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Thursday 16th March 2017

Organised by the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust and the

Association Kangourou Sans Frontières

This competition is being taken by 6 million students in over 60 countries worldwide.

RULES AND GUIDELINES (to be read before starting):

1. Do not open the paper until the Invigilator tells you to do so.
2. Time allowed: 1 hour.
No answers, or personal details, may be entered after the allowed hour is over.
3. The use of rough paper is allowed; calculators and measuring instruments are
4. Candidates in England and Wales must be in School Year 9 or below.
Candidates in Scotland must be in S2 or below.
Candidates in Northern Ireland must be in School Year 10 or below.
5. Use B or HB non-propelling pencil only. For each question mark at most one of the
options A, B, C, D, E on the Answer Sheet. Do not mark more than one option.
6. Five marks will be awarded for each correct answer to Questions 1 - 15.
Six marks will be awarded for each correct answer to Questions 16 - 25.
7. Do not expect to finish the whole paper in 1 hour. Concentrate first on Questions 1-15.
When you have checked your answers to these, have a go at some of the later questions.
8. The questions on this paper challenge you to think, not to guess. Though you will not
lose marks for getting answers wrong, you will undoubtedly get more marks, and more
satisfaction, by doing a few questions carefully than by guessing lots of answers.

Enquiries about the European Kangaroo should be sent to:

UKMT, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT.
(Tel. 0113 343 2339)
1. A group of girls stands in a circle. Florence is the fourth on the left from Jess and the seventh
on the right from Jess. How many girls are in the group?
A 9 B 10 C 11 D 12 E 13

2. Which of the following equalities is true?

4 5 6 7 8
A = 1.4 B = 2.5 C = 3.6 D = 4.7 E = 5.8
1 2 3 4 5
3. The diagram shows two rectangles whose 2m
corresponding sides are parallel as shown.
What is the difference between the lengths of
3m 4m
the perimeters of the two rectangles?
A 12 m B 16 m C 20 m
D 22 m E 24 m

4. The sum of three different positive integers is 7. What is the product of these three integers?
A 12 B 10 C 9 D 8 E 5

5. The diagram shows four overlapping hearts. The areas of the hearts
are 1 cm2, 4 cm2, 9 cm2 and 16 cm2. What is the total shaded area?
A 9 cm2 B 10 cm2 C 11 cm2 D 12 cm2 E 13 cm2

6. What time is it 2017 minutes after 20:17?

A 05:54 B 09:54 C 16:34 D 20:34 E 23:34

7. Olivia has 20 euros. Each of her four sisters has 10 euros. How many euros does Olivia need
to give to each of her sisters so that each of the five girls has the same amount of money?
A 2 B 4 C 5 D 8 E 10

8. Adam the Ant started at the left-hand end of a pole and crawled 23 of its length. Benny the
Beetle started at the right-hand end of the same pole and crawled 34 of its length. What fraction
of the length of the pole are Adam and Benny now apart?

3 1 5 1 5
8 12 7 2 12
9. Four cousins Alan, Bob, Carl and Dan are 3, 8, 12 and 14 years old, although not necessarily
in that order. Alan is younger than Carl. The sum of the ages of Alan and Dan is divisible by
5. The sum of the ages of Carl and Dan is divisible by 5. What is the sum of the ages of Alan
and Bob?
A 26 B 22 C 17 D 15 E 11

10. One sixth of an audience in a children's theatre are adults. Two fifths of the children are boys.
What fraction of the audience are girls?
1 1 1 1 2
2 3 4 5 5
11. This year there were more than 800 entrants in the Kangaroo Hop race. Exactly 35% of the
entrants were female and there were 252 more males than females. How many entrants were
there in total?
A 802 B 810 C 822 D 824 E 840

12. Ellie wants to write a number in each box of the diagram shown. She has already written in
two of the numbers. She wants the sum of all the numbers to be 35, the sum of the numbers in
the first three boxes to be 22, and the sum of the numbers in the last three boxes to be 25.
3 4

What is the product of the numbers she writes in the shaded boxes?
A 0 B 39 C 48 D 63 E 108

13. Rohan wants to cut a piece of string into nine pieces of equal length. He marks his cutting
points on the string. Jai wants to cut the same piece of string into only eight pieces of equal
length. He marks his cutting points on the string. Yuvraj then cuts the string at all the cutting
points that are marked. How many pieces of string does Yuvraj obtain?
A 15 B 16 C 17 D 18 E 19

14. Two segments, each 1 cm long, are marked on opposite sides of a 1 cm

square of side 8 cm. The ends of the segments are joined as shown

8 cm
in the diagram. What is the total shaded area?
A 2 cm2 B 4 cm2 C 6.4 cm2 D 8 cm2 E 10 cm2
1 cm

15. Margot wants to prepare a jogging timetable. She wants to jog exactly twice a week, and on
the same days every week. She does not want to jog on two consecutive days. How many
different timetables could Margot prepare?
A 18 B 16 C 14 D 12 E 10

16. Ella wants to write a number into each cell of a 3 × 3 grid so that the 2
sum of the numbers in any two cells that share an edge is the same.
She has already written two numbers, as shown in the diagram.
When Ella has completed the grid, what will be the sum of all the
numbers in the grid?
A 18 B 20 C 21 D 22 E 23

17. Tom has a list of nine integers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. He creates a second list by adding 2
to some of the integers in the first list and by adding 5 to all of the other integers in the first
list. What is the smallest number of different integers he can obtain in the second list?
A 5 B 6 C 7 D 8 E 9
18. Ten kangaroos stood in a line as shown in the diagram.

At a particular moment, two kangaroos standing nose-to-nose exchanged places by jumping

past each other. Each of the two kangaroos involved in an exchange continued to face the
same way as it did before the exchange. This was repeated until no further exchanges were
possible. How many exchanges were made?
A 15 B 16 C 18 D 20 E 21
19. Buses leave the airport every 3 minutes to travel to the city centre. A car leaves the airport at
the same time as one bus and travels to the city centre by the same route. It takes each bus 60
minutes and the car 35 minutes to travel from the airport to the city centre. How many of these
airport buses does the car overtake on its way to the city centre, excluding the bus it left with?
A 8 B 9 C 10 D 11 E 13

20. Anastasia's tablecloth has a regular pattern, as shown in the diagram.

What percentage of her tablecloth is black?
A 16 B 24 C 25 D 32 E 36

21. Each number in the sequence starting 2, 3, 6, 8, 8, 4, ... is obtained in the following way. The
first two numbers are 2 and 3 and afterwards each number is the last digit of the product of the
two preceding numbers in the sequence. What is the 2017th number in the sequence?
A 8 B 6 C 4 D 3 E 2

22. Stan had 125 small cubes. He glued some of them together to form a
large cube with nine tunnels, each perpendicular to two opposite faces
and passing through the cube, as shown in the diagram.
How many of the small cubes did he not use?
A 52 B 45 C 42 D 39 E 36

23. Eric and Eleanor are training on a 720 metre circular track. They run in opposite directions,
each at a constant speed. Eric takes four minutes to complete the full circuit and Eleanor takes
five minutes. How far does Eleanor run between consecutive meetings of the two runners?
A 355 m B 350 m C 340 m D 330 m E 320 m

24. Ellen wants to colour some of the cells of a 4 × 4 grid. She wants to do
this so that each coloured cell shares at least one side with an
uncoloured cell and each uncoloured cell shares at least one side with a
coloured cell.
What is the largest number of cells she can colour?
A 12 B 11 C 10 D 9 E 8

25. The diagram shows a parallelogram Z M Y

WXYZ with area S. The diagonals of the
parallelogram meet at the point O. The N
point M is on the edge ZY . The lines WM P
and ZX meet at N . The lines MX and WY O
meet at P. The sum of the areas of
triangles WNZ and XYP is 13 S. What is the
area of quadrilateral MNOP ? W X
1 1 1 1 1
6 8 10 12 14

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