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7th International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies (ICGCET®)

22 jul - 23 Jul 2021

Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Perú

A comparative study of tools for intrusion detection technologies in

Francisco Hilario1, Jorge Mayhuasca2, Ciro Rodriguez3, Ivan Petrlik4
1,2, 3,4
Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal, Lima, Perú
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

The objective of the study was to compare computer security software technologies based
on intrusion detection systems in cyberspace in order to provide information to technicians or
specialists to opt for the most optimal and quality service for their different criteria and
technical qualities, such as: (a) Year of inception, (b) Countries Implemented, (c) Versions, (d)
Type of software, (e) Operating System, (f) Cost, (g) Programming Language, (h)Definition, (i)
Features and (j) Benefits. These criteria may benefit users to implement these IDS (Snort,
Ossec, KFSensor, Spencer) in their projects or entities with hardware that allows them to
maintain the care of their network based on rules and alerts that can be managed with levels
of complexity depending on the type of malicious attack or anomaly detected and opt for a more
optimal solution for the benefit of maintaining information security.

Keywords: Intrusion detection tools comparison, intrusion detection systems, IDS, Snort,
Ossec, KFSensor, Spencer.

Nowadays, cyber-attacks through the network are the most critical drawback of the society.
All interconnected networks from the smallest, medium and large, are inconsistent to network
threats [1]; [2]. IDSs (intrusion detection systems) are essential to achieve mitigation and
identification of potential dangers and malicious attacks in cyberspace [1]; [3]. In addition,
computer security is constantly advancing by achieving the development of software to identify
anomalies mechanically and in a timely manner inside and outside the network being effective
in the technological world [1]; [2]; [3]. On the other hand, malicious attacks maintain and
change assiduously, so cyberspace needs a solution based on advanced computer security with
technological tools to keep the organization safe and safeguard user information [1]; [4].
Therefore, it is necessary that entities are dedicated to the development of systems for effective
and intuitive identification of anomalies in the network [2]; [3].
In addition, many technology groups allow uploading their attack identification data,
intrusions, preventions or guidance documents on the network in a public way in order to
maintain the research of making software that can identify and study anomalies in the network
[5]. In other words, due to how difficult the attacks become because of the changes that these
cybercriminals make in order to bypass these detectors and be able to manage to steal important
information for the individual or entity, the existing parameter and data identification groups
of free access with the aim of modifying, creating and improving systematically and improving
its architecture regularly [1]; [5]; [6]. However, NIDS are oriented to identify malicious
operations through the evaluation of data traffic over the network evolving with intrusive and
liberal samples [2].

International Journal of xxxxxx
Vol. x, No. x, xxxxx, 20xx

Therefore, [2] developed a high-level algorithm that works on the basis of two phases for
handling adverse situations. The first phase uses binary algorithms (b-XGBoost; NN Siamese
and DNN) to filter the input data and identify anomalies in the network. After identifying the
attacks, the binary algorithm (m-XGBoost) is used to classify them and determine the most
appropriate solution [2]. In terms of results, the algorithm showed accuracy, improvement and
effectiveness compared to the tests, allowing time and cost optimization [2]. On the other hand,
[3] evaluated the taxonomy on techniques (ML, DL) based on the design of intrusion detection
systems and a comparison of articles on NIDS is performed to verify criteria such as: (a)
strength, (b) trends and (c) proposed solution limitations, (d) trends, (e) evolution of intrusion
detection systems in the network, (f) proposed methodology through evaluation metrics and
data selection to improve the shortcomings and propose future solutions of NIDS [3]. In
summary, there are different options on the benefits and different varieties of functions,
algorithms and tests that demonstrate the effectiveness and improvement process that IDSs
entail against different malicious attacks that seek to destroy or steal information harming users
in general [2]; [3].
The purpose of this study was to compare free and/or open source and licensed software for the
performance evaluation of intrusion detection system techniques through the following
indicators: (a) Year of inception, (b) Countries Implemented, (c) Versions, (d) Type of
software, (e) Operating System, (f) Cost, (g) Programming Language, (h)Definition, (i)
Features and (j) Benefits.
The present study was qualitative since it describes and defines the criteria of Intrusion
Detection System performance software.

Type of Document Keyword Quantity

Scientific Article Intrusion detection system 7
Thesis Firewall, DDos, Cyber attacks 6
Web Pages Snort, Ossec, KFSensor, Spencer 5
Book Open source and licensed software 1

Next, the comparative tables of the Free and Licensed Software to evaluate the performance of
the Intrusion Detection System techniques are detailed, where the different criteria found to be
most influential are compared with the previous studies with the objective of obtaining
similarity, difference and/or comparison with the present study. Likewise, by having a free or
licensed software structure, it is possible to identify the indicators or criteria selected in the
present research. Therefore, it is possible to present, discuss and/or demonstrate the comparison
of data obtained in the comparative boxes. Likewise, the results show that the KFSensor
software has been in the technological and labor market for many years. In other words, it has
an approximation of 27 years of dedication and business use to offer intrusion detection. On
the other hand, it was justified that the results of the SNORT, OSSEC and Specter software are
those tools that currently have an appropriate performance for personal and professional use
[13]; [15]; [10].

7th International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies (ICGCET®)
22 jul - 23 Jul 2021
Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Perú

Table 1: Free Software Comparison for Intrusion Detection System


YEAR OF The software was founded in

The software was founded in 2008 [8].
INITIATION 1998 [7].

Holanda, Serbio, China, Alemania, Turco,

COUNTRIES Italia, Francia, Polaco, Japón, Rusia,
Estados Unidos [7]
IMPLEMENTED España, Portugal [8]

V.2.8.6, V., V.9.8.0,

V., V.,
V., V.,
V.2.9.4, V3.0.0, V3.1.0, V3.2.0, V3.3.0,
VERSIONS V., V.2.915.1,
V3.4.0, V3.5.0, V.3.6.0 [8]
V., V.,
V., V. [7]

TYPE OF Free software [7]

Free Software [8]
Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, MacOS,
OPERATING Solaris, Windows, VMWare ESX 3.0,3.5,
Windows, Unix y Linux [7]

Personal: $ 29.99 It is free and open-source software and

Business: $ 399 [7] does not contain a price tag.
Language C [7] Language C [8]
The Snort tool is an intrusion
detection system that is based
on open-source code under OSSEC software is highly customizable
DEFINITION the GNU GLP license, which offers many features to identify,
likewise, the development detect and protect network anomalies to
plan was developed in the C maintain security [8].
programming language [7].
The intrusion detection system establishes
content logs. In addition, the Rootkit and
The tracker detects anomalies
malware detection tool allows network
as alerts in a log panel
CHARACTERISTICS ports to be managed upon detection of any
depending on their critical
intruders. In addition, the performance
level in the network [7].
audit manages file integration monitoring
Because Snort is network The software is centralized on the event
connection oriented, some logging service and fail2ban active
attacks using applications response mechanism, whereby, the system
such as sticks can be detected monitors tripwire files. In addition, the

International Journal of xxxxxx
Vol. x, No. x, xxxxx, 20xx

without Snort performing a logtash alerting and analysis system is one

detection task since it of the benefits mentioned within the
removes and logs those OSSEC software [8].
malicious attacks [7].

Table 2: Comparison of Licensed Software for Intrusion Detection System

KFSensor Specter
YEAR OF INITIATION It was founded in 1994 [9]. It was founded in 2000 [11].
COUNTRIES Londres e Inglaterra [9]
Suiza [11]
V.1.0.2, V.1.0.3, V.1.0.4,
V.7.0, V.6.0.2, V.6.0.1,
V.1.2.0, V.1.3.0, V.1.4.0, V.2.0,
V.5.5.4, V.5.5.3, V.5.5.2,
V.2.1.4, V.3.0.4, V.4.0.1,
V.5.5.1, V.5.5.0, V.5.0.3,
V.4.1.0, V.4.2.0, V.4.3.0,
V.5.0.2, V.5.0.1, V.5.0,
VERSIONS V.4.4.0, V.4.5.0, V.4.7.0,
V.4.5.0, V.4.0.1, V.4.0.0,
V.4.8.0, V.4.9.2, V.4.10.0,
V.3.0.3, V.3.0.2, V.3.0.1,
V.4.11.4, V.4.12, V.5.0, V.5.1,
V.3.0, V.2.0.2, V.2.0.1, V.2.0,
V.5.2, V.5.3, V.5.4, V.5.4.5,
V.1.0.1, V.1.0 [11]
V.5.5.0, V.5.6.0 [9].
TYPE OF SOFTWARE Paid Licensee - Shareware [9]. Paid Licensee [11]
Windows, Linux, Unisys
Unix, Irix, Solaris, Tru64,
FreeBSD [11]
KFSensor Professional Edition
$ 899,00
KFSensor Enterprise Edition Additional License
$549 USD $ 399,00
KFSensor Subscription
$120 USD [9]. Upgrade Extension
$ 99.00 [11]
PROGRAMMING Wireshark [9] JavaScript [11]
It is a deception system or
It is an anomaly detection smart trap, where the
system that attracts Honeypot is based on IDS,
sensitive to attackers,
information about attacks,
where it is offered in having
malwares, worms, common Internet services
ransomware in the network, such as SMTP, FTP,
thus, it reports about the POP3, HTTP and TELNET
system on the basis of where these services
vulnerabilities from situation of comfortably attract
attackers, however, these
system services and infection
are traps that try to collect
by malicious attacks [10]. information and stop these
destructive attacks [10].

7th International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies (ICGCET®)
22 jul - 23 Jul 2021
Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Perú

KFSensor Specter
It manifests the monitoring of
connected ports so it is remotely
managed against any malicious The predictable logic of the
attack, protecting against denial processor is taken into
of service (DDoS) attacks where account. The subsequent
data integration is exported in difference between cache
huge logs within the system hits and misses can be
service to be aware of the reliably measured [12].
different types of attacks that are
constantly changing [10].
Specter has its sensors at
the edge of the network
where it can immediately
KFSensor contains many detect any suspicious
essential and advanced security activity and automatically
features not found in other collects data from the
products so the detections attacker. On the other hand,
contemplate in having real-time the system is very easy to
functionality [9]. install and configure so
much that it offers the most
sophisticated and up-to-
date features [11].


The licensed software KFSensor was one of the pillars for the development of the intrusion
detection prototype (IDS) launching its first software in 1994 in order to detect different attacks
[9] this result is similar to the study of [13] when mentioning that the Snort software is one of
the oldest and most used systems today for its improvements and security functions more
adaptable to the user [13]. Likewise, the Snort open-source software manages to distinguish the
quality of service granted by users by being the system most used by technicians today for its
fast manipulation functions, for its integrated tools that have allowed preventing, detecting and
monitoring cyber-attacks by increasing security [7]. This result is similar to the research of [14]
where they state that Snort and Suricata IDS open source allows solutions with IPV4 and IPV6
protocols maintains an analysis of permissions and anomaly detection through the IPS that
allows optimal performance allowing efficiency and effectiveness in different entities [14]. The
Specter licensed software is adaptable to different platforms that allows to achieve the quality
of its product, these operating software are: (a) Windows, (b) Linux, (c) Unisys Unix, (d) Irix,
(e) Solaris, (f) Tru64, (h) AIX, (i) MacOS, (j) NeXTSTep, (k) FreeBSD, this result is different
from the study of [15] where it validates that OSSEC software presents the most complete
operating systems compared to other software by the adaptability that each user requires, such
as: (i) Linux, (ii) OpenBSD, (iii) FreeBSD, (iv) MacOS, (v) Solaris, (vi) Windows, (vii)
VMWare ESX 3.0, (viii) NetBSD, (ix) AIX and (x) HP-UX 11 [15]. The open source OSSEC
software can adapt to the security requirements based on the broad information criteria
including customizable alerting rules and writing lines and programming query (Scripts) to
enhance the measures in terms of alerts depending on the critical level of cyber-attack.

International Journal of xxxxxx
Vol. x, No. x, xxxxx, 20xx

Ossec also offers two types of free versions with support: (i) OSSEC +, (ii) OSSEC for
Enterprises, these versions are focused on a higher set of users than necessary, apart from
having technical support is given the ability to add own rules of the entity in the same way is
provided a cloud or server environment and has filters to record different types of attacks [8]
this result is similar to the research of Snort open source perfect for users who need to use this
tool for a LAN environment since it gives you, guidance, documentation, code and instructions
on how to adapt the system platform the network. In addition, Snort offers three types of free
versions with support: (a) personal, (b) business, and (c) integrators, which allows a wider range
of alerts and a higher margin of alert logs, real-time responses and allows using the name of the
system in their business services by opting for the quality of IDS software [7].
On the other hand, the Ossec IDS is programmed in the C language, a type of language very
easy to manipulate and very adaptable with the operating systems. Therefore, Ossec is a tool
integrated by its functions of event scheduling based on operating systems to validate system
files, audit the system against the use of equipment, detect rootkits and generate alerts before
dynamic tests [16]. This result is similar to the study of [13], which details that the open-source
Snort IDS was developed in C language, so that users can interact with its programming and
adapt it to different requirements to provide greater network security. In addition, the
programming allows you to analyze network traffic in real time, analyze packets that are sent
and received through cyberspace, detect anomalies and generate alerts. The IDS technological
tools are used to manage the activities that occur within a network, verify intrusion attempts,
manage network traffic to increase rules in order to obtain security between users inside and
outside the network [10]. This result is similar to the research of [15] where it details that this
system adapts according to the requirements of computer security, since, its multiple
configuration options, scripts, rules, modifications and changes of customizable alerts, allows
the IDS to perform at its 100%, in addition, to check the integration and reliability of user data,
enabling the monitoring of technological hardware (Firewalls) [15].
Next, the characteristic of IDSs makes it possible to recover from possible system crashes,
to identify correlations on the network with interconnected devices, to couple easily and simply
on the installation systems of these systems and to block any attack of malicious intent on the
basis of computer security policy [17]. This result is similar to the study of [18] where it
validates that an IDS must have a detection method, must maintain a logging behavior, obtain
the location of the attacker and its frequency of use. In addition, it must manage to have
functions such as: (a) behavior, (b) awareness, (c) assets, (d) host parameters, (e) packet
transfer, (f) network monitoring, and (g) periodic validations [18]. Finally, the intrusion
detection tool Snort has one of the most adaptable services in the face of anomaly detection
protocols, in addition, it analyzes the packets through the network, managing rules that will
empower the system and/or tool with a series of filters to better perform the functions of the
IDS all this in real time, also, it maintains constant updates before different changes in the
system by the patterns that are fundamental elements to maintain security in the network [19].
This result is different the study of [18] because it describes that the intrusion detection tool
Ossec details of alerts, configurations (Scripts) and centralized management of integrated tools
that allows the integration inspection and monitoring log and policies that manage to maintain
the security of critical incidents and opt for different solutions that allow alerting about
anomalies messages or cyber-attacks that only seek to damage or steal information [18].
Finally, the Snort intrusion detection tool has one of the most adaptable services in the face
of anomaly detection protocols, in addition, it analyzes the packets through the network,
managing rules that will empower the system and/or tool with a series of filters to better perform
the functions of the IDS all this in real time, it also maintains constant updates to different

7th International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies (ICGCET®)
22 jul - 23 Jul 2021
Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Perú

changes in the system by the patterns that are fundamental elements to maintain security in the
network [19]. This result is different the study of [15] because it describes that the intrusion
detection tool Ossec details of alerts, configurations (Scripts) and centralized management of
integrated tools that allows the integration inspection and monitoring log and policies that
manage to maintain the security of critical incidents and opt for different solutions that allow
alerting about anomalies messages or cyber-attacks that only seek to damage or steal
information [15].
The research conclusions were the following: Snort is the free software where it is granted
to have a market service with more years of antiquity, for this, it is achieved to have the security
functions very adaptable for the users because it allows to have the easiest use to understand at
the moment of being able to manipulate the intrusion detection system [13]. On the other hand,
Snort is the software that shows a high empathetic level for its processes and development so
it is reflected that it is the most optimal type of open-source software because it allows users to
interact in a more accurate way and be a better-known software worldwide where it will allow
manipulating the detection and monitoring of malicious attacks. In such a way, Ossec software
is a platform that allows to have a high level of quality in its products for its didactic functions
and to maintain user satisfaction for its different platforms (operating systems) such as: (i)
Linux, (ii) OpenBSD, (iii) FreeBSD, (iv) MacOS, (v) Solaris, (vi) Windows, (vii) VMWare
ESX 3.0, (viii) NetBSD, (ix) AIX and (x) HP-UX 11 [15].
Next, Snort software proves to maintain a great difference with other IDS, since Snort is a
type of open-source software. It also allows Snort software to provide the quality of service,
management and ease of use with economic margins, so there are different types of price
depending on functions and users: (a) personal, (b) business, and (c) integrators. In this way, it
provides a wide range of options for the technician or network administrator when making
decisions [7]. On the other hand, Ossec is the software that has a very adaptable language in
terms of programming since it is very simple to manipulate by which it is based on the C
language and is allowed by the different operating systems, because this type of language is
well known and highly demanded in the labor market due to its high competence with different
programming languages [16]. In addition, the IDS Ossec before multiple functions stands out
its excellent management, meet the requirements of computer security allow different
configurations (script) to generate different political alert that can help the entity or the user to
detect different attacks in their record and to achieve the integrity and reliability of data before
the constant monitoring with interconnected devices [15]. Also, under the characteristics of the
IDS it was possible to maintain adequate control over different anomalies in the network and
also a system that identifies malicious devices or attacks detected by the IDS, since this allows
to solve and prevent situations of cyber-attacks achieving the IDS to block and alert through a
computer and avoid damaging components of a PC's software [16]. Finally, Snort is a very
commercial intrusion detection system in the labor market for its adaptability service and
performance of functions in real time. In addition, it strengthens against different attacks.
Likewise, it is constantly updated in the face of technological changes generating security to
the technician or network administrator due to technical changes [19].
The recommendations of this research are the following: This qualitative criterion research
can be exercised quantitatively if we denominate criteria with variables, dimensions and
indicators that can be measured and evaluated through data collection and statistical tests in
order to achieve the hypotheses of the study. To carry out a classification research in order to
obtain a classification of intrusion detection system performance evaluation software and to
adapt it to more specific environments and allow the management of these network resources
and tools. To develop a study using the mixed convergent technique to collect qualitative and

International Journal of xxxxxx
Vol. x, No. x, xxxxx, 20xx

quantitative data and make a comparison in search of dissimilarities or differences between the
studies to evaluate measurement criteria or information that allows to reach the research
objective. It is advisable to conduct longitudinal research to evaluate and validate changes in
technological environments for evaluation using IDS software focused on network coverage.
To carry out a study of the evolution of IDS systems in order to know the course of development
of these systems and the relative changes that took place in the technological path before
different types of malicious attacks and to be able to achieve alerts or create parameters that
help to optimize processes of intruders. Finally, to be able to increase measurement criteria that
can provide a necessary support to the research to allow the administrator or technician to make
optimal decisions for projects or entities for the benefit of computer security in need of
managing alerts, rules with policies that achieve the effectiveness of the IDS.

Our sincere thanks to the authorities and professors of the Universidad Nacional Federico
Villarreal, for giving us the opportunity to contribute knowledge through research, thank you
very much.

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7th International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies (ICGCET®)
22 jul - 23 Jul 2021
Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Perú

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Scientia et Technica Year XXII. 22(1). ISSN: 0122-170


Francisco Manuel Hilario Falcón

Professor and researcher with experience in various studies and
several publications in indexed journals. He is a systems engineer,
master in systems engineering, doctor in systems engineering.
Member of the College of Engineers of Peru with Reg. CIP No.
99835. Member of the Research group in process of the Community
of Knowledge I+D+I+Systems UNFV. Professional experience as
Information Technology and Telecommunications Manager,
Statistics and Informatics Manager, Information Technology
Consultant, IT Project Manager, Virtual Classroom Administrator,
Systems Analyst, Information Technology Specialist. International
certifications: Scrum Master Certified (SMC) ID: 712972. Scrum Fundamentals Certified (SFC) ID:
715526. Cybersecurity Management Certification - ISO-27032 N° 200600094-19050005. Information
Security Management and Administration Certification - ISO-27001 N° 200700052-19050007. Digital
Transformation Certification N° GS3 HHP QYP.

International Journal of xxxxxx
Vol. x, No. x, xxxxx, 20xx


Jorge Víctor Mayhuasca Guerra

Doctor in Engineering, Master in Systems Engineering, Industrial
Engineer, Research Professor, Senior Lecturer appointed to the
Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Director of the
Academic Department of Systems Engineering. Director of the
Professional School of Industrial Engineering. Member of the
Scientific Committee of the School of Industrial and Systems
Engineering. President of the quality committee of the Professional
School of Systems Engineering, Main Coordinator of the Research
group in process of the Community of Knowledge I+D+I+Systems


Ciro Rodriguez Rodriguez

Main teacher and researcher at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de
San Marcos of the School of Software Engineering of the Faculty of
Systems Engineering and Computer Science in undergraduate of the
Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal in the subjects of System
Dynamics, Systems Simulation, Scientific Research, Software
Engineering and teacher in Postgraduate Masters and PhD in IT
Service Management, Advanced Topics in Engineering,
Environmental Informatics, Scientific Research, Software
Engineering. Advanced Studies at the Institute of Theoretical Physics
of Trieste ICTP Italy and at the USPAS Particle Accelerator School
in the United States, IT Development Policy Studies in South Korea. Professor at different.

7th International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies (ICGCET®)
22 jul - 23 Jul 2021
Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Perú



He is a Computer and Systems Engineer with Masters and PhD in the
specialty, from the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal,
University Professor, Researcher of projects published in independent
journals - Scopus and Web of Scence, software analyst / programmer
with over 18 years of experience in national and private companies, is
currently a member of the Digital Literacy Commission of the College
of Engineers of Peru, Committee on Information Technology and
Communications of the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal,
Circle of Ambassadors of Peace.


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