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Molluscs (Phylum Mollusca) are invertebrates that include animals such as squid, octopuses,
cuttlefish, nudibranchs, snails, slugs, limpets, sea hares, mussels, clams, oysters, scallops, as well
as many lesser known creatures. There are an estimated 100,000 species of molluscs making
them second largest phylum in the animal kingdom, having fewer species than only the Phylum
Molluscs have soft bodies that consist of three basic parts, a foot, a visceral mass, and a mantle.
Because molluscs are very diverse and come in many different shapes and sizes it is difficult to
make too many generalizations about the group's anatomical structure beyond these three basic
The foot functions in locomotion and in molluscs that posses a shell, the foot can often be drawn
inside. The visceral mass, located above the foot, contains the digestive system, the heart, and
other internal organs. Finally, the mantle is a layer of tissue that covers the visceral mass and in
many molluscs it contains glands which secrete a hard shell.
The majority of marine molluscs begin their life as ciliated, free-swimming larvae that later
develop into adult form. Freshwater and terrestrial snails develop within the egg and emerge as
tiny but fully-formed versions of the adult form. Molluscs are most diverse in marine habitats but
also inhabit freshwater and terrestrial habitats.


 Kingdom:Animalia
 Phylum: Mollusca
The Phylum Mollusca contains the following subgroups:
o Class: Aplacophora (solenogasters, deep-sea wormlike creatures)
o Class: Bivalvia (clams, oysters, scallops, mussels)
o Class: Cephalopoda (squid, octopodes, nautilus, cuttlefish)
o Class:Gastropoda (nudibranchs, snails, slugs, limpets, sea hares, and relatives)
o Class: Monoplacophora (deep-sea limpet-like creatures)
o Class: Polyplacophora (chitons)
o Class: Scaphopoda (tusk shells)

There are eight groups of molluscs alive today.

1. Aplacophorans (Class Aplacophora) are marine molluscs that burrow into the sea floor in
deep waters. They are small, wormlike creatures that lack shells or muscular feet.
Aplacophorans grow to no more than two inches in length.
2. Bivalves (Class Bivalvia) are marine and freshwater molluscs that have a shell that
consists of two valves that are hinged at the back. Bivalves have no head, their body
consists of a wedge-shaped foot.
3. Caudofoveata (Class Caudofoveata) are small deep sea molluscs that burrow into soft
bottom sediments. Like alpacophorans, they too lack shells and muscular feet
characteristic of other molluscs. Caudofoveata have scale-like calcareous spicules.
4. Cephalopods (Class Cephalopoda) include octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus.
Cephalopods exhibit bilateral symmetry and in most members of the group the shell has
either been internalized or lost. The exception is the nautilus which has retained a shell.
5. Gastropods (Class Gastropoda) include snails and slugs. Gastropods live in marine,
freshwater, and terrestrial habitats. Gastropods is the most diverse class of mollusc with
more than 60,000 species.
a. Class Monoplacophora
b. Class Polyplacophora
c. Class Scaphopoda

The body of most molluscs consists of two parts: a head-foot and a visceral mass.
In general, the head-foot of a mollusc is an elongated, soft structure that encompasses an
anterior head and an elongated foot. The head has a pair of eyes, a mouth, sensory and
nervous structures, and a radula. The foot is used for locomotion and for attaching onto
surfaces. The visceral mass is located on top of the head-foot and contains internal organs
that perform the functions of digestion, circulation, reproduction and excretion.

Molluscs have a mantle that secretes a hard shell that covers and protects the
visceral mass.
A layer of tissue called the mantle covers the visceral mass of a mollusc. The mantle
secretes a shell that encases the mantle and the soft visceral mass below it. The shell
consists of three layers, an inner layer known as the nacreous layer, a middle layer called
the prismatic layer, and an outer layer called the periostracum. The shell provides the
mollusc with protection from predators and from harsh environmental conditions.
a. Molluscs exhibit bilateral symmetry.
b. Most molluscs have an open circulatory system.
c. Molluscs are more closely related to annelids than they are to
d. There are approximately 100,000 species of molluscs.
e. Of all the molluscan subgroups, the most divers group is the gastropods.
There are between 60,000 and 80,000 species of living gastropods. The
bivalves are the second most diverse group of gastropods with about
30,000 species. There are about 800 species of cephalopods.
6. Some molluscs don't have a shell.
7. Some molluscs don't have a head.
8. The giant squid and the giant clam are among the world's largest molluscs.

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