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(EXTRA), SEPTEMBER 20, 2021 (BHDR 29, 1943 SAKA) 3269

Published by Authority


The 20th September, 2021
No. 09/01/2021-5FP1/1228.-In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 read with
clause (3) of Article 187 of the Constitution of India and all other powers enabling him in this behalf, the
Governor of Punjab, after consultation with the Speaker of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha, in so far as such consultation
is necessary, in terms of the provisions of clause (3) of the said Article 187, is pleased to make the following
rules further to amend the Punjab Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2021, namely:-
1. (1) These rules may be called the Punjab Civil Services (Revised Pay) FirstAmendment Rules, 2021.
(2) They shall be deemed to have come into force on and with effect from the first day of January, 2016.
2. In the Punjab Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2021 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in rule 7
(I), at the end, for the sign ".", the sign ":" shall be substituted and thereafter, the following provisos shall be
added, namely:-
Provided that if the increase in the revised pay fixed under this rule is less than 15% (fifteen percent)
over and above what the Government employee was getting as on 31.12.2015 i.e. existing Basic Pay+
Dearness Allowance @113% (one hundred and thirteen percent), such Government employee shall be entitled
to minimum increase of 15% (fifteen percent) over and above what the Government employee was getting as
on 31.12.2015 i.e. existing Basic Pay+Dearness Allowance @113% (one hundred thirteen percent) (See illustration
nos. 16 &17)
Provided further that no arrear shall be given from 1.1.2016 to 30.06.2021 for such enhancement.
3. In the said rules, after illustration No. 15, the following illustrations shall be added, namely:-

( 3269 )
3270 PUNJAB GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA), SEPTEMBER 20, 2021 (BHDR 29, 1943 SAKA)

A Government employee was appointed on 01.09.2013 in the scale of 10300-34800+3200 Grade Pay (pay
re-revised in 2011):
1 Date of Joining 01.09.2013
2 Pay Band as per 5th PPC PB-2 (5910-20200)
3 Grade Pay as per 5th PPC 1900
4 Pay Band after re-revision in the year 2011 PB-2 (5910-20200)
PB-3 (10300-34800)
5 Grade Pay after re-revision in the year 2011 2400 on 01.10.2011
3200 on 01.12.2011
6 Level corresponding to 1900 Grade Pay as per 6th PPC Level -3

STEP- 1 As per Punjab Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2021

Method -1: Pay drawn as on 31.12.2015

Date Pay in Pay Band Grade Pay Basic Pay Remarks
01.09.2013 10300 3200 13500 Initial Pay
01.09.2014 10710 3200 13910 Annual Increment
01.09.2015 11130 3200 14330 Annual Increment
14330*2.25= 32242.5 rounded off to nearest Rupee i.e. Rs. 32243
Method -2: Notional Pay as on 31.12.2015
Date Pay in Pay Band Grade Pay Basic Pay Remarks
01.09.2013 5910 1900 7810 Initial Pay
01.09.2014 6150 1900 8050 Annual Increment
01.09.2015 6400 1900 8300 Annual Increment
8300*2.59= 21497 rounded off to nearest Rupee i.e. Rs. 21497

If the Government employee chooses Multiplier Pay Band (5th PPC) 5910-20200
factor of 2.25, the revised pay will be fixed in Grade Pay 1900
Level corresponding to 1900 Grade Pay in the Level (6th PPC) 3
Pay Matrix i.e. Level 3 (as per Rule 7-V) Cell 1 20200
Cell 2 20800
Revised Pay in Pay Matrix (either equal to or next Cell 16 31400
higher to 32243 in Level 3)as on 01.01.2016: Rs. 32300 Cell 17 32300
Cell 18 33300
PUNJAB GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA), SEPTEMBER 20, 2021 (BHDR 29, 1943 SAKA) 3271

STEP- 2 Raising of Basic Pay by minimum of 15% over and above of Basic Pay +DA @113%

1. Pay in the Pay Band as on 31.12.2015 11130

2. Grade Pay as on 31.12.2015 3200
3. Basic Pay as on 31.12.2015 (1+2) 14330
4. DA @ 113% (14330 * 113%) 16193
(rounded off to the nearest rupee)
5. Basic Pay + DA (3+4) 30523
6. 15% Increase on Basic Pay + DA(30523*15%) 4578
(rounded off to the nearest rupee)
7. Minimum Assured Basic Pay in Revised Scales (5+6) 35101
STEP- 3 Comparison of Minimum Assured Basic Pay (Step 2) v/s Revised Pay as per
Punjab Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2021(Step 1)
Minimum Assured Basic Pay Revised Basic Pay
(Step 2) (Step 1)
35101 32300
As per Step 3, the Minimum Assured Basic Pay as per step 2 is higher than the earlier Revised Basic Pay as per
Step 1, the Revised Basic Pay for such government employee will now be fixed either equal to or next higher to
Rs. 35101
The revised pay will be fixed in Level corresponding Pay Band (5th PPC) 5910-20200
to 1900 Grade Pay in the Pay Matrix i.e. Level 3 Grade Pay 1900
(as per Rule 7-V) Level (6th PPC) 3
Cell 1 20200
Cell 2 20800
Revised Pay in Pay Matrix (either equal to or next Cell 19 34300
higher to 35101 in Level 3) as on 01.01.2016: Rs. 35300 Cell 20 35300
Cell 21 36400
Note: In case of Revised Pay is enhanced/ raised with the Minimum Assured Basic Pay [Step 2] , no arrears
for the period from 01/01/2016 to 30/06/2021, shall be given.
3272 PUNJAB GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA), SEPTEMBER 20, 2021 (BHDR 29, 1943 SAKA)


A Government employee was appointed on 01.09.2013 in the scale of 10300-34800 +5000 Grade Pay (pay
re-revised in 2011):
1 Date of Joining 01.09.2013
2 Pay Band as per 5th PPC PB-3 (10300-34800)
3 Grade Pay as per 5th PPC 4400
4 Pay Band after re-revision in the year 2011 PB-3 (10300-34800)
5 Grade Pay after re-revision in the year 2011 5000
6 Level corresponding to 4400 Grade Pay as per 6th PPC Level -13
Method-1: Pay drawn as on 31.12.2015
Date Pay in Pay Band Grade Pay Basic Pay Remarks
01.09.2013 13450 5000 18450 Initial Pay
01.09.2014 14010 5000 19010 Annual Increment
01.09.2015 14590 5000 19590 Annual Increment
19590*2.25= 44077.50 rounded off to nearest Rupee i.e. Rs. 44078

Method -2: Notional Pay as on 31.12.2015

Date Pay in Pay Band Grade Pay Basic Pay Remarks
01.09.2013 13020 4400 17420 Initial Pay
01.09.2014 13550 4400 17950 Annual Increment
01.09.2015 14090 4400 18490 Annual Increment
18490*2.59= 47889.10 rounded off to nearest Rupee i.e. Rs. 47889

If the Government employee chooses Multiplier Pay Band (5th PPC) 10300-34800
factor of 2.59, the revised pay will be fixed in Grade Pay 4400
Level corresponding to 4400 Grade Pay in the Level (6th PPC) 13
Pay Matrix i.e. Level 13 (as per Rule 7-V) Cell 1 46000
Cell 2 47400
Revised Pay in Pay Matrix (either equal to or next Cell 3 48800
higher to 47889 in Level 13) as on 01.01.2016: Rs. 48800 Cell 4 50300
Cell 5 51800
STEP- 2 Raising of Basic Pay by minimum of 15%
1. Pay in the Pay Band as on 31.12.2015 14590
2. Grade Pay as on 31.12.2015 5000
3. Basic Pay as on 31.12.2015 (1+2) 19590
4. DA @ 113% (19590 * 113%) 22137
(rounded off to the nearest rupee)
5. Basic Pay + DA (3+4) 41727
PUNJAB GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA), SEPTEMBER 20, 2021 (BHDR 29, 1943 SAKA) 3273

6. 15% Increase on Basic Pay + DA (41727*15%) 6259

(rounded off to the nearest rupee)
7. Minimum Assured Basic Pay in Revised Scales (5+6) 47986
STEP- 3 Comparison of Minimum Assured Basic Pay (Step 2) v/s Revised Pay as per
Punjab Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2021 (Step 1)
Minimum Assured Basic Pay Revised Basic Pay
(Step 2) (Step 1)
47986 48800
As per Step 3, since the earlier Revised Basic Pay as per step 1 is higher than the Minimum Assured Basic Pay,
the Revised Basic Pay for such government employee will now also be Rs. 48800
The revised pay will be fixed in Level corresponding Pay Band (5th PPC) 10300-34800
to 4400 Grade Pay in the Pay Matrix i.e. Level 13 Grade Pay 4400
(as per Rule 7-V) Level (6th PPC) 13
Cell 1 46000
Cell 2 47400
Revised Pay in Pay Matrix as on 01.01.2016: Rs. 48800 Cell 3 48800
Cell 4 50300
Cell 5 51800

Principal Secretary to Government of Punjab,
Department of Finance.

2401/9-2021/Pb. Govt. Press, S.A.S. Nagar

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