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Nama : Ni Komang Wri Aryantini

No. Absen : 03
NIM : 1915644028
Kelas : 5D / D4 Akuntansi Manajerial
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Akuntansi 1


As a child, I always wondered what is that dream? Everyone when they meet, they
always ask what their dreams are for the future and how to make them come true. Almost
everyone must have a dream of what kind of dream it is, some are simple, some are
complicated, but there are also those who dream of something impossible where the dream
has never existed before. For me a dream lies in a person's self-employment to make a better
life in the future. Talking about dreams will never end because humans are created not only
satisfied with one dream, but thousands of dreams they want to achieve. Likewise with the
dreams that I have, which I want to share in "My Dream".
I had so many dreams when I was in elementary school. A dream of a child who
doesn't know anything about what a dream is. My dream is to become a rich man who doesn't
need to work but has a lot of money. Whatever I want I can have even though I think it's very
impossible. Not only that, my other dream is to be able to travel around the world to see
many people with different tribes, languages and cultures, exploring the earth with all of
them. Behind all the dreams that I have, I think about how I will be able to make them come
true one by one.
Over time, my dreams began to change according to my growing mindset. Dreams
that not only think about yourself but also think about those closest to you. Here my dream is
how I can become a successful person so that I can make my parents happy. Be a person who
can be useful to the people around me and give happiness every time. It's very simple but for
me it's a remarkable dream. Everyone's dream can change, but in essence it has its own
Starting from a dream that I have guided myself to become someone who is confident.
To be able to realize the dreams that I have, the effort I do is to study as best as I can.
Currently I’m still a student majoring in accounting, have to be able to organize my future in
the future, where whatever my next action will be affect the dream I want to achieve. It's not
easy to realize a dream come true like turning your hand over. Then there must be real action
from within us to make a dream come true. Believe that whatever you dream of will
definitely come true even though it is a long process.
The ones who were able to turn his dreams into reality, they are the winners. In
achieving a dream there is a relatively fast time and there is also a relatively long time. But
all that does not mean, never give up is the most appropriate word to achieve a dream.
Indeed, there will always be obstacles, and difficulties when we try to make dreams come
true. But with these efforts, it will make us even more challenged to achieve it. The last
sentence I'm trying to say is, "keep dreaming high up in the sky if you keep trying to be sure
to stand between the stars."

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