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Note: Marked questions with (*) about which I wasn’t entirely sure of.

PDCA cycle is also known as Deming cycle.

PDCA is based on the following principles:
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
(*)Which of the Goal statement is adhering to SMART rule?
Reduce Cycle Time from 8hrs to 4hrs by Dec 2016
If the number of defects change from 30000 to 3000:
Process Capability improves
Yield is:
Percentage of defect free product
The methodology for making improvements to an already existing process is a ______ and for
developing a new product/process is a _____.
1 – DMAIC, 2 – DMADV
Which one of these is not a role in Six Signa team?
None of the above
(*)Unnecessary movement of people, parts or machines within a process falls under which type
of waste?
(*)Which of the following statements is correct for this goal statement / “Imptove SLA
compliance from 90% to 95% bz June 2016”
Baseline Performance is 90% and Target Performance is 95%
(*)Which of the following statistical terms represents the variation in a process?
A stable process has to be a capable process
Select the CORRECT statement
Processing to a standard that exceeds the requirement of the customer fall under “Over
Production” waste type
In DMAIC the main objective of Analyze phase is to:
Identify root causes
(*)A stable process has:
All data points within control limits
Focus of Lean is:
Waste Elimination
(*)The PDCA cycle is a powerful approach for problem solving as it provides the foundation for
teams to:
Systematically identify and understand a problem or issue and its root cause rather than the
Generate ideas and develop an effective plan to solve a problem
Ensure that the current problem stays fixed and then move on to the other problems
(*)Sigma approach aims to:
Reduce variation
Improve capability
Increase Yield
What are the fundamental elements of Lean
Value Stream
(*)Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a matrix that documents the risks in a newly designed
Eighth type of waste is:
Unutilized Skills
In which phase of PDCA, you can confirm whether the solution has met the desired goal.
(*)Which of the following is not an element of the Charter?
(*)For Six Sigma Quality, one can fit:
3 Sigmas between UCL and LCL
(*)Scatter Plot helps in:
Depicting the relationship between input (x) and output (y)
Structured Problem Solving can help
Both of

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