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NCM 112 – Cellular Aberration (10)  Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the most common cause

of liver cancer in the Philippines

 Search, Read and Understand: 2015 Philippine
 HBV vaccination should prevent majority of liver
Cancer Facts & Estimates
cancer in the country
 Human papilloma virus (HPV) causes cancer of the
 At least 1/3 of all cancers can be prevented
uterine cervix and is transmitted through sexual
 Cancer protecting mechanisms prevent cancer. A
healthy lifestyle that is started in childhood,
 Safe sex, including the use of barrier protective
particularly eating a HEALTHY DIET, maintaining
devices such as condoms, is currently the most
effective means of preventing sexually transmitted
COPING with STRESS may decrease the risk of
cancer, coronary artery disease, hypertension,
stroke and diabetes
 Ultraviolet rays from the sun are capable of causing
 A healthy diet is low in animal fat, rich in starchy
skin cancer, particularly in fair-skinned persons.
foods (such as cereals, tubers and pulses), with
Excessive sun exposure should be avoided, and the
substantial fruits and vegetables.
use of umbrellas, wide-brimmed hats and sun-block
 An unhealthy diet is rich in fat, salt and free sugars,
preparations ought to be encouraged
and/or in smoked, salt-pickled/-preserved foods
 Physical fitness is achieved through a lifelong active
 Derived from the Greek “NEOS” (new) and “PLASIS”
 Physically fit individuals are not overweight, quite
 Defined as an abnormal mass of tissue that serves
productive, with high self-esteem, and successful in
no useful purpose & may harm the host organism.
coping with stress (exercise at least 30 mins a day,
 Tumors are named according to tissue from which
twice or thrice a week)
they arise
 Almost all tumors end in –OMA
 Increasing mental, social, psychological and
spiritual stress seems to accompany economic
o Classification of Neoplasms:
progress, and at the same time coping mechanisms
1. BENIGN (non-cancerous)
are eroded (stressed with financial difficulties; know
 A condition capable of disturbing the function
how to cope up with stress)
of an organ; without endangering the life of an
 While increasing stress may be inevitable,
traditional support structures within the family and
 comes from the Latin word “bene” meaning
community ought to be strengthened, and new
good & “genus” meaning sort; thus, benign
institutional mechanisms established, to help
tumor is “a good sort of tumor”
individuals and families cope with day-to-day stress
(encourage to strengthen support structures with
2. MALIGNANT (cancerous)
family and community; bond with your family like
 Resistant to treatment & of fatal nature, having
watch some movies together, have fun together,
the property of uncontrollable growth &
enjoy each other’s company)
dissemination, capable of metastasizing
 Cancer promoting agents should be avoided.
o Characteristics of Benign and Malignant Tumor
 Cigarette smoke is the most pervasive cancer-
causing substance
 BENIGN - Well-differentiated cells mature, cells
 The numerous carcinogenic agents found in
function poorly
cigarette smoke cause cancers of the lung, mouth,
 MALIGNANT - Cells are poorly differentiated
pharynx, larynx, esophagus, other cancers, and
(anaplastic type)
other acute and chronic diseases
 The damage is not inflicted on the smoker alone but
on everyone who inhales cigarette smoke (second
 BENIGN – Remains localized
hand smoke [SHS] or passive smoking)
 MALIGNANT – Infiltrates surrounding tissues
 High alcohol consumption also increases the risk of
many cancers
 BENIGN – Grows slowly
 Betel-quid chewing causes cancer of the mouth and
 MALIGNANT – Grows rapidly
this habit should be avoided
 BENIGN – Encapsulated Stage 0 - indicates that the cancer is where it started (in
 MALIGNANT – Not encapsulated situ) and is not spreading

Stage I - the tumour is less than 2cm (0.8 inches) and is

not spreading
 BENIGN – Never occurs
 MALIGNANT – Very common Stage II - the tumour is 2-5cm (0.8-1.97 inches) with or
without lymph node involvement and has not spread
 BENIGN – Extremely unusual when surgically Stage III - the tumour is larger than 5cm (1.97 inches)
removed but fixed either to chest wall, muscle or skin, or has
 MALIGNANT – Common following surgery spread to lymph nodes above the collarbone

Stage IV - the tumour is any size; it may affect the

EFFECT OF NEOPLASM lymph nodes but has definitely spread to other parts of
 BENIGN – Not harmful to host the body
 MALIGNANT – Always harmful

 BENIGN – Very good prognosis
 MALIGNANT – Poor prognosis

FIBROMAS – found in fibrous tissue frequently in
uterus, cause no manifestations unless, because of their
location, they press on a bone or nerve

LIPOMAS - arises in adipose tissues, may exert pressure

on surrounding tissue as they expand

LEIOMYOMAS - smooth muscles origin, may develop

anywhere in the body but usually they grow in the

o Grading Systems
 Seek to define the type of tissue from which the
tumor originated and the degree to which the
tumor cells retain the functional and histologic
characteristics of the tissue of origin
CARCINOMA IN SITU - neoplasms in epithelial cells that
remains confined to the site of origin
 Samples of cells used to establish the tumor grade
FIBROSARCOMA - bulky well-differentiated tumor may be obtained from tissue scrapings, body fluids,
masses in the connective tissues secretions, washings, biopsy, or surgical excision.

BRONCHOGENIC CARCINOMA - usually develop in the o Grading

lower trachea (can readily metastasize)  Is the pathologic classification of tumor cells
 Refers to the classification of tumor cells
o Tumor Staging and Grading  Seeks to define the type of tissue from which the
 Treatment options and prognosis are based on tumor originated
tumor stage and grade  Helps us understand how aggressive or malignant a
tumor is
o Staging  It describes the appearance of the cancerous cell
 Determines the size of the tumor, the existence of  The grade of a cancer depends on what the cells
local invasion, lymph node involvement, and distant look like under a microscope
 In general, a lower grade indicates a slower-growing into deeper tissues. This may also be called in
cancer and a higher grade indicates a faster-growing situ cancer or pre-cancer
one  Numbers after the T – T1, T2, T3, and T4 – describe
the tumor size and/or amount of spread into nearby
structures. The higher the T number, the larger the
tumor and/or the more it has grown into nearby
 T1- 5cm↓: T2 - 6-9cm: T3 - 10-15cm: T4 - 15cm↑

o The N category describes whether the cancer

has spread into nearby lymph nodes
The grading system that’s usually used is as follows:  NX means the nearby lymph nodes cannot be
Grade I - cancer cells that resemble normal cells and evaluated
aren't growing rapidly  N0 means nearby lymph nodes do not contain
Grade II - cancer cells that don't look like normal cells cancer
and are growing faster than normal cells  Numbers after the N – N1, N2, and N3 – describe
the size, location, and/or the number of lymph
Grade III - cancer cells that look abnormal and may nodes involved. The higher the N number, the more
grow or spread more aggressively lymph nodes there are that contain cancer

 The TNM System

 The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) o The M category tells whether there are distant
and the International Union for Cancer Control metastases (spread of cancer to other parts of
(UICC) maintain the TNM classification system as a body)
tool for doctors to stage different types of cancer  MX means metastasis cannot be evaluated
based on certain standards. It is reviewed every 6 to  M0 means that no distant cancer spread was found.
8 years to include advances in our understanding of  M1 means that the cancer has spread to distant
cancer organs or tissues (distant metastases were found
 In the TNM system, each cancer is assigned a letter
or number to describe the tumor, node, and  Tumor, Nodes, and Metastasis (TNM)
metastases  Is one system used to describe many solid tumors;
 T stands for tumor. It’s based on the size of the cannot be used in non-solid tumors
original (primary) tumor and whether it has grown TNM CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM
into nearby tissues
 N stands for node. It tells whether the cancer has T – The extent of primary tumor
spread to the nearby lymph nodes N - The absence or presence and extent of regional
 M stands for metastasis. It tells whether the cancer lymph node metastasis
has spread to distant parts of the body M - The absence or presence of distant metastasis

o The T category describes the original (primary)  Primary Tumor

tumor. The tumor size is usually measured in Tx - Primary tumor cannot be assessed
centimeters or cm (2½ cm = about 1 inch) or T0 - No evidence of primary tumor
millimeters or mm (10 mm = 1 cm) Tis - Carcinoma in situ
 TX means the tumor can’t be measured. T1, T2, T3, T4 - Increasing size and/or local extent of the
 T0 means there is no evidence of primary tumor (it primary tumor
cannot be found)
 Tis means that the cancer cells are only growing in
the most superficial layer of tissue, without growing
 May be an indicator but it does not necessarily
mean cancer


 Evidence of metastatic spread of cancer may be
revealed by examination of the draining lymph node
 Example: head and neck CA- submandibular,
submental and cervical nodes must be examined
 Breast/cancer of the skin of the arm or chest wall is
suspected- axillary lymph nodes
 Regional Lymph Nodes  CA in lower limb, skin of the abdomen, lower back,
Nx - Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed scrotum, anus or vulva-inguinal lymph node
N0 - No regional lymph nodes metastasis
N1, N2, N3 - Increasing involvement of regional lymph F. PAIN
nodes  Most cancers are painless in their early stages
(which is why it is quite difficult to detect)
 Distant Metastasis  Pain may develop after tumour has become big
Mx - Distant metastasis cannot be assessed enough to invade or press upon and damage
M0 - No distant metastasis surrounding tissues or nerves (become worse or
M1 - Distant metastasis painful once surrounding tissues are damaged)
 Small painless lump is more likely to be a cancer
than a small painful lump - people should not wait
for pain to develop before seeking medical advice
 Cancer lumps usually harder than lumps from other G. WEIGHT LOSS
causes, not cystic and not tender unless quite
 Approximately 2/3 of cancer patients will
experience weight loss - first symptoms that prompt
 Lumps adhere to and invade nearby structures them to visit their doctor (5 lbs or 6 lbs)
therefore become less mobile
 Involuntary weight loss of greater than 5% in 6
months often prognostic indicator for cancer (lose
5-10kg within few months without weight loss
 Malignant ulcers often have raised or heaped up regimen, you may suspect for cancer)
 Due to cancer cachexia (look gaunt and
 Tend to grow into nearby tissues on which they lie malnourished)-caused by tumour metabolically
and there is usually surrounding swelling and adapted to the anaerobic utilization of glucose
induration (glycolysis) such that it consumes a lot of glucose &
 Malignant ulcer in the mouth and throat-tender in produce a lot of lactic acid
the later stage
 Any such ulcer may be of potential concern if it has H. INTERFERENCE WITH TISSUE OR ORGAN FUNCTION
been present for more than 2 -3 weeks with no  Vary a great deal depending upon the site of a
evidence of healing cancer
o Examples: CA in mouth or throat make speaking or
swallowing difficult
 There may be obvious blood loss or hidden (occult) o CA in larynx usually cause hoarseness or change in
blood loss with evidence of anemia due to chronic
blood loss
 Occult blood - screening test for bowel or gastric
 Blood in the urine - feature of cancer of the kidney
or bladder (Hematuria – blood in the urine)

 Internal cancers - stomach, bowel, kidney, bladder,
uterus, or lungs, bleeding is often the one of the
earliest features
 Bleeding from the bowel (fresh or dark red), urine,
sputum or mole in the skin (may be an indicator but
does not necessarily mean cancer)
o CA in stomach - difficulty with eating or change
in appetite or vomiting
o CA in colon or bowel - changes in bowel habits

o CA in
prostate -
of urine
o CA of
bladder -
frequency of passing urine (dysuria – painful
o CA of the lungs - persistent cough (that never
goes away, even after taking cough
o CA of liver, bile ducts, or pancreas - may block
flow of bile from liver causing jaundice

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