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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Bachelor Technical Teachers Education program is designated to produce

graduates equipped with technical teaching, competences for positions in

secondary and post-secondary schools and training centers and the component

of the new Basic Education Curriculum (BEC). The reason why Bachelor

technical teacher's Education major in electrical installation and maintenance

was implemented is to provide teachers who are qualified in teaching Vocational

courses especially in junior high school and senior high school. In this course

student trained their knowledge, attitude and skills for sustainable development.

The training of electrical installation and maintenance was based on the

goods and services that are not only benefiting themselves but also the society.

This will be the asset of a teacher who have skills in applying effective and

efficient teaching strategy on appropriate evaluation methods and utilization of

standard teaching materials tools, machines, and equipment that produce

desired graduate in practical skills is qualified.

The luck of employment in professionals of Electrical Installation and

maintenance is an evidence that will give a job opportunities and self-reliance for

the graduates of Bachelor of technical teacher’s education major in electrical

installation and maintenance. This study was conduct to determine to measure

the levels of learning and skills of the Electrical installation and maintenance


According to Okoro (2008) he observed that in Nigeria the output of the

technical institutions do not have the knowledge and skills that will empower

them to take up the available jobs, But he affirmed that technical colleges are

the principal vocational institutions is designed to prepare skills, knowledge and

aptitude required of technicians at sub-par professional level. This evolve the

goals that the technical colleges are designed to give full craft man training

expected to prepare the learners access into various occupations of their own

interest. Among the occupations the learners was trained and given a chance to

learn Electrical installation and maintenance.

Nwachukwu, Blare and Jill (2011) concluded the same thought, they believe

that the graduates of technical vocational courses must have applicable and

quality. They must insure to have their own skills. It is important that the student

is competent on related occupations. The skill gained in technical education

cannot be easily achieve or enhance because of many trades must learned in

technical Colleges.

The main purpose of this study is to determine the academic performance of

Bachelor Technical Teachers Education major in Electrical Installation and

Maintenance skills of the students of Cronasia Foundation College, Inc. In the

same manner, this determines the factors affecting skill acquisition with an end

goal of enhancing these skills.

Statement of the problem

1. How many level academic performance of the students be described?

2. What is the level of the Electrical Installation and Maintenance skills

acquired by students?

3. What factors are affecting the skill acquisition by students?

4. Is there a significant relationship between academic performance and

skills acquired by the students?

5. What plan of action was be proposed to enhance the level of the

electrical skills of BTTE- EIM students?

Scope, Limitation and Delimitation

This study highlights the level of electrical skills of 30 Bachelor Technical

Teacher's Education major in Electrical Instillation and Maintenance college

students of Cronasia Foundation College, Inc. for the school year 2018-2019.

Further, the researchers delimited the domains of Electrical Installation and

Maintenance strand. It did not include to the other strand since the skills to be

assessed are specialized in Electrical Installation and Maintenance. The study

was based only on the responses of the respondents, thus, their honesty in

answering affected the result.

Significance of the Study

The study focused on level of electrical skill of BTTE-EIM students. Through this

study, the following would benefited:

To the students, it would help them to enhance their electrical skills so, they can

be prepared for their future job after graduation.

To the teachers, it would help them to know the level of the skills of their

students so they can think a technique to improve the skills and help the students

to improve them self.

To the parents, it would help them to guide their children in terms of improving

their skills in electrical so they can help to find a job that suits on them.

To the future researchers, it would help them to have information about the

level of electrical skills of the students, so it would help them in terms of

information that the study would provide.

Definition of terms

To better understand the study, the following terms were defined

conceptually and operationally

Academic Performance. Conceptually, this refers to the extent to which a

student, teacher or institution has achieved their short or long term educational

goals, commutative SPA and completion of educational benchmark such as

secondary schools diplomas and bachelor's degrees represented academic

Operationally, this refers to the grades of the students in EIM subject.

Electrical. Conceptually, this refers to devices, materials, tools, and the things

that related to

Electricity. Electricity is an energy that flow into the wires and going to the load

to work. Electricity can conduct a heat to while performing to and need a good

bind from source to load to work.

Operationally, this study was utilize the electrical skills to determine the level of

the student’s skills in BTTE-EIM.

Skill. Conceptually, this refers to the ability to do something well: expertise

(difficult work, taking great skill), a particular ability; the ability to one's knowledge

effectively and readily in execution or performance.

Operationally, refers to the acquired competencies of the students in BTTE-EIM.

Factor. Conceptually refers to the ability of affecting the skill acquisition to

decrease or increase the ability to do the task easily or badly.

Operationally, refers to effective to gain the skill and to make a powerful.

Electrical Installation and Maintenance. Conceptually, refers to one of the

strands offered in BTTE. In this study

Operationally, this this refers to the major subject of EIM students were acquired

skills, academic performance, and factors affecting skills acquisition would be

visual, deep understanding, and mostly the actual performing or hands-on

activities to know what EIM is for. In addition, for major tutor like teachers and

professors will take an advantage while teaching to their learners.

Measuring the Level of Electrical Skills of Bachelor Technical Teachers

Education major in Electrical Installation and Maintenance in Cronasia

Foudation College, Inc. S.Y 2019-2020

Presented to the BTTE-Electrical students

Of Cronasia Foundation College, Inc.

General Santos City

In Partial Requirements


Ivy Gail Astillero

Rongie Regidor

James Lloyd Albutra



This study summarized in to five parts which includes the ideas,

generalization on conclusions, methodologies and possible solution to the
researcher’s problems. In this section, the researchers help to familiarize the
information that is relevant and similar to the other studies.

Academic Performance

In academic performance the skill of the student cannot determine the skill
level because the record of each individual got a high and low performance in
EIM. It depends on the activity given by the use of actual learning that exposed
their performance and experience in electrical and student why a skill level has.

Barnvill (1985) examined the relationship between student’s achievements

in mathematics. Parental support for education and the demographic variables of
socio-economic status, race, age and educational level. Result revealed that the
education level of parents make a significant contribution to the prediction of
mathematics achievement.

Singhalaukh (1979) found that motivation has positive relationship with

school performance and achievement. High and low achievement motivated
students differ significantly on achievement score Rajeev, (1982)

Kapoor, R. (1987) found that better adjustment, study habits high

intelligence and socio-economic status were related with high achievement at
Junior high school level. These studies suggest that not only the mental abilities,
but the other motivational factors may also be the responsible for academic

The home environment also affects the academic performance of

students. Educated parents can provide such an environment that suits best for
academic success of their children. The school authorities can provide
counseling and guidance to parents for creating positive home environment for
improvement in students’ quality of work (Marzano, 2003).

Students’ perceptions of teacher support have a direct effect on their

interest and motivation (Wentzel, 1998), and teachers’ expectations of student
achievement (which has an affective component) influence the way they behave
toward their students and thus can affect students’ motivation, self-perceptions,
and academic performance (Jussim & Harber, 2005).

The academic performance of students heavily depends upon the parental

involvement in their academic activities to attain the higher level of quality in
academic success (Barnard, 2004; Henderson, 1988; Shumox & Lomax, 2001).

Research findings have also shown that a continued effort of parental

involvement throughout the child’s education can improve academic achievement
(Driessen, Smit & Sleegers, 2005; Fan, 2001; Hong & Ho, 2005).

Academic failure has been linked with risk behaviors and negative
outcomes such as; substance abuse, delinquency, and emotional and behavioral
problems (Annunziata, Houge, Faw, & Liddle, 2006).

According to Croft, Terrel (1915), Electrical Installation and Maintenance

practice is a programme introduced by way of practical exercise, the
maintenance of electrical system and circuits, electrical installation. Inspection
and test procedure. National Board of Technical Education (NBTE) (2004)
Electrical craftsmen are expected to test, diagnose, service, install and
completely repair any fault on electrical machines and equipment using
manufacturer’s manual. In the report of NBTE (2004), the aim of Electrical
Installation and Maintenance practice is to give training and impart the necessary
skills leading to the production of craftsmen, technicians and other skilled
personnel who will be enterprising and self-reliant. Improvement is the process of
making something better than before.

In the study about Theory of Educational Productivity by Walberg (1981),

he determined three groups of nine factors based on affective, cognitive and
behavioral skills for optimization of learning that affect the quality of academic
performance: Aptitude (ability, development and motivation); instruction (amount
and quality); environment (home, classroom, peers and television) (Roberts,

According to Olaitan, Amusa and Azouze (2010), is the ability or condition

for becoming better than before. Improvement in this study is a process of
helping graduates of technical Colleges in Rivers State acquire higher proficiency
level and work skills in Electrical Installation and Maintenance practice for greater
efficiency. For work to be, done requires energy and skills.

According to Michael (2004), is an individual’s capability to control

elements of behavior, thinking and feeling within specified context and within
particular task domains.
According to Garduque (2012), in his study stated that learning theories were not
enough we need to have skills to do things. Those skills are technical skills and
livelihood program, which may help the student and graduates to become skilled
workers of future.

An electrician is a tradesman specializing in electrical wiring of buildings,

transmission lines, stationary machines, and related equipment. Electricians may
be employ in the installation of new electrical components or the maintenance
and repair of existing electrical infrastructure. Electricians may also specialize in
wiring ships, airplanes, and other mobile platforms, as well as data and cable

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