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OXFAM – TBN 17 (V1 – 21/05/08)

Large Scale Environmental Clean up Campaigns

This Technical Brief looks at what to do with large quantities of bulk wastes generated by natural disasters
and conflict situations.

Background Photo: Debris following Hurricane Ivan,

Earthquakes, Tsunamis, major hurricanes and large-scale
flooding can create large quantities waste, of building
debris, rubble, sediments, organic waste and possibly
even toxic wastes. Such waste poses not only a threat to
public health, but can also seriously hinder relief
programmes and the subsequent reconstruction efforts.
The uncontrolled dumping of such wastes impacts
negatively on public health and can have a detrimental
impact on the environment. Incorrect waste disposal can
lead to chemicals and heavy metals leaching into the
groundwater, increased vermin presence, negative odour
and visual impact. Large quantities of visible waste have
a negative psychological impact on affected communities.
In spite of this, these wastes can provide a valuable
resource to the reconstruction works through recycling
and reuse to provide construction materials and income
generating opportunities. The population can also play a
positive role in planning and implementing environmental Options for Waste
clean-up activities.
Example: Hurricane Ivan, Grenada The huge amount of debris generated by major events is
likely to be a major problem early on into a relief effort.
Hurricane Ivan, a Category 3 system with sustained
Large quantities of debris not only create access
winds of 115mph, demolished virtually all
problems, but also pose a hazard both from a public
infrastructures in Grenada in September 2004.
health perspective and through increased risks of
Assessment reports estimated around 90 % of homes
accidents. Planning a major waste management early on
have been destroyed or damaged. Infrastructures,
prevents waste streams becoming mixed, prevents
such as electricity, water supply and access roads
double handling and is more cost-effective in the long-
were also been severely damaged or affected.
The majority of Grenada’s population of approx.
100,000 people were severely affected by the
hurricane. Poor and impoverished sectors, including
low-income earners, were relocated to an estimated
Initial Needs Assessment
85+ shelters across the island. Livelihoods were As a first step, including a waste management
destroyed, and a large number of farmers were professional in initial assessment/implementation team is
without access to their lands due to fallen trees. The a pre-requisite for analysing and putting in to place a
government was overwhelmed by the scale of the waste management strategy from the on-set of the
disaster and unable to react quickly enough to the emergency. Major stakeholders, such as Ministry of
problems. The high quantities of debris in farming Health (MoH), Ministry of Works (MoW) and Waste
areas, in particular fallen trees, was also a factor Management Utilities (WMU) should also be included in
preventing access to agricultural lands, thus affecting the initial assessment phase from day one.
the ability of farming communities to re-establish their
livelihoods. An initial assessment will highlight the volume of waste
fractions to be dealt with, options for possible storage,
transport needs, pre-treatment requirements and final
disposal options. Typically, waste management options
will include:
• Removing broken trees from hilly areas (to
improve access and reduce risks)

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OXFAM – TBN 18 (V1 – 21/05/08)

• Demolition and debris removal to the main Example: Hurricane Ivan, Grenada
roads (clearing neighbourhoods)
In Grenada, several sites were identified at different
• Removal and treatment of the metal waste (in locations on the island, including: Perseverance
particular zinc sheets) Emergency Site (main landfill), Westerhill (St
• Removal and storage of the bulky waste factions David’s), Telescope (St Andrews’s), Antoine River
(non metal building debris Estate (St Patrick’s), and Queen’s Park Stadium (St
George’s). As part of the emergency response,
• Removing large quantities of mud and Oxfam assisted GRENSWMA to build suitable fencing
sediments from main roads and residential around both the Perseverance and the Telescope
areas. sites on their request. An operational manual, for
• Identification and isolation of toxic waste operating the temporary sites, was also written.
sources. Unfortunately, in spite of these operating
A clearly written Terms of Reference (ToR) and the procedures, the main landfill site at Perseverance
availability of experienced professionals is a pre-requisite still caught fire. The slow burning fire was started
to a successful needs assessment phase. accidentally in February 2005, due to after hours
dumping. GRENSWMA recognised their responsibility
in not ensuring adequate site supervision.
Example: Hurricane Ivan, Grenada
Hurricane Ivan generated a large amount of debris,
needing to be dealt with; 13,760 ha of forest, 6,000 Photo: A temporary storage site set up in a
ha of trees along roads and in residential areas, and football stadium
some 1.228.800 m³ of demolition waste that
needed to be stored, disposed of or treated.

Photo: Roofing sheets awaiting collection in

Grenada following Hurricane Ivan

Setting up Community
Waste Schemes
In terms of collecting bulky waste, setting-up a
Disposal Options Following community-based scheme, where specific areas are
cleared in a systematic way, is the most efficient solution.
Major Events Individual households can be made responsible for
moving bulky waste from household plots to the
Typically, major landfills or dumpsites will be the main roadside. Rented trucks can then be used to collect this
destination for large quantities of waste generated by a waste from the roadside. Waste should be picked up and
major natural disaster. However, in many developing transported in its relevant fraction. Cash-for-Work (CFW)
countries, such sites are likely to be in a precarious is an effective way to pay staff for loading the debris
condition prior to the disaster. Such sites lack the onto the trucks, with CFW staff being selected from the
capacity to be able to store, or to dispose of the waste area being cleared. CFW is an effective means of
created by a major disaster. regenerating livelihoods activities in the wake of a major
Deploying a waste management professional early on disaster. Rivers and streams, along with other key public
enables the authorities to focus on the size and scale of areas should also be cleared of debris by CFW teams.
the disaster, and to evaluate short-term solutions include Typically, the materials to be transported may include:
setting up a number of temporary storage sites, where
the various waste factions, sorted by type, can be stored • Bulky construction waste (including asbestos)
on a temporary basis, pending further treatment or final • Corrugated iron roofing sheets
• Small trees/branches and other organic matter

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• Mud and sediment loads (in event of flooding) from truck rental or construction companies. Good truck
drivers, and good individual workers (supervisors) can be
• Old furniture and damaged household items.
kept on as a means of raising the quality of the
• Household rubbish mixed in with other wastes. operation. Strict gender criterion for the selection of CFW
teams should be adhered to, with at least 50 % of the
CFW team being women.
These waste fractions can be accumulated in piles by the
roadside, with sorting into various waste factions taking
place by the side of the road. In some areas where Photo: Waste Transfer in Grenada following
access is difficult, debris can be collected by small trucks Hurricane Ivan
and then transferred to larger trucks by cranes at a
central location prior to removal to a temporary
storage/disposal site. Early on, it may not be possible to
remove large trees, due to their bulk. In this case, more
focussed WM activities will be required to tackle the tree

Community Mobilisation
Communities can be mobilised by loudspeaker cars
passing through the target areas, prior to the waste
management teams going into the area. In the event of
vulnerable groups being identified (elderly, disabled and
women headed households), CFW teams can be
instructed to assist such people by collecting the debris
from directly from their properties. Permission to
undertake such measures must be obtained from the
beneficiaries prior to the physical removal happening.
Community based activities are best coordinated by area
Setting up a Monitoring
coordinators, trained in the waste management process
and with knowledge of the areas to be cleaned. CFW
teams will in general be selected from the target Estimated volumes and weights of debris collected must
communities, based on specific criteria. Typically, one be registered by team leaders on appropriate record
supervisor may coordinate around 10 – 15 people. CFW sheets. These sheets should then be transmitted to the
teams should be rotated on a periodic basis to provide an waste management engineer/coordinator. Figures can be
opportunity for a number of different people to compiled on a weekly basis and by team. Trucks
participate in the scheme. Typically, CFW teams may be discharging waste at official landfill/dumpsites should be
employed for a maximum of two weeks in one area, weighed at a suitable official weighbridge, if possible.
before rotating to give others an opportunity. Weighbridges may be found at construction sites,
government transport/customs facilities and at other bulk
transport companies. This allows waste collection figures
Photo: Waste being collected using CFW, to be verified.

Post Collection Treatment

Various options are available for re-using and recycling
waste fractions collected from environmental clean-up
campaigns. Re-use/recycling options include:
• Baling corrugated iron-roofing sheets, for sale
and export to an iron smelting plant. Baling may
require the procurement of specialised baling
• Building rubble (concrete) can be crushed and
used for building and road foundations. Steel
rebar can be recycled. Specialised crushing
machines are required to crush concrete, and
care must to be exercised to ensure rubble does
not contain asbestos waste.
• Building rubble (burnt bricks) can be recycled
for re-use in reconstruction programmes or for
re-sale to communities. Damaged bricks can be
The trucks required to transport the waste can be hired again used as hardcore.
from small companies and individual owners, rather than

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OXFAM – TBN 18 (V1 – 21/05/08)

• Timber from buildings can be recycled and re- Example: GRENWASA, Grenada
used for reconstruction programmes or for re-
sale. One other major outcome of the intervention was the
creation of a coordination body around waste
• Small tress, branches and organic materials can management. OGB created a dynamic for regular
be shredded into mulch and used as a soil coordination meetings, serving not only as information
conditioner. Mulch may have a commercial sharing sessions for relevant government bodies
value. Again, specialised shredding machines (GRENSWMA, MoH and Ministry of Works), but also
will be required. attracted other agencies and donors to work in a more co-
• Large trees can be cut into timber or reduced to ordinated way. Meetings were regular, had agenda’s and
smaller logs. Timber can be cured and used were correctly minuted. It is interesting to note that
commercially, while logs can be used in GRENWSMA was able to obtain funding for equipment,
traditional brick burning industries, by charcoal recommended by the assessment, from one of the
manufacturers or by other energy intensive donors. The equipment obtained includes a metal baling
industries such as sugar mills. machine, a wood chipper and a tyre shredder

• Old tyres can be shredded and used to stabilise

dirt tracks. Specialised tyre shredding machines
will be required.
Land Clearance Activities:
Coordination with Local Land clearance activities are an extension of an
Authorities environmental clean-up campaign, except that the
activity is geared towards:
Coordination with the relevant local authority waste
• Assisting small farmers to access their
management operator is key to the success of any
agricultural land;
intervention. Operators must not only have to deal with
their core business, household waste collection and • Providing CFW opportunities in some of the
disposal, as well as dealing with large quantities of waste more marginalized communities.
created by the disaster. Developing a working
relationship with waste operators helps focus minds on The target is to provide farmers with access to their land
the scale of the problem, and in identifying phased by cutting up fallen trees on land and on access roads
solutions. This creates a dynamic for regular coordination leading to farming land.
meetings, which not only serve as information sharing As a first step, chainsaws can be distributed to
sessions for government bodies, but also as a means of community groups to allow them to open up access roads
attracting other agencies and donors to work in a more to the area. After, groups can be established in a similar
co-ordinated way. way to the environmental clean up campaigns, with small
groups of 5 – 10 people from the affected area. Each
group should have a “local” supervisor to ensure the
Example: GRENWASA, Grenada affected community is fully integrated into activities. In
GRENWASA is in charge of both collection and landfill site general, CFW teams will be selected directly from the
operation. OGB support allowed them to focus on the target areas, with the exception of the chain saw
scale of the waste problem and to quickly restart their operators, who may move from one area to the next. In
normal activities, i.e. the collection and disposal of general, the chainsaw operators will have received
household domestic waste. The rapid reestablishment of training in both the equipments use and it’s maintenance.
this service was a key factor in preventing outbreaks of Again, the role of women in WM activities will be crucial
vector borne diseases related to waste. OGB’s support in to the success of the campaigns.
starting debris waste collection, temporary storage sites Opportunities to commercialise any wood cut should be
and improving operational practices was one of the major investigated. Burning should be avoided wherever
outcomes of the intervention. OGB’s assistance, in possible. Chipping the wood using a mobile wood-
ensuring such activities happened in a timely and chipping machine is a more appropriate option. This
organised manner, was fundamental to the success of the protects the soil and is more effective in increasing
overall clean-up effort. At a community level, the benefits fertility. Equipment such as chainsaws needs to be
of such activities were given as; a rapid reduction in the transferred between areas. Training the operators in the
hazards caused by debris; improving access to rural and correct and safe use of such equipment is a pre-requisite
peri-urban areas; re-generating livelihoods (CFW); and to the safety of the programme.
contribution to the physiological well being of communities
affected. Many of the CFW staff “found the activities fun”
and GRENSWMA was complementary about OGB’s

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Example: Grenada obtaining and transferring such large quantities of cash

may create security problems. Options may include using
The target was to provide 1,200 farmers with access to specialised cash transfer companies or requiring CFW
their land by cutting up fallen trees and by removing waste staff to open a bank account, depending on the local
from access roads. CFW teams consisted of 5 - 6 workers context.
led by a supervisor and equipped with chain saws and
cutlasses. A maximum of 3-days was contributed to each
farmer. An estimated 50% + of land clearance teams were Example: Grenada
women. The CFW team was responsible to cut up the
fallen trees, leaving the plot holder to dispose of the A typical budget for large-scale waste management
remaining logs. In such a way, it was possible to complete activities includes:
the work on each plot in 1 - 2 hours. Chainsaws 7,518
Unfortunately, the logs appear to have been burned, rather Truck hire 108,379
than being used more productively. Over a period of 4- Waste disposal costs 7,216
months, 565 farmers and their families were directly Cash-for-Work 44,373
assisted. The activity assisted mainly small-scale nutmeg
farmers in St David’s Parish, no assistance was given to The above budget represents around 40 % of the overall
large-scale farmers. At the beginning, no strict selection programme budget. Core staff costs and the usual
criteria were used, but this was later modified to: operating costs associated with transport and other
logistics are not included above.
• Families on less than EC$ 300 per month
• Families with damaged houses
• Farmers with < 3 acres land Additional Support / Expert
• No other relief aid received Advice
Supervisors were selected from areas being cleared to
ensure the worst affected farmers had access to the Disaster Waste Recovery (DWR)
services provided. The number of farmers finally assisted Website:
was lower than planned due to the late arrival of
chainsaws. Martin Bjerregaard
[email protected]
tel: +44 7971 49 29 57

Helen Meekings
Photo: Land clearance activities in Grenada, (Note -
[email protected]
Opportunities to commercialise the wood cut on
tel: +44 7919 447737
individual farms were missed resulting in a large quantity
of logs being burnt unnecessarily)

Operational Considerations
Due to the remoteness of some agricultural areas,
picking up CFW staff and transporting them to the land
clearance sites requires vehicles, and results in the
inefficiency of moving people around. Transport costs can
be relatively high in rural areas, but there may be few
alternatives. CFW activities may also require a
considerable amount of cash to pay the CFW staff,

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OXFAM – TBN 18 (V1 – 21/05/08)

Annex I - Final Results from a Solid Waste Collection Program

Week Team 1 - David Team 2 - Shadina Team 3 - Bessie-Ann Week Total
Period Week Costs (EC$) Outputs (tons) Costs (EC$) Outputs (tons) Costs (EC$) Outputs (tons)
Labour Haulage Total Roof Board Total Labour Haulage Total Roof Board Total Labour Haulage Total Roof Board Total
sheet sheet sheet

27.9-1.10 1 28.0 3.2 31.2 31.2

4.10-8.10 2 28.0 3.2 31.2 31.2
11.10-15.10 3 28.0 3.2 31.2 31.2
18.10-22.10 4 43.4 1.6 45.0 45.0
25.10-29.10 5 28.0 5.6 33.6 33.6
1.11-5.11 6 22.1 38.8 35.2 74.0 96.1
8.11-12.11 7 22.6 57.9 11.5 69.4 92.0
15.11-19.11 8 29.0 43.3 29.1 72.4 101.4
22.11-26.11 9 9,152 9,600 18,752 26.2 5,740 6,000 11,740 26.0 7,612 24,000 31,612 70.6 17.7 88.3 140.5
29.11-3.12 10 11,076 12,000 23,076 42.0 8,058 9,000 17,058 22.3 12.0 34.3 9,172 24,000 33,172 64.0 61.4 125.3 201.6
6.12-10.12 11 8,704 9,000 17,704 18.6 16.6 35.2 5,844 7,000 12,844 29.7 10.9 40.5 9,588 10,650 20,238 58.9 46.1 105.0 180.8
13.12-17.12 12 9,412 9,000 18,412 20.0 25.6 45.5 4,628 18,550 23,178 51.4 5.4 56.8 10,504 11,250 21,754 57.8 35.1 92.9 195.2
20.12-22.12 13 5,148 5,400 10,548 14.5 8.8 23.3 3,120 10,950 14,070 21.0 4.7 25.7 6,188 5,400 11,588 22.9 18.8 41.8 90.8
28.12-31.12 14 6,812 7,200 14,012 46.6 15.0 61.6 3,640 15,200 18,840 19.8 22.7 42.5 8,840 7,200 16,040 38.5 14.8 53.2 157.3
3.1-7.1.05 15 6,550 6,550 13,100 35.3 2.4 37.7 4,992 7,200 12,192 18.0 16.4 34.4 6,240 6,750 12,990 37.3 3.1 40.4 112.5
10.1-14.1 16 5,512 6,550 12,062 34.8 13.3 48.0 4,992 4,500 9,492 8.1 14.0 22.1 6,344 6,750 13,094 31.8 3.5 35.3 105.4
17.1-21.1 17 5,460 5,650 11,110 20.3 7.7 28.0 5,044 6,750 11,794 19.3 22.9 42.2 5,466 6,750 12,216 33.7 8.9 42.5 112.7
24.1-26.1 18 1,560 2,850 4,410 10.4 1.2 11.6 1,404 2,700 4,104 13.2 2.3 15.6 1,560 2,700 4,260 13.2 0.6 13.9 41.0
Total 69,386 73,800 143,186 200 91 359.2 47,462 87,850 135,312 203 111 413.8 71,514 105,450 176,964 724 303 1,026.6 1,799.6
Grand total 1,799.6 Tons

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