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10 Department of Education

National Capital Region


First Quarter-Module 4
Accessibility and Effectiveness of
Different Sources of Information

Writer: Myriam R. Dela Cruz

Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas
Layout Artist: Arneil A. Pagatpatan

City of Good Character
Good day Grade 10 learners! In this lesson, you are going to learn how to:

Compare and contrast the contents of the material viewed with outside sources of
information in terms of accessibility and effectiveness.

You can say that you understood the topic of this module if you can already:

1. distinguish accessibility from effectiveness in connection to sources of

2. compare different sources of information in terms of its accessibility and
effectiveness using correct signal words/transitions;
3. judge if different sources of information are accessible and effective.

What I Know
Answer the following questions below. Select your answers from the options
provided after each item. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following sources of information is readily available by just a

A. books
B. websites
C. news casts
D. interviews

2. When a comparison is made, the _______________of the two items being

compared are highlighted. Which word below best completes the statement?
A. uniqueness C. differences
B. commonalities D. origin

3. What word best completes the sentence? With the advent of technology,
information is easily disseminated via internet; __________during the time of our
grandparents, the only means of communication is thru mail and phone.
A. on the other hand C. contrary
B. to be unlike D. whereas

4. Write a statement of comparison to show the similarity of a textbook and an

encyclopedia it terms of accessibility.

5. Write a statement of contrast to show the difference between a vlog and blog
in terms of effectiveness.

City of Good Character
Lesson Accessibility and Effectiveness of
1 Different Sources of Information

What’s In
In your previous lessons, you have studied about different sources of
information. Can you still remember these? Look at the illustrations below. These
are some examples of common sources of information.

Complete the statements below about different sources of information. Select your
answers from the pictures/sources above.

1. It is a publication printed on paper and issued regularly, usually once a day.

It gives information and opinions about current events and news.
Answer: ___________________________________________________________

2. It is an interactive video blog post about upcoming events or any other activity
the person thinks is worth mentioning through a video, instead of writing it.
Answer: _____________________________________________________

3. It is a description of a real person's life, including factual details as well as

stories from the person's life written by another. Answer: ___________________

4. It contains information on all branches of knowledge or one specific branch of

knowledge. Answer: _____________________________________________________

5. It is a reference material commonly used by students and it contains facts

about a specific subject (ex. Science, Social Studies).
Answer: _______________________

City of Good Character
Let us start our lesson by answering the word puzzle called 4 PICS /1 WORD.
Arrange the jumbled letters below the four pictures. The four pictures serve as clues
to help you arrive at the correct answer. Then, use the word to complete the sentence

ANSWER: ___________________________________

SENTENCE: Because of the newly installed elevator, the building is now __________
to people with disabilities (PWDs) and seniors on their wheelchairs.

ANSWER: ______________________

SENTENCE: Derek, the antivirus you installed on my laptop is ___________ ! My

laptop is now virus-free and is working properly again.

City of Good Character
Here are two more sentences in which the words in the word puzzle are used:

Coco: Both a brochure and a billboard are effective advertisements because they
combine pictures and words.

Lloydie: Unlike books in a library, websites are more accessible because students
can simply browse from the internet without leaving their houses.

Let’s analyze these two sentences by answering the questions below.

A. Do you agree with the ideas shared by Coco and Lloydie?

B. What signal word was used by Coco to show that a brochure and a billboard
are similarly effective?

C. What signal word was used by Llyodie to show that books in a library and an
article from a website differ in accessibility?

The two words you have learned when you answered the 4 PICS 1 WORD
puzzle is meant to introduce to you the terms accessibility and effectiveness in
connection to sources of information.
As learners who are in constant search for knowledge, it is important to
consider that the sources of information you will use are easily accessed/available
(accessible) and it provides accurate, complete and reliable information that will help
you in your studies (effective).

For instance, if you are tasked to research about William Shakespeare, you
should have a list of references where you can possibly get the information you
needed. You can use textbooks, a biography, websites, YouTube videos and other
possible sources. You can even go to the place he was born and look for actual
documents or records about him. However, there is need to assess or judge these
sources in terms of accessibility and effectiveness. Of all the references mentioned,
which do you think is the most accessible? Which is the most effective?

Accessible: _________________________________________________________
Effective: ___________________________________________________________

City of Good Character
Let’s go back to the ideas of Coco and Llyodie. Coco pointed out that a
brochure and a billboard are similar in the contents and use of images and text. He
used the word both to emphasize the similarity of the items compared. You can also
use words and phrases like likewise, in like manner, similarly, and conversely. Aside
from these words, what other words can be used to show similarities between two
items compared? _____________________

On the other hand, Lloydie said that textbooks from a library are different
from a website in terms of accessibility because a website is just a click away and
can be accessed at home. He used the signal word unlike. Other signal words to show
differences include on the other hand, however, unlike and in contrast. What other
words can be used to show/emphasize difference between two items compared?
It is important to remember that accessibility and effectiveness of information
sources can be a case to case basis. To some people, books are easily accessible since
they live near public libraries or study in schools with a good and updated library
while internet articles may not be 100% accessible to all since some students do not
have internet connection at home.

Answer the activities that follow to practice your knowledge and skill about
the topic of this module.

Activity 1
Read each situation below and answer the questions that will follow.

1. You are planning to spend a leisure trip to Siargao. You like surfing very much,
so you are looking forward to an unlimited surf during your entire vacation.
You browsed and watched videos/vlogs in the YouTube Channel of Philmar
Alipayo, a famous vlogger who is also a surfer. You also read several internet
articles written by people who recently visited Siargao.

A. Which is a more effective source of information? Put a check on your

choice.  vlog  internet articles  Both vlog and internet articles

Explain your answer


B. Which is more accessible?

 vlog  internet articles  Both vlog and internet articles


City of Good Character
2. A new brand of perfume is very popular among your friends. You are enticed
to try the perfume because you are also seeing billboard advertisement
endorsed by a famous celebrity about the product. You are also planning to
interview your friend who has been using the product.

A. Which is a more effective source of information?



B. Which is more accessible?


Explain your choice


Activity 2
Compare and contrast the following sources of information in terms of its
accessibility or effectiveness. An example is given to you.

Example: books inside the library vs. articles from websites (accessibility)
Answer: Articles from websites are more accessible than books in the library. If you
want to get information from books available only in libraries, you need to
go out of the house, and commute to the nearest public or school library.
However, articles and websites can be accessed anytime at home using
smartphones or laptops.

1. Wikipedia vs. books (effectiveness)


2. a dictionary vs. a dictionary app installed in a smartphone (accessibility)


3. reading a famous person’s biography vs. interviewing people who knew the
famous person (accessibility and effectiveness)

City of Good Character
Activity 3
Judge whether the following sources of information are accessible and
effective by writing yes or no in columns 2 and 3. Do not forget to write a short
explanation for your answers. An example is given to you.

Common sources of Is it accessible? Is it effective?

1. books from a library NO YES
Some cities do not have Books inside libraries are
public libraries for their all effective sources of
citizens to visit. Other public information. Librarians see
libraries may also be too far to it that books are updated
from where students live. and give correct information
to its readers.
2. television programs
(ex. news on the TV)

3. social media posts

4. Wikipedia

5. imported books or
books written by
foreign authors

6. interviewing people

In this lesson, we focused on the effectiveness and accessibility of

different sources of information. Answer the following questions to express
what you have learned about the topic of this module.
1. What is the meaning of accessibility when we talk about sources of
information? What about effectiveness?

2. What words do we use to compare or show similarities between two sources

of information? What words do we use to contrast or give the differences?

City of Good Character
Apply what you have learned about accessibility and effectiveness of sources
of information by doing this activity.

1. The DOT (Department of Tourism) Philippines launched a campaign centered

around the slogan, It's more fun in the Philippines. It is a video uploaded in
YouTube and it promotes the Philippines as a beautiful tourist destination. The
campaign's video is fun to watch!

You may watch the video by going to this YouTube link: or you can read the script of
the video below.

It's more fun in the Philippines!

We're a country named after a Spanish King. To which an American general

vowed to return, or as someone described our history, "300 years in a convent and
50 years in Hollywood". We're made up of 7,107 big, small, inhabited, tranquil,
sandy, mountainous, rocky, foresty, elevated, underwater islands, and one of them,
just for picnics. We call them Alabat, Almagro, Antocon, Binalabac, Batquis,
Balanguingui, Calabugdong, Carabao, Cacatan, Diadekey, Doong, Deatoboato, El
Fraile, Fuga, Guntao, Guimaras, Gingoog, Hermana Mayor, Homonhon, Hegad,
Icadambanauan, Inampulungan, Jomalig, Jinto**, Jolo, Kalongkooan, Kaybani, Kang
Tipayan Diki, Linapacan, Lapinin, Little Santa Cruz, Masbate, Manicani, Manuk
Manka, Naranjo, North Gigante, North Ubian, Oco, Olango, Omapoy, Palaui,
Pangangan, Pasegan Gulmba, Quinilugan, Refugio, Remove, Rock, West Nalut.
But you can call us, The Philippines!
You can choose from black sand, brown sand, gray sand, white sand, pink
sand. And the world's No. 1 tropical beach is only an hour from Manila.
We have the most species in the least space, of anywhere in the planet. Out of
the world's 500 coral species, 488 are here. Along with 13,500 plant species, 170
bird species and 100 mammal species including the sea cow, whale shark, mouse
deer, and an eagle that eats monkeys.
We speak over 100 local languages, but we love playing around with English.
We love food and we love being hospitable. The Filipino word for Hello is "Have
you eaten?" Our waiters love to sing but they leave the dancing to our policemen or
flight attendants.
The world's most perfect cone isn't found in an ice cream shop, but in the
shape of a volcano. Our chocolate hills are limestone. Our 100 islands resort is
actually 400 islands.
Here, a party is called a fiesta. We have rice fiestas, flower fiestas, water
fiestas, giant fiestas, mango fiestas, mask fiestas. We have one every day of the year...
and everyone's invited.

City of Good Character
We have a boxer called Pacman, an actor named Dingdong.Places are called
Baybay, Rapu-rapu, Iloilo, Sanga-sanga, Tawi-tawi, Potipot, Bongabong, Tingtingong,
Coco Loco. Desserts are called Halo-halo, and Sapin sapin. There is a bird called maya
and a fish called maya-maya. You could say we have a sense of humor. People say
we're the warmest place on earth because everyone, absolutely everyone, knows how
to smile... and have fun.

2. After you have read the transcript, look at the images from the billboard below.
The images also showcase the different tourist destination in the Philippines.

City of Good Character
3. After reading/viewing the two sources of information about the Philippines, your
next task is to evaluate these two sources in terms of accessibility and
effectiveness by answering the three questions below:

o What can you say about the information in the video/transcript? What
about the pictures in the billboard?

o Which of the two sources is more accessible? Why?

o Which of the two sources is more effective in explaining or expressing the

idea that it is more fun in the Philippines? Explain your idea.

4. In presenting your answers to these questions, you can (just choose one):

o Write/type your answers on a sheet of bond paper.

You can be creative in presenting this. For example, since you are giving
comments, you can copy the template of a Facebook comment /post and use
it as the design of your written output. Before submitting your works to your
teacher, you can share it first to your family members and ask their opinions
about your work.

o Present your answers orally as if you are vlogging. Before sending your video
to your teacher, share it first with your family members/friends and ask for
their opinions/comments.

For 1-3, answer the following questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Your teacher tasked you to find the current status of the Covid19 in USA.
Which of the following sources is not an effective source of information?
A. Newspapers C. news sites from the internet
B. Shared news from FB D. interview of an authority

2. Which of these sources of information is the most accessible?

A. Newspapers C. news from the internet
B. Shared news from FB D. interview of an authority

3. When is a source of information considered effective?

A. Accurate and up-to-date information is provided by the source.
B. Many people can easily find the source.
C. It overly used social media platforms to disseminate the information.
D. The source is free from on-line bashings and negative comments.

City of Good Character
For items 4-5. Read the sample BLOG and the article about the giant shoes in
Marikina City. Then, answer the questions that will follow.
A. A blog

August 30, 2016

It was such an amazing experience to enjoy the fresh cool friendly waves in
Calaguas island. Our fun and comfort were even made better by the sumptuous
meal served to us by the polite and accommodating staff of the hotel we stayed at.
We really had the rare opportunity to commune with nature as we relaxed in the
native huts surrounded by lush green vegetations and hills teeming with trees. In
addition to that is the feeling of security and serenity as we spent the night despite
the absence of electricity by 12 midnight. All this wonderful experience wouldn't
have materialized without the provisions given to us by MAP Travel and Tours.
Thank you very much and looking forward to more travels with you. ☺
We highly recommend MAP TRAVEL AND TOURS as your partner in discovering
the beauty of our country

B. An Internet Article About The Giant Shoes of Marikina

Measuring over 17 feet long and 8 feet

wide, these giant dress shoes could fit 30
normal feet inside of them. Built in
Marikina, the capital of shoe production in
the Philippines and the house of Imelda
Marcos’ shoe collection, the massive
footwear was certified by Guinness Book of
World Records as the biggest pair of shoes
in the world in 2002. The creation took a
whopping 77 days to finish and cost over
2,000.000 Philippine Pesos.

Compare and contrast the two sources of information by answering each

question. Make sure to use signal words in showing the similarity and difference.
4. Which of the two sources is more accessible? Explain why.

5. If the purpose of the sources is not limited to give information but also to
promote, which of the two is more effective? Why?

City of Good Character
Conduct a simple survey to find out the common sources of information that
your friends use. Ask your friends the reasons for their choice. From the reasons
given, find out whether your friends consider effectiveness and accessibility in their
choice of source of information.

Present the result of your survey using a simple graph (ex. pie chart, bar
graph). Write also a short paragraph explaining what you have realized from the

1. Technique in Comparing and Contrasting

2. Writing for Success

3. billboard image

4. Article about the largest shoes

City of Good Character
Development Team of the Module
Writer: Myriam R. Dela Cruz (MHS)
Editor: Cyril P. Santos (SEHS)
Internal Validator: Janet S.Cajuguiran ( EPS- English)

External Validators:
Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas (PHS)
Layout Artist: Arneil A. Pagatpatan (NHS)

Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Janet S. Cajuguiran

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

Email Address: [email protected]

City of Good Character

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