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Whole numbers

HomeRoom Teacher: Daisy

Grade: 6
Week: Sep 27- Oct 1


● Seesaw ● Written work samples, audio or video works in Seesaw
● Internet ● Anecdotal records
● Khan academy ● Khan academy
● k5learning ● Matific
● mathworksheets4kids

Lesson Date Content descriptors Teaching

1. 27 Sep ● The teacher will Introduce the concept of Integers.

2021 What Is an Integer?
An integer is a number with no decimal or fractional part, from the set of negative and positive
numbers, including zero. Examples of integers are: -5, 0, 1, 5, 8, 97, and 3,043.
A set of integers, which is represented as Z, includes:
● Positive Integers: An integer is positive if it is greater than zero. Example:
1, 2, 3 . . .
● Negative Integers: An integer is negative if it is less than zero. Example: -1,
-2, -3 . . .
● Zero is defined as neither negative nor positive integer. It is a whole number.
Z = {... -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}

Types of Integers
Integers come in three types:
● Zero (0)
● Positive Integers (Natural numbers)
● Negative Integers (Additive inverse of Natural Numbers)

Zero is neither a positive nor a negative integer. It is a neutral number i.e. zero has no sign (+ or -).

Positive Integers
The positive integers are the natural numbers or also called counting numbers. These integers are
also sometimes denoted by Z+. The positive integers lie on the right side of 0 on a number line.

Z+ → 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
27, 28, 29, 30,….

Negative Integers
The negative integers are the negative of natural numbers. They are denoted by Z–. The negative
integers lie on the left side of 0 on a number line.
Z– → -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, -13, -14, -15, -16, -17, -18, -19, -20, -21, -22,
-23, -24, -25, -26, -27, -28, -29, -30,…..

The students will watch a video

Youtube Videos

After watching the video the teacher will ask the below questions to check on their understanding?

What are integers?

Integers are the combination of zero, natural numbers and their additive inverse. It can be
represented in a number line excluding the fractional part. It is denoted by Z.

What is an integer formula?

An integer is a set of positive and negative numbers along with zero and does not have any formula.

What are the examples of integers?

The examples of integers are 3, -5, 0, 99, -45, etc.

Can integers be negative?

Additive inverse of natural numbers are negative integers, such as -1,-2,-3,-4,-5, and so on

What are the types of integers?

Integers are of three types:
Zero, Positive integers and Negative integers

Graphing Integers on a Number Line

You Do: The teacher will share the below worksheet to practice the integers on number line
Worksheets( Number -line easy/Integers)

2. 28 Sep ■
-2021 How to represent integers on Number Line?
As we have already discussed the three categories of integers, we can easily represent them on a
number line based on positive integers, negative integers and zero.
Zero is the centre of integers on a number line. Positive integers lie on the right side of zero and
negative integers lie on the left. See the below figure.
Integers on a Number Line
A number line is a visual representation of numbers on a straight line. This line is used
for the comparison of numbers that are placed at equal intervals on an infinite line that
extends on both sides, horizontally.
Just like other numbers, the set of integers can also be represented on a number line.
Graphing Integers on a Number Line
● The number on the right horizontal side is always greater than the left side
● Positive numbers are placed on the right side of 0, as they are greater than
● Negative numbers are placed on the left side of “0”, as they are smaller than
● Zero, which isn't positive or negative, is kept at the center.

We Do: The teacher and the students will share the below example to plot the number line
Question 1: Plot the following integers on the number line:
-121, -97, -82, -67, -43, -10, 0, 10, 36, 55, 64, 77, 110, 126, 147.

You Do: The teacher will share the below worksheet to practice the integers on number line
Worksheets( Number -line easy/Integers)

HW: The teacher will assign the below worksheet as HW activity

Worksheets (Integers on Number Line)

3. 29 Sep ■ The teacher will check the students HW activity and will clarify if any questions.
2021 The teacher will explain

Arithmetic Operations on Integers

The basic Maths operations performed on integers are:
● Addition of integers
● Subtraction of integers
● Multiplication of integers
● Division of integers

Rules of Integers will be discussed in the class.

Rules defined for integers are:
● Sum of two positive integers is an integer
● Sum of two negative integers is an integer
● Product of two positive integers is an integer
● Product of two negative integers is an integer
● Sum of an integer and its inverse is equal to zero
● Product of an integer and its reciprocal is equal to 1

Addition of Integers
While adding the two integers with the same sign, add the absolute values, and write down the sum
with the sign provided with the numbers.
For example,
(+4) + (+7) = +11
(-6) + (-4) = -10
While adding two integers with different signs, subtract the absolute values, and write down the
difference with the sign of the number which has the largest absolute value.
For example,
(-4) + (+2) = -2
(+6) + (-4) = +2.

Rules to Add and Subtract

Integers are a special group of numbers that are positive, negative and zero, which are not fractions.
Rules for addition and subtraction are the same for all.

Negative Sign and Positive Sign

The integers which we add or subtract could be positive or negative. Hence, it is necessary to know
the rules for positive and negative symbols.
Positive sign/symbol: (+)
Negative sign/symbol: (-)

Addition of Integers
The three main possibilities in the addition of integers are:
● Addition between two positive numbers
● Addition between two negative numbers
● Addition between a positive number and a negative number

Type of Numbers Operation Result Example

Positive + Positive Add Positive (+) 10 + 15 = 25

Negative + Negative Add Negative (-) (-10) + (-15) = -25

Positive + Negative* Subtract Positive (+) (-10) + 15 =5

Negative + Positive* Subtract Negative (-) 10 + (-15)= -5

Whenever a positive number and a negative number are added, the sign of the greater number will
decide the operation and sign of the result. In the above example 10 + (-15) = -5 and (-10) + 15 =5;
here, without sign 15 is greater than 10 hence, numbers will be subtracted and the answer will give
the sign of the greater number.
We know that the multiplication of negative sign and a positive sign will result in negative sign,
therefore if we write 10 + (-5), it means the ‘+’ sign here is multiplied by ‘-’ inside the bracket.
Therefore, the result becomes 10 – 5 = 5.

Alternatively, to find the sum of a positive and a negative integer, take the absolute value (“absolute
value” means to remove any negative sign of a number, and make the number positive) of each
integer and then subtract these values. Take the above example, 10 + (-15); absolute value of 10 is
10 and -15 is 15.

⇒ 10 – 15 = -5

Thus, we can conclude the above table as follow:

Adding two positive integers results in positive integer
Adding two negative integers results in a sum of integers with a negative sign.
Addition of a positive and a negative integer gives either a positive or negative-sum depending on
the value of the given numbers.
Note: The sum of an integer and its opposite is always zero. (For example, -5 + 5= 0)

WE DO: Example 1:

Adding two integers: Calculate the value of 2 + (-5).

Here, the absolute values of 2 and (-5) are 2 and 5 respectively.
Their difference (larger number - smaller number) is 5 - 2 = 3
Now, among 2 and 5, 5 is the larger number and its original sign “-”.
Hence, the result gets a negative sign, "-”.
Therefore, 2 + (-5) = -3

Example 2:
Adding two integers: Calculate the value of -2 + 5.
Here, the absolute values of (-2) and 5 are 2 and 5 respectively.
Their difference (larger number - smaller number) is 5 - 2 = 3
Now, among 2 and 5, 5 is the larger number and its original sign “+”.
Hence, the result will be a positive value.
Therefore,(-2) + 5 = 3

YOU DO: The teacher will share a worksheet on adding integers.


4. 23 Sep ■
-2021 The teacher will do a quick review on the addition of Integers and then
will start the concept of subtraction.

Subtraction of Integers
While subtracting two integers, change the sign of the second number which is being subtracted,
and follow the rules of addition.
For example,
(-7) – (+4) = (-7) + (-4) = -11
(+8) – (+3) = (+8) + (-3) = +5

Subtraction of Integers
Like in addition, the subtraction of integers also has three possibilities. They are:
● Subtraction between two positive numbers
● Subtraction between two negative numbers
● Subtraction between a positive number and a negative number

For ease of calculation, we need to renovate subtraction problems the addition problems. There are
two steps to perform this and are given below.
1. Convert the subtraction sign into an addition sign.
2. After converting the sign, take the inverse of the number which comes after the sign.
Once the transformation is done, follow the rules of addition given above.
For example, find the value of: (-5) – (7)
Step 1: Change the subtraction sign into an addition sign
⇒ (-5) + (7)
Step 2: Take the inverse of the number which comes after the sign
⇒ –5 + (-7) (opposite of 7 is -7)
⇒ –5 + (-7) = -12 [Add and put the sign of greater number]

We Do: Example:

Subtracting two integers: Calculate the value of 7 - 10.

Converting the given expression into an addition problem, we get: 7 + (-10).
Now, the rules for this operation will be the same as for the addition of two integers.
Here, the absolute values of 7 and (-10) are 7 and 10 respectively.
Their difference (larger number - smaller number) is 10 - 7 = 3.
Now, among 7 and 10, 10 is the larger number and its original sign “-”.
Hence, the result gets a negative sign, "-”.
Therefore, 7 - 10 = -3
You Do: The students will practice the below worksheet on subtraction of Integers
Worksheets(Subtracting Integers)

5. 24 Sep ● The students will be asked to do a quick review on the learned concepts and rules and will be
-2021 asked to share their understanding by writing them in notes.

The students will make 5 examples each on plotting Integers on the number line.
5 examples on addition of Integers
5 examples in subtraction of Integers.

The students will share their examples in the class.

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