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Claret College of Isabela

Roxas Avenue, Isabela City, Zamboanga Peninsula


S.Y. 2021-2022



Name: _______________________________________
Course and Year: ______________________________
Date Received: ________________________________
Instructors: JOCELYN C. DIAZ
Contact #:

Second Semester 2021-2022

WEEK 5-8 (13.5 hr.)

UNIT 2 (Microsoft Word 2010)
Course/Subject Module Overview
Microsoft Word is one of the most popular word processing programs supported by both Mac and PC
platforms. Microsoft Word can be used to create documents, brochures, leaflets, outlines, resumes, lists, and
simple web pages.
Learning Outcomes
 Explore Microsoft office Word 2010
 Define Microsoft office Word 2010

 Identify the different accessibility tools in MS Word 2010

 Appreciate the value of MS Word in creating your documents.

 Integrity witnesses of faith, upholds our Claretian principle and lives a moral and dignified
 Excellence strives for perfection and holiness, pursues academic excellence in achieving
holistic transformation.

The ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Essentials Suite is an innovative program of

instruction designed for delivery in various modalities. ICT Essentials is unique in that it works well for middle

grades, high schools, higher education, and self-study. The courses focus on key skill sets within a given area

of technology and with Online demonstrations, digital activities and assessments, coupled with external links

to deepen knowledge provide a complete learning environment and experience.

NAME: _____________________________________________
3. If Blended – Online Schedule (+-20 hours)/ Offline
Schedule +-34 hours
4. Consider the pacing of the faculty (time for
PROGRAM/COURSE & YEAR: ___________________________ Score:__________________
Contact #:_______________________

ACTIVITY: Let’s Read These

TASK 1: Label the parts of the computer.

1 2

7 8

ANALYSIS: Let’s Analyze

TASK 2: Identify the function of the labeled parts of computer on Task 1. Write your
answer on the blank provided.













8._____________________- _________________________________________________________________

ABSTRACTION: Let’s Add to What You Know

UNIT 2: Exploring Microsoft Word 2010

Opening Microsoft Word On A Pc
To launch Microsoft Word, go to Start > All Programs >
Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Word 2010 (Figure 1).
A blank Word document will open.


Computers crash and documents are lost all the time, so it is
best to save often.

Saving Initially
Before you begin to type, you should save your document. To do this, go to File Tab (Figure 2) > Save As.
Microsoft Word will open a dialog box (Figure 1) where you can specify the new file’s name and location
where you want it saved. Once you have specified a name and a place for your new file, press the Save button.

Note: If you want to save your document on a Mac and then open it on a PC you must specify a file extension
(i.e. .doc). Usually your computer will do this for you, but if it does not you must do this process while in Save
As. Once you have titled your document, you can give it a file extension by clicking in the Format box. Click
Microsoft Word Document for the correct file extension and make sure Append File Extension is checked.

Saving Later
After you have initially saved your blank document under a
new name, you can begin writing your paper. However, you
will still want to periodically save your work as insurance
against a computer freeze or a power outage. To save, click
File tab > Save.

Figure 3. Saving dialog box.

The new Microsoft Word uses one main toolbar to allow you to modify your document. Within this toolbar,
you can switch between tabs to determine what you would like to do.

The Main Toolbar

This Toolbar contains all the options available to you in Microsoft Word. The File Tab (Figure 4) allows you
to Save, Save As, Open, Close

Figure 4. FileTab.

The Home Tab (Figure 5) is Microsoft Words standard view. This is the view most widely used and allows
you to format text by Font Style, Font Size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Alignment, Numbered List, Bulleted
List, Indentation, Spacing, and Font Color.

Figure 5. Home Tab.

The Insert Tab (Figure 6) contains any additives you want to place in your document, including but not
limited to: Tables, Clip Art, Headers and Footers. These icons are convenient and will bring up a dialogue box
to give you further options when clicked .

Figure 6. Insert Tab.

The Page Layout Tab (Figure 7) contains icons for page setup and paragraph actions, such as Margin, Page
Orientation, Columns and Spacing.

Figure 7. Page Layout Tab.

The References Tab (Figure 8) makes it especially simple to add Table of Contents, Footnotes,
Bibliographic Information, and Indexes.

Figure 8. References Tab.

The Mailings Tab (Figure 9) is for post-office related uses. If you wanted to create custom Envelopes, or Labels, this is
where you would find such actions.
Figure 9. Mailings Tab.

The Review Tab (Figure 10) is where one can find Spelling & Grammar, the built in Thesaurus and

Figure 10. Review Tab

Dictionary, you can Track Changes, and Add Comments.
The View Tab (Figure 11) allows you to change views of your document.

Figure 11. View Tab

Formatting the Document
The default page margins for Microsoft Word documents are 1 inch, but you may want to change them for a
project. To change the page margins on a PC, go to Page Layout Tab > Margins. On a PC, a dropdown will
appear to give a set of standard options, but by clicking “Custom Margins,” a menu will appear where you can
type irregular margins (Figure 12).
From the same menu (Figure 1), click Portrait if you want your document to be 8.5 x 11 inches (most
common). Click Landscape if you want your document to be 11 x 8.5 inches. Landscape simply flips the page
90 degrees.
Figure 12. Changing Margins in the Document Format Menu.

Formatting Paragraphs
To format your paragraph, first highlight the paragraph you wish to format. To highlight more than one
paragraph, click at the beginning of the paragraph and drag the mouse over the text. To apply changes to the
entire document, select all by hitting Ctrl + A. To specify Alignment, Line Spacing, Indentation, and Page
Break expand the Paragraph section of the Home Tab. This will open up the Paragraph menu (Figure 13).

The Alignment option allows you to choose how you want your paragraph to look (i.e. justified, right, center,
or left). The Line Spacing option allows you to set the desired spacing, such as single or double. The
Indentation option allows you to tab/push the line(s) in your paragraph either left or right. The Page Break
option is found in Paragraph menu, but you must first select the Line and Page Breaks tab. Page break
allows you to split a paragraph or a page up into sections. You can also bring up this menu by right clicking (or
by hitting Ctrl + Click on a one button mouse) within the document and selecting Paragraph.

Figure13. Changing the Paragraph attributes with the

Paragraph menu.

Cut, Copy, And Paste

You can use the Cut, Copy and Paste features of
Word to change the order of sections within your
document, to move sections from other documents into
new documents, and to save yourself the time of
retyping repetitive sections in a document. Cut will
actually remove the selection from the original
location and allow it to be placed somewhere else.
Copy allows you to leave the original selection where
it is and insert a copy elsewhere. Paste is used to insert
whatever has been cut or copied.

To Cut or Copy:
Highlight the text by clicking and dragging over the text to be cut or copied. Go to Home Tab > Copy or
Home Tab > Cut. Click the location where the information should be placed. Go to Home Tab > Paste.

Formatting Text

Before you type, you should select your font style, size, color and attributes (such as bold, italic and underline)
in the Home Tab. You can expand the Font Menu box to get more options by clicking the down-arrow (Figure
14). However, if you wish to change text that has already been typed, click and drag over the text to be
changed to highlight it (or go to Edit > Select All to select the entire document) and change it as before.

Figure 14. Changing the font attributes in the Font menu.

Numbered And Bulleted Lists

To create a simple numbered or bulleted list, click on the Number or Bullet button on the Paragraph toolbar in the
Home Tab. To have more control over the format of your list, click the down arrows beside each style of list. Type the
first item in the list and press Return to move to the next number or bullet. Press Return twice to exit the list.

Adding Columns
Columns can be used for a variety of document types, such as a
tri-fold brochure. To do this, go to Page Layout Tab >
Columns. From the Columns menu, you can choose the
number of columns, or for more options, click More Columns
where you can set column width and spacing. Once you select
your preferred design, it will show up in the Preview box. This
is a nice feature because it allows you to see what you are
selecting before applying it to your word document. When you
are happy with how your document looks, click Ok.
Figure 15. Selecting the number of columns from
the Columns Menu.

Headers And Footers

Headers and Footers can be used to give a uniform look to the pages of your document. To create one, go to
Insert Tab > Header and Footer. Use this toolbar to insert and format words and objects in the header.
When editing the header, a new Top View will appear that is specific to headers and footers (Figure 16).

Figure 16. Using the Header and Footer toolbar.

Clip Art
When trying to enhance your word document you may want to include Clip Art and/or Word Art. Microsoft
Word comes with a Clip Gallery (Figure 17) that contains a large variety of images including pictures,
borders, and backgrounds. To find a desired image, you can either click on topics or type in the search box to
find exactly what you are looking for.

To insert Clip Art: Go to Insert Tab > Clip Art. A new toolbar will appear on the left, where you can
search or browse (by hitting “Go”) and then select the desired picture in the Clip Gallery. The picture will
be inserted at the location of your cursor within your document. If you need to modify you Clip Art, click
on it once to select it, and small boxes will appear around the corners (See WordArt, Figure 3). Once your
Clip Art is selected, you can resize your picture by clicking and dragging on the boxes. Holding Shift
while clicking and dragging will resize the Clip Art proportionately.

You can use the Drawing toolbar to further modify your Clip Art (Figure 2). To delete Clip Art, select it by
clicking on it until the black boxes appear and then hit Delete.
Figure 17. Searching for clips in
the Clip Gallery.

To draw in Word, go to the Insert Tab > Shapes and click the New Drawing Canvas. A new toolbar will
appear that is specific only to drawing tools.

Figure 18. Drawing toolbar.

Word art

To insert WordArt: Go to Insert Tab > WordArt. Select the desired style
and click Ok. Type the desired text and click Ok. You can further modify
your text by using the Drawing toolbar. To select your WordArt, click on it,
and small boxes will appear in the corners (Figure 19). Moving the yellow
box on a selected WordArt allows the user to change the slant of the
Figure 19. Selected WordArt.
WordArt. WordArt can be resized and deleted similarly to Clip Art

Word Wrap
Word Wrap is a part of formatting
pictures. To use Word Wrap, select your
inserted image, and go to the newly created
Format Tab where you can choose the
type of text wrapping you desire. For more
options, select More Layout Options
(Figure 20).

Figure 20. Selecting a wrapping style.

Inserting From A Previously Created File

To insert a picture or object that is not in the Clip Gallery, go to Insert Tab > Picture and select the directory
or disk where the file is located. The easiest way to insert a Microsoft Excel file or graph is to open Microsoft
Excel, copy your information, and switch back to Word to paste.

Creating A Table
To create a table within your document, go to Insert Tab > Table. Choose the desired table size and format,
and click OK. The table will be inserted at the cursor’s location within your document. To navigate within
your table, use the arrow keys. To modify your table, when your table is selected, a Design Tab and Layout
Tab will appear in the Toolbar (Figure 21). From here, you can add cells, columns or rows, merge or split
cells, and further modify your table. Figure
To exit21.the
Table options
table, clickfrom the of
outside Toolbar.

Flowcharts are used to create diagrams in Microsoft Word. Word 2010 has a new feature called Smart Art that
allows you to insert all types of Flowcharts. If you want to create a custom flowchart, you can use the Drawing
capabilities discussed earlier. To insert Smart Art, go to Insert Tab > Smart Art. A dialogue box will open
(Figure 22) with basic choices.

Figure 22. Smart Art Graphics

It is important to always save your document before you print!
Print Preview
Before you print your document, you may want to
preview it to make sure you are happy with the page
layout and appearance of your document. To do this, go
to File Tab > Print > Print Preview. This should open
up a preview of your document and the Print Preview
toolbar (Figure 23). The mouse should look like a
magnifying glass, which allows you to zoom into an
area of your document by clicking on it. (If the mouse
does not look like a magnifying glass, use the Print
Preview toolbar to select the zoom tool.) If you are
satisfied with the appearance of your document, you
can click on the Print icon in the Print Preview
toolbar. If you need to make changes to the document
or are not ready to print, select Close on the Print
Preview toolbar.
Figure 23: Print Preview toolbar with
a preview of the document behind it.
To print your document, go to File Tab > Print > Print, select your desired settings, and then click Print
again. It is also possible to print by using the Print icon on the Main Toolbar, however this does not bring up
the Print dialogue box that allows you to change your printing options, so it is advisable to use the other

Saving As A Pdf
Go to File Tab > Save As > PDF or XPS


Undo And Redo

The easiest way to undo an action is with the key commands Ctrl + Z and to redo an action with Ctrl + Y. It
is important to note that not all actions are undoable, thus it is important to save before you make any major
changes in your document so you can revert back to your saved document. There are also two icons (Figure
24) above the Main Toolbar near the Save Icon. The left icon is Undo and the right icon is Redo.

Figure 24. Undo and Redo

Word Count
To get an accurate word count of your document, go to Review Tab > Word
Count. This will give you the total number of words in your document (Figure
26). If you need to word-count a specific section, highlight that section first by
clicking and dragging over it and then to go Review Tab > Word Count
as before.

Figure 26. Word

Quitting Count
Before you quit, it’s a good idea to save your document one final time. Go to File Tab > Exit Word. This is
better than just closing the window, as it insures your document quits correctly.


The shortcut keys listed below can be a great help when using Microsoft Office products. Not only are they
quick and easy, they are amazing time savers.
CTRL+K Create a hyperlink
CTRL+/ Display HTML tags
CTRL+T Create an Auto Thumbnail of the selected picture
CTRL+SHIFT+B Preview a page in a Web browser
SHIFT+ALT+F11 Display the Microsoft Script Editor
CTRL+N Create a new page
Note: You can use CTRL+B Bold
your gadget CTRL+I Italic
(smartphone) in
encoding your CTRL+U Underline
activity, please CTRL+C Copy
install WPS. CTRL+V Paste
CTRL+P Print
NAME: _____________________________________________
5. If Blended – Online Schedule (+-20 hours)/ Offline
PROGRAM/COURSE & YEAR: ___________________________ Score:__________________
Schedule +-34 hours
8. Consider the pacing of the faculty (time for
conducting assessment – included in the 54 hours) –
Let’s Apply What You Learned
Management will ensure mechanisms for reporting
of OUTPUT by the faculty.
TASK 3: Hands- On Activities
• Follow the format in submitting the documents
• Use a minimum of 1-page Short bond paper (double-spaced)
• Due Date is on April, 2020
Hands-On 1
Create a new document in MS Word. Write ten or above sentences about yourself.
Save your file and Print.
Hands-On 2
Create a new Document in MS Word and Type an article about your experience this Pandemic.
Save your file and Print.


TASK 4: Instruction: Using your own words, how MS WORD is useful nowadays?

Office productivity using Ms Office 2010 Exploring ICT Microsoft Word 2010 Tutorial
Visual Guide Office Application with Basic PC Troubleshooting
Jemma Development Group Computer Assisted Learning Corporation

Prepared : Checked and Reviewed:

Instructor Chairperson, BM Department


NAME: _____________________________________________

Date:___________________ 9. If Blended – Online Schedule (+-20 hours)/ Offline

Schedule +-34 hours
PROGRAM/COURSE & YEAR: ___________________________ Consider the pacing of the faculty (time for
conducting assessment – included in the 54 hours) –
Score:__________________ Management will ensure mechanisms for reporting
of OUTPUT by the faculty.

Follow the format in submitting the documents
• Use a minimum of 1-page short bond paper (double spaced) .
• Due Date is on October 6-7, 2021

1. Create your Résumé using the template in MS Word. Add your picture (Passport size)
Note: no selfie photo
2. Construct an application letter using MS Word following the full block style format. Assuming you are
applying for a job vacancy.

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