to make it more acceptable for employees to return. and (5) to recruit and train
additional people so that the job is divided and not centered on a few people. Another
recommendation is to deal with the human resource department since they are
assigned for the recruitment and selection of possible employees. They are also in
charge of employee training and development. We would recommend that H.R.
department should (6) hire the right employees to the right jobs, (7) allot sufficient
training and development programs for the employees, and (8) expand the department’s
workforce to lessen turnover.

3. Based on the case, are there any objectivity problems with Bes Corporation?
There may have been objectivity problems with Bes Corporation as its internal
audit department was involved in a computer feasibility study which requires an
assessment on acquisition of a particular computer system. Since the department has
been active in the study, they may have advised the purchase of the system not
because it can be valuable to the company but rather it gives them a personal sense of
achievement as the specific computer system sufficed the feasibility study they are
participating in.
Another instance wherein objectivity of Bes Corporation may be in question is the
defect detected on their products. The defect was known after several injuries, however,
they had dismissed the idea of conducting a proper investigation to prove whether the
injuries were really caused by the defect or not. Objectivity may be questioned because
if the investigation concludes that the injuries were indeed caused by the defect, then it
could result in possible lawsuits that may bear the company risks or losses which only
infers that investigation may not have been conducted to avoid possible losses.

4. What if the internal audit department is part of the corporation's controllership

function, and copies of the internal audit reports are sent to the board of
directors, evaluate the appropriateness of the location of the internal audit
department within Bes’ organizational structure.
The corporation's internal audit department appears to be out of place in relation
to its position within the company. Internal audit acts as a watchdog and, in a sense, a
check and balance for the controllership function. When it comes to examining financial
reporting difficulties or internal control deficiencies, they should be impartial and
unbiased. As a result, I believe it is preferable to establish an audit committee that
reports directly to people in charge of governance and is not part of the controllership
job. Bias, conflicts of interest, or undue influence should not be allowed to undermine
professional or business judgements.

5. Who are those within Bes should receive the reports of the internal audit
For functional purposes, the staff of the internal audit department should give its
reports to the Chief Audit Executive (CAE) who reports to the Audit committee or the
board directly. The Audit Committee is responsible for overseeing internal and external
audit functions and should be intrinsically independent. They check management and
assist in the external financial statements’ users in assuring that the financial
statements would reflect the company’s business activities, all internal controls are
working efficiently, and the company’s compliance to the laws and regulations that
apply. It is recommended that the Chairman of the Audit committee is not the chairman
of the board or of any other committee (Perlas et al., 2022). As for this case, the internal
auditing director is also the assistant controller in the corporate headquarters, which
poses independence problems as he may manipulate data which is pleasing only to the
eyes of the board of directors. Hence, the audit reports should be received by the Chief
Audit Executive, Audit Committee, and most importantly the Board of Directors.

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