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Learning activity 4

Evidence: My sense of justice

I strongly agree with the idea that some people are biologically predisposed to
become criminals; however, research has shown that having a genetic
predisposition doesn’t determine the actions of an individual. What matters the
most, according to psychologists and psychiatrists, is the environment in which
and individual is brought up. I think this is something politicians and lawmakers
should keep in mind when designing preemptive campaigns that aim at reducing

a) Are some people biologically predisposed to becoming

By studying the criminal as an individual who manifests certain psychological
pathologies in his behavior. Throughout the history of mankind, there have always
been pathological criminals, perhaps not catalogued with the terms known today,
but they existed.
Once this science was born, the criminal began to be studied psychologically, to
understand his behavior and what factors influenced him to be a criminal. There
are the following risk factors that may influence an individual to become a
criminal. And this should be taken into account to know:

❖ Family Factors: The family is very important in the early stages of an

individual’s development, especially in socialization. It will depend a lot if
it is a large family, if there is absence of parents, the style of upbringing, if
there is authoritarianism or permissiveness, also influences the family
environment. This stage is when principles and values are instilled, which
will serve the future adult to defend himself from the bad influences he
encounters in his life.

❖ School Factors: schooling is very important, because that is where the

principles instilled in the home are reinforced. In addition, new experiences
are acquired and known that will influence throughout life. You can also
acquire bad habits or bad experiences, such as school failure,
competitiveness, individualism. Even the school represents a space were
strengthening their cognitive values and skills, negative school
experiences, school failure, bad influences, individualism or
competitiveness in the school, also become very predictive factors.

❖ Environmental factors: the environment in which the individual grows is

very important, what was previously said is that the more social class less
likely to be delinquent and was demonstrated with statistics. Therefore,
what was deduced was that in the lower social class there were more

❖ Media: The information provided by these media influences the perception

of people at risk. Care must be taken in the provision of information so as
not to create social stigmas that drag individuals into crime.

❖ Genetic Factors: Certain antisocial behaviors have a genetic basis. Some

research results say that some people are more likely to associate physical
punishment with aggression, which would explain why not all abused
children develop antisocial tendencies.
Probably we all have in our personality some psychopathological factor,
but it does not always manifest if there is no opportunity to commit a crime,
and there all the factors mentioned above come into play.

b) Crime is a consequence of poverty.

Poverty and crime are two important phenomena that have been affecting
Colombian society since its inception as an independent State. For this reason,
it is justified to study how these two variables are related.

As has been evident, numerous researchers have analyzed the effect of poverty
on crime, but it has not been studied in the opposite direction. In doing the
empirical study, the results show that crime is inversely associated with monetary
poverty; this means that departments with higher crime rates generally have
lower poverty rates.

c. A criminal cannot be reformed.

The Prevention of Recidivism and the Social Reintegration of Offenders is part of
a series of practical tools developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and
Crime (UNODC) to support countries in crime prevention, the implementation of
criminal justice reforms and the strengthening of the rule of law. These
instruments seek to assist them in implementing United Nations standards and
norms for crime prevention and criminal justice.

The Introduction Guide emphasizes the crucial importance of effective

programmes and measures to monitor and assist offenders and to assist their
social reintegration to prevent recidivism. At the time of their release, incarcerated
offenders face very real challenges and communities become insecure when
high-risk and needy offenders are released without adequate preparation,
supervision or support. No prevention strategy is complete without effective
measures to address the problem of recidivism. A comprehensive strategy must
obviously take into account the fact that public safety is affected by a large
number of crimes.
d) To reduce crime, we need more police.
If a survey were conducted in many Latin American and Caribbean countries on
what should be done to reduce crime and violence, Probably, a large part of the
population would respond that only more police are needed on the streets
dedicated to preventing crime and catching criminals. However, the evidence
indicates that this measure alone does not reach and that security forces are not
solely responsible for preventing and controlling crime.

Such a complex challenge requires the participation of other actors in society,

state and non-state, and even the security forces themselves can perform other
very significant tasks to lower crime rates.

e) Some offenders deserve the death penalty.

The death penalty is the ultimate expression of cruel, inhuman and degrading
punishment. It violates the right to life. In any form - electrocution, hanging, gas
chamber, beheading, stoning, shooting, or lethal injection - it is a violent
punishment that has no place in the current criminal justice system.

The death penalty is an established punishment, upon the advice of a judge,

which is to take the life of a person who has committed a serious or capital crime
in breach of the law. It is also referred to as capital punishment or execution.
However, the death penalty has existed in humanity since ancient times.

At the end of this investigation of some people who are biologically predisposed
to becoming criminals there are a number of important factors in the life of a
criminal, this has a lot to do with the behavior of certain parents over the
upbringing of children at an early age, how they educate them. And also those
children who are not desired, but acid for reasons of rape among others,
punishments of stepfather or stepmother that give bad life to creatures, That has
a lot to do with the development of their life in society, and then these people
find other people who are on the wrong track, they find people who involve them
in drugs combined with drug trafficking.
When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure the
file is attached.

3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).

4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterio de evaluación
Usa el vocabulario relacionado con crímenes y castigos según el contexto

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