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Week 1
Module 1
1. False because Mental disorders are the result of both genetic and environmental
2. True
3. Tue
4. True
5. True

Activity 1.1 Data Retrieval Chart

Discipline Main Concern and Focus as a Discipline

Social Sciences Social sciences are vast fields of scientific study which
investigate human societies and the different forces within
them. These diverse fields examine how people interact
and develop their culture.

History History is a systematic study of past human events in order to

understand the meaning, dynamics and relationship of the
causes and effects of events in the development of
societies. This is derived from the Greek word past, which
means "investigation" or "investigation." In a social science,
history focuses on the interpretation and analysis of historical
events, as they have historically occurred with the use of
primary and secondary sources.

Anthropology Anthropology is a scientific study of human beings and their

cultures in the past and present.

Economics Economics studies the allocation of scarce resources and

the production and exchange of goods and services within

Sociology Sociology is a systematic study of people’s behavior in

Geography Geography is a study of the relationship between people
and their environment. This also explores how human
society communicates with the natural world and the effect
of environments and places on people.

Demography This explores trends in population growth through the study

of birth, human activity, and morbidity, aging and mortality
statistics. This also studies the composition of social class and
population distribution.

Political Science Political science focuses on human actions in relation to

political processes, states, rules and international affairs.

Guide Questions (Answer)

1. That field of social science utilizes various lenses of a body of ideas, theories,
structures, and mythologies that allow us to understand and research the multi-faceted
forces that make up and influence human society.
2. The photo explains how to work together and be as one in everything don’t
don’t be selfish but help people around us.

Activity 1.3 Photo Analysis

A. Counseling is the provision of guidance and advice, especially by a
professional, that addresses personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties.
Counseling is considered a discipline of the Applied Social Sciences because it
investigates human societies and the different forces within them.
B. Social work is considered as a discipline of the applied Social Sciences because
through social work, professionals are supporting people, families, associations, and
neighborhoods to strengthen their individual and mutual well-being. A social worker's
job is to improve the lives of their patients by assisting them in coping with and
managing stress. Patients will meet with social professionals who will listen to their issues
and devise a strategy to manage their difficulties better. When evaluating their
patients, the social worker must utilize active listening and observe their activities and
overall body language. Social workers specialize in various sectors, including children,
families, schools, public health, and individuals with drug addiction.
C. Communication studies is considered a discipline of the Applied Social
Sciences because it provides appropriate instruction for employment in the
communications field. One example of a career in the advertising industry is in the field
of mass media. For example, in the news and current affairs department of major
television and radio networks, practitioners stress the importance of balance, objective,
truthful and creative reporting of news and other significant events as
they have happened.


1. D. Economics
2. A. Counseling
3. B. Demography
4. C. Applied Social Sciences
5. B. Guidance Counseling
6. B. Counseling
7. A. Journalism
8. B. Social Work
9. D. Geography
10. A. Sociology

The Discipline of Counseling

Before the Statements After the

Module Study Module

Counseling as an art is the subjective

aspect of therapy. This fosters a versatile
✔ and innovative process by which the ✔
advisor modifies the approach to meet
the changing needs of clients.

X Remedial strategies are to help the

company resolve and manage adverse


Counseling happens when a person

who is in distress requests and
X encourages another person to enter a ✔
certain kind of relationship with him/her.

Licensed qualified scholars may provide

advice to individuals, associations,
organizations, or the general public
concerning the application of the
x ✔
concepts, methods, or procedures of
clinical counseling to assist individuals in
the achievement of more successful
financial, social, educational, or career
growth and adaptation.

The way we perceive or view things,

✔ ✔
people, events our environment is
influenced by our values.
Counselors handle sensitive knowledge
✔ ✔
about clients with trust, whether directly
or implicitly, through inference.

In the light of the philosophy of

utilitarianism in relation to beneficence,
x the implementation of utilitarianism ✔
should be able to make an ethical
judgment considering the costs and
benefits of- individual.

Marriage and family therapy apply to

attempts to create a supportive
x relationship with a spouse or family and ✔
to identify problems in the family system.

The primary duty of a counselor is to

uphold the integrity and to support the
✔ well-being of clients. ✔

Counselors consider employment only

for positions which are qualified by
schooling, training, supervised
experience, regional and national
x ✔
professional credentials and relevant
professional experience.


1. True
2. False
3 .True
4. True
5. True

LESSON 2 The Discipline of Counseling

Activity 2.1 I Need Help, Where Will I Go?

Note Box
Name: Marlon M. Cotilon

If something is bothering me about life matters, I share it with my family,

especially my mother who always listens to my rants in life. I persuade a
non-formal help because my problems are just minimal and I can solve them
with the help of my family.

Activity 2.2 In What Way Will Counseling Empower Me?

Note Box
Name: Marlon M. Cotillon

I agree with John McLeod's statement. I support it because therapy is a

tremendous assistance for troubled people, particularly those suffering from
excessive stress and who have psychological, mental, and emotional problems
that they can't handle on their own.


1.1. This skill is to describe the treatment procedure so that others can follow in its
footsteps. Counseling must have research-based proof of its success in resolving a
client's issues to be called a science.
1.2. The therapeutic relationship is the bond and relationship that develops over
time between the therapist and the client. Through their relationship with their
therapist, clients may explore their relational ties, relationships, and experiences,
which is why this relationship is essential.
1.3. To be a good counselor you must possess the following qualities; patience,
good listener, being observant, being warm, being knowledgeable, having
empathy with the patient/client, maintaining a therapeutic relationship with a
patient, and confidentiality.

1. True
2. False because counseling is for giving advice to a client who has serious mental
3. True
4. True
5. True
1. •Behavior Change- an example is Changing your environment
•Enhancing coping skills- an example is Urge Surfing
•Promote decision making- an example is Identifying a faulty machine as the
source of disruptions in the production process.
•Improving relationships- an example is a press release about your new product
would be a proactive tactic. Apologizing to your unsatisfied customers and
giving them a discount would be reactive.
•Facilitate client's potential- an example is Play board games that require one-on-one

2. -Facilitating behavioral change is critical to ensure that people comprehend

the difference, effectively shape the desired future, and realize that actual
evolution necessitates adjustments in their own beliefs, attitudes, and actions.
-Helping improve the client’s ability to both establish and maintain relationships
meaning, the purpose of this is to connect the counselor and the client.
-Helping enhance the client’s effectiveness and their ability to cope. Meaning,
the purpose of this is the counselor needs to help the client to cope and feel
-Helping promote the decision-making process while facilitating client potential.
Meaning the counselor need to help the client how to do decision making in a
better way.
-Development is implied to be predictable and continuous with pattern and
order. Counseling is developmental and strength-based, and the counselor aids
an individual, couple, or family through normative developmental adjustments
and transitions.
1. For me, counseling would probably be a Resolution of Problems. The purpose of
this is maybe to have an improvement of a person’s mental problems.
2. For me, counseling in the Philippines is very helpful especially for those who
have a family problem, mental problem, and other problem that counseling is a
big help.

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