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Mikylla M.

Grade 12-TESLA (HUMSS)

-Philosophy is determined from the Greek word “Philos” or “philein” meaning to adore,
to want. And “Sophia” implies shrewdness. Putting the two words together we have
Philo + Sophia = Adore of Shrewdness. In this way, a logician could be a partner of
shrewdness. Intelligence in logic is in how you offer assistance yourself think more
clearly, accurately and methodicallly it means love of wisdom." In a broad sense,
philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental
truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the
world and to each other.
2. Meaning of Person in Philosophy
-The term ”person” is define in many ways based on one’s law it refers to
corporation, organization, partnership, association or other identity construed to be
governed by a particular law.Person is a being that has certain capacities or attributes. It
is a composite of characteristics that make up an individual a self.
3. Wisodom
-Means insight. Having a deeper understanding of certain things. Wisdom has different
meanings. It means intelligence, smartness, or the ability to differentiate right from
wrong.Wisdom is commonly used to describe the character of that which is reasonable,
or to exercise moderation in desires.
4. Meaning of Philosophy of the Human Person
-The philosophy of the human person is the love or desire of rational being endowed
with wisdom. It is one’s desire to know who and what a human person is. Thus, we ask
question “who is he” the focal point of study is the human person, the meaning of
existence, his destiny, his relation to others, society and the world.The philosophy of the
human person started when the methods of philosophy is applied to find answers
regarding the questions and mysteries of existense.
5.Ethnological definition of Philosophy
-Philosophical ethnography is a philosophy of the everyday and eth- nography in the
context of intercultural discourse about coordinating meaning, evaluation, norms and
-The way you characterize ‘Life’ decides your point of view. Your point of view impacts
how you contribute your time, spend your cash, utilize your gifts, conjointly how you
esteem your connections. It decides your desires, objectives, needs and values. Your life
changes, you change, but if you stay the same by ignoring the problems then there are
apparent no reasons for anything to you may be a positive individual and
you see your life as being distant better;a much better;a higher;a stronger an improved
an improved person,You will be distant better;a much better a higher;a stronger;an
improved a distant better individual.You've got the control to shape your life in anything
way you want. You wish to come to the realization inside your intellect that You just are
a capable person, you'll select the life simply need to live.

Describe yourself as a philosopher. Draw a picture yourself inside the box as a


I'm Mikylla Mauro Grade 12 student I'm kind person I'm not a quarrelsome girl and soft-
heart person.I’m a friendly I'm being shy in first but I am your friend youlife will be noisy
and wonderful. Lastly I'm educated and positive person.

Who is your favorite philosopher. Describe his philosophy of human person. Mount
his/her picture inside the box.

My favorite philosopher is Aristotle because according to Aristotle, human beings have a

natural desire and capacity to know and understand the truth, to purs
ue moral excellence, and to instantiate their ideals in the world through action. Aristotle
espouses the existence of external objective reality.Aristotle teaches that each man's life
has a purpose and that the function of one's life is to attain that purpose. He explains
that the purpose of life is earthly happiness or flourishing that can be achieved via
reason and the acquisition of virtue. Articulating an explicit and clear understanding of
the end toward which a person's life aims, Aristotle states that each human being
should use his abilities to their fullest potential and should obtain happiness and
enjoyment through the exercise of their realized capacities. He contends that human
achievements are animated by purpose and autonomy and that people should take
pride in being excellent at what they do

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