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BEST POLYTECHNIC TEACHER AWARD - (A State Level Award Instituted by State Governments of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Sinar, Karnataka, Kerala, M.P., Maharastra. Punjab and U.P.) INDIAN SOCIETY FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION ‘New Dein - 170.018, AN ISTE AWARD FOR POLYTECHNIC TEACHERS NOMINATIONS INVITED Nominations are inviled trom all Poltectnics and other diploma awarding technical institutions in ina State. which are zaproved by the Technical Education of the Slate, for the Best Polytechnic Teoctwr Aywart af his year. There may be anouistanding teacher in your institute wha is dedicated and motivated 2ad doservas recognition and encouragaiment. It will bo vory much approciatod you wnt kindly nominate him/her for the st Polyteahiiic Taether Award ELIGIBILITY FOR NOMINATION Those who are presently working as ‘ulltime teachers and hozde al day sections in the concerned polytechnic. Only one teacher wil get the awerd roma inva year. Heads of institutlons are sol eligible for trie nomination, tate DETAILS OF AWARD ash Prizo of Re. 2000 + Brass/Capper Modallion * Cortiticate Amaras will be announced ir the Anus Converiton. o! ISTE to be held in December this year. Awards will be presented Wo the winners zt a eran ceremony arranged during the Inauguration ofthe ISTE Convention ofite year. HOW 70 SEND NOMINATIONS? An Instrument of Assessments enclosed with hs. Kindly rad the instant on given overleai, fil up the insttumen caretully and semi 1 to tnd ISTE before the last date indicated at the bottom. ADDRESS FOR SENDING NOMINATIONS The Fxnculive Searntiony Incian Suciely tor lestinieel Fuster Shaheed Joot singh Marg Now Pralts| 110 0F6 YEAR OF AWARD Last Date for receipt of Nominations ' Ser Cete INSTRUCTIONS, FOR FILLING UP INSTRUMENT OF ASSESSMENT / QUESTIONNAIRE THE Instrument je:to be filled up and signed by the Hezd of the Institution. The questionnaires to be filed up by the applieant SIX major activities of a teacher are listed in Column 1 in the: Instrument. The total proposed weightage points for each is indicated in Column 3 UNDER the majar activities, sub-activities are listed and the proposed woightage for each is indicated in Column 3. it may happen that depencing on the academic pragrammes, priorities, locatian and taciitics a} the Institute as well as the work plan allotted to a leacher, Some of ine suD-2ctiviies are not relevant ar applicable to him/her. In suck a case, the proposed weightage stiown in Column 3 for that sub-ectivily may be distributed among one or more of the ather sub-activities of the concemnd main activity. The sveightages/thus reacjusteo may be indicated in Column 4. GIVE a brief description of er comment an the contribution of the nomiage against each sub-activity in Column 2. This will considerably help the Awarés Committee in deciding the winner of the award. AGAINST each relevant sub-actiyity, indicate the weightage given to the nominee in Column 5. PROPEA justification should be indicated in Column 2, whenever 2 eminee is given FULL weightage for any sub activity. DO NOT use fractions of less ihan half to indicate weightage in Column 5. DU NOT forget to sign the instrument with date and put the office seal The questionnaire snoutd inotcate your major contributions and qualities as a teacher PLEASE SEND THE NOMINATIONS BEFORE THE LAST DATE POLYTECHNIC TEACHERS AN ISTE AWARD FOR for the year INSTRUMENT OF ASSESSMENT (to be filled up by the Head of Institution) BEST POLYTECHNIC TEACHER AWARD 19 1 ACTINTY wy INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT Glass room instruction ietuding planning, presentation, stodent Pertspation, media ued. moshots Adopted, management of class.and ‘uid teanina. DESCRIPTION OF/COMNENT ON THE "ACTIVITY OF THE NOMINEE @) Proposed weightage ‘points) @) 20 Reslusied weightage (poms) “ Wetantane given to amines ey 12 Leboraiory instruction jnclud- ing organising laboratory werk, gtidanee auring candue! and wating af laboratory raperis and management ct lahoratory classes 13, Guiding student project includ Ing selection of prajacta, formula: lion oF ebjectivee of tne aroizcts, Pryeurement of material required, continuous guitance and report inal sation, 14 Students assessment lavolving repulamty m conducting rests and aiving assigaments, partiel= pation tn exzmination watk ually ano standards of tests tange ard alstribution of awards, prompiness ‘n avalustion and providing feedback information fo students on teir deticiencies Total weightage for 1 40 40 acTiviTt ay DESCRIPTION OF/COMMENT ON THE ACTIVITY OF THE NOMINEE @ Proposes werentaue (soints) a Feagjusiad woluhtage (points) a) weightage siven te Nominee o 20 24 DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING RESOURCES INCLUDING ‘CURRICULUM PLANNING. Currieulum development involving alanning of new progiames, prepara: ‘on oF syllabi for neve courses, preparation of question hanks and ‘conduct of pase studies, 22 Development of leamina te- sources involving preparation of instructional aids lke charts, models. \ransparencies, slides, c., prepara- lion of handouts, preparation oF ‘abaratory instruction, manuals, wiring a! boeks and renogrars, Laboratory dévalopment Invelving Sannin of = nevi labaratory ot ‘expansion oan existing laboratory, formulston ot schemes tor mademisation of laboratory, procure: mentlabrication and hsiallation ol equininent, design and installation ot now expenmenal setups, moatica- Gn of existing experimental seu ond repair aad upkeep o! laboratory intrastruciural facilities. Total weightage for 2 15 15 30 at SELFDEVELOPNENT THROUGH CONSULTANGY, INTERACTION WITHINDUSTRY RESEARCH, CONTINUING EDUCATION. PROGRAMES AND EXTENSION SERVICES Intecaction with indushy volving working in irrusty, consultancy roleets, sponsored researc’, sortinuing education programmes for industial personne’ anc providing (echnical and extension services. 32 esearch and guidanze invalving relevance ol the tescarch publication anc patents. eopased Weiantage DESCRIPTION OF/COMMENT ON THE activity ‘weighiage ‘given te un ACTIVITY OF THE MONINEE se | teak | aectoee a ) o) 3.3 Contribution to professional 4 growth by paricivaling in gunn ing edueatian pragramies, national and intematigng-seminais and onferenaes ancl activitins of prolessional soctelies. 3.4 Professional standing ¢stablichad Imough membership in State anc 9 Notional committoos and badics ol professional societies, awards and honours reesived, ote. Total weightage for 3 15 15 4.0 STUDENT SEAVICES 4A Management of Hostels 4 4.2 Organieation of student co-curricular aotities Ike sports, games. cultural aolvitiog, NEC. N' a 4.3 Paw pp Student counseling, aioe! guidance, remedial assis- lance to academicelly weak stadets, 5 guidanee and assistance to studens appearing at competitive examinar tions, ertirepreneurshia development programmes, atc. Total weightage for 4 10 10 5.0 PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION 5.1 Intarnal administration involving contiibution (0 the efficient tunction- 3 ing of laboratories, stores, lihrary and olher facilities, proculement af ‘equinment ann stores, aciministra- tion of students, etc. 52 Developmsntat planning, resource mobilisation and implementation of development schemes, = Propasce | Reamusted| Weishtaate DESCRIPTION OF/CONMENT OW THE aeniviny seipmigs | wegminge | peente o AE OATY OS Ne (ain's) | (pointes | Namince * (3) @ & 5.3 Publie felations and interaction 3 wan patents, alumi, social ana cultural organisations, sister insth ions, press and fucat adrrinistratian 5.4 Participation in poliey planning a! Slate anid National fevels and 3 conifibutian to tie abtivities ot proinssiona’ hodles. Total weightage for 5 12 12 6.0 HROFESSIONAL ETHICS 8.1 Proiessional ethics and attitudes, tke appreciation of the inatiutional a goaws and objectives, commitment, readiness tc accept esponsibility, ependabilny, abilly to participate in gioup aztviy, ete Total weightage for 6 8 8 Grand total of weightage 100-100 Namo of Nominee Designation iciet Ataress of Nominee ‘win pr code) ola: Exeenence (in years) of Neminge Foaching Reseaten: vricusty Workioat (i hours} pee weak of Nernince ‘reo Practical ‘present of previous semesteriysar) aGOMTMONY -——e—sennnseSrnetnne Best Palytechne Teacher Awart far this year Dare Signature: Name & Audress of Head ol Institution (Cities Sean) asa candidate tortie BEST POLYTECHNIC TEACHER AWARD . FOR VARIOUS STATES QUESTIONNAIRE {To be filled up and signed by tre neriinee) |. List specitie contributions made by you to imarove the teacher-learning process in your Polytechnic. IL. List 3 specific centributions made by you th your Collage in enhancing research, consultancy and induetry institute interaction activit'es ard genarating additional tends Hil, List 3 of your major strengths and capabilities as a teacher 8 Place: Signature: Dae Name & Designation (To be-returnac alangwith the Instrument of Assessment}

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