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Quick Start Guide

FactoryTalk Security System Configuration Guide

Table of contents

Preface About this publication .........................................................................................................9

Additional resources .............................................................................................................9

Chapter 1

About FactoryTalk systems About FactoryTalk systems .............................................................................................. 11

FactoryTalk Directory types .................................................................................... 13
Accounts and groups ................................................................................................. 15
Account types .............................................................................................................. 16
Applications and areas ............................................................................................... 19
Security in a FactoryTalk system ............................................................................. 19
Example: Two directories on one computer ......................................................... 20

Chapter 2

Install FactoryTalk Services Install FactoryTalk Services Platform ............................................................................ 23

Chapter 3

Getting started with About FactoryTalk Security............................................................................................. 25

Security on a local directory ..................................................................................... 27
FactoryTalk Security
Security on a network directory .............................................................................. 27
How security authenticates user accounts............................................................. 28
Things you can secure................................................................................................ 28
Best practices ............................................................................................................... 31
Audit trails and regulatory compliance .................................................................. 32
Configure a computer to be the FactoryTalk Directory network server ................ 34
Configure a computer to be the network directory server ................................. 35
Configure a network directory client computer .................................................. 36
Check network directory server connection status ............................................. 36
FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility.................................................... 37

Chapter 4

Manage users Manage users ....................................................................................................................... 39

Add a FactoryTalk user account.............................................................................. 39
Add a Windows-linked user account ..................................................................... 41
Add group memberships to a user account ........................................................... 42
Remove group memberships from a user account ............................................... 43
Delete a user account ................................................................................................. 44

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 3

Table of contents

Chapter 5

Manage user groups Manage user groups............................................................................................................ 47

Add a FactoryTalk user group ................................................................................. 47
Add a Windows-linked user group ......................................................................... 49
Edit or view user group properties .......................................................................... 50
Delete a user group ..................................................................................................... 52
Add accounts to a FactoryTalk user group ........................................................... 52
Remove accounts from a FactoryTalk user group................................................ 53

Chapter 6

Manage computers Manage computers ............................................................................................................. 55

Add a computer .......................................................................................................... 55
Delete a computer ...................................................................................................... 56
Edit or view computer properties............................................................................ 57

Chapter 7

Add and remove Add and remove user-computer pairs ............................................................................ 59

Add a user-computer pair ......................................................................................... 59
user-computer pairs
Remove a user-computer pair .................................................................................. 60
Edit or view user account properties ...................................................................... 60

Chapter 8

Add and remove action Add and remove action groups ........................................................................................ 63
Add an action group .................................................................................................. 63
Delete an action group .............................................................................................. 64
Add an action to an action group ............................................................................ 65
Remove an action from an action group ................................................................ 66

Chapter 9

Set system policies Authorize an application to access the FactoryTalk Directory ................................. 68
FactoryTalk Service Application Authorization.................................................. 69
FactoryTalk Service Application Authorization settings ................................... 69
Publisher Certificate Information .......................................................................... 71
Digitally signed FactoryTalk products ................................................................... 72
Assign user rights to make system policy changes ........................................................ 72
User rights assignment policies ................................................................................ 73
User Rights Assignment Policy Properties ............................................................ 74
Configure Securable Action ..................................................................................... 75
Select a user or group ................................................................................................. 76
Change the default communications protocol............................................................. 77

4 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Table of contents

Default communications protocol settings ........................................................... 77

Live Data Policy Properties ...................................................................................... 78
Set network health monitoring policies ......................................................................... 79
Health Monitoring Policy Properties .................................................................... 80
Health Monitoring Policy Properties settings...................................................... 81
Set audit policies ................................................................................................................. 81
Audit policies .............................................................................................................. 83
Audit Policy Properties ............................................................................................. 84
Monitor security-related events............................................................................... 86
Example: Audit messages .......................................................................................... 86
Set system security policies ............................................................................................... 87
Modify account policy settings ................................................................................ 88
Modify computer policy settings ............................................................................. 89
Modify directory protection policy settings.......................................................... 91
Modify password policy settings.............................................................................. 92
Enable single sign-on.................................................................................................. 93
Disable single sign-on ................................................................................................ 94
Account policy settings ............................................................................................. 94
Computer policy settings .......................................................................................... 96
Directory protection policy settings ....................................................................... 97
Cache expiration policies .......................................................................................... 98
Password policy settings ............................................................................................ 99
Single sign-on policy settings.................................................................................. 101
When to disable single sign-on .............................................................................. 102
Security Policy Properties ....................................................................................... 103
Navigate the Policy Properties windows ..................................................................... 104
Export policies to XML .................................................................................................. 104
Export Policies .................................................................................................................. 105

Chapter 10

Set product-specific policies Secure features of a single product ................................................................................ 107

Secure multiple product features................................................................................... 108
Feature Security for Product Policies ........................................................................... 110
Feature Security Policies ................................................................................................. 111
Differences between securable actions and product features .................................. 111

Chapter 11

Manage logical names Logical names .................................................................................................................... 114

Add a logical name ........................................................................................................... 115
Delete a logical name ....................................................................................................... 116
Add a device to a logical name ....................................................................................... 116
Remove a device from a logical name ........................................................................... 117
Assign a control device to a logical name ..................................................................... 117
Add a logical name to an area or application .............................................................. 118

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Table of contents

Delete a logical name from an area or application ..................................................... 119

New Logical Name........................................................................................................... 120
Logical Name Properties................................................................................................. 121
Device Properties.............................................................................................................. 122

Chapter 12

Resource grouping Resource groupings .......................................................................................................... 125

Group hardware resources in an application or area ................................................. 126
Move a resource between areas ...................................................................................... 127
Remove a device from a resource grouping ................................................................. 128
Resources Editor ............................................................................................................... 128
Select Resources ................................................................................................................ 129

Chapter 13

Secure resources Secure resources ................................................................................................................ 131

Permissions ................................................................................................................ 132
Breaking the chain of inheritance ................................................................. 134
Order of precedence......................................................................................... 136
Actions................................................................................................................ 137
Set FactoryTalk Directory permissions ............................................................... 140
Set application permissions .................................................................................... 142
Set area permissions ................................................................................................. 143
Set System folder permissions ................................................................................ 145
Set action group permissions.................................................................................. 147
Set database permissions ......................................................................................... 148
Set logical name permissions .................................................................................. 149
Allow a resource to inherit permissions ............................................................... 151
Prevent a resource from inheriting permissions ................................................. 151
View effective permissions ...................................................................................... 152
Effective permission icons ...................................................................................... 154

Chapter 14

Disaster Recovery Back up a FactoryTalk system........................................................................................ 157

Back up a FactoryTalk Directory .......................................................................... 157
Back up a System folder........................................................................................... 160
Back up an application ............................................................................................ 161
Back up a Security Authority identifier ............................................................... 163
Backup ........................................................................................................................ 164
Backup and restore options .................................................................................... 166
Modify Security Authority Identifier................................................................... 167
Restore a FactoryTalk system ........................................................................................ 167
Restore a FactoryTalk Directory ........................................................................... 168
Restore a System folder ........................................................................................... 170
6 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E
Table of contents

Restore an application ............................................................................................. 172

Restore a Security Authority identifier ................................................................ 173
Verify security settings after restoring a FactoryTalk system .......................... 175
Update computer accounts in the network directory ............................... 175
Recreate a Windows-linked user account.................................................... 176
Update Windows-linked user groups........................................................... 177
Update security settings for networks and devices .................................... 177
Restore alarm log database .............................................................................. 178
Restore an earlier system after upgrading FactoryTalk platform software ... 179
Generate a Security Authority identifier ............................................................. 180
Restore ........................................................................................................................ 181
Restore (FactoryTalk Directory) .......................................................................... 182
Restore (System folder) ........................................................................................... 183
Restore (Application) .............................................................................................. 184
Restore Backup File ................................................................................................. 185
Reconfigure a FactoryTalk Directory .......................................................................... 186
Select a FactoryTalk Directory to configure ....................................................... 187
Configure or reconfigure a network directory............................................ 188
What reconfiguring a network directory does ............................................ 189
Configure or reconfigure a local directory................................................... 189
What reconfiguring a local directory does................................................... 190
Product support for network and local directories .................................... 192
Enter an administrator user name and password ............................................... 193
Reset an expired password ...................................................................................... 193
Change Password (local) ......................................................................................... 194
Change Password (network) .................................................................................. 195
Summary .................................................................................................................... 196
FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard .................................................. 197
Default passwords .................................................................................................... 198

Appendix A

Upgrade FactoryTalk Services Upgrade FactoryTalk Services Platform ...................................................................... 199

Identify the installed FactoryTalk Services Platform version.................................. 200
Appendix B

FactoryTalk Web Services Install FactoryTalk Web Services.................................................................................. 201

Add an HTTPS site binding for FactoryTalk Web Services................................... 202
Client computers unable to connect to FactoryTalk Web Services ...................... 203
User cannot log into FactoryTalk Web Services........................................................ 204
Legal Notices Legal Notices ..................................................................................................................... 207

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 7


About this publication This Quick Start Guide provides you with information on using FactoryTalk
Services Platform with FactoryTalk Security.

Before using this guide, review the FactoryTalk Services Platform Release Notes
for information about required software, hardware, and anomalies.

After using this guide, you will be more familiar with how FactoryTalk Services
Platform uses:

• FactoryTalk Directory types

• User accounts
• Computer accounts
• Local and network security options
• Authentication methods
• Password management
• Security policies

Additional resources For more information on the products and components discussed in this guide,
the following manuals and Help files are available with the software:

• FactoryTalk Help – From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs >
Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Tools > FactoryTalk Help
• FactoryTalk View Installation Guide or FactoryTalk View Help – From the
Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Rockwell Software >
FactoryTalk View > User Documentation and the select the appropriate
Help or User Guide.
• FactoryTalk® Linx™ Help – From the Windows Start menu, select Start >
All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Linx > FactoryTalk
Linx Online Reference.
• RSLinx Classic Help – From the Windows Start menu, select Start > All
Programs > Rockwell Software > RSLinx > RSLinx Classic Online
• Logix Designer application Help – In Logix Designer, select Help >
• FactoryTalk Batch Administrator’s Guide – From the Windows Start
menu, select Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk
Batch Suite > FactoryTalk Batch > Online Books > FactoryTalk Batch >
Batch Administrator's Guide

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 9


• FactoryTalk® Transaction Manager Help

• FactoryTalk® AssetCentre Help

The Rockwell Automation Literature Library also has related Getting Results
Guides that can be viewed online or downloaded:

• FactoryTalk Linx Getting Results Guide - Rockwell Automation

Publication LNXENT-GR001_-EN-E
• RSLinx Classic Getting Results Guide - Rockwell Automation Publication
• FactoryTalk Batch Getting Results Guide - Rockwell Automation
Publication BATCH-GR011_-EN-P

10 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Chapter 1

About FactoryTalk systems

A FactoryTalk® system is composed of software products, services, and hardware

About FactoryTalk systems
devices participating together and sharing the same FactoryTalk Directory and
FactoryTalk services.

For example, a FactoryTalk system may be as simple as FactoryTalk® Services

Platform, FactoryTalk View, RSLinx® Classic, and RSLogix™ 5 all installed on the
same computer, communicating with a single programmable logic controller, and
all participating in the same local application held in a local directory.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 11

Chapter 1 About FactoryTalk systems

A FactoryTalk system may be much more complex, with software products and
hardware devices participating in multiple network applications distributed across
a network, all sharing the same network directory.

A single computer can host both a local directory and a network directory. The
two directories are completely separate and do not share any information. If you
use both directories, then that single computer participates in two separate
FactoryTalk systems.

12 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

About FactoryTalk systems Chapter 1

In the network directory example above, the directory hosts two network
applications: one named Waste Water and the other named Water Distribution.
All of the areas, data servers, HMI servers, device servers, and alarm and event
servers organized within each application are specific to that application. None of
the application-specific information is shared with any other application in the
directory. However, all of the information and settings organized within the
System folder, such as security settings, system policies, product policies, user
accounts, and so on, apply to all applications held in the directory.

For example, if we modify security settings in the WasteWater application, the

change does not affect the Water Distribution application. However, if we make a
change to a security policy, the change applies to both the WasteWater application
and the Water Distribution application. The security policy settings would also
apply to any other new applications created in the future in this same network

See also

FactoryTalk Directory types on page 13

Accounts and groups on page 15

Applications and areas on page 19

Security in a FactoryTalk system on page 19

Example: Two directories on one computer on page 20

FactoryTalk Directory types The FactoryTalk Directory is the centerpiece of the FactoryTalk Services
Platform. FactoryTalk Directory provides a central lookup service for all products
participating in an application. Rather than a traditional system design with
multiple, duplicated databases or a central, replicated database, FactoryTalk
Directory references tags and other system elements from multiple data
sources—and makes the information available to clients through a lookup service.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 13

Chapter 1 About FactoryTalk systems

Tags are stored in their original environments, such as logic controllers, and
graphic displays are stored in the HMI servers where they are created. Yet all of
this information is available, without duplication, to any FactoryTalk product
participating in an application.

For example, at workstation 1, a logic programmer programs PLC tags using

RSLogix™ and then saves the project. At workstation 2, an engineer using
FactoryTalk View SE has immediate access to the tags created in the PLC
program, without creating an HMI tag database. Tags are available for immediate
use anywhere within the application, even before the logic program is downloaded
to the controller. As the logic program is edited, most tag information is updated,
and new tags are available immediately across the system.

With RSLogix 5000® controllers, tags reside within the hardware itself. With
Allen-Bradley® PLC-5® and SLC™ 500 devices, and with third-party controllers,
tags reside within data servers, such as RSLinx Classic and FactoryTalk® Linx™.
Tags are not held within a common database, nor are they duplicated in multiple
databases. Instead, the FactoryTalk Directory references tags from their source
locations and passes the information on to the software products that need it, such
as FactoryTalk View SE and FactoryTalk Transaction Manager.

A single computer can host two types of directories

The FactoryTalk Services Platform installs and configures two completely separate
and independent directories: a local directory and a network directory. Each
directory can hold multiple applications.

• In a local directory, all project information and security settings are located
on a single computer, and the FactoryTalk system cannot be shared across a
network or from the network directory on the same computer. Products
such as FactoryTalk View SE (Local) and FactoryTalk View Machine
Edition use the local directory.
• A network directory organizes project information and security settings
from multiple FactoryTalk products across multiple computers on a
network. Products such as FactoryTalk View SE and FactoryTalk
Transaction Manager use the network directory.

14 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

About FactoryTalk systems Chapter 1

Which directory you need depends upon which software products you plan to use
and whether you plan to work in a stand-alone or a networked environment.

See also

Example: Two directories on one computer on page 20

Configure a network directory client computer on page 36

About FactoryTalk systems on page 11

Accounts and groups Creating accounts for users, computers, and groups of users and computers allows
you to define who can perform actions, and from where. When viewing lists of
users, computers, and groups, an icon indicates the status of each account.

Security settings for accounts are stored in FactoryTalk Directory, and are separate
for FactoryTalk network and local directories. As much as possible, create group
accounts rather than individual accounts. This simplifies administration, and
allows you to secure resources in your system by defining security permissions for
the group accounts before all the individual user and computer accounts have been
created. You can then add user and computer accounts to the groups at any time,
and all of the individual accounts in the groups will have the security settings of
those groups.

User accounts and user group accounts

You can set up accounts for users and user groups that are linked to accounts in a
Windows domain or workgroup, or you can set up accounts that are separate from
those in Windows.

If the security needs of your FactoryTalk system are the same as your Windows
security needs, Windows-linked user or group accounts provide a convenient
way to add large numbers of existing Windows user or group accounts to your
FactoryTalk system. You can then administer those users or groups in Windows.
Account properties — for example, whether users can change passwords — are
inherited directly from the Windows accounts, and are updated automatically if
they are changed in Windows.

FactoryTalk user accounts or user group accounts provide secure access to your
FactoryTalk system independently of the level of access users have in Windows. If
the security needs of your FactoryTalk system are different from those of your
Windows network, FactoryTalk Directory user accounts provide the benefits and
convenience of centralized administration, without the need for a Windows
domain. FactoryTalk user group accounts also retain their security settings when
you move your FactoryTalk Directory to a new domain.

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Chapter 1 About FactoryTalk systems

Computer and computer group accounts

Sometimes it is necessary to restrict access to resources based on where a user is

physically located, such as the computer the user is using to perform actions. For
critical operations, this allows you to implement line-of-sight security, to ensure
that computers are located within view of the equipment they are controlling. For
example, a system designer might determine that a piece of equipment is to be
operated from one specific operator workstation or group of workstations
physically located within a clear view of the machine.

Computer accounts and computer group accounts are not linked to Windows.
However, the name of a computer account must match the Windows computer
name for the security settings associated with the computer to take effect. You can
create accounts for computers that do not yet exist in Windows. Because a
FactoryTalk local directory runs on a single computer, you can add computer
accounts only to a FactoryTalk local directory.

Account status

By default, user accounts and group accounts are active, which means that the user
or members of a group can access the account. The status of accounts can also be:

• Disabled, to prevent the user from accessing the account temporarily.

• Locked, if the user enters the wrong password more than a certain number
of times.
• Deleted, to prevent the user from accessing the account permanently.
• Unknown, which means that information about the account could not be
obtained from the network.

See also

Account types on page 16

Manage users on page 39

Manage user groups on page 47

Manage computers on page 55

Account types When adding users to the system, you can:

• Create FactoryTalk user accounts that are separate from Windows

• Create Windows-linked user accounts that are linked to existing user
accounts in a Windows domain or workgroup.

16 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

About FactoryTalk systems Chapter 1

• Create Windows-linked user groups that determine access for all of the
Windows accounts in the group. If you want to specify different
permissions for some users in the Windows-linked group, add
Windows-linked user accounts for those users.

You can also use both Windows-linked accounts and FactoryTalk accounts in a
FactoryTalk Directory. For example, you might have a FactoryTalk administrator
account that is not linked to an account in Windows, even if you normally use
Windows-linked accounts.

When to use FactoryTalk user accounts

• When you need the convenience and benefits of centralized security

administration across the entire distributed system, but you don't want to
rely on a Windows domain. This is often necessary when your
organization's IT department controls administration of Windows users,
and does not allow you to modify accounts in Windows.
• If you are using Windows workgroups in a FactoryTalk network directory,
use FactoryTalk accounts for central user authentication. This is because for
all FactoryTalk products, FactoryTalk Directory is the central authority for
user authentication, allowing you administer user accounts centrally, rather
than locally on each computer. You can use Windows-linked accounts with
Windows workgroups in a local directory.
• When the security needs of your Windows network are different from the
security needs of your control network. For example:
• When all operators share the same Windows account to gain access to
the computer
• When the computer is always logged on under a particular Windows
account, FactoryTalk accounts allow different operators to gain
different levels of access to the control system, independently of their
access to Windows.
• When the computer automatically logs on to the Windows network
after restarting (for example, after a power failure), so that it can run
control programs automatically. FactoryTalk accounts allow operators
to log on and off the control system independently of Windows.

When to use Windows-linked user accounts

• When the security needs of your Windows network are the same as the
security needs of your control system. For example:

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 17

Chapter 1 About FactoryTalk systems

• When your control system is located in its own domain, perhaps

separately from business systems, and user accounts and passwords can
be shared between Windows and FactoryTalk software programs
• When operators can log on and off computers with their own
Windows accounts, and the software programs they use start

When to use Windows-linked user group accounts

If you expect the need to move Windows accounts from one domain to another,
use Windows-linked user group accounts. Windows-linked user group accounts,
and the user accounts they contain, can be moved from one domain to another
while keeping security permissions for the group accounts intact. Individual
Windows-linked user accounts must be deleted and then re-created in the new
domain, causing all security permissions for the user accounts to be lost.

You should always have at least one Windows-linked user account that is a
member of the FactoryTalk Administrators group. This prevents you from being
inadvertently locked out of the FactoryTalk system. If the Windows-linked
administrator account is locked out, for example because the user exceeds the
maximum number of logon tries, the Windows domain administrator can reset
the account. Alternatively, the user can wait until Windows automatically resets
and frees the locked-out account. When this happens depends on the account
lockout duration policy in Windows. For details, see Windows Help.

Rules for using FactoryTalk accounts and Windows-linked accounts

• FactoryTalk user accounts cannot be members of Windows-linked user

• A Windows-linked user group cannot be a member of a FactoryTalk user
group. However, individual Windows-linked user accounts can be members
of FactoryTalk user groups. This allows you to use FactoryTalk user groups
when setting permissions.
• A FactoryTalk user account or Windows-linked user account can be a
member of more than one FactoryTalk user group.

See also

How security authenticates user accounts on page 28

Accounts and groups on page 15

Manage users on page 39

Manage user groups on page 47

18 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

About FactoryTalk systems Chapter 1

Secure resources on page 131

Applications and areas In a FactoryTalk Directory, elements such as data servers, alarm and event servers,
HMI servers, and project information are organized into applications. A
FactoryTalk Directory holds any number of applications, stores information about
each application, and makes that information available to FactoryTalk products
and services.

A FactoryTalk network directory can manage any number of separate network

applications. Likewise, a FactoryTalk local directory can manager any number of
separate local applications. As part of developing a FactoryTalk system, log on to
either a network directory or a local directory, create an application, add HMI
servers, data servers, and optional alarm and event servers.

Areas organize and subdivide applications in a network directory into logical or

physical divisions. For example, separate areas might correspond with separate
manufacturing lines in one facility, separate plants in different geographical
locations, or different manufacturing processes. The root of an application in a
network directory can contain only one HMI server. You need to create a separate
area for each HMI server you add to an application. You cannot create areas
within a local application.

See also

FactoryTalk Directory types on page 13

About FactoryTalk systems on page 11

Security in a FactoryTalk system FactoryTalk Security is intended to improve the security of an automation system
by limiting access to those with a legitimate need. Security in FactoryTalk is
accomplished through authentication and authorization. Security services are
managed separately in the FactoryTalk local directory and the FactoryTalk
network directory.


FactoryTalk authenticates the identities of users to access a FactoryTalk system

against a defined set of user accounts held in the FactoryTalk Directory. In this
way, FactoryTalk can verify a user’s identity and verify that a request for service
actually originates with that user.


FactoryTalk authorizes user requests to access resources in a FactoryTalk system

against a set of defined access permissions held in the FactoryTalk Directory.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 19

Chapter 1 About FactoryTalk systems

Securing resources

FactoryTalk Security addresses both authentication and authorization concerns

and allows you to define the answer to the following question:

"Who can carry out what actions upon which secured resources from which

• Who—refers to users and groups of users. Different users need different

access rights.
• Actions—refers to the actions that can be performed on a resource, such as
read, write, update, download, create, delete, edit, insert, and so on.
• Secured resources—refers to the objects for which actions are secured. Each
FactoryTalk product defines its own set of resources. For example, some
products might allow you to configure security on resources in an area,
while others might allow you to configure security for logic controllers and
other devices.
• Locations—refers to the location of the authorized computers. For example,
for safety reasons, it might be necessary to allow downloading values to a
controller only from workstations that are located within a clear line of
sight to the plant floor machinery.

The principle of inheritance determines how access permissions are set. For
example, if you assign security to an area in an application, all of the items in the
area inherit the security settings of the area. You can override this behavior by
setting up security for one or more of the individual objects inside the area as well.

When a user attempts to log on to a FactoryTalk system, FactoryTalk Security

verifies the user's identity. If the user is authenticated, FactoryTalk Security
continues to check the user's level of access to the system, in order to authorize the
actions the user performs on secured resources.

System-wide policies dictate some security settings. For example, you can set up a
policy that requires users to change their passwords once every 90 days.

See also

Permissions on page 132

Best practices on page 31

About FactoryTalk systems on page 11

Example: Two directories on Different software products have different requirements for the FactoryTalk
Directory. Both directories are installed and configured as part of installing the
one computer
FactoryTalk Services Platform. Which directory you need depends upon which

20 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

About FactoryTalk systems Chapter 1

software products you plan to use and whether you plan to work in a stand-alone
or a networked environment.

For example, if you use FactoryTalk View SE or FactoryTalk Transaction

Manager, you will use the network directory to create and manage network
applications. If you use FactoryTalk View Machine Edition, you will use the local
directory to create and manage local applications. Other products, such as RSLogix
5, RSLogix 500, and FactoryTalk Linx, allow you to use either directory.

Even though a local directory and a network directory reside on the same
computer, all of their project information and security settings remain completely
separate and cannot be shared, including:

• User accounts, passwords, security permissions

• System-wide policy settings, including security and audit policies
• Project information, such as applications, areas, and their contents

The graphic below shows three computers. Each computer has both a local
directory and a network directory configured. Each directory holds objects, which
represent project information, such as applications, references to data servers, and
security settings, including user accounts. In each local directory, these project
objects can be accessed only by software products installed on that same local
computer. The network directory, however, can share references to its objects
across a network.

For example, suppose each colored icon above represents the project information
and security settings that are part of a FactoryTalk system. The local directories on
each computer hold completely separate sets of information (represented by the
green, blue, and yellow icons). In the case of the network directory, all client
computers that point to the same network directory server computer share the
same set of information across the network (represented by the orange icons).

Suppose we run FactoryTalk Administration Console on Computer 3, log on to

the network directory, and create a user account named "Terry" with the password
"OpenSesame." The change is actually made in the network directory server, held
on Computer 1, and immediately reflected on each network directory client

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 21

Chapter 1 About FactoryTalk systems

computer. "Terry" can now log on to the network directory from any of the three

Now suppose we create a user account named "Terry" with the password
"OpenSesame" in each Local Directory on every computer. Even though the user
name and password are the same, each user account is a separate object in each
local directory.

If we change the password in the local directory on Computer 1, the change does
not affect the user account held in the network directory server on the same
computer, nor does it affect the user accounts held in the local directories on
computers 2 and 3.

In the same way, you might have multiple user accounts, all with the same user
name and password, on your computer at home. For example, you might log on to
your Windows system with the user name "HomeAccount" and password
"NorthAndSouth." You might create accounts and use the same user name and
password to log on to your local bank, a bill-paying service, several online shopping
accounts, and your online broker. Suppose you log on to your bank and change
your password to "EastAndWest." This change will not affect the password for
your Windows system, bill-paying service, online shopping accounts, or online
broker, because each of these accounts is separate, even though each has the same
user name and password.

See also

Applications and areas on page 19

FactoryTalk Directory types on page 13

About FactoryTalk systems on page 11

22 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Chapter 2

Install FactoryTalk Services Platform

FactoryTalk Services Platform and FactoryTalk Security software are not installed
Install FactoryTalk Services
separately — FactoryTalk Security is an integrated part of the FactoryTalk
Platform Services Platform.

FactoryTalk Services Platform is installed from either:

• A FactoryTalk product installation disc, such as FactoryTalk View

(FactoryTalk Services Platform software is included on the installation disc
of every product that requires it); or,
• The Rockwell Automation Product Compatibility and Download Center
(PCDC) website. On the Compatibility & Downloads page, click Find
Downloads. On the Find Downloads page, in the Search box, type
"FTSP". FTSP-Download FT Services Platform appears in your
download list.

To install FactoryTalk Services Platform, you must log on to Windows with a user
account that is a member of the Windows Administrators group on the local

Install FactoryTalk Services Platform on every computer where you plan to

develop or run Network or Local applications. During installation several
components are installed on the computer, if any prerequisite software
components are not present on a computer, the installation program will attempt
to install the software.

Platform components and services currently include:

• FactoryTalk Directory
• FactoryTalk Security
• FactoryTalk Diagnostics
• FactoryTalk Live Data
• FactoryTalk Administration Console – a stand-alone tool for configuring,
managing, and securing applications.

All of these components and services install together as a platform, integrated into
the software install process for each FactoryTalk-enabled product.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 23

Chapter 2 Install FactoryTalk Services Platform

FactoryTalk Web Services is not installed by default, and must be installed


Tip: FactoryTalk Services Platform establishes a Network Directory server when installed, other computers on
which FactoryTalk Services Platform is installed will be client computers. Determine which computer in the
system is going to be used as the directory server and note this computer name. After FactoryTalk Services
Platform is installed on the client computers, run the FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility and
identify the computer name of the Network Directory server.

See also

Product Compatibility and Download Center

FactoryTalk Web Services on page 201

Upgrade FactoryTalk Services Platform on page 199

24 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Chapter 3

Getting started with FactoryTalk Security

This chapter introduces you to key parts of FactoryTalk Security, including:

• FactoryTalk Administration Console

• Action groups
• Policies
• Computers and groups
• Networks and devices
• Users and groups
• Single sign-on
• Tightening security

About FactoryTalk Security FactoryTalk Security improves the security of your automation system by limiting
access to those with a legitimate need. FactoryTalk Security authenticates the
identities of users, and authorizes user requests to access a FactoryTalk system
against a set of defined user accounts and access permissions held in the
FactoryTalk local directory or FactoryTalk local directory.

Integrated security services for your FactoryTalk system

FactoryTalk Security provides security services integrated into both the

FactoryTalk local directory and the FactoryTalk local directory. In a local
directory, all project elements are located on a single computer, and the
FactoryTalk Administration Console system cannot be shared across a network. A
network directory organizes information about project elements from multiple
FactoryTalk products across multiple computers on a network. Even though a
local directory and a network directory are always present on the same computer,
all of their project elements remain completely separate and cannot be shared.

Authentication and authorization

FactoryTalk Security offers an integrated, cross-product solution to two universal

security concerns: authentication and authorization. You must be able to
authenticate identity and authorize access for each user who attempts to use your
Rockwell Automation® software systems.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 25

Chapter 3 Getting started with FactoryTalk Security

• Authenticate—verify a user’s identity and verify that a request for service

actually originates with that user.
• Authorize—verify a user’s request to access a software resource against
defined access permissions.

FactoryTalk Security addresses both authentication and authorization concerns

and allows you to define the answer to the following question:

"Who can carry out what actions upon which secured resources from where?"

• Who—refers to users and groups of users. Different users need different

access rights.
• What actions—refers to the actions that can be performed on a resource,
such as read, write, update, download, create, delete, edit, insert, and so on.
• Which secured resources—refers to the objects for which actions are secured.
Each FactoryTalk product defines its own set of resources. For example,
some products might allow you to configure security on resources in an area,
while others might allow you to configure security for logic controllers and
other devices.
• Where—allows security to differ based on machine location. It is sometimes
important to restrict certain actions to specific workstations. For example,
for safety reasons, it might be necessary to allow downloading values to a
controller only from workstations that are located within a clear line of
sight to the plant floor machinery that are affected by the downloads.

The principle of inheritance determines how access permissions are set. For
example, if you assign security to an area in an application, all of the items in the
area inherit the security settings of the area. You can override this behavior by
setting up security for one or more of the individual objects inside the area.

At runtime, when a user attempts to log on to a FactoryTalk system, FactoryTalk

Security verifies the user's identity. If the user is authenticated, FactoryTalk
Security continues to check the user's level of access to the system, in order to
authorize the actions the user performs on secured resources.

System-wide policies dictate some security settings. For example, you can set up a
policy that requires users to change their passwords once every 90 days.

See also

How security authenticates user accounts on page 28

Things you can secure on page 28

Best practices on page 31

26 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Getting started with FactoryTalk Security Chapter 3

Permissions on page 132

Secure resources on page 131

Security on a local directory By default, security is open in the FactoryTalk local directory. All users who have
successfully logged on to Windows have full access to the local directory.

Because the network directory and local directory are separate, you must secure
them separately. Some Rockwell Automation software products require the
FactoryTalk network directory, others require the FactoryTalk local directory, and
some require both directories to be configured, depending on what you want to do
with the product.

You may manage the following on a local directory:

• User accounts, passwords, and security permissions

• System-wide policy settings, including security and audit policies
• Product information, such as applications, areas, and their contents

To tighten security on a stand-alone system, begin by performing these tasks:

• Delete the Windows-linked group called Authenticated Users. This

prevents all users who have successfully logged on to Windows from
automatically having access to the FactoryTalk local directory.
• Remove security settings that allow all users to have full access to the
FactoryTalk local directory.
• Modify security policies to secure the system.

See also

Delete a user group on page 52

Secure resources on page 131

Security on a network directory By default, security is open in the FactoryTalk network directory. This means that
all users who are logged on to Windows with a user account that is a member of
the local Windows Administrators group on any computer connected to the
network directory have full access to the directory.

Because the network directory and local directory are separate, you must secure
them separately. Some Rockwell Automation software products require the
FactoryTalk network directory, others require the FactoryTalk local directory, and
some require both directories to be configured, depending on what you want to do
with the product.

Key steps in tightening security in a distributed system on a network include:

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 27

Chapter 3 Getting started with FactoryTalk Security

• Create one or more FactoryTalk user accounts or Windows-linked user

accounts, then add those accounts to the FactoryTalk Administrators
group. This will ensure that you always have administrative access to the
FactoryTalk Directory after you remove the Windows Administrators
group in the next step.
• Remove the Windows-linked group called Authenticated Users. This
prevents all user accounts on any local computer connected to the network
directory from automatically having access to the network directory.
• Remove the security settings that allow all users to have full access to the
FactoryTalk network directory.
• Modify security policies to secure the system.

See also

Delete a user group on page 52

Secure resources on page 131

How security authenticates user When a user attempts an action that is secured, security authenticates user names
and passwords in the following order:
1. Against the list of FactoryTalk user accounts. If a match is found, the user is
allowed to proceed.

2. Against the list of Windows-linked user accounts. If a match is found, the

user is allowed to proceed.

3. Against the list of accounts in a Windows-linked user group. If a match is

found for the user name and password in a Windows-linked user group, the
user is allowed to proceed, even if no Windows-linked user account is
present for that user.

To prevent some users in a Windows-linked group from having access to the

FactoryTalk system, create Windows-linked accounts for those users, and then set
permissions to deny access to those user accounts.

See also

Permissions on page 132

Account types on page 16

About FactoryTalk Security on page 25

Things you can secure You can use Allow or Deny permissions to secure access to resources in your
system. Resources include:

28 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Getting started with FactoryTalk Security Chapter 3

• The FactoryTalk network directory or local directory

• The System folder and its contents
• Applications
• Areas
• Servers
• Control networks
• Hardware devices

Security for resources is always tied to users, actions, and computers

Security for resources is always tied to users or groups of users, the actions they are
performing, for example, read, write, and so on, and the computers, or groups of
computers where they are working.

This helps you ensure that only authorized personnel can perform actions on the
equipment and resources in your system from appropriate locations, for example,
computers located within line of sight of equipment.

In a local FactoryTalk directory, actions can be performed only from the local

Set permissions to restrict actions to users, user groups, computers, or

computer groups

For each resource, for example, an application, or an area within it, you can restrict
actions such as writing values, to particular users or groups of users. In a network
directory, you can also restrict actions to particular computers, or groups of

You can group actions together and then assign security permissions to all of the
actions in the group. For example, you want to assign permissions to an area so
that only operators working on computers located within the line of sight of heavy
machinery can write values to the programmable controllers in that area.

Suppose that:

• The area is called "Punch Presses"

• The operators belong to a user group called "Operators"
• the computers within line of sight of the machinery belong to a computer
group called "Heavy MachineryT"

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 29

Chapter 3 Getting started with FactoryTalk Security

First, you would clear the Allow check box for All Users and All Computers in the
Punch Presses area. Next, you would select the Allow check box for the user group
called Operators and the computer group called Heavy Machinery.

When setting permissions, Deny permissions are implied unless Allow

permissions are specified explicitly. Clearing the Allow check box ensures that all
users are denied write access, except those for whom you allow access explicitly.

Using the Security item

When you right-click an item in the Explorer window and then click Security,
you are setting up which users or user groups on which computers may access the
resource you selected.

Important: Right-clicking the System folder, Users and Computers folder, Users
folder, or the Computers folder, and then specifying security permissions
sets security on that actual folder. It does not limit users’ access to the
To limit access to resources in the FactoryTalk system, you must right-click
the resource you want to secure, click Security, and then specify security
permissions for the user and computer accounts you want to access the

Security settings are separate in the network and local directory

Security settings are completely separate in the network directory and local
directory. Changes you make to the security settings in the network directory do
not affect the local directory and vice versa. If you are using both a network
directory and a local directory, you must set up security in each directory

Security settings apply to all FactoryTalk products

Security settings that you configure for resources apply to all FactoryTalk products
in your system. For example, if you deny a user Read access to an area from a
particular computer, that user will not be able to see that area in any FactoryTalk
product while working from that computer.

See also

Permissions on page 132

Best practices on page 31

Actions on page 137

About FactoryTalk Security on page 25

30 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Getting started with FactoryTalk Security Chapter 3

Best practices Use the following tips when setting up your FactoryTalk system to achieve
efficient management of user authentication and authorization.

Administrator accounts

• Always have more than one user account that is a member of the
FactoryTalk Administrators group. If the password to one administrator
account is lost, you can use a second administrator account to reset the
password to the first one. Without a second administrator account, you can
be locked out of the FactoryTalk system because a lost password to a user
account is not recoverable.
• Always have at least one Windows-linked user account that is a member
of the FactoryTalk Administrators group. If the Windows-linked
administrator account is locked out, for example because the user exceeds
the maximum number of logon tries, the Windows domain administrator
can reset the account. Alternatively, the user can wait until Windows
automatically resets and frees the locked-out account. When this happens
depends on the Account lockout duration policy in Windows.

Windows-linked accounts

If you expect the need to move Windows accounts from one domain to another,
avoid using individual, Windows-linked user accounts as much as possible. Use
Windows-linked user group accounts instead. Windows-linked user group
accounts can be moved from one domain to another, while keeping security
permissions for the group accounts intact. Windows-linked user accounts must be
deleted and then re-created in the new domain, causing all security permissions for
the user accounts to be lost. You must then recreate all of the permissions for any
individual Windows-linked user accounts.


• Assign permissions to groups rather than to users.

Because it is inefficient to maintain user accounts directly, assign
permissions to user accounts only by exception.

• Wherever possible, remove Allow permissions instead of assigning explicit

Deny permissions. This makes administration simpler because of the order
of precedence of explicit permissions over inherited permissions, and Deny
permissions over Allow permissions.
• Use Deny permissions to:

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 31

Chapter 3 Getting started with FactoryTalk Security

• Exclude a subset of a group that has Allow permissions

• Exclude one special permission when you have already granted full
control to a user or group
• Assign permissions at as high a level as possible. This provides the greatest
breadth of effect with the least effort. The rights you establish should be
adequate for the majority of users. For example, assign security to areas
rather than to objects within areas.
• Administrators should use an account with restrictive permissions to
perform routine, non-administrative tasks, and use an account with broader
permissions only when performing specific administrative tasks.

See also

About FactoryTalk Security on page 25

Account types on page 16

Permissions on page 132

Audit trails and regulatory To achieve compliance in regulated industries, your plant might be required to
keep records that answer questions such as the following:
• Who performed a particular operation on a specific resource?
• Where did the operation occur?
• When did the operation occur?
• Who approved the operation?

To answer these questions, you need to:

• Ensure that all users are uniquely identifiable in the system

• Keep a record of deleted users
• Log information about user and system activity to diagnostic log files
• Set up audit trails of successful or unsuccessful attempts at modifying system

Ensure that all users are uniquely identifiable in the system

When choosing user names, ensure that they are unique in the following ways:

• A user should have the same user name on every computer. This is mostly
for convenience, both for the user and for the administrator.

32 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Getting started with FactoryTalk Security Chapter 3

• A particular user name should always refer to the same person. A system in
which the same user name refers to more than one person is never really

To do this, develop a scheme for identifying users uniquely. However, bear in

mind that user names are visible, and therefore should not contain any private
information, for example, social security numbers. User names are also typed
frequently, and therefore should be relatively easy to remember.

If your system is required to comply with governmental regulations, you might be

forced to have multiple names for the same user if a user leaves the company, you
delete the user account, and then the user is hired back again.

Keep a record of deleted users

To ensure that all user accounts remain unique, keep track of deleted accounts.
This might also be required to satisfy audit requirements such as tracking a user's
actions throughout the system, even after the user's account has been deleted.

To ensure that only unique user accounts can be created, enable the security policy
called Keep record of deleted accounts. To make it easier to avoid a
trial-and-error process of creating unique user accounts, make deleted accounts
visible in lists of users by enabling the security policy called Show deleted
accounts in user list.

Log information about user and system activity to diagnostic log files

Logging information consists of two steps:

1. Choose what information needs to be logged and then send the information
to FactoryTalk Diagnostics. For example, enable audit logging to record
what changes were made to security policies or other objects, who made the
changes, and when they were made. If you do not enable the audit policy
called Audit configuration and control system changes FactoryTalk
Diagnostics will not receive any audit messages, and will not be able to store
them in log files.

2. Configure FactoryTalk Diagnostics to store the information in log files. For

example, configure FactoryTalk Diagnostics to store audit information for
Operators in local log files. If you do not complete this step, FactoryTalk
Diagnostics will receive the information you chose to send to it, but will not
capture this information and store it in log files.

To configure FactoryTalk Diagnostics routing and logging options, choose

FactoryTalk Diagnostics Setup from the Tools menu on each computer where
the FactoryTalk Administration Console or FactoryTalk View is installed. To
view diagnostic messages, from the Tools menu, choose FactoryTalk Diagnostics
> Viewer.
Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 33
Chapter 3 Getting started with FactoryTalk Security

Set up audit trails of successful or unsuccessful attempts at modifying system


The most common type of auditing activity is keeping records of failures. This
helps you trace failures, and isolate and correct their causes.

In some industries it is also common, or mandated by law, that certain types of

successful user activity be audited. For example, when making pharmaceutical
drugs, any changes or adjustments in recipes must be recorded so that any
problems that might occur later can be traced to a specific batch of the product.

Auditing object access success or failure is controlled by system-wide audit policies.

Enable these policies if your plant requires them. Audit information is sent to
FactoryTalk Diagnostics. Use the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer to monitor
security-related events.

See also

Monitor security-related events on page 86

Audit policies on page 83

Configure a computer to be FactoryTalk Services Platform quietly configures both a network directory and a
local directory on every computer where it is installed. Which directory you need
the FactoryTalk Directory depends upon which software products you plan to use and whether you plan to
network server work in a stand-alone or a networked environment.

A network directory organizes project information and security settings from

multiple FactoryTalk products across multiple computers on a network. Products
such as FactoryTalk View SE and FactoryTalk Transaction Manager use the
network directory.

After installing and activating FactoryTalk software, specify one of the computers
on the network as the network directory server. In this example, Computer 1
serves as the network directory server.

34 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Getting started with FactoryTalk Security Chapter 3

Next, point the client computers on the network to the network directory server.
This step allows all of the computers on the network to share FactoryTalk
network directory services and resources.

In this example, Computer 2 and Computer 3 are configured to point to

Computer 1 as the network directory server computer.

See also

Configure a computer to be the network directory server on page 35

Configure a network directory client computer on page 36

Check network directory server connection status on page 36

FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility on page 37

Configure a computer to be the After installing and activating FactoryTalk software, specify one of the computers
on the network as the network directory server. This step allows all of the
network directory server
computers on the network to share FactoryTalk network directory services and
resources. In the image below, Computer 1 is the network directory server

To configure a computer to be the network directory server

1. On the computer that you want to use as the Network Directory Server,
choose Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Tools >
Specify FactoryTalk Directory Location.

2. At the prompt, log on to the network directory with a Windows

Administrator account.

3. In FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility, click Browse.

4. In FactoryTalk Directory Server Configuration, click This computer to

use the network directory server installed on this computer, and click OK.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 35

Chapter 3 Getting started with FactoryTalk Security

Next, point the other computers on the network to that computer.

See also

Check Network Directory Server connection status on page 36

Configure a network directory client computer on page 36

FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility on page 37

Configure a network directory After specifying one of the computers on the network as the network directory
server, use the Specify FactoryTalk Directory Location utility to point each
client computer
computer in the network to the FactoryTalk Directory network directory server.

To configure a network directory client computer

1. On each participating network directory client computer, choose Start >

All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Tools > Specify
FactoryTalk Directory Location.

2. At the prompt, log on to the network directory with a Windows

Administrator account.

3. In FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility, click Browse.

4. In FactoryTalk Directory Server Configuration, click Remote computer,

then specify the name of the computer to use as the network directory
server, and click OK.

5. When prompted to do so, log on to the network directory.

If single sign-on is enabled on the computer when you change the location
of the network directory server, the single sign-on session terminates, and
you must log on to the new network directory server. The user name and
password you enter becomes the new single sign-on credentials for all
participating FactoryTalk products on the computer.

See also

Configure a computer to be the network directory server on page 35

Check network directory server connection status on page 36

FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility on page 37

Check network directory server When a connection to the FactoryTalk network directory server is lost, the system
sends an error message to FactoryTalk Diagnostics. Likewise, when the
connection status
36 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E
Getting started with FactoryTalk Security Chapter 3

connection is restored, the system sends an information message to FactoryTalk

Diagnostics. Run the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer to check FactoryTalk
Diagnostics for connection and error messages.

In addition, the network directory connection status is available from the

FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility.

If a connection to the network directory server is not available, you can still open a
network application, but the information is based on the data held in a local cache.
While disconnected, FactoryTalk Administration Console operates in read-only
mode and does not allow most commands and operations.

To check network directory server connection status

1. Choose Tools > FactoryTalk Directory Server Options.

2. In the FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility, look for one of

three status messages, located just above the name of the active server. The
current status of the active server will be one of the following:

• (connected) — all FactoryTalk products and components participating

in a FactoryTalk system, located on the current computer, are
connected to and communicating with the network directory server
• (read-only) — the FactoryTalk system on the current computer is
disconnected from the network directory server and is retrieving
information from a local cache.
• (unknown) — the connection status is temporarily unknown because
the system is starting up, waiting to determine which server is active, or
is unable to determine the current state.

See also

Configure a computer to be the FactoryTalk Directory network server on

page 34

FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility on page 37

FactoryTalk Directory Server How do I open the FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility?
Location Utility Perform one of the following actions:

• From the Start menu, select All Programs > Rockwell Software >
FactoryTalk Tools > Specify FactoryTalk Directory Location.
• From the FactoryTalk Administration Console, select Tools >
FactoryTalk Directory Server Options.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 37

Chapter 3 Getting started with FactoryTalk Security

Use the FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility to:

• Specify the computer that is hosting the network directory server

• Point each computer on the network to the network directory server

See also

Configure a computer to be the network directory server on page 35

Configure a network directory client computer on page 36

FactoryTalk Directory types on page 13

Check Network Directory Server connection status on page 36

38 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Chapter 4

Manage users

Use FactoryTalk Administration Console to add and delete FactoryTalk

Manage users
Directory and Windows-linked user accounts. User accounts exist only in the
FactoryTalk Directory in which you created them.

If you have the proper security permissions, you may modify all properties for
FactoryTalk user accounts. For example, you may:

• Add group memberships to the user account

• Edit the user's name and description
• Associate an e-mail address with the user's account
• Set numerous user password options, such as whether or not a user can
change the account password
• Enable, disable, or unlock the user account
• Reset the account password

Use Windows to edit Windows-linked user accounts.

See also

Add a FactoryTalk user account on page 39

Add a Windows-linked user account on page 41

Add group memberships to a user account on page 42

Manage user groups on page 47

Add a FactoryTalk user account To create a user account that is separate from a user's Windows account, add a
FactoryTalk Directory account. This allows you to specify the account's identity,
to set up how the account operates, and to specify the groups the account belongs


Obtain the following permissions in the Users folder in the Explorer window:

• Common > Create Children

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 39

Chapter 4 Manage users

• Common > List Children

• Common > Read

To add a user account

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > Users.

2. Right-click the Users folder, point to New, and then click User.

3. In New FactoryTalk User, type a short name for the user in User Name,
and the full name of the user in Full name.

4. (optional) In Description, record information about the user, such as the

user's position or phone number.

5. (optional) In E-mail, add a single e-mail address. Some FactoryTalk

products may send messages to this e-mail address.

6. (optional) Click the check box to set one or more of these settings for
password access:

• User must change password at next logon

• User cannot change password
• Password never express

7. In Password, type a password for the user account. Password Policy

Settings in Security Policy Properties determine the requirements for a
valid password.

8. In Confirm, type the same password entered above.

9. Click OK to add the user to the FactoryTalk Directory.

See also

Add a Windows-linked user account on page 41

Delete a user account on page 44

Password Policy Settings on page 99

Account types on page 16

Manage users on page 39

40 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Manage users Chapter 4

Add a Windows-linked user Add a Windows-linked user account when the security needs of your Windows
network are the same as the security needs of your FactoryTalk system. When
accessing FactoryTalk resources using a Windows-linked account, the
FactoryTalk Directory relies on Windows to determine whether the user's name
and password are valid, and whether the account is enabled or locked out.
However, you can add Windows-linked user accounts to FactoryTalk Security
user groups. This allows the FactoryTalk Directory to determine a
Windows-linked user's level of access to the FactoryTalk system independently of
the user's level of access to a Windows domain.

Add user accounts to the FactoryTalk network directory or local directory from
the list of users or groups in a Windows domain or workgroup. If your computer is
disconnected from the Windows domain, you cannot add Windows-linked user
accounts until your computer reconnects to the domain. However, any users who
have previously logged on to the Windows domain from that computer can log on
to FactoryTalk using their Windows-linked user account while the computer is
disconnected from the Windows domain.


To add a Windows-linked user account, obtain the following permissions in the

Users folder in the Explorer window:

• Common > Create Children

• Common > List Children
• Common > Read

To add a Windows-linked user account

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > Users.

2. Right-click the Users folder, point to New, and then click

Windows-Linked User.

3. In New Windows-Linked User, click Add.

4. In Select Users, select the Windows user accounts you to want to link to
the FactoryTalk system.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 41

Chapter 4 Manage users

• If you know the names of the user accounts you want to add, type them
in the text box. For domain accounts, use the format
DOMAIN\username, for workgroup accounts use the format
COMPUTERNAME\username. To check that the user names you
typed are valid, click Check Names. Correct any errors, and then click
• To search for user names, or to select multiple users, click Advanced. In
Select Users, click Locations, select the domain or workgroup from
which you want to select users, and then click OK. Optionally, use the
Common Queries settings to search by name. Click Find Now. In the
list of users, select the user accounts you want to add, then click OK.

5. When you finish selecting Windows user accounts, in Select Users, click

6. In New Windows-Linked User, review the list of users you added.

• To remove any users you might have added unintentionally, select the
users, and then click Remove.
• To add more users, repeat steps 3, 4, and 5.

7. Click OK.

See also

Add a FactoryTalk user account on page 39

Delete a user account on page 44

Add group memberships to a user account on page 42

Remove group memberships from a user account on page 43

Manage users on page 39

Add group memberships to a To quickly change the permissions for a user account to those of an existing
FactoryTalk user group, assign the user account to the user group. New group
user account
memberships take effect only when the user logs off FactoryTalk and then logs on


To change the group memberships of a user account, you need the following
permissions in the Users folder in the Explorer window:

• Common > List Children

42 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Manage users Chapter 4

• Common > Read

• Common > Write

To add group memberships to a user account

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > Users, right-click the user
account that you want to add to user groups, and then click Properties.

2. On the Group Membership tab, click Add.

3. In Select User Group, select the groups to which you want the user account
to belong, and then click OK.

4. In User Properties, click OK.

See also

Remove group memberships from a user account on page 43

Manage user groups on page 47

Permissions on page 132

About FactoryTalk Security on page 25

Account types on page 16

Remove group memberships When a user account belongs to a user group, the user account automatically
inherits all of the permissions assigned to the group, unless you have specifically
from a user account
denied permissions for the user account.

Delete a group from Group Membership User Properties to remove the link
between the permissions of the user account and the permissions assigned to that
user group.

Changes to group memberships take effect only when the user logs off
FactoryTalk and then logs on again.

To remove group memberships from a user account

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > Users, right-click the user
account containing the group memberships you would like to change, then
click Properties.

2. Click the Group Membership tab.

3. In the list of groups, select the groups you want to remove the user account
from, and click Remove.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 43

Chapter 4 Manage users

4. In User Properties, click OK.

See also

Add group memberships to a user account on page 42

Manage user groups on page 47

Permissions on page 132

About FactoryTalk Security on page 25

Account types on page 16

Delete a user account Delete a user account to permanently remove the account from your FactoryTalk
Directory. To help prevent you from inadvertently locking yourself out of the
FactoryTalk Directory, you cannot delete the last user account that is a member of
the Administrators group.

To delete a user account from both a network directory and a local directory, you
must delete the account from one directory, log off that directory, log on to the
second directory, and then delete the account in the second directory.

To temporarily prevent a user from logging on to FactoryTalk, disable the

FactoryTalk user account.


To delete a user account that is a member of a user group, obtain the following
permissions in the Users folder in the Explorer window:

• Common > Delete

• Common > List Children
• Common > Read
• Common > Write

To delete a user account that is not a member of a user group, obtain the following
permissions in the Users folder in the Explorer window:

• Common > Delete

• Common > List Children
• Common > Read

44 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Manage users Chapter 4

To delete a user account

• In the Explorer window, expand System > Users, right-click the user
account you want to delete, and then click Delete.
Tip: You can only create an account using the name of a deleted account if the security
policy called Keep record of deleted accounts is disabled. You must still
recreate the security settings of the user accounts.

See also

Add a FactoryTalk user account on page 39

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 45

Chapter 5

Manage user groups

Use FactoryTalk Administration Console to add and delete FactoryTalk and

Manage user groups
Windows-linked user group accounts. You may add both FactoryTalk and
Windows-linked user accounts to FactoryTalk user group accounts.
Windows-linked user groups, and the user accounts they contain, can be moved
from one domain to another while keeping security permissions for the group
accounts intact.

A few key points to keep in mind about user groups:

• User group accounts exist only in the FactoryTalk Directory in which you
created them.
• FactoryTalk user accounts cannot be members of Windows-linked user
• A Windows-linked user group cannot be a member of a FactoryTalk user
group. However, individual Windows-linked user accounts can be members
of FactoryTalk user groups. This allows you to use FactoryTalk user groups
when setting permissions.
• A FactoryTalk user account or Windows-linked user account can be a
member of more than one FactoryTalk user group.

See also

Add a FactoryTalk user group on page 47

Add a Windows-linked user group on page 49

Add accounts to a FactoryTalk user group on page 52

Accounts and groups on page 15

Account types on page 16

Add a FactoryTalk user group Create a new FactoryTalk user group so that you can administer security
permissions for specified users as a group. By changing the memberships of a user
account, you can quickly change the resources a user can access.

A FactoryTalk user group may contain the following:

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 47

Chapter 5 Manage user groups

• FactoryTalk user accounts

• Windows-linked user accounts
• FactoryTalk user group accounts

Use New User Group to add a FactoryTalk user group account to your
FactoryTalk Directory that is separate from a Windows user group account. This
allows you to specify the group account's identity (for example, the name of the
group), and specify the user accounts that are members of the group.


Obtain the following permissions in the User Groups folder in the Explorer

• Common > Create Children

• Common > List Children
• Common > Read

To add a user group account

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > User Groups.

2. Right-click the User Groups folder, point to New, and then click User

3. Type a name for the group in the Name box.

4. (optional) Enter any notes about the group in the Description box.

5. (optional) In the E-mail box, type only one e-mail address or group address
you want to associate with this group account.

6. Click Add to add user accounts to your group. In Select User or Group,
click to select the users or groups to add to the new user group account.
Under Filter Users, choose from the following:

• Show groups only

• Show users only
• Show all
• Create New

7. Click OK to add the selected user or group to the Members List in New
User Group.

48 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Manage user groups Chapter 5

8. When you are finished creating the user group, click OK.

See also

Delete a user group on page 52

Manage user groups on page 47

Add a Windows-linked user If you expect the need to move Windows accounts from one domain to another,
create Windows-linked user group accounts instead of individual
Windows-linked user accounts. Windows-linked user group accounts, and the
user accounts they contain, can be moved from one domain to another while
keeping security permissions for the group accounts intact.

Add user groups from a Windows domain or workgroup to the FactoryTalk

system to allow the user accounts in the group to access the FactoryTalk system.
To modify the properties of a Windows-linked user group, (for example the
group's name, or which user accounts are members of the group), modify these
properties in Windows.

When you add a Windows-linked user group account, all user accounts in the
Windows user group will have access to the FactoryTalk system. To prevent some
users in a Windows-linked group from having access to the FactoryTalk system,
create Windows-linked user accounts for those users, and then set permissions to
deny access to those user accounts.


1. Connect your computer to the Windows domain containing the user

groups you wish to add to the FactoryTalk Directory.

2. Obtain the following permissions in the User Groups folder in the

Explorer window:

• Common > Create Children

• Common > List Children
• Common > Read

To add a Windows-linked user group account

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > User Groups.

2. Right-click the User Groups folder, point to New, and then click
Windows-linked User Group.

3. In New Windows-Linked User Group, click Add.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 49

Chapter 5 Manage user groups

4. In Select Groups, select the Windows groups you want to add, and then
click OK.

• If you know the names of the user group accounts you want to add, type
them in the text box. For domain accounts, use the format
DOMAIN\groupname, for workgroup accounts use the format
COMPUTERNAME\groupname. To check that the names you typed
are valid, click Check Names. Correct any errors, and then click OK.
• To search for group names, or to select multiple groups, click
Advanced. In the Select Groups dialog box that appears, click
Locations and then select the domain or workgroup from which you
want to select groups. Click Find Now. In the list of groups, select the
group accounts you want to add, and then click OK.

5. In New Windows-Linked User Group, review the list of groups you


• To remove any groups you might have added unintentionally, select the
groups, and then click Remove.
• To add more groups, repeat steps 3 and 4, above.

6. Click OK.

Tip: You should use a password for all Windows accounts in a Windows-linked group,
otherwise you might experience intermittent security failures or an inability to log
on. As a matter of good security practice, do not use blank passwords with
accounts. If you do not want to use a password for Windows-linked accounts, on
your local computer disable the Windows local security policy called Accounts:
Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only.

See also

Delete a user account on page 44

Add a Windows-linked user account on page 41

Account types on page 16

Manage user groups on page 47

Edit or view user group You can modify the properties of a FactoryTalk user group account that is not
linked to a Windows user group account. You can only view the properties of a
Windows-linked user group account. You may not change the name of a user

Group memberships added to a user group account take effect only when the user
logs off FactoryTalk and then logs on again.

50 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Manage user groups Chapter 5


Obtain the following permissions in the User Groups folder in the Explorer

• Common > List Children

• Common > Read
• Common > Write

To edit or view user group properties

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > User Groups, right-click the
user group account you want to modify, and then click Properties.

2. (optional) In the Description box, type a description of the user group. For
example, use this box to record information about where the group is
located, what part of the system is relevant to the group, or contact
information for the leader of the group.

3. (optional) In the E-mail box, type only one e-mail address or group address,
if any (for example [email protected], or
[email protected]), you want to associate with this
account. Ensure that the address you typed is a valid address, and that you
typed the address correctly. Some FactoryTalk-enabled products can send
messages or notifications to an e-mail address. For details, see the
documentation supplied with your FactoryTalk-enabled product.

4. (optional) To add accounts to the group, click Add. In Select User or

Group, click to select the users or user groups you would like to add to your
group, and click OK.

5. (optional) To remove user accounts, click to select the users or user groups
you would like to remove from your group, and click Remove.

6. Click OK.

See also

Add a FactoryTalk user group on page 47

Add a Windows-linked user group on page 49

Account types on page 16

Manage user groups on page 47

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 51

Chapter 5 Manage user groups

Delete a user group Delete a user group when you no longer need a particular group account to
manage a group of users. You may wish to view the properties of a user group
account before you delete it.

To help prevent you from inadvertently locking yourself out of the FactoryTalk
Directory, you cannot delete the Administrators group.


To delete a user group account that has no members, obtain the following
permissions in the User Groups folder:

• Common > Delete

• Common > List Children
• Common > Read

To delete a user group account that has members, obtain the following
permissions in the User Groups folder:

• Common > Delete

• Common > List Children
• Common > Read
• Common > Write

To delete a user group

• In the Explorer window, expand System > User Groups, right-click the
user group account you want to delete, and then click Delete.

See also

Edit or view user group properties on page 50

Manage user groups on page 47

Add accounts to a FactoryTalk Any time after you create a FactoryTalk user group, you may add or remove the
user accounts that belong to it. You may not add or remove the members of a
user group
Windows-linked user group. However, you may add individual Windows-linked
user accounts to FactoryTalk user groups.

52 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Manage user groups Chapter 5

Tip: Alternatively, you may change the groups a user belongs to. Use Group
Membership User Properties to add or remove user groups from a FactoryTalk
or Windows-linked user account.

To add accounts to a FactoryTalk user group

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > User Groups, right-click the
user group account you want to modify, and then click Properties.

2. Click Add.

3. In Select User or Group, click on each user or user group to add to the user
group account. Use the options under Filters to show only users, only user
groups, or all accounts you may add to the group. Click OK when you are

See also

Remove accounts from a FactoryTalk user group on page 53

Add a FactoryTalk user group on page 47

Delete a user group on page 52

Manage user groups on page 47

Remove accounts from a Any time after you create a FactoryTalk user group, you remove the user accounts
that belong to it. You may not add or remove the members of a Windows-linked
FactoryTalk user group
user group after it has been added to the FactoryTalk Directory.

Tip: Alternatively, you may change the groups a user belongs to. Use Group
Membership User Properties to add or remove groups from either a FactoryTalk
or Windows-linked user account.

To remove accounts from a FactoryTalk user group

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > User Groups, right-click the
user group account you want to remove, and then click Remove.

2. In Select User or Group, click on each user or user group to remove from
the user group account. Use the options under Filters to show only users,
only user groups, or all accounts you may remove. Click OK when you are

See also

Add accounts to a FactoryTalk user group on page 52

Add a FactoryTalk user group on page 47

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 53

Chapter 5 Manage user groups

Add a Windows-linked user group on page 49

Delete a user group on page 52

Manage user groups on page 47

54 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Chapter 6

Manage computers

Use FactoryTalk Administration Console to manage the computer accounts in a

Manage computers
FactoryTalk network directory. The FactoryTalk local directory does not make
use of computer accounts because all activity on the directory is restricted to the
local computer.

If you have the proper security permissions, you may:

• Add a computer
• Delete a computer
• Add group memberships
• Remove group memberships
• Change the name of a client computer
• Change the name of a server computer
• Set the override directory cache policies

See also

Add a computer on page 55

Edit or view computer properties on page 57

Add a computer To allow a computer to access the FactoryTalk system, add a computer to a
FactoryTalk network directory. Once you have added the computer account, you
can specify security settings for the computer, for example to allow or deny access
to parts of the FactoryTalk system from the computer. You can also add the
computer to a group account that includes multiple computers, and then specify
security settings for the group.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 55

Chapter 6 Manage computers

Important: Even if the security policy called Require computer accounts for all
client machines is disabled, you must still create computer accounts for
any computers hosting servers — for example, Terminal Servers,
Rockwell Automation Device Servers (FactoryTalk Linx), OPC data servers,
Tag Alarm and Event Servers, or HMI servers.


Obtain the following permissions in the Computers folder in the Explorer


• Common > Create Children

• Common > List Children
• Common > Read

To add a computer account

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > Computers and Groups,

right-click Computers, and then click New Computer.

2. In New Computer, in Computer name, type the name of the computer, or

click Browse (...) and then select a computer.

3. (optional) In Description, type a description of the computer (for example,

Operator workstation for South Building production line 1). You can also
use this box to record contact information for maintenance personnel.

4. Click OK.

See also

Delete a computer on page 56

Accounts and groups on page 15

Delete a computer Delete a computer from the FactoryTalk network directory to remove its access to
the FactoryTalk system.


To delete a computer account that is not a member of a computer group, obtain

the following permissions in the Computers folder in the Explorer window:

• Common > Delete

• Common > List Children
• Common > Read

56 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Manage computers Chapter 6

To delete a computer account that is a member of a computer group, obtain the

following permissions in the Computers folder in the Explorer window:

• Common > Delete

• Common > List Children
• Common > Read
• Common > Write

To delete a computer

• In the Explorer window, expand System > Computers and Groups >
Computers, right-click the computer account you want to delete, and then
click Delete.

See also

Add a computer on page 55

Manage computers on page 55

Edit or view computer Modify the name of a computer, its description, and the computer groups to
which it belongs in General Computer Properties.

Obtain the following permissions in the Computers folder in the Explorer


• Common > List Children

• Common > Read
• Common > Write

To edit or view computer properties

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > Computers and Groups >
Computers, right-click the computer account you want to edit, and click

2. Edit the settings in General Computer Properties as needed, and click


See also

Add a computer on page 55

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 57

Chapter 6 Manage computers

Manage computers on page 55

58 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Chapter 7

Add and remove user-computer pairs

Security for FactoryTalk resources is always tied to users or groups of users, the
Add and remove
actions they are performing, for example, read, write, and so on, and the
user-computer pairs computers, or groups of computers where they are working.

This helps you ensure that only authorized personnel can perform actions on the
equipment and resources in your system from appropriate locations, for example,
computers located within line of sight of equipment.

You may:

• Add a user-computer pair

• Remove a user-computer pair

See also

Add a user-computer pair on page 59

Remove a user-computer pair on page 60

Add a user-computer pair Use Select User and Computer to pair a group of users, or an individual user,
with a group of computers, or an individual computer. You can then specify
security settings for the pair. For example, you may set permissions for a resource
that allow or deny access to the pair.


• Obtain the appropriate permissions to specify security settings on the

selected resource.

To add a user-computer pair

1. Navigate to Select User and Computer, select the filter criteria that show
the users and user groups, and computers or computer groups that you want
to select.

2. In the Users list, click a user account or user group account.

To create a new user account, click Create New and then click the type of
account you want to create. Use the following window—New FactoryTalk

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 59

Chapter 7 Add and remove user-computer pairs

User, New FactoryTalk User Group, New Windows-linked User, or

New Windows-linked User Group—to specify the account settings.

3. In the Computers list, click a computer account or computer group


To create a new computer account, click Create New and then either
Computer or Computer Group. Use New Computer or New Computer
Group to specify the account settings.

4. Click OK.

See also

Remove a user-computer pair on page 60

Remove a user-computer pair Remove a user-computer pair when you no longer need to specify permissions on a
resource for the pair.


• Obtain the appropriate permissions to specify security settings on the

selected resource.

To remove a user-computer pair

1. Navigate to Select User and Computer, select the filter criteria that show
the users and user groups, and computers or computer groups that you want
to delete.

2. In the Users list, click the user account or user group account that belongs
to the pair you wish to delete.

3. In the Computers list, click a computer account or computer group

account that belongs to the pair you wish to delete.

4. Click Remove.

5. Click OK.

See also

Add a user-computer pair on page 59

Edit or view user account Follow the steps below to view and edit the general properties of a FactoryTalk
user account, such as the user name and password, a description of the user, an
e-mail address for the user, and options for password access by the user. For a

60 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Add and remove user-computer pairs Chapter 7

Windows-linked user account, you may view, but not edit, these properties. Use
Windows to edit the general properties of a Windows-linked user account.


Obtain the following permissions in the Users folder in the Explorer window:

• Common > List Children

• Common > Read
• Common > Write

To edit or view user account properties

1. In the Explorer window, expand the FactoryTalk network or local

directory tree, and then expand the System folder until the user account
you want to view or edit is visible.

2. Right-click the user account, and then click Properties on the context
menu. Edit the General User Properties settings as needed.

You must fill out the User name, Full name, Password, and Confirm
fields. Description, E-mail, and the settings for password access are
optional fields.

3. Click OK.

Tip: Changing the properties of a FactoryTalk user account in one FactoryTalk directory
does not modify it in the other, even if the account has the same name in both
directories. Before you edit the properties of a user account, log on the FactoryTalk
directory that contains the user account you wish to edit.

See also

Add a FactoryTalk user account on page 39

Manage users on page 39

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 61

Chapter 8

Add and remove action groups

To avoid having to set permissions for individual actions, group actions together
Add and remove action
to grant or deny permissions for a set of actions in one step.
When adding an action group, you decide:

• The name of the action group

• What actions belong to that group

Use action groups to assign permissions based on any convenient grouping. For

• A person's role or job (operator, supervisor, maintenance engineer, and so

• The equipment a person has access to (hoppers, mixers, ovens, and so on)

When setting security using action groups, you can:

• Add an action group

• Add actions to an action group
• Remove actions from an action group
• Delete an action group

See also

Add an action group on page 63

Delete an action group on page 65

Add an action to an action group on page 65

Add an action group You can group actions together to grant or deny permissions for a set of actions in
one step rather than having to set permissions for each action separately.

When adding an action group, you decide:

• The name of the action group

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 63

Chapter 8 Add and remove action groups

• What actions belong to that group


Obtain the following security permissions for the Action Groups folder in the
Explorer window:

• Common > Read

• Common > List Children
• Common > Create Children
• Common > Write

To add an action group

• In the Explorer window, right-click the Action Groups folder and then
click New Action Group.

See also

Delete an action group on page 64

Add and remove action groups on page 63

Delete an action group When you delete an action group, any explicit permissions assigned to that group
are no longer in effect. For example, suppose that we delete an action group called
Operators. This action group explicitly granted Write access to an area called
Mixing, for a user called Chris, from all computers. If we delete the Operators
action group, Chris can no longer write to the Mixing area.

Recreating an action group using the same name as one that was deleted does not
restore the security permissions of the deleted action group. If you cannot restore
the FactoryTalk Directory from a backup, you must recreate all security
permissions assigned to all resources that were using the action group.


1. Before deleting an action group, back up the FactoryTalk Directory.

2. Obtain the following security permissions for the Action Groups folder:

64 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Add and remove action groups Chapter 8

• Common > Read

• Common > List Children
• Common > Delete

To delete an action group

1. In the Explorer window, expand the Action Groups folder.

2. Right-click the action group you want to delete and click Delete.

See also

Add an action group on page 63

Add and remove action groups on page 63

Add an action to an action To manage security settings for an action as part of an existing action group, add
the action to the action group.

• Obtain the following security permissions for the Action Groups folder in
the Explorer window:
• Common > Read
• Common > List Children
• Common > Create Children
• Common > Write

To add an action to an action group

1. In the Explorer window, expand Action Groups, then right-click the

action group you wish to edit, and click Properties.

2. In Properties, your action group appears on the right in the Selected

actions and action groups list.

3. In the Available Actions and Action Groups list, click to select the action
you wish to add to the action group, and click the >> button.

4. Click OK.

See also

Add an action group on page 63

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 65

Chapter 8 Add and remove action groups

Add and remove action groups on page 63

Remove an action from an If you no longer wish to manage security settings for a particular action as part of
an action group, remove the action from the action group.
action group

• Obtain the following security permissions for the Action Groups folder in
the Explorer window:
• Common > Read
• Common > List Children
• Common > Create Children
• Common > Write

To remove an action from an action group

1. In the Explorer window, expand Action Groups, then right-click the

action group you wish to edit, and click Properties.

2. In Properties, your action group appears on the right in the Selected

actions and action groups list.

3. In the Selected Actions and Action Groups list, click to select the action
you wish to remove from the action group, and click the << button to
remove it from the group.

4. Click OK.

See also

Add and remove action groups on page 63

66 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Chapter 9

Set system policies

Set system policies to manage settings that apply across the entire FactoryTalk
manufacturing system. Policy settings are separate in the network directory and
the local directory.

Navigate to System > Policies > System Policies to view and edit the following:

• Application authorization—whether applications can access the

FactoryTalk Directory.
• User rights assignment—determines which users can perform system-wide
actions, such as backing up and restoring the contents of the FactoryTalk
• Live data policy—the default communications protocol for a distributed
FactoryTalk system.
• Health monitoring policy— the parameters that the health monitoring
service uses when determining if a network glitch occurred and how long to
wait before switching to a standby server.
• Audit policies—whether access checks are audited, whether access grants,
denies, or both are audited, and so on.
• Security policies—minimum password length, complexity requirements,
password expiration requirements, and so on. These policies do not apply to
Windows-linked accounts. Define policies for Windows-linked accounts in

See also

Authorize an application to access the FactoryTalk Directory on page 68

Assign user rights to make system policy changes on page 72

Set audit policies on page 81

Set system security policies on page 87

Set network health monitoring policies on page 79

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 67

Chapter 9 Set system policies

Authorize an application to Use FactoryTalk Service Application Authorization to authorize applications

to access the FactoryTalk Directory.
access the FactoryTalk
Directory If you enable the option to verify the publisher certificate information,
applications that are not signed by Rockwell Automation or Microsoft® are not
allow access to the FactoryTalk Directory.

Tip: To configure the Application Authorization policy, you must log into FactoryTalk with
an account that is a member of the FactoryTalk Administrators group.

To authorize an application to access the FactoryTalk Directory

1. Log on to the FactoryTalk network directory or FactoryTalk local directory

where you want to authorize an application to access the FactoryTalk
Directory, or to block access to the directory.

2. In the Explorer window, expand the System > Policies > System Policies

3. Double-click Application Authorization.

The Application Authorization policy controls access by monitoring

information about each application that is requesting a service token from

4. In FactoryTalk Service Application Authorization, sort the application

list to view the application whose access you wish to change. To sort the
application list by process name, computer name, or access allowed status,
click the corresponding column header at the top of the window.

Some applications are required by FactoryTalk and cannot be removed or

denied. These entries are displayed with gray text in the list.

5. (optional) To view the publisher certificate information for a process, click

in the desired cell in the Publisher Info column.

6. Click a process, and scroll to the right to view its access status. Check
Access Allowed to provide access to the FactoryTalk Directory, or clear the
check box to deny access to the FactoryTalk Directory.

7. (optional) To automatically enable access to the FactoryTalk Directory for

any new process, check Enable Default Access.

8. (optional) To automatically block access to the FactoryTalk Directory for

any new process, clear Enable Default Access.

68 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

9. (optional) To have publication information verified for all FactoryTalk

Services Platform processes, click Verify Publisher Info. If the verification
process fails, the process is automatically denied access.

10. Click OK.

See also

FactoryTalk Service Application Authorization settings on page 69

Publisher certificate information on page 71

Digitally signed FactoryTalk products on page 72

FactoryTalk Service Application How do I open FactoryTalk Application Authorization?

Authorization 1. Start FactoryTalk Administration Console or FactoryTalk View Studio
and then log on to the FactoryTalk Network Directory or FactoryTalk
Local Directory where you want to modify application authorization

2. In the Explorer window, expand the System > Policies > System Policies

3. Double-click Application Authorization.

Use FactoryTalk Service Application Authorization to authorize the

applications that have access to FactoryTalk Directory.

If you enable the option to verify the publisher certificate information,

applications that are not signed by Rockwell Automation or Microsoftare not
allowed access to FactoryTalk Directory.

Tip: To configure the Application Authorization policy, you must log into FactoryTalk
with an account that is a member of the FactoryTalk Administrators group.

See also

Authorize an application to access the FactoryTalk Directory on page 68

FactoryTalk Service Application Authorization settings on page 69

FactoryTalk Service Application Use FactoryTalk Service Application Authorization settings to authorize the
applications that have access to FactoryTalk Directory.
Authorization settings
If you enable the option to verify the publisher certificate information,
applications that are not signed by Rockwell Automation or Microsoft are not
allowed access to FactoryTalk Directory. To configure the Application

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 69

Chapter 9 Set system policies

Authorization policy, you must log into FactoryTalk with an account that is a
member of the FactoryTalk Administrators group.

The Application Authorization policy controls access by monitoring the

following information of each application that is requesting a service token from
FactoryTalk. To sort the application list by process name, computer name, or
access allowed status, click the corresponding column header.

Column Description
Process Shows the process name of the application that is requesting a service token.
Some applications are required by FactoryTalk and cannot be removed or denied. These entries are displayed with gray text in the list.
To sort the application list by process name, computer name, or access allowed status, click the corresponding column header.
Version Shows the version number of the application that is requesting a service token.
Computer Shows the computer name where the application runs.
To sort the application list by process name, computer name, or access allowed status, click the corresponding column header.
Publisher Info Shows the publisher name of the application. If no certificate exists, the cell is displayed with None.
To view the detailed publisher certification information, click the desired cell in this column.
Access Allowed Shows whether the current process is allowed to access to FactoryTalk Directory.

Use the following settings to specify how FactoryTalk allows access to the
FactoryTalk Directory.

Setting Description
Enable default access Determines whether new applications are automatically allowed access to FactoryTalk Directory.
Default: Enabled
To disable the default access, clear the check box. All new applications will be automatically denied access.
If the default access of a FactoryTalk Directory server is disabled, you can still configure your local computer to join the directory server.
Verify publisher information Determines whether to verify the publisher certificate information of FactoryTalk applications.
If enabled, FactoryTalk Services Platform verifies whether the application requesting a service token is signed by Rockwell Automation or
Microsoft. Any application not signed by them will fail to receive a service token.
Default: Disabled
To disable the publisher information verification, clear the check box. FactoryTalk Services Platform will not verify the publisher
information. Applications are verified by the corresponding Access Allowed settings.
Some applications of Microsoft (for example, msiexec.exe) are not signed. Some earlier versions of FactoryTalk products were not signed
when they were released. You may fail to verify the publisher information on these applications.
Allow or deny an application Determines whether an application is authorized to access the FactoryTalk Directory.
Default: Allowed
To deny an application, clear the check box of the entry. If an application is denied access and thus fails the request for service token, a
message is sent to FactoryTalk Diagnostics, for example, Login failure for application [RNASecurityTestClient.exe] on directory [Network]. The
application was denied access. You can view the messages using the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer.
Some applications are required by FactoryTalk and cannot be removed or denied. These entries are displayed with gray text in the list. See
the Process name table below for details.

70 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

Remove an application To remove one or more applications from the list, select the entries and click Remove.
Some applications are required by FactoryTalk and cannot be removed or denied. These entries are displayed with gray text in the list.
When you try to remove one or more of these required entries, a warning message is displayed indicating that the required entries are not
Refresh application authorization Manually refresh the list to show the latest application list. To do this, click Refresh.
information When refreshing the list, if a newer version of an existing application from the same computer is found, the entry will be updated to
reflect the new version or certificate information.
Save the changes before refreshing. Any changes that are not saved will be lost when refreshing.

Process name

Process name Description

FTDataUpdate.exe FactoryTalk data update, which runs during FactoryTalk Directory configuration.
FTDConfigurationUtility.exe FactoryTalk Configuration wizard, which is only used in some special cases to repair the FactoryTalk Directory.
FTSPVStudio.exe FactoryTalk Administration Console
NmspHost.exe FactoryTalk namespace services
RdcyHost.exe Rockwell redundancy services
RnaDirMultiplexor.exe Rockwell RNA directory multiplexer
RsvcHost.exe Rockwell Automation services
SlientFTDCW.exe FactoryTalk Directory Silent Configuration Wizard

See also

Authorize an application to access the FactoryTalk Directory on page 68

Publisher Certificate Information on page 71

Digitally signed FactoryTalk products on page 72

Publisher Certificate Use Publisher Certificate Information to view digital signature details to and
verify the identity and authenticity of software.
Field Description
Issued to Shows the publisher name (or a portion of the name) of the entity to which the certificate is issued.
Issued by Shows the name (or a portion of the name) of the issuer.
Status Shows the status of the certificate, for example, valid, revoked, or expired.
Serial # Shows the unique serial number (or a portion of the serial number) of the certificate.
Date signed Shows the date when the binary was signed.
Valid from Shows the beginning date of the period for which the certificate is valid.
Valid to Shows the ending date of the period for which the certificate is valid.

See also

Authorize an application to access the FactoryTalk Directory on page 68

FactoryTalk Service Application Authorization settings on page 69

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 71

Chapter 9 Set system policies

Digitally signed FactoryTalk products on page 72

Digitally signed FactoryTalk FactoryTalk Services Platform 2.51 or later provides the ability to verify whether
an application requesting a service token is signed by Rockwell Automation. The
access to FactoryTalk Directory is denied if the certification is not signed by
Rockwell Automation.

Some earlier versions of FactoryTalk products were not signed when they were
released. You may fail to verify the publisher information on these products.

The table below shows which versions of FactoryTalk products are signed.

Products Signed since version

FactoryTalk Administration Console 2.10.01
FactoryTalk Administration Console 2.31.00
FactoryTalk Batch 11.00
eProcedure® 11.00
FactoryTalk Linx 5.20
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway 3.02
FactoryTalk Historian SE 3.0
FactoryTalk Metrics 9.10
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager 9.10
FactoryTalk View Machine Edition 5.10
FactoryTalk View SE 5.10
Logix Designer 21.00
RSLinx Classic 2.54
RSLogix 5 7.40
RSLogix 500 8.10
RSLogix 5000 18.00
RSNetWorx 9.00
RSSecurity Emulator 2.10.01

See also

Authorize an application to access the FactoryTalk Directory on page 68

Publisher Certificate Information on page 71

Assign user rights to make In User Rights Assignment Policy Properties, specify which users are permitted
system policy changes
• Back up or restore FactoryTalk Directory, the System folder, or
• Change the FactoryTalk Directory server computer

72 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

• Switch between primary and secondary servers in a redundant pair (for

example, HMI servers, or data servers)
• Modify the security authority identifier

Policy settings are completely separate in the network directory and local
directory. The network directory and local directory also have different default
policy settings.

To assign user rights to system policy changes

1. Log into the FactoryTalk directory whose user rights assignment policies
you want to modify.

2. In the Explorer window, expand System > Policies > System Policies.

3. Double-click User Rights Assignment.

4. In User Rights Assignment Policies, next to the policy you want to secure
and to the right of Configure Security, click Browse (...).

5. In the Configure Securable Actions, on the Policy Setting tab, click Add.

6. In Select User or Group, select the user or group of users, and in the
network directory, the computer or group of computers for which you want
to specify security settings, and then click OK.

7. Do one of the following, and then click OK:

• To allow the user permission to perform the action from the specified
computer or group, select the Allow check box.
• To deny the user permissions to perform the action from the specified
computer or group, select the Deny check box.
• If you want to remove explicit Allow permissions, select the user and
computer and then click Remove. If no permissions are specified, Deny
is implied.

See also

User rights assignment policies on page 73

Permissions on page 132

Set system security policies on page 87

User rights assignment policies In FactoryTalk, administrators control the rights that users have to access the
system. Settings that apply to the entire FactoryTalk directory are especially

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 73

Chapter 9 Set system policies

important to secure. User rights assignment policies specify which users are
permitted to do the following:

• Back up or restore FactoryTalk Directory, the System folder, or

applications. The default setting is to allow all users to back up and restore
the directory and its contents. Securing backup and restore operations
prevents an unauthorized user from:
• Copying applications or user account information in your FactoryTalk
• Intentionally or inadvertently overwriting the contents of FactoryTalk
Directory, including applications, user, computer, and group accounts,
passwords, policy settings, and security settings
• Change the FactoryTalk Directory server computer.
The default setting is to allow administrators to change the directory server.
The policy appears in only FactoryTalk network directory. Make sure you
have the permissions to change the directory on the current computer and
the computer you are switching to.

• Switch between primary and secondary servers in a redundant pair. In

the FactoryTalk network directory, the default setting is to allow all users to
switch between primary and secondary servers (such as HMI servers or data
servers). Because redundancy is available in only the FactoryTalk network
directory, this policy setting appears in only the FactoryTalk network
• Modify the security authority identifier.
The default setting is to allow all users to modify the identifier.

Policy settings are completely separate in the network directory and local
directory. The network directory and local directory also have different default
policy settings.

See also

Assign user rights to make system policy changes on page 72

User Rights Assignment Policy Properties on page 74

User Rights Assignment Policy How do I open User Rights Assignment Policy Properties?
Properties 1. Start FactoryTalk Administration Console or FactoryTalk View Studio
and then log on to the FactoryTalk Network Directory or FactoryTalk
Local Directory where you want to edit policies.

74 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

2. In the Explorer window, expand the FactoryTalk Network or Local

Directory tree, and then expand the System > Policies > System Policies

3. Double-click User Rights Assignment.

In User Rights Assignment Policy Properties, specify which users are permitted

• Back up or restore FactoryTalk Directory, the System folder, or applications

• Change the FactoryTalk Directory server computer
• Switch between primary and secondary servers in a redundant pair (for
example, HMI servers, or data servers)
• Modify the security authority identifier

Policy settings are completely separate in the network directory and local
directory. The network directory and local directory also have different default
policy settings.

See also

Assign user rights to make system policy changes on page 72

User rights assignment policies on page 73

Permissions on page 132

Set system security policies on page 87

Configure Securable Action How do I open Configure Securable Action?

1. Start FactoryTalk Administration Console or FactoryTalk View Studio and

then log on to the FactoryTalk Network Directory or FactoryTalk Local
Directory where you want to modify product policies.

2. In the Explorer window, expand the System folder > Policies > Product
Policies, expand the folder for the product whose policies you want to
secure, and then double-click Feature Security.

3. In the Feature Security Properties dialog box, click the row containing the
feature you want to secure. A description of the feature appears at the
bottom of the dialog box.

4. Click the Browse button beside the feature you want to secure. This opens
the Configure Securable Action dialog box.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 75

Chapter 9 Set system policies

Use Configure Securable Action to view or set the permissions that determine
access to a single feature for a user or group of users working from a computer or
group of computers connected to the FactoryTalk network directory. The product
policy features you can secure depend on what FactoryTalk products you have

You may also use this window to configure permissions for the actions in User
Rights and Assignment Properties.

In a FactoryTalk local directory, all security settings apply to only the local

Setting Description
Permissions list This list shows the users and computers that have Allow or Deny permissions set for this feature.
To allow access to the feature, select the Allow check box.
To deny access to the feature, select the Deny check box.
If you clear both the Allow and Deny check boxes, the user is denied access to the feature.
Add Click this button to select the user and computer for which you want to specify permissions. Once you are finished selecting a user and
computer, click OK.
Remove In the permissions list, click the combination of users and computers for which you want to remove security settings, and then click the
Remove button.

See also

Secure features of a single product on page 107

Effective permission icons on page 154

Select a user or group Use Select User or Group to select a user account or FactoryTalk user group
account. You can then specify security settings for the user or group.

Use the options under Filters to show only users, only user groups, or all accounts
you may add to the group.

To select a user or group

1. Right-click the FactoryTalk user group account you wish to modify and
click Properties.

2. In User Group Properties, click Add.

3. At the bottom of Select User or Group, select the filter criteria that show
the users or groups you want to select.

4. Do one of the following:

76 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

• In the list of users and groups, select a user account or user group
• To create a new user account, click Create New and then click the type
of account you want to create.

5. When you are finished selecting a user or group account, click OK.

See also

Manage user groups on page 47

Accounts and groups on page 15

Account types on page 16

Change the default To change the default communications protocol for a distributed FactoryTalk
system, use Live Data Policy Properties.
communications protocol
Change this setting only if necessary, for example, if your system is experiencing
communications problems and you want to switch to DCOM for troubleshooting
purposes. Thoroughly test communications before deploying this change to a
running production system. Keep in mind that many factors affect
communications, including firewalls, closed ports, and differences in network
architectures and configurations.

To change the default communications protocol

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > Policies > System Policies.

2. Double-click Live Data Policy.

3. Click the drop-down button to the right of Default Protocol Setting to

switch the default communications protocol from TCP/IP to DCOM, or
from DCOM to TCP/IP.

4. Click OK.

5. Shut down and restart all computers on the network.

See also

Live Data Policy Properties on page 78

Default communications In a FactoryTalk distributed system, the communications protocol affects

communications between client and server services and between the FactoryTalk
protocol settings
Directory and servers on the network. This setting is considered a "default"
because if the FactoryTalk Live Data service detects that some components on the
network are not compatible with the selected policy setting, it overrides the policy

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 77

Chapter 9 Set system policies

and uses whichever setting is most likely to ensure uninterrupted communications.

For example, for third-party servers and RSLinx Classic, FactoryTalk Live Data
will not attempt a TCP/IP connection and will always use DCOM.

Use the Policy Settings tab of Live Data Policy Properties to set the default
protocol from TCP/IP to DCOM or vice versa.

The FactoryTalk Services Platform installation process evaluates the services and
components on your network and sets the communication protocol appropriately.
For example, if you upgrade from an earlier version of the FactoryTalk platform to
FactoryTalk Services Platform 2.10 (CPR 9) or later, the communications default
is automatically set to DCOM. If you install FactoryTalk Services Platform 2.10
or later for the first time on a computer, the communications default is
automatically set to TCP/IP. Typically, it is not necessary or advisable to change
the default setting.

Default protocol setting Description

TCP/IP This is an open communications protocol that typically is more reliable and has better performance than the proprietary DCOM
• Choose this option only if all or most of the clients and servers on your automation network have been upgraded to use FactoryTalk
Services Platform v. 2.10 (CPR 9) or later.
• Do not choose this option if your automation network is using older versions of the FactoryTalk Automation Platform v.2.00 (CPR 7)
or earlier or if your system includes many third-party OPC servers and devices.
When this setting is changed from DCOM to TCP/IP, an audit message is logged to FactoryTalk Diagnostics indicating that the value
changed from False to True.
DCOM This is a proprietary communications protocol owned and managed by Microsoft.
Choose this option if:
• Most of the clients and servers on your automation network are using older versions of FactoryTalk Automation Platform (v. 2.00,
CPR 7 or earlier)
• Your system includes third-party OPC servers and devices
When this setting is changed from TCP/IP to DCOM, an audit message is logged to FactoryTalk Diagnostics indicating that the value
changed from True to False.

See also

Change the default communications protocol on page 77

FactoryTalk Directory types on page 13

Live Data Policy Properties How do I open Live Data Policy Properties?

In the Explorer window, expand System > Policies > System Policies.
Double-click Live Data Policy.

Use the Policy Settings tab of Live Data Policy Properties to select a default
communications protocol for a distributed FactoryTalk system.

This setting affects communications between client and server services and
between the FactoryTalk Directory and servers on the network. This setting is

78 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

considered a "default" because if the FactoryTalk Live Data service detects that
some components on the network are not compatible with the selected policy
setting, it overrides the policy and uses whichever setting is most likely to ensure
uninterrupted communications. For example, for third-party servers and RSLinx
Classic,FactoryTalk Live Data will not attempt a TCP/IP connection and will
always use DCOM.

Change this setting only if necessary, for example, if your system is experiencing
communications problems and you want to switch to DCOM for troubleshooting
purposes. Thoroughly test communications before deploying this change to a
running production system. Keep in mind that many factors affect
communications, including firewalls, closed ports, and differences in network
architectures and configurations.

Important: Changing this policy setting can have unexpected results. Do not change
this setting in a running production system. For changes to take effect, all
computers on the network must be shut down and restarted.

See also

Change the default communications protocol on page 77

Default communications protocol settings on page 77

FactoryTalk Directory types on page 13

Set network health Use Health Monitoring Policy Properties to fine tune the parameters that the
system uses when determining whether a network failure is occurring and how
monitoring policies long to wait before switching to a Standby server.

A network failure occurs when a server is temporarily unable to communicate with

other computers because of network traffic and fluctuations. During a network
failure, even though the computers in the redundant server pair cannot
communicate, the active server remains active and the standby server remains on

Tip: Changing health monitoring policy settings can have unexpected results. The
preset default settings typically provide optimal efficiency for most networks.

To set network health monitoring policies

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > Policies > System Policies.

2. Double-click Health Monitoring Policy.

3. Under Rates, click to select the policy setting you wish to edit. A
description of the policy appears at in the bottom pane of the window.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 79

Chapter 9 Set system policies

4. To the right of the current rate, click the down arrow button to enter a new
number, or use the small up and down arrows to choose a higher or lower

5. Click OK.

See also

Health Monitoring Policy Properties settings on page 81

Health Monitoring Policy How do I open Health Monitoring Policy Properties?

Properties 1. Run FactoryTalk Administration Console or FactoryTalk View Studio.

2. In the Explorer window, expand the folders System > Policies > System

3. Double-click the Health Monitoring Policy icon.

Use Policy Settings in Health Monitoring Policy Properties to change

parameters that determine whether a network failure is occurring and how long to
wait before switching to a standby server.

A network failure occurs when a server is temporarily unable to communicate with

other computers because of network traffic and fluctuations. During a network
failure, even though the computers in a server pair cannot communicate, the active
server remains active and the standby server remains on standby.

When these policy settings are applied, the changes affect all computers that are
clients of the FactoryTalk network directory server. The changes take effect
immediately, as soon as the network directory server notifies the client computers
of the changes.

Tip: To monitor system health messages, use the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer.

Important: Changing health monitoring policy settings can have unexpected results.
The preset default settings typically provide optimal efficiency for most

See also

Set network health monitoring policies on page 79

Health Monitoring Policy Properties settings on page 81

80 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

Health Monitoring Policy Use the Policy Settings tab in Health Monitoring Policy Properties to fine
tune the parameters that the health monitoring service uses when determining
Properties settings
whether a network failure is occurring and how long to wait before switching to a
standby server. The health monitoring service policies are described below.

Setting Description Rates

Computer detection interval Sets the amount of time that the health monitoring service waits between its • Default. 2 seconds
attempts to detect the existence of a computer on the network. If the service does • Minimum. 1 second
not receive a response, it continues its detection attempts at the specified
• Maximum. 600 seconds
intervals. Once a connection is made, the health monitoring service stops sending
"Computer detection" requests and begins sending "Network failure detection"
requests to the computer.
Network failure detection interval Sets how often the health monitoring service attempts to verify the health of the • Default. 2 seconds
network connection to remote computers. The health monitoring service begins • Minimum. 1 second
sending "Network failure detection" requests after it establishes the existence of a
• Maximum. 600 seconds
computer on the network. This request expects a reply back from the remote
computer within the amount of time specified. If a reply is received, then the
network connection is considered to be healthy. If a reply is not received, the
service continues sending "Network failure detection" requests at the specified
intervals until the amount of time specified as the "Maximum network glitch" is
Maximum network glitch Sets the maximum duration of a network disruption before the health monitoring • Default. 5 seconds
service determines that communications have failed. If a network disruption lasts • Minimum. 1 second
longer than this amount of time, the health monitoring service generates a
• Maximum. 600 seconds
diagnostic message and begins sending "Machine detection" requests to verify the
existence of the standby server.
Maximum delay before server is active Sets the maximum amount of time during a switch back that the server becoming • Default. 2 minutes
active waits for clients to be ready for the switch. The purpose of the delay is to • Minimum. 0 minutes (not recommended)
allow clients to establish connections to the server that is ready to become active,
• Maximum. 60 minutes
so when the switch back occurs, data is available to the clients as soon as possible.
As soon as all clients successfully connect, the server switches over to active
immediately, even if the maximum delay has not yet been reached.
If the maximum delay is too short, the active server may not be able to provide
high-quality service to its clients. You may notice poor client performance and a
diagnostic message stating that the server has switched to active before all clients
have finished connecting.

See also

Set network health monitoring policies on page 79

Health Monitoring Policy Properties on page 80

Set audit policies Use Audit Policy Properties to specify what security-related information is
recorded while the system is being used. Audit policies include whether access
checks are audited, whether access grants, denies, or both are audited, and so on.
Audit messages are sent to FactoryTalk Diagnostics, where you can view them
using the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 81

Chapter 9 Set system policies

To set up audit policies

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > Policies > System Policies, and
double-click Audit Policy.

2. In Audit Policy Properties, audit changes to configuration and control

system, select one of the following from the drop-down button next to the
current setting:

• Enabled - Generates audit messages when configuration and control

system changes occur across the FactoryTalk system. This is the default
• Disabled - Does not route audit messages to FactoryTalk Diagnostics
log files, even if logging destinations are configured for audit messages
on the Message Routing tab in FactoryTalk Diagnostics Setup.
Any changes made to the value of the Audit changes to configuration and
control system policy itself are always recorded, regardless of whether audit
logging is enabled or disabled. If enabled, audit information is sent to
FactoryTalk Diagnostics.

3. In Audit security access failures, select one of the following from the
drop-down button next to the current setting:

• Enabled - Generates audit messages when users fail to access objects or

features because of insufficient security permissions.
• Disabled - Does not generate audit messages when users fail to access
secured objects or features. This is the default setting.

4. In Audit security access successes, select one of the following from the
drop-down button next to the current setting:

• Enabled - Generates audit messages when users succeed in accessing

objects or features because of sufficient security permissions.
When enabled, this policy might generate a large number of audit
messages. Enable this policy only if you have a specific reason for doing
so, for example, testing or troubleshooting whether users are able to
access particular features or objects in the system. If enabled, audit
information is sent to FactoryTalk Diagnostics.

• Disabled - Does not generate audit messages when users succeed in

accessing objects or features because of sufficient security permissions.
This is the default setting.

5. Click OK.

82 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

See also

Audit policies on page 83

Audit trails and regulatory compliance on page 32

Example: Audit messages on page 86

Audit policies Auditing user actions in a control system helps answer "who changed this process
variable, when, and why?"

If you are in an industry that must comply with governmental regulations, such as
U.S. Government 21 CFR Part 11, your plant must be able to answer this
question. The answer is also important if your plant manufactures products with
critical tolerances, or if unmanaged changes could negatively affect product quality
or risk consumer safety.

An audit trail records:

• The specific, authenticated user who is authorized to access the

manufacturing system
• The action taken—typically an operation that affects the manufacturing
control system or that creates, modifies, or deletes some element of the
manufacturing process
• The resource—an object such as a PLC-5®, application, tag, or command, on
which the user performs an action
• The computer from which the user performed the action
• The date and time when the user performed the action

Like other FactoryTalk policy settings, audit policies are managed separately in the
network directory and the local directory.

Auditing changes to the system configuration, and to the control system

The FactoryTalk system generates and sends audit messages to FactoryTalk

Diagnostics. A system-wide policy setting controls whether audit records should
be generated and logged. If the system policy is enabled, then FactoryTalk
Diagnostics routes the audit messages to various logging destinations, including
the FactoryTalk® Audit Log. If the system policy is disabled, then FactoryTalk
Diagnostics ignores audit messages generated by FactoryTalk components and
FactoryTalk products and does not route them for logging.

Each FactoryTalk product defines its own rules for auditing changes. This means
that the messages that appear in the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer vary,
depending on what products are installed. If the setting Audit changes to
configuration and control system is enabled, audit messages are generated when

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 83

Chapter 9 Set system policies

any configuration and control system changes occur across the FactoryTalk

Auditing security access failures and successes

Whenever a user attempts to access a secured resource, FactoryTalk Security can

generate audit messages if the user was denied or granted access.

For example, suppose an area called Ingredients is secured so that only members of
the OperatorsLine5 group can write to it. If the Audit object access success
policy is enabled, every time an operator is granted write access to this area, a
message is logged to FactoryTalk Diagnostics. If the Audit object access failure
policy is enabled, every time an operator is refused Write access to this area, a
message is logged to FactoryTalk Diagnostics.

Object access failures do not necessarily represent deliberate attempts to

compromise the security of the system. For example, an object access failure
message is logged if a user is denied Configure Security permission and
right-clicks the Users and Groups folder.

Auditing security access success can consume large amounts of system resources.
This policy should only be enabled when necessary, for example, while testing the
system, or if required in industries that must comply with governmental

Examples of messages for auditing security access failures and successes:

• User NETWORK\JSMITH attempted to perform action

[OPC data server][RNA://$Global/Norms
Bakery/Ingredients/RecipeDataServer] and was granted access
• User NETWORK\JSMITH attempted to perform action
NETWORK\DOMAIN\COMPUTER5 on [directory][$System] and was
denied access

See also

Set audit policies on page 81

Audit trails and regulatory compliance on page 32

Example: Audit messages on page 86

Audit Policy Properties How do I open Audit Policy Properties?

84 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

1. Start FactoryTalk Administration Console or FactoryTalk View Studio and

then log on to the FactoryTalk Network Directory or FactoryTalk Local
Directory where you want to modify audit policies.

2. In the Explorer window, expand the System folder > Policies > System

3. Double-click the Audit Policy icon.

Use Audit Policy Properties to specify what security-related information is

recorded while the system is being used. Audit policies include whether access
checks are audited, whether access grants, denies, or both are audited, and so on.
Audit messages are sent to FactoryTalk Diagnostics, where you can view them
using the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer. Use the settings below to specify what
information is audited by the FactoryTalk system.

Setting Description
Audit changes to configuration and control system Determines whether to generate audit messages when configuration and control system changes occur
across the FactoryTalk system.
Default: Enabled
To disable audit logging, set this policy to Disabled.
If this policy is disabled, audit messages are not routed to FactoryTalk Diagnostics log files, even if
logging destinations are configured for audit messages on the Message Routing tab in Diagnostics
Any changes made to the value of the Audit changes to configuration and control system policy
itself are always recorded, regardless of whether audit logging is enabled or disabled. If enabled, audit
information is sent to FactoryTalk Diagnostics.
Audit security access failures Determines whether to generate an audit message when a user attempts an action and is denied access
to the secured object or feature because of insufficient security permissions.
Default: Disabled
To record audit messages when users fail to access objects because of insufficient security permissions,
set this policy to Enabled. If enabled, audit information is sent to FactoryTalk Diagnostics.
Audit security access successes Determines whether to generate an audit message when a user attempts an action and is granted
access to the secured object or feature because the user has the required security permissions.
Default: Disabled
To record audit messages when users succeed in accessing objects because of sufficient security
permissions, set this policy to Enabled. When enabled, this policy might generate a large number of
audit messages. Enable this policy only if you have a specific reason for doing so, for example, testing or
troubleshooting whether users are able to access particular features or objects in the system.
If enabled, audit information is sent to FactoryTalk Diagnostics.

See also

Set audit policies on page 81

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 85

Chapter 9 Set system policies

Audit trails and regulatory compliance on page 32

Audit policies on page 83

Monitor security-related events Monitor security-related events to find out if changes are made to security policies
or other objects, who made the changes, and when they were made. You can
monitor security-related events by setting up audit policies.

In a FactoryTalk automation system, Rockwell Automation software products

monitor system activity and generate detailed diagnostic messages. Meanwhile,
FactoryTalk Diagnostics collects these activity, warning, error, and audit messages
from all participating products throughout a distributed system and routes them
to Local Logs on each computer. Depending on the products you have installed
and the configuration options you have set, FactoryTalk Diagnostics can also
route these messages to other centralized logging destinations, such as an ODBC
database or FactoryTalk® AssetCentre Audit Log.

To configure FactoryTalk Diagnostics routing and logging options, choose

FactoryTalk Diagnostics Setup from the Tools menu on each computer where
the FactoryTalk Administration Console is installed.

To view diagnostic messages, from the Tools menu choose FactoryTalk

Diagnostics > Viewer.

See also

Set audit policies on page 81

Example: Audit messages If the setting Audit changes to configuration and control system is enabled in
Audit Policy, audit messages are generated when any configuration and control
system changes occur across the FactoryTalk system.

Examples of messages for adding and removing control system components:

• Added area [Line2] to application [Network/Paper Mill]

• Removed area [Line1b] from application [Network/PaperMill]
• Added graphic display [Overview] to area [Network/Paper Mill/Line2]

86 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

• Removed user [BBilly] from directory [Network/System]

• Downloaded project [PASTURIZE] to processor [/NetworkPath/Line1]
• Inserted rung [XIC B3/0 OTE B3/0] in processor [XYZ/File 2/Rung 10]

Examples of messages for modifying control system values:

• Modified properties of user [JSmith] in directory [Network/System]

• Modified properties of server [Line2HMI] in application [Network/Paper
• Forced I/O [I1:2/15] in processor [TABLET10] from [OFF] to [ON]
• Changed security policy [Enforce password history] in directory
[Network/System] from [0] to [5]
• Changed value of tag [HighPressureLimit] in processor [TABLET10] from
[100] to [125]
• Changed value of tag [MaxFeederSpeed] in area [Network/Paper
Mill/Line1] from [200] to [300]
• Changed name of graphic display [Line1Overview] in area [Network/Paper
Mill/Line2] from [Line1Overview] to [Line2Overview]

See also

Audit policies on page 83

Set system security policies Use Security Policy Properties to define general rules for implementing security
across all FactoryTalk products in your system.

You can modify the following:

• Account policy settings

• Computer policy settings
• Directory protection policy settings
• Password policy settings
• Single sign-on policy settings

See also

Modify account policy settings on page 88

Modify computer policy settings on page 89

Modify directory protection policy settings on page 91

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 87

Chapter 9 Set system policies

Modify password policy settings on page 92

Enable single sign-on on page 93

Modify account policy settings Use Security Policy Properties to change the following user account policy

• Logon session lease

• Account lockout threshold
• Account lockout auto reset
• Keep record of deleted accounts
• Show deleted accounts in user list

To modify account policy settings

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > Policies > System Policies, and
double-click Security Policy.

2. In Security Policy Properties, click + to expand Account Policy Settings.

3. To set the maximum number of hours that a user can remain logged on
before the system checks whether the user’s account is still valid,
double-click Logon session lease, and type a value from 0-999. Setting this
value to 0 allows the logon session to be used indefinitely, allowing users to
have continuous access, even if their accounts are disabled or deleted.

4. To set the number of consecutive times a user can unsuccessfully attempt to

log on before the account is locked, double-click Account lockout
threshold, and type a value from 0-999. If set to 0, accounts are never
locked no matter how many consecutive times a user attempts to log on. An
invalid logon attempt occurs if the user attempts to log on and specifies a
correct user name but an incorrect password.

A locked account cannot be used until the Account lockout auto reset
period expires, or until the account is reset by a FactoryTalk administrator.
This helps prevent an unauthorized user from gaining access to the system
by guessing a password through a process of elimination.

5. To specify the amount of time that must expire before a locked account is
reset and the user can attempt access again, click Account lockout auto
reset and type a value between 0 and 999 minutes.

6. To determine whether or not the system maintains a record of deleted user

accounts, double-click Keep record of deleted accounts, and select one of
the following:

88 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

• Enabled—Accounts are permanently disabled, but remain flagged in

the system with a unique identifier. New accounts must have unique
names. For security, audit tracking, and compliance requirements, you
may need to keep a record of deleted accounts.
• Disabled—Accounts are fully deleted from the system, allowing new
accounts to use the same name. However, the new accounts will have
different account identifiers and will not inherit the security settings of
the account.

7. If deleted account records are kept, you may choose whether or not to list
deleted account records in the Users folder in the System tree. Double-click
Show deleted accounts in user list, and select one of the following:

• Enabled—Administrators can view details about these deleted user

• Disabled—Deleted accounts are not shown in the list of user accounts

8. When you have finished modifying account policy settings, click OK.

See also

Account policy settings on page 94

Set system security policies on page 87

Audit trails and regulatory compliance on page 32

Enable single sign-on on page 93

Modify computer policy settings Use Security Policy Properties to change the following policy settings for
computer accounts:

• Whether or not a user can connect to the FactoryTalk Directory from a

client computer that does not have a computer account in the network
• How client computers connect to the FactoryTalk Directory through
Remote Desktop Services, and how the computer name appears in the
FactoryTalk Diagnostics log of actions.

These settings apply only to computers in the FactoryTalk network directory

because the FactoryTalk local directory does not permit remote access.

To modify computer policy settings

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > Policies > System Policies, and
double-click Security Policy.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 89

Chapter 9 Set system policies

2. In Security Policy Properties, click + to expand Computer Policy


3. To change the requirements for connecting to the FactoryTalk Directory

from a computer that does not have a FactoryTalk computer account,
double-click Require computer accounts for all client machines and
select one of the following:

• Enabled—allows users to log on to FactoryTalk only if they are logging

on from a client computer that has an account in the FactoryTalk
Directory. Remote Desktop Services clients can still log on to
FactoryTalk Directory without computer accounts if the Identify
terminal server clients using the name of policy is set to Server
Computer. See step 4.
• Disabled—allows users to log on to FactoryTalk from any client
computer, even if that computer has no computer account in the
FactoryTalk network directory.

4. To determine what computer name identifies clients connecting to the

FactoryTalk Directory through Remote Desktop Services, double-click
Identify terminal server clients using the name of and select one of the

• Terminal client—Client computers must have computer accounts in

the FactoryTalk Directory to access FactoryTalk applications, unless
the Require computer accounts for all client machines policy is
disabled. This combination of settings is useful for diagnostic logging
because the name of the client computer where actions originate can be
Terminal Client logs actions using the name of the client computer
where the user is connecting to the Remote Desktop Connection
(RDC) client computer. The computer name logged in FactoryTalk
Diagnostics will be different for each client connecting via Remote
Desktop Services.

• Server computer—allows client computers to connect through

Remote Desktop Services without requiring accounts in the
FactoryTalk Directory, even if the Require computer accounts for all
client machines policy is Enabled.
Server computer logs actions using the name of the Remote Desktop
Connection server computer. The computer name logged in
FactoryTalk Diagnostics will be the same for all users connecting via
Remote Desktop Services.

5. When you have finished modifying account policy settings, click OK.

90 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

Important: If you set Identify terminal server clients using the name of to
Server Computer, disable single sign-on because the computer name is
saved as part of the single sign-on user's credentials, and might affect the
level of access a Remote Desktop Services user has to the FactoryTalk

See also

Computer policy settings on page 96

Set system security policies on page 87

Enable single sign-on on page 93

Modify directory protection Use Security Policy Properties to change the policy settings that determine:
policy settings • If computers with FactoryTalk versions less than 2.50, which are considered
non-secure, can access a directory server with FactoryTalk CPR 9 SR5 or
later, and if so, whether or not an audit message is generated
• How long cache files remain available after a client computer disconnects
from the server, and if a warning message displays

These settings apply only to computers in the FactoryTalk network directory.

To modify directory protection settings

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > Policies > System Policies, and
double-click Security Policy.

2. In Security Policy Properties, click + to expand Directory Protection

Policy Settings.

3. By default, FactoryTalk allows client computers with FactoryTalk versions

earlier than 2.50 to connect to and retrieve information from a directory
server computer with FactoryTalk 2.50 or later. To change this policy,
double-click Support non-secure clients and select Deny. Clients with
FactoryTalk versions earlier than 2.50 are denied access and a Protocol
version mismatch error occurs.

4. By default, an audit message is created when a client computer with a

FactoryTalk version earlier than 2.50 connects to a directory server
computer with FactoryTalk 2.50 or later. If you do not want the message to
be created, double-click in Audit non-secure client connections and select

5. By default, cache files never expire. Instead, the cache files remain available
after the client computer is disconnected from the server. To set a time limit
for when cache files expire, double-click Directory cache expiration and

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 91

Chapter 9 Set system policies

type or select a number from 1-9999. When the time limit is reached, you
must reconnect to the server to access the files.

6. By default, you will not get warnings prior to cache expiration, but you can
still see notifications upon disconnection and cache expiration. Click in
Directory cache expiration warning and type a number from 1-24 to set
the number of hours before cache expiration when a warning notification is

7. When you have finished modifying directory protection policy settings,

click OK.

Important: If you set Identify terminal server clients using the name of to
Server Computer, disable single sign-on because the computer name is
saved as part of the single sign-on user's credentials, and might affect the
level of access a Remote Desktop Services user has to the FactoryTalk

See also

Computer policy settings on page 96

Set system security policies on page 87

Enable single sign-on on page 93

Modify password policy settings Use Security Policy Properties to set the conditions for a valid FactoryTalk
password, such as minimum and maximum password length, password complexity
requirements, and when a password expiration warning is given.

These policies do not apply to Windows®-linked user accounts.

To modify password policy settings

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > Policies > System Policies, and
double-click Security Policy.

2. In Security Policy Properties, click + to expand Password Policy


3. By default, FactoryTalk allows user passwords to contain any characters or

combinations of characters. To require users to create more secure
passwords, double-click Passwords must meet complexity requirements
and select Enabled. The complexity requirements are defined by the system
and cannot be changed.

4. If Passwords must meet complexity requirements is set to Enabled, the

minimum password length is 6 characters and this policy overrides any
setting made here. To require a longer password, double-click Minimum

92 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

password length and enter a number higher than 6. If Passwords must

meet complexity requirements is set to Disabled, enter a minimum
password length of up to 16 characters. If you set Minimum password
length to 0, you can create user accounts without passwords.

5. By default, 3 new passwords must be created before an old password can be

reused. If Previous passwords remembered is set to 0, old passwords can
be reused immediately. To prevent users from keeping the same password
indefinitely, double-click Passwords must meet complexity requirements
and select a number between 1 and 24.

6. To require users to wait at least one day before changing their password,
double-click Minimum password age and enter a number between 1 and

7. To set the maximum number of days before passwords expire, double-click

Maximum password age and enter a number between 1 and 999. When set
to 0, passwords never expire.

8. By default, users receive a warning 14 days before their passwords expire. To

change the number of days before the system begins prompting users to
change their passwords, double-click Password expiration warning and
enter a value between 0 and 999.

See also

Password Policy Settings on page 99

Set system security policies on page 87

Add a FactoryTalk user account on page 39

Enable single sign-on Use Security Policy Properties to enable single sign-on capability. When the
single sign-on is enabled, it allows you to log on just once, per directory, on a given
computer. Once you log on, all participating FactoryTalk products that run in
that directory on that computer automatically use those same security credentials.

To enable single sign-on

1. Open the System folder, and then open Policies > System Policies and
double-click Security Policy.

2. In the Single Sign-On Policy Settings list, to the right of Use single
sign-on, click in the Disabled field.

3. Use the down arrow to choose Enabled, then click OK.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 93

Chapter 9 Set system policies

If single sign-on still does not seem to be working properly, it is likely that the
FactoryTalk product you are using does not support the single sign-on capability.
Some FactoryTalk products always require users to log on, even if single sign-on is

See also

Disable single sign-on on page 94

Set system security policies on page 87

Disable single sign-on To require users to log into each FactoryTalk product separately, use Security
Policy Properties to disable single sign-on capability.

To disable single sign-on

1. Open the System folder, and then open Policies > System Policies and
double-click Security Policy.

2. In the Single Sign-On Policy Settings list, to the right of Use single
sign-on, click in the Enabled field.

3. Use the down arrow to choose Disabled, then click OK.

See also

Enable single sign-on on page 93

Account policy settings Use the following Account Policy Settings to specify how FactoryTalk manages
policies for user, computer, and group accounts. A few additional policy settings
for computer accounts are managed in Computer Policy Settings.

Setting Description
Logon session lease Sets the maximum number of hours that a user can remain logged on before the system checks whether the user’s account is still valid.
Use this setting to prevent logged on users from having access indefinitely, even after their accounts are disabled or deleted.
If a user's account has, for example, been disabled or its password changed, and the account name and password cannot be
reauthenticated, the logon session becomes invalid. The user can no longer access secure system resources until the user logs on
successfully again.
Setting this value to 0 allows the logon session to be used indefinitely, allowing users to have continuous access, and preventing the
system from automatically reauthenticating users. This means that the system does not check whether the user’s account is still valid.
Minimum: 0 hours
Maximum: 999 hours
Default: 1 hour

94 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

Account lockout threshold Sets the number of consecutive times a user can unsuccessfully attempt to log on before the account is locked. If set to 0, accounts are
never locked.
An invalid logon attempt occurs if the user attempts to log on and specifies a correct user name but an incorrect password.
A locked account cannot be used until the Account lockout auto reset period expires, or until the account is reset by a FactoryTalk
administrator. This helps prevent an unauthorized user from gaining access to the system by guessing a password by a process of
Minimum: 0 invalid logon attempts
Maximum: 999 invalid logon attempts
• For the Network Directory, 3 invalid logon attempts.
• For the Local Directory, 0 invalid logon attempts.
Account lockout auto reset Specifies the amount of time that must expire before a locked account is reset, allowing the user to attempt access again. Type a value
between 0 and 999 minutes to specify the amount of time a user must wait before using the account again to gain access to the system.
If set to 0, locked accounts are not reset automatically, and must be unlocked manually by a FactoryTalk administrator.
Minimum: 0 minutes
Maximum: 999 minutes
Default: 15 minutes
Keep record of deleted accounts Determines whether user accounts can be permanently deleted with no record retained in the system, or flagged as deleted and be
permanently disabled, with a record of the deleted account retained in the system.
To keep a record of accounts that have been deleted, and force all new accounts to be unique, select Enabled. You can also change a
policy setting to show deleted accounts in the list of users.
To discard accounts when they are deleted, select Disabled. This means that if a user account is deleted, a user account can be recreated
again later with the same user name. If the policy is enabled and a user account is deleted, a user account cannot be recreated again later
with the same user name, because its record still exists in the system.
If the policy is disabled and you recreate a user account with the same name, the new user account does not inherit the security settings of
the old account. This is because all user accounts are identified by means of a unique identifier that is separate from the user name. When
you delete a user account, the user's access rights are deleted, but the user account's unique identifier is not deleted.
When you create another user account with the same name, you must recreate the security settings of the account. You can do this either
by adding the user account to a group that already has security settings defined for it, or you can create permissions for a user account
when securing a resource.
For security and audit tracking reasons, and to satisfy compliance requirements in regulated manufacturing industries, it might be
necessary to:
• Keep a record of previously deleted accounts
• Ensure that all user accounts can be uniquely identified in the system
Default: Disabled
Show deleted accounts in list Sets whether deleted account records are listed in the Users folder in the System tree. This policy works together with the Keep record
of deleted accounts policy. If Keep record of deleted accounts is enabled, enabling Show deleted accounts in user list allows a
FactoryTalk administrator to view details about accounts that have been deleted.
To hide deleted accounts in the list of users, select Disabled. This means that accounts that you delete are not shown in the list of user
accounts, even if you keep a record of deleted accounts. Enable the Show deleted accounts in user list policy if you keep a record of
deleted accounts (for example, for regulatory compliance), and want to view details about accounts that have been deleted.
Default: Disabled

See also

Modify account policy settings on page 88

Audit trails and regulatory compliance on page 32

Set system security policies on page 87

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 95

Chapter 9 Set system policies

Computer policy settings The policies in this table apply only to computer accounts in the FactoryTalk
network directory because the FactoryTalk local directory does not permit remote

Setting Description
Require computer accounts for all client machines Determines whether client computers can access the FactoryTalk network directory without having a
computer account in the network directory. Disable this policy if you want users to be able to connect
remotely from any computer, even if the computer does not have a computer account in the FactoryTalk
Even when this setting is disabled, you must still create computer accounts for any computers hosting
servers — for example, Rockwell Automation Device Servers (FactoryTalk Linx, OPC data servers, Tag Alarm
and Event Servers, or HMI servers. Without the server computer accounts, you will not be able to configure
the servers from client computers on the network because the FactoryTalk network directory Server cannot
locate these servers on the network without their computer accounts.
Enabled allows users to log on to FactoryTalk only if they are logging on from a client computer that has an
account in the FactoryTalk Directory. Even if set to Enabled, Remote Desktop Services clients can still log on
to FactoryTalk Directory without computer accounts if the Identify terminal server clients using the
name of policy is set to Server Computer. See below.
Disabled allows users to log on to FactoryTalk from any client computer, even if that computer has no
computer account in the FactoryTalk network directory.
Default: Enabled
Identify terminal server clients using the name of Determines what computer name identifies clients connecting to the FactoryTalk Directory through Remote
Desktop Services. This policy also affects whether client computers connecting through Remote Desktop
Services require computer accounts in the FactoryTalk Directory.
Server Computer allows client computers to connect through Remote Desktop Services without requiring
accounts in the FactoryTalk Directory, even if the Require computer accounts for all client machines
policy is Enabled. This is possible because the FactoryTalk Directory behaves as if the client computer were
accessing the FactoryTalk Directory from the Remote Desktop Connection computer.
If set to Terminal Client and the Require computer accounts for all client machines policy is
Enabled, client computers must have computer accounts in the FactoryTalk Directory to access FactoryTalk
If set to Terminal Client and the Require computer accounts for all client machines policy is
Disabled, client computers do not require computer accounts in the FactoryTalk Directory to access
FactoryTalk applications. This combination of settings is useful for diagnostic logging because the name of
the client computer where actions originate can be logged.
The Identify terminal server clients using the name of policy also determines which computer name
appears in the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Log of actions performed on the system over a Remote Desktop
Services connection:
Terminal Client logs actions using the name of the client computer where the user is connecting to the
Terminal Server. The computer name logged in FactoryTalk Diagnostics will be different for each client
connecting via Remote Desktop Services.
Server Computer logs actions using the name of the Terminal Server computer for all users. The computer
name logged in FactoryTalk Diagnostics will be the same for all users connecting via Remote Desktop
Default: Terminal Client

96 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

Important: If you set Identify terminal server clients using the name of to
Server Computer, disable single sign-on because the computer name is
saved as part of the single sign-on user's credentials, and might affect the
level of access a Remote Desktop Services user has to the FactoryTalk

See also

Modify computer policy settings on page 89

Set system security policies on page 87

Directory protection policy The Directory protection policy settings below apply only to computers in the
FactoryTalk network directory.

Setting Description
Support non-secure clients Determines whether client computers with FactoryTalk versions earlier than 2.50 can access a directory server computer
with FactoryTalk CPR 9 SR5 or later. The policy is ignored if client computers are installed with FactoryTalk 2.50 or later.
Allow means client computers with FactoryTalk versions earlier than 2.50 can connect to and retrieve information from a
directory server computer with FactoryTalk 2.50 or later.
Deny means only client computers with FactoryTalk 2.50 can connect to and retrieve information from a directory server
computer with FactoryTalk 2.50 or later. Clients with FactoryTalk versions earlier than 2.50 are denied access and a
Protocol version mismatch error occurs.
Default: Allow
The directory server must be disconnected from the network before you change this policy. Reconnect to the network after
applying the change. Otherwise, this policy will not be properly enforced.
Audit non-secure client connections Determines whether an audit message is created when client computers with FactoryTalk versions earlier than 2.50 connect
to a directory server computer with FactoryTalk 2.50 or later.
Enabled means an audit message is created when a client computer with a FactoryTalk version earlier than 2.50 connects
to a directory server computer with FactoryTalk 2.50 or later.
Disabled means an audit message is not created when a client computer with a FactoryTalk version earlier than 2.50
connects to a directory server computer with FactoryTalk 2.50 or later.
Default: Enabled
Directory cache expiration Determines how long the cache files remain available after the client computer is disconnected from the server. Once this
time elapses, reconnect to the directory server to access the latest data files.
If this is set to 0, cache files never expire.
Minimum: 0 hours
Maximum: 9999 hours
Default: 0 hours
Directory cache expiration warning Determines when a warning notification is displayed in the notification area prior to the directory cache expiring. You can
click the FactoryTalk Directory icon in the notification area to quickly view the time expiration information.
If this is set to 0, you will not get warnings prior to cache expiration. However, you can still see notifications upon
disconnection and cache expiration.
Minimum: 0 hours
Maximum: 24 hours
Default: 0 hours before expiration

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 97

Chapter 9 Set system policies

See also

Modify directory protection policy settings on page 91

Cache expiration policies In FactoryTalk, rules for directory cache expiration are managed system-wide in
Security Policy Properties. These policies determine:

• how long cache files remain available after the client computer is
disconnected from the server
• if a warning is displayed before the directory cache expires

In some circumstances you may wish to customize directory cache expiration

policies for a specific computer or group of computers. For example, you may wish
to allow a group of laptop computers to operate without a network connection for
a longer period of time, and for the cache to never expire for one of the laptops. To
override the FactoryTalk network directory cache expiration policies, you may set
directory cache timeout policies for a computer group or an individual computer.

You cannot modify the directory cache timeout policies in a FactoryTalk local

Tip: The directory cache timeout policies are not supported if the client computer is
installed with FactoryTalk Services Platform version 2.40 or earlier.

The cache expiration policies in FactoryTalk are applied in the following order of

• By default, all computers in the directory adopt the directory cache

expiration policy.
• Computer group cache expiration policies take precedence over the
directory cache expiration policy. If a computer is assigned to multiple
computer groups, the computer adopts the cache expiration of the first
assigned computer group in alphabetical order.
• Computer cache expiration policies take precedence over the directory
cache expiration policies of any of its computer groups.

The example below shows how the cache expiration policies work.

Suppose that:

• There are three computers connected to the FactoryTalk network directory

server. MYLAPTOP is a member of computer group Laptops.
MYWORKSTATION is a member of computer group Workstations.

98 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

Although the current setting covers the majority of your computers, you have the
option to customize specific settings for some cases. Suppose you want to allow
computers of Laptops to operate in a disconnected state for a longer period (for
example, 7 days, that is, 168 hours). You also want to turn off the cache expiration
functionality for computer MYSERVER.

To achieve these results,

• In the computer group policy setting of Laptops, select to override the

directory cache expiration policy and set the computer group cache
expiration value to 168.
• In the computer policy setting of MYSERVER, select to override the
directory cache expiration policy and set the computer cache expiration
value to 0.

See also

Modify directory protection policy settings on page 91

About FactoryTalk Security on page 25

Password policy settings Passwords for FactoryTalk user accounts can be up to 16 characters long. A set of
password policies determines how long or how complex passwords must be. As a
matter of good security practice, do not use blank passwords with accounts.

To help avoid intermittent security failures or an inability to log on, always use a
password for all Windows-linked accounts. If you do not want to use a password
for Windows-linked accounts, on your local computer disable the Windows local
security policy called Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to
console logon only. Define password policies for Windows-linked accounts in

For FactoryTalk user accounts, use Security Policy Properties to adjust these
password policy settings:

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 99

Chapter 9 Set system policies

• Password complexity
• Minimum password length
• Number of previous passwords remembered
• Minimum password age
• Maximum password age
• Password expiration warning
Setting Description
Passwords must meet complexity Determines how simple or complex passwords must be.
requirements Disabled means that passwords to user accounts can include any characters or combinations of characters.
Enabled requires users to create passwords that are more secure, because passwords used for user accounts:
• Cannot contain all of the user account name. For example, a user account called John12 cannot have the password
John1234. However, the password 12John is permitted. This check is also case sensitive so John12 could have the
password jOHN12.
• Must contain at least six characters (you can change the minimum value using the Minimum password length policy)
• Must contain characters from three of the following four categories:
• Unaccented uppercase characters (A to Z)
• Unaccented lowercase characters (a to z)
• Numerals (0 to 9)
• Non-alphanumeric characters (!, @, #, %)
If enabled, any passwords that do not meet these minimum requirements will be rejected, and the user will be prompted to
create a password that satisfies the criteria. These complexity requirements are defined by the system and you cannot
change them.
The Passwords must meet complexity requirements policy overrides the Minimum password length policy if the
minimum password length is less than 6 characters. If the minimum password length is greater than 6 characters,
Minimum password length takes precedence.
Default: Disabled.

Minimum password length Sets the minimum number of characters a password to a user account must contain. A value of 0 allows you to create user
accounts without passwords.
If enabled, the Passwords must meet complexity requirements policy requires a minimum password length of 6
characters. However, if the Minimum password length policy is set to more than 6 characters, this overrides the
Passwords must meet complexity requirements policy.
Minimum: 0 characters. A value of 0 means that you can create user accounts without passwords.
Maximum: 16 characters
• For the network directory, 6 characters.
• For the local directory, 0 characters. This means that users can set the passwords to their accounts to be blank.

100 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

Previous passwords remembered Sets the number of unique new passwords that must be created before an old password can be reused. If set to 0, old
passwords can be reused immediately. This policy allows you to ensure that old passwords are not continually reused.
To maintain the effectiveness of the Previous passwords remembered policy, set the Minimum password age policy
to a non-zero value to prevent passwords from being changed immediately. This policy is also necessary to make the
Maximum password age policy meaningful. If this policy is set to zero, users can immediately re-use their existing
passwords when their passwords expire.
Minimum: 0 passwords
Maximum: 24 passwords
Default: 3 passwords
Minimum password age Sets the minimum number of days passwords must be in effect before they can be changed. If set to 0, users can change
their passwords immediately following a prior change.
This policy works together with the Previous passwords remembered policy to prevent a user from changing a
password repeatedly until one of the user's old password favorites can be used again.
If the value of the Minimum password age is greater than the value of the Maximum password age, the minimum
password age is ignored.
• Minimum: 0 days
• Maximum: 999 days
• Default: 0 days. This means that users can change their passwords at any time.
Maximum password age Sets the maximum number of days passwords can be used before they must be changed. If set to 0, passwords never
expire. When setting this value, be sure also to specify a smaller value for the Password expiration warning.
If the Maximum password age expires, the user is prompted to change the password when next logging on with the
If the value of the Maximum password age policy is less than the value of the Minimum password age policy, the
minimum password age is ignored.
• Minimum: 0 days
• Maximum: 999 days
• Default: 0 days. This means that users are never prompted to change their passwords.
Password expiration warning Sets the number of days before passwords are due to expire that the system begins prompting users to change their
If Maximum password age is set to 0, the password expiration warning never appears.
If the value of the Password expiration warning is greater than the value of the Maximum password age, a password
expiration warning appears the next time the user attempts to log on.
• Minimum: 0 days before expiration
• Maximum: 999 days before expiration
• Default: 14 days before expiration

See also

Add a FactoryTalk user account on page 39

Add a Windows-linked user account on page 41

Set system security policies on page 87

Security Policy Properties on page 103

Single sign-on policy settings Use the Single sign-on policy settings in Security Policy Properties to set
whether users can log on once to the FactoryTalk system, or must log on to each
FactoryTalk product separately.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 101

Chapter 9 Set system policies

Disable single sign-on if users will be connecting through Remote Desktop

Services using the name of the Remote Desktop Connection server computer.
This is determined through the computer policy setting called Identify terminal
server clients using the name of. The computer name is saved as part of the single
sign-on user's credentials, and might affect the level of access a user has to the
FactoryTalk system.

Setting Description
Enabled Requires users to log on to the FactoryTalk system only once. The system checks the user's access rights as the user performs actions after logging
on. If the user has the required access rights, the action is allowed to proceed. If the user does not have the necessary access rights, the action is
prevented from taking place. The user is not prompted repeatedly to log on with a user name and password.
Disabled Requires users to log on to each FactoryTalk product separately.

See also

When to disable single sign-on on page 102

Modify computer policy settings on page 89

Set system security policies on page 87

When to disable single sign-on If multiple users are sharing the same Windows user account, but have different
FactoryTalk user accounts, it might be necessary to disable single sign-on. This is
because with single sign-on enabled, the last user that logged on to FactoryTalk is
automatically logged on to all subsequent FactoryTalk products. If you need to be
able to distinguish the actions of individual users, disable single sign-on to force all
users to identify themselves to each FactoryTalk product they use.

There is no way to log all users off all FactoryTalk products simultaneously. This is
because some products might need to run without interruption in the
background. To log all users off all FactoryTalk products simultaneously, log off
Windows. Logging off Windows also shuts down all FactoryTalk products that
were started in the Windows session, regardless of how many users were logged on.

Also disable single sign-on when logging on to FactoryTalk through Remote

Desktop Services using the name of the Remote Desktop Connection server
computer. Alternatively, change the security policy called Identify terminal
server clients using the name of to allow Remote Desktop Services users to
connect using the name of the Remote Desktop Connection client computer.

If single sign-on still does not seem to be working properly, it is likely that the
FactoryTalk product you are using does not support the single sign-on capability.
Some FactoryTalk products always require users to log on, even if single sign-on is

See also

Enable single sign-on on page 93

102 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

Set system security policies on page 87

Security Policy Properties How do I open Security Policy Properties?

1. Start FactoryTalk Administration Console or FactoryTalk View Studio and

then log on to the FactoryTalk Network Directory or FactoryTalk Local
Directory where you want to modify security policies.

2. In the Explorer window, expand the System > Policies > System Policies

3. Double-click Security Policy.

Use Security Policy Properties to define general rules for implementing security
across all FactoryTalk products in your system. To modify security policies, you
will need to obtain the appropriate permissions for the System Policies folder in
the Explorer window.

Security policy includes:

• Account policy settings—including lockout policies, and whether or not a

record of deleted users is kept
• Computer policy settings—such as whether a user can access FactoryTalk
from any computer
• Directory protection policy settings—including how long cache files remain
after the client computer logs off the server
• Password policy settings—including password complexity and how often a
password must be changed
• Single sign-on policy settings—determines if users can log on to
FactoryTalk just once or must log on to each FactoryTalk product

See also

Modify account policy settings on page 88

Modify computer policy settings on page 89

Modify password policy settings on page 92

Enable single sign-on on page 93

Navigate the Policy Properties windows on page 104

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 103

Chapter 9 Set system policies

Navigate the Policy All of the Product Policies and System Policies windows contain the same
features to help you navigate to the property setting you want to edit.
Properties windows
To navigate the Policy Properties windows

• To sort the policy settings alphabetically, click the Alphabetic button:

• To sort the policy settings by category, click the Categories button:
• In the Category view, to expand or collapse lists of policy settings, click the
+ or – icons.
• To change a setting, click the setting you want to change, and then select or
type a new value.
• To change the size of any column, move the cursor over a column heading
until you see a cross-bar shape, and then click and drag to expand or reduce
the column size.
• To resize the description of a selected setting, drag the top part of the
description pane at the bottom of the window.

See also

Set system security policies on page 87

Export policies to XML Export policies to save current FactoryTalk Directory policy settings to an XML
file. Use an XML or text comparison tool to determine policy changes between
exported policy files.

The exported policies are limited to the policies accessible by the logged on user. If
the logged-on user does not have Read, Execute, or List Children permissions for a
policy or its parent folders, that policy is not exported.


Obtain permissions for each policy to be exported:

• Common > Read

• Common > Execute
• Common > List Children

To export policies to XML

1. From the Tools menu, select Export Policies.

2. Enter or browse to a path for the XML file.

3. Click Export.

104 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set system policies Chapter 9

See also

Export Policies on page 105

Set system security policies on page 87

How do I open Export Policies?

Export Policies
• From the Tools menu, select Export Policies.

Use Export Policies to create an XML file containing the current FactoryTalk
Directory policy settings.

The exported policies are limited to the policies accessible by the logged on user. If
the logged-on user does not have Read, Execute, or List Children permissions for a
policy or its parent folders, that policy is not exported.

See also

Export policies to XML on page 104

Set system security policies on page 87

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 105

Chapter 10

Set product-specific policies

To prevent users of a FactoryTalk product from making unwanted changes,

restrict access to individual product features. Only users with the required level of
access can use the product features you have secured.

For example, when you set up product policies for RSLinx Classic, you might
restrict the ability to shut down the RSLinx Classic service to a small group of
users, to prevent parts of your automation system from going down at runtime.

A product policy is a collection of securable features in a FactoryTalk product. A

product policy applies to only one product—if you are denied access to a product
feature, you cannot use that feature when using that product, but you may use the
feature in other FactoryTalk products.

View and edit permissions:

• For features of a single product in that product's Feature Security

• For features of multiple products at the same time in Feature Security for
Product Policies

Typically, you will want to restrict access to features of multiple products at once.
For FactoryTalk Linx Gateway, however, you have to configure security on a
feature-by-feature basis.

See also

Secure features of a single product on page 107

Secure multiple product features on page 108

Differences between securable actions and product features on page 111

Secure features of a single To restrict access to one or more features of a single FactoryTalk property, use
Feature Security Properties.
To secure features of a single product

1. Log on to the FactoryTalk Directory where you want to configure product


Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 107

Chapter 10 Set product-specific policies

2. In the Explorer window, expand System > Policies > Product Policies.

3. In the Product Policies folder, expand the folder for the product whose
features you want to secure and then double-click Feature Security.

4. In Feature Security Properties, click the row containing the feature you
want to secure. A description of the feature appears at the bottom of the

5. Configure the security settings for the feature:

• If the product policy contains settings that you can configure using
drop-down lists, configure the settings, click OK, and then skip the rest
of the steps.
• If the product policy is not configured using drop-down lists, in the
column on the right, click Browse (...) beside Configure Security.

6. Use Configure Securable Acton to select the users or user groups that can
access the feature, and click OK.

7. Repeat steps 4-6 as needed to configure the features that make up your
product policy.

8. Click OK.

See also

Feature Security for Product Policies on page 110

Permissions on page 132

Secure multiple product Use Feature Security for Product Policies to secure features of multiple
FactoryTalk products at once. The term action in Feature Security for Product
features Policies refers to a product feature. Each FactoryTalk product you install provides
different securable features (actions).

Click the plus (+) icon next to each FactoryTalk product to view the features you
may secure.

To secure multiple product features

1. Log on to the FactoryTalk Directory where you want to configure product


2. In the Explorer window, expand System > Policies.

3. Right-click Product Policies, and then click Configure Feature Security.

108 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set product-specific policies Chapter 10

4. (optional) To add a user and computer to the Users list, click Add. In
Select User and Computer, select a user or group of users, and a computer
or group of computers, and click OK.

5. In Feature Security for Product Policies, do one of the following:

• To specify which features a selected user can perform, click User.

• To specify which users can access a selected feature, click Action. Skip
to step 7.

6. To set permissions by user:

• In the Users list, click to select the user or user group whose access you
need to secure.
• In the Actions list, expand the list of products and categories as needed
to locate the feature you wish to secure, and click to select the feature.
• Skip to step 8.

7. To set permissions by feature:

• In the Actions list, expand the list of products and categories as needed
to locate the feature you wish to secure, and click to select the feature.
• In the Users list, click to select the user or group for whose access to the
feature you need to secure.

8. Specify security settings as follows:

• To allow a user to perform the action, select the Allow check box.
• To deny a user access to the action, select the Deny check box.
• If you clear both the Allow and Deny check boxes, the user is denied
access to the feature.

9. Repeat steps 5–8 as needed to secure additional product features.

10. Click OK.

See also

Secure features of a single product on page 107

Permissions on page 132

Differences between securable actions and product policy features on page


Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 109

Chapter 10 Set product-specific policies

Feature Security for Product How do I open Feature Security for Product Policies?

Policies 1. Start FactoryTalk Administration Console or FactoryTalk View Studio

and then log on to the FactoryTalk Directory where you want to configure
product policies.

2. In the Explorer window, expand the Network or Local FactoryTalk

Directory tree, and then expand the folders System > Policies.

3. Right-click Product Policies, and then click Configure Feature Security

on the context menu. You can also right-click any of the individual product
categories and then click Configure Feature Security to configure policies
for just that product.

Use the Permissions tab in Feature Security for Product Policies to secure
features in multiple FactoryTalk products at the same time. If you are using both a
local and a network FactoryTalk Directory you must configure product policies in
each directory separately.

Tip: Security for FactoryTalk Linx Gateway must be configured one feature at a time.

Setting Description
View permissions by View the same set of permissions from two different points of view:
• by user — Click User, select a user and then specify what product features that user can access
• by action — Click Action, select a product feature and then specify which users can perform the feature
Add Click Add to add a user and computer to the list.
Remove Click Remove to remote a user and computer from the list.
Action list The term action in Feature Security for Product Policies refers to a product feature. Each FactoryTalk product you install provides
different securable features (actions).
Click the plus (+) icon next to each FactoryTalk product to view the features you may secure. For more information about each
product, refer to the product's documentation.
Allow Click to allow access to a product feature.
Deny Click to deny access to a product feature.
Allow and Deny Clear both check boxes to deny access to the feature.

See also

Secure multiple product features on page 108

Permissions on page 132

Things you can secure on page 28

Differences between securable actions and product policy features on page


110 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Set product-specific policies Chapter 10

Feature Security Policies How do I open Feature Security Properties?

1. Start FactoryTalk Administration Console or FactoryTalk View Studio and

then log on to the FactoryTalk Directory where you want to configure
product policies.

2. In the Explorer window, expand the System folder > Policies > Product
Policies, expand the folder for the product whose policies you want to
secure, and then double-click the type of product policies you want to secure
for the product.

Use the Policy Settings tab in Feature Security Properties to secure a single
feature of a FactoryTalk product. You may secure other features of the same
product in Feature Security Properties, but this is not the most efficient way to
do so.

Policy settings are completely separate in the network directory and local
directory. Changes you make to the policy settings in one directory do not apply to
the other directory.

See also

Secure features of a single product on page 107

Secure multiple product features on page 108

Differences between securable actions and product features on page 111

Differences between A product policy is a collection of securable features in a FactoryTalk product. A

product policy is different than a securable action in these ways:
securable actions and
product features • A securable action applies to all products that use that action in a particular
context—such as an application or area.
• A product policy applies to only one product—if you are denied permission
to a product feature, you cannot use that product feature when using that

In some cases, there are securable actions and product policies for the same
capability. For example, Logix Designer application has both a securable action
and a product policy called Firmware: Update.

• The securable action applies to all products—if you are denied permission
to the Firmware: Update action in an application or area, you cannot
update firmware in the controller from that application or area using any

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 111

Chapter 10 Set product-specific policies

• The product policy applies to only Logix Designer application—if you are
denied permission to Firmware: Update, you cannot update firmware
when using Logix Designer application to configure any controller.

Unlike securable actions for resources, product policies do not inherit security
settings. When specifying permissions for product policies, clearing both the
Allow and Deny check boxes does not allow the policy setting to inherit security.
Instead, clearing both check boxes denies access to the product feature.

For details about securable actions and product policies in a particular FactoryTalk
product, see the documentation for your product.

See also

Secure features of a single product on page 107

Secure multiple product features on page 108

Secure resources on page 131

112 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Chapter 11

Manage logical names

A logical name is an alias that identifies a control network or device. Use a logical
name to provide a shorter or more intuitive name to identify a device, instead of
using its network relative path. Logical names also change the way devices inherit
security permissions. Control devices with identical logical names share security
permissions across different control networks and across different computers,
without requiring identical driver names or relying on identical network paths.

You must define logical names in FactoryTalk Administration Console before

configuring security for RSLogix 5000 controllers. For all other types of control
hardware, you can choose whether to associate security settings with logical names
or with network relative paths.

In addition, a logical name can be part of a resource grouping assigned to an area or

application. If a logical name is assigned to an area, it inherits the security
permissions of the area.

You can:

• Add a logical name

• Delete a logical name
• Add a logical name to an area or application
• Remove a logical name from a an area or application
• Add a device to a logical name
• Remove a device from a logical name

See also

Logical names on page 114

Add a logical name on page 115

Add a device to a logical name on page 116

Assign a control device to a logical name on page 117

Add a logical name to an area or application on page 118

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 113

Chapter 11 Manage logical names

Logical names A logical name is an alias that identifies a control network or device. You can use
the logical name to provide a shorter or more intuitive name to identify a device
instead of using its network relative path. Logical names also change the way
devices inherit security permissions.

Why use logical names?

Control devices with identical logical names share security permissions across
different control networks and across different computers, without requiring
identical RSLinx Classic driver names or relying on identical network paths.

You must add logical names in FactoryTalk Administration Console before

configuring security for RSLogix 5000 controllers. For all other types of control
hardware, you can choose whether to associate security settings with logical names
or with network relative paths. You might choose to add logical names as aliases
for control devices with multiple paths, to associate each instance of the device
with a single set of security permissions.

What happens when you add a logical name?

If you add a logical name for a control device, the security system automatically
uses the security permissions associated with that name, rather than with the
device's network relative path, to determine access permissions. After defining a
new logical name, you must also establish security permissions for the control
device. Be sure to add an identical logical name for the control device on each
computer on the network that has access to the device, if the different computers
have different relative paths to the device.

If you configure security on a control device identified by a network relative path,

and then later you add a logical name for the device, the original security
permissions are not lost; they remain associated with the path, but they do not
transfer to the name. As a result, the original security permissions are no longer
accessible, because security now attempts to access the security permissions using
the name, not the path.

If you later change a control device's logical name, the original security permissions
remain associated with the first logical name. You must re-add security
permissions for the device, to associate them with the new logical name.

What happens when you delete a logical name?

When you delete a logical name, the security system automatically uses the security
permissions associated with the device's network relative path.

The logical name and its associated security permissions still exist in the security
system after a name is deleted. For example, suppose the name "MyPLC1" is
assigned to Device1 on Computer A and Computer B, and each computer has a
different relative path to Device1. When a user attempts to perform an action on
114 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E
Manage logical names Chapter 11

Device1 from either computer, the security system checks the permissions
associated with "MyPLC1."

Now suppose we delete the name "MyPLC1" on Computer A, but leave it assigned
on Computer B. If a user attempts to perform an action on Device1 from
Computer A, security uses the permissions associated with the Device1's network
relative path. If a user attempts to perform an action on Device1 from Computer
B, however, security uses the permissions associated with the logical name

Do not delete logical names for RSLogix 5000 controllers. Because RSLogix 5000
controllers do not have network relative paths, deleting a logical name can cause
unexpected results.

See also

Add a logical name on page 115

Delete a logical name on page 116

Add a logical name Add a logical name to Networks and Devices to create an alias that identifies a
control network or a device. Use a logical name to provide a shorter or more
intuitive name to identify a device, instead of using its network relative path.
Logical names also change the way devices inherit security permissions. Control
devices with identical logical names share security permissions across different
control networks and across different computers, without requiring identical
driver names or relying on identical network paths.

You must add logical names in FactoryTalk Administration Console before

configuring security for RSLogix 5000 controllers. For all other types of control
hardware, you can choose whether to associate security settings with logical names
or with network relative paths.

Follow the steps below to add a logical name without associating it with an area or
application. Use Resources Editor to associate the logical name with an area or

Alternatively, you can select an area or application and add a logical name to it.
This assigns the logical name to the area or application so that it immediately
inherits the security permissions of that area or application.

To add a logical name

1. In Explorer, expand the Networks and Devices tree until Logical Names
is visible.

2. Right-click Logical Names and click New Logical Name.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 115

Chapter 11 Manage logical names

3. In New Logical Name, enter the name for your new logical name. For a
RSLogix 5000 controller, type a name that is identical to the device name
stored in the controller.

4. Click OK.

See also

Add a logical name to an area or application on page 118

Add a device to a logical name on page 116

Delete a logical name on page 116

Delete a logical name Delete a logical name from Networks and Devices when you no longer need the
logical name as an alias for a control device or network. When you delete a logical
name, the security permissions for the devices associated with it revert to the
permissions of the device or network.

Important: Because RSLogix 5000 controllers do not use network relative paths,
deleting a logical name associated with a RSLogix 5000 controller can
cause unexpected results.

To delete a logical name

1. In the Explorer window, expand the Networks and Devices tree until
Logical Names is visible.

2. Right-click on the logical name you wish to delete, and click Delete.

See also

Add a logical name on page 115

Delete a logical name from an area or application on page 119

Logical names on page 114

Add a device to a logical Use Logical Name Properties to add control devices or networks to a logical
name. When you add a device or network to a logical name, its associated devices
name inherit the security permissions of the logical name.

To add devices to a logical name

1. In the Explorer window, expand the Networks and Devices tree until the
logical name you wish to edit is visible.

2. Right-click the logical name, then click Properties.

116 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Manage logical names Chapter 11

3. In Logical Name Properties, click Add.

4. In Device Browser, select a device, or type the network relative path to a

device that does not exist yet, but will be added later.

5. Click OK.

See also

Remove a device from a logical name on page 117

Delete a logical name on page 116

Remove a device from a Use Logical Name Properties to remove a device from a logical name when you
longer wish to associate the device with the logical name.
logical name
Important: Do not remove an RSLogix 5000 controller from a logical name. Because
RSLogix 5000 controllers do not use network relative paths, removing the
device from a logical name can cause unexpected results.

To remove a device from a logical name

1. In the Explorer window, expand the Networks and Devices tree until the
logical name you wish to edit is visible.

2. Right-click the logical name, then click Properties.

3. In Logical Name Properties, in the Device members list, click to select a

device or network you wish to delete from the logical name.

4. Click Remove, then click OK.

See also

Assign a control device to a logical name on page 117

Delete a logical name on page 116

Assign a control device to a A logical name is an alias that identifies a control network or device. You must add
logical names in FactoryTalk Administration Console before configuring security
logical name for RSLogix 5000 controllers. If assigned to an area or application, a logical name
inherits the security permissions of that area or application.

Use Device Properties to assign a control device to a logical name. You may add a
device to an existing logical name, or add the device to a new logical name.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 117

Chapter 11 Manage logical names

To assign a control device to a logical name

1. Expand the Networks and Devices tree until the network or device you
want to create an alias for is visible.

2. Right-click on the network or device icon and click Properties.

3. In Device Properties, the Logical name list displays the current logical
name the device or network it is assigned to.

4. Do one of the following:

• To assign a new logical name, select <New...>. In New Logical Name,

enter a descriptive name and click OK.
• To select from an existing logical name, or to change the logical name
associated with the device, click the Logical name drop-down and
select the logical name you want to assign the device to.

5. Click OK.

6. If different computers have different relative paths to the device, add an

identical logical name for the control device on each computer on the
network that has access to the device.

Tip: If you change the logical name of a control device, the security permissions remain
associated with the first logical name. You must re-add security permissions for the
device to associate them with the new logical name.

See also

Remove a device from a logical name on page 117

Add a logical name to an area or application on page 118

Add a logical name to an Devices with identical logical names share security permissions across different
control networks and across different computers, even if those devices are
area or application configured with different driver names or network paths. You must add logical
names before configuring security for RSLogix 5000 controllers. For all other
types of control hardware, you can choose whether to associate security settings
with logical names or with network relative paths.

Add a logical name to an area or application when you want the permissions
associated with the logical name to be inherited from that area or application.


Obtain the following permissions in the area or application where you want to add
a logical name:

118 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Manage logical names Chapter 11

• Common > Create Children

• Common > List Children
• Common > Read

To add a logical name to an area or application

1. In the Explorer window, right-click the application or area you want to add
the logical name to, and click Resource Editor.

In Resources Editor, the area or application appears selected.

2. Click Manage Resources.

3. In Select Resources, click Add New Logical Name.

4. In New Logical Name, type a name for the logical name, and click OK.

See also

Logical names on page 114

Delete a logical name from Delete a logical name from an area or an application to break the link between the
logical name and the permissions associated with the area or application.
an area or application

Obtain the following permissions for the application or area in the Explorer

• Common > Delete

• Common > List Children
• Common > Read

To delete a logical name from an area or application

1. In the Explorer window, expand the local or network directory tree until
the application or area that contains the logical name is visible.

2. Right-click the application or area icon, and click Resource Editor.

3. In the Resources Editor, the application is selected in the Areas list.

4. In the Associated Resources list, click to select the logical name you wish
to delete, and click Cut.

5. Click Close.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 119

Chapter 11 Manage logical names

See also

Logical names on page 114

How do I open New Logical Name?

New Logical Name
1. Start FactoryTalk Administration Console or FactoryTalk View Studio and
then log on to the FactoryTalk Network Directory or FactoryTalk Local
Directory where you want to edit devices.

2. Expand the Explorer tree until the application or area containing the
resource grouping you want to edit is visible.

3. Right-click the application or area, and then click Resource Editor on the
context menu.

4. In the Resources Editor dialog box, click Manage Resources. In the Select
resources for dialog box, do one of the following:

• To edit the devices belonging to an existing logical name, expand the

Logical Names folder, right-click the logical name whose device
members you want to edit, and then click Properties on the context
• To create a new logical name and add devices to it, click the Add New
Logical Name button. In the New Logical Name dialog box, type a
logical name and then click OK.

Use New Logical Name to create an alias for the path to a device. A logical name
associates security permissions directly with the name, rather than with the path.
This allows you to associate a network or device with a single set of security
permissions. Devices with identical logical names share security permissions across
different control networks and across different computers.

Important: When using RSLogix 5000® controllers, you must use logical names to add
a mapping between FactoryTalk Administration Console and the devices.

After you create a new logical name, type a descriptive name to identify it.

• If New Logical Name is opened from an application or area in the

Explorer window, the new logical name is assigned to the application or
• If New Logical Name is opened from the Logical Names tree in the
Explorer window, use the Resources Editor to assign the new logical name
to an application or area.

120 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Manage logical names Chapter 11

See also

Add a logical name on page 115

Add a logical name to an area or application on page 118

Resources Editor on page 128

Logical Name Properties How do I open Logical Name Properties?

1. Start FactoryTalk Administration Console or FactoryTalk View Studio and

then log on to the FactoryTalk Network Directory or FactoryTalk Local
Directory where you want to edit devices.

2. Expand the Explorer tree until the application or area containing the
resource grouping you want to edit is visible.

3. Right-click the application or area, and then click Resource Editor on the
context menu.

4. In the Resources Editor dialog box, click Manage Resources. In the Select
resources for dialog box, do one of the following:

• To edit the devices belonging to an existing logical name, expand the

Logical Names folder, right-click the logical name whose device
members you want to edit, and then click Properties on the context
• To create a new logical name and add devices to it, click the Add New
Logical Name button. In the New Logical Name dialog box, type a
logical name and then click OK.

Use Logical Name Properties to:

• View the control devices associated with a logical name

• Add or remove control devices from a logical name
• View or remove the area associated with a control device via its resource

Use the following settings to edit the properties of a logical name.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 121

Chapter 11 Manage logical names

Setting Description
Logical name Select a logical name to edit the control devices associated with it. To create a new logical name, select New and then, in New
Logical Name, type a logical name. For a RSLogix 5000 controller, type a name that is identical to the device name stored in the
controller. Devices with identical logical names share security permissions across different control networks and across different
computers, even if those devices are configured with different driver names or network paths.
After defining a logical name, create security permissions for the control device. The new security permissions that you define are
now associated with the logical name. Any security permissions defined earlier, before a logical name was added, remain associated
with the device's network relative path, and are not copied to the logical name.
Because RSLogix 5000 devices do not use network relative paths, define logical names for RSLogix 5000 devices before configuring
Device members This list shows the network relative paths of the devices that are referenced by the selected logical name.
To add devices to the selected logical name, click Add. You can add multiple devices to a single logical name, but you cannot add a
single device to multiple logical names. To save changes, click Apply.
To remove a device from the selected logical name, click the device and then click Remove.
Area associated with If the selected logical name is a member of a hardware resource grouping, this field shows the area from which the logical name
inherits its security permissions. The information in this field appears only as a reference. You cannot edit this field.
To remove the logical name from the area, click Remove.

See also

Add a logical name on page 115

Add a device to a logical name on page 116

Remove a device from a logical name on page 117

Device Properties For control hardware displayed in the Networks and Devices tree, use Device
Properties to:

• View network relative paths

• Add a device to a new logical name
• Assign a control device to an existing logical name
• Change the logical name associated with the device
• Remove a device from a logical name
• Remove the control device from a resource grouping
Important: Do not remove RSLogix 5000 controllers from a logical name. Because
RSLogix 5000 controllers do not use network relative paths, removing the
device from a logical name can cause unexpected results.

Setting Description
Device path This field displays the network relative path of the device whose properties you are viewing. The information in this field appears only as
a reference. You cannot edit this field.

122 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Manage logical names Chapter 11

Logical name Select a logical name to view the area associated with the logical name. The area indicates the resource grouping to which the logical
name belongs. Do one of the following:
• To create a new logical name, select <New...>. In New Logical Name, enter a descriptive name and click OK.
• To select from an existing logical name, or to change the logical name associated with the device, click the Logical name drop-down
and select the logical name you want to assign the device to.
• To remove the logical name the device is associated with, select None. The security system automatically uses the security
permissions associated with the device's network relative path.
Area associated with If the selected logical name is a member of a hardware resource grouping, this field shows the area from which the logical name inherits
its security permissions. The information in this field appears only as a reference. You cannot edit this field.
To remove the logical name from the area, click Remove. This removes the logical name from the resource grouping.

See also

Assign a control device to a logical name on page 117

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 123

Chapter 12

Resource grouping

A resource grouping is a collection of hardware resources from the Networks and

Devices tree that is associated with an application or area. Grouping hardware
resources under an application or area allows to define security permissions for a
set of control hardware in one step, rather than having to set permissions for each
device separately. Hardware in a resource grouping may be defined by its network
relative path or by its logical name.

To manage the security of control hardware through an application or area, use

the Resources Editor to:

• Group hardware resources in an application or area

• Move a resource between areas
• Remove devices from a resource grouping

See also

Group hardware resources in an application or area on page 126

Move a resource between areas on page 127

Remove a device from a resource grouping on page 128

Resource groupings on page 125

Resource groupings A resource grouping is a collection of hardware resources from the Networks and
Devices tree that is associated with an application or area. It is not a separate
account type.

Grouping resources under an application or area allows granting or denying

security permissions for a set of control hardware in one step, rather than having
to set permissions for each device separately.

You can create a resource grouping in any application or area in the FactoryTalk
Directory by selecting resources to be associated with the area in the Resources
Editor. You may add or delete resources at any time. A resource grouping
automatically inherits the security settings of the application or area where the
resource group is located.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 125

Chapter 12 Resource grouping

These security permissions might be explicit permissions you defined specifically

for the area, or they might be inherited from the application the area is located in,
or from the FactoryTalk Directory the application is located in. As always, you can
set explicit permissions for a device, overriding security permissions set for its
resource group. However, you set up these explicit permissions by browsing for the
network or device in the Networks and Devices tree, not in the application or
area tree.

To prevent conflicting permissions, you cannot nest resource groupings within

other resource groupings, and you cannot include the same network or device in
multiple resource groupings within the same FactoryTalk Directory.

See also

Group hardware resources in an application or area on page 126

Remove a device from a resource grouping on page 128

Permissions on page 132

Group hardware resources Group hardware resources in an application of area if you prefer to manage their
security settings through the application or area. Devices in a resource grouping
in an application or area inherit security permissions from their associated application or area.


To group hardware resources together in an application or area, you must have the
following security permissions for the application or area:

• Common > Read

• Common > List Children
• Common > Configure Security

To group hardware resources in an application or area

1. In the Explorer window, right-click any application or area and then click
Resource Editor.

The application is highlighted in the Areas list, which displays all

applications and areas in the current FactoryTalk directory.

2. Click Manage Resources.

3. In Select Resources, expand the Logical Names folder or the Networks

and Devices tree until you see the hardware resource you would like to add
to the grouping.

126 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Resource grouping Chapter 12

If you would like to add a logical name, click one of the following to filter
the list of logical names:

• Show only logical names not associated with areas

• Show all logical names

4. (Optional) To create a new logical name that can be added to a resource

grouping, click Add New Logical Name.

5. Click on the resource you would like to add, and click the > button to move
it into the Selected resources list.

6. Click OK.

See also

Move a resource between areas on page 127

Remove a device from a resource grouping on page 128

Resource groupings on page 125

Move a resource between Use the Resources Editor to move a hardware resource from one application or
area to another. The device or control network that is moved inherits the security
areas permissions of its new area or application.


To group hardware resources together in an application or area, you must have the
following security permissions for the application or area:

• Common > Read

• Common > List Children
• Common > Configure Security

To move a resource between areas

1. In the Explorer window, right-click any application or area and then click
Resource Editor.

2. In the Areas list, click the area containing the resource you want to copy.

3. In the Associated resources list, right-click the resource, and then click

4. In the Areas list, click the area you want to copy the resource to, right-click
the Associated resources list again, and then click Paste.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 127

Chapter 12 Resource grouping

5. Click Close.

See also

Group hardware resources in an application or area on page 126

Remove a device from a resource grouping on page 128

Resource groupings on page 125

Remove a device from a Remove a device from a resource grouping to break the link between its security
permissions and those of the application or area to which it belongs.
resource grouping
When you remove a device from a resource grouping, the security permissions for
the device revert to what they were for either the logical name of the device — if
the device is associated with a logical name — or for the network relative path of
the device. The changes take effect immediately when you click OK.


Obtain the following security permissions for the application or area where the
resource grouping is located:

• Common > Configure Security

• Common > List Children
• Common > Read

To remove a device from a resource grouping

1. In the Explorer window, right-click the application or area containing the

resource grouping you wish to modify, and click Resource Editor.

2. In the Areas list of the Resources Editor, click the area or application
containing the resource you want to delete.

3. In the Associated resources list, right-click the resource, and then click

4. Click Close.

See also

Resource groupings on page 125

How do I open Resources Editor?

Resources Editor

128 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Resource grouping Chapter 12

1. Start FactoryTalk Administration Console or FactoryTalk View Studio and

then log on to the FactoryTalk Network Directory or FactoryTalk Local
Directory where you want to modify resource groupings.

2. In the Explorer window, right-click any application or area and then click
Resource Editor on the context menu.

Use Resources Editor to edit a resource grouping in an area or application. Click

Manage Resources to add or remove resources, or to map resources to logical

Setting Description
Areas This list displays the applications and areas in the FactoryTalk network directory, or the applications in the FactoryTalk local
directory. Click an area or application to view the list of resources associated with it.
Associated resources This list shows the hardware devices located in the application or area. Devices that are represented by logical names are
displayed using their logical names. Devices that are represented by network relative paths are shown by their network
relative paths.
• To remove a resource, right-click the resource and then click Cut. When you remove a device from a resource
grouping, the security permissions for the device revert to what they were for either logical name of the device, if the
device is associated with a logical name, or for the network relative path of the device. The changes take effect
immediately when you click OK.
• To move a resource from one area to another, in the Areas list, click the area containing the resource you want to
copy. In the Associated resources list, right-click the resource, and then click Cut on the context menu. In the Areas
list, click the area you want to copy the resource to, right-click the Associated resources list again, and then click
Manage Resources Click Manage Resources to add or remove resources in the selected application or area, or to map resources to logical

See also

Group hardware resources in an application or area on page 126

Remove a device from a resource grouping on page 128

Select Resources Use Select Resources to associate resources with an application or area. The
hardware devices can be referenced either by logical name or by network relative
path. Use the following settings to specify how resources are added to the

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 129

Chapter 12 Resource grouping

Setting Description
Select resources to be associated with an area • To view the logical names for only those devices that are not already associated with an application or
area, click Show only logical names not associated with areas. Ignore this setting if you are not
using logical names with networks and devices.
• To view all logical names, even if they are already associated with an application or area, click Show
all logical names. Ignore this setting if you are not using logical names with networks and devices.
• To add a logical name to the list of resources in the grouping, click the logical name and then click the
> button. You cannot add the same network or device (represented by a logical name) to multiple
resource groupings.
• To add a device using its network relative path, expand the Networks and Devices tree until the
device you want to add is visible. Click the device and then click the > button. You cannot add the
same network or device to multiple resource groupings.
Add New Logical Name Click this button to create a new logical name for a device so that you can add the logical name to an
application or area.
Delete Logical Name Use this button to delete logical names that are no longer in use in the system, but remain visible in this
dialog box. This can happen if you added a logical name, but later removed the device associated with
that logical name. The Delete Logical Name button is disabled if the selected logical name is in use.
Selected resources This list shows the resources that are associated with the application or area. To remove a resource from
the list, click the resource and then click the < button.

See also

Group hardware resources in an application or area on page 126

Resource groupings on page 125

130 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Chapter 13

Secure resources

To secure the resources in your FactoryTalk system, you select the resource, and
Secure resources
then use Allow or Deny permissions to specify which users can perform what
actions on that resource from what computers. This helps ensure that only
authorized personnel can perform approved actions from appropriate locations.

Common actions include the ability to see the resource, to edit or delete it, and to
add additional items to the resource. Additional securable actions might appear,
depending on which FactoryTalk products you have installed.

You may set security permissions for the following:

• FactoryTalk local or network directory

• Applications
• Areas
• System folder
• Action groups
• Policies
• Computers and Computer Groups
• Users and User Groups
• Connections, including databases
• Networks and devices

Security for networks and devices follows some special rules for inheriting security
permissions, and includes the use of logical names, permission sets, and resource
groupings. For this reason, it is covered in its own section: Secure networks and

See also

Set FactoryTalk Directory permissions on page 140

View effective permissions on page 152

Actions on page 137

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 131

Chapter 13 Secure resources

Permissions Permissions determine which users can perform which actions on specific
resources in the system from which computers.

Allow and Deny permissions

There are two kinds of permissions that you can set on resources:

• Allow permissions grant users permission to perform actions on resources

from all computers or from only certain computers on a network. For
example, in a FactoryTalk network directory, for a resource such as an area
containing various servers, you could assign Allow permission to a Read
action for a group of users called Designers from All Computers. This
allows members of the Designers group to view the contents of the area
from any computer on the network.
• Deny permissions prevent users from performing actions on resources from
all computers or from only certain computers on a network. In a
FactoryTalk local directory, security permissions apply to only the local
computer. In a network directory, for an area containing various servers, you
could assign Deny permissions to a Write action for a group of users called
Designers from All Computers to prevent members of the Designers group
from modifying the contents of the area.

You can also remove all permissions from an object by clearing both the Allow and
Deny check boxes. This allows the object to inherit permissions assigned at a
higher level. For example, if you remove all permissions from an area located in an
application, the area inherits permissions from the application.

If no permissions are assigned to a resource at any level, Deny is implied.

Product policies do not inherit security settings. When specifying permissions for
product policies, clearing both the Allow and Deny check boxes does not allow
the policy setting to inherit security. Instead, clearing both check boxes denies
access to the product feature.

Inherited and explicit permissions

By default, resources inherit permissions automatically from their parent

resources. For example, if you assign security to an area in an application, all of the
items in the area inherit the security settings of the area, and the area inherits
security settings from the application. The top of the hierarchy is the network
directory or local directory.

Networks and devices that are referenced by logical names, rather than by network
relative paths, inherit permissions differently than other resources.

You can override inherited permissions in two ways:

132 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Secure resources Chapter 13

• Set up explicit permissions for resources at a lower level of the hierarchy.

For example, if an area inherits permissions from an application, you can
override the inherited permissions by specifying permissions explicitly for
the area.
Explicit permissions are permissions you assign deliberately to the resource,
for users, groups, or computers, and actions. Explicit permissions take
precedence over inherited permissions.

• Break the chain of inheritance at a level in the Network Directory or Local

Directory tree. For example, you can stop an area from inheriting
permissions from the application in which it is located by selecting the Do
not inherit permissions check box when setting up security for the area.
When you break the chain of inheritance, you can specify whether to
remove all permissions from resources below the break (which then implies
Deny permission), or whether to use the permissions that are inherited by
the resource at the break as explicit permissions.

The principle of inheritance allows you to set permissions at as high a level as is

practical, and then introduce exceptions at lower levels where necessary. If
permissions are not assigned at any level, Deny is implied. When the system
evaluates the level of access provided to a user, computer, or group, Deny
permissions are evaluated before Allow permissions, explicit permissions override
inherited permissions, and where conflicting permissions exist, Deny takes
precedence over Allow.

Categories of permissions for actions

The actions that users can perform on resources are grouped into categories. The
Common category is common to all FactoryTalk products. You can create your
own action groups, so that you can assign security permissions to all of the actions
in the group in one step rather than assigning permissions to each action

Effective permissions

If you want to find out what actions a user or group can perform on a resource,
you can view the permissions in effect (called effective permissions) for the
resource. The effective permissions are shown in the Effective Permissions tab of
the Security Settings for the resource.

Effective Permissions shows the permissions that are granted to the selected user,
computer, or group. When calculating effective permissions, the system takes into
account the permissions in effect from group membership, as well as any
permissions inherited from the parent object.

If a check mark appears for an action, it means that permission is allowed, whether
explicitly or by inheritance. If a check mark does not appear, it means that

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 133

Chapter 13 Secure resources

permission is denied, whether explicitly or by inheritance. If a category (for

example, Common) shows a gray check mark, it means that one or more – but not
all – of the actions inside the category is allowed. Expand the category to see which
permissions within it are allowed or denied.

See also

Breaking the chain of inheritance on page 134

Order of precedence on page 136

Secure resources on page 131

View effective permissions on page 152

Breaking the chain of inheritance By default, resources inherit permissions automatically from their parent
resources. For example, if you assign security to an area in an application, all of the
items in the area inherit the security settings of the area, and the area inherits
security settings from the application. The top of the hierarchy is the network
directory or local directory.

You can override inherited permissions in two ways:

• Set up explicit permissions for resources at a lower level of the hierarchy.

For example, if an area inherits permissions from an application, you can
override the inherited permissions by specifying permissions explicitly for
the area.
• Break the chain of inheritance at a level in the network directory or local
directory tree. For example, you can stop an area from inheriting
permissions from the application in which it is located by selecting the Do
not inherit permissions check box when setting up security for the area.
When you break the chain of inheritance, you can specify whether to
remove all permissions from resources below the break (which then implies
Deny permission), or whether to use the permissions that are inherited by
the resource at the break as explicit permissions.

134 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Secure resources Chapter 13

Permissions can be inherited only as far up the network directory or local directory
tree as the chain of inheritance remains intact. For example, if you select the Do
not inherit permissions check box for an area, items that inherit permissions
inside the area can inherit permissions only as far as the area. They cannot inherit
permissions from the application in which the area is located. Because breaking the
chain of inheritance complicates administration, you should only do so when
absolutely necessary.

The principle of inheritance allows you to set permissions at as high a level as is

practical, and then introduce exceptions at lower levels where necessary.

If permissions are not assigned at any level, Deny is implied.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 135

Chapter 13 Secure resources

See also

Permissions on page 132

Order of precedence on page 136

Secure resources on page 131

Order of precedence When the system evaluates the level of access a user, computer, or group has, the
following rules apply:

• Deny permissions are implied. If you do not assign any permissions to a

resource, Deny is implied. Use implied Deny permissions rather than
explicit Deny permissions wherever possible, because this simplifies
• Deny permissions are evaluated before Allow permissions. For example,
if the Operators group is explicitly denied access to a data server, but an
individual user account (Jane) is explicitly allowed access, Deny takes
precedence over Allow, and Jane cannot access the data server if she is a
member of the Operators group.
• Explicit permissions override inherited permissions. For example,
assume your application has an area called Baking, and you allow Operators
to have Read access to the area. If you deny operators Read access to an
HMI server in the Baking area, the Deny permission takes precedence over
the Allow permission.
This means that an explicit Allow permission overrides an inherited Deny
permission, and an explicit Deny permission overrides an inherited Allow

• If conflicting explicit permissions are set at the same level, Deny takes
precedence over Allow. For example, if you explicitly deny the Operators
group access to a data server, but you explicitly allow an individual user
account (Jane) access to the data server, Deny takes precedence over Allow,
and Jane cannot access the data server if she is a member of the Operators
group. This happens because conflicting explicit permissions are set on the
same resource. To Allow Jane access to the data server, you must Deny the
Operators group access to the resource at a higher level in the hierarchy (for
example, the area in which the data server is located), and then explicitly
allow exceptions for the data server.

See also

Breaking the chain of inheritance on page 134

Permissions on page 132

136 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Secure resources Chapter 13

Secure resources on page 131

Actions When setting up security you specify which actions a user or group can perform
on a selected resource. In a FactoryTalk network directory, you can also specify
which computer or group of computers a user can perform the action from.

A group of common actions are installed by default with the FactoryTalk Services
Platform. However, different sets of actions apply to different resources in the
directory. Additional securable actions might appear, depending on which
FactoryTalk products you have installed. For details about using those actions, see
the documentation for your FactoryTalk products.


Controls whether a user or group can see the resource in the Explorer window
from a computer or group of computers.

Resource type Result of Denying "Read"

Network directory or local directory Prevents users from seeing the directory or its contents.

Application Prevents users from seeing the application or its contents. Denying Read does not prevent users from
reading tag values from data servers in the application.
Area Prevents users from seeing the area or its contents. Denying Read does not prevent users from reading tag
values from data servers in the area.
System folder Prevents users from seeing the System folder or its contents. Denying Read does not prevent users from
reading tag values for devices in the Networks and Devices tree.
Networks and Devices tree Prevents users from seeing the Networks and Devices tree and its contents. Denying Read does not prevent
users from reading tag values for a particular device.
Individual network or device in the Networks and Devices tree Prevents users from seeing the network or device and its contents. Denying Read does not prevent users
from reading tag values for a particular device.


Controls whether a user or group can write to the resource from a computer or
group of computers.

Resource type Result of Denying "Write"

Network directory or local directory Prevents users from modifying the properties of any item in the directory. For example, denying Write
prevents users from modifying the description of an application, area, or the properties of a data server.
However, if Create Children is allowed, the user or group can create applications in the directory, add areas
to an application, and add data servers to areas.
Application Prevents users from modifying the properties of any item in the application. For example, denying Write
prevents users from modifying the description of the application, the descriptions of areas within the
application, or the properties of data servers within the application or its areas. However, if Create Children
is allowed, the user or group can add areas or data servers to an application, and can add data servers to
Area Prevents users from modifying the properties of any item in the area. For example, denying Write prevents
users from modifying the description of the area, or the properties of data servers within the area. However,
if Create Children is allowed, the user or group can add areas or data servers within the area.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 137

Chapter 13 Secure resources

System folder Prevents users from modifying the properties of any item in the System folder. For example, denying Write
prevents users from modifying policy settings, and the properties of user accounts, such as an account's
description or group memberships. Denying Write also prevents deleting user and group accounts, if the
accounts have group memberships associated with them. This is because the group memberships are
updated automatically when an account is deleted, and updating group memberships is controlled by the
Write action.
Networks and Devices tree Prevents users prevents users from defining or undefining logical names for networks or devices. Denying
Write does not prevent users from writing tag values to devices.
Individual network or device in the Networks and Devices tree Prevents users from defining or undefining logical names for the network or device. Denying Write does not
prevent users from writing tag values to devices.

Configure Security

Controls whether a user or group can change the security permissions for the
resource, while working from a computer or group of computers, by clicking
Security on the context menu.

Denying Configure Security has the same effect on all types of securable
resources. For example, if a user is denied Configure Security for an area, the user
cannot change the security settings of the area, such as allowing or denying users
permission to perform actions in the area, while working from the specified
computer or group of computers.

Similarly, denying Configure Security on the Users and Groups folder prevents
users from setting security permissions for the Users and Groups folder. Denying
Configure Security on the Users and Groups folder does not limit the access users
have to resources in the system.

Create Children

Controls whether a user or group can create a new, related resource beneath an
existing resource in the directory tree while working from a computer or group of

Resource type Result of Denying "Create Children"

Network directory or local directory Prevents users from creating applications or areas.

Application Prevents users from creating areas or data servers in the application.
Area Prevents users from seeing the area or its contents. Denying Read does not prevent users from reading tag
values from data servers in the area.
System folder Prevents users from creating user, computer, or group accounts. Denying Create Children has no effect on
Networks and Devices tree Create Children is not available because users cannot add items to the Networks and Devices tree.
Networks and Devices is populated automatically, based on the networks and devices that are available to
your local computer.
Individual network or device in the Networks and Devices tree Create Children is not available because users cannot add items to the Networks and Devices tree.
Networks and Devices is populated automatically, based on the networks and devices that are available to
your local computer.

138 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Secure resources Chapter 13

List Children

Controls whether a user or group can list the children of the resource from a
computer or group of computers.

Denying List Children has the same effect on all types of securable resources. For
example, if List Children access is denied to an application, the user or group can
see the application, but not its contents while working from the specified
computer or group of computers.

Unlike the Read action, List Children does allow the user to see the resource that
contains other resources, for example, the application that contains areas or data


Controls whether a user or group can perform an executable action from a

computer or group of computers. The Execute action is used primarily for
Product Policy Feature Security settings.

Instead of using the Execute action, each FactoryTalk product can use its own
actions to secure its executable features. For details about what, if anything, the
Execute action does in a particular FactoryTalk product, see the documentation
for that product.


Resource type Result of Denying "Delete"

Network directory or local directory Prevents users from deleting any item in the directory, for example, applications, areas, data servers, or user
Application Prevents users from deleting the application, or any item within it, for example, areas, or data servers.
Area Prevents users from deleting the area, or any item within it, for example, data servers within the area.
System folder Prevents users from deleting any item in the System folder, for example, user, computer, or group accounts.
If a user, computer, or group account has group memberships associated with it, deleting the account also
requires Write permission, because updating the group memberships of accounts is controlled by the Write
Networks and Devices tree The Delete action is not available because users cannot remove items from the Networks and Devices tree.
Networks and Devices is populated automatically, based on the networks and devices that are available to
your local computer.
Individual network or device in the Networks and Devices tree The Delete action is not available because users cannot remove items from the Networks and Devices tree.
Networks and Devices is populated automatically, based on the networks and devices that are available to
your local computer.

Tag actions: Write Value

Controls whether a user or group can write to tags in data servers from a computer
or group of computers. This action can be configured on the network directory or
local directory, an application, or an area.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 139

Chapter 13 Secure resources

The Write Value action does not prevent users from writing values to tags in
specific hardware devices. Write Value prevents writing values to all of the tags
managed by a data server.

If you have additional FactoryTalk products installed, they might install

additional Tag actions. For details about these actions, see Help for your
FactoryTalk products.

User Action Groups

This category contains the action groups you have added. If you have not added
any action groups, this category does not appear.

See also

Things you can secure on page 28

Account types on page 16

Differences between securable actions and product policy features on page


Effective permission icons on page 154

Secure features of a single product on page 107

Set FactoryTalk Directory Set permissions on your FactoryTalk Directory folder in order to control whether
a user or group can:
• See the directory or its contents (Read)
• Modify the properties of any item in the directory (Write)
• Add applications, areas, and data servers to the directory (Create Children)
• Change the security settings of the directory (Configure Security)
• Ciew child folders within the directory (List Children)
• Write tags in data servers (Write Value)
• Perform other product-specific actions
• Perform actions defined in user action groups

140 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Secure resources Chapter 13

Tip: • Denying Write prevents users from modifying the properties of any item in the
directory. However, if Create Children is allowed, the user or group can add
items to the directory.
• The Write Value action does not prevent users from writing values to tags in
specific hardware devices.


Obtain the following security permissions for the FactoryTalk application:

• Common > Read

• Common > Configure Security

To set FactoryTalk Directory permissions

1. In the Explorer window, right-click on the FactoryTalk network or local

directory, then click Security.

2. In Security Settings for [Local or Network], in the Permissions tab, do

one of the following:

• To set permissions by user:

• Click User.
• In the Users and Computers list, select a user and computer.
• In the Action list, expand the category that contains the action you
want to secure, and click on the action to select it.

• To set permissions by action:

• Click Action.
• In the Action list, expand the category that contains the action you
want to secure, and click on the action to select it. If the list of
actions is blank, add users and computers first.
• In the Users and Computers list, select a user and computer.

3. Click Allow or Deny.

4. (optional) To control access to the action by another user or group, click

Add and select the user or group, and computer or group to add, and click

5. When you have finished configuring security for the FactoryTalk Directory,
click OK.

See also

View effective permissions on page 152

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 141
Chapter 13 Secure resources

Add and remove user-computer pairs on page 59

Actions on page 137

Secure resources on page 131

Set application permissions Set permissions on your application in order to control whether a user-computer
pair can:

• See the application or its contents (Read)

• Modify the properties of any item in the application (Write)
• Add areas or data servers to the application (Create Children)
• Change the security settings of the application (Configure Security)
• View the contents of the application (List Children)
• Delete the application or any item within it (Delete)
• Write tags in data servers (Write Value)
• Perform other product-specific actions
• Perform actions defined in user action groups

If you have associated a resource grouping with the application, the networks or
devices in the resource grouping inherit the security permissions of the

Tip: • Denying Read does not prevent users from reading tag values from data
servers in the application.
• Denying Write prevents users from modifying the properties of any item in the
application. However, if Create Children is allowed, users can add areas or
data servers to an application.
• The Write Value action does not prevent users from writing values to tags in
specific hardware devices.


Obtain the following security permissions for the application:

• Common > Read

• Common > Configure Security

To set application permissions

1. In the Explorer window, right-click on the application you want to secure,

then click Security.

2. In Security Settings, in the Permissions tab, do one of the following:

142 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Secure resources Chapter 13

• To set permissions by user:

• Click User.
• In the Users and Computers list, select a user and computer.
• In the Action list, expand the category that contains the action you
want to secure, and click on the action to select it.

• To set permissions by action:

• Click Action.
• In the Action list, expand the category that contains the action you
want to secure, and click on the action to select it. If the list of
actions is blank, add users and computers first.
• In the Users and Computers list, select a user and computer.

3. Click Allow or Deny, or clear both boxes. Clear both Allow and Deny to
make the application inherit its security settings from the FactoryTalk
Directory folder.

4. (optional) To control access to the action by another user or group, click

Add, and in Select User and Computer, select the user or group, and
computer or group to add, and click OK.

5. When you have finished configuring security for the application, click OK.

See also

View effective permissions on page 152

Add a user-computer pair on page 59

Secure resources on page 131

Actions on page 137

Set area permissions Set permissions on an area in order to control whether a user-computer pair can:

• See the area or its contents (Read)

• Modify the properties of any item in the area (Write)
• Add areas or data servers to the area (Create Children)
• Change the security settings of the area (Configure Security)
• View the contents of the area (List Children)
• Delete the area or any item within it (Delete)
• Write tags in data servers (Write Value)

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 143

Chapter 13 Secure resources

• Perform other product-specific actions

• Perform actions defined in user action groups

For example, you could set Read and Write permissions to the Ingredients area
within an application to allow the operators of the Ingredients machinery to read
and write values to and from controllers in their own area, but only when using
computers located within sight of the equipment.

If you have associated a resource grouping with the area, the networks or devices in
the resource grouping inherit the security permissions of the area.

Tip: • Denying Read does not prevent users from reading tag values from data
servers in the area.
• Denying Write prevents users from modifying the properties of any item in the
area. However, if Create Children is allowed, users can add areas or data
servers within the area.
• The Write Value action does not prevent users from writing values to tags in
specific hardware devices.


Obtain the following security permissions for the area:

• Common > Read

• Common > Configure Security

To set area permissions

1. In the Explorer window, expand the application, right-click on the area you
wish to secure, and click Security.

2. In Security Settings, in the Permissions tab, do one of the following:

• To set permissions by user:

• Click User.
• In the Users and Computers list, select a user and computer.
• In the Action list, expand the category that contains the action you
want to secure, and click on the action to select it.

• To set permissions by action:

• Click Action.
• In the Action list, expand the category that contains the action you
want to secure, and click on the action to select it. If the list of
actions is blank, add users and computers first.
• In the Users and Computers list, select a user and computer.

144 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Secure resources Chapter 13

3. Click Allow or Deny, or clear both boxes. Clear both Allow and Deny to
make the area inherit its security settings from a resource higher in the the
FactoryTalk Directory tree.

4. (optional) To control access to the action by another user or group, click

Add, and in Select User and Computer, select the user or group, and
computer or group to add, and click OK.

5. When you have finished configuring security for the area, click OK.

See also

View effective permissions on page 152

Add a user-computer pair on page 59

Actions on page 137

Secure resources on page 131

Set System folder permissions Set permissions on your System folder in order to control whether a
user-computer pair can:

• See the System folder or its contents (Read)

• Modify the properties of any item in the System folder (Write)
• Add user, user group, computer, or computer group accounts (Create
• Change the security settings of the System folder (Configure Security)
• View the contents of the System folder (List Children)
• Delete the System folder or any item within it (Delete)
• Write tags in data servers (Write Value)
• Perform other product-specific actions
• Perform actions defined in user action groups

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 145

Chapter 13 Secure resources

Tip: • Denying Read does not prevent users from reading tag values for devices in the
Networks and Devices tree.
• Denying Write prevents users from modifying the properties of any item in the
System folder. Denying Write also prevents deleting user and group accounts,
if the accounts have group memberships associated with them.
• Denying Create Children has no effect on policies.
• If a user, computer, or group account has group memberships associated with
it, deleting the account also requires Write permission, because updating the
group memberships of accounts is controlled by the Write action.
• The Write Value action does not prevent users from writing values to tags in
specific hardware devices.


Obtain the following security permissions for the System folder:

• Common > Read

• Common > Configure Security

To set System folder permissions

1. In the Explorer window, right-click the System folder or the subfolder you
would like to secure, and then click Security.

2. In Security Settings, in the Permissions tab, do one of the following:

• To set permissions by user:

• Click User.
• In the Users and Computers list, select a user and computer.
• In the Action list, expand the category that contains the action you
want to secure, and click on the action to select it.

• To set permissions by action:

• Click Action.
• In the Action list, expand the category that contains the action you
want to secure, and click on the action to select it. If the list of
actions is blank, add users and computers first.
• In the Users and Computers list, select a user and computer.

3. Click Allow or Deny, or clear both boxes. Clear both Allow and Deny to
make the System folder inherit its security settings from the FactoryTalk
Directory folder.

4. (optional) To control access to the action by another user or group, click

Add, and in Select User and Computer, select the user or group, and
computer or group to add, and click OK.

146 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Secure resources Chapter 13

5. When you have finished configuring security for the System folder, click

See also

View effective permissions on page 152

Add a user-computer pair on page 59

Actions on page 137

Secure resources on page 131

Set action group permissions Set permissions on your action group in order to control whether a user-computer
pair can:

• See the action group (Read)

• Modify the properties of the action group (Write)
• Change the security settings of the action group (Configure Security)
• Delete the action group (Delete)
• Perform actions defined in another user action group


Obtain the following security permissions for the action group you want to secure:

• Common > Read

• Common > Configure Security

To set action group permissions

1. In the Explorer window, expand the network directory tree, the System
folder, and the Action Groups folder, right-click on the action group you
want to secure, and then click Security.

2. In Security Settings, in the Permissions tab, do one of the following:

• To set permissions by user:

• Click User.
• In the Users and Computers list, select a user and computer.
• In the Action list, expand the category that contains the action you
want to secure, and click on the action to select it.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 147

Chapter 13 Secure resources

• To set permissions by action:

• Click Action.
• In the Action list, expand the category that contains the action you
want to secure, and click on the action to select it. If the list of
actions is blank, add users and computers first.
• In the Users and Computers list, select a user and computer.

3. Click Allow or Deny, or clear both boxes. Clear both Allow and Deny to
make Action Groups or the individual action group inherit its security
settings from a resource higher in the directory tree.

4. (optional) To control access to the selected action by another user or group,

click Add, and in Select User and Computer, select the user or group, and
computer or group to add, and click OK.

5. When you have finished configuring security for the action group, click

See also

View effective permissions on page 152

Add a user-computer pair on page 59

Add and remove action groups on page 63

Actions on page 137

Secure resources on page 131

Set database permissions Set permissions on a database to specify which user-computer pairs can:

• See the database

• Modify the properties of the database (Write)
• Change the security settings of the database (Configure Security)
• Delete the database within it (Delete)
• Perform actions defined in a user action group


Obtain the following security permissions for the database you want to secure:

• Common > Read

• Common > Configure Security

148 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Secure resources Chapter 13

To set database permissions

In the Explorer window, expand System > Connections > Databases, right-click
on the database you want to secure, and then click Security.

1. In Security Settings, in the Permissions tab, do one of the following:

• To set permissions by user:

• Click User.
• In the Users and Computers list, select a user and computer.
• In the Action list, expand the category that contains the action you
want to secure, and click on the action to select it.

• To set permissions by action:

• Click Action.
• In the Action list, expand the category that contains the action you
want to secure, and click on the action to select it. If the list of
actions is blank, add users and computers first.
• In the Users and Computers list, select a user and computer.

2. Click Allow or Deny, or clear both boxes. Clear both Allow and Deny to
make the folder inherit its security settings from a resource higher in the
directory tree.

3. (optional) To control access to the folder by another user or group, click

Add, and in Select User and Computer, select the user or group, and
computer or group to add, and click OK.

4. When you have finished configuring security for the database, click OK.

See also

View effective permissions on page 152

Add a user-computer pair on page 59

Actions on page 137

Secure resources on page 131

Set logical name permissions Set permissions on your logical name in order to control whether a user-computer
pair can:

• See the logical name (Read)

• Modify the properties of the logical name (Write)

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 149

Chapter 13 Secure resources

• Change the security settings of the logical name (Configure Security)

• Delete the logical name (Delete)
• Perform actions defined in a user action group


Obtain the following security permissions for the logical name:

• Common > Read

• Common > Configure Security

To set logical name permissions

1. In the Explorer window, expand the System > Logical Names, right-click
on the logical name you want to secure, and then click Security.

2. In Security Settings, in the Permissions tab, do one of the following:

• To set permissions by user:

• Click User.
• In the Users and Computers list, select a user and computer.
• In the Action list, expand the category that contains the action you
want to secure, and click on the action to select it.

• To set permissions by action:

• Click Action.
• In the Action list, expand the category that contains the action you
want to secure, and click on the action to select it. If the list of
actions is blank, add users and computers first.
• In the Users and Computers list, select a user and computer.

3. Click Allow or Deny, or clear both boxes. Clear both Allow and Deny to
make Action Groups or the individual action group inherit its security
settings from a resource higher in the directory tree.

4. (optional) To control access to the selected action by another user or group,

click Add, and in Select User and Computer, select the user or group, and
computer or group to add, and click OK.

5. When you have finished configuring security for the logical name, click OK.

See also

Secure resources on page 131

150 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Secure resources Chapter 13

Allow a resource to inherit Permissions determine which users can perform which actions on specific
resources in the system from which computers. Allow and Deny are the two kinds
of permissions you can set on resources.

Allow a resource to inherit permissions when you would like the selected resource
to have the same permissions as its parent resource. For example, if you assign
security to an area in an application, all of the items in the area inherit the security
settings of the area, and by default the area inherits security settings from the
application. The top of the hierarchy is the network directory or local directory.

To allow a resource to inherit permissions

1. In the Explorer window, right-click on the resource you want to secure,

then click Security.

2. In Security Settings, in the Permissions tab, clear the Do not inherit

permissions check box, located at the bottom of the window.

3. To remove explicit permissions, clear the black check mark in the Allow or
Deny check box. Inherited permissions appear as gray check marks. You
cannot remove inherited permissions, but you can override them with
explicit permissions.

4. Click OK.

Tip: Security settings that you configure for resources apply to all FactoryTalk products
in your system in the current FactoryTalk directory. For example, if you deny a user
and computer Read access to an area, that user and computer will not be able to
see the area in any of the FactoryTalk products in your system.

See also

Prevent a resource from inheriting permissions on page 151

Secure resources on page 131

Effective permission icons on page 154

Permissions on page 132

Secure resources on page 131

Prevent a resource from When you break the chain of inheritance, the resource no longer inherits
permissions from its parent resources. For example, you can stop an area from
inheriting permissions
inheriting permissions from the application in which it is located by selecting the
Do not inherit permissions check box when setting up security for the area.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 151

Chapter 13 Secure resources

To prevent a resource from inheriting permissions

1. In the Explorer window, right-click on the resource you want to secure,

then click Security.

2. In Security Settings, in the Permissions tab, select the Do not inherit

permissions check box, located at the bottom of the window.

3. Do one of the following and then click OK:

• To use the inherited permissions that were formerly applied to the

resource as explicit permissions, click Copy the current permissions
from the parent object to this object. Use this option when you want
to use the permissions the resource inherits from its parent as a starting
point for specifying explicit permissions, rather than specifying explicit
permissions from scratch.
• To remove all inherited permissions from the resource, click Remove
all inherited permissions from this object. Use this option when you
want to specify explicit permissions from scratch.
When you remove all inherited permissions, Read and Configure Security
permissions are automatically granted to the Administrators group. The
Administrators group must always be granted both of these permissions.

Tip: Security settings that you configure for resources apply to all FactoryTalk products
in your system in the current FactoryTalk directory. For example, if you deny a user
and computer Read access to an area, that user and computer will not be able to
see the area in any of the FactoryTalk products in your system.

See also

Allow a resource to inherit permissions on page 151

Secure resources on page 131

Effective permission icons on page 154

Permissions on page 132

View effective permissions To determine what permissions are currently in effect for a resource, use the
Effective Permissions tab in Security Settings. In this tab, you can view the
permissions in effect for:

• a user or group of users, and

• a computer or group of computers

For example, in Security Settings for an area, the Effective Permissions tab can
show whether the selected users and computers can read the contents of the area.

152 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Secure resources Chapter 13

To view the permissions in effect for a computer or group of computers, you must
be using a FactoryTalk network directory, because a FactoryTalk local directory is
restricted to a single computer.


Obtain the following security permissions for the resource (for example, an
application) or the container (for example, an area) the resource is located in:

• Common > Read

• Common > Configure Security

To view effective permissions

1. In the Explorer window, expand the FactoryTalk network or local

directory tree until the resource for which you want to view effective
permissions is visible.

2. Right-click the resource, and then click Security.

3. In Security Settings, click the Effective Permissions tab.

4. To test the permissions for a user or user group, under User or group, click
Browse (...) and browse for the user or user group whose permissions you
would like to see.

5. To test the permissions for a computer or a computer group, under

Computer or computer group, click Browse (...) and browse for the
computer or computer group whose permissions you would like to see.

6. Click Update Permissions List to show the permissions currently in effect

for the selected users and computers.

The Effective permissions list does not show separate columns for Allow
and Deny permissions, and does not distinguish between explicit and
inherited permissions. Instead, the presence or absence of a check mark in
the Allowed column indicates the permissions in effect on the resource for
the selected user and computer, or group:

• If a check mark appears beside an action, the action is allowed, whether

explicitly or by inheritance.
• If a check mark does not appear beside an action, the action is denied,
whether explicitly or by inheritance.
• If an action category (for example, Common or Alarming) shows a gray
check mark, one or more–but not all–of the actions inside the category

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 153

Chapter 13 Secure resources

are allowed. Expand the category to see which actions are allowed or

See also

Permissions on page 132

Secure resources on page 131

Effective permission icons In Security Settings, check boxes indicate which permissions are in effect for an

Icon Description
A blank check box beside an action means that no permissions are assigned. If both the Allow and Deny check boxes are cleared beside an action, Deny is implied for
the action.
However, a blank check box shown beside the name of a group of actions, for example, All Actions or Common, means that some of the actions within that group do
not have permissions assigned. If collapsed, you must expand the group to see which actions do not have permissions assigned.
A black check mark means that Allow or Deny permissions have been assigned explicitly.
A gray check mark means that Allow or Deny permissions have been inherited.

The following examples show how the Allow and Deny columns indicate what
permissions have been set for the resource.

Inherited permissions

The gray check marks show that Allow permissions are inherited for all actions.

Explicit permissions

154 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Secure resources Chapter 13

If you click Allow beside All Actions, the check boxes have black check marks.
This means that you have overridden the inherited values and explicitly granted
Allow on All Actions. If the inherited permissions change later, the change will
not affect this security setting.

Explicit Deny permissions without inheritance

In this example, the resource does not inherit permissions from its parent (in this
illustration, we are configuring security for the FactoryTalk network directory,
which has no parent). If you have set all actions to Allow, and then you click Deny
beside Read, the following happens:

• The All Actions and Common check boxes are cleared. Because they
represent groups of actions, the blank check boxes beside All Actions and
Common mean that not all of the actions within those groups have check
marks in the Allow column. You must expand the group to see which
actions do not have Allow permissions.
• For the Read action, the Allow check box is cleared.

Explicit Deny permissions with inheritance

In this example, the resource inherits permissions from its parent (for example, an
area might inherit permissions from an application). If you have set all actions to
Allow, and then you click Deny beside Read, the following happens:

• The All Actions and Common check boxes are cleared, but because they
previously inherited permissions, they now contain gray check marks. You
must expand the group to see which actions do not have Allow permissions.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 155

Chapter 13 Secure resources

• For the Read action, the Allow check box is cleared, but because it
previously inherited permissions, the Read check box now contains a gray
check mark. Because explicit permissions take precedence over inherited
permissions, these check boxes indicate that Read access is denied.

Using the "Do not inherit permissions" check box

Select the Do not inherit permissions check box to remove all inheritance from
the resource. You can then set permissions for the resource as shown in the
example shown above.

See also

Allow a resource to inherit permissions on page 151

Prevent a resource from inheriting permissions on page 151

Secure resources on page 131

156 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Chapter 14

Disaster Recovery

Create FactoryTalk backup files to preserve and restore a FactoryTalk system in

case of a systems failure. If a FactoryTalk Directory is inaccessible or corrupt, use
the FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard to repair it.

Back up a FactoryTalk For safekeeping and disaster recovery, or to move a FactoryTalk system from one
set of computers to another, backup and restore an archive containing one of the
system following:

• An entire FactoryTalk Directory with all of its applications and its System
• Only an individual application, with or without the System folder. An
application archive file typically contains areas (in a network directory),
resource grouping information, and references to data servers, device servers,
alarm servers, and HMI servers.
• Only a System folder. The System folder includes a list of user, computer,
and group accounts, passwords, system policy settings, product policy
settings, system security settings, action groups, and alarm and event
database definitions.

The backup process creates an archive file that contains only objects and references
to objects held within the FactoryTalk Directory. The archive file does not
contain project files that are specific to individual products.

Important: Take care to choose the correct backup options when creating a backup
archive. Restoring from the wrong type of backup archive can overwrite
existing data that affects all applications.

See also

Back up a FactoryTalk Directory on page 157

Back up an application on page 161

Back up a System folder on page 160

Backup and restore options on page 166

Back up a FactoryTalk Directory Back up a FactoryTalk Directory to move a development FactoryTalk system to a

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 157

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

run-time FactoryTalk system, or to simply create a backup for disaster recovery


When you back up an entire FactoryTalk Directory, the archive file includes:

• All objects, references to objects held within the FactoryTalk Directory, and
the security authority identifier. The archive file does not contain project
files that are specific to individual products.
• All applications associated with that directory. Typically an application
contains areas (in a network directory), resource grouping information, and
references to data servers, device servers, alarm servers, and HMI servers.
• The System folder, which includes a list of user, computer, and group
accounts, passwords, system policy settings, product policy settings, system
security settings, action groups, and alarm and event database definitions.
Tip: To back up a FactoryTalk Directory without its security authority identifier, or to
back up only the security authority identifier, click Tools > Security Authority
Identifier. In Modify Security Authority Identifier, click Backup and follow
the on-screen instructions.


• Obtain the security permissions needed to perform backup and restore

operations. Open System > Policies > System Policies, and
double-click User Rights Assignment.

To back up a FactoryTalk Directory

1. In Explorer, right-click the Network or Local Directory icon.

2. From the context menu, choose Backup.

3. Use the default name or type another name for the backup file.

Tip: It is recommended that you do not change the default archive name. The default
name contains the leading digits of the security authority identifier which allows
you to easily identify the archive file associated with a specific directory.

4. Use the default archive location or specify another location by clicking

Browse, selecting a location, and then clicking OK in the Browse for
Folder window.

5. To encrypt your archive file, select the Encrypt file contents check box,
and then enter the same passphrase in the Passphrase and Confirm
passphrase fields. If you clear this check box, your backup archive file will
not be encrypted or protected.

158 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

Encrypt file contents will not be available if your operating system does not
support the proper level of encryption.

Important: Remember the passphrase if you choose to encrypt your file contents. The
archive file cannot be restored without the correct passphrase.

6. In the Backup window, click OK.

Unless you specified a different file name, FactoryTalk Administration

Console creates a directory backup file with its current security authority
identifier in the default location or in the location you specified. If a backup
file with the same name already exists in the location you've chosen, the
system asks whether you want to overwrite the existing file.

7. After backing up a directory, back up and restore project files and databases
separately from individual software products that are participating in the
FactoryTalk system.

If your applications include:

• HMI servers: Back up FactoryTalk View files separately. See

FactoryTalk View documentation for help.
• RSLinx Classic data servers: Run the RSLinx Backup Restore utility
to back up the data server configuration. From the Windows Start
menu, choose Rockwell Software > RSLinx > Backup Restore
• FactoryTalk Linx servers: See FactoryTalk Linx documentation.
• FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Logs: Use Microsoft SQL Server
tools to back up and restore database files.
• FactoryTalk Transaction Manager: Back up project files using the
Configuration menu. See FactoryTalk Transaction Manager
documentation for help.
• FactoryTalk Batch: Copy the FactoryTalk Batch files back to the same
directory locations. See FactoryTalk Batch documentation for help.
• Other products: Back up product-specific information separately. See
product documentation for help.

See also

Restore a FactoryTalk Directory on page 168

Backup on page 164

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 159

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

Back up a System folder on page 160

Back up an application on page 161

Backup and restore options on page 166

Back up a System folder Back up a System folder to create a backup archive that contains:

• The list of user, computer, and group accounts

• Action groups
• Passwords
• Policy settings
• Security settings
• Alarm and event database definitions

Restoring a System folder archive to a FactoryTalk Directory overwrites the

contents of the existing System folder with the contents in the backup archive.


• Obtain the security permissions needed to perform backup and restore

operations. Open System > Policies > System Policies, and double-click
User Rights Assignment.

To back up a System folder

1. Right-click the System folder, then click Backup.

2. Use the default name or type another name for the backup file.

3. Use the default archive location or specify another location by clicking

Browse, selecting a location, and then clicking OK in the Browse for
Folder window.

4. Select a file encryption option:

• To encrypt your archive, select Encrypt file contents and then enter
the same passphrase in the Passphrase and Confirm passphrase fields.
• To create an archive without encryption, clear Encrypt file contents.
This creates a plain text file with no password protection.
Encrypt file contents will not be available if your operating system
does not support the proper level of encryption.

160 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

Important: Remember the passphrase if you choose to encrypt your file contents. The
archive file cannot be restored without the correct passphrase.

5. In the Backup window, click OK.

Unless you specified a different file name, FactoryTalk Administration

creates a System.bak file in the default location or in the location you
specified. If a backup file with the same name already exists in the location
you've chosen, the system asks whether you want to overwrite the existing

See also

Restore a system folder on page 183

Backup resources on page 166

Backup on page 164

Backup and restore options on page 166

Back up an application Back up an application and create an archive file so that later you can:

• Restore the application to a FactoryTalk Directory on a different computer

• Duplicate the application with a different name within the same directory

Optionally, include the System folder in the archive.

• An application typically contains areas (in a network directory), resource

grouping information, and references to data servers, device servers, alarm
servers, and HMI servers.
• The System folder includes a list of user, computer, and group accounts,
passwords, system policy settings, product policy settings, system security
settings, action groups, and alarm and event database definitions.


• Obtain the security permissions needed to perform backup and restore

operations. Open System > Policies > System Policies, and double-click
User Rights Assignment.

To back up an individual application

1. In Explorer, right-click the application you want to back up, and click

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 161

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

2. Use the default name or type another name for the backup file.

3. Use the default archive location or specify another location by clicking

Browse, selecting a location, and then clicking OK in the Browse for
Folder window.

4. To back up the application without including the System folder, clear the
Backup System in archive check box. To include the System folder in the
backup, select the Backup System in archive check box.

Tip: You can still choose to restore only the application from the backup archive file
later even if you include the System folder in the backup.

5. To encrypt your archive file, select the Encrypt file contents check box,
and then enter the same passphrase in the Passphrase and Confirm
passphrase fields. If you clear this check box, your backup archive file will
not be encrypted or protected.

The Encrypt file contents check box will not be available if your operating
system does not support the proper level of encryption.

Important: Remember the passphrase if you choose to encrypt your file contents. The
archive file cannot be restored without the correct passphrase.

6. In the Backup window, click OK.

Unless you specified a different file name, FactoryTalk Administration

creates an ApplicationName.bak file for the application in the default
location, or in the location you specified. If a backup file with the same
name already exists in the location you've chosen, the system asks whether
you want to overwrite the existing file.

7. After backing up an application, back up and restore project files and

databases separately from individual software products that are participating
in the FactoryTalk system.

If your applications include:

162 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

• HMI servers, back up and restore FactoryTalk View files separately.

See FactoryTalk View documentation for help.
• RSLinx Classic data servers, run the RSLinx Backup Restore utility to
back up and restore the data server configuration. From the Windows
Start menu, choose Rockwell Software > RSLinx > Backup Restore
• FactoryTalk Linx servers, see the FactoryTalk Linx Getting Results
• FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Logs, use Microsoft SQL Server tools
to back up and restore database files.
• FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, back up and restore project files
using the Configuration menu.
• FactoryTalk Batch, copy the FactoryTalk Batch files back to the same
directory locations. See FactoryTalk Batch documentation for help.
• Other products, back up and restore product-specific information
separately. See product documentation for help.

See also

Restore (Application) on page 184

Backup and restore options on page 166

Backup on page 164

Back up a Security Authority Each FactoryTalk Directory has a unique Security Authority identifier generated
during installation. Back up a Security Authority identifier to save the identifier in
case of disaster.

Secure controller projects and controllers running secure projects can only be
accessed when the FactoryTalk Directory Security Authority identifier matches
the identifier saved in the project. This prevents unauthorized access to a
controller or controller project if moved or copied to a different FactoryTalk


• Obtain the following permissions from System > System Policies> User
Rights Assignment:

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 163

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

• Modify Security Authority Identifier

To back up the security authority identifier

1. In FactoryTalk Administration Console, select Tools > FactoryTalk

Security Authority Identifier.

2. In Modify Security Authority Identifier, click Backup.

3. (optional) In Backup, set the backup archive options:

• Specify archive name: Type the name for the backup archive.
• Specify archive location: Type or browse to a path for the backup
• Encrypt file contents: Select to protect the backup archive with a
passphrase, then enter the passphrase into the passphrase fields. Clear to
save the backup archive as plain text.

4. Click OK.

5. (optional) If prompted, select Yes to overwrite the existing backup archive.

6. In the confirmation window, click OK.

See also

Restore a Security Authority identifier on page 173

Generate a Security Authority identifier on page 180

Modify Security Authority Identifier on page 167

Backup How do I open Backup?

1. Run FactoryTalk Administration Console.

2. In the Explorer window, right-click the directory icon, an application, or the

System folder.

3. On the context menu, click Backup.

Use Backup to specify:

• The name and location of a backup file

• Whether or not to include the System folder in the backup (application
backup only)

164 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

• Whether or not to encrypt the backup archive

• A passphrase for the encrypted archive, if used
Setting Description
Specify archive name Use the default archive name or type a name for the archive file. The extension .bak is added automatically. You do not
have to type it.
• By default, an archive file that contains a backup of an entire FactoryTalk Directory (including all applications, all user
and computer accounts and groups, passwords, policy settings, and security settings) is named with its current
security authority identifier, for example, Network - 72CE2C2E-5175-4C26-98AE-3ABE5AC7F8EC.bak or Local -
C565C77A-4664-4E6C-9779-1EC729B3A8A0.bak. It is recommended that you do not change the default archive
name. The default name contains the leading digits of the security authority identifier which allows you to easily
identify the archive file associated with a specific directory.
• By default, an archive file that contains a backup of a System folder (including user and computer accounts and
groups, passwords, policy settings, and security settings) is named System.bak.
• By default, an archive file that contains a backup of a single application is named the same as the application. If you
are backing up an application, you can optionally also include the contents of the System folder in the backup
Specify archive location Use the default archive location or type the path where you want to save the backup file. Alternatively, click Browse,
select a folder, and click OK.
The default archive location is C:\Users\Public\Documents.
Backup System in archive The Backup System in archive check box is available only if you are backing up an application.
• To include the contents of the System folder in the backup archive, select this check box.
• Choose this option when you want to restore only one application from a FactoryTalk Directory, but want to include
all user and computer accounts and groups, passwords, policy settings, and security settings from the original
FactoryTalk Directory.
• To back up only the application without the System folder, clear this check box.
• Choose this option when you want to add an application to an existing FactoryTalk Directory without overwriting the
settings held in the System folder.
File Encryption Choose whether or not to encrypt the archive file. Encrypting the file protects it against unauthorized use.
The check box will not be available if your operating system does not support the proper level of encryption. To use the
file encryption, install your FactoryTalk software on one of the supported operating systems.
• To encrypt file contents, select the File Encryption check box.
• To save the archive file without encryption, clear this check box.

Passphrase Type a passphrase for the archive file you want to encrypt.
The passphrase must meet the following requirements:
• Any alphanumeric character or other characters
• Minimum length: 0
• Maximum length: 64
Confirm passphrase Type the same passphrase you typed in the Passphrase field.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 165

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

Important: Remember the passphrase if you choose to encrypt your file contents. The
archive file cannot be restored without the correct passphrase.

See also

Back up an application on page 161

Back up a FactoryTalk Directory on page 157

Back up a System folder on page 160

Backup and restore options on page 166

Backup and restore options Use backup and restore options to select which data in the FactoryTalk Directory
should be backed up or restored.

Important: Restoring from the wrong type of backup archive can overwrite existing
data that affects all applications.

To backup or restore Create this type of backup archive

An individual application without the System folder Application
Multiple applications without the System folder Application
Create separate archives for each application.
The System folder, without restoring applications System folder
• You cannot restore only the System folder from an Application or FactoryTalk Directory archive.
An individual application and the System folder Application
• Select the Backup system in archive check box . Selecting this check box overwrites the
contents of the System folder in the FactoryTalk Directory, including accounts, security settings,
and policy settings.
Multiple applications and the System folder Application
• Create separate archives for each application, and select the Backup system in archive check
box in at least one of the archives.
• If the applications come from different FactoryTalk Directories, remember that you can restore
only one System folder into a single FactoryTalk Directory.
An entire FactoryTalk Directory including all applications, the System folder, FactoryTalk Directory
and the security authority identifier • You cannot restore individual applications, or only the System folder, from a FactoryTalk
Directory archive.
The FactoryTalk Directory security authority identifier only FactoryTalk Directory
• Use Modify Security Authority Identifier to create this backup archive, which contains only
the security authority identifier.
• To restore this backup archive, use Modify Security Authority Identifier.
• It is strongly recommended to make a backup of the directory with the new identifier after
restoring the security authority identifier.

166 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

See also

Back up a FactoryTalk Directory on page 157

Back up an application on page 161

Back up a System folder on page 160

Back up a security authority identifier on page 163

Backup on page 164

Modify Security Authority How do I open Modify Security Authority Identifier?

Identifier • In FactoryTalk Administration Console, select Tools > FactoryTalk
Security Authority Identifier.

Use Modify Security Authority Identifier to generate, backup, or restore the

unique Security Authority Identifier for a FactoryTalk Directory. The User
Rights Assignment > Modify Security Authority Identifier permission is
required to generate, backup, or restore the identifier.

Secure controller projects and controllers running secure projects can only be
accessed when the FactoryTalk Directory Security Authority identifier matches
the identifier saved in the project. This prevents unauthorized access to a
controller or controller project if moved or copied to a different FactoryTalk

See also

Generate a Security Authority identifier on page 180

Back up a Security Authority identifier on page 163

Restore a Security Authority identifier on page 173

Restore a FactoryTalk After backing up an entire FactoryTalk Directory, individual application, System
folder, or security authority identifier in an archive file, restore these resources to:
• Recover from a data loss
• Move a development FactoryTalk system to a run-time system
• Copy FactoryTalk Directory components to another computer

You may restore the following:

• An entire FactoryTalk Directory

• Only an individual application, with or without the System folder

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 167

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

• Only a System folder

Important: Choose the correct backup options when creating a backup archive.
Restoring from the wrong type of backup archive can overwrite existing
data that affects all applications.

See also

Restore a FactoryTalk Directory on page 168

Restore an application on page 172

Restore a System folder on page 170

Verify security settings after restoring a FactoryTalk system on page 175

Backup and restore options on page 166

Restore a FactoryTalk Directory To move an entire FactoryTalk system from one computer to another, restore a
FactoryTalk Directory backup archive. As a safeguard, create a backup archive of
the directory first, before performing a restore operation.

Important: • Do not restore an archive file created under FactoryTalk Services

Platform 2.10 ( CPR 9) or later into a FactoryTalk Directory that is
currently running FactoryTalk Automation Platform 2.00 (CPR 7). This
restore scenario is not supported and may have unexpected results.
• A FactoryTalk Directory archive file that is automatically created when
you install or upgrade FactoryTalk Services Platform 2.50 or later can
only be restored on the same computer.


1. Obtain the security permissions needed to perform backup and restore

operations. Open System > Policies > System Policies, and then
double-click User Rights Assignment.

2. Shut down all FactoryTalk software products, components, and services,

except FactoryTalk Administration Console and FactoryTalk Help.

3. Log on to the directory you want to restore into, and create a backup
archive of the existing directory.

To restore a FactoryTalk Directory

1. In the Explorer window, verify that the applications located in the

directory that you are restoring into are not currently expanded or being
used by some other product or component. Close all applications held in the
directory that you are restoring into.

168 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

2. Right-click Network or Local, and click Restore.

3. In Restore, click Browse, select the backup file (*.bak) you want to restore,
and click Open.

By default, an archive file for a network directory or local directory is named

with its current security authority identifier, for example, Network -
72CE2C2E-5175-4C26-98AE-3ABE5AC7F8EC.bak or Local -

4. Click Next.

5. If the backup file is encrypted, Restore Backup File opens. Type the
passphrase that was used during the backup operation.

An error message opens if the passphrase you entered is not correct. Enter
the passphrase again. If the wrong passphrase is entered three times, Restore
Backup File closes. Select the archive file and try again.
After you enter the correct passphrase, Restore shows the type of archive
you are restoring and what applications are contained in the archive. You
cannot select individual applications. The entire FactoryTalk Directory will
be restored, including all applications, all user and computer accounts and
groups, passwords, policy settings, security settings, and the security
authority identifier.

6. To restore the FactoryTalk Directory contained in the selected archive,

click Finish.

If you restore an archive created in an earlier version of the FactoryTalk

platform into a later version, the restore process automatically updates the
data in the System folder to be compatible with the later version, while
retaining the original data from the archive. For example, suppose you
restore an archive created under FactoryTalk Automation Platform 2.00
(CPR 7) into a FactoryTalk Directory that has been upgraded to
FactoryTalk Services Platform 2.10 (CPR 9) or later. The restore process
retains the original user accounts and all system-wide security and policy
settings, but also updates the System folder to include new options and

7. After restoring a FactoryTalk Directory, verify FactoryTalk security

settings, and perform any follow-up tasks.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 169

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

8. If you are hosting servers on different computers than those that were
configured in the restored directory, the following additional steps are

• Add the new computers into the FactoryTalk Directory.

• Change the server host computer names on the server property pages.
• Restart the computers hosting FactoryTalk Linx and Tag Alarm and
Event Servers. This is necessary to ensure the alarm servers start up.

See also

Verify security settings after restoring a FactoryTalk Directory on page 175

Add a computer on page 55

Back up a FactoryTalk Directory on page 157

Restore a System folder To overwrite the contents of the existing System folder with the contents in the
backup archive, you can restore an archive that contains only a System folder. A
System folder archive includes the following:

• The list of user, computer, and group accounts

• Action groups
• Passwords
• Policy settings
• Security settings
• Alarm and event database definitions
Tip: Do not restore an archive file created under FactoryTalk Services Platform 2.10
(CPR 9) or later into a FactoryTalk Directory that is currently running FactoryTalk
Services Platform 2.00 (CPR 7). This restore scenario is not supported and may have
unexpected results.


1. Obtain the security permissions needed to perform backup and restore

operations. Open System > Policies > System Policies, and then
double-click User Rights Assignment.

2. Create the system-only backup archive.

3. Shut down all FactoryTalk software products, components, and services,

except FactoryTalk Administration Console and FactoryTalk Help.

170 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

4. Log on to the directory you want to restore into, and create a backup
archive of the existing directory.

To restore a System folder

1. In the Explorer window, right-click Network or Local, and click Restore.

2. Click Browse, and then select the backup archive file you want to restore.
(The default name is System.bak.) Click OK to close the browse window,
and then click Next.

3. If the backup file is encrypted, Restore Backup File opens. Type the
passphrase that was used during the backup operation.

An error message opens if the passphrase you entered is not correct. Enter
the passphrase again. If the wrong passphrase is entered three times, Restore
Backup File closes. Select the archive file and try again.

4. After entering the correct passphrase, click Finish to restore the System

If you restore an archive created in an earlier version of the FactoryTalk

platform into a later version, the restore process automatically updates the
data in the System folder to be compatible with the later version, while
retaining the original data from the archive.
For example, suppose you restore an archive created under FactoryTalk
Automation Platform 2.00 (CPR 7) into a FactoryTalk Directory that has
been upgraded to FactoryTalk Services Platform 2.10 (CPR 9) or later. The
restore process retains the original user accounts and all system-wide
security and policy settings, but also updates the System folder to include
new options and policies.

5. After restoring the System folder, back up and restore project files and
databases from your individual software products.

6. Verify security settings, and perform any follow-up tasks.

See also

Verify security settings after restoring a FactoryTalk Directory on page 175

Backup and restore options on page 166

Back up a System folder on page 160

Restore a FactoryTalk system on page 167

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 171

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

Restore an application To restore an application from one computer to another, or to copy an

application within the same directory, you can restore an application. If the
System folder was backed up with the application, you can choose whether or not
to restore it.

When you restore an application without the System folder:

• Any references will be broken from the application to objects that do not
exist in the installed System tree, for example, network or device addresses.
• Security does not work for user accounts, user groups, and computers that
do not exist in the installed System folder.
Tip: Do not restore an archive file, created under FactoryTalk Services Platform 2.10
(CPR 9) or later, into a FactoryTalk Directory that is currently running FactoryTalk
Automation Platform 2.00 (CPR 7). This restore scenario is not supported and may
have unexpected results.


1. Obtain the security permissions needed to perform backup and restore

operations. Open System > Policies > System Policies, and then
double-click User Rights Assignment.

2. Create the application archive, with or without a System folder.

3. Shut down all FactoryTalk software products, components, and services,

except FactoryTalk Administration Console and FactoryTalk Help.

4. Log on to the directory you want to restore into, and create a backup
archive of the existing directory.

To restore an application

1. In the Explorer window, right-click Network or Local, and click Restore.

2. In Restore, click Browse, and then select the backup archive file
(ApplicationName.bak) that you want to restore. Click OK, then click

3. If the backup file is encrypted, Restore Backup File opens. Type the
passphrase that was used during the backup operation.

An error message opens if the passphrase you entered is not correct. Enter
the passphrase again. If the wrong passphrase is entered three times, Restore
Backup File closes. Select the archive file and try again.

4. Restore shows information about the application you are restoring. Choose
one of the following restore options:

172 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

• Check Restore System. This overwrites user, computer, and group

accounts, passwords, policy settings, and security settings for all
applications in the FactoryTalk Directory.
• Clear Restore System. If you restore an application to a different
directory or to a different computer, you will need to manually recreate
security permissions for FactoryTalk users and groups in the restored

5. To restore the application with its original name, click Finish. To restore an
application with a different name, select the Restore into a new
application named check box, type the name, and then click Finish.

If you type an optional name, the system leaves the original application
intact and restores the backup as a new application, in effect copying the

6. If you restored an application without the System folder:

• Restore references from the application to objects that do not exist in

the installed System tree, either by adding these items manually or
modifying the application to use the objects that are available.
• Manually reset any existing security settings in the restored application
to reference users, user groups, computers, and computer groups
defined in the current System folder.

7. If you restored an application with its System folder, verify that the security
settings managed through the System folder are correct, and make edits as

See also

Verify security settings after restoring a FactoryTalk system on page 175

Back up an application on page 161

Restore a FactoryTalk system on page 167

Restore a Security Authority Each FactoryTalk Directory has a unique Security Authority identifier generated
during installation. Restore a Security Authority identifier to replace the current
identifier with an identifier from a backup file.

Secure controller projects and controllers running secure projects can only be
accessed when the FactoryTalk Directory Security Authority identifier matches
the identifier saved in the project. This prevents unauthorized access to a
controller or controller project if moved or copied to a different FactoryTalk

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 173

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

Important: After restoring a new Security Authority identifier, controllers and

controller projects secured with the previous identifier cannot be accessed.


1. Obtain the following permissions from System > System Policies> User
Rights Assignment:

• Modify Security Authority Identifier

2. Back up the FactoryTalk Directory.

3. Use Logix Designer to remove security from any controllers and controller
projects in the FactoryTalk Directory.

4. Shut down all FactoryTalk software products, components, and services

except FactoryTalk Administration Console.

To restore the security authority identifier

1. In FactoryTalk Administration Console, select Tools > FactoryTalk

Security Authority Identifier.

2. In Modify Security Authority Identifier, click Restore.

3. In Restore, click Browse (...) to specify the archive to restore, then click

By default, an archive file for a security authority identifier is named with

that identifier. For example, Network -
72CE2C2E-5175-4C26-98AE-3ABE5AC7F8EC.bak or Local -

4. (optional) If the backup file was encrypted, in Restore Backup File, type
the passphrase to unlock the backup file, then click OK.

5. In Restore, select Restore security authority identifier only, then click


6. (optional) Use Logix Designer to add security to any controllers and

controller projects in the FactoryTalk Directory.

See also

Back up a Security Authority identifier on page 163

Generate a Security Authority identifier on page 180

174 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

Modify Security Authority Identifier on page 167

Verify security settings after After you restore a FactoryTalk Directory backup archive, check to see that the
FactoryTalk Directory security settings on the new FactoryTalk system meet your
restoring a FactoryTalk system
requirements, and make adjustments as needed.

Depending upon your FactoryTalk configuration, you may need to do one or

more of the following tasks after you restore the FactoryTalk Directory:

• Update computer accounts in the network directory

• Recreate Windows-linked user accounts
• Update Windows-linked user groups
• Update security settings for networks and devices
• Restore the alarm log database

See also

Update computer accounts in the network directory on page 175

Recreate a Windows-linked user account on page 176

Update Windows-linked user groups on page 177

Update security settings for networks and devices on page 177

Restore the alarm log database on page 178

Update computer accounts in the After you restore any backup archive that includes a System folder, you may need
network directory to update computer accounts to allow them access to the network directory.

If the system policy Require computer accounts for all client machines is
enabled, then only client computers that have been added to the list of computers
in the network directory can access that directory. When a backup archive is
restored, the directory automatically adds the computer on which the network
directory server resides, and the client computer from which the restore operation
was performed, to the System folder in the network directory.

After restoring a directory in a new domain, update computer accounts to allow

the client computers access to the network directory, as outlined below.

To update computer accounts in the network directory

1. Log on to FactoryTalk Administration Console as administrator on either

the network directory server computer or the client computer where the
restore was performed.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 175

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

2. Rename existing computer accounts from the old domain to easily map
them to computers on the new domain. This retains any security settings
that were applied to the computer accounts in the old domain.

3. Delete computer accounts that no longer exist in the new domain, and that
do not map to computers in the new domain.

4. Add computer accounts to allow computers on the network access to the

restored network directory.

Tip: If you delete a computer account and then recreate it, its security settings are lost.
To map computers from one domain to another, rename the computer accounts
rather than deleting and recreating them.

See also

Edit or view computer properties on page 57

Delete a computer on page 56

Add a computer on page 55

Verify security settings after restoring a FactoryTalk system on page 175

Recreate a Windows-linked user You cannot move individual Windows-linked user accounts from one domain to
account another. You can move only Windows-linked user group accounts to a new
domain. This allows you to retain all of the security permissions for the group.

If you are using individual Windows-linked user accounts, you will need to
recreate these accounts when restoring your FactoryTalk Directory to a new
FactoryTalk system.


• Restore the FactoryTalk Directory on the run-time network.

• Complete any follow-up tasks needed to recreate the development
FactoryTalk Directory on the run-time network.

To recreate a Windows-linked user account

1. In the Explorer window, expand System > Policies > System Policies, and
double-click Security Policy.

2. Expand Account Policy Settings, then click on Show deleted accounts in

user list. Enable this setting.

3. Delete the old account.

176 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

4. Create the new account.

5. Recreate all the security permissions for the new account. Choose one of the

• Add the user account to a group that already has security settings
defined for it
• Create permissions for a user account when securing a resource

See also

Update Windows-linked user groups on page 177

Delete a user account on page 44

Add a Windows-linked user account on page 41

Add accounts to a FactoryTalk user group on page 52

Verify security settings after restoring a FactoryTalk system on page 175

Update Windows-linked user groups When the System folder is restored to a new Windows domain, Windows-linked
user groups that existed in the original domain may no longer exist in the new

You may need to change the original Windows-linked groups to groups that exist
in the new domain. Security settings that refer to the Windows-linked groups in
the new domain are then updated automatically. This allows you to move your
applications to a different domain without having to change or recreate each user
account separately.

If your system uses local workstation accounts as part of a Windows workgroup,

Windows-linked user accounts lose their security settings after the System folder is

See also

Update security settings for networks and devices on page 177

Update security settings for After you restore an entire FactoryTalk Directory you may need to update
networks and devices security settings for networks and devices in order to secure them in the new

The Networks and Devices tree shows information about the networks and
devices that are connected to the local computer. The contents of the Networks
and Devices tree are not included in the backup archive, but any security settings
that are defined for networks and devices are included in the backup archive.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 177

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

If an archive is restored on a computer that is connected to the same networks and

devices using the same drivers or logical names, the security settings restored from
the archive file take effect. Check to make sure your security settings are accurate
for the resources in your new FactoryTalk system, and make edits as needed.

To update security settings for networks and devices

1. In the Explorer window, click to expand Networks and Devices to view

the networks and devices in your FactoryTalk system.

2. To check the security settings for a network or device, right-click on its icon,
then click Security. Use Security Settings to view permissions by user or by
action, and to see if permissions are inherited from higher levels in the
FactoryTalk directory tree.

3. Review and edit user action permissions as needed.

See also

Restore alarm log database on page 178

Verify security settings after restoring a FactoryTalk system on page 175

Restore alarm log database If your FactoryTalk system includes Microsoft SQL Server databases for logging
historical data, including FactoryTalk Alarms and Events logs, restore any data
from the development FactoryTalk system that you want to deploy to the new
system. Next, re-establish a connection between a database definition, held in the
directory, and its associated Microsoft SQL Server database.

To restore historical data

1. On any computer in the network directory, run FactoryTalk

Administration Console.

2. From the Explorer window, open System > Connections > Databases.

3. Double-click the database definition to open its properties, update the SQL
Server host computer name if it has changed, and then click OK.

The system checks for database tables and creates them, if they do not exist.

See also

Verify security settings after restoring a FactoryTalk system on page 175

Restore a FactoryTalk system on page 167

178 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

Restore an earlier system after Before restoring to an earlier system, keep the following in mind:
upgrading FactoryTalk platform • Following the instructions in this topic overwrites all data in the
software FactoryTalk Directory and returns it to the state it was in before upgraded.
For example, any applications, security settings, or system policies will be
lost. If you want to keep any of this data, back up the network directory and
local directory now.
• When reverting from FactoryTalk Services Platform 2.10 (CPR 9) or later
to an earlier version of the platform, you must restore backup archives for
both the network directory and the local directory, even if you plan to use
only one of the directories.
• If you upgraded to FactoryTalk Services Platform version 2.10 (CPR 9) or
later, backups of the earlier version of the local directory and network
directory were automatically created. You can use those backups to revert to
an earlier version.
• Do not restore an archive file created with FactoryTalk Services Platform
2.10 (CPR 9) or later into a FactoryTalk Directory that is running
FactoryTalk Services Platform 2.00 (CPR 7). This is not supported and may
have unexpected results.
• As part of re-installing an earlier version of FactoryTalk Services Platform
or FactoryTalk Automation Platform, you will need to enter the
FactoryTalk administrator user name and passwords that were saved in the
backup archive of the FactoryTalk Directory.

To restore an earlier system after upgrading FactoryTalk platform software

1. Uninstall all FactoryTalk software products that are incompatible with the
version of the FactoryTalk platform you plan to use.

a. To verify the version of the FactoryTalk platform software that a

product requires, see the product's installation documentation.

b. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Uninstall a program or
Programs and Features.

c. Uninstall FactoryTalk Services Platform.

d. Uninstall Windows Firewall Configuration Utility.

2. Restart your computer.

3. Delete the folders C:\ProgramData\Rockwell\RNAServer and


Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 179

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

4. Install the version of the FactoryTalk platform software you plan to use. If
the version is 2.10 (CPR 9) or later, skip to the next step after installation. If
the version is 2.00 (CPR 7), do the following:

• On the Overview page of the FactoryTalk Directory Configuration

Wizard, select both FactoryTalk Network Directory and
FactoryTalk Local Directory and then click Next.
• If prompted, enter a FactoryTalk administrator user name and
password for each directory.

5. Install earlier versions of all software products that are compatible with the
version of the FactoryTalk platform software you plan to use. To verify the
version of the FactoryTalk platform software that a product requires, see the
product's installation documentation.

6. Run FactoryTalk Administration Console and log on to the Local

Directory. In the Explorer area, right-click the Local icon and then restore
a local backup archive created with the earlier version of the FactoryTalk
platform software.

7. Click File > Log Off to log off the local directory, and then log on to the
network directory. Right-click the Network icon and then restore a
network backup archive created with the earlier version of the FactoryTalk
platform software.

See also

Restore a FactoryTalk system on page 167

Generate a Security Authority Each FactoryTalk Directory has a unique Security Authority identifier generated
during installation. Generate a Security Authority identifier to change the
Security Authority identifier assigned to the FactoryTalk Directory.

Secure controller projects and controllers running secure projects can only be
accessed when the FactoryTalk Directory Security Authority identifier matches
the identifier saved in the project. This prevents unauthorized access to a
controller or controller project if moved or copied to a different FactoryTalk

Important: After generating a new Security Authority identifier, controllers and

controller projects secured with the previous identifier cannot be accessed.


1. Obtain the following permissions from System > System Policies> User
Rights Assignment:

180 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

• Modify Security Authority Identifier

2. Back up the FactoryTalk Directory.

3. Use Logix Designer to remove security from any controllers and controller
projects in the FactoryTalk Directory.

4. Shut down all FactoryTalk software products, components, and services

except FactoryTalk Administration Console.

To generate a Security Authority identifier

1. In FactoryTalk Administration Console, select Tools > FactoryTalk

Security Authority Identifier.

2. In Modify Security Authority Identifier, click Generate ID.

3. In the confirmation window, click Yes.

4. (optional) Click Backup to back up the current directory with the new

5. Click Close.

6. (optional) Use Logix Designer to add security to any controllers and

controller projects in the FactoryTalk Directory.

See also

Back up a Security Authority identifier on page 163

Restore a Security Authority identifier on page 173

Modify Security Authority Identifier on page 167

Restore How do I open Restore?

1. Run FactoryTalk Administration Console.

2. At the top of the Explorer window, right-click the Directory icon.

3. On the context menu, click Restore.

Use Restore to specify the name of the backup file you wish to use to restore all or
part of a FactoryTalk Directory.

Select one of these archive types:

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 181

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

• A full FactoryTalk Directory backup archive. This will be named with its
security authority identifier (for example, Network -
72CE2C2E-5175-4C26-98AE-3ABE5AC7F8EC.bak or Local -
C565C77A-4664-4E6C-9779-1EC729B3A8A0.bak). It contains all
applications, and all user and computer accounts and groups, passwords,
policy settings, and security settings.
• A System folder archive. A system folder archive contains a backup of a
System folder, including user and computer accounts and
groups, passwords, policy settings, and security settings. It is named
System.bak by default.
• An application archive. This archive contains a backup of the application,
and may contain a backup of the System folder. By default, an application
archive file has the same name as the application.

Before restoring an archive file, shut down all FactoryTalk software products,
components, and services, except FactoryTalk Administration Console and
FactoryTalk Help, then create a backup archive of the directory you are restoring
into before continuing with the restore process.

An archive file created under FactoryTalk Automation Platform 2.00 (CPR 7) can
be restored into a FactoryTalk Directory that has been upgraded to FactoryTalk
Services Platform 2.10 (CPR 9) or later. The restore operation automatically
updates the data in the System folder to be compatible with FactoryTalk Services
Platform 2.10 or later, while leaving the original data unchanged.

Important: Do not restore an archive file created under FactoryTalk Services Platform
2.10 (CPR 9) or later into a FactoryTalk Directory that is running
FactoryTalk Automation Platform 2.00 (CPR 7). This restore scenario is not
supported and may have unexpected results.

See also

Restore a FactoryTalk Directory on page 168

Restore a System folder on page 170

Restore an application on page 172

Verify security settings after restoring a FactoryTalk system on page 175

Restore (FactoryTalk Directory) How do I open Restore?

1. Run FactoryTalk Administration Console.

2. At the top of the Explorer window, right-click the Directory icon.

3. On the context menu, click Restore.

182 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

After selecting a FactoryTalk Directory archive to restore, verify the restoration

settings are correct to finish the restore operation. If this is not the correct backup
archive, click Cancel to exit or Back to select a different archive file.

Backup files that are created automatically when upgrading to FactoryTalk

Services Platform 2.50 or later can only be restored on the same computer.

Important: Do not restore an archive file created under FactoryTalk Services Platform
2.10 (CPR 9) or later into a FactoryTalk Directory that is running
FactoryTalk Automation Platform 2.00 (CPR 7). This restore scenario is not
supported and may have unexpected results.

Setting Description
Archive name The name of the backup archive file to be restored.
Archive type Identifies the type of information held within the backup archive file.
FactoryTalk Directory - Identifies an archive file that contains the contents of an entire directory, including all
applications and the System folder.
Important: Restoring the System folder overwrites all user and computer accounts and groups, passwords, policy
settings, and security settings for all applications in the FactoryTalk Directory.
Application(s) Lists the names of the applications held in the backup archive file. You cannot select individual applications. When you
restore an entire directory, all of the applications included in that directory are also restored.
Restore Only appears when an application is open in the FactoryTalk Directory, which prevents a full restore. If hidden, the entire
FactoryTalk Directory will be restored.
Select which portions of the FactoryTalk Directory to restore:
• Restore directory contents only
Restores applications, users, computers, groups, passwords, policies, and security settings. The security authority
identifier is not restored.
• Restore security authority identifier only
Only restores the security authority identifier. Applications, users, computers, groups, passwords, policies, and
security settings are not restored.
Back up your directory and remove the old bindings from all controllers and controller projects before continuing.
Backup the directory with the new identifier after the restore process is complete.

Tip: After restoring from a backup archive, manually back up and restore project files
and databases from other software products participating in the FactoryTalk
system, and check security settings and computer accounts.

See also

Restore a FactoryTalk Directory on page 168

Restore (System folder) How do I open Restore?

1. Run FactoryTalk Administration Console.

2. At the top of the Explorer window, right-click the Directory icon.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 183

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

3. On the context menu, click Restore.

After selecting a system-only archive file, Restore displays the archive name and
the archive type.

Restoring a System folder moves the following system-wide settings from one
FactoryTalk Directory to another:

• The list of user, computer, and group accounts

• Action groups
• Passwords
• Policy settings
• Security settings
• Alarm and event database definitions

Review the following settings before clicking Finish to restore a System folder.

Setting Description
Archive name The name of the backup archive file to be restored.
Archive type Identifies the type of information held within the backup archive file.
System Only - Restoring the System folder overwrites all user and computer accounts and groups, passwords, policy settings, and
security settings for all applications in the FactoryTalk Directory.
Application(s) (none) - Confirms that applications are not included in the backup archive to restored.

See also

Restore a System folder on page 170

Backup and restore options on page 166

Restore (Application) How do I open Restore?

1. Run FactoryTalk Administration Console.

2. At the top of the Explorer window, right-click the Directory icon.

3. On the context menu, click Restore.

After selecting a FactoryTalk Directory archive to restore, verify the restoration

settings are correct to finish the restore operation. If this is not the correct backup
archive, click Cancel to exit or Back to select a different archive file.

If the System folder was backed up with the application, you can choose whether
to restore it along with the application.

184 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

Backup files that are created automatically when upgrading to FactoryTalk

Services Platform 2.50 or later can only be restored on the same computer.

Important: Do not restore an archive file created under FactoryTalk Services Platform
2.10 (CPR 9) or later into a FactoryTalk Directory that is running
FactoryTalk Automation Platform 2.00 (CPR 7). This restore scenario is not
supported and may have unexpected results.

Setting Description
Archive name The name of the backup archive file to be restored. By default, the archive name is
ApplicationName.bak file.
Archive type Identifies the type of information held within the backup archive file.
• Application and System - Identifies an archive file that contains both an application and a
System folder.
• Application - Identifies an archive file that contains only an application.
Application(s) The name of the application or applications held in the backup archive file.
Restore System If the backup archive file includes a System folder, this option is available.
• To restore the application and the System folder, select Restore System. Restoring the System
folder overwrites all user and computer accounts and groups, passwords, policy settings, and
security settings for all applications in the FactoryTalk Directory.
• To restore the application without restoring the System folder, clear Restore System.
Restoring the System folder overwrites all user and computer accounts and groups, passwords, policy
settings, and security settings for all applications in the FactoryTalk Directory.
If you restore an application without its associated System folder to a different directory or to a
different computer, security permissions for FactoryTalk users and groups need to be manually
recreated in the restored application.
Restore into a new application named: Choose whether to overwrite an existing application or create a new application.
• To restore the contents of the backup archive file into an application with a new name, select
Restore into a New Application Named, then type a unique name. When you click Finish, the
system leaves the original application intact and restores the backup archive as a new application
in the directory. When both applications are the same, it serves to copy the archived application
into the directory.
• To restore an existing application with its original name, clear Restore into a New Application
Named. When you click Finish, the system confirms that you want to overwrite the existing
application of the same name. Click Yes to restore the application.

See also

Restore an application on page 172

Restore Backup File Use Restore Backup File to enter the passphrase which was used during the
archive file backup operation. The archive file cannot be restored without the
correct passphrase.

The passphrase must meet the following requirements:

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 185

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

• Any alphanumeric character or other characters

• Minimum length: 0
• Maximum length: 64

An error message opens if the passphrase you entered is not correct. Enter the
passphrase again. If the wrong passphrase is entered three times, Restore Backup
File closes. Select the archive file and try again.

See also

Restore (FactoryTalk Directory) on page 182

Restore an application on page 172

Restore a System folder on page 170

Restore a Security Authority identifier on page 173

Reconfigure a FactoryTalk The FactoryTalk Directory allows products to share a common address book,
which finds and provides access to plant floor resources, such as data tags and
Directory graphic displays.

Normally, all configuration of FactoryTalk Directory is done automatically during

installation of FactoryTalk Services Platform, so there is no need to run the
FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard. Use FactoryTalk Directory
Configuration Wizard when circumstances require a manual configuration of
FactoryTalk Directory.

The FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard is intended for use by

FactoryTalk administrators.

Run the FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard if:

• An error occurred while you were installing the FactoryTalk Services

Platform, or a message appeared instructing you to run the wizard manually.
• You upgraded an existing FactoryTalk Directory from FactoryTalk®
Automation Platform version 2.0, but during the upgrade a valid
FactoryTalk Administrator account could not be found for the directory.
• You installed FactoryTalk Services Platform from a remote client (such as
Remote Desktop Services). The FactoryTalk Directory cannot be
configured from a remote client. You must run the FactoryTalk Directory
Configuration Wizard at the Windows console on the computer.
• You cannot access the FactoryTalk administrator account in the network
directory or local directory. Running the wizard resets a locked
administrator account, or allows you to change an expired password for the

186 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

administrator account. Alternatively, have another user whose account is a

member of the FactoryTalk Administrators group reset your locked account
or password for you.

If your administrator account was disabled, have another user enable your account
for you in FactoryTalk Administration Console. You cannot disable the last
FactoryTalk administrator account in a directory. If no other user is available, or
you do not know the password to another administrator account (for example,
because that user left the organization), contact Rockwell Automation Technical

See also

Select a FactoryTalk Directory to configure on page 187

Enter an administrator user name and password on page 193

Reset an expired password on page 193

Select a FactoryTalk Directory to The first step in configuring a FactoryTalk Directory is to select which
FactoryTalk directory you wish to configure from the first page in the
FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard.

To select a FactoryTalk Directory to configure

1. From the Start menu, choose All Programs > Rockwell Software >
FactoryTalk Tools > FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard.

2. In FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard, under Configure

settings, choose one or both of the following:

• Configure the FactoryTalk Network Directory

• Configure the FactoryTalk Local Directory
If you choose both directories, the wizard steps you through both tasks,
beginning with the network directory.

3. Click Next.

See also

Enter an administrator user name and password on page 193

Reset an expired password on page 193

What reconfiguring a network directory does on page 189

What reconfiguring a local directory does on page 190

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 187

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

Product support for Network and Local directories on page 192

Configure or reconfigure a network To configure a new FactoryTalk network directory or to upgrade an existing
directory FactoryTalk network directory, you must log on. This allows the wizard to access
the directory and configure it. To configure the FactoryTalk network directory,
run the FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard at the computer that is the
FactoryTalk network directory server. You cannot configure the FactoryTalk
network directory from a remote computer, for example.

Depending on what accounts are available in the network directory, you might be
prompted to log on using:

• Any Windows administrator account that is a member of the local

Windows administrators group on the computer where the FactoryTalk
network directory server is located
• Any FactoryTalk account that is a member of the FactoryTalk
Administrators group in the network directory

You can also log on using an existing FactoryTalk administrator account to enable
the account if it has become locked, or if the password to the account has expired.

Important: Keep your administrator user name and password in a safe place. To
enable the administrator account, you must have both the original user
name and password to the account. If either is lost, the account cannot be

Alternatively, have another user whose account is a member of the FactoryTalk

Administrators group enable your account for you, or reset your password.

If your administrator account was disabled, you cannot use the FactoryTalk
Directory Configuration Wizard to enable the account. Instead, have another user
enable your account for you in FactoryTalk Administration Console. The last
FactoryTalk administrator account in a directory cannot be disabled.

If no other user is available, or you do not know the password to another

administrator account (for example, because that user left the organization),
contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support.

See also

What reconfiguring a network directory does on page 189

Reset an expired password on page 193

Summary on page 196

FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard on page 197

188 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

What reconfiguring a network Reconfiguring the FactoryTalk network directory does different things,
directory does depending on the state of the directory when you run the wizard. The wizard can
do any of the following:

• Whenever you run the wizard to reconfigure the FactoryTalk network

directory, the wizard backs up the original directory. The backup file is
called NetworkInstall*.bak and is located in
C:\ProgramData\Rockwell\RNAServer\Backups. The location of the
backup files is also logged to FactoryTalk Diagnostics. You can view the
diagnostic log files using the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer.
• If an error occurred while you were installing or upgrading the FactoryTalk
Services Platform on a computer for the first time, or if a valid administrator
account could not be found, running the wizard manually the first time
adds the Windows Administrators group to the FactoryTalk
Administrators group. This means that any user account that is a member of
the local Windows Administrators group on any computer connected to
the network directory has administrative access to the directory.
• If an error occurred while you were upgrading an existing FactoryTalk
Directory, running the wizard manually the first time updates policies in the
directory, and adds the $AnonymousLogon account to the directory. This
account is given Common > Read and Common > List Children access to
the FactoryTalk Directory. This account is used when FactoryTalk
products require service access to the directory.
• If the password to a FactoryTalk account has expired, and the account is a
member of the FactoryTalk Administrators group, running the wizard
allows you to change the password.
• If a FactoryTalk administrator account becomes locked (for example,
because of too many invalid logon attempts), the wizard allows you to reset
the account.

See also

Configure or reconfigure a network directory on page 188

Reset an expired password on page 193

Change Password on page 195

Summary on page 196

FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard on page 197

Configure or reconfigure a local To configure a new FactoryTalk local directory, or to upgrade an existing
directory FactoryTalk local directory, you must log on. This allows the wizard to access the
directory and configure it. Reconfiguring the FactoryTalk local directory allows

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 189

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

you to reset a disabled administrator account and upgrade policies.

Depending on what accounts are available in the local directory, you might be
prompted to log on using:

• any Windows administrator account that is a member of the local

Windows administrators group on the local computer
• any FactoryTalk account that is a member of the FactoryTalk
Administrators group in the local directory

You can also log on using an existing FactoryTalk administrator account to enable
the account if it has become locked, or if the password to the account has expired.

Important: Keep your administrator user name and password in a safe place. To
enable the administrator account, you must have both the original user
name and password to the account. If either is lost, the account cannot be

Alternatively, have another user whose account is a member of the FactoryTalk

Administrators group enable your account for you, or reset your password.

If your administrator account was disabled, you cannot use the FactoryTalk
Directory Configuration Wizard to enable the account. Instead, have another user
enable your account for you in FactoryTalk Administration Console. The last
FactoryTalk administrator account in a directory cannot be disabled.

If no other user is available, or you do not know the password to another

administrator account (for example, because that user left the organization),
contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support.

See also

Select a FactoryTalk Directory to configure on page 187

What reconfiguring a local directory does on page 190

Enter an administrator user name and password on page 193

Reset an expired password on page 193

Product support for network and local directories on page 192

What reconfiguring a local directory Reconfiguring a local directory does different things, depending on the state of the
does directory when you run the wizard. The wizard can do any of the following:

• Whenever you run the wizard to reconfigure the FactoryTalk local

directory, the wizard backs up the original directory. The backup file is
called LocalInstall*.bak, and is located in

190 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

C:\ProgramData\Rockwell\RNAServer\Backups. The location of the

backup files is also logged to FactoryTalk Diagnostics. Use FactoryTalk
Diagnostics Viewer to view the diagnostic log files.
• If an error occurred while you were installing or upgrading the FactoryTalk
Services Platform on a computer for the first time, or if a valid administrator
account could not be found, running the wizard manually the first time adds
the Windows Administrators group to the FactoryTalk Administrators
group. This means that any user account that is a member of the local
Windows Administrators group on the local computer has administrative
access to the directory.
• When run manually for the first time, the wizard also adds the Windows
Authenticated Users group to the local directory, allowing any user who is
logged on to Windows to access the local directory.
• The Authenticated Users group is a Windows user group that includes all
users and computers whose identities have been authenticated.
Authenticated Users does not include Guest even if the Guest account has a
password. The Authenticated Users group is used to override security in the
local directory by granting access to all authenticated Windows user
• If an error occurred while you were upgrading an existing FactoryTalk
Directory, running the wizard manually the first time updates policies in the
directory, and adds the $AnonymousLogon account to the directory. This
account is given Common > Read and Common > List Children access to
the FactoryTalk Directory. This account is used when FactoryTalk
products require service access to the directory.
• If the password expires to a FactoryTalk account that is a member of the
FactoryTalk Administrators group, running the wizard allows you to
change the password.
• If a FactoryTalk administrator account becomes locked (for example,
because of too many invalid logon attempts), the wizard allows you to reset
the account.

See also

Configure or reconfigure a local directory on page 189

Select a FactoryTalk Directory to configure on page 187

Enter an administrator user name and password on page 193

Product support for network and local directories on page 192

Reconfigure a FactoryTalk Directory on page 186

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 191

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

Product support for network and FactoryTalk Directory allows products to share a common address book, which
local directories finds and provides access to plant-floor resources, such as data tags and graphic

The FactoryTalk Services Platform includes two separate directories: a local

directory and a network directory.

• In a local directory, a Directory Server, all project information, and all

participating software products are located on a single computer. Local
applications cannot be shared across a network.
• A network directory organizes project information from multiple
FactoryTalk products across multiple computers on a network.

Which directory you need depends upon which software products are part of your
FactoryTalk system. The table below shows which products require a network
directory, which require a local directory, and which can use either directory.

Product Network Directory Local Directory

FactoryTalk Administration Console Yes Yes
FactoryTalk AssetCentre Yes No
FactoryTalk Batch Yes Yes
FactoryTalk Historian Classic Yes No
FactoryTalk Historian for Batch Yes No
FactoryTalk Linx Yes Yes
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Yes Yes
FactoryTalk Metrics Yes No
FactoryTalk Portal Yes No
FactoryTalk® ProductionCentre® Yes No
FactoryTalk Scheduler Yes No
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Yes No
FactoryTalk View Machine Edition No Yes
FactoryTalk View SE Yes No
FactoryTalk View SE Local No Yes
Logix Designer Yes No
RSAutomation Desktop® Yes No
RSBizWare™ BatchCampaign™ Yes Yes
RSBizWare eProcedure® Yes Yes
RSLinx Classic Yes Yes
RSLogix™ 5 Yes Yes
RSLogix 500® Yes Yes
RSLogix 5000® Yes Yes*
RSNetWorx Yes Yes

192 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

*The FactoryTalk local directory is not supported in RSLogix 5000 v20 software.

See also

Select a FactoryTalk Directory to configure on page 187

Enter an administrator user Enter a Windows Administrator account user name and password. If the user
name and password are accepted, the directory is configured and the FactoryTalk
name and password
Directory Configuration Wizard closes.


1. If you are not already on the second page of the wizard, choose All
Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Tools > FactoryTalk
Directory Configuration Wizard.

2. In FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard, select the directory you

want to configure, and click Next.

To enter an administrator user name and password

1. Click in Administrator User Name.

2. Type a Windows Administrator account or FactoryTalk Administrator

account user name.

3. Click in Password, and type the password that corresponds to the user
name you entered.

4. Click Next.

See also

Select a FactoryTalk Directory to configure on page 187

Reset an expired password on page 193

Configure or reconfigure a network directory on page 188

Configure or reconfigure a local directory on page 189

Default passwords on page 198

Reset an expired password If the password to your administrator account has expired, Change Password
opens automatically. It cannot be opened manually.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 193

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

Tip: Alternatively, use FactoryTalk Administration Console or FactoryTalk View Studio

instead of the FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard to change an account

To change an expired password

1. In the New password field, type the new password to the account.

2. In the Confirm new password field, type the same password you typed in
the New password box, and click OK.

Depending on how the FactoryTalk security policies are configured, minimum

password length and password complexity requirements might apply.

See also

Configure or reconfigure a network directory on page 188

Configure or reconfigure a local directory on page 189

Default passwords on page 198

Change Password (local) The Change Password window appears automatically if the FactoryTalk local
directory contains an administrator account with an expired password. There is
no way to make this window appear manually if there is no administrator account
with an expired password in the directory.

To change the password to an account manually, use FactoryTalk Administration

Console instead of the FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard.

If no other user is available and you cannot remember the password to your
FactoryTalk administrator account, contact Rockwell Automation Technical

Setting Description
Administrator user name This box displays the user name you typed for the expired administrator account in the previous step of the
Old password This box displays asterisks (*) as a placeholder for the old password you typed for the expired account in the
previous step of the wizard.
New password Type the new password to the account.

194 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

Confirm new password Type the same password you typed in the New password box.
Depending on how the FactoryTalk security policies are configured, a minimum password length and
password complexity requirements might apply. Check with your FactoryTalk administrator if the suggestions
below do not work.
If the wizard will not accept your new password, make sure that your new password:
• Is not the same as any of the last 3 passwords you used for the account
• Does not contain all of the user account name. For example, a user account called John12 cannot have the
password John1234. However, the password 12John is permitted. This check is also case sensitive so
John12 could have the password jOHN12.
• Is at least six characters long
• Contains characters from three of the following four categories:
• Unaccented uppercase characters (A to Z)
• Unaccented lowercase characters (a to z)
• Numerals (0 to 9)
• Non-alphanumeric characters (!, @, #, %)

Important: Keep your administrator user name and password in a safe place. To
enable the administrator account, you must have both the original user
name and password to the account. If either is lost, the account cannot be

See also

Configure or reconfigure a local directory on page 189

Summary on page 196

Default passwords on page 198

Change Password (network) When running the Configuration Wizard, if your administrator account has an
expired password, Change Password appears automatically. There is no way to
make this window appear manually if there is no administrator account with an
expired password in the directory.

To change the password to an account manually, use FactoryTalk Administration

Console or FactoryTalk View Studio instead of the FactoryTalk Directory
Configuration Wizard.

If no other user is available and you cannot remember the password to your
FactoryTalk administrator account, contact Rockwell Automation Technical

Use the following settings to reset the password in your FactoryTalk network

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 195

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

Setting Description
Administrator user name This box displays the user name you typed for the expired administrator account in the previous step of the wizard.
Old password This box displays asterisks (*) as a placeholder for the old password you typed for the expired account in the previous step
of the wizard.
New password Type the new password to the account.
Confirm new password Type the same password you typed in the New password box.
Depending on how the FactoryTalk security policies are configured, a minimum password length and password
complexity requirements might apply. Check with your FactoryTalk administrator if the suggestions below do not work.
If the wizard will not accept your new password, make sure that your new password:
• Is not the same as any of the last 3 passwords you used for the account
• Does not contain all of the user account name. For example, a user account called John12 cannot have the password
John1234. However, the password 12John is permitted. This check is also case sensitive so John12 could have the
password jOHN12.
• Is at least six characters long
• Contains characters from three of the following four categories:
• Unaccented uppercase characters (A to Z)
• Unaccented lowercase characters (a to z)
• Numerals (0 to 9)
• non-alphanumeric characters (!, @, #, %)

If no other user is available and you cannot remember the password to your
FactoryTalk administrator account, contact Rockwell Automation Technical

See also

Reset an expired password on page 193

Configure or reconfigure a network directory on page 188

Summary on page 196

Default passwords on page 198

Summary How do I open Summary?

Click OK in the second wizard screen--Reconfigure a Network Directory or

Reconfigure a Local Directory.

When the FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard finishes, Summary

shows a list of what the FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard did,
together with any errors that might have occurred. These errors are also logged to
FactoryTalk Diagnostics and can be seen through the FactoryTalk Diagnostics

If an error occurred while running the FactoryTalk Directory Configuration

Wizard, review the errors shown in Summary, and refer to the list of common
errors below. After resolving the likely problems, run the wizard again.

196 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Disaster Recovery Chapter 14

Common causes for errors include:

• Insufficient disk space. Clear some disk space and then run the wizard
• You are not logged on as an administrator. You must be logged on as an
administrator to run the FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard. To
run the wizard because an error occurred during installation for the first
time on a computer, you must be logged on as a Windows local
• The FactoryTalk Directory is in read-only mode. This error applies to
only the FactoryTalk network directory. This error appears as a warning
when your computer cannot communicate with the FactoryTalk network
directory server, or if the network connection is lost while configuring the
directory. Make sure both your computer and the FactoryTalk network
directory are connected to the network. You do not need to run the wizard
again after reconnecting to the FactoryTalk network directory server.
• You are attempting to configure the FactoryTalk Directory from a
remote computer. You cannot use Remote Desktop Services to configure a
FactoryTalk Directory. You must configure a FactoryTalk local directory at
the local computer. You must configure a FactoryTalk network directory at
the computer that is the FactoryTalk network directory server.

See also

FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard on page 197

FactoryTalk Directory How do I run the FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard?

Configuration Wizard 1. On the computer where FactoryTalk Services Platform is installed, log on
to Windows with a user account that is a member of the local Windows
Administrators group.

2. Click Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Tools >
FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard.

The FactoryTalk Directory allows products to share a common address book,

which finds and provides access to plant floor resources, such as data tags and
graphic displays.

Normally, all configuration of the FactoryTalk Directory is done automatically

during installation of FactoryTalk® Services Platform, so there is no need to run
the FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard. Use FactoryTalk® Directory
Configuration Wizard when circumstances require a manual configuration of
FactoryTalk Directory. The FactoryTalk Directory Configuration Wizard is
intended for use by FactoryTalk administrators.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 197

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery

See also

Product support for network and local directories on page 192

Select a FactoryTalk Directory to configure on page 187

Enter an administrator user name and password on page 193

Reset an expired password on page 193

Default passwords If you are trying to configure a directory but you are being prompted for a
password you don't have, this might be because you are upgrading from
FactoryTalk Automation Platform version 2.00.

In version 2.00, you had to create passwords for FactoryTalk administrator

accounts in both the network directory and the local directory.

To upgrade existing directories to FactoryTalk Services Platform version 2.10 or

later, you must supply the original user name and password for the FactoryTalk
administrator accounts.

• For the FactoryTalk local directory, the original default user name was
Administrator, and the password field was left blank.
• For the FactoryTalk network directory, the original default user name was
Administrator, but you were prompted to provide a password.

If you cannot remember the password to an existing directory, you cannot access
that directory. Contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support.

See also

Enter an administrator user name and password on page 193

Reset an expired password on page 193

198 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Appendix A

Upgrade FactoryTalk Services Platform

In a distributed FactoryTalk System, all computers must run the same

Upgrade FactoryTalk
FactoryTalk Services Platform major release, referred to as Coordinated Product
Services Platform Release (CPR). While not required, Rockwell Automation also recommends that
all computers run the same FactoryTalk Services Platform minor release and patch
levels. For the latest compatibility information, refer to the Product Compatibility
and Download Center.

During the upgrade, the installer automatically:

• Creates a backup file for any FactoryTalk Directory already configured on

the computer.
• Updates existing Local Directory and Network Directories with support for
new product policies, system policies, and features.
• Leaves existing settings unchanged, including user and group accounts,
security settings, and policy settings.


• Obtain the installation disc of a FactoryTalk-enabled product


• Obtain the standalone FactoryTalk Services Platform installation file

downloaded from the Rockwell Automation Product Compatibility and
Download Center.

To upgrade FactoryTalk Services Platform

1. On the FactoryTalk Network Directory server, back up the FactoryTalk


2. (optional) Upgrade client computers:

a. Log in to the computer as a user in the Windows Administrators


b. Shut down all Rockwell Automation software products running on the


Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 199

Appendix A Upgrade FactoryTalk Services Platform

c. Insert the product disc and select FactoryTalk Services Platform, or run
the standalone FactoryTalk Services Platform installation file.

d. Once installation is complete, restart the computer.

3. Upgrade the FactoryTalk Network Directory server:

a. Log in to the computer as a user in the Windows Administrators


b. Shut down all Rockwell Automation software products running on the


c. Disconnect the computer from the network, so client computers

cannot connect during the upgrade.

d. Use Windows Control Panel to uninstall FactoryTalk Services


e. Insert the product disc and select FactoryTalk Services Platform, or run
the standalone FactoryTalk Services Platform installation file.

f. Once installation is complete, restart the computer.

g. Reconnect the computer to the network.

See also

Product Compatibility and Download Center

Back up a FactoryTalk Directory on page 157

Restore a FactoryTalk Directory on page 168

Identify the installed Identify the installed FactoryTalk Services Platform version to determine if an
upgrade of FactoryTalk Services Platform is necessary.
FactoryTalk Services
Platform version To identify the installed FactoryTalk Services Platform version

1. On the Windows Start menu, click Control Panel.

2. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.

3. In the list of installed programs, FactoryTalk Services Platform appears,

with the version number shown beside it.

200 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Appendix B

FactoryTalk Web Services

FactoryTalk Web Services allow web-enabled Rockwell Automation software

products to access FactoryTalk services over a network using the Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or the Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure
Socket Layer (HTTPS).

The FactoryTalk Security Web Service allows clients to interact with the
FactoryTalk Directory for authentication and authorization. The web service also
provides support for products running in environments such as Linux and Java.

For details about using FactoryTalk Web Services with your FactoryTalk-enabled
product, see your product documentation.

Important: If deploying FactoryTalk Web Services in an environment where privacy of

the network communications might be at risk, add an HTTPS site binding
to encrypt all client connections to FactoryTalk Web Services.

See also

Install FactoryTalk Web Services on page 201

Add an HTTPS site binding for FactoryTalk Web Services on page 202

Install FactoryTalk Web FactoryTalk Web Services is installed from any FactoryTalk-enabled product CD
that includes FactoryTalk Services Platform, version 2.10.02 (CPR 9 Service
Services Release 2) or later. It is an optional component and is not installed automatically
with FactoryTalk Services Platform.

For most applications, install FactoryTalk Web Services on the computer that is
the FactoryTalk Network Directory server. Specific FactoryTalk-enabled products
using FactoryTalk Web Services might also have additional installation
requirements. For details, see the documentation supplied with your
FactoryTalk-enabled product.

To install FactoryTalk Web Services

1. Log on to the FactoryTalk Network Directory Server computer with a user

account that is a member of the Windows Administrators group.

2. Click Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 201

Appendix B FactoryTalk Web Services

3. Select FactoryTalk Services Platform, then select Change.

4. Follow the instructions on the screen to modify the existing installation.

5. In the list of program features, click FactoryTalk Web Services, then click
This feature, and all subfeatures, will be installed on local hard drive.

6. Click Next, then follow the instructions to finish the installation.

See also

Add an HTTPS site binding for FactoryTalk Web Services on page 202

Add an HTTPS site binding If deploying FactoryTalk Web Services in an environment where privacy of the
network communications might be at risk, add an HTTPS site binding to encrypt
for FactoryTalk Web all client connections to FactoryTalk Web Services.

• Install FactoryTalk Web Services.

• Configure Internet Information Services (IIS) to use web server security.

To add an HTTPS binding for FactoryTalk Web Services

1. On the FactoryTalk server, from Control Panel, select Administrative

Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

2. From Connections, select Default Web Site.

3. From Actions, select Bindings.

4. In Site Bindings, select Add.

5. In Add Site Binding, specify the following the binding properties:

• Type: Select HTTPS.

• IP Address: Select All Unassigned.
• Port: Enter 443.
• SSL Certificate: Select the SSL certificate for the FactoryTalk Web
Services server.

6. Click OK, then click Close.

7. From Connections, select FactoryTalk.

202 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

FactoryTalk Web Services Appendix B

8. In /FactoryTalk Home, double-click SSL Settings, select Require SSL,

then select Accept.

9. From Actions, select Apply.

See also

Microsoft TechNet: Configure Web Server Security (IIS 7)

Client computers unable to Possible cause and solution:

connect to FactoryTalk Web • Lack of network connectivity.

Services Check the network connection of the client computer and verify that it can
connect to other network resources.
Check the network connection of the FactoryTalk Web Services host
computer and verify that it can connect to network resources and accept
inbound connections.

• Required software is not installed on the FactoryTalk Web Services host

Verify Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 is installed on the FactoryTalk Web
Services host computer. If it is not installed, install it using the FactoryTalk
Services Platform installation media.
Verify Internet Information Services (IIS) is installed on the FactoryTalk
Web Services host computer. If it is not installed, install it using Control
Panel (Windows) or Administrative Tools (Windows Server).

• Internet Information Services (IIS) is not listening on the default ports on

the FactoryTalk Web Services host computer.
On the FactoryTalk Web Services host computer, open a browser and
connect to the login URL:
If the FactoryTalk Web Services page does not appear, IIS is either not
running properly or is configured to listen on another port. Use IIS
Manager to check the configuration and update client computer
FactoryTalk Web Services paths to use a non-default port if necessary.

• The firewall on the FactoryTalk Web Services host computer does not
allow incoming traffic on the ports configured in IIS Manager.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 203

Appendix B FactoryTalk Web Services

On the client computer, open a browser and connect to the login URL.
Replace server_path with the fully qualified domain name of the
FactoryTalk Web Services host computer and replace the port number with
the port number configured in IIS Manager:


If the FactoryTalk Web Services page does not appear, verify that the
firewall on the FactoryTalk Web Services host computer allows incoming
traffic to the ports configured in IIS Manager.

See also

How to change the TCP port for IIS services

User cannot log into Possible cause and solution:

FactoryTalk Web Services • User account does not have permission to log into FactoryTalk Web

1. On the FactoryTalk Web Services host computer, open a browser and

connect to the login URL. Replace the port number with the port
number configured in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager:


2. Select Login.

3. In userName, enter the user name for an account already configured in

the FactoryTalk Network Directory.

4. In password, enter the password for the account.

5. In encryptionAlgorithm, type ClearText then click the Invoke


If the page returns an XML string, the user account is valid for use with
FactoryTalk Web Services.

204 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

FactoryTalk Web Services Appendix B

• User account has been disabled or locked in FactoryTalk Directory.

Contact the FactoryTalk administrator to verify account status.

See also

Client computers unable to connect to FactoryTalk Web Services on page


Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 205

Legal Notices

Legal Notices Copyright notice

Copyright © 2018 Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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This document and any accompanying Rockwell Software products are

copyrighted by Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. Any reproduction
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End User License Agreement (EULA)

You can view the Rockwell Automation End-User License Agreement ("EULA")
by opening the License.rtf file located in your product's install folder on your hard

Other Licenses

The software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is

licensed under one or more open source licenses. Copies of those licenses are
included with the software. Corresponding Source code for open source packages
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in the product documentation.

You may alternately obtain complete Corresponding Source code by contacting

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Please include "Open Source" as part of the request text.

The following open source software is used in this product:

Software Copyright License Name License Text

AngularJS Copyright 2010-2017 Google, Inc. MIT License AngularJS 1.5.9 License
Boost C++ libraries Copyright Beman Dawes, David Abrahams, 1998-2005. Boost Software License, Boost C++ Libraries 1.0 License
Version 1.0
Bootstrap Copyright 2011-2017 Twitter, Inc. MIT License Bootstrap 3.3.7 License
Copyright 2011-2017 The Bootstrap Authors
Flatbuffers Copyright 2017 Google, Inc. Apache License, Version 2.0 FlatBuffers 1.6.0 License
jQuery Copyright 2005, 2014 JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License jQuery 2.1.1 License
OpenSans Copyright 2017 Google, Inc. Apache License, Version 2.0 OpenSans License
tinyxml2 Copyright 2017 Lee Thomason zlib License tinyxml2 2.2.0 License

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 207

Legal Notices

Trademark Notices

Allen-Bradley, ControlLogix, CompactLogix, DriveLogix, eProcedure, FlexLogix,

FactoryTalk, FactoryTalk Diagnostics, FactoryTalk Activation Manager,
FactoryTalk Automation Platform, FactoryTalk Audit, FactoryTalk AssetCentre,
FactoryTalk Linx, FactoryTalk Linx Gateway, FactoryTalk Portal, FactoryTalk
ProductionCentre, FactoryTalk Security, FactoryTalk Services Platform,
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, Logix Designer, Logix 5000, PLC-3, PLC-5,
Rockwell Automation, RSAutomation Desktop, RSAssetSecurity, RSBizWare,
BatchCampaign, RSLinx, RSLinx Classic, RSLogix, RSLogix 5, RSLogix 500,
RSLogix 5000, RSMACC, RSNetWorx, SLC 500, SoftLogix, and Studio 5000
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Any Rockwell Automation logo, software or hardware product not mentioned

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Other Trademarks

Kepware is a registered trademark of Kepware Technologies. OPC is a trademark

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Microsoft, Access, ActiveX, SQL Server, Surface, Visual Basic, Windows, and
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Java and Oracle are trademarks of Oracle Corporation.

Sophos and Sophos Anti-Virus are registered trademarks of Sophos Limited.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders and are hereby


This product is warranted in accordance with the product license. The product’s
performance may be affected by system configuration, the application being
performed, operator control, maintenance, and other related factors. Rockwell
Automation is not responsible for these intervening factors. The instructions in
this document do not cover all the details or variations in the equipment,
procedure, or process described, nor do they provide directions for meeting every
possible contingency during installation, operation, or maintenance. This
product’s implementation may vary among users.

This document is current as of the time of release of the product; however, the
accompanying software may have changed since the release. Rockwell Automation,
Inc. reserves the right to change any information contained in this document or
the software at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to obtain the

208 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Legal Notices

most current information available from Rockwell when installing or using this

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Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental information on

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Contact Rockwell Automation

Customer Support Telephone — 1.440.646.3434

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Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 209


accounts 15, 16
administrator 16, 31, 35, 36 list children 39, 41, 42, 44, 47, 49, 50, 52, 55, 56, 57, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66,
computer 15, 28, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 89, 94, 96 104, 105, 118, 119, 126, 127, 128, 137, 140, 142, 143, 145, 190
user 39, 47 local applications 11, 19, 20, 23, 187, 192
action groups 63, 64, 65, 66, 131, 132, 137, 140
actions 65, 66, 137 M
after restoring 166, 167, 168, 170, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 181, 182
application 11, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 36, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73 multiple applications 13, 166
local 11, 19, 20, 23, 187
network 11, 19, 20, 36 N
application authorization policy 68, 69
networks 25, 28, 79, 80, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 125,
area 83, 86, 97, 111, 113, 115, 116, 117, 125, 126, 127, 131, 132, 143, 151
129, 131, 132, 137, 142, 143, 145, 175, 177
audit policies 20, 27, 32, 67, 81, 83, 84, 86
authenticated users 27, 189
B order of precedence 31, 98, 136
back up 73, 74, 157, 160, 161, 163, 164, 166, 167
best practices 19, 25, 28, 31 P
permissions 15, 16, 19, 25, 27, 31, 131, 132, 140, 142, 143, 145, 147, 148,
C 149, 151, 152, 154
plan your system 13, 20, 23, 35
chain of inheritance 132, 134, 136, 151
policies 32, 67, 72, 73, 74, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84, 87, 104, 105, 107, 108, 110,
client computer 34, 35, 36, 37, 55, 80, 89, 96, 102, 103, 175, 203, 204
common actions 131, 137
ports 77, 78, 203
computer account 28, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 89, 94, 96, 164, 168, 175, 181

read 19, 25, 28, 132, 136, 137, 142, 143, 145, 151, 152, 154, 189, 190
devices 77, 114, 116, 117, 122, 125, 126, 128, 131, 137, 177
rename 175
resource groups 113, 120, 121, 122, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 142,
E 143, 157, 161
effective permissions 132, 152, 154 resources 64, 72, 73, 157, 166, 167, 168, 170, 172, 173, 178, 179
restore 64, 72, 73, 157, 166, 167, 168, 170, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178,
179, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185
G runtime security 25, 107, 157, 167, 176
groups 11, 15, 16, 19, 28, 31, 42, 43, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 63, 131, 137
I security authority identifier 157, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 173, 180, 181,
inheritance 19, 25, 132, 134, 136, 151, 152, 154 182, 185
server 19, 20, 23, 34, 35, 36, 37, 55, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 89, 91,
96, 97, 136

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E 211


single sign-on 25, 36, 87, 88, 89, 91, 93, 94, 96, 101, 102, 103
stand-alone system 13, 20, 23, 27, 34
system folder 11, 28, 50, 72, 73, 74, 75, 84, 93, 94, 111, 131, 137, 145,
147, 157, 160, 161, 164, 167, 168, 170, 172, 175, 177, 181, 182, 183, 184,

tag actions 13, 137, 140, 142, 143, 145, 186, 192, 197
test 77, 78, 152
tighten security 27
troubleshoot 77, 78, 81, 84

upgrade 77, 179, 199
user rights assignment 67, 72, 73, 74

write 28, 137, 143, 145

212 Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Rockwell Automation support
Rockwell Automation provides technical information on the web to assist you in using its products. At you can find technical and application notes, sample code, and links to software service packs. You
can also visit our Support Center at for software updates, support chats and forums, technical
information, FAQs, and to sign up for product notification updates.

In addition, we offer multiple support programs for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting. For more information, contact your local
distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit .

Installation assistance
If you experience a problem within the first 24 hours of installation, review the information that is contained in this manual. You can contact
Customer Support for initial help in getting your product up and running.

United States or Canada 1.440.646.3434

Outside United States or Canada Use the Worldwide Locator available at , or contact your local Rockwell
Automation representative.

New product satisfaction return

Rockwell Automation tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility. However, if
your product is not functioning and needs to be returned, follow these procedures.

United States Contact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (call the phone number above to obtain one) to
your distributor to complete the return process.
Outside United States Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for the return procedure.

Documentation feedback
Your comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, complete the
feedback form, publication RA-DU002.

Rockwell Automation Publication FTSEC-QS001M-EN-E

Supersedes Publication FTSEC-QS001L-EN-E Copyright © 2018 Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

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