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OBJECTIVE Demonstrate understanding of the role of problem solving and mathematical investigation and modellin

Demontrate knowledge and skills in the use of problem solving heuristics whe analizing and solving real
Exhibit problem solving competence by engaging in mathematical investigations anchoed in real life and
Title of the Project Mathematical Investigationand Modelling

Level of Performance
Criteria 1 2 3 Weight Points

Few errors occurred No errors

Most errors occured when when solving occurred when
Problem Solving solving problems problems solving problems x3 30

Demonstrates Demonstrates
Demonstrates little general knowledge or clear knowledge
knowledge or application of application of Math or application of
Math Content Math Skills Skills Math Skills x2 20

Satisfactorily communicates
Innacurately communicates communicates solutions to
Math solutions to problems and solutions to problems problems and
Communication concepts and concepts concepts x1 10

The student is
able to present
The student is unable to The student is able to step-by-step and
follow most steps in the present steps in the easy to follow
Presentation solution solution logically model x3 30

Most mathematical All mathematical

Use of Mathematical Little mathematical terminologies used terminologies
Terminology terminologies used correctly correctly used correctly x3 10
Total 100

90 and above Excellent

85-89 High
80-84 Satisfactorily
75-79 Fair
74-below Poor
vestigation and modelling mathematics education
nalizing and solving real life and non routine problems
s anchoed in real life and/non routine problems

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