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Joseph and Mary Academy

Rainbow Ave.,Pacita II, San Pedro Laguna


Teacher: Ms. Alyssa Mae F. Dapadap Date: ______________ Parent’s Signature: _______
I. Encircle the BEST answer from the choices.
1. Any sample of matter has mass and takes up space. The main reason for this is
a. All matter is heavy
b. Matter can be a gas
c. Matter is made up of tiny particles that have mass and take up space
d. The Earth is made of matter
2. Mother tried to push the big cabinet to another side but she cannot do it alone. She
asked for Father’s help. What can be inferred from the situation?
a. Solids have weight. b. Solids have color.
c. Solids have texture. c. Solids have definite shape.
3. Water in the cup was transferred to a plastic bottle. What can be inferred on the shape
of the water when it was transferred from the cup to the bottle?
a. The water’s shape is the same as it was in the cup to the plastic bottle.
b. The water takes the shape of its two containers.
c. The water has definite shape.
d. The water’s shape become smaller when transferred from the cup to the bottle.
4. A deflated balloon weighed 10 grams. After inflating the balloon, it weighed 13 grams.
What can be inferred from the situation?
a. The air in the balloon has weight. b. The air in the balloon spreads out.
c. The air in the balloon smells bad. d. The air in the balloon has shape.
5. Lora blew a round balloon while Kyla blew a heart-shaped balloon. What can be
inferred from the two balloons?
a. The air in the balloons takes the shape of its container.
b. The air in the balloons spreads out when deflated.
c. The air in the balloons have different weights.
d. The air in the balloons have different smell.
6. Naphthalene balls were left exposed in a drawer. After a week, the naphthalene balls
become smaller. What change happened?
a. Liquid to gas b. solid to liquid c. solid to solid d. solid to gas
7. What evidence shows that ice has a physical change when left out in a room?
a. It reacts with oxygen in the air. b. It changes to water.
c. It is hard and white. d. It is cold to the touch.
8. You just came out of the shower. What happens when you dry your hair?
a. Condensation c. Melting
b. Evaporation d. Sublimation
9. Mother left the water boiling in the kitchen. You noticed that smoke comes out of the
kettle? What change happened?
a. solid to gas b. liquid to solid c. liquid to gas d. solid to gas
10. Many large chunks of ice around the world are shrinking because of global warming.
Global warming is the rising of the average temperature on Earth. Which process is
involved in this question?
a. Condensation c. Melting
b. Evaporation d. Sublimation
11. Which of the following is NOT a process of EVAPORATION?
a. Drying Clothes under the Sun
b. Blow drying of wet hair
c. water left under the sun
d. Air freshener inside an air-cooled room.
12. Which phase transition does the picture below shows?

a. Melting c. Deposition
b. Freezing/Solidification d. Sublimation
13. What is the minimum personal protective equipment that must be used when
handling chemicals in a laboratory?
a. Safety glasses c. Gloves
b. Lab coat d. All of the above
14. In the event a chemical spill (such as an acid or base gets into your eyes or on your
skin), what should you do?
a. Immediately rinse affected area in running water for 15 minutes and get a cold
shower if needed
b. Report to Public Safety
c. Run to get health services
d. None of the Above
15. How would you protect yourself from accidently ingesting chemicals?
a. Not eating or drinking in the laboratory
b. Do not touch your face with your gloved hand
c. Remove gloves and wash hands prior to leaving the lab
d. All of the above
16. Which label can you find in the containers of kerosene and LPG?
a. b. c. d.

17. A chemical with the label below can be harmful and should be used with proper care.

a. Its flammable c. Its corrosive

b. Its toxic and poisonous d. Explosive
18. Which set of chemicals are safe to use?, vitamins, alcohol b.kerosene, moth balls, bleach
c.gasoline, muriatic acid, lotion d.acetone, insect spray, ink
19. Regarding fire safety, you should always do the following, except?
a. Know where the fire exits are located in advanced in the event of a fire.
b. Ensure that when you exit the lab that everybody is out
c. Leave the door open to the lab to provide fresh air
d. None of the above.
20. Which situation shows safety in the laboratory?
a. Making sure the materials are complete before
b. Checking the materials if safe before using it.
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B
Question 21-25
Choose the BEST answer from the choices below. Write the correct answer on the space
provided before the number.
a. Centimeter d. Gram
b. Milliliter e. Meter
c. Kilometer f. Liter
g. Kilogram
____21. Mass of a half cup of rice
____22. Mass of a cow
____23. Volume of water used by family for a week
____24. Length of your teachers table
____25. Length of the entire highway.


II. Briefly answer the following questions.
1. What happens to an ice cube left out on a plate in a warm room? Describe what
the ice cube looks like at first and what will happen next.
2. An ice cube floats in a glass of water as the ice melts, what happens to the water
3. Draw the arrangement of the particles in each of the 3 states of matter.


4. Identify the three hazards/ unsafe act you see in the picture.


5. Why do you think we use kilogram when measuring our body mass?

“Good luck to all of you taking your exams. Try your best but remember

there are ways to be successful in life without amazing grades “

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