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1. Which of the following is not a type of cyber crime?

a. Data theft
b. Forgery
c. Damage to data and systems
d. Installing antivirus for protection
2. Cyber-crime can be categorized into ________ types.
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 6
3. Which of the following is not a type of peer-to-peer cyber-crime?
a. Phishing
b. Injecting Trojans to a target victim
c. MiTM
d. Credit card details leak in deep web
4. Which of the following is not done by cyber criminals?
a. Unauthorized account access
b. Mass attack using Trojans as botnets
c. Email spoofing and spamming
d. Report vulnerability in any system

5. What is the name of the IT law that India is having in the Indian legislature?
a. India’s Technology (IT) Act, 2000
b. India’s Digital Information Technology (DIT) Act, 2000
c. India’s Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000
d. The Technology Act, 2008
6. In which year India’s IT Act came into existence?
a. 2000
b. 2001
c. 2002
d. 2003

7. What is the full form of ITA-2000?

a. Information Tech Act -2000
b. Indian Technology Act -2000
c. International Technology Act -2000
d. Information Technology Act -2000
8. Which section of IT Act 2000 propose a punishment of life imprisonment
a. Section 66F
b. Section 66A
c. Section 66C
d. Section 66B
9. What is the proposed punishment for Cyber Terrorism in IT Act
a. I crore rupees penalty
b. Life Imprisonment
c. 6 year imprisonment
d. 10 year imprisonment
10. What is the punishment for identity theft in IT Act
a. Three year imprisonment or 2 lakh rupees penalty or both
b. Two year imprisonment or 1 lakh rupees penalty or both
c. Three year imprisonment or 1 lakh rupees penalty or both
d. None of the above
11. Which is the appeal court on the orders issued by Cyber appellate tribunal?
a. Supreme Court
b. District Court
c. High Court
d. Munsiff Court
12. What is the term of the office of the presiding officer of Cyber appellate tribunal?
a. 6 years
b. 3 years
c. 4 years
d. 5 years
13. The section deals with the use of electronic records and digital signature in
Government and its agencies
a. Section 6
b. Section 5
c. Section 3
d. Section 7
14. The section deals with legal recognition of digital signature
a. Section 3
b. Section 5
c. Section 4
d. Section 6
15. The section deals with legal recognition of electronic records
a. Section 3
b. Section 5
c. Section 4
d. Section 6
16. Major amendments to IT Act 2000 was introduced in the form of IT (amendment)
Act 2008, which came into effect on
a. 2009 October 27
b. 2008 October 27
c. 2008 June 1
d. 2009 July 3
17. What is the penalty for publishing images of a person’s private parts without
consent, as per IT Act 2000?

a. Life imprisonment
b. 5 years imprisonment or 5 lakh rupees penalty or both
c. 3 years imprisonment or 2 lakh rupees penalty or both
d. None of the above
18. Which are the section of the IT Act deals with Credit card fraud?
a. 66, 66C, 66D
b. 42, 67, 67A, 67B
c. 43, 66, 66C, 66D
d. None of the above
19. Which Act in India focuses on data privacy and information technology
a. IT Act 2000
b. Banking Regulation Act 1949
c. Indian Penal Code
d. IT (amendment) Act 2008
20. Which section of IT Act 2000 deals with the punishment for cheating by
impersonation by using computer resources?
a. Section 66D
b. Section 66C
c. Section 66F
d. Section 66B
21. What is the time limit for filing appeal against the order of Cyber appellate
a. 30 days
b. 60 days
c. 45 days
d. 90 days
22. In general how many key elements constitute the entire security structure?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
23. According to the CIA Triad, which of the below-mentioned element is not
considered in the triad?
a. Confidentiality
b. Integrity
c. Authenticity
d. Availability

24. When you use the word _____ it means you are protecting your data from getting
a. Confidentiality
b. Integrity
c. Authentication
d. Availability
25. ______ means the protection of data from modification by unknown users.
a. Confidentiality
b. Integrity
c. Authentication
d. Non-repudiation
26. When integrity is lacking in a security system, _________ occurs.
a. Database hacking
b. Data deletion
c. Data tampering
d. Data leakage
27. _______ of information means, only authorised users are capable of accessing the
a. Confidentiality
b. Integrity
c. Non-repudiation
d. Availability.
28. Why these 4 elements (confidentiality, integrity, authenticity & availability) are
considered fundamental?
a. They help understanding hacking better
b. They are key elements to a security breach
c. They help understands security and its components better
d. They help to understand the cyber-crime better
29. This helps in identifying the origin of information and authentic user. This referred
to here as __________
a. Confidentiality
b. Integrity
c. Authenticity
d. Availability
30. Data ___________ is used to ensure confidentiality.
a. Encryption
b. Locking
c. Deleting
d. Backup
31. Which of these is not a proper method of maintaining confidentiality?
a. Biometric verification
b. ID and password based verification
c. 2-factor authentication
d. Switching off the phone

32. Data integrity gets compromised when _____ and _____ are taken control off.
a. Access control, file deletion
b. Network, file permission
c. Access control, file permission
d. Network, system
33. One common way to maintain data availability is __________
a. Data clustering
b. Data backup
c. Data recovery
d. Data Altering
34. __________ is a special form of attack using which hackers’ exploit – human
a. Cross Site Scripting
b. Insecure network
c. Social Engineering
d. Reverse Engineering
35. ________ involves scams where an individual (usually an attacker) lie to a person
(the target victim) to acquire privilege data.
a. Phishing
b. Pretexting
c. Spamming
d. Vishing
36. Which of the following is the technique used to look for information in trash or
around dustbin container?
a. Pretexting
b. Baiting
c. Quid Pro Quo
d. Dumpster diving
37. Which of the following is not an example of social engineering?
a. Dumpster diving
b. Shoulder surfing
c. Carding
d. Spear phishing
38. In a phishing, attackers target the ________ technology to so social engineering.
a. Emails
b. WI-FI network
c. Operating systems
d. Surveillance camera
39. Tailgating is also termed as ___________
a. Piggybacking
b. Pretexting
c. Phishing
d. Baiting
40. _____________ helps in protecting corporate data, communications and other
a. Snort
b. CipherCloud
c. Burp Suit
d. Wireshark
41. Which of the following tool is used for Blackjacking?
a. BBAttacker
b. BBProxy
c. Blackburried
d. BBJacking

42. Which of the following is a good practice?

a. Give full permission for remote transferring
b. Grant read only permission
c. Grant limited permission to specified account
d. Give both read and write permission but not execute
43. What is not a good practice for user administration?
a. Isolating a system after a compromise
b. Perform random auditing procedures
c. Granting privileges on a per host basis
d. Using telnet and FTP for remote access
44. Which of the following is the least secure method of authentication?
a. Key card
b. Fingerprint
c. retina pattern
d. Password
45. Which of the following is a strong password?
a. 19thAugust88
b. Delhi88
c. P@assw0rd
d. !augustdelhi
46. Why is one time password safe?
a. It is easy to generated
b. It cannot be shared
c. It is different for every access
d. It is a complex encrypted password
47. Which happens first authorization or authentication?
a. Authorization
b. Authentication
c. Authorization & Authentication are same
d. None of the mentioned
48. From the options below, which of them is not a vulnerability to information
a. Flood
b. without deleting data, disposal of storage media
c. unchanged default password
d. latest patches and updates not done
49. The full form of EDR is _______
a. Endpoint Detection and recovery
b. Early detection and response
c. Endpoint Detection and response
d. Endless Detection and Recovery
50. Compromising confidential information comes under _________
a. Bug
b. Threat
c. Vulnerability
d. Attack

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