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Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant: Motivating in Good Times and Bad

Situation Analysis

Engstrom Auto Mirror plant, privately operated since 1948, manufactured mirror for trucks
and automobiles. Currently the company is facing the crisis due to the many factor, a main
one being that business and sales were declining for the second year in a row since 2005. As
the sales were going down the plant manager Ron Bent layoff the 46 of his 225 employees.
Job security came into question when the industry downturn occurred. During the 1990s,
plant was on verge of redesigning its production lines to incorporate new technology, which
led to decline in productivity, sales going down, employees feels demotivated and product
quality issues is also occurring, hence the administration has undergone change due to
worsening of situation. In order to quickly fixed the issues of the delay in the productivity,
new plant manager Ron Bent introduced the Scanlon Plan, an organizational incentive
scheme to increase the productivity, motivate the employees through incentives. This resulted
in increase of productivity of the plant toe 150%, as claimed by Bent. And the company gain
the benefit and prosperous of the scheme until the distrust arise among the employees
regarding the Scanlon Plan calculation and management intense. The Scanlon Plan is
consisting of three elements Identity, Participation, Equity and Competence. Identity is to
understand the problem of the plant, suggestions for improvement by all employees at all
levels than sharing of the benefits of the increased productivity. The Scanlon Plan was the
short-term way of resolve the Engstrom Auto Mirror plant issues, as the economy hit down
the plant, it was unable to give the monthly bonus due from last seven months, also the layoff
created dissatisfaction among the employees. Engstrom Auto Mirror plant has clearly
neglected the human behavior aspect such as motivation, trust, engagement, employee’s
morale, communication and employee’s engagement.

Problem Statement

The work culture at the Engstrom is hostile. There are dissatisfaction and communication gap
among the employees, the job security has affected due to layoff in recent times, morale and
the behavior of the employees change as they didn’t trust on management and Scanlon
method of calculation of the bonus raised distrust. The Scanlon Plan have didn’t solve the
root cause of the issues.
Proposed Solution and Action

Extrinsic incentive i.e. Scanlon Incentive is necessary but not sufficient to increase the
productivity for the long term. The job satisfaction is related to the intrinsic factor that is
personal growth, achievement, responsibility and promotion. When the work become the
obligation that affect the efficiency of the employees, increase in pay only didn’t bring out
the best of the employees. Manager must focus on the intrinsic factor as well as the extrinsic
In case of the Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant, the need of the hour is modified the Scanlon
Plan, make the calculation of the bonus calculation simpler and easier so that every employee
able to understand it. Management must take the transparent approach to reach to the
employees. Must come up with an idea to engaged with employees.
Mr. Bent and the top management must focus on the development of the work culture
based on the promotion, growth, appreciation and personal achievement rewards rather than
focus only on increasement of salary to get the best efficiency of the employees. The rewards
of the appreciation and recognition of the achievement bring the self-respect among the

Submitted By:

Prashant Kumar

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