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Lesson 1 Lesson proper Literature

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Philippine Literature

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Welcome to Philippine Literature! Philippine literature reflects a diverse group of works which
are mostly grounded on traditional folktales, socio-political histories, and real-life experiences.
Such books have since promoted Filipino cultural values, told daily struggles of locals, and have
instilled a remarkable lesson.

The importance of Philippine Literature is it allows people to learn about where they came
from and how past events work to shape the different cultures. Through studying literature look
at poems, essays, stories it can improve our reading skills and through reading it can enhance
your knowledge. Philippine literature introduces real life situations within the experiential
background of the youth to the featured literary pieces. This is bringing us into such issues as
environmental awareness, peace education and others. This is also telling us to the real human
being, a human being having dual nature which is not only doers of actions but also dreamers of

Brief Description of the Module

Lesson 1 focuses on the historical background of the literature, an introduction to the study
of Philippine literature, why we need to study literature, the general types of literature, the
sample narrative and lyric poetry.

Lesson 2 deals with the pre-spanish pieces, the legends of the tagalogs, folk songs and
other forms of of pre-spanish poetry.

Lesson 3 focuses on the Spanish period, the Spanish influences of Philippine literarure ,the
first books namely; Ang Doctrina Cristiana, Nuestra Senora del Rosario, Libro de los Cuatro
Postprimerias, Ang Barlaan at Josephat, The Pasion, Urbana at Felisa and Ang mga Daloit kay
Maria. It also includes the folk songs and the recreation plays.

Lesson 4 deals with the period of enlightment, the propaganda movement, the highlights of
the Propaganda, the highlights of the Active Revolution and the newspapers during this

Lesson 5 focuses on the American Regime, the characteristics of Literature during this
period, the Literarure in Spanish, Filipino Literature, Philippine Literature in English and the
period of self-Discovery and Growth.

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Lesson 6 deals with The Japanese Period, Filipino Poetry during this Period, the Filipino
Drama and the Filipino short story.

Lesson 7 deals with the rebirth of freedom, the state of literature during this period, novels
and short stories in English, the new Filipino Literature during this period, and the palanca
Lesson 8 focuses on the period of Activism, the seeds of Activism, writings during the
period of Activism, the Palanca Awardees for Literature in English and the writers during this

Lesson 9 deals with period of the new society, radio and television, filipino films, comics,
magazine and the national artist.

Lesson 10 focuses on the third republic, the Palanca awards, filipino poetry ,songs,
children’s books and prose fables.

Lesson 11 deals with Filipino songs during this period.

Lesson 12 focuses on the representative compositions through the years, the American
period, the Japanese period, the rebirth of freedom, period of activism, period of the new
society and period of Third republic.

Lesson 13 deals with the literary compositions from 1986-1999 which includes the poetry,
essays short stories plays and novels.

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Welcome to LIT31! The content of this course stresses on the historical transition of Philippine
Literature through representative compositions of different genres-short stories, poetry, plays and essays
for literary absorption both for appreciation and for interpretative analysis to develop interest in the
value of nationality in literature. As you go through the different lesson, you will be able to analyze and
reflect the important of the Philippine Literature.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Trace the historical transition of Philippine Literature from the Pre-Spanish Period up to the present;

2. Explain the significant features of the various literary pieces from different periods;

3. Actively participate in all activities from group discussions to portrayal of plays and drama;

4. Inculcate value, awareness of and appreciation for a Filipino literary legacy;

5. Write a wholesome critique paper in one of the selected readings;

6. Participate in a stage play to give life to certain literary genres.

At the start of the module, you are take the preassessment test to see how much background
information and knowledge you have in Philippine Literature.

This module is self-instructional. You can read, analyze concepts and ideas presented, and reflect on
them. The Activities and Self-Check Questions will help you assess how you progress as you go through
the module.

Your answers to the Self-Check Questions (SCQ’S) and activities may be evaluated by the teacher and
this forms part of the formative evaluation. DO NOT WRITE YOUR ANSWERS ON THE MODULE BUT ON A
SEPARATE SHEET. The answer key to the SCQ’s is found at the end of the module. The post assessment
will be given in a separate booklet upon completion of the module.

Remember that you have to work on this module by yourself. However, feel free to contact your
teacher on this number or email address should you have questions/concerns which may need your
teacher’s assistance.

Mobile #: 09205279276

Email address: [email protected]

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Table of Contents

Page No.




Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

Lesson 8

Lesson 9

Lesson 10

Lesson 11

Lesson 12

Lesson 13

Answer Key to Preassessment, SCQ’S and Activities



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A. True or False
Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Write True, if the sentence is correct and False, if it is

1. The first Filipino alphabet called Alibata was replaced by the Roman alphabet.
2. Literature is about life and a product of life.
3. Prose refers to those expressions in verse, with measure and rhyme, line and stanza and has a
more melodious tone.
4. Epic is a narrative poetry which is written in verse and can be classified either as a ballad or a
metrical romance.
5. Ode is a poem of a noble feeling, expressed with dignity, with no definite number of syllables or
definite number of lines in a stanza.
6. Melodrama is usually used in musical plays with the opera.
7. Whatever nationality you are it is always very important to study the literature of your country.

8. Short story is presented on a stage, is divided into acts and each act has many scenes.
9. Elegy is a song praising God or the Virgin Mary and containing a philosophy of life.
10. Farce is an exaggerated comedy.
11. Biag ni Lam-ang is an Ifugao’s epics.
12. The teaching of the Christian Doctrine became the basis of religious practices.
13. Nuestra Señora del Rosario was the first book printed in the Philippines in 1593 in xylography.
14. The Pasion is the book about the life and sufferings of Jesus Christ.
15. Lagaylay is a special occasion for the Pilareños of Sorsogon during Maytime to get together.
16. The Sainete was a short musical comedy popular during the 18th century.
17. Duplo is a poetic joust or a contest of skills in debate on a particular topic or issue.
18. Mi Ultimo Adios was the novel that gave spirit to the propaganda movement and paved the way
to the revolution against Spain.
19. El Filibusterismo is a sequel to the Noli Me Tangere.
20. Jesus Balmori is well-known for his pen name of Batikuling.
21. Adelina Guerrea was the first woman poet in the Philippines who was good in Spanish.
22. Severino Reyes is the Father of the Tagalog drama and author of the immortal Walang Sugat.
23. We study literature so that we can better appreciate our literary heritage.
24. El Cid Compeador shows the cultural characteristics of the Spaniards and their national history.
25. The Book of the Days was written by Confucius of China. This became the basis of the Christian

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B. Matching Type

Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B, write only the letter of answer on a
separate paper.

Column A Column B

1.The Muslim bible originating from Arabia. a. El Cid Compeador

2. This has become the basis of Christianity originating b. awit

from Palestine and Greece.

3.The longest epic of the world. It contains c. sawikain

the history of religion in India.

4. These have been the source of myths d. sayings

and legends of Greece.

5. This is a long narrative divided into chapters e. maxims

and there are many characters involved.

6. This is a narrative involving one or more characters, f. chant

one plot and one single impression.

7. This expresses the viewpoint or opinion of the g. riddles

writer about a particular problem or event.

8. This deals with the life of a person which h. epigrams

may be about himself, his autobiography or that
of others.

9. These are short poems intended to be sung. i. Ode

The common theme is love, despair, grief, doubt,
joy, hope and sorrow.

10. This is a lyric poem of 14 lines dealing with j. psalms

an emotion, a feeling, or an idea.

11. This is a lyric poem which expresses feelings of k. elegy

grief and melancholy, and whose theme is death.

12. These have measauresof twelve syllables

and slowly sung to the accompaniment of a l.sonnets
guitar or banduria.

13. This is a poem of a noble feeling, expressed with

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dignity, with no definite number of syllables or m. folksongs

definite number of syllables or definite number
of lines in a stanza.

14. This is a song praising God or the Virgin Mary n. ballads

and containing a philosophy of life.

15.These have been customarily used and

served as laws or rules on good behavior by our
ancestors. To others, these are like allegories or o. essay
parables that impart lessons for the young.

16. These are made up of one or more measured

lines with rhyme and may consist of four to 12 syllables. p. biography

17. Often used in teasing or to comment on a q. news

person’s actuations.

18. This is saying with no hidden meanings. r. anecdotes

19. Used in witchcraft or enchantment.

20. Some are rhyming couplets with verse of 5, 6 or s. short story

8 syllables, each line having the same number of syllables.
t. legends

u. novel

v. The Bible or
Sacred Writings

w. Koran

x. The Iliad and

the Odyssey

y. The Mahab-harata

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What is Literature?

The word literature is derived from the Latin term litera which means letter. It has been defined
differently by various writers. Others define literature as a faithful reproduction of man’s manifold
experiences blended into one harmonious expression.

Because literature deals with ideas, thoughts and emotions of man, literature can be said to be the
story of man. Man’s loves, grief’s, thoughts, dreams and aspirations coached in beautiful language is

Did you know that______________

 Literature is about life and a product of life.

 It offers us an experience in which we should participate as we read, testing what we read
by our own experience.

In order to know the history of a nation’s spirit, one must read its literature. Hence it is, that to
understand the real spirit of a nation, one must “trace the little rills as they course along down the
ages, broadening and deepening into the great ocean of thought which men of the present source
are presently exploring.”

For Webster, literature is anything that is printed, as long as it is related to the ideas and feelings of
people, whether it is true, or just a product of one’s imagination.

In PANITIKING PILIPINO written by Atienza, Ramos, Salazar and Nazal, it says that “true literature is a
piece of written work which is undying.It expresses the feelings and emotions of people in response to
his everyday efforts to live, to be happy this environment and, after struggles, to reach his Creator.”

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At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Discuss the importance of literature;

 Differentiate the differences between a novel and a short story; and
 Appreciate the literary pieces


Literature has started with fables and legends made by the ancient Filipinos long before the arrival of the
Spanish influence. For your first activity read these sample fables and answer the given questions.


A Monkey, looking very sad and dejected, was walking along the bank of the river one day when he met
a turtle. "How are you?" asked the turtle, noticing that he looked sad. The monkey replied, "Oh, my
friend, I am very hungry. The squash of Mr. Farmer were all taken by the other monkeys, and now I am
about to die from want of food." "Do not be discouraged," said the turtle; "take a bob and follow me and
we will steal some banana plants."

So they walked along together until they found some nice plants which they dug up, and then they
looked for a place to set them. Finally the monkey climbed a tree and planted his in it, but as the turtle
could not climb he dug a hole in the ground and set his there.
When their work was finished they went away, planning what they should do with their crop. The
monkey said: "When my tree bears fruit, I shall sell it and have a great deal of money."
And the turtle said: "When my tree bears fruit, I shall sell it and buy three varas of cloth to wear in place
of this cracked shell."

A few weeks later they went back to the place to see their plants and found that that of the monkey was
dead, for its roots had had no soil in the tree, but that of the turtle was tall and bearing fruit.
"I will climb to the top so that we can get the fruit," said the monkey. And he sprang up the tree, leaving

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the poor turtle on the ground alone. "Please give me some to eat," called the turtle, but the monkey
threw him only a green one and ate all the the ripe ones himself.

When he had eaten all the good bananas, the monkey stretched his arms around the tree and went to
sleep. The turtle, seeing this, was very angry and considered how he might punish the thief. Having
decided on a scheme, he gathered some sharp bamboo which he all around under the tree, and then he
exclaimed: Crocodile is coming! Crocodile is coming!"
The monkey was so startled at the cry that he fell upon the sharp bamboo and was killed.

Then the turtle cut the dead monkey into pieces, put on it, and dried it in the sun. The next day, he went
to the mountains and sold his meat to other monkeys who gladly gave him squash in return. As he was
leaving them he called back: "Lazy fellows, you are now eating your own body; you are now eating your
own body." Then the monkeys ran and caught him and carried to their own home. Let us take a hatchet,"
said one old monkey, "and cut him into very small pieces." But the turtle laughed and said: "That is just
what I like. I have been struck with a hatchet many times. Do you not see the black scars on my shell?"
Then one of the other monkeys said: "Let us throw him into the water."

At this the turtle cried and begged them to spare his life, but they paid no heed to his pleadings and
threw him into the water. He sank to the bottom, but very soon came up with a lobster. The monkeys
were greatly surprised at this and begged him to tell them how to catch lobsters.
"I tied one end of a string around my waist," said the turtle. "To the other end of the string I tied a stone
so that I would sink."

The monkeys immediately tied strings around themselves as the turtle said, and when all was ready they
plunged into the water never to come up again.
And to this day monkeys do not like to eat meat, because they remember the ancient story.

 Who are the characters in the story?

 What is the theme of the story?
 What part of the story did you like most in the monkey and the turtle?
 What is the moral lesson of the story?
 What do you think is the purpose of fables?


Why We Need to Study Philippine Literature?

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Philippine Literature

-is a diverse and rich group of works that has evolved side-by-side with the country’s history. Literature
had started with fables and legends made by the ancient Filipinos long before the arrival of Spanish
influence. The main themes of Philippine literature focus on the country’s pre-colonial cultural traditions
and the socio-political histories of its colonial and contemporary traditions.

We can enumerate many reasons for studying literature.

Here are but a few:

 We study literature so that we can better appreciate our literary heritage. We cannot appreciate
something that we do not understand. Through a study of our literature, we can trace the rich
heritage of ideas handed down to us from our forefathers. Then we can understand ourselves
better and take pride in being a Filipino.
 We need to understand that we have a great and noble tradition which can serve as the means
to assimilate other cultures.
 Through such a study, we will realize our literary limitations conditioned by certain historical
factors and we can take steps to overcome them.
 Above all, as Filipinos, who truly love and take pride in our own culture, we have to manifest our
deep concern for our own literature and this we can do by studying the literature of our country.
 Whatever nationality you are it is always very important to study the literature of your country.
In doing so you are not only learning about the historical aspects of your land, but you are also
keeping alive the thoughts, beliefs and cultural variations of your ancestors that differentiate
your country from the rest of the world.
 A country's literature also tells us about its civilization in a form other than straight fact.
Literature is usually one person's description of a situation told through their own
personal feelings; eyewitness testimony to historical events that we were not present
at. Writers have a talent for bringing the past back to life with emotive language and metaphor,
helping us to imagine scenarios that may have happened decades, or even centuries ago.

Literary Compositions that Have Influenced the World. Among them are:

1. The Bible or the Sacred Writings- This has become the basis of Christianity originating from Palestine
and Greece.
2. Koran- The Muslim Bible originating from Arabia.
3. The Iliad and the Odyssey- These have been the source of myths and legends of Greece. They were
written by Homer.
4. The Mahab-harata- The longest epic of the world. It contains the history of religion in India.
5. Canterbury Tales- It depicts the religion and customs of the English in the early days. This originated
from England and was written by Chaucer.
6. Uncle Tom’s Cabin- Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe of the US. This depicted the sad fate of slaves;
this became the basis of democracy later on.

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7. The Divine Comedy- (by Dante of Italy) This shows the religion and customs of the early Italians.
8. El Cid Compeador - This shows the cultural characteristics of the Spaniards and their national history.
9. The Song of Roland- This includes Doce Pares and Roncesvalles of France. It tells about the Golden
Age of Christianity in France.
10. The Book of the Dead – This includes the cult of Osiris and the mythology and theology of Egypt.
11. The Book of the Days- This was written by Confucius of China. This became the basis of the Christian
12. One Thousand and One Nights or The Arabian Nights- from Arabia and Persia (Iran). It shows the
ways of government, of industries and of the society of the Arabs and Persians.

General Types of Literature

Literature can generally be divided into two types;

prose and poetry.

Prose consists of those written within the common flow of conversation in sentences and paragraphs,
while poetry refers to those expressions in verse, with measure and rhyme, line and stanza and has a
more melodious tone.


There are many types of prose. These include the following:

a. Novels. A long narrative divided into chapters and events are taken from true-to-life stories.
Example: WITHOUT SEEING THE DAWN by Stevan Javellanab.

b. Short story. This is a narrative involving one or more characters, one plot and one single impression.
Example: THE LAUGHTER OF MY FATHER by Carlos Bulosan

c. Plays. This is presented on a stage, is divided into acts and each act has many scenes.
Example: THIRTEEN PLAYS by Wilfredo M.Guerrero

d. Legends. These are fictitious narratives, usually about origins.

Example: THE BIKOL LEGEND by Pio Duran

e. Fables. These are also fictitious and they deal with animals and inanimate things who speak and act
like people and their purpose is to enlighten the minds of children to events that can mold their ways
and attitudes.


g. Essay. This expresses the viewpoint or opinion of the writer about a particular problem or event. The
best example of this is the Editorial page of a newspaper.

h. Biography. This deals with the life of a person which may be about himself, his autobiography or that
of others.

Example: CAYETANO ARELLANO by Socorro O. Albert

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i. News. This is a report of everyday events in society, government, science and industry, and accidents,
happening nationally or not.

j. Oration. This is a formal treatment of a subject and isintended to be spoken in public. It appeals to the
intellect, to the will or to the emotions of the audience.


There are three types of poetry and these are the following:

A. Narrative Poetry. This form describes important events in life either real or imaginary.
The different varieties are:
1. Epic. This is an extended narrative about heroic exploits often under supernatural
Example: THE HARVEST SONG OF ALIGUYON translated in English by Amador T.

2. Metrical Tale. This is a narrative which is written in verse and can be classified either
as a ballad or a metrical romance.

Examples: BAYANI NG BUKID by Al Perez HERO OF THE FIELDS by Al Perez

3. Ballads. Of the narrative poems, this is considered the shortest and simplest. It has a
simple structure and tells of a single incident. There are also variations of these: love
ballads, war ballads, and sea ballads, humorous, moral, and historical or mythical
ballads. In the early time, this referred to a song accompanying a dance.

B. Lyric Poetry. Originally, this refers to that kind of poetry meant to be sung to the
accompaniment of alyre, but now, this applies to any type of poetry that expresses
emotions and feelings of the poet. They are usually short, simple and easy to

1. Folksongs (Awiting Bayan). These are short poems intended to be sung. The
common theme is love,despair, grief, doubt, joy, hope and sorrow.
2. Sonnets. This is a lyric poem of 14 lines dealing with an emotion, a feeling, or an
idea. These are two types:the Italian and the Shakespearean. Example: SANTANG
BUDS by Alfonso P. Santos
3. Elegy. This is a lyric poem which expresses feelings of grief and melancholy, and
whose theme is death.
Example: THE LOVER’S DEATH by RicaredoDemetillo
4. Ode. This is a poem of a noble feeling, expressed with dignity, with no definite
number of syllables or definite number of lines in a stanza.

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5. Psalms (Dalit). This is a song praising God or the Virgin Mary and containing a
philosophy of life.
6. Awit (Song). These have measures of twelve syllables (dodecasyllabic) and slowly
sung to the accompaniment of a guitar or banduria.
Example: FLORANTE AT LAURA by FrancisoBalagtas
7. Corridos (Kuridos). These have measures of eight syllables (octosyllabic) and recited
to a martial beat.

C. Dramatic Poetry

1. Comedy. The word comedy comes from the Greek term “komos” meaning festivity
or revelry. This form usually is light and written with the purpose of amusing, and
usually has a happy ending.
2. Melodrama. This is usually used in musical plays with the opera. Today, this is
related to tragedy justas the farce is to comedy. It arouses immediate and intense
emotion and is usually sad but there is a happy ending for the principal character.
3. Tragedy. This involves the hero struggling mightily against dynamic forces; he meets
death or ruin without success and satisfaction obtained by the protagonist in a
4. Farce. This is an exaggerated comedy. It seeks to arouse mirth by laughable lines;
situations are too ridiculous to be true; the characters seem to becaricatures and the
motives undignified and absurd.
5. Social Poems. This form is either purely comic ortragic and it pictures the life of
today. It may aim to bring about changes in the social conditions.

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SCQ. 1.1

1. How do you believe literature can help you to get familiar with a culture?

2. What are some of the main differences between a novel and a short story? Use a comparative
table to show it. You can write as many as you can.

Traits Short story Novel

3. Why is literature important in our lives?

-Discuss using examples from specific literary pieces applied to your life.

4. Magtanim Ay Di Biro is one of the famous Filipino folk song.

Try to sing and read the lyrics. Write the message of the song.

Magtanim Ay Di Biro

Magtanim ay di biro
Maghapong nakayuko
Di naman makatayo
Di naman makaupo

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Bisig ko’y namamanhid

Baywang ko’y nangangawit.
Binti ko’y namimintig
Sa pagkababad sa tubig.

Ng inianak sa hirap,
Ang bisig kung di iunat,
Di kumita ng pilak.

Sa umagang pagkagising
Lahat ay iisipin
Kung saan may patanim
May masarap na pagkain.

Halina, halina, mga kaliyag,

Tayo’y magsipag-unat-unat.
Magpanibago tayo ng lakas
Para sa araw ng bukas

(Braso ko’y namamanhid

Baywang ko’y nangangawit.
Binti ko’y namimintig
Sa pagkababad sa tubig.)

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Welcome back my Philippine Literature students!

This topic about Pre-Spanish Period is a very exciting one because it will bring us back to the time when
our ancestors are still enjoying the blessings of freedom to carve their own destiny under the heavens.
The days when they are but free to move elsewhere, free to explore their environs, free to discourse
with their fellow freemen and free to chart their own lives. So, join me as we explore the beauty and
unique features of Philippine Literary pieces produced during this period.

Long before the Spaniard and other foreigners landed on Philippine shores, our forefathers already had
their own literature stamped in the history of our race. Our ancient literature shows our customs and
traditions in everyday life as trace in our folk stories, old plays and short stories. Our ancestors also had
their own alphabet which was different from that brought by the Spaniards. The first alphabet used by
our ancestors was similar to that of the Malayo-Polynesian alphabet.

Whatever record our ancestors left were either burned by the Spanish friars in the belief that they were
works of the devil or were written on materials that easily perished, like the barks of trees, dried leaves
and bamboo cylinders which could not have remained undestroyed even if efforts were made to
preserve them. Other records that remained showed folk songs that proved existence of a native culture
truly our own. Some of these were passed on by word of mouth till they reached the hands of some
publishers or printers who took interest in printing the manuscripts of the ancient Filipinos.

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At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Identify the cultural, linguistic and aesthetic qualities of Philippine Literary pieces
produced during the Pre-Spanish period;
 Discuss the types of literature during Pre-Spanish period; and
 Appreciate the contributions of these literary pieces to the present corpus of Philippine


A. Sayings or Kasabihan is one of the examples of pre-spanish poetry. Explain in your own
words the given sayings. (You can use Filipino or English language.)

1. “Pag may itinanim, may aanihin.”

2. “Ang maglakad ng matulin, pag natinik ay malalim.”
3. “Ang hindi marunong lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi makararating sa paroroonan.”
4. “Ang hindi magmahal sa kanyang wika ay mahigit pa sa hayop at malansang isda.”
5. “Ang mabuting ugali, masaganang buhay ang sukli”

B. For your second activity, answer some of the famous filipino riddles or bugtong.

1. Maliit pa si Kumpare, nakakaakyat na sa tore.

2. Kung gusto mong tumagal pa ang aking buhay, kailangang ako ay mamatay.
3. Baboy ko sa pulo, ang balahibo’y pako.
4. Magandang prinsesa, nakaupo sa tasa.
5. Dalawang batong itim, malayo ang nararating.

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6. Isa ang pasukan, tatlo ang labasan.

7. Buto’t balat na malapad, kay galing kung lumipad.
8. Lumuluha walang mata, lumalakad walang paa.
9. Yumuko man ang reyna, di malalaglag ang korona.
10. Nagbibigay na, sinasakal pa.


The Historical Background of Pre-Spanish Period

Our forefathers already have a body of literature even before the arrival of the Spaniards. They have
customs and traditions comparable to other parts of the globe. They have their own system of writing,
alphabet, and other nuance of a working body of literature. They are trading with the neighboring
countries of Japan, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, and Arabia. In short, they are not savages nor
uncivilized as maliciously declared by some friars during the Spanish colonization.

Our many language are related to the Malaya-Polynesian Family of Languages spoken in vast areas
covering mainland Southeast Asia, East Timor, Polynesia, Micronesia and South Pacific Islands. We have
our own system of writing called Baybayin consisting of 3 vowels and 14 consonants. Baybayin came
from the word “baybay” which means “spelling”. The image below shows the Baybayin characters and
the corresponding sound represented.

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The Baybayin syllabary showing the characters and the sounds represented
courtesy of

Now, going back to our Philippine literary pieces during the Pre-Spanish period. Majority of these are
in oral traditions. Our ancestors love to communicate as evidenced by a great deal of surviving records.
Their written accounts are not inferior too. They used leaves, barks of trees, bamboo cylinders, dried
muds and jars as stationery. Their pen would be any pointed metal, stick, knife and others used to
engrave and imprint their message. However, the exposure to elements destroyed a great majority of
these works. The invading Spaniards destroyed and burned them too, thinking that these were works of
the devil. One interesting artifact that endured the test of longevity is the Laguna Copperplate

1. Legends. Pre-Spanish legends are fictitious narratives which explain the origin of things, places,
or names. The early Filipino customs are also depicted in them as it entertains the people during
gatherings and occasions.

A. Examples include “The Legend of the Tagalog” of the Tagalogs and

B. “The Legend of the Philippine Archipelago” of the Visayans.

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We will study the Legend of the Tagalog and the legend Why the Sea is Salty, both
Ilokano and Tagalog versions.

2. Folktales. Folktales are stories made up about life, adventures, love, horror and humor where
one can derive lessons about life.

A. Popular examples include “The Sun and the Wind” and

B. “The Boy who became a Stone” of the Tingguians.

Pre-Spanish Poetry

1. Epics. Epics are long narrative poems in which a series of heroic achievements or events usually
of a hero involving supernatural forces/phenomena. Listed below are some of the epics
celebrated among the various groups in the country.

a. Biag ni Lam-ang – Ilokanos

b. Hudhod hi Aliguyon – Ifugaos
c. Alim – Ifugaos
d. Ibalon – Bicol
e. Handiong – Bicol
f. Hinilawod – Bicol
g. Maragtas – Visayan
h. Haraya – Visayan
i. Lagda – Visayan
j. Hari sa Bukid – Visayan
k. Kumintang – Tagalog
l. Bernardo Carpio – Tagalog
m. Parang Sabir – Moro
n. Darangan – Moro
o. Indarapatra at Sulayman – Moro
p. Dagoy – Tagbanua
q. Sudsod – Tagnbanua
r. Tatuaang – Bagobo

2. Folksongs. Folksongs are the oldest forms of Philippine Literature that emerged which are
composed mostly of 12 syllables per line of four in a verse. These songs mirrored the culture of
each group singing specific song per occasion/celebration/activities. Listed below are some of
these songs and the corresponding occasion/celebration/activities.

 Kundiman – Songs of Love/Serenading songs

 Kumintang – War/Battle songs
 Dalit – Worship songs
 Oyayi/Hele – Lullaby songs
 Diana/Danaya – Wedding songs
 Soliraning – Laborer/Workmen songs
 Talindaw – Fisher/Fishing songs

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(Awit ng Pag-ibig)

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(War Song)


(Song to the God of the Visayans)


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(Wedding Song)
(Song of the Laborer)

(Boatman’s Song)

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3. Epigrams. Epigrams are more commonly called Salawikain. These have been customarily used
and served as laws or rules on good behavior. These are like allegories or parables that impart
lessons for the youth consisting of couplets (2-lines) which usually have rhyming end-syllables.
These lessons in life that they wish to impart are usually implied. Popular examples include:

 “Aaanhin pa ang damo, kung patay na ang kabayo.”

 “Sa marunong umunawa, sukat ang salita.”

4. Riddles. They are called “Bugtong” by the Tagalogs and “Burburtia” among the Ilokanos. These
are made up of one or two measured lines which may consist of 4 to 12 syllables. They are often
used to stir a thought-provoking questions. They are often used for entertainment purposes
during gatherings and celebrations. Each group/region feature unique riddles. Some of which

 Riddle: “Maliit pa si kumpare, umaakyat na sa torre.” Answer: Langgam (ant)

 Riddle: “Isda ko sa Mariveles, nasa loob ang kaliskis.” Answer: Sili (bell pepper)

5. Chants. Chants are customarily called “Bulong” or “Pasintabi” by the Tagalogs and referred to
as “Bari-bari” by the Ilokanos. These are sometimes in witchcraft or enchantment often with an
accompanying “Anting-anting” (amulet or talisman). Examples are:

 Among the Visayans: “Ikaw na nagnakaw ng mais ko, lumuwa sana ang mga mata mo,
mamaga sana ang kamay mo, parusahan ka ng mga anito.”

 Among the Tagalogs: “Tabi-tabi po kayo, ako’y magbubuhos ng tubig at mainit ito, kung
masaktan ko kayo, pagpasensiyahan niyo na po.”

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6. Sayings. (Kasabihan). They are used to emphasize lessons for the youth and these lessons
are explicitly stated. Examples are:

 “Pag may itinanim, may aanihin.”

 “Ang maglakad ng matulin, pag natinik ay malalim.”

7. Sawikain (Sayings with no hidden meanings)

 Nasa Diyos ang awa

Nasa tao ang gawa.

Sample Pre-Spanish Prose

The Legend of the Tagalog

In a certain wide region of Luzon, there was a village frequented by young men. This town was full of
trees, beautiful flowers and a river where clear waters flowed. What attracted the young men more than
the scenery was a beautiful nymph-like maiden. The maiden was Maria and she had lots of suitors who
came from afar and who fought for her hand. But Maria remained undaunted so Maria thought of a
plan. She called all the young men together and told them:

“You are all good and kind and it is difficult for me to choose one among you. Let me decide with a test.”

“I’ll marry the first man who can bring me a big, live, and strong serpent, “ Maria said in jest.

The young men were dumbfounded. After a while, the voice of Ilog broke the silence.

“I promise to bring you one, Maria. Even if I have to risk my life, I’ll bring you what you wish.”

Ilog was a man known for his bravery. He left immediately to fulfill his promise. The men whispered
among themselves. They were sure that Ilog would never be able to return. They waited for a long while
but Ilog had not returned. Even Maria was saddened because she also grieved the loss of a man as brave
and accommodating as Ilog. After many hours, Ilog returned. They crowded to see how Ilog would prove
his bravery. Ilog held a big snake by its nape and tail. While the men were thus occupied, two Spaniards
passed by. Their attention was caught not by what Ilog held but by the beauty of Maria.

“Maria”, heroically called Ilog. “I’ve brought you the serpent you wished for. What else do you want me
to do to make you happy?”

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“Cut it up!” shouted Maria.

The Spaniards were startled. They asked the people around where they were and in what place they
were in but nobody paid attention for their attention were focused on the snake and on Maria. When
Maria saw the snake was still struggling, she shouted:

“Taga, Ilog! Taga, Ilog.”

(Cut Ilog! Cut Ilog!) which she addresses to Ilog so he would cut the snake up again. The two Spaniards,
thinking that this was in answer to their question repeated the words:

“TAGA-ILOG, TAGAILOG”, which later became TAGALOG.

Why the sea is Salty?

(Tagalog Version)

Many years ago, the sea tasted like ordinary rainwater. It was bland and tasteless. Fortunately, the
people living in the islands knew about a friendly giant who kept mounds of salt in his cave.

The people would cross the ocean on their boats to reach the gentle giant’s island, and that is how they
were able to bring salt back to their villages, in order to prepare tastier meals.

One time, however, the ocean was quite rough and they could not sail out to gather salt. They eventually
ran out of salt and the villagers no longer enjoyed their tasteless meals. They wondered how they could
get salt again, when a child suggested they ask the giant to stretch out his legs over the ocean so that
they could walk to his island instead.

The kind giant agreed, and villagers with empty salt sacks walked along the giant’s leg. Unfortunately, the
giant’s foot landed on an anthill, and the ferocious red ants started biting the enormous leg.

“Hurry!” pleaded the giant, who strained to keep his itchy legs still.

As soon as the people reached the giant’s island, he immediately withdrew his foot and scratched the
itchy bites. The villages just smiled at how a giant could be bothered by tiny ants.

Anyway, the people got their salt and the giant again stretched his leg over the ocean. Immediately, the
ants began biting his swollen foot. Once again, the giant asked the people to hurry up, but the heavy salt
sacks slowed them down.

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Besides, the people didn’t believe that the tiny ants could really affect the giant, so they idly chatted
away, and walked rather slowly.

Before the villagers could cross the ocean, the giant cried out and thrust his ant-bitten foot into the
ocean. All the packed salt fell into the plain-water sea and melted.

The giant saved the people from drowning, but no one was able to recover the spilled salt. From that day
on-wards, the sea became salty.

Why the sea is Salty?

(Ilokano Version)

(Narrated by José M. Paredes of Bangued, Ilocos Sur. He heard the story from a farmer. From the
compilation of Dean S. Fansler and Mabel Cook Cole)

A few years after the creation of the world there lived a tall giant by the name of Ang-ngalo, the only son
of the god of building. Ang-ngalo was a wanderer, and a lover of work. He lived in the mountains, where
he dug many caves. These caves he protected from the continual anger of Angin, the goddess of the
wind, by precipices and sturdy trees.

One bright morning, while Ang-ngalo was climbing to his loftiest cave, he spied someone across the
ocean. The ocean at the time was pure, its water being the accumulated tears of a disappointed goddess
named Baybay. Ang-ngalo waved at the beautiful maid. She beckoned to him, and waved her black
handkerchief: so Ang-ngalo waded across to her through the water. The deep caverns in the ocean are
his footprints.

This beautiful maid was Sipnget, the goddess of the dark. She said to Ang-ngalo, “I am tired of my dark
palace in heaven. You are a great builder. What I want you to do for me is to erect a great mansion on
this spot. This mansion must be built of bricks as white as snow.”

Ang-ngalo could not find any bricks as white as snow: the only white thing there was then was salt. So he
went for help to Asin, the ruler of the Kingdom of Salt. Asin gave him pure bricks of salt, as white as
snow. Then Ang-ngalo built hundreds of bamboo bridges across the ocean. Millions of men were
employed day and night transporting the white bricks from one side of the ocean to the other.

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At last the patience of Baybay came to an end: she could not bear to have her deep and quiet slumber
disturbed. One day, while the men were busy carrying the salt bricks across the bridges, she sent forth
big waves and destroyed them. The brick-carriers and their burden were buried in her deep bosom. In
time the salt dissolved, and today the ocean is salty.

Pre-Spanish Poetry

Indarapatra at Sulayman

(A summary of the Moro epic)

(From the compilation of Mabel Cook Cole)

A long, long time ago Mindanao was covered with water, and the sea extended over all the lowlands so
that nothing could be seen but mountains. Then there were many people living in the country, and all
the highlands were dotted with villages and settlements. For many years the people prospered, living in
peace and contentment. Suddenly there appeared in the land four horrible monsters which, in a short
time, had devoured every human being they could find.

Kurita, a terrible creature with many limbs, lived partly on land and partly in the sea, but its favorite
haunt was the mountain where the rattan grew; and here it brought utter destruction on every living
thing. The second monster, Tarabusaw, an ugly creature in the form of a man, lived on Mt. Matutun, and
far and wide from that place he devoured the people, laying waste the land. The third, an enormous bird
called Pah, was so large that when on the wing it covered the sun and brought darkness to the earth. Its
egg was as large as a house. Mt. Bita was its haunt, and there the only people who escaped its voracity
were those who hid in caves in the mountains. The fourth monster was a dreadful bird also, having
seven heads and the power to see in all directions at the same time. Mt. Gurayan was its home and like
the others it wrought havoc in its region.

So great was the death and destruction caused by these terrible monsters that at length the news spread
even to the most distant lands, and all nations were grieved to hear of the sad fate of Mindanao.

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Now far across the sea in the land of the golden sunset was a city so great that to look at its many people
would injure the eyes of man. When tidings of these great disasters reached this distant city, the heart of
the king Indarapatra was filled with compassion, and he called his brother, Sulayman, begging him to
save the land of Mindanao from the monsters.

Sulayman listened to the story, and as he heard he was moved with pity.

“I will go,” said he, zeal and enthusiasm adding to his strength, “and the land shall be avenged.”

King Indarapatra, proud of his brother’s courage, gave him a ring and a sword as he wished him success
and safety. Then he placed a young sapling by his window and said to Sulayman:

“By this tree I shall know your fate from the time you depart from here, for if you live, it will live; but if
you die, it will die also.”

So Sulayman departed for Mindanao, and he neither walked nor used a boat, but he went through the
air and landed on the mountain where the rattan grew. There he stood on the summit and gazed about
on all sides. He looked on the land and the villages, but he could see no living thing. And he was very
sorrowful and cried out:

“Alas, how pitiful and dreadful is this devastation!”

No sooner had Sulayman uttered these words than the whole mountain began to move, and then shook.
Suddenly out of the ground came the horrible creature, Kurita. It sprang at the man and sank its claws
into his flesh. But Sulayman, knowing at once that this was the scourge of the land, drew his sword and
cut the Kurita to pieces.

Encouraged by his first success, Sulayman went on to Mt. Matutun where conditions were even worse.
As he stood on the heights viewing the great devastation there was a noise in the forest and a movement
in the trees. With a loud yell, forth leaped Tarabusaw. For a moment they looked at each other, neither
showing any fear. Then Tarabusaw threatened to devour the man, and Sulayman declared that he would
kill the monster. At that the animal broke large branches off the trees and began striking at Sulayman
who, in turn, fought back. For a long time the battle continued until at last the monster fell exhausted to
the ground and then Sulayman killed him with his sword.

The next place visited by Sulayman was Mt. Bita. Here havoc was present everywhere, and though he
passed by many homes, not a single soul was left. As he walked along, growing sadder at each moment,
a sudden darkness which startled him fell over the land. As he looked toward the sky he beheld a great
bird descending upon him. Immediately he struck at it, cutting off its wing with his sword, and the bird
fell dead at his feet; but the wing fell on Sulayman, and he was crushed.

Now at this very time King Indarapatra was sitting at his window, and looking out he saw the little tree
wither and dry up.

“Alas!” he cried, “my brother is dead”; and he wept bitterly.

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Then although he was very sad, he was filled with a desire for revenge, and putting on his sword and belt
he started for Mindanao in search of his brother.

He, too, traveled through the air with great speed until he came to the mountain where the rattan grew.
There he looked about, awed at the great destruction, and when he saw the bones of Kurita he knew
that his brother had been there and gone. He went on till he came to Matutun, and when he saw the
bones of Tarabusaw he knew that this, too, was the work of Sulayman.

Still searching for his brother, he arrived at Mt. Bita where the dead bird lay on the ground, and as he
lifted the severed wing he beheld the bones of Sulayman with his sword by his side. His grief now so
overwhelmed Indarapatra that he wept for some time. Upon looking up he beheld a small jar of water by
his side. This he knew had been sent from heaven, and he poured the water over the bones, and
Sulayman came to life again. They greeted each other and talked long together. Sulayman declared that
he had not been dead but asleep, and their hearts were full of joy.

After some time Sulayman returned to his distant home, but Indarapatra continued his journey to Mt.
Gurayan where he killed the dreadful bird with the seven heads. After these monsters had all been
destroyed and peace and safety had been restored to the land, Indarapatra began searching everywhere
to see if some of the people might not be hidden in the earth still alive.

One day during his search he caught sight of a beautiful woman at a distance. When he hastened toward
her she disappeared through a hole in the ground where she was standing. Disappointed and tired, he
sat down on a rock to rest, when, looking about, he saw near him a pot of uncooked rice with a big fire
on the ground in front of it. This revived him and he proceeded to cook the rice. As he did so, however,
he heard someone laugh near by, and turning he beheld an old woman watching him. As he greeted her,
she drew near and talked with him while he ate the rice.

Of all the people in the land, the old woman told him, only a very few were still alive, and they hid in a
cave in the ground from whence they never ventured. As for herself and her old husband, she went on,
they had hidden in a hollow tree, and this they had never dared leave until after Sulayman killed the
voracious bird, Pah.

At Indarapatra’s earnest request, the old woman led him to the cave where he found the headman with
his family and some of his people. They all gathered about the stranger, asking many questions, for this
was the first they had heard about the death of the monsters. When they found what Indarapatra had
done for them, they were filled with gratitude, and to show their appreciation the headman gave his
daughter to him in marriage, and she proved to be the beautiful girl whom Indarapatra had seen at the
mouth of the cave.

Then the people all came out of their hiding-place and returned to their homes where they lived in
peace and happiness. And the sea withdrew from the land and gave the lowlands to the people.

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SCQ. 1.1

Let’s Check Your Knowledge!

1. What are the cultural, linguistic and aesthetic qualities of Philippine Literary pieces produced
during the Pre-Spanish period? Explain.
2. Discuss the following types of literature during Pre-Spanish period:
a. Legends
b. Folk tales
c. The Epic Age
d. Folk Songs
e. Epigrams
f. Riddles
g. Chants
h. Sayings
i. Sawikain
3. This is also known as Lullaby.
4. This is used in witchcraft or enchantment. What is it?
5. What do you think is the contributions of these literary pieces in the new generation or in the
present time?

Give the moral lesson of the following sample pre-spanish prose:
 The Legend of the Tagalog
 Why the sea is Salty? (Tagalog Version)
 Why the sea is Salty? (Ilokano Version)
 Indaparata at Sulayman

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It is an accepted belief that the Spanish colonization of the Philippines started in 1565 during the time of
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, the first Spanish governor-general in the Philippines. Literature started to
flourish during his time. This spurt continued unabated until the Cavite Revolt in 1872. The Spaniards
colonized the Philippines for more than three centuries.

During these times, many changes occurred in the lives of Filipinos. They embraced the Catholic religion,
changed their names, and were baptized.

Their lifestyles changed too. They built houses mad of stones and bricks, used beautiful furniture like the
piano and used kitchen utensils. Carriages, trains and boats were used as means of travel. They held
fiestas to honor the saints, the pope and the governors. They had cockfights, horse races and the theater
as means of recreation.

This gave rise to the formation of the different classes of society like the rich and the landlords. Some
Filipinos finished courses like medicine, law, and agriculture and teachi ng. Many Filipinos finished their
schooling already had been established.

Did you know that_______________

 Printing was introduced by the Dominicans in 1593

What the colonizers brought anew in Philippine Literature?

→ Introduction of theater, playlets and drama

→ Teaching of the Christian Doctrine
→ Ancient literature was collected and translated to Tagalog and other dialects
→ Periodicals this times gained religious tone
→ Literature: religious prose and poetry and secular prose and poetry

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Describe a Picture!

Directions: These are some of the recreational plays during the Spanish Period. I want you to look the
pictures and describe it in 5 or more sentences.

Salubong Cenakulo



At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

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 Describe the Philippine literature during the period;

 Enumerate writers who contributed to the flourishing of literature
during this period;
 Name literary genres and pieces; and
 Analyze literary pieces



Due to the long period of colonization of the Philippines by the Spaniards, they have exerted a
strong influence on our literature.

1. The first Filipino alphabet called ALIBATA was replaced by the Roman alphabet.

2. The teaching of the Christian Doctrine became the basis of religious practices.

3. The Spanish language which became the literary language during this time lent many of its
words to our language.

4. European legends and traditions brought here became assimilated in our songs, corridos, and

5. Ancient literature was collected and translated to Tagalog and other dialects.

6. Many grammar books were printed in Filipino, like Tagalog, Ilocano and Visayan

7. Our periodicals during these times gained a religious tone.


was written by Fr. Juan de Placencia and

Fr. Domingo Nieva, in Tagalog and
ANG DOCTRINA Spanish. It contained the Pater Noster
CRISTIANA (THE (Out Father), Ave Maria (Hail Mary),
CHRISTIAN Regina Coeli (Hail Holy Queen), the Ten
DOCTRINE). This was Commandments of God, the
the first book printed Commandments of the Catholic Church,
in the Philippines in the Seven Mortal Sins, How to Confess,
1593 in xylography. It and the Cathecism. Three old original

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copies of this book can still be found at It is believed to be the first Tagalog novel
the Vatican, at the Madrid Musem and published in the Philippines even if it is only a
at the US Congress. It contains only 87 translation. The printed translation has only 556
pages but costs $5,000.0. pages. The Ilocano translation in poetry was
done by Fr. Agustin Mejia.

2. Nuestra Señora del Rosario. The second book 5. The Pasion. This is the book about the life
printed in the Philippines was written by Fr. and sufferings of Jesus Christ. It is read only
Blancas de San Jose in 1602, and printed at the during Lent. There were 4 versions of this in
UST Printing Press with the help of Juan de Vera, Tagalog and each version is according to the
a Chinese mestizo. It contains the biographies of name of the writer. These are the Pilapil version
saints, novenas, and questions and answers on (by Mariano Pilapil of Bulacan, 1814), the de
religion. Belen version (by Gaspar Aquino de Belen of
Bat. in 1704), the de la Merced (by Aniceto de la
Merced of Norzagaray, Bulacan in 1856) and the
de Guia version (by Luis de Guia in 1750).

Critics are not agreed whether it is the Pilapil or

the de la Merced version which is the most

3. Libro de los Cuatro Postprimeras de Hombre

(in Spanish and Tagalog). This is the first book
printed in typography.

6. Urbana at Felisa. A book by Modesto de

Castro, the so called Father of Classic Prose in
Tagalog. These are letters between two sisters
Urbana at Felisa and have influenced greatly the
behavior of people in society because the
letters dealt with good behavior.

4. Ang Barlaan at Josephat. This is a Biblical

story printed in the Philippines and translated to
Tagalog from Greek by Fr. Antonio de Borja.

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7. Ang Mga Dalit kay Maria (Psalms for Mary).

A collection of songs praising the Virgin Mary. Fr.
Mariano Sevilla, a Filipino priest, wrote this in
1865 and it was popular especially during the
Maytime “Flores de Mayo” festival.


1. Arte y Reglas de la Lengua Tagala (Art and rules of the Tagalog language). Written by Fr. Blancas de
San Jose and translated to Tagalog by Tomas Pinpin in 1610.

2. Compendio de la Lengua Tagala (Understanding the Tagalog language). Written by Fr. Gaspar de San
Agustin in 1703.

3. Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala (Tagalog vocabulary). The first Tagalog dictionary written by Fr. Pedro
de San Buenaventura in 1613.

4. Vocabulario de la Lengua Pampanga (Pampanga vocabulary). The first book in Pampanga written by
Fr. Diego in 1732.

5. Vocabulario de la Lengua Bisaya (Bisayan vocabulary). The best language book in Visayan by Mateo
Sanchez in 1711.

6. Arte de la Lengua Ilokana (The Art of the Ilocano language). The first Ilocano grammar book by
Francisco Lopez.

7. Arte de la Lengua Bicolana (The Art of the Bicol language). The first book in the Bicol language and
written by Fr. Marcos Lisbon in 1754.

D. FOLK SONGS. Folk songs became widespread in the Philippines. Each region had its national song
from the lowlands to the mountains of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

Folk songs truly manifest the artistic feelings of the Filipinos. They show the Filipinos’ innate appreciation
for and love of beauty. The examples are Leron-Leron Sinta, Pamulinawen, Dandansoy, Sarong Banggi
and Atin Cu Pung Singsing.

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Leron Leron Sinta


Leron, leron sinta Leron, leron sinta

Buko ng papaya, Buko ng papaya,
Dala-dala’y buslo, Dala-dala’y buslo,
Sisidlan ng bunga, Sisidlan ng bunga,
Pagdating sa dulo’y Pagdating sa dulo’y
Nabali ang sanga Nabali ang sanga
Kapos kapalaran, Kapos kapalaran,
Humanap ng iba.
Ang ibigin ko’y
Gumising ka, Neneng, Lalaking matapang,
Tayo’y manampalok, Ang baril nya’y pito,
Dalhin mo ang buslong Ang sundang nya’y siyam
Sisidlan ng hinog. Ang sundang nya’y siyam
Pagdating sa dulo’y Ang lalakarin nya’y
Lalamba-lambayog, Parte ng dinulang
Kumapit ka, neneng, Isang pinggang pansit
Baka ka mahulog. Ang kanyang kalaban.



Pamulinawen, pusok indengam man

Toy umas-asug agrayod'ta sadiam.
Panunotem man inka pagintutulngan
Toy agayat, agukkoy dita sadiam.

Essem nga diak malipatan ta nasudi unay a nagan,

Uray sadin ti ayan, lugar sadino man,
Aw-awagan di agsarday, ta naganmo kasam-itan.
No malagipka, pusok ti mabang-aran.

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Adu a sabsabong, narway a rosrosas

Ti adda't ditoy a di nga mabuybuya,
Ngem awan man laeng ti pakaliwliwaan
No di dayta sudim ken kapintas.

Aywen, biagko, indengam man.

Iyasasokko nga inaldaw
Ta diak to a kayat ti sabali nga imnas
Sika laeng, o, biagko, ita ken uray tanemman
No malagipka, pusok ti mabang-aran.

Dakay nga ububbing, didakam' tultuladen

Ta dakkel kamin nga agiinnarem
Ta ituloyyo ta panagadalyo
Tapno inkay magun-od kakaligumanyo

Essem nga diak malipatan, ta nasudi unay a nagan,

Uray sadin ti ayan, lugar sadino man,
Aw-awagan di agsarday ta naganmo kasam-itan.
No malagipka, pusok ti mabang-aran.

E. RECEREATIONAL PLAYS. There are many recreational plays performed by Filipinos during the Spanish
times. Almost all of them were in poetic form. Here are examples:

1. Tibag – the word tibag means to

excavate. This ritual was brought here
by the Spaniard to remind the people
about the search of St. Helena for the
Cross on which Jesus died.

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Tagalog regions although there are also those

from Ilocos, Pampanga, Bicol and both
Sibulanon and Hiligaynon.

2. Lagaylay – this is a special occasion for the

Pilareños of Sorsogon during Maytime to get

As early as April, the participating ladies are 4. Panunuluyan – this is presented before 12:00
chosen and sometimes, mothers volunteer their on Christmas Eve. This is a presentation of the
girls in order to fulfill a vow made during an search of the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph for an
illness or for a favor received. inn wherein to deliver the baby Jesus.
In some parts of Bicol, a different presentation
is made but the objective is the same – praise,
respect and offering of love to the Blessed Cross
by St. Helen on the mound she had dug in.

5. The Salubong (or Panubong) - The Salubong

is an Easter play that dramatizes the meeting of
the Risen Christ and his Mother. It is still
presented in many Philippine towns.

3. The Cenaculo – this is a dramatic

performance to commemorate the passion and
death of Jesus Christ. There are two kinds: the
Cantada and Hablada. In the Hablada the lines
are spoken in a more deliberate manner showi
ng the rhythmic measure of each verse and the
rhyming in each stanza and is more dignified in
theme; the Cantada is chanted like the Pasion. 6. Carillo (Shadow Play) – this is a form of
dramatic entertainment performed on a
The Cenaculo is written in octosyllabic verse, moonless night during a town fiesta or on dark
with 8 verses to the stanza. The full length nights after a harvest. This shadow play is made
versions take about 3 nights of staging. by projecting cardboard figures before a lamp
Performers come in costumes with wigs and against a white sheet. The figures are moved
performers are carefully chosen for their like marionettes whose dialogues are produced
virtuous life. One performs the role of Jesus by some experts. The dialogues are drawn from
Christ and another the role of the Virgin Mary. a Corrido or Awit or some religious play
Many famous Cenaculo players come from the

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interspersed with songs. These are called by

various names in different places:

Carillo in Manila, Rizal and Batangas and

Laguan; TITRES in Ilocos Norte, Pangasinan,
Bataa, Capiz and Negros; TITIRI in Zambales;
GAGALO or KIKIMUT in Pampanga and Tarlac;
and ALIALA in La Union.

8. The Sainete – this was a short musical

7. The Zarzuela – considered the father of the
comedy popular during the 18th century. They
drama; it is a musical comedy or melodrama
were exaggerated comedies shown between
three acts which dealt with man’s passions and
acts of long plays and were mostly performed
emotions like love, hate, revenge, cruelty,
by characters from the lower classes. Themes
avarice or some social or political proble.
were taken from everyday life scenarios.

You can watch some of the

sample videos in recreational plays in
this link:

F. THE MORO-MORO. Like the Cenaculo, the Moro-moro is presented also on a special stage. This is
performed during town fiestas to entertain the people and to remind them of their Christian religion.
The plot is usually the same that of a Christian princess or a nobleman’s daughter who is captured by the

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Mohammedans. The father organizes a rescu e party where fighting between the Moros and the
Christians ensue.

The Mohammedans are defeated by some miracle or Divine Intercession and the Mohammedans are
converted to Christianity. In some instances, the whole kingdom is baptized and converted. One example
of this is Prinsipe Rodante.

G. KARAGATAN. This is a poetic vehicle of a socio-religious nature celebrated during the death of a
person. In this contest, more or less formal, a ritual is performed based on a legend about a princess
who dropped her ring into the middle of the sea and who offered here hand in marriage to anyone who
can retrieve it.

A leader starts off with an extemporaneous poem announcing the purpose. He then spins a “lumbo” o
“tabo” marked with a white line. Whoever comes in the direction of the white line when the spinning
stops gets his turn to “go into the sea to look for the ring.” This means a girl will ask him a riddle and if he
is able to answer, he will offer the ring to the girl.

H. DUPLO. The Duplo replace the Karagatan. This is a poetic joust in speaking and reasoning. The roles
are taken from the Bible and from proverbs and saying. It is usually played during wakes for the dead.

I. THE BALAGTASAN. This is a poetic joust or a contest of skills in debate on a particular topic or issue.
This is replaced the DUPLO and is held to honor Francisco “Balagtas” Baltazar.

J. THE DUNG-AW. This is a chant in free verse by a bereaved person or his representative beside the
corpse of the dead. No definite meter or rhyming scheme is used. The person chanting it freely recites in
poetic rhythm according to his feelings, emotions and thoughts. It is personalized and usually deals with
the life, sufferings and sacrifices of the dead and includes apologies for his misdeeds. K. THE AWIT and
the COR RIDO. Some use these two interchangeably because distinction is not clear.

K. THE AWIT and the CORRIDO. The corridor is in octosyllabic verse, the awit is in dodecasyllabic verse.
The corridos were usually on legends or stories from European countries like France,Spain,Italy and
Greece. The AWITS are fabricated stories from writer’s imagination although the setting and characters
are European. The CORRIDO refers to narration. The AWIT refers to chanting. The CORRIDO and the awit
are both referred to as narrative poetry.

An example of an AWIT is

(by Francisco Balagtas)

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(An expert from the whole Awit)

25 "Ay, 'di saan ngayon ako mangangapit!

saan ipupukol ang tinangis-tangis,
kung ayaw na ngayong dinigin ng Langit,
ang sigaw ng aking malumbay na boses!"
26 "Kung siya mong ibig na ako'y magdusa,
Langit na mataas, aking mababata;
isagi mo lamang sa puso ni Laura
ako'y minsan-minsang mapag-alaala."
27 "At dito sa laot ng dusa't hinagpis,
malawak na lubhang aking tinatawid;
gunita ni Laura sa naabang ibig,
siya ko na lamang ligaya sa dibdib."
28 "Munting gunam-gunam ng sinta ko't mutya
nang dahil sa aki'y dakila kong tuwa;
higit sa malaking hirap at dalita,
parusa ng taong lilo't walang awa."
29 "Sa pagkagapos ko'y guni-gunihin,
malamig nang bangkay akong nahihimbing;
at tinatangisan ng sula ko't giliw,
ang pagkabuhay ko'y walang hangga mandin."
30 "Kung apuhapin ko sa sariling isip,
ang suyuan naman ng pili kong ibig;
ang pagluha niya kung ako'y may hapis,
nagiging ligaya yaring madlang sakit."
31 "Nguni, sa aba ko! sawing kapalaran!
ano pang halaga ng gayong suyuan
kung ang sing-ibig ko'y sa katahimikan
ay humihilig na sa ibang kandungan?"
32 "Sa sinapupunan ng Konde Adolfo,
aking natatanaw si Laurang sinta ko;
kamataya'y nahan ang dating bangis mo,
nang 'di ko damdamin ang hirap na ito?"

Sinabi ni Florante sa kanyang sarili na kaya niyang tiisin ang pagdurusa, kung ito ang gustong
mangyari ng Maykapal. Iisa lamang ang tangi niyang hiling, ang maalala siya ng kanyang minamahal sa
si Laura. Di niya maiwasang maalala ang kanilang suyuan, at iniisip niya na baka agawin
si Laura ng kanyang karibal na si Adolfo.

An example of the CORRIDO is IBONG ADARNA by Jose de la Cruz (Huseng Sisiw). Herein is an example of
the poetric techniques of Jose de la Cruz from the selection HISTORIA FAMOSA ni Bernardo Carpio.

by Huseng Sisiw

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MATAY ko man yatang pigili't pigilin

Pigilin ang sintang sa puso'y tumiim,
Tumiim na sinta'y kung aking pawiin,
Pawiin ko'y tantong kamatayan ko rin.

IKAMAMATAY ko'y nasa iyong kamay,

Sa kamay mo sana manaw yaring buhay,
Buhay ko'y malagot sa iyong harapan,
Sa harap mo lamang luwalhati'y kamtan.

TUNAY ang sinta ko't malaking pag-ibig

Pag-ibig sa iyong kabutiha't dikit,
Dikit mo'y namahay tumiim sa dibdib
Sa dibdib ko'y di na ibig na maalis.

PAWIIN sa puso ako'y mamamatay,

Mamamatay ako kung limutin naman,
Limuti't alisi'y tantong kahirapan
Kahirapang ito'y saan pa hahanggan?

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SCQ. 1.1

A. Answer the given question.

1. The first spanish governor-general in the Philippines.

2-3.What are the changes occurred in the lives of the Filipinos during the Spanish Period?
4. The first Filipino Alphabet.
5. This was the first book printed in the Philippines in 1593 in xylography.
6. This is a book about the life and sufferings of Jesus Christ.
7. A book by Modesto de Castro, the so-called Father of Classic Prose in Tagalog
8. This is a presentation of the search of the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph for an inn therein to deliver
the baby Jesus.
9. This is a short musical comedy popular during the 18th century.
10. It is a personalized and usually deal with the life, sufferings and sacrifices of the deed and
includes apologies for his misdeeds.

B. Describe the Philippine literature during the Spanish Period.

C. Enumerate writers who contributed to the flourishing of literature during this period.
D. Name one literary piece that you’ve learned in this lesson.
E. Analyze and give your reaction or the message of this literary pieces made by Jose de la Cruz.

by Huseng Sisiw

MATAY ko man yatang pigili't pigilin

Pigilin ang sintang sa puso'y tumiim,
Tumiim na sinta'y kung aking pawiin,
Pawiin ko'y tantong kamatayan ko rin.

IKAMAMATAY ko'y nasa iyong kamay,

Sa kamay mo sana manaw yaring buhay,
Buhay ko'y malagot sa iyong harapan,
Sa harap mo lamang luwalhati'y kamtan.

TUNAY ang sinta ko't malaking pag-ibig

Pag-ibig sa iyong kabutiha't dikit,
Dikit mo'y namahay tumiim sa dibdib

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Sa dibdib ko'y di na ibig na maalis.

PAWIIN sa puso ako'y mamamatay,

Mamamatay ako kung limutin naman,
Limuti't alisi'y tantong kahirapan
Kahirapang ito'y saan pa hahanggan?


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Historical Background After 300 years of passivity under Spanish rule, the Filipino spirit reawakened
when the 3 priests Gomez, Burgos and Zamora were guillotined without sufficient evidence of guilt.
This occurred on the 17th of February. This was buttressed with the spirit of liberalism when the
Philippines opened its doors to world trade and with the coming of a liberal leader in the person of
Governor Carlos Maria de la Torre.

The Spaniards were unable to suppress the tide of rebellion among the Filipinos.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Identify the cultural, linguistic and aesthetic qualities of Philippine Literary pieces
produced during the Pre-Spanish period;
 Discuss the types of literature during Pre-Spanish period; and
 Appreciate the contributions of these literary pieces to the present corpus of Philippine

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Sayings or Sawikain is one of the pre-spanish poetry. Explain in your own words the given sayings. (You
can use Filipino or English language)

6. “Pag may itinanim, may aanihin.”

7. “Ang maglakad ng matuli
12. n, pag natinik ay malalim.”


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The once religious spirit transformed itself into one of nationalism and the Filipinos demanded
changes in the government and in the church. A. The Propaganda Movement (1872-1896) This
movement was spearheaded mostly by the intellectual middle-class like Jose Rizal, Marcelo del Pilar;
Graciano Lopez Jaena, Antonio Luna, Mariano Ponce, Jose Ma. Panganiban, and Pedro Paterno. The
objectives of this movement were to seek reforms and changes like the following:

1. To get equal treatment for the Filipinos and the Spaniards under the law.
2. To make the Philippines a colony of Spain.
3. To restore Filipino representation in the Spanish Cortes.
4. To Filipinize the parishes.
5. To give the Filipinos freedom of speech, of the press, assembly and for redress of grievances.

Highlights of the Propaganda Movement There were three principal leaders of the Propaganda
movement. They were Jose P. Rizal, Marcelo H. del Pilar and Graciano Lopez Jaena. Here are highlights
about them and what they have done for our country.


Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Alonzo y Realonda was born on June 19, 1861 at Calamba, Laguna. His first
teacher was his mother Teodora Alonozo. He studied at the Ateneo de Manila, started medicine at UST
and finished at the Universidad Central of Madrid. He also studied at the University of Berlin, Leipzig and

He died by musketry in the hands of the Spaniards on December 30, 1896 on charges of sedition and
rebellion against the Spaniards. His pen-name was Laong Laan and Dimasalang.

His books and writings:

1. NOLI ME TANGERE. This was the novel that gave spirit to the propaganda movement and paved
the way to the revolution against Spain. In this book, he courageously exposed the evils in the
Spanish-run government in the Philippines.

The Spaniards prohibited the reading of this novel but a lot of translations were able to enter
stealthily in the country even if it means death to those caught in possession of them.

The NOLI gave Philippine literature the immortal characters Maria Clara, Juan Crisostomo Ibarra,
Elias, Sisa, Pilosofong Tasio, Doña Victorina, Kapitana Maria, Basilio and Crispin, Rizal had a
powerful pen in the delineation of these characters.

2. EL FILIBUSTERISMO. This is a sequel to the NOLI.

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While the NOLI exposed the evils in society, the FILI exposed those in the government and in the
church. However, the NOLI has been dubbed the novel of society while that of FILI is that of

3.MI ULTIMO ADIOS (My Last Farewell). This was a poem by Rizal while he was incarcerated at
Fort Santiago and is one that can compare favorably with the best in the world. It was only after
his death when his name was affixed to the poem.

4. SOBRE LA INDOLENCIA DE LOS FILIPINOS (On the Indolence of the Filipinos). An essay on the
so-called Filipino indolence and an evaluation of the rea sons for such allegations.

5. FILIPINAS DENTRO DE CIEN AÑOS (The Philippines within a Century). An essay predicting the
increasing influence of the US in the Philippines and the decreasing interest of Europe here. Rizal
predicted that if there is any other colonizer of the Philippines in the future, it would be the US.
6. A LA JUVENTUD FILIPINA (To the Filipino Youth). A poem Rizal dedicated to the Filipino youth
studying at UST.

7. EL CONSEJO DE LES DIOSES (The Council of the Gods). An allegorical play manifesting
admiration for Cervantes.

8. JUNTO AL PASIG (Beside the Pasig River). Written by Rizal when he was 14 years of age.

9. ME PIDEN VERSOS (You asked Me for Verses); 1882 and A LAS FLORES DE HEIDELBERG (To the
Flowers of Heidelberg). Two poems manifesting Rizal’s unusual depth of emotion.

Philippine Events by Dr. Antonio de Morga): 1889







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SCQ. 1.1

Answer the given question.

1. How does the filipino spirit reawaken after 300 years of passivity under spanish rule?
2-3. Give 2 objectives of Propaganda Movement to seek reforms and changes.
4. This is a sequel for the NOLI ME TANGERE
5. Marcelo H. Del Pilar established the _______in 1882, where he expressed the evils of the
spanish government in the Philippines
6. This became the official voice of the Associacion Hispano de Filipinas
7. He is the Father of Filipino Democracy and the Father of the Katipunan
8. He is the Brains of the Katipunan
9. The Sublime Paralytic and the Brains of the Revolution
10. He became popular because of his Himno Nacional Filipino (The Phillipine National Anthem)


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Historical Background
The Filipino Revolutionists won against the Spaniards who colonized us for more than 300 years.
Our flag was hoisted on June 12, 1898 as a symbol of our independence. Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo
was elected the first President of the Philippine Republic but this was short-lived.

The Fil.-American was resulted in the defeat of Gen. Miguel Malvar in 1903. The peace
movements started as early as 1900. Many Filipinos started writing again and the nationalism of
the people remained undaunted.

Filipino writers went into all forms of literature like new s, reporting, poetry, stories, plays,
essays, and novels. Their writings clearly depicted their love of country and their longings for

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At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Identify the cultural, linguistic and aesthetic qualities of Philippine Literary pieces
produced during the Pre-Spanish period;
 Discuss the types of literature during Pre-Spanish period; and
 Appreciate the contributions of these literary pieces to the present corpus of Philippine


Sayings or Sawikain is one of the pre-spanish poetry. Explain in your own words the given sayings. (You
can use Filipino or English language)

13. “Pag may itinanim, may aanihin.”

14. “Ang maglakad ng matulin, pag natinik ay malalim.”

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The active arousal in the field of literature started to be felt in the following newspapers.
1. EL NUEVO DIA (The New Day). Established by Sergio Osmeña in 1900. The American censors
twice banned this and threatened Osmeña with banishment because of his nationalistic writings.

2. EL GRITO DEL PUEBLO (The Call of the Nation). Established by Pascual Poblete in 1900.
3. EL RENACIMIENTO (The Rebirth). Founded by Rafael Palma in 1901.

There were also plays written then but after the first and second presentations, the Americans
put a stop to this because of the consistent theme of nationalism. Included here were the
following: 1. KAHAPON, NGAYON AT BUKAS (Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow).

A. Literature in Spanish

The inspiration of our Filipino writers in Spanish was Rizal not only because of his being a
national leader but also because of his novels NOLI and FILI. These two novels contained the
best qualities of a novel ever written, in English or in Filipino. Those who were inspired to
write in praise of him were Cecilio Apostol, Fernando Ma. Guerrero, Jesus Balmori, Manuel
Bernabe and Claro M. Recto.

Cecilio Apostol wrote poems dedicated to Rizal, Jacinto, Mabini and all other heroes but his
poem dedicated to Rizal is considered the best poem in praise of the hero of Bagumbayan.


It is believed that Fernando Ma. Guerrero shared with Apostol the reign in the balagtasan in
Spanish during their time. He also dedicated a poem to Rizal but he collected the best of his
poems in a book called CRISALIDAS, meaning, a kind of black, wooly caterpillar. Here are a
few stanzas of his call to Rizal which he wrote on June 19, 1901 to commemorate Rizal’s

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Jesus Balmori is well-known for his pen name of Batikuling. He and Manuel Bernabe
participated in a debate on the topic – (Remembrance and Forgetfulness). He was elected
Poet Laureate in Spanish besting Manuel Bernabe.

Manuel Bernabe is a lyric poet and the fierceness of his nationalistic spirit was unchanged in
any topic he wrote about. In his debate with Balmori, he was more attractive to the public
because of the modious words he used. He defended OLVIDO (Forgetfulness).

In nobility of speech and theme, Claro M. Recto can compare with the other writers of
Spanish. He collected his poems in a book entitled BAJO LOS COCOTEROS (Under The
Coconut Trees).

Other Writers in Spanish

1. Adelina Guerrea was the first woman poet in the Philippines who was good in Spanish.
She obtained the Zobel prize in her song El Nido. (The Nest).
2. Isidro Marpori became famous for his four books entitled Aromas de Ensueño (Scents of
3. Macario Adriatico wrote of a legend of Mindoro entitle La Punta de Salto (The Place of
4. Epifanio de los Santos (known as Don PAnyong). He was a good leader and biographer
during the whole period of Spanish literature.
5. Pedro Aunario wrote the Decalogo del Proteccionismo.

B. Filipino Literature

FLORANTE AT LAURA of Francisco Balagtas and URBANA AT FELISA of Modesto de Castro

became the inspiration of the Tagalog writers. Julian Cruz Balmaceda classified three kinds of
Tagalog poets: They were:
1. Poet of the Heart (Makata ng Puso). These included Lope K. Santos, Iñigo Ed. Regalado,
Carlos Gatmaitan, Pedro Deogracias del Rosario, Ildefonso Santos, Amado V. Hernandez,
Nemecio Carabana, and Mar Antonio.
2. Poets of Life (Makata ng Buhay). Led by Lope K Santos, Jose Corazon de Jesus, Florentino
Collantes, Patricio Mariano, Carlos Garmaitan, and Amado V. Hernandez.
3. Poets of the Stage (Makata ng Tanghalan). Led by Aurelio Tolentino, Patricio Mariano,
Severino Reyes, and Tomas Remigio.


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Lope K. Santos, a novelist, poet and author, and grammarian covered three periods of
Tagalog literature – American, Japanese and the contemporary period. If Manuel L. Quezon
is called the Father of the National Language, Lope K. Santos is called the Father of the
National Language Grammar. He was also called the “Apo” of the Tagalog writers. BANAAG
AT SIKAT was his masterpiece.


Jose Corazon de Jesus is very popularly known as Huseng Batute. He was also called the
Poet of Love in his time. ANG ISANG PUNONG KAHOY (A TREE), an elegy, is believed to be his

Amado V. Hernandez was dubbed Makata ng mga Manggagawa (Poet of the Laborers) in our
literature because he pictures in his poem the intense love for the poor worker or laborer. To
him, a poem is a scent, bittersweet memories, and a murmur of flowing water. The pen is
powerful and according to him, even a king can be bent by the pen. He contributed a lot of
writings to literature like ISANG DIPANG LANGIT (A Stretch of Heaven), BAYANG MALAYA (A
Free Nation), ANG PANDAY (The Blakcsmith), and MUNTING LUPA (A Small Plot), but his
masterpiece is ANG PANDAY.


Together with Lope K. Santos he reached the summit of his novel-writing. He was known as
Tandang Anong and his pen name was Kuntil Butil (Small Grain). He considers NENA AT
NENENG his masterpiece.


Iñigo Ed. Regalado was a son of a popular writer during the Spanish time known as Odalger.
He proved that he not only followed the footsteps of his father but also reached the peak of
his success by the “sumpong” (whim) of his pen. He also became a popular story-teller,
novelist and newspaperman.


During the advent of the American period, Severino Reyes and Hermogenes Ilagan started
the movement against the moromoro ( a play on the Spanish struggles against the Muslims)
and struggled to show the people the values one can get from the zarzuela and the simple
plays. The people one should not forget in the field of writing are the following:

1. Severino Reyes. Father of the Tagalog drama and author of the immortal WALANG
2. Aurelio Tolentino. The dramatist in whom the Kapampangans take pride. Included in his
writings were LUHANG TAGALOG, his masterpiece, and KAHAPON, NGAYONG AT BUKAS that
resulted in his incarceration.

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3. Hermogenes Ilagan. Founded the group Campaña Ilagan that presented many dramas in
Central Luzon.
4. Patricio Mariano. Wrote the novel NINAY and ANAK NG DAGAT (Son of the Sea), his
5. Julian Cruz Balmaceda. Wrote BUNGANGA NG PATING (Shark’s Mouth). This gave him
much honor and fame.


Two collections of Tagalog stories were published during the American Period. First was the
MGA KUWENTONG GINTO (Golden Stories) published in 1936 and %) KUWENTONG GINTO
ng 50 BATIKANG KUWENTISTA (50 Golden Stories by 50 Noted Storytellers) in 1939. The
first was written by Alejandro Abadilla and Clodualdo del Mundo that contained the 25 best
stories according to them.

The second was written by Pedrito Reyes. PAROLANG GINTO (Golden Lantern) and
TALAANG BUGHAW (Blue List) of Abadilla became popular during this period.


Almost all Tagalog writers during the American Period were able to compose beautiful
poems which made it difficult to select the best. Even if poetry writing is as old as history,
poetry still surfaces with its sweetness, beauty, and melody.

D. Period of Self-Discovery and Growth (1925-1941)

By this time, Filipino writers had acquired the mastery of English writing. They now
confidently and competently wrote on a lot of subjects although the old-time favorites of
love and youth persisted. They went into all forms of writing like the novel and the drama.
1. POETRY Noteworthy names in this field include Marcelo de Gracia Concepcion, Jose
Garcia Villa, Angela Manalang Gloria, Abelardo Subido, Trinidad Tarrosa Subido and
Rafael Zulueta da Costa. They turned our not only love poems but patriotic, religious,
descriptive and reflective poems as well. They wrote in free verse, in odes and sonnets
and in other types. Poetry was original, spontaneous, competently written and later,
incorporated social consciousness. 2. THE SHORT STORY (1925-1941) Probably because
of the incentives provided by publications like the Philippine Free Press, The Graphic,
The Philippine Magazine and college publications like the UP Literary Apprentice, poetry
and the short story flourished during these times. Other writers during this time include
Osmundo Sta. Romana, Arturo Rotor, Paz Latorena’s Sunset, and Jose Garcia Villa’s
Mirin-isa. From 1930 to 1940, the Golden Era of Filipino writing in English saw the short
story writers “who have arrived,” like Jose Lansang’s The Broken Parasol, Sinai C.
Hamada’s Talanata’s Wife, Fausto Dugenio’s Wanderlust, Amando G. Dayrit’s His Gift and
Yesterday, Amador T. Daugio’s The Woman Who Looked Out of the Window.

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Characteristics of the short stories during these times: There were still remnants of
Spanish influence in the use of expressions that were florid, sentimental, exaggerated
and bombastic. The influence of the Western culture also was already evident. 3.
ESSAYS AND OTHER PROSE STYLES (1925-1941) Essays during this period improved with
the years in quality and quantity, in content, subject and style. Essayists like Carlos P.
Romulo became even more eminent editorial writers. The notable writers of essays
during this period were: a. Political, social reflective essays: `

SCQ. 1.1

Answer the given question.

1 The Philippine flag was hoisted on _______ as a symbol of our independence.

2. The peace movement started as early as _______.
3. Written by Aurelio Tolentino depicting the suppression done by the Americans and their plan to
colonize in the Philippines.
4. Why Rizal became the inspiration of the Filipino writers.
5. A book of Fernando Ma. Guerrero which means kind of black, wooly caterpillar
6. The first woman poet in the Philippines who was good in Spanish
7. The Father of the National Language Grammar.
8. According to ________ even a king can be sent by the pen.
9. A son of a popular writer during the Spanish time known as Odalager
10. The Father of Kapampangan Literature
11. His name derived from the word Bukanegan
12. In what year did English become a medium of instructions in the public schools.
13. The first to break away from the conventional forms and themes of Philippine poetry placed the
Philippines on the Literary map with the publication of his books in the U.S.
14-15 Their essays were truly scholarly characterized by sobriety, substance and structure

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Historical Background

Between 1941-1945, Philippine Literature was interrupted in its development when the Philippines was
again conquered by another foreign country, Japan. Philippine literature in English came to a halt. Except
for the TRIBUNE and the PHILIPPINE REVIEW, almost all newspapers in English were stopped by the
Japanese. This had an advantageous effect on Filipino Literature, which experienced renewed attention
because writers in English turned to writing in Filipino. Juan Laya, who use to write in English turned to
Filipino because of the strict prohibitions of the Japanese regarding any writing in English.

The weekly LIWAYWAY was placed under strict surveillance until it was managed by Japanese named
Ishiwara. In other words, Filipino literature was given a break during this period. Many wrote plays,
poems, short stories, etc. Topics and themes were often about life in the provinces.

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])



At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Identify the cultural, linguistic and aesthetic qualities of Philippine Literary pieces
produced during the Pre-Spanish period;
 Discuss the types of literature during Pre-Spanish period; and
 Appreciate the contributions of these literary pieces to the present corpus of Philippine


Sayings or Sawikain is one of the pre-spanish poetry. Explain in your own words the given sayings. (You
can use Filipino or English language)

15. “Pag may itinanim, may aanihin.”

16. “Ang maglakad ng matulin, pag natinik ay malalim.”

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])




The common theme of most poems during the Japanese occupation was nationalism, country, love,
and life in the barrios, faith, religion and the arts.
Three types of poems emerged during this period.
They were:
1. Haiku – a poem of free verse that the Japanese like. It was made up of 17 syllables divided into
three lines. The first line had 5 syllables, the second, 7 syllables, and the third, five. The Haiku is
allegorical in meaning, is short and covers a wide scope in meaning.
2. Tanaga – like the Haiku, is short but it had measure and rhyme. Each line had 17 syllables and it’s
also allegorical in meaning.
3. Karaniwang Anyo (Usual Form) – like those mentioned earlier in the beginning chapters of this
The drama experienced a lull during the Japanese period because movie houses showing American
films were closed. The big movie houses were just made to show stage shows. Many of the plays
were reproductions of English plays to Tagalog. The translators were Francisco Soc Rodrigo, Alberto
Concio, and Narciso Pimentel. They also founded the organization of Filipino players named
Dramatic Philippines.
A few of playwriters were:
1. Jose Ma. Hernandez – wrote PANDAY PIRA
2. Francisco Soc Rodrigo – wrote sa PULA, SA PUTI
3. Clodualdo del Mundo – wrote BULAGA (an expression in the game Hide and Seek).
4. Julian Cruz Balmaceda – wrote SINO BA KAYO?, DAHIL SA ANAK, and HIGANTE NG PATAY.


The field of the short story widened during the Japanese Occupation. Many wrote short stories.
Among them were: Brigido Batungbakal, Macario Pineda, Serafin Guinigindo, Liwayway Arceo,
Narciso Ramos, NVM Gonzales, Alicia Lopez Lim, Ligaya Perez, and Gloria Guzman. The best writings

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


in 1945 were selected by a group of judges composed of Francisco Icasiano, Jose Esperanza Cruz,
Antonio Rosales, Clodualdo del Mundo and Teodoro Santos. As a result of this selection, the
following got the first three prizes: First Prize: Narciso Reyes with his LUPANG TINUBUAN Second
Prize: Liwayway Arceo’s UHAW ANG TIGANG NA LUPA Third Prize: NVM Gonzales LUNSOD NAYON AT

SCQ. 1.1

Answer the given question.

1-2. Almost all newspapers in English were topped by the Japanese except for this two
3. It is made up of 17 syllables divided into 3 lines. The first line had 5 syllables, the second, 7 syllables
and the third , 5.
4. Like Haiku, is short but it had measure and rhyme
5. He won the Pulitzer Prize for his bestsellers I SAW THE FALL OF THE PHILIPPINES, I SEE THE PHILIPPINE
6. The title of President Manuel L. Quezon’s autobiography
7-10. Common themes of most poems during the Spanish Occupation.

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])





Historical Background

The Americans returned in 1945. Filipinos rejoiced and guerillas who fled to the mountain joined the
liberating American Army. On July 4, 1946, the Philippines regained is freedom and the Filipino flag
waved joyously alone. The chains were broken.

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])



At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Identify the cultural, linguistic and aesthetic qualities of Philippine

Literary pieces produced during the Pre-Spanish period;
 Discuss the types of literature during Pre-Spanish period; and
 Appreciate the contributions of these literary pieces to the present
corpus of Philippine Literature.


Sayings or Sawikain is one of the pre-spanish poetry. Explain in your own words the given sayings. (You
can use Filipino or English language)

17. “Pag may itinanim, may aanihin.”

18. “Ang maglakad ng matulin, pag natinik ay malalim.”

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])




For the first twenty years, many books were published…both in Filipino and in English. Among the
writers during this time were: Fred Ruiz Castro, Dominador I. Ilio, and C.B. Rigor. Some notable works of
the period include the following:

1. HEART OF THE ISLANDS (1947) – a collection of poems by Manuel Viray

2. PHILIPPINES CROSS SECTION (1950) – a collection of prose and poetry by Maximo Ramos and
Florentino Valeros

3. PROSE AND POEMS (1952) – by Nick Joaquin

4. PHILIPPINE WRITING (1953) – by T.D. Agcaoili

5. PHILIPPINE HAVEST – by Amador Daguio

6. HORIZONS LEAST (1967) – a collection of works by the professors of UE, mostly in English (short
stories, essays, research papers, poem and drama) by Artemio Patacsil and Silverio Baltazar The themes
of most poems dealt with the usual love of nature, and of social and political problems. Toribia Maño’s
poems showed deep emotional intensity.


8. SPEAK NOT, SPEAK ALSO – by Conrado V. Pedroche

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


9. Other poets were Toribia Maño and Edith L. Tiempo Jose Garcia Villa’s HAVE COME, AM HERE won
acclaim both here and abroad.

SCQ. 1.1

Answer the given question.

1. In what year did the Philippines regained its freedom and the Filipino waved joyously alone. 2.
This tells of the grim experiences of war during the Japanese Occupation. It was written by
Stevan Javellana 3. P.E.N. stands for? 4. It was written by Jose Garcia Villa 5. The author of
“Kwento ni Mabuti” 6-10. Why is it called the rebirth of freedom?

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])





Historical Background

According to Pociano Pineda, youth activism in 1970-72 was due to domestic and worldwide causes.
Activism is connected with the history of our Filipino youth.

Because of the ills of society, the youth moved to seek reforms. Some continued to believe that the
democratic government is stable and that it is only the people running the government who are at fault.
Some believed that socialism or communism should replace democracy. Some armed groups were
formed to bring down the democratic form of government.

Many young people became activists to ask for changes in the government. In the expression of this
desire for change, keen were the writings of some youth who were fired with nationalism in order to
emphasize the importance of their petitions.

Many young activists were imprisoned in military camps together with rebel writers. As early as this
period of history we can say that many of those writers who were imprisoned were true nationalists and
heroes of their time.

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


Many books aptly record and embody these times but many of these are not known to
many and many of these writers still have to be interviewed. We just leave to scholars
and researchers the giving of credit where credit is due.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Identify the cultural, linguistic and aesthetic qualities of Philippine Literary pieces
produced during the Pre-Spanish period;
 Discuss the types of literature during Pre-Spanish period; and
 Appreciate the contributions of these literary pieces to the present corpus of Philippine


Sayings or Sawikain is one of the pre-spanish poetry. Explain in your own words the given sayings. (You
can use Filipino or English language)

19. “Pag may itinanim, may aanihin.”

20. “Ang maglakad ng matulin, pag natinik ay malalim.”

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])




For the first twenty years, many books were published…both in Filipino and in English. Among the
writers during this time were: Fred Ruiz Castro, Dominador I. Ilio, and C.B. Rigor. Some notable works of
the period include the following:

1. HEART OF THE ISLANDS (1947) – a collection of poems by Manuel Viray

2. PHILIPPINES CROSS SECTION (1950) – a collection of prose and poetry by Maximo Ramos and
Florentino Valeros

3. PROSE AND POEMS (1952) – by Nick Joaquin

4. PHILIPPINE WRITING (1953) – by T.D. Agcaoili

5. PHILIPPINE HAVEST – by Amador Daguio

6. HORIZONS LEAST (1967) – a collection of works by the professors of UE, mostly in English (short
stories, essays, research papers, poem and drama) by Artemio Patacsil and Silverio Baltazar The themes

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


of most poems dealt with the usual love of nature, and of social and political problems. Toribia Maño’s
poems showed deep emotional intensity.


8. SPEAK NOT, SPEAK ALSO – by Conrado V. Pedroche

9. Other poets were Toribia Maño and Edith L. Tiempo Jose Garcia Villa’s HAVE COME, AM HERE won
acclaim both here and abroad.

SCQ. 1.1

Answer the given question.

2. In what year did the Philippines regained its freedom and the Filipino waved joyously alone. 2.
This tells of the grim experiences of war during the Japanese Occupation. It was written by
Stevan Javellana 3. P.E.N. stands for? 4. It was written by Jose Garcia Villa 5. The author of
“Kwento ni Mabuti” 6-10. Why is it called the rebirth of freedom?

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])





Historical Background

According to Pociano Pineda, youth activism in 1970-72 was due to domestic and worldwide causes.
Activism is connected with the history of our Filipino youth.

Because of the ills of society, the youth moved to seek reforms. Some continued to believe that the
democratic government is stable and that it is only the people running the government who are at fault.
Some believed that socialism or communism should replace democracy. Some armed groups were
formed to bring down the democratic form of government.

Many young people became activists to ask for changes in the government. In the expression of this
desire for change, keen were the writings of some youth who were fired with nationalism in order to
emphasize the importance of their petitions.

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


Many young activists were imprisoned in military camps together with rebel writers.
As early as this period of history we can say that many of those writers who were
imprisoned were true nationalists and heroes of their time.

Many books aptly record and embody these times but many of these are not known to many and many
of these writers still have to be interviewed. We just leave to scholars and researchers the giving of credit
where credit is due.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Identify the cultural, linguistic and aesthetic qualities of Philippine Literary pieces
produced during the Pre-Spanish period;
 Discuss the types of literature during Pre-Spanish period; and
 Appreciate the contributions of these literary pieces to the present corpus of Philippine


Sayings or Sawikain is one of the pre-spanish poetry. Explain in your own words the given sayings. (You
can use Filipino or English language)

21. “Pag may itinanim, may aanihin.”

22. “Ang maglakad ng matulin, pag natinik ay malalim.”

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])




For the first twenty years, many books were published…both in Filipino and in English. Among the
writers during this time were: Fred Ruiz Castro, Dominador I. Ilio, and C.B. Rigor. Some notable works of
the period include the following:

1. HEART OF THE ISLANDS (1947) – a collection of poems by Manuel Viray

2. PHILIPPINES CROSS SECTION (1950) – a collection of prose and poetry by Maximo Ramos and
Florentino Valeros

3. PROSE AND POEMS (1952) – by Nick Joaquin

4. PHILIPPINE WRITING (1953) – by T.D. Agcaoili

5. PHILIPPINE HAVEST – by Amador Daguio

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


6. HORIZONS LEAST (1967) – a collection of works by the professors of UE, mostly in English (short
stories, essays, research papers, poem and drama) by Artemio Patacsil and Silverio Baltazar The themes
of most poems dealt with the usual love of nature, and of social and political problems. Toribia Maño’s
poems showed deep emotional intensity.


8. SPEAK NOT, SPEAK ALSO – by Conrado V. Pedroche

9. Other poets were Toribia Maño and Edith L. Tiempo Jose Garcia Villa’s HAVE COME, AM HERE won
acclaim both here and abroad.

SCQ. 1.1

Answer the given question.

3. In what year did the Philippines regained its freedom and the Filipino waved joyously alone. 2.
This tells of the grim experiences of war during the Japanese Occupation. It was written by
Stevan Javellana 3. P.E.N. stands for? 4. It was written by Jose Garcia Villa 5. The author of
“Kwento ni Mabuti” 6-10. Why is it called the rebirth of freedom?

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])





Historical Background

According to Pociano Pineda, youth activism in 1970-72 was due to domestic and worldwide causes.
Activism is connected with the history of our Filipino youth.

Because of the ills of society, the youth moved to seek reforms. Some continued to believe that the
democratic government is stable and that it is only the people running the government who are at fault.
Some believed that socialism or communism should replace democracy. Some armed groups were
formed to bring down the democratic form of government.

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


Many young people became activists to ask for changes in the government. In the
expression of this desire for change, keen were the writings of some youth who were
fired with nationalism in order to emphasize the importance of their petitions.

Many young activists were imprisoned in military camps together with rebel writers. As early as this
period of history we can say that many of those writers who were imprisoned were true nationalists and
heroes of their time.

Many books aptly record and embody these times but many of these are not known to many and many
of these writers still have to be interviewed. We just leave to scholars and researchers the giving of credit
where credit is due.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Identify the cultural, linguistic and aesthetic qualities of Philippine Literary pieces
produced during the Pre-Spanish period;
 Discuss the types of literature during Pre-Spanish period; and
 Appreciate the contributions of these literary pieces to the present corpus of Philippine


Sayings or Sawikain is one of the pre-spanish poetry. Explain in your own words the given sayings. (You
can use Filipino or English language)

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


23. “Pag may itinanim, may aanihin.”

24. “Ang maglakad ng matulin, pag natinik ay malalim.”



For the first twenty years, many books were published…both in Filipino and in English. Among the
writers during this time were: Fred Ruiz Castro, Dominador I. Ilio, and C.B. Rigor. Some notable works of
the period include the following:

1. HEART OF THE ISLANDS (1947) – a collection of poems by Manuel Viray

2. PHILIPPINES CROSS SECTION (1950) – a collection of prose and poetry by Maximo Ramos and
Florentino Valeros

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


3. PROSE AND POEMS (1952) – by Nick Joaquin

4. PHILIPPINE WRITING (1953) – by T.D. Agcaoili

5. PHILIPPINE HAVEST – by Amador Daguio

6. HORIZONS LEAST (1967) – a collection of works by the professors of UE, mostly in English (short
stories, essays, research papers, poem and drama) by Artemio Patacsil and Silverio Baltazar The themes
of most poems dealt with the usual love of nature, and of social and political problems. Toribia Maño’s
poems showed deep emotional intensity.


8. SPEAK NOT, SPEAK ALSO – by Conrado V. Pedroche

9. Other poets were Toribia Maño and Edith L. Tiempo Jose Garcia Villa’s HAVE COME, AM HERE won
acclaim both here and abroad.

SCQ. 1.1

Answer the given question.

4. In what year did the Philippines regained its freedom and the Filipino waved joyously alone. 2.
This tells of the grim experiences of war during the Japanese Occupation. It was written by
Stevan Javellana 3. P.E.N. stands for? 4. It was written by Jose Garcia Villa 5. The author of
“Kwento ni Mabuti” 6-10. Why is it called the rebirth of freedom?

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])



PERIODS (1986)


Historical Background

According to Pociano Pineda, youth activism in 1970-72 was due to domestic and worldwide causes.
Activism is connected with the history of our Filipino youth.

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


Because of the ills of society, the youth moved to seek reforms. Some continued to
believe that the democratic government is stable and that it is only the people running
the government who are at fault. Some believed that socialism or communism should
replace democracy. Some armed groups were formed to bring down the democratic
form of government.

Many young people became activists to ask for changes in the government. In the expression of this
desire for change, keen were the writings of some youth who were fired with nationalism in order to
emphasize the importance of their petitions.

Many young activists were imprisoned in military camps together with rebel writers. As early as this
period of history we can say that many of those writers who were imprisoned were true nationalists and
heroes of their time.

Many books aptly record and embody these times but many of these are not known to many and many
of these writers still have to be interviewed. We just leave to scholars and researchers the giving of credit
where credit is due.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Identify the cultural, linguistic and aesthetic qualities of Philippine Literary pieces
produced during the Pre-Spanish period;
 Discuss the types of literature during Pre-Spanish period; and
 Appreciate the contributions of these literary pieces to the present corpus of Philippine

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])



Sayings or Sawikain is one of the pre-spanish poetry. Explain in your own words the given sayings. (You
can use Filipino or English language)

25. “Pag may itinanim, may aanihin.”

26. “Ang maglakad ng matulin, pag natinik ay malalim.”


Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])



For the first twenty years, many books were published…both in Filipino and in English. Among the
writers during this time were: Fred Ruiz Castro, Dominador I. Ilio, and C.B. Rigor. Some notable works of
the period include the following:

1. HEART OF THE ISLANDS (1947) – a collection of poems by Manuel Viray

2. PHILIPPINES CROSS SECTION (1950) – a collection of prose and poetry by Maximo Ramos and
Florentino Valeros

3. PROSE AND POEMS (1952) – by Nick Joaquin

4. PHILIPPINE WRITING (1953) – by T.D. Agcaoili

5. PHILIPPINE HAVEST – by Amador Daguio

6. HORIZONS LEAST (1967) – a collection of works by the professors of UE, mostly in English (short
stories, essays, research papers, poem and drama) by Artemio Patacsil and Silverio Baltazar The themes
of most poems dealt with the usual love of nature, and of social and political problems. Toribia Maño’s
poems showed deep emotional intensity.


8. SPEAK NOT, SPEAK ALSO – by Conrado V. Pedroche

9. Other poets were Toribia Maño and Edith L. Tiempo Jose Garcia Villa’s HAVE COME, AM HERE won
acclaim both here and abroad.

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


SCQ. 1.1

Answer the given question.

5. In what year did the Philippines regained its freedom and the Filipino waved joyously alone. 2.
This tells of the grim experiences of war during the Japanese Occupation. It was written by
Stevan Javellana 3. P.E.N. stands for? 4. It was written by Jose Garcia Villa 5. The author of
“Kwento ni Mabuti” 6-10. Why is it called the rebirth of freedom?



Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])



Historical Background

According to Pociano Pineda, youth activism in 1970-72 was due to domestic and worldwide causes.
Activism is connected with the history of our Filipino youth.

Because of the ills of society, the youth moved to seek reforms. Some continued to believe that the
democratic government is stable and that it is only the people running the government who are at fault.
Some believed that socialism or communism should replace democracy. Some armed groups were
formed to bring down the democratic form of government.

Many young people became activists to ask for changes in the government. In the expression of this
desire for change, keen were the writings of some youth who were fired with nationalism in order to
emphasize the importance of their petitions.

Many young activists were imprisoned in military camps together with rebel writers. As early as this
period of history we can say that many of those writers who were imprisoned were true nationalists and
heroes of their time.

Many books aptly record and embody these times but many of these are not known to many and many
of these writers still have to be interviewed. We just leave to scholars and researchers the giving of credit
where credit is due.


Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Identify the cultural, linguistic and aesthetic qualities of Philippine Literary pieces
produced during the Pre-Spanish period;
 Discuss the types of literature during Pre-Spanish period; and
 Appreciate the contributions of these literary pieces to the present corpus of Philippine


Sayings or Sawikain is one of the pre-spanish poetry. Explain in your own words the given sayings. (You
can use Filipino or English language)

27. “Pag may itinanim, may aanihin.”

28. “Ang maglakad ng matulin, pag natinik ay malalim.”

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])




For the first twenty years, many books were published…both in Filipino and in English. Among the
writers during this time were: Fred Ruiz Castro, Dominador I. Ilio, and C.B. Rigor. Some notable works of
the period include the following:

1. HEART OF THE ISLANDS (1947) – a collection of poems by Manuel Viray

2. PHILIPPINES CROSS SECTION (1950) – a collection of prose and poetry by Maximo Ramos and
Florentino Valeros

3. PROSE AND POEMS (1952) – by Nick Joaquin

4. PHILIPPINE WRITING (1953) – by T.D. Agcaoili

5. PHILIPPINE HAVEST – by Amador Daguio

6. HORIZONS LEAST (1967) – a collection of works by the professors of UE, mostly in English (short
stories, essays, research papers, poem and drama) by Artemio Patacsil and Silverio Baltazar The themes
of most poems dealt with the usual love of nature, and of social and political problems. Toribia Maño’s
poems showed deep emotional intensity.


8. SPEAK NOT, SPEAK ALSO – by Conrado V. Pedroche

9. Other poets were Toribia Maño and Edith L. Tiempo Jose Garcia Villa’s HAVE COME, AM HERE won
acclaim both here and abroad.

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


SCQ. 1.1

Answer the given question.

6. In what year did the Philippines regained its freedom and the Filipino waved joyously alone. 2.
This tells of the grim experiences of war during the Japanese Occupation. It was written by
Stevan Javellana 3. P.E.N. stands for? 4. It was written by Jose Garcia Villa 5. The author of
“Kwento ni Mabuti” 6-10. Why is it called the rebirth of freedom?

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])





Historical Background

According to Pociano Pineda, youth activism in 1970-72 was due to domestic and worldwide causes.
Activism is connected with the history of our Filipino youth.

Because of the ills of society, the youth moved to seek reforms. Some continued to believe that the
democratic government is stable and that it is only the people running the government who are at fault.
Some believed that socialism or communism should replace democracy. Some armed groups were
formed to bring down the democratic form of government.

Many young people became activists to ask for changes in the government. In the expression of this
desire for change, keen were the writings of some youth who were fired with nationalism in order to
emphasize the importance of their petitions.

Many young activists were imprisoned in military camps together with rebel writers. As early as this
period of history we can say that many of those writers who were imprisoned were true nationalists and
heroes of their time.

Many books aptly record and embody these times but many of these are not known to many and many
of these writers still have to be interviewed. We just leave to scholars and researchers the giving of credit
where credit is due.

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])



At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Identify the cultural, linguistic and aesthetic qualities of Philippine Literary pieces
produced during the Pre-Spanish period;
 Discuss the types of literature during Pre-Spanish period; and
 Appreciate the contributions of these literary pieces to the present corpus of Philippine


Sayings or Sawikain is one of the pre-spanish poetry. Explain in your own words the given sayings. (You
can use Filipino or English language)

29. “Pag may itinanim, may aanihin.”

30. “Ang maglakad ng matulin, pag natinik ay malalim.”

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])




For the first twenty years, many books were published…both in Filipino and in English. Among the
writers during this time were: Fred Ruiz Castro, Dominador I. Ilio, and C.B. Rigor. Some notable works of
the period include the following:

1. HEART OF THE ISLANDS (1947) – a collection of poems by Manuel Viray

2. PHILIPPINES CROSS SECTION (1950) – a collection of prose and poetry by Maximo Ramos and
Florentino Valeros

3. PROSE AND POEMS (1952) – by Nick Joaquin

4. PHILIPPINE WRITING (1953) – by T.D. Agcaoili

5. PHILIPPINE HAVEST – by Amador Daguio

6. HORIZONS LEAST (1967) – a collection of works by the professors of UE, mostly in English (short
stories, essays, research papers, poem and drama) by Artemio Patacsil and Silverio Baltazar The themes
of most poems dealt with the usual love of nature, and of social and political problems. Toribia Maño’s
poems showed deep emotional intensity.


8. SPEAK NOT, SPEAK ALSO – by Conrado V. Pedroche

9. Other poets were Toribia Maño and Edith L. Tiempo Jose Garcia Villa’s HAVE COME, AM HERE won
acclaim both here and abroad.

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


SCQ. 1.1

Answer the given question.

7. In what year did the Philippines regained its freedom and the Filipino waved joyously alone. 2.
This tells of the grim experiences of war during the Japanese Occupation. It was written by
Stevan Javellana 3. P.E.N. stands for? 4. It was written by Jose Garcia Villa 5. The author of
“Kwento ni Mabuti” 6-10. Why is it called the rebirth of freedom?

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])



A. Multiple Choice:
Directions: Choose the word or phrase that will best complete each of the following statements.
Write the letter of your answer.

1. Literature is derived from the Latin word litteratura which means ______.
A. reading B. writing C. speaking D. listening

2. Literature takes _______________as its main subject.

A. significant humorous experience B. significant humbling experience
B. significant human experience D. insignificant human experience

3. This form of literature is known to have free-flow of sentences arranged in paragraphs.

A. prose B. poetry C. drama D. play

4. This form of literature is created with figurative language such as poetic devices.
A. drama B. play C. poetry D. prose

5. This involves stories about significant human encounters which are intended to be performed on stage.
A. film B. drama C. prose D. poetry

6. It depicts a very serious atmosphere; the lead character encounters misfortune because of fate, moral
weakness, or social opposition that may lead to a disastrous or catastrophic end involving physical or
spiritual death or breakdown.
A. tragicomedy B. comedy C. tragedy D. drama

7. It is a literary composition intended to amuse the viewing crowd.

A. tragedy B. play C. tragicomedy D. comedy

8. It deals with made-up people or events.

A. fiction B. nonfiction C. prose D. poetry

9. It is an extensive, serious poem that tells the story about a heroic figure.
A. epic B. ballad C. ode D. sonnet

10.It is a traditional story, usually with animal characters, that teaches you a lesson about how to behave.
A. parable B. fiction C. allegory D. fable

11. What do we call the American teachers who came to the Philippines to teach English
language to the Filipinos?

a. Churcillians b. Lincolnians c. Thomasites d. Georgians

12. What is the folk literary song well known in the Bicol Region?

a. Atin cu pung singsing b. Sarong Bangui c. Dandansoy d. Leron-leron Sinta

Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])


13. Who is the National Artist in Literature who wrote the short story "Summer Solstice?"

a. Nick Joaquin b. NVM Gonzalez c. F. Sionil Jose d. Jose Lopez

14. What do you call this Bicol poetry which is monorhyming and is popular in
gatherings which aims to tease, praise, comment about any topic that one can think of?

a. tula b. tigsik c. kanaka d. piltik

15. Pre-colonial period literature characterized by mere storytelling by the use of voice,
actions, gestures, etc.

a. Oral literature

b. Sign language literature

c. Conversational literature

d. Reader's Theater Literature


Downloaded by Jerome Bautista ([email protected])

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