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G.R. No. 127920.

August 9, 2005 Miguelita’s mother, Miguela Chuatoco-Ching, herein respondent, filed an

opposition, specifically to petitioner’s prayer for the issuance of letters of
administration on the grounds that (a) petitioner is incompetent and unfit
to exercise the duties of an administrator; and (b) the bulk of Miguelita’s
estate is composed of "paraphernal properties." Respondent prayed that
the letters of administration be issued to her instead.5 Afterwards, she also
DECISION filed a motion for her appointment as special administratrix.6

SANDOVAL-GUTIERREZ, J.: Petitioner moved to strike out respondent’s opposition, alleging that the
latter has no direct and material interest in the estate, she not being a
Oftentimes death brings peace only to the person who dies but not to the compulsory heir, and that he, being the surviving spouse, has the
people he leaves behind. For in death, a person’s estate remains, providing preferential right to be appointed as administrator under the law.7
a fertile ground for discords that break the familial bonds. Before us is
another case that illustrates such reality. Here, a husband and a mother of Respondent countered that she has direct and material interest in the
the deceased are locked in an acrimonious dispute over the estate of their estate because she gave half of her inherited properties to Miguelita on
loved one. condition that both of them "would undertake whatever business
endeavor they decided to, in the capacity of business partners."8
This is a petition for review on certiorari  filed by Emilio B. Pacioles, Jr.,
herein petitioner, against Miguela Chuatoco-Ching, herein respondent, In her omnibus motion9 dated April 23, 1993, respondent nominated her
assailing the Court of Appeals Decision1 dated September 25, 1996 and son Emmanuel Ching to act as special administrator.
Resolution2 dated January 27, 1997 in CA-G.R. SP No. 41571.3 The Appellate
On April 20, 1994, the intestate court issued an order appointing petitioner
Court affirmed the Order dated January 17, 1996 of the Regional Trial Court
and Emmanuel as joint regular administrators of the estate.10 Both were
(RTC), Branch 99, Quezon City denying petitioner’s motion for partition and
issued letters of administration after taking their oath and posting the
distribution of the estate of his wife, Miguelita Ching-Pacioles; and his
requisite bond.
motion for reconsideration.
Consequently, Notice to Creditors was published in the issues of the Manila
The facts are undisputed.
Standard on September 12, 19, and 26, 1994. However, no claims were filed
On March 13, 1992, Miguelita died intestate, leaving real properties with an against the estate within the period set by the Revised Rules of Court.
estimated value of ₱10.5 million, stock investments worth ₱518,783.00,
Thereafter, petitioner submitted to the intestate court an inventory of
bank deposits amounting to ₱6.54 million, and interests in certain
Miguelita’s estate.11 Emmanuel did not submit an inventory.
businesses. She was survived by her husband, petitioner herein, and their
two minor children. On May 17, 1995, the intestate court declared petitioner and his two minor
children as the only compulsory heirs of Miguelita.12
Consequently, on August 20, 1992, petitioner filed with the RTC a verified
petition4 for the settlement of Miguelita’s estate. He prayed that (a) letters On July 21, 1995, petitioner filed with the intestate court an omnibus
of administration be issued in his name, and (b) that the net residue of the motion13 praying, among others, that an Order be issued directing
estate be divided among the compulsory heirs. the: 1) payment of estate taxes; 2) partition and distribution of the estate
among the declared heirs; and 3) payment of attorney’s fees.
Respondent opposed petitioner’s motion on the ground that the partition probate court has already made a finding of title or ownership. It is
and distribution of the estate is "premature and precipitate," considering inevitable that in probate proceedings, questions of collation or of
that there is yet no determination "whether the properties specified in the advancement are involved for these are matters which can be passed upon
inventory are conjugal, paraphernal or owned in a joint in the course of the proceedings. The probate court in exercising its
venture."14 Respondent claimed that she owns the bulk of Miguelita’s prerogative to schedule a hearing, to inquire into the propriety of private
estate as an "heir and co-owner." Thus, she prayed that a hearing be respondent’s claim, is being extremely cautious in determining the
scheduled. composition of the estate. This act is not tainted with an iota of grave abuse
of discretion."
On January 17, 1996, the intestate court allowed the payment of the estate
taxes and attorney’s fees but denied petitioner’s prayer for partition and Petitioner moved for a reconsideration but it was likewise denied. Hence,
distribution of the estate, holding that it is indeed "premature." The this petition for review on certiorari  anchored on the following assignments
intestate court ratiocinated as follows: of error:

"On the partition and distribution of the deceased’s properties, among the "I
declared heirs, the Court finds the prayer of petitioner in this regard to be
premature. Thus, a hearing on oppositor’s claim as indicated in her
opposition to the instant petition is necessary to determine ‘whether the
properties listed in the amended complaint filed by petitioner are entirely
conjugal or the paraphernal properties of the deceased, or a co-ownership
between the oppositor and the petitioner in their partnership venture.’" II
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration but it was denied in the RESPONDENT COURT COMMITTED GRAVE ERROR IN SUSTAINING THE
Forthwith, petitioner filed with the Court of Appeals a petition
for certiorari seeking to annul and set aside the intestate court’s Order
dated January 17, 1996 and Resolution dated May 7, 1996 which denied III
petitioner’s prayer for partition and distribution of the estate for being
premature, indicating that it (intestate court) will first resolve respondent’s RESPONDENT COURT GRAVELY ERRED IN AFFIRMING THE INTESTATE
The Appellate Court dismissed the petition for certiorari, holding that in BASELESS."
issuing the challenged Order and Resolution, the intestate court did not
commit grave abuse of discretion. The fundamental issue for our resolution is: May a trial court, acting as an
intestate court, hear and pass upon questions of ownership involving
The Appellate Court ruled: properties claimed to be part of the decedent’s estate?
"Regarding the second issue raised, respondent judge did not commit grave The general rule is that the jurisdiction of the trial court either as an
abuse of discretion in entertaining private respondent’s unsupported claim intestate or a probate court relates only to matters having to do with the
of ownership against the estate. In fact, there is no indication that the settlement of the estate and probate of will of deceased persons but does
not extend to the determination of questions of ownership that arise And second, Emmanuel, respondent’s son and representative in the
during the proceedings.15 The patent rationale for this rule is that such court settlement of Miguelita’s estate, did not submit his own inventory. His
exercises special and limited jurisdiction.16 mandate, as co-administrator, is "to submit within three (3) months after his
appointment a true inventory and appraisal of all the real and personal
A well-recognized deviation to the rule is the principle that an intestate or a
estate of the deceased which have come into his possession or
probate court may hear and pass upon questions of ownership when its
knowledge."19 He could have submitted an inventory, excluding therefrom
purpose is to determine whether or not a property should be included in the
those properties which respondent considered to be hers. The fact that he
inventory. In such situations the adjudication is merely incidental and
did not endeavor to submit one shows that he acquiesced with
provisional. Thus, in Pastor, Jr. vs. Court of Appeals,17 we held:
petitioner’s inventory.
"x x x As a rule, the question of ownership is an extraneous matter which
Obviously, respondent’s purpose here was not to obtain from the intestate
the probate court cannot resolve with finality. Thus, for the purpose of
court a ruling of what properties should or should not be included in the
determining whether a certain property should or should not be included
inventory. She wanted something else, i.e., to secure from the intestate
in the inventory of estate properties, the probate court may pass upon the
court a final determination of her claim of ownership over properties
title thereto, but such determination is provisional, not conclusive, and is
comprising the bulk of Miguelita’s estate. The intestate court went along
subject to the final decision in a separate action to resolve title."
with respondent on this point as evident in its Resolution20 dated May 7,
The Court of Appeals relied heavily on the above principle in sustaining the 1996, thus:
jurisdiction of the intestate court to conduct a hearing on respondent’s
"On petitioner’s motion for partition and distribution of the estate of the
claim. Such reliance is misplaced. Under the said principle, the key
late Miguelita Ching Pacioles, it is believed that since oppositor had
consideration is that the purpose of the intestate or probate court in
interposed a claim against the subject estate, the distribution thereof in
hearing and passing upon questions of ownership is merely to determine
favor of the heirs could not possibly be implemented as there is still a need
whether or not a property should be included in the inventory. The facts of
for appropriate proceedings to determine the propriety of oppositor’s claim.
this case show that such was not the purpose of the intestate court.
It must be mentioned that if it is true that oppositor owns the bulk of the
First, the inventory was not disputed. In fact, in her Manifestation and properties, which she allegedly placed/registered in the name of the
Opposition18 dated September 18, 1995, respondent expressly adopted the deceased for convenience, Oppositor, therefore, has a material and direct
inventory prepared by petitioner, thus: interest in the estate and hence, should be given her day in Court."

"6. She adopts the inventory submitted by the petitioner in his Amended It is apparent from the foregoing Resolution that the purpose of the hearing
Compliance dated October 6, 1994, and filed only on November 4, 1994 not set by the intestate court was actually to "determine the propriety of
October 5, 1995 as erroneously asserted in Par. 12 of the Omnibus Motion. oppositor’s (respondent’s) claim." According to the intestate court, "if it is
Oppositor, however, takes exception to the low valuation placed on the real true that the oppositor (respondent) owns the bulk of (Miguelita’s)
estate properties and reserves her right to submit a more accurate and properties," then it means that she has a "material and direct interest in
realistic pricing on each." the estate" and, hence, "she should be given her day in court." The
intended "day in court" or hearing is geared towards resolving the propriety
Respondent could have opposed petitioner’s inventory and sought the of respondent’s contention that she is the true owner of the bulk of
exclusion of the specific properties which she believed or considered to be Miguelita’s estate.
hers. But instead of doing so, she expressly adopted the inventory, taking
exception only to the low valuation placed on the real estate properties.
Surely, we cannot be deluded by respondent’s ingenious attempt to secure covered by the Torrens System which are registered either in the name of
a proceeding for the purpose of resolving her blanket claim against Miguelita alone or with petitioner. As such, they are considered the owners
Miguelita’s estate. Although, she made it appear that her only intent was to of the properties until their title is nullified or modified in an appropriate
determine the accuracy of petitioner’s inventory, however, a close review of ordinary action. We find this Court’s pronouncement in Bolisay vs.
the facts and the pleadings reveals her real intention. Alcid23 relevant, thus:

Clearly, the RTC, acting as an intestate court, had overstepped its "It does not matter that respondent-administratrix has evidence purporting
jurisdiction. Its proper course should have been to maintain a hands-off to support her claim of ownership, for, on the other hand, petitioners have a
stance on the matter. It is well-settled in this jurisdiction, sanctioned and Torrens title in their favor, which under the law is endowed with
reiterated in a long line of decisions, that when a question arises as to incontestability until after it has been set aside in the manner indicated in
ownership of property alleged to be a part of the estate of the deceased the law itself, which, of course, does not include, bringing up the matter as
person, but claimed by some other person to be his property, not by virtue a mere incident in special proceedings for the settlement of the estate of
of any right of inheritance from the deceased but by title adverse to that of deceased persons. x x x
the deceased and his estate, such question cannot be determined in the
x x x In regard to such incident of inclusion or exclusion, We hold that if a
course of an intestate or probate proceedings. The intestate or probate
property covered by Torrens Title is involved, the presumptive
court has no jurisdiction to adjudicate such contentions, which must be
conclusiveness of such title should be given due weight, and in the absence
submitted to the court in the exercise of its general jurisdiction as a
of strong compelling evidence to the contrary, the holder thereof should be
regional trial court.21 Jurisprudence teaches us that:
considered as the owner of the property in controversy until his title is
"[A] probate court or one in charge of proceedings whether testate or nullified or modified in an appropriate ordinary action, particularly, when
intestate cannot adjudicate or determine title to properties claimed to be as in the case at bar, possession of the property itself is in the persons
a part of the estate and which are claimed to belong to outside parties. All named in the title. x x x"
that the said court could do as regards said properties is to determine
Corrolarily, P.D. 1529, otherwise known as, "The Property Registration
whether they should or should not be included in the inventory or list of
Decree," proscribes collateral attack against Torrens Title, hence:
properties to be administered by the administrator. If there is no dispute,
well and good, but if there is, then the parties, the administrator, and the "Section 48. Certificate not subject to collateral attack.
opposing parties have to resort to an ordinary action for a final
determination of the conflicting claims of title because the probate court A certificate of title shall not be subject to collateral attack. It cannot be
cannot do so."22 altered, modified or cancelled except in a direct proceeding in accordance
with law."
Hence, respondent’s recourse is to file a separate action with a court of
general jurisdiction. The intestate court is not the appropriate forum for the Significantly, a perusal of the records reveals that respondent failed to
resolution of her adverse claim of ownership over properties ostensibly present convincing evidence to bolster her bare assertion of ownership. We
belonging to Miguelita's estate. quote her testimony, thus:

Now, even assuming that the intestate court merely intended to make a "Q: I now direct your attention to paragraph (5) appearing on page 1 of this
provisional or prima facie determination of the issue of ownership, still sworn statement of yours which I quote:" In accordance with the Chinese
respondent’s claim cannot prosper. It bears stressing that the bulk of tradition and culture in the distribution of properties to the legal heirs, we
Miguelita’s estate, as stated in petitioner’s inventory, comprises real estates decided to give only a token to our daughter Miguelita and leave the rest to
our only son Emmanuel, with the undertaking that being the son he will take these properties be partitioned or what should be done with these
full responsibility of the rest of the family despite his marriage. Madame properties? According to you earlier, you are agreeable for the partition of
witness, do you recall having stated that in your sworn statement? the said properties with Emil on a 50-50 basis, is that right?

A: Yes sir, but it was not carried out. A: Kung ano po ang sa akin, iyon ang dapat na bumalik sa akin, sir.

Q What was actually given to your daughter Miguelita is only a token, is that Q Halimbawa ay ano po iyon? Real estate properties, parcels of land
right? located in Pag-Asa, in Silangan, in San Lazaro, in Sta. Cruz, in San Francisco
del Monte and shares of stock. Alinsunod sa inyo, paano po ang dapat na
A: Not a token, sir, but one half of the share of the estate was given to Lita
partihan o hatian ninyo ni Emil?
and the other half was given to Emmanuel.
A: Kung ano ang sa akin…
Q: What went to Emmanuel was also ½, is that right?
A: Yes, sir.
Q Ang tanong ko po sa inyo ay ganito, ito po ba ang inyong iminungkahi
Q: What makes up the one half share of Lita, if you recall?
kay Emil? Ito po ba ang inyong paghahatian or hindi?
A: What was given to her were all checks, sir, but I cannot remember any
A: Iyo akin talaga na hindi nila pinaghirapan, sir."25
more the amount.
Unfortunately, respondent could not even specify which of the properties
listed in petitioner’s inventory belong to her. Neither could she present any
Q: Summing up your testimony, Madame, you cannot itemize the one half document to prove her claim of ownership. The consistently changing basis
share of the estate of Miguelita, is that right? of her claim did nothing to improve her posture. Initially, she insisted that
the bulk of Miguelita’s estate is composed of paraphernal
A: Yes, sir. properties.26 Sensing that such assertion could not strengthen her claim of
Q: Was there any document covering this partition of the estate among ownership, she opted to change her submission and declare that she and
you, Emmanuel and Miguelita with respect to the estate of your late Miguelita were "business partners" and that she gave to the latter most of
husband? her properties to be used in a joint business venture.27 Respondent must
have realized early on that if the properties listed in petitioner’s inventory
A: If I only knew that this will happen… are paraphernal, then Miguelita had the absolute title and ownership over
Q: Samakatuwid po ay walang dokumento? them and upon her death, such properties would be vested to her
compulsory heirs, petitioner herein and their two minor children.28
A: Wala po."24
At any rate, we must stress that our pronouncements herein cannot
She further testified as follows: diminish or deprive respondent of whatever rights or properties she
believes or considers to be rightfully hers. We reiterate that the question of
"Q: Among the properties listed like the various parcels of land, stocks,
ownership of properties alleged to be part of the estate must be submitted
investments, bank accounts and deposits both here and abroad, interests
to the Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its general jurisdiction.29
and participation in IFS Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies, Inc. and
various motor vehicles, per your pleasure, Madam Witness, how should
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED. The assailed Decision and
Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 41571 are hereby


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