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Paul A. Supowitz, Vice Chancellor

Office of Community and
Governmental Relations
I am writing to provide information in response to today’s hearing testimony by David Daleiden.
710 Alumni Hall
Fortunately, the facts surrounding this issue are very clear. These are: 4227 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
 Fetal tissue research uses tissues, which would otherwise be destroyed, to make medical [email protected]
advances that can improve and save lives.

 The University of Pittsburgh fully complies with federal and state regulations governing
fetal tissue research.
 The Pitt Biospecimen Core, which provides central support for Pitt research programs
needing tissue materials for research, receives all fetal tissues from UPMC Magee-Womens
 Pitt does not obtain tissue from Planned Parenthood and there is no quid pro quo relationship
between Pitt and Planned Parenthood.
 Pitt adheres to strict standards requiring informed consent, which is initiated separately and
only after a decision is made to terminate a pregnancy.
 The period between the termination of pregnancy and the use of fetal tissue in research is
separated by multiple steps and individuals, often working for separate organizations.
 The liver research reported to be conducted in Italy ended in 2013. This work involved tissue
donations following medically indicated abortions that were planned independent of the fetal
liver research protocol.
 Pitt’s protocols preclude the use of tissue from an abortion that was not permitted under law,
and this includes the types of procedures that Mr. Daleiden referenced.

Pitt takes compliance and ethics extremely seriously, as do our individual researchers. This includes
following protocols such as:

 Verifying that the written informed consent of the mother has been obtained in accordance
with the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act.
 Ensuring fetal research that is funded by the U.S. Department of Defense complies with the
US Code Title 42, Chapter 6A, Subchapter III, Part H, 289g.

Mr. Daleiden, who has attacked Pitt’s credibility with false accusations, has previously been ordered
to pay millions of dollars after being found liable for breaking multiple state and federal laws. At
present, he is also facing felony charges in criminal court. Accordingly, we consider it a gross
misstep to take his word at face value. Neither his testimony today nor the video he produced is
based in reality.

Should you need accurate information about this issue, then, please do not hesitate to follow up with
any questions or concerns. We are grateful for any opportunity to continue clearing the record.


Paul A. Supowitz, Vice Chancellor

Office of Community and Governmental Relations

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