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Joseph and Mary Academy

Rainbow Ave.,Pacita II, San Pedro Laguna


Teacher: Ms. Alyssa Mae F. Dapadap Date: ______________ Parent’s Signature: _______
I. Encircle the BEST answer from the choices.
1. A sample of a mixture is in the liquid state. It is clear and colorless and does not
exhibit the Tyndall effect. This sample is heated and you observe that the liquid in the
mixture evaporates, leaving a white solid in the dish! How can you best describe the
original sample of matter?
a. homogeneous mixture
b. a solution
c. a compound
d. none of these
e. more than one of these
2. Which of the following is NOT a mixture?
a. Mineral water
b. Sea water
c. Distilled water
d. Vinegar
3. What does it mean when we say “oil is water fearing substance”?
a. it is insoluble c. it is fearful
b. it is soluble d. it is not brave
4. Why do you think the sand in the beach don’t dissolve in the water?
a. because the sand is insoluble with water
b. because the sand is hard and water is not.
c. because the sand soluble with water
d. because the sand is solid and water is liquid.
5. Ma’am Pamela is selling mixed vegetable, buko juice, lugaw and mineral water in the
canteen. Which is the example of homogeneous mixture?
a. lugaw
b. buko juice
c. mineral water
d. mixed vegetable
6. Which statement describes the solute?
a. It is the solid formed in solution.
b. It is the liquid part of the solution.
c. It is the component of a solution in smaller amount.
d. It is the component of a solution in bigger amount.
7. It is the combination of two or more substances that are not chemically combined and
a new substance was formed. What do you mean by this?
a. It is solid c. It is gas
b. It is liquid d. It is mixture
8. There are five kinds of solution. Gas in liquid is one of it, therefore, which of the given
example is one of the solutions?
a. Air and water c. Oxygen and salt
b. Cola or Soft drink d. Rocks and solvent
9. Homogeneous mixture has the same properties .It means that the substances mixed
thoroughly and after stirring, it appeared as one substance. You can no longer
distinguish one component from the other. What is the other term for homogenous
a. Solution c. solute
b. Dissolution d. Solvent
10. When sugar dissolves in water, the two substances appear as one .The sugar
particles can no longer be identified .However, the taste of the water proves that the
sugar was not lost after mixing .Its chemical property is retained and so the water taste
sweet. What kind of solution is this?
a. Solid in liquid c. . Liquid in liquid
b. Solid in solid D. Gas in liquid
11. A sugar solution is prepared by adding dissolving sugar in water. Sugar solution
consists of two components, namely, sugar and water. Which is solute?
a. Water c. solution
b. Sugar d. Components
12. In question number 11 (eleven), which is solvent?
a. Water c. solution
b. Sugar d. Components
13. Do all solutes dissolve in all solvents?
a. Yes C. Maybe
b. No D. None of the above
14. Not all substance can be dissolved in water. What do you call the substances that can be
dissolved in water?
a. Soluble c. solution
b. insoluble d. Dissolution
15. What is the meaning of solubility?
a. property of substance
b. It is the ability of a solute to dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature.
c. Clear to naked eye
d. None of the above
16. Miscibility is another factor that affects the solubility of substances. It is the property
of a substance to mix evenly and completely with another substance. Do you agree?
a. Yes c. Maybe
b. No d. Not at all
17. Which is not true about solubility?
a. The higher the temperature ,the faster a solute can be dissolved in a solvent
b. The nature of solute and the amount of solvent also determine how fast the
solute dissolves in a solvent.
c. The size of the particles affects the dissolving process. The finer the particles
are, the faster the solute dissolves.
d. The manner of stirring is not a factor to dissolve a solute in a solvent.
18. Apply nail polish on your nails. When it dries up, remove the nail polish with
acetone. Can you identify the factors that affect the solubility of the nail polish in
a. Miscibility or nature of the solute and the solvent
b. Size of the materials
c. The temperature
d. None of the above
19. Which description best describes colloids?
a. Composed of molecules bigger than a solution but smaller than a suspension.
b. Mixtures of two or more substances than can be easily separated
c. Formed by mixing different kinds of solutions
d. Have molecules that are big enough to settle at the bottom
20. Which colloid has both protective and decorative function?
a. Ink c. paint
b. Insecticide Spray d. Creams


II. Briefly answer the following questions.
For question 1 and 2; Name the techniques which are suitable for separating the
following mixture:
1. You are asked to separate sand, salt and water from the mixture. Name the methods
needed to carry out the procedure. Explain how you would carry out the procedure
to obtain pure sand, water and sodium chloride (salt) back.

2. How would you separate a mixture of pebbles, sand and iron fillings? Explain the
process you will use to separate the pebbles, sand and iron fillings.
3. Explain why is there a need to shake a certain mixture before consuming it?


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