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Learner’s Module for English 10
Quarter 1 ● Week 4 ● Module 4


Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

NAME:________________________ GRADE AND SECTION ________________

TEACHER: ____________________ SCORE _____________________________
What’s In

In this module we are going to know the effective way to comprehend a story.
It is important for you learners to be able to compare and contrast ideas found in
multiple sources to enable them to identify conflicting information and consistent
information and critically evaluate sources. When you can compare and contrast
information, you can already make inferences and draw conclusions about topics.
Comparing and contrasting information from multiple sources allows you to get a more
comprehensive view of topics.

Let us take for example the popular magical movie of J.K. Rowlings, “Harry
Potter” movie series. The author had written the story and published it to be read by
people of all ages. Then, it was made into movies which hit the billboards of cinemas.

Movies are made to entertain us. Likewise, the books. These two (2) have
similar genres. What are “genres.”

According to Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English

Language defines genre as “a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition
characterized by a particular style, form, or content.”

Genres of a short story text and movies are the same, they are both comedy,
romance, magical and historical. They both are in fiction and non-fiction.

Examples: Harry Potter – magical, The Notebook – romance, Heneral Luna –

historical, and others.


These movies are all based and adapted from books. Most likely, there are
differences between each book and its movies.

Aside from the given examples, there are some similarities and difference of
stories in texts from movies.

Comparing and contrasting these 2 will help us a lot in understanding a story.

Let us use the familiar Venn Diagram to identify the similarities and differences
of these 2.

• The books show many served • only the major
characters in more its characters are given
details, and in a better purpose, more exposure.
light. which is
to • scenes are shown.
• scenes are more
described in details.
entertain • some scenes were
not seen in the

As, we can see clearly the similarities and differences of a story from
books and from movies adaptation, it makes us understand that stories would give us
points on which of these 2 are effective to make our comprehension skills be develop.
Moreover, its accessibility to us to hold onto the material.

What’s New

Activity 1: Texts VS Movies

Direction: Identify the picture shown and write the title of the movie.

Title: ___________________







Title : ________________________

Title : _________________________ ipart

Title : _______________________

Title: ___________________________

What is It

The activity above shows that movies are adapted from books. There are a lot
of differences and similarities that we can see from them. It was already explained
above using the Venn Diagram.

Books would give the story in details. from the characters until to the scene
and ending. However, it is rich in text and seldom will you be having pictures of it.
Comparingly to the movies/films adaptations, it gives us a view of the scenes used in
the story. Likewise, famous characters will be portraying the roles. It will be more
entertaining watching the movie.

Just like how story books differ from movies. let us take a look at the book of
mythology. It has different versions as well. Let us read one story (summary) from
the mythology entitled; “the Gorgon’s Head,” by Anne Terry White.


Acrisius, King of Argos received a dreadful oracle from Delphi. According to the
priestess of Delphi, he will not have a son but a grandson from whose hands he will
be killed. Frightened, King Acrisius hid his only daughter Danae from the sight of all
men. Danae was locked up inside a house of bronze sunk underground. Zeus entered
into the underground chamber in the form of the shower of gold through the roof partly
opened. He appeared in front of Danae and in an instant Danae conceived a baby.
Later, Danae had given birth to a boy named Perseus. She kept her baby a secret
from her own father. But days have come and King Acrisius learned about her secret.
The King ordered his people to have a chest built for Danae and child Perseus. Danae
and her child were put inside the chest and sent adrift the sea. It bobbed in the waves
until it reached the Island of Seraphos where a fisherman named Dictys noticed the
chest and took it. When he opened, he saw Danae and Perseus. The kind Dictys let
them in their house to live together with his wife. Dictys’ brother, King Polydectes was
captivated with Danae’s beauty and married her. Polydectes felt jealous over the love
that Danae was giving to Perseus. To get rid of Perseus, Polydectes sent him to a
dangerous adventure that put his life in peril. The mission was to kill Medusa, one of
the three Gorgons. She has snaky hair and metal-scaled skin. Looking straight in
Medusa’s eye can turn mortals into stone. Despite the danger, Perseus agreed to
embark on the adventure in order to get his own name a glory. Hermes gave him a
sword. He was also given a shield by Athena. Hermes added that Perseus needed
also the winged sandals, the helmet of invisibility, and the magic wallet. Those three
essential things were all in the possession of the Nymphs of the North. Getting there
was not easy. In order to get to the Nymphs of the North, Perseus has to go first to the
Gray Women who only could tell the direction. Perseus went to the Gray women, he
snatched the eye of the women and threatened not to return it unless they give him
the direction pointing to the Nymphs of the North. As soon as the direction was given,
Perseus headed to the Island of Gorgons. He was instructed by Athena, telling him
that Medusa was the one lying closest to the seashore. With one swift of his sword
and with the help of his shield as mirror, Medusa was beheaded and her head was put
inside the magic wallet. While Perseus was making his way back home, he noticed a
beautiful lady chained on the cliff. He asked her name and why she was hanged. No
reply was given by the lady. Perseus insisted the lady to respond. She said her name
was Andromeda, daughter of Ethiopian King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia.
Andromeda told Perseus that her mother boasted that she was the most beautiful than
50 lovely daughters of Nereus. As a revenge to her mother Cassiopeia, Andromeda
suffered the punishment. At any moment, then, the serpent was on its way to devour
Andromeda. Perseus told Andromeda’s parents that he would save their daughter on
a condition that they will allow him to marry her. The king and queen agreed at once
and Andromeda was saved from death. He took Andromeda to his homeland. At that
time, a discus-throw competition was going on at Larissa. Perseus joined in and when
it was his turn to throw the discus, he threw it mightily and accidentally hit an old man
in the audience. It was learned that his grandfather, King Acrisius, was the one hit by
the discus. (

Now, read the synopsis/summary of the movie”Clash of the Titans” an

adaptation mythological story of “The Gorgon’s Head.”


(2010 Movie)

In ancient times, the gods led by Zeus (Liam Neeson), Poseidon (Danny
Huston) and Hades (Ralph Fiennes) betrayed their parents, the Titans, and banished
them to the Underworld with the help of the Kraken, a sea monster born of Hades. The
gods divided the Universe among themselves; Zeus took the skies, Poseidon took the
seas, and Hades, tricked by Zeus, was left with the Underworld. The gods created the
mortals, whose faith in them assured their immortality. However, as time passed,
mortals began to question them.

A fisherman by name of Spyros (Pete Postlethwaite) finds a casket afloat in the

sea, bearing a baby still living and clasped in the arms of his mother’s corpse. Spyros
and his wife Marmara (Elizabeth McGovern) raise the baby as their own and name
him "Perseus".

Years later, Perseus (Sam Worthington) is fishing with his family when they
witness soldiers from the city of Argos destroying a Statue of Zeus. The gods,
infuriated at this desecration, unleash the Furies - flying beasts who pursue mortal
sinners. The soldiers are attacked and slaughtered by the Furies. The Furies merge
and take the form of Hades, who destroys the ship Perseus and his family are on. His
family perishes, but Perseus survives and is found by other survivors, soldiers from
Argos led by Draco (Mads Mikkelsen).

Perseus is brought before King Kepheus (Vincent Regan) and Queen

Cassiopeia (Polly Walker) who are celebrating the campaign against the gods. The
revelry is cut short by the arrival of Hades, who has been given leave by Zeus to punish
the mortals for their defiance of the gods. Hades proclaims that in the upcoming solar
eclipse, he will unleash the Kraken against Argos unless the Princess Andromeda
(Alexa Davalos) is offered as a sacrifice. Before leaving, he reveals that Perseus is a

Perseus is imprisoned by Draco and in captivity meets Io (Gemma Arterton)
who tells him of his origin. Many years before, King Acrisius (Jason Flemyng) also
tried declaring war against the gods. To punish him, Zeus impersonated Acrisius and
impregnated his wife, Queen Dänae (Tine Stapelfeldt). Acrisius, driven mad with rage,
orders the execution of Dänae and the newborn baby and casts them into the sea in
a coffin. As punishment for his continued defiance, Zeus also strikes Acrisius with
lightning, transforming him into a monster. Io also reveals that she was cursed with
immortality after refusing to give in to Poseidon's advances and has watched over
Perseus his entire life, beginning with watching from ashore as his adoptive parents
rescue him from the floating coffin, to the present, always protecting him, as he is
prophesized to be the only one able to stand up to the Gods.

As the Cult of Hades, led by the insane Prokopion (Luke Treadaway), grows in
number and demands Andromeda's sacrifice, a desperate Kepheus asks Perseus to
lead the King's Guard to visit the Stygian Witches in order to discover a way to kill the
Kraken. Perseus - wishing to avenge the death of his family - accepts. Perseus and
the guards head off on their quest joined by Ottoman monster hunters, Ozal (Ashraf
Barhom) and Kucuk (Mouloud Achour). Hades, in hopes of stopping Perseus, finds
Acrisius, now known as Calibos, and grants him superhuman abilities in exchange for
Calibos assuring Perseus will die before he reaches the Witches.

Zeus is convinced by Apollo (Luke Evans), who doesn't trust Hades, to give
Perseus a chance and presents him with an enchanted sword forged on Mount
Olympus and a winged horse named Pegasus. Perseus refuses both gifts but a wise
Draco puts the sword into safekeeping. Shortly thereafter, they are attacked by
Calibos. Perseus barely manages to hold him at bay and is bitten by Calibos in a
desperate move. Draco severs Calibos's hand causing Calibos to flee. The band gives
chase only to be attacked by Scorpiochs summoned by Calibos’s blood. Although they
manage to kill some of them, they are ultimately surrounded by even larger scorpions
until they are saved by the Djinn, a band of Arabic desert sorcerers led by Sheikh
Sulieman (Ian Whyte). The Djinn, also wishing for the gods' defeat, lends their aid to
Perseus and his hand.

The group arrives at the lair of the Stygian Witches and learns from them that
the only possibility for killing the Kraken is with the head of a gorgon Medusa who is
residing in a temple in the Underworld. Medusa is able to turn any living creature into
stone by making eye contact, and thus capturing her head is essential for battling the
Kraken. As they prepare to head into the Underworld, Perseus is approached by
Apollo, who gives him a golden drachma which is a fare for Charon, the ferryman of
the Underworld.

Perseus, Io, Sulieman, Draco and his remaining men Solon (Liam
Cunningham), Eusebios (Nicholas Hoult) and Ixas (Hans Matheson) arrive at the
Underworld and the men enter Medusa's Lair while Io remains outside, unable to enter.
Medusa (Natalia Vodianova) kills Solon, (who was shot and falls into the fire),
Eusebios and Ixas (who have turned to stone), and wounds the shot Draco. Sulieman
and Draco wound Medusa and turn to stone, making the ultimate sacrifice. The badly
wounded Medusa is beheaded by Perseus, who takes her head. The rest of the body
falls into the fire. As he is leaving the temple, he witnesses Calibos creep up behind

and murder Io. Perseus and Calibos engage in mortal combat with Calibos having the
upper hand and disarming Perseus. Finally coming to terms with who he is, Perseus
picks up the Olympian sword and pierces Calibos through the heart, turning him back
into Acrisius in human form restoring him to sanity and humility for one last moment.

After saying his goodbyes to the dying Io, who urges him forward to save
Andromeda and Argos before she dissolves into an ethereal vapor, Perseus mounts
Pegasus and hastens back to Argos. In the meantime, Zeus has ordered the Kraken's
release. The Cult of Hades in Argos invade the palace and seize Andromeda to
sacrifice her to the Kraken. While the Kraken ravages Argos, Hades reveals to Zeus
that while they have been surviving on the people’s adoration, he has been feeding on
people's fear and his monster has been channeling even more fear. While the gods
have become weaker, Hades has now grown powerful enough to take on Mount
Olympus and even destroy it in revenge for his betrayal so many years before.
Realizing his mistake too late, Zeus can only rely on Perseus.

In Argos, Hades unleashes the Furies against Perseus and they manage to
snag away from him the sack holding Medusa’s head. In an intense aerial chase with
Perseus riding Pegasus, he manages to retrieve the bag, just in time for the Kraken to
fully emerge. The Kraken causes massive damage to Argos before heading to devour
Andromeda. Before the Kraken is able to eat Andromeda, Perseus races to open the
bag, unveil the head of Medusa and face it to the Kraken, who makes eye contact,
slowly turning it into stone. The massive statue cracks and the falling debris kills
Prokopion and Kepheus, while Andromeda falls into the sea. Hades appears to
confront Perseus. Perseus in defiance raises his sword to the heavens and calling
upon Zeus, throws his sword at Hades. A lightning bolt engulfs the sword and banishes
Hades to the Underworld once more.

After defeating the Kraken and Hades, Andromeda falls into the sea and
Perseus dives in to save her. When he reaches her, he embraces her with a
passionate kiss, indicating that he fell in love with her, and she with him. After reaching
the shore and regaining consciousness, Andromeda asks Perseus if he will stay and
he says there is someone he needs to talk to, before kissing her again, indicating that
he will come back. Getting on Pegasus, he flies to Mount Olympus where he confronts
Zeus, stating that he does not wish to be one of them and that any conflict between
them has just started. After slamming his sword into the Gods' map and shattering the
models of every living person, he leaves and is seen flying on Pegasus over the sea,
presumably back to Argos.

Activity 2: The Real McCoy
Direction: Read the article “The Real Story of Medusa: Protective
Powersfrom a Snake-haired Gorgon” at this site: “
002773”. Then answer the following question.

1. How would you describe Medusa before everything

2. What did Poseidon do after seeing Medusa?
3. What made Athena angry?
4. What did Athena do to Medusa?
5. Is what Athena did a punishment or protection for

6. Would you prefer to be beautiful but weak or horrifying but strong?
7. Which do you like better, the story or the article?
8. Which one is easier for you to access, is it the text or the film? Explain why please.
9. Which one is easier to understand, is it the article or the film? Explain why please.

What I Have Learned

Instruction: Now draw and accomplish the graphic organizer showing the similarities
and differences of Medusa from the story “The Gorgon’s Head” and Medusa from the

The The Real

Gorgon's Story of
Head Medusa

Differences Differences




Instruction: Read and answer the questions and illustrations below. Choose the correct
letter for your answer for the multiple choice and write ligibly the genre of the
illustrations below.

1. Fiction: stories that come from the author’s imagination.

a. Historical Fiction
b. Science Fiction
c. Fantasy
d. Realistic Fiction

2. Nonfiction: writing that is true or factual.

a. Informational Writing
b. Persuasive Writing
c. Autobiography
d. Biography

3. Drama: writing that is meant to be acted on a stage (a play).

a. Comedy
b. Tragedy
c. Farce
d. Musical

4. Poetry: writing that is concerned with the beauty of language

a. Dramatic
b. Humorous
c. Narrative
d. Lyrical

5. Folklore: stories handed down through speech from generation to

a. Fairy Tale
b. Fable
c. Myth
d. Legend

6. ____________ to note what is similar and different about (two or more

a. contrast b. compare c. characterize

7. ________________something is to look for differences among two or more

a. contrast b. compare c. characterize

8. 2.

10. 11.

12. 13.

14. 8. 15.


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