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Volume 23, Number 2 $3.00

USPSA has ruled

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COVER STORY Vol. 23, No. Z March/April 2006

36 Bill Wilson, USPSA/IPSC Pioneer Publisher - USPSA/1PSC, INC.

Board of Directors
Charles Bond. Rob Bothlrie, Emanucl
By Robin Taylor, USPSA Staff
Bragg, Chris Endersby, Bruce Gary, Ken
Cover: Smoke and brass fly as Bill Wilson competes in the 1986 USPSA nation- neth Hicks, George Jones, Gary Stevens
als in Dallas, Texas. innovation, ambition, and volunteerism marked Bill Wilson's history President Mike Voigt
in USPSAllPSC . 7bday Wilson continues to serve practical shooting as bead of the buena- Exec. Director Dave Thomas
Vice President John Amidon
tional Defensive Pistol Association. (Photo by Nyle Leatham.)
Editorial Staff
Editor Dave Thomas
FEATURE STORIES Asst. Editor Robin Taylor
10 The Airsoft Alternative 26 Louisiana Gator Classic Project Manager Roger Maier
Advertising Barbara Gibbs
By Jeff LaFave by Ray J. Pierce Contributors USPSA MEMBERS
12 New Product Corner 30 2005 Kentucky 3-Gun Copyright 0 2006 The United States Practi-
By USPSA Staff by Gary Welborn cal Shooting Association,' 1PSC, Inc. All
14 Saul Kisch's Thinking 46 S&W M&P .40, A rights reserved. Duplication of contents in
full or part is prohibited unless prior macho-
PracticalShooting Breakthrough Pistol? rization has been obtained by writing to
Review by Robin Taylor, USPSA Staff by Patrick Sweeney LISPSA/IPSC.
15 The Steyr M-A1 50 Who Are These FRONT SIGHT (ISSN 0889681x) is pub-
By Howard Karger lished bi-monthly for USPSA members by:
Practical Shooters? USPSAJIPSC Inc., 702A Metcalf St., Sedro
20 CHRONOMAN Report by Dave Thomas, USPSA Staff Woolley WA 98284.
By Greg Lent 53 CE's Pocket Pro II Annual Xlembership dues (U.S. and its pos-
27 Barney, Bubblegum, Review by Jay Worden sessions) $40, Foreign $50. $18 of dues goes
tottard a One year subscription to FRONT
and "BIPSC" 66 "Real" Holsters in SIGHT.
by Ron Avery Limited — Blade Tech's Periodicals postage paid at Sedro Woolley.
22 Safety Area: "DOH" WA, and additional mailing offices.
George Jones by Eric Stanley POSTMASTER: Send change of address
by Troy McManus and Kim Williams forms ro: FRONT SIGHT PO Box 8 II, Se-
72 USPSA Board Meeting, dro Woolley WA 98284
Telephone meeting of Jan. 10 Unless an advertisement in this publication
23 On-Line Scores by USPSA Secretary contains a specific endorsement by USPSA,
Verification Now Available It has not been tested by, approved by or en-
by Rob Boudrie dorsed by USPSA. Therefore, if you pur-
chase goods or services advertised in
FRONT SIGHT and the goods tar services
COLUMNS are not satisfactory or as advertised, USPSA,
Member's Mailbag Upcoming N ROI Seminars 71 Its officers, agents or employees disclaim all
60 liability for any consequtmtial injuries or
Inside USPSA I Neill On Reloading
Inside NROI 4 Custom Gun Talk 62
5 77 USPSA Office
From The Editor Major Matches
i'0 14,s 811, Sedro Woolley WA 98284
Bulletin Board 6 New Masters 69
Phone (360) 855-2245
Focus on Juniors 7 JP Enterprises 3-Gun Calendar 76 (.360) 855-0380
New R.111::t. Officer\ 11 Advertisers' Index web page
c-mail office@
DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS Office hours - 8 am to 5 pm Pacific
Area 1 Bruce Gary areal Area 8 George Jones
Area 2 Chris Endersby [email protected] VP John Amidon President's Office
Area 3 Emanuel Bragg Pres. Mike Voigt 6802 lkirke Ct, Chino CA 91710-6206
Area 4 Kenneth Hicks [email protected] ED Elave Thomas Phone (909) 548-3355
Area 5 Gary Stevens Web Site - Username: nationals FAX (909) 266-8005
Area 6 Charles Bond Password: backtoback Oftice hours - 9 am to 5 pm Pacific
Area 7 Rob Boudne

March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT


Someone Please Tell Sheryl the shooter and the community. Front Sight welcomes comments
Cruz To Get Her Beft Fixed! James Baker, FY-43254 from members, but because of space
restrictions we cannot print all the let-
On page 52 (photo caption) of the
You got us James. As often as we try to ters we receive. To increase the chances
Nov/Dec 2005 issue, Front Sight has
change her name to Cheryl, Sheryl and of your letter being printed, keep your
the spelling of "Cheryl" correct, but
her parents just aren't having any of it. letters to no more than 350 words.
Ms. Cruz clearly has it incorrectly
Kudos for being so observant, and for Longer letters will be printed only if
spelled as "Sheryl" on her belt! How
your sense of humor! — Editors. space allows. Unsigned letters will not
could something this egregious occur?
be printed unless under extraordinary
Obviously her belt sponsor is at fault!
People need to be held accountable! Shotgun Extensions and Heavy
the 2005 3-Gun Nationals (and the
Seriously, thanks again for an excel- Calibers Rocky Mountain 3-Gun), because I'm
lent publication that continues to serve Loved the jam Feb issue um. crage of glad to see and excited about USPSA
getting serious about 3-Gun and estab-
lishing standardized rules. It's going to
STI • VOIGT • All 1911 Copies produce more 3-Gun shooting oppor-
A Patented
Slide and
Frame Tight- Question: Where did Bennie Coo-
ening System
which Improves
ACC-U-RAIL ley get the magazine extension for his
the accuracy Browning (Gold Stalker, looks like?)
and the entire
I'll need one for my new BPS, but the
Mechanical Functioning

Give you, Gun thal Soild one-

111(4,. Pistolsrniths invited sources I've checked haven't panned
Piece Feetinq It wont Shoot 1..) It t out.
Loose Like the Current Method of RO8 KRiEGER, INC
Mester Guns,-
Bending. Squeezing and peening
2271 Slar Cowl Comment: However many sissy
Rochester Hills. MI 48309
$215 plus $15.00 shipping per boys want their mouse guns scored ma-
jor, it's not going to "improve the
overall experience" for those of us who
like to shoot MIAs, FALs, AR10s, etc.
New Cautionary Note
Anyone purchasing firearms, firearm parts, or ammunition from a foreign supplier is responsible for com-
What's the point of having such a thing
plying with all state and federal laws, which may include excise tax laws. Check with your local state agency, as power factor if it's not going to
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms (BATF), or The National Revenue Center in Cincinnati, Ohio
at 800-398-2282 for further information.
mean anything? I was against lowering
the pistol major to meet factory
This pUblication is a service for USPSA members only. No advertised good or service carries any en- .40S&W, an accommodation to some-
dorsement or approval or test-rating by or from USPSA. Certain advertisements may indicate that the ad-
vertised good or service is "legal for limited'', or words to that effect. You should, before relying on that claim thing that didn't exist when the origi-
or purchasing the good or service, contact the advertiser directly and ascertain if this is SO by asking to view. nal rule was set (and which can he
a copy of the "legal for limited" letter which concerns that particular product in which you are interested.
Approval or disapproval by USPSA for limited category or for any other reason does not and shall not imply
loaded to 175 fairly easily). Has the
any resting Or evaluation of the safety, reliability or any other attribute of the good GT service advertised or overall experience been improved by
sold, and is specifically mit any warranty or guarantee, express or implied, as to the gOtAis or services.
Certain articles, whether written by USPSA employees, officers or directors, or others, may contain tech-
virtually driving the .45 and lOmm out
nical information about handloading ammunition, custom modifications to firearms, shooting techniques and of the sport? I don't think so.
related topics. This information reports only the specific tools, parts, modifications, components, conditions,
circumstances, and techniques used by the reporting individual, but all of this information may not be in- be shooting Single Stack this
cluded in the article. Furthermore, the reporting individual may have extensive and comprehensive training,
education and experience in the subject [natter which is absolutely required to duplicate the results, but which
season to show support for the new di-
may not be reported in the article. Accordingly, the user accepts any and all risks and responsihihty front L1SC vision, and in 3-Gun I'll be Heavy
Of any of the information reported in this magazine. Since USPSA has nu control over the use of any of the
technical information about handloading immunition, custom modifications to firearms, shooting Techniques
Metal. The rest of you can shoot what-
and relates' topics, it cannot accept any responsibility for any use of this information and specifically, USPSA, ever you like, but 1 think rule changes
its officers, agents or employees disclaim any and all liability for any manner of damages, including hut not
limited to, consequential or incidental damage,.
MEMBERS' MAILBAG continued on page 57.

2 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

president@uspsa r)ro,

we have a new National New Range — Tulsa, Okla. New Range No. 2 — Albany,
Championship, two new Tom Fee's United States Shooting Ore.
Nationals venues, and a Academy (USSA) is a brand-new venue
new ammunition pro- The Multi-Gun Nationals will also
that will feature on-site housing, 35 appear at a new venue this year. We
gram for 2006.
have made arrangements with the Al-
bany Rifle and Pistol Club to host the
New Championship — 1911 2006 Multi-Gun Nationals. The Al-
Single Stack bany club sits 95 miles from the Port-
The Springfield Armory Single land airport, and still closer to major
Stack Classic, an anchor match at PASA hotels and restaurants. The layout of
Park, will determine the USPSA Single the shooting bays will allow easy access
Stack National Champion. Richard to the stages, with no anticipated prob-
Heinie has been great working through lems with wind and blowing sand. The
the details of running a USPSA Nation- Albany Rifle and Pistol Club is excited
ranges, manicured grounds, gunsmith to host the match, and meeting with
als. I have shot this match in the past,
services and more. All this will be lo- the Executive Board was a true plea-
and the stages have always been in-
cated just a few minutes from Tulsa In- sure. New props, host club coopera-
ternational airport, and its numerous tion and easy travel access will all have
hotels and restaurants.
INSIDE USPSA continued on page 73.



Jerry Barnhart 10 Time US National Champ

Burner Series Video Library:
10 volume set only $229.95 or $29.95 each
General Overview (Open Class) $39.95
Burner Grips New Styles .
Limiteci Overview (Iron Sights) $39.95
Replacement grip panels designed to enhance TACTICAL
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TECHNOLOGY Walk-Through Strap:
and offer quicker shot-to-shot consistency.
Available far: $19.95 Fully adjustable, one size truly fits all
1911 Govt OEM thickness, wood or plastic, (Prices do not include .58:1-1.)
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1911 Govt wood only, thicker for larger hands For more Information Tactical Shooting Technology
1911 Officers Model and similar sizes P.O. Box 426
visit our web site:
Para P14, P16 and LDA, new OEM thickness Oxford, Michigan 48371 phone: (248) 628-6557
SIG 220, 226, 228/229
Beretta 92F Fax: (248) 628-6029
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Dealer pricing available. Block only.

March Aprtl 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 3

NROI By John Amidon,
dnro@uspsa t)r

welcome to 2006! We This year, USPSA will have four na- ANSWER
have already had a major tional events, including free-standing The simple answer is yes, you can
match in the sunny state events for 3-Gun, and the Provisional lower the ejection port. This was once
of Florida; I'll ber they Single Stack 1911 Division (under the a normal modification for anyone pur-
enjoyed the weather and the fun. We direction of Richard Heinie, march di- chasing a new 1911, it was needed for
have added a couple of new items to rector for the Single Stack Classic). the gun to function reliably. The newer
USPSA's web "presence." At They are listed on the web 1911s are produced with this modifi-, we have added auto- page. For more info, check out the cation already done to them. My they
matic posting to the match calendar. To "Nationals" link at the top of the have come a long way since they were
post a match, go to the match calendar screen. the issue gun for the military.
and click the link to "edit match list-
Since this will be our first ever 1911
ings." Select the link to enter a new
match, fill in the info, and hit submit. Nationals, and since the questions are Guide Rod Construction in
flowing in on this division; it seems ap- Single Stack?
Beginning at the start of the 2007
I am interested in shooting the pro-
season, the board of directors has ap-
visional single stack division. The rules
proved some new forms that will aid in
say I can use a full-length guide rod
posting a match to the calendar. With
made of common steel. Is tungsten
those forms will come some adminis-
steel considered common steel? It does
trative changes. In 2007, Level II
not say that I cannot use tungsten, so I
matches will have to go through NROI
am assuming I can.
for sanction. However, Level III
matches may then be submitted 60 propriate to focus on "Single Stack" in
days in advance rather than the 90 days this month's Q&A. ANSWER
required for 2006. The answer is no. Common steel is
Lowered Ejection Ports in carbon or stainless. We all know tung-
On the web site, we have sten is a heavy metal, and heavier than
added a lot, posting the policies and re- Single Stack? common steel given the same size. A
certification requirements for all levels I noticed in the last issue of Front regular guide rod (carbon or stainless),
of range officer. Be advised, there have Sight, a question was raised by a mem- or a Sprinco, or an STI Recoil Master
been changes with regard to re-certifi- ber regarding the lowering of the ejec- would be OK, but not the tungsten
cation. Rather than take up a lot of tion port on a 1911 in the new provi- rod.
room in this article, just log on and sional 1911 division, the answer
click on the "policies" link on the left seemed unclear, is it allowed?
side of your screen. Single Stack Provisional


In the new 1911Single Stack divi-
sion, as a B Open and Limited shooter,
C L-10, Production and Revolver, I
GUNSMITHING PERFECTIONIST would like to know what I should put
down as my class when shooting single
Should I use U for unclassified un-
til a class is set up, my lowest class, or
GUNS@E-TACUS 808-596-IPSC (4772)
L-10 because it is just- about the same.

IPSCGUN.COM I would not want to use my highest

INSIDE NROI continued on page 69.

4 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006
E D rroR By Dave ThOmas,
cid■ 'I@USrY,1

USPSA Web Page Member's Area moved from Area 2 in 2004. Since then
wwwuspsa.orgimembers he has served the members in his area
username: nationals well, demonstrating patience, integrity,
password: backroback grace under fire, and humor. Speaking
Multi-Gun Open Champion personally it was a pleasure to work
with Don. He will be missed in board
Jerry Miculek deliberations. When you see Don on
The 3-Gun Nationals story, which I the range, take a moment to say
authored, appeared in the last issue of "thanks" for a job well done.
Front Sight. Considerable space was
devoted to one stage where things
went wrong for a number of competi-
tors, including defending champion
Michael Voigt. My report contained
one significant error and one serious
The error was in my statement that,
had Voigt fired the same hit factor as he
later did for the cameras, he would
have won the match. It has since been Thanks Chris
brought to my attention that Miculek As Don steps down, Chris Ender-
was leading the match by about 60 sby steps up to assume the Area 2 Di- Photo by Dave Thomas
points at that time and that the even- rectorship. His term began as Don's Jerry Miculek grabs for a reload en
tual point difference between them ended. Welcome to the board, Chris. route to winning the 2005 3-Gun Na-
was almost 200 points. I reported what May your tenure be so boring that you tionals.
I believed, but I admit that I took an- find lots of time to shoot! a great tool for USPSA in dealing with
other person's statement at face value media, advertisers, and sponsors.
and didn't check the facts. In retro-
Survey Data Right away those numbers will be
spect it is likely that Voigt would have
won the stage but certainly not the During the month of December used by the National Shooting Sports
match. The point differentials were too USPSA conducted a demographic sur- Foundation (NSSF, ) to
significant, and Miculek shot too well, vey through the web site. A lot of in- produce a feature on USPSA and prac-
for that to have happened. teresting data was collected (see page
50 for more information) and it will be FROM THE EDITOR continued on page 8.
The oversight was in not spending
more time reporting Miculek's victory,
which was impressive both in his per-
formance and margin. Miculek beat
second place finisher Matt Burkett by -A NEV1' BREED OF Ci\ [-
around 80 points. He was solid and Shot Show 2006. Come See the New and Exotic
consistent throughout the match. He
deserved better from Front Sight. 'PARDUS'
Line of Rifles tk #4497!
Thanks Don L.,/t/#5
Area 2 Director Don Bednorz N4s.

stepped down effective January 1. Don 4

414 .12111 ,frert . IkPA-43.• ft eland. .14% %Till • l-F20.154,•e•A Titt,
took over as AD2 when Jake Kempton tIr •.(2.0• -9/1i• 4440 46,1 II71.11.4ipm(hIC.YURN • (11 dpf••4•411171,1Ift AVIV
swirovu no, 41 RFT ill ORIARS onth• ■• f. 6, nR•

March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT


BOARD lh kal Reule

New Clubs And New SCs these gentlemen on the range, please to you via UPS ground delivery. Be-
This is a busy time for everyone. extend your thanks for their dedication cause of the weight, we can't send
What with a new shooting season upon and hard work. They deserve it. quantities through the mail, or via ex-
us, we are seeing changes in clubs and pedited service.
newly-elected SCs and club presidents Reminders For Clubs
coming on board. Please welcome Is your club reaffiliated? As of this Change, Change, Changes
American Firearms School club at writing Uanuary 17), we have 187 This is the time of year when a lot
North Attleboro, Mass.; Ripon Gun clubs reaffiliated. The deadline with- of our members move. If you are mov-
Club of Ripon, Wis.; Putnam County out penalty was February 15, but clubs ing, we ask that you let us know as
Gun Club in Eleanor, WV; Inland may reaffiliate until March 15 if they soon as possible. The "address change"
Northwest Action Shooters at Nine include a late fee. After that, returning forms that come back from the post of-
Mile Falls, Wash.; and Steel City Prac- clubs have to provide us with a new af- fice – usually attached to part of your
tical Shooters of Birmingham, Ala. filiation form and roster. magazine cover – cost us $.75 apiece.
Their information will be on the web So to help us save some money, and to
site, so give them a call and go shoot Besides the reaffiliations we are
help yourself avoid the frustration of
with them. waiting for, we also have 22 clubs
not getting your Front Sight, please
whose reaffiliations are on hold. These
We also want to welcome the fol- keep us informed.
clubs did not make the minimum re-
lowing new SCs into their roles of lead- quirements and have not requested an Also, whether you are signing up on
ership: Wayne Patmore, Kentucky sec- exemption. Is your club one of the ones the web site, mailing or calling in a
tion; Neil Allen, Louisiana section; and who have not yet reaffiliated or whose membership, please indicate if this is a
Dale Hayen, Northern Illinois section. reaffiliation is on hold? Please contact new membership or a renewal. We
The outgoing SCs — Chuck Bradley, me right away. don't want to give an existing member
Lloyd Landry, Tim Uhl and Eddie De- a new number, or re-number an ex-
jka — have all performed services to pired member, even if they have been
USPSA way above and beyond the call
Going To Have A Table At A Gun
out of the sport for a while. If you de-
of duty, and they deserve our appreci- Show? cide to change from an Annual to a
ation and thanks. We'd especially like Remember, we do have handouts Three-Year, Three-Year to Annual or
to extend our gratitude to Lloyd for our clubs who host tables or booths Five-Year, or any of the above to Life,
Landry of Louisiana for 16 years of ser- at gun shows, and we will be happy to please let your club know what your
vice as SC – that's some record, Lloyd! supply you with membership flyers and correct USPSA number – and prefix –
copies of the Front Sight Annual Edi- is, so they can submit your scores cor-
Again, all the new information will
tion. All we ask is that you give us a rectly.
be on the web site. If you see any of couple of weeks' lead time to get them
New Season — New Attitude
T-4000 Semi-Auto TargetTaper With Spring in the air, trees bud-
Tape Labels are available in three color,%; ding, flowers blossoming, plans in the
Standard Tan, White & Black PL.IS UF5 offing, let's resolve to put behind us all
T-4090 Tape Guns $ 44.95 ea & HANDLING of last season's trials and irritations,
Labels All Colors t mon II, Roll! 2.50 ea Fed Exp and start as we mean to go on, with a
I Ian- 14010. Black-140M Vihitc-140311L Necessay
new attitude of sportsmanship, of
www.TargetTapercom Bulk Pack (25 Rolls),sz..r.rua, $ 50.00 ha ASK ABOUT
helpfulness and camaraderie, so that
Di% Creathe Sat, 4,-yoCialo, T-4000 Master Kit $ 84.95 ea DISCOUNTS
259 N. Balsam St. lacludes Onc Gun & 12 rolls Ton. 2 culls 'B&W. we can truly enjoy our sport. Now put
& rolls Black or if sou prefer all Tan Tape (16 rolls) CA ResidaHts
Ridgecrest. CA 93555 on that big smile and go out and play!
ada 7 25%
P.O. Box 9 T-4000 Club Kit $ 94.95 ea sales las
Ridgecrest. CA 93556 Onv Curt & L Bulk Pack T25 rolls len
Fa,. (760) 384-0184
F:mail; crcalistHalesP rLdgclIrekoct
ComPlelel ending Ineirucilon5
on our ssels,,Lic. (760) 384-1719
6 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006
jUNIOR By Larry Houck,
larrv.houckOcis-lic net

USPSA Junior Member's Area Our biggest budget item is Camp of practical shooting and USPSA. As Shootout. We provide eight scholar- the flyer becomes available we will post
username: dvc password: juniors ships for juniors to spend a week with a notice on the web site, hopefully a de-
Kay and Jerry Miculek, learning from sign.
Greetings everyone. As you
two of the best in our sport. Our pro-
read this article the shooting .

jected expenditures in the budget for New Timer Winner

season is once again ready
2006 is $7,200. Why do I include this
to go into full swing. Each While we're on the subject of
in my article? Because as the junior co-
year we see better and better matches equipment, it's my pleasure to an-
ordinator, I want you to know where
and we have better and better shooters. nounce that Andreas Nitzl (A-55145)
your donations are going!
Watch the juniors in 2006; I am pre- of Great Meadows, New Jersey has
dicting a tremendous year for our won the bi-monthly timer drawing for
young shooters. Thank You Rio Salado! new juniors. Congratulations Andreas!
That brings me to my- thank you for
Raffle Tickets Available Now this article. I would like to thank the New Junior Webmager
Rio Salado Sportsman's Club. They
Our raffle tickets are now for sale I would like to welcome our new
conducted a raffle during the Area 2/
on the web site. However, if you would junior program webmaster, Bill Noyes.
Desert Classic and sent us a check for
like to buy them in person you cer- Many of you know Bill from the south-
$705.00. If your match or club con-
tainly can see Emmanual Bragg or my- east area of the country. Bill brings a
ducts a raffle or fundraiser for the ju-
self at a range near you. It is funny that wealth of knowledge and experience
nior program, please when sending in
two years ago, I was helping EB sell ju- to our staff and we welcome him. We
your check, clearly mark the check to
nior raffle tickets whenever he saw also say farewell for a job well done to
the junior program. Also, send Staci
me...that's because he was sure to sell our outgoing wehmaster Jeff Kline. Jeff
and myself a brief email so we can look
me some. Well, he continues to sell raf-
for the funds and get them placed in
fle tickets and EB, thanks for your as-
the appropriate location.
sistance. Match (oops! Tournament) Magazine Caddy
directors can request junior raffle tick- Single Stack & High Capacity
ets from Staci at USPSA headquarters Brian Haas Memorial Trust $15.00

by sending an email to her at I mentioned the Brian Haas Memo-
staci(g . rial Trust a few moments ago. Bob and
Norie Haas have established a scholar-
Just selling a few raffle tickets will
ship fund for young shooters to attend
help us meet our goals. All of our spon-
shooting camps. If you are a junior or
sors for 2005 are once again back on
you know of a junior who wishes to at-
board for 2006. I will be attending the
tend a shooting camp and needs a
Shot Show in an attempt to acquire
scholarship, you can apply to the Brian
more sponsors to bring more prizes
Haas Memorial Trust. If you need an
and more chances to win.
application, contact me at
Speaking of goals, our junior bud- [email protected] . Brass Bags
get is set this year thanks to the help of $8.00
Robin Taylor and I are currently
Dave Thomas. This year we have in-
working on producing a Junior Pro-
cluded a program for a deserving ju-
gram flyer that will be available to
nior to receive start-up equipment
hand out at gun shows, gun stores and Shop on line. Choose from 7 colors
courtesy of the Brian Haas Fund. If you
at other shooting events. This brochure liag-lt of Bellingham
would like additional information on
is intended to provide information at a
how to obtain an equipment scholar-
quick glance for youngster and parents 360-671-6671
ship, send me an email.
on how to get involved with the world

March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 7

0C1 S ON FRO11-11 If

JUNIORS continued from page 7. EDITOR continued frorn page 5.

Is responsible for the look of the junior tical shooting in its Industry Intelli- matches with a meeting held in Tulsa,
webpage as you see it. Jeff, your dedication gence Report, a monthly publication OK, January- 14. In attendance were
and service are greatly appreciated. distributed widely in the shooting in- Limited/Limited 10/ Revolver Match
dustry. The timing is right because Director Ray Hirst, Range Master
the issue in which we vvill appear is Troy McManus, and CRO's Deb
Honoring Larry Bullock
that scheduled to be passed our Hawkins and David Hyden. The
I was saddened to learn that one of our among attendees at the SHOT Show Open/Production match was repre-
junior raffle sponsors, Larry Bullock (of
in February where USPSA will have a sented by Match Director Glenn
Buffer Technologies) recently passed away.
booth. Martin and Tom Fee, owner of the
I still remember seeing Larry driving
around Barry, III., last July handing out Those who
cold bottles of water. He was iike a light- tool< the time to
house to a lost ship, I, like many in the later complete the sur-
parts of the week, was a lost ship. Larry vey during De-
was there to help. I had spoken to Larry cember were eli-
about the junior program, and he had com- gible to receive a
mented that he would be happy to help the prize. The draw-
program however he could. It is not often ing resulted in
you find people like this but Larry was one Steve Tutte row,
of the greats. Donald M. Ross
and Bob Lamarca Photo by Dave Thoma

New USPSAIPara-Ord Pistol Bene- receiving gift cer- Nationals Planners: Back row: Everett Mastrich,
tificates for am- Tom Chambers, Ray Hirst, Troy McManus, Glenn
fits Junior Program munition from Martin, Tom Fee. Front Row: Deb Hawkins, Kim
For those of you thinking of replacing Precision Delta Williams, Michael Volgt, David Hyden.
your handgun or who just want to add an- Ammunition, the
other to the collection, Para Ordnance is official USPSA match ammunition
producing the Todd Jarrett Signature Se- US Shooting Academy which is pro-
supplier. The certificates were do- viding the match venue. Multi-Gun
ries. For each Signature Series pistol that is nated by NSSF.
sold, $100 goes to USPSA with $50 of that Championship Match Director
going to the junior program. I would like We extend our thanks to all mem- Everett Mastrich and Range Master
to thank Todd Jarrett in particular, as it is bers who participated in the survey Tom Chambers traveled from Port-
my understanding that this was his idea for and to NSSF. You've helped to make land, Ore., to be there. Also in atten-
the program. Thanks, Todd. USPSA, your association, stronger. dance were President Michael Voigt,
Sponsor Coordinator Kirn Williams,
Juniors, please don't forget about our and me.
online forum. You cart post questions, dis- Points Series
cuss training techniques, gear issues or just In response to member input, With McManus and Voigt co-
communicate with other juniors through- several changes have been made to chairing, the agenda included a cri-
out USPSA. Stay tuned for the tips from the Points Series Championship. The tique of the 2005 events, definitions
the Grandmaster and Master portion on most significant changes are that the of roles and responsibilities, budget,
the forum. You will be able to ask a Grand- fee has been reduced from $100 to staff, stage selection, the care and
master or Master a question and receive $25, there is no cash pay-back, and feeding of media people, handling
feedback that will help improve your the nationals are no longer part of the competitor ammunition pur-
game. the series. All of these changes were chased through the USPSA/Precision
made to make the series more acces- Delta Match Ammo Program, and a
I am looking forward to seeing each of sible to more people, including those host of other topics. 2006 is going to
our juniors in the coming year. 1 will have who may have trouble obtaining na- be a dynamite year for practical
my camera in hand looking for our juniors tionals slots. More information can shooting!
in action, along with plenty of raffle tick- be found at
ets. If you have picture% of any juniors poi ntseries/index.php. ASLET
shooting, please forward them to me to be
Police and security officers are a
placed on the web page. Until next time,
may your stage times be fast and your shots
Nationals Planning Meeting natural demographic for our associa-
accurate. Most importantly, take a junior Planning has begun in earnest for tion, but the organization hasn't
shooting. They are the future! 'IN the 2006 national championship vvorked to bring them int() the sport.

8 FRONT SIGHT • March,April 2006

Many USPSA members are of the opin- sport from a law enforcernent
ion that law enforcement officers perspecitve, USPSA asked
aren't interested in shooting USPSA members Allen Heckart,
matches because we aren't tactical Wynn Anderson, and Dave
enough, their egos are too fragile, or Dooley to assist in staffing the
because their departments don't sup- booth. All are current LE or
port the kind of training derived from military firearms trainers.
practical shooting. They were able to share the
way their competitive and
While there is some validity to professional experiences
those statements, exceptions abound. complemented each other.
Most clubs have at least one or two LE
officers who shoot the sport. Obvi- Although many of those
ously those individuals aren't inter- approaching our booth were
Photo by Dave Thomas.
ested in making excuses. initially skeptical, a significant Allen Heckart, Wynn Anderson, and Dave Doo-
number seemed intrigued by ley in the USPSA booth at the ASLET show.
USPSA is making an effort to reach the potential improvement in Thank you gentlemen!
out to those who sacrifice much to en- their department training reg-
sure our safety. The first evidence of imen. USPSA will continue the effort to discovered that flood plain regulations
that commitment was USPSA's pri,- would make necessary the investment
bring more law enforcement officers
ence at the American Society of LINA into the sport. of many thousands of dollars in unan-
Enforcement Trainers (ASLET) Con- ticipated site preparation. The situa-
ference in Albuquerque, N.M., Janu- tion devolved into controversy. In late
ary 17-18. As the name implies, this is Land Sale 2000 the land was listed for sale.
a gathering of trainers. For every one -I hose \A. hose membership period
of them we can interest in our game we includes the late 90's will remember In 2004 we received word that the
may be able to influence many more. that USPSA had plans to construct a state of Washington was considering
headquarters building in Northwest new regulations which would require a
To ensure thar attendees could Washington. To that end a building lot greatly increased "set back" from the
speak with people who understood the was purchased. Shortly thereafter we 'salmon stream" running behind the
property effective in January 2006.
Early in the year we learned that im-

Sturdy, lightweight, easy-rolling plementation of the change had been
delayed until 2007.
Shooting Cart holds Had the change occurred the po-
tential value of our lot would have
all this and more: been considerably reduced. It was al-
ready small, and a further reduction
would have severely limited the type of
*2 long guns and/or handguns projects that could be built on it.
*Ammo and empty shells In late November 2005 we received
*Shooting Bag *Accessories an offer approximately S8,000 less
*2 drinks than the list price. The board, taking
into consideration the risk that the lot
Patented Hook System securely holds. would lose more value if it didn't sell in
cushions and protects guns from stock and 2006, accepted the offer. The sale was
blueing wear. Cart maneuvers easil, finally consummated in December, ef-
with pneumatic tires, hand & parking
fectively ending that chapter of USPSA
brakes. Folds compactly.
Call for Accessories available.
current specials on e ma.=
USPSA currently occupies a store-
Shootin Cart and/or front space in downtown Sedro-Wool-
ley. We are in the fifth year of a five-
Accessories! year lease with an option for another

8004:784-4331 GEAR
five years. This space is completely ad-
equate for our present and forseeable
needs and no changes are
March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 9
The Airsoft

Airsoft pistol photos by Emanuel Bragg.
Slides that cycle, extended safeties, fiber-optic front sights, what's not to love? These SV-licensed Airsoft guns
are built by Western Arms Co. A better "trainer" would be difficult to imagine.
ien the 2005 shooting asked for volunteers to run the De- shooting forums. It talked about
,cason was drawing to a cember thru March events. Everyone UKPSA and how they shot IPSC-sryle
close at the Livingston in that room knew that the tempera- matches in their country where they
Gun Club in Brighton, tures in our northern state would are not allowed to own real firearms.
Mich., i lie club began the task of trying plummet to single digits, and that They shot their matches using "airsoft"
to find match directors for the winter meant one thing...a miserable experi- guns. For those of you who are not fa-
matches. There was dead silence in the ence for the poor soul who volun- miliar with these types of guns, they
room as the club's IPSC Coordinator teered for such a feat. After realizing corne in various configurations and
that nobody really wanted to tackle work with a few different propellants.
this arduous task anymore (last year There are spring guns, electric guns,
was particularly cold), we reluctantly and the most popular style for IPSC
cancelled the winter matches. shooting — the gas-blowback type.
With the blowback type, they actually
As I was cycle the slide! They have several styles
lamenting a that you can get to match your regular
winter with- competition gun, and they will work
out shooting,
with your holster and magazine
Photos by David Vollmer.
I began surf- pouches. They have Berretta 92F's,
Green gas "gunsmoke" can ing the web
sub-compact, compact, and full-size
be seen around the ejection and snimbled Glocks, SV's, Para's, 1911's and even
port as this shooter takes onto a thread revolvers! These units actually weigh
down scale-model USPSA on one of the the same as your regular firearm. Talk
plates and poppers. IPSC/ USPSA about realistic!

Tough Alloy Steel Targets Built to Last!!

T1 Alloy Steel for standard velocity pistol, rim fire and center fire.
T520 Alloy for Magnum Pistol, Center Fire Rifle, and Shotgun Slugs.
on folding portable stands are excellent for when hit. Adjustable for use with different powered
repetitive handgun practice. Shoot over and over loads. Offset hinge allows for accurate calibration and
without resetting. See and hear yOUT hits, Targets helps prevent wind from knocking over target. May
ring like a bell when hit. Spray paint periodically also be used for shotgun practice with lead birdshot or
to cover hits. Folding stands set up without tools. buckshot loads. Sturdy portable base, 3/8- thick steel.
3/8" thick steel. Reversible target surface. Reversible target surface for extra life.
911 - Full Size 1PSC, T I, 17 3/4 x 29 1/2 925 - Full Popper, T1, 12 x 42 w/base
912 - Half Size 1PSC, T520, 8 7/8 x 14 3/4 926 - Full Popper, T520, 12 X 42 w/base
915 - Full Size IPSC, T520, 17 3/4 x 29 1/2 927 - 2/3 Popper, T I, 8 x 28 w/base
918 - FBI Q Target, T520, 12 x 26 3/4 928 - 2/3 Popper, T520, 8 X 28 %viten
992 - Folding Stand

Order by Phone 800-821-3475 See Web Site for Current Prices

Charge to your MasterCard/Visa
30 day terms to law enforcement agencies with PO
15% Discount on orders OVer S WOO Other sizes and shapes available. Call for catalog.
SS.00 PackattIng Charge on orders under $95
LIPS or freight charges FOB Rockford, Illinois
LY Satisfaction guaranteed. Do not shoot steel targets from
closer than 12 yards (High Pwr Rifle, 100 yds Min 1 Shooter and
T.adIF all spectators must %%ear safety glasses in case of flying spatter

FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

The thread went on to show how register the times. Turns out that CED board targets stapled to them and have
they actually make props that will 8000s will pick them up, and you can hardcover swingers!
work, and still offer an excellent chal- use their armband to put the timer on
lenge. It seems they scale down the tar- the competitor. The RO then starts I then made a call to Emanuel Bragg
gets, and make reactive targets that will them using a 3 second delay. Also, you at Pro-Tech to inquire about Airsoft
fall when struck with an airsoft pellet. need to warm your mags after charging guns. (For those of you who don't
know Manny, he is our Area 3 director,
I began exchanging emails with one of them with the 134A gas or "green gas."
the people who shot these matches and (Different guns use different formulas.) and I remembered him donating sev-
he directed me to a Hong Kong-based eral Airsofts to our Junior Program last
They even explained how airsoft actu-
year, so he seemed like the best person
club that had it down to a science. He ally has some advantages over regular
explained how I could make poppers IPSC shooting, because the "walls" or to call.) He informed me that he could
out of 1/8" aluminum with adjusters, get us most anything we needed. I
tarps are impenetrable, so 270- or 360-
gave me the correct sizes to make degree courses of fire are possible. You worked out a deal where he would take
them, as well as information for plates can also use swingers with two card- our orders, and send out the guns peo-
and paper target sizes to simulate dis- ple wanted on an as needed basis. We

tance. We then went to work creating all put our order together, and received
these targets and tested them. Lo and 15 guns from him with extra maga-
behold, everything actually worked! zines. The average person spent about
We made our poppers the size of a US $235 for everything, including pellets,
mini-popper, and then made another gas, gun and a spare magazine...a small
half the size of the mini. These will price to pay for winter trigger-time!
even activate a target if a hinged stick Now, everybody had guns, and the de-
is used! sire to learn more about practicing
with them. With these little gems, we
The fine people from England's could practice magazine changes, tran-
UKPSA told me how to cope with some Photo by David Vollmer. sitions, draws, and movement. In
of the nuances that come with shooting Strapping the timer to the shooter's short, the sky was the limit.
airsoft in an IPSC venue such as what forearm greatly improves the
timers would pick up airsoft guns and timers' ability to accurately record
shots. ALTERNATIVE continued on page 13.



•• ■

Defense World Class SWAT Operators IDPA Champon Law Enforcement 3-Gun Charnixon
Contractors IPSC Shooters Shooters Officers Shooters

Tactical & Competition Training
4300 C.R. 630 East
Frostproof, Flonda 33843
Phone (863 635-3425
Fax' (863)635-5277

March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 11

NEW PRODUCT CORNER: Front Sight welcomes press releases
that figure directly on USPSAIIPSC
shooting. Because of space restrictions
we cannot print all the releases we re-
An "Ergonomic" Riflescope? ceive. To submit a press release, con-
You just have to like the tact advertising coordinator Barbara
thinking behind the Gibbs at [email protected]
new Leupold VX-L
line of riflescopes. In .38 TJ Brass From Starline
order to lower the When people talk about the several variations
sight offset required of rimless .38 Super used in Open division,
by a really big, the .38 TJ variant often comes up in conver-
bright, objective lens, sation. Despite its robust case, the .38 TJ has
Leupold cut a small languished just this side of wildcat status, in
crescent in the iower part due to the difficulty in finding brass.
radius of the objective
At the 2006 SHOT Show, Starline re-
lens, so the a VX-L scope
leased a number of new products, in-
can be mounted to hug the
cluding .38 TJ with the Starline head-
"Mount your 50mm VX-L as low as a
Open gunners, watch for more TJ-
typical 36mm riflescope, and your 56mm VX-L as chambered guns coming to matches
low as a 40mm riflescope, while gaining a larger exit near you. The .38 TJ joins their al-
pupil and other low-light advantages!" Trumpets the Le- ready wide line of specialty 9Xsomething cases, including 9
upold sales literature. Largo, 9 Super Comp, .38 Super Comp, and .38 Super +P.
Now if only they'd do something similar for a flat-top For more detailed information about case characteristics and
AR-15.. . dimensions, please contact Robert Hayden Jr. at (800) 280-
6660 or e-mail rhayden(Ei starlinebrass.corn.

Precision Delta
Bullets & Ammunition
2,000 to 1,000 rd es
Bullet Type 30,000 32,000+ Rem:int/factored
38 Super (.356) Bullets Bullets Ammunition
124 gr. Full Metal Jacket $ 48.00 S 44.00 Not Avail. Official USPSA
9mm (.355)
115 gr. Full Metal Jacket $ 45.50 S 41.50 $ 125.71
124 gr. Full Metal Jacket $ 46.00 $ 42.00 S 127.93 For more details go to
147 gr. Full Metal Jacket S 55.00 $ 51.00 $ 137.92
40 S&W (.400)
165 gr. Full Metal Jacket S 68,00 $ 64.00 $143.47 Precision DeltaR
180 gr. Full Metal Jacket S 70.00 S 66.00 $144.58
180 gr. FMJ-Major $146.80
Bullets & Ammunition
180 gr. FMJ-Long Major $150.13 ORDER ONLNE
200 gr. Full Metal Jacket S 75.00 $ 71.00 Not Avail.
45 Auto (.451)
185 gr. LHP w/ Match Lube 51.00 $ 47.00 Not Avail. PO Box 128 * Ruleville, MS 38771
200 gr. LSWC Match Lube S 52.00 S 48.00 Not Avail. 662-756-2810 * 800-337-3621
230 gr. Full Metal Jacket $ 82.00 S 78.00 $ 197.58
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
* Bullet Prices Include Shipping * New Ammunition also available.

12 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006


ALTERNATIVE continued from page 11.

We then ap- work, and saw everything work to perfection, they were
proached the board hooked. We had to take some precautions like making
at the club, and told "drop-boxes," which were basically 18" x 18" cardboard
them of our find. boxes with a pillow in them, so the competitor could drop
After explaining his or her mags into them without harming these fragile lit-
how it worked, and tle critters. The competitor simply placed them wherever
promising to clean they felt they were going to do a mag change. We also had
up after ourselves, the luxury of not needing to wear ear protection, as the noise
we were allowed to is not a factor in this type of shooting.
use our spacious
After all was said and done, it was determined by all that
new clubhouse Photo by David Vollmer.
airsoft was a viable alternative to live-fire that gave us a very
(1800 square feet) Gas Glad( versus aluminum U.S.
realistic shooting experience. The only noted difference was
to construct four Popper and scale targets. Beats the
the lack of felt recoil. An Open shooter would not really
ranges using blue heck out of shooting in the snow!
need this, but if you shot an iron-sighted gun, you would still
tarps to stop the pel-
need some live-fire to work out the kinks in the spring. You
lets and collect them. We simply rolled the bottoms of the
tarps at ground level, and it created a nice little trap. These still had to pick up your sights, call your shots, and speed and
"mini-ranges" were then adorned with our new reactive tar- accuracy is still tested. We only ran two divisions, Limited
gets and some 8 1/2" x 11" IPSC targets. We had a 90+ round and Open (with optics), but I'm sure it could be broken out
match built in less than two hours! We anxiously awaited further to allow for equipment placement.
the match the next day. If you live in an area where winter shooting is at a pre-
Match day arrived, and 14 shooters showed up to take mium, you may want to give IPSC airsoft a try. It sure beats
part in this bizarre experiment. Everybody was a little reluc- sitting inside all winter doing nothing!
tant and didn't know how we planned on doing an airsoft
match. Once they found out that we had done our home-

speedshooletcom Complete Guns


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March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 13

cal Shooting consolidates
gaui kaach ideas from many sources
(particularly Bassham). He
Thinking explains controlling self-
cal k, the effects of a positive
self-image, the importance
Practical of right preparation, the fal-
lacy of trying "extra hard"
etc. etc. much the way other
trainers would, only with a
practical shooting twist.
Kirsch himself brings a great

I :ok
STAFF, TY-19724
through the USPSA store,
and you'll see plenty of titles
deal to the table here, draw-
ing on his vast international
experience and porting the
focused on the how-to of prac- ideas presented to the spe-
tical shooting: videos on how cific demands of practical
to shoot pistols, how to shoot AR-15s, Saul K rs
books on how to shoot Glocks, and
several titles on how to practice. In the chapter titled Thinking
Within a great many of those titles you "The Games We Play,"
will find references to the mental side Kirsch talks about shooters' Practical
of the game – but not a lot about how efforts to plant doubt and
to actually pursue it. distraction in the minds of Shooting
their opponents. As repre- A Guide to Outstanding Match Performance_
For this, USPSA shooters have hensible as this is, we're
tended to reach beyond our own bor- fools to pretend this doesn't occur. book is nuts-and-bolts practical stuff
ders for help. Look past Brian Enos' Kirsch lays out a plan for recognizing Kirsch announces his plan to avoid
Beyond Fundamentals, and you find a and defusing head games as they hap- technique in the introduction, then
great many non-USPSA titles bandied pen. Toward the end of the book he launches into 30 pages of detailed
about as being helpful for improving gives sitnilar play to techniques and how-tos on trigger control technique,
one's "mental game." Olympic rifle- strategies for working with range offi- breathing technique, calling shots, and
man Lanny Bassham holds a particular cers (one might say simply "working the like. Likewise, examples "Chipping
following within the USPSA commu- the range officers") to get the most fa- Away At Stage Times," "Magazine
nity, as does (to a lesser degree) silhou- vorable outcome — again, another Maintenance," and "Shooting
ette rifleman David Tubb. Writings on piece of the game that we as a commu- Swingers" deal mostly with technique.
Zen philosophy as it relates to sports nity tend to view with a blind eye. Here That said, the book is overwhelmingly
performance appear on USPSA shoot- again Kirsch takes a positive route "mental" in the way it approaches the
ers' bookshelves as well. The martial- through this minefield, recognizing the game — and that's a refreshing change.
artists' favorite, The Book ofFive Rings, human failings of range officers, and
by swordsman Miyamoto Musashi I applaud Kirsch's effort, and rec-
giving them credit where due.
bears looking at if you're new to this ommend it highly for anyone looking
genre. Detailed commentary on physical to better understand how to play the
training and mental imagery populates game in its entirety. Given his visibility
Saul Kirsch's book Thinking Practi the book, as does goal setting as it re- to sponsors, Kirsch gets an extra mea-
KP, ESS, PSS, TKW lates to the importance of a particular sure of credit for taking on the contro-
Books, Videos skill. You can find the basic tenets of versial "negative" sides of game-play
Lubes & Oils
Range Bags what Kirsch is talking about elsewhere, (such as planting doubt in your oppo-
Rifle Cases but Kirsch expands and applies those nent's mind) so publicly. You can learn
Arredondo tenets to the exact requirements of a the techniques of practical shooting
Holsters top-flight practical shooter in a from a host of other sources, but if you
TruGrip thoughtful and experience-filled way. want to learn how to play the game we
i-Shot call "Practical Shooting," then Kirsch's
...and more!
His supporting anecdotes span 20
years of shooting experiences in many subtitle says it all. Thinking Practical
MLE Shooting Sports nations, moving his commentary out of Shooting is "A Guide To Outstanding
■111111PP Ear Target Stands
the imagination and into the real. Match Performance."

Cleaning Supplies Despite the title, much of Kirsch's

Signature Stuff, too! "

n Overlooked


he newest incarnation of the

Steyr M series, the M-Al, is a
Production Division sleeper. I
president of U.S. operations, claims
they're not only repairing guns, but
will soon be building them in their new
know the Steyr M series got Georgia facility. The company seems HOLSTERS
bad press because of reliability and ser- committed to establishing a presence in Stilt making the finest IPSC holsters
vice problems. It didn't help when the U.S. market. --We have moved --
Steyr suddenly pulled out of the U.S. We have a new Website URL
The M-A1 is Steyr's second gener- us out!
market, leaving owners with guns they Come check
ation pistol and, like the earlier M se-
couldn't get repaired. But the good
ries, it comes in 9mm, .40 S&W and
news is that Steyr is back under new We have fully secure SSL online
.357 Sig. The M-series is similar to the ordering and same dav shipping on
management. Karl Walter, Steyr's new
Glock 19 in overall dimensions and orders received before i I :00 AM MST
barrel size. Differences between the In our nev, location we have more room
earlier model and the M-Al are small and faster machines SO price& will slay the
same for the 8th YEAR running. We im-
but important. The new Steyr has a
prove our production techniques to main-
frame-mounted Picatinny rail and the tain our prorenargin.rather than just hik-
grips have been re-contoured and stip- ing the price and stripping more hard-
pled (an improvement over the earlier earned cash from your pockets.
model), slightly changing the er- Not your average conipany method of
gonomics. The M-Al also has beefed- doing things, hut then our holsters are
far from average also.
up extractor parts designed to address
problems in the earlier model. FREE RIPPING
(48 U S.A.
,States ONLT)
This article will focus on the 9mm tintil Jan 31:1006
, use Voucher #
M9-A1 which, except for the caliber, is 0161990763! in the shopping cart
identical to the .40 version. The reason Nolan Innovation Inc.
Photo by Howard Karger for focusing on the 9mm Steyr is its vi- P.O. Box 3005
Karger says the Steyr field strips al- ability for the USPSA Production divi- Snowflake, AZ 85937
most instantly, Glock-style. sion. In contrast, the .40 isn't compet- Ph: 928-536-9931
March/April 2006 FRONT SIGHT
itive in Limited since it lacks aftermar- the highest form of flattery, then Steyr
ket accessories, such as a fast holster, should have a swollen head since its
mag well, and a choice of guide rods "camelback" design – radically dishing
and recoil springs. If that's not enough, out the backstrap –has been copied in
Steyr's .40 hi cap magazine only holds the new Kimber KPD and, to a lesser
12 rounds and there is no afterrnarket degree, in Smith and Wesson's M&P.
base pad available. There's a reason for imitating Steyr's
design. These guns are almost custom-
The Steyr is the wrong gun for the made for small-handed shooters. Er-
USPSA member who wants to compete gonomically, they are everything the
internationally. While competitive in Glock is not. The grip is narrow and Graphic courtesy of Steyr
the USPSA Production division, the Sights reminiscent of the WWI
aggressively contoured, with the hand
Steyr's 9mm 14-round hi-cap mag puts settling snugly into the gun. Steyr does-
Japanese "Baby" Nambu — could
it at a disadvantage in 1PSC where Pro- be improved, says the author.
n't rely on adjustable backstraps (a la
duction guns generally sport 17-18 the Walther/S&W 99) since it doesn't ger. The gun also points more or less
round mags. Likewise, the Steyr M9- need them. The grip feels smaller than naturally due to its 111 degree grip an-
A 1 won't port over to Limited
any 9mm polymer gun on the market, gle.
(Goloski-style) since its anemic 14-
including the Springfield XD.
round mags can't compete with Steyrs are big on safety. Apart from
Glock's standard 17-round hi-caps Soule polymer guns, such as the the drop safety, there's a saf-action
(more with aftermarket basepads). Walther/S&W 99, have such a long (Glock) style trigger, a loaded chamber
This is strictly a box stock Production trigger reach that even the smallest indicator, plus a witness notch in the
gun that's competitive only in USPSA backstrap won't work for shooters slide, and a frame-mounted key lock.
and IDPA matches with their artificial with short fingers. This isn't true for Older M series guns had an innovative
10-round limits. the Steyr with its narrow grip and short manually operated drop down trigger
trigger reach. The gun fits my hand like block, something discarded on the new
Ergonomics and Safety a glove, which is saying a lot since I M-Al because of its tendency to en-
have small hands and a short index fin- gage at inopportune times. Although
The Steyr M series shines when it
ger. In fact, the Steyr fits me better than not advisable, the trigger block can be
comes to ergonomics. If imitation is
a 19 11 with thin grips and a short trig- easily disabled on older M series guns.

Dillon's Super 1050 ' Maintenance

Field stripping the M series is

E-1 Payment Program ridiculously easy. Push in a button, flip

a big lever down, pull the trigger and
It's easier than ever to buy the World's Finest the slide comes off The captured plas-
I Loading Equipment, with Dillon's E-Z tic guide rod pops out easily and the
Payment Program. The E-Z Payment Program
allows you to divide the cost of purchasing a
barrel drops down. When the slide is
Super 1050 reloading machine into multiple reinstalled the lever automatically flips
installments at no extra cost. into place. The procedure for remov-
How does the program work? Dillon will
charge your card the first installment when your
ing the striker is similar to a Glock.
new machine is shipped. All applicable sales tax,
shipping and handling fees, and any accessories While the Steyr is easy to field strip,
ordered with the machine are added to the initial detail stripping is a lot more compli-
payment amount. Subsequent installments will be o
cated than a Glock and requires a good
automatically charged every 30 days until the total
amount has been paid. set of instructions. The Steyr Club fo-
The E-Z Payment Program is for credit-card rum ( ) has excel-
transactions ONLY. You must have a valid credit
lent tutorials, including photos. In any
card that won't expire prior to the end of the E-Z
Payment period. case, after detail stripping the gun a
lf you've EVER wanted to add a Super few times the process goes pretty
1050 to your loading bench, NOW is the quickly.
time to take advantage of Dillon's E-Z
Payment Program!
Call 800-223-4570 NOW to order
your new machine! Please mention
Quality and Engineering
Source Code C23 when you call. When Steyr quit the U.S. pistol
market they wholesaled their remain- ing guns to CDNN, which sold them
FREE Catalog C23 14690, Call SOO-762-3845 dirt cheap. Consequently, the Steyr M-

16 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

series became known as cheap guns. of aftermarket parts and gunsmith sup- Steyr's triangular sights than the inher-
Nothing is further from the truth. port means the trigger is a love-it-or- ent accuracy of the gun. While I'm sure
leave-it affair. accuracy would improve for someone
The fit and finish on the Steyr is ex- adept at using these sights, I also sus-
cellent. There are no rough or sharp The Steyr is a strong and well-made pect that for most people the gun's true
edges, and high-quality polymer is gun that can run with the best of the potential would be unleashed with
used throughout. The gun has a black polymer pistols. Will it last as long as a conventional notch and post sights.
oxide Tenifer finish with dovetailed Glock? IDPA shooters Steve and
front and rear metal sights. M series Donna Vandermolen have each put Someone once described the Steyr
guns also use tapered drop-free steel 90,000+ rounds through their Steyr M9 as a .22 on steroids. Another Steyr
mags with no mag disconnect. Here's M9s with only routine maintenance. owner compared it to a pellet gun. De-
one of the best parts — you can find Despite the Vandermolens' experience, spite the obvious hyperbole, the Steyr's
the Steyr 10-round mags for $10 the small sample size rules out a defin- lower bore axis makes a positive dif-
apiece, and unlike some mags, you can itive judgment on the Steyr's long-term ference in recoil and handling charac-
easily sruff 10 rounds into them. High reliability. teristics, something partly offset by its
cap 14-rounders cost $30. 4-inch barrel.
Detail stripping the Steyr is an eye- At The Range Steyrs were once hyped as the gun
opener. Only the trigger is plastic. All I had high hopes for the Steyr. The Glock should have been. But if that's
other internal parts are metal, which fit ergonomics were there and the trigger true, why haven't they blown Clock
into a nicely machined steel frame that (although a little too heavy at 6 lbs) was out of the water? Apart from poor
fits inside the polymer receiver. Since manageable. I even liked the sights at marketing, the M series developed a
the slide rails are integrated into the first. As one friend commented, "you reputation for unreliability. Three
main steel housing, the Steyr is actually really want to like this gun." He was problems plagued first generation
a steel pistol wrapped in polymer. Not right. I really did want to like it. guns: getting hit on the noggin with
bad for a 27-ounce gun. ejecting brass; failure to extract; and
At least in my hands, the Steyr's ac-
trigger reset problems. The first two
Because the Steyr began as a .40 curacy left something to be desired. At
are an easy fix if you understand the
S&W – the 9mm was added later – it 20 yards the groups were twice as large
problem. The original extractor
has a more fully supported chamber as those from my Glock 34. But to be
springs are too weak, and since stiffer
than a Glock. This means that spent fair, I think it was related more to
brass tends to be less deformed and
more amenable to reloading. Steyrs
can also digest lead bullets since they
use conventionally rifled barrels. 1 91 1
According to factory specs, Steyr
has a short 4mm (.16") trigger stroke
Shop online for quality
compared to 12.5mm (.5") for a 1911 competition parts
Glock. While the trigger travel feels
longer than that, it has less pretravel
and a shorter reset than a Glock or
Springfield XD. Out of the box the
Steyr trigger feels crisper and smoother Now
than most other polymer triggers I've featuring:
The Steyr's trigger pull is suppos-
edly 5 lbs, although it's inconsistent on inventory
both of my guns, ranging from 4.5 to 7 of STI 2011
lbs. Steyr triggers differ from gun to
gun. One of my guns has a heavier trig- parts and
ger pull (6-7 lbs) but is smooth, while guns,
the other has sub 5 lb trigger pull but is
rough with a lot of creep. Polishing the
trigger parts didn't help, and unlike
Glock triggers, they won't lighten up Brought to you by:
with a good buffing. While the Steyr
has a better trigger than most striker-
Brazos Custom gunworks
fired polymer guns in its class, the lack WWW.BRAZOSCUSTOM.COM 254-622-2245
March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 17
springs aren't available, a 1911 plunger the Springfield XD. It's doubtful that
spring clipped about 1/16-1/4" and Steyr will manufacture a 5-inch gun to
then stuffed into the original extractor compete in the already crowded
spring does the trick. Repair and parts USPSA Production division. That's a
should stop being a problem with pity, since I think a full size Steyr might
Steyr's new facility in Georgia. be a real pussycat.
A big problem for Steyr owners — Despite its problems, the Steyr MA-
and owners of other low production 1 is a competitive Production gun. The
guns — is the lack of aftermarket parts stock trigger is good by polymer stan-
and gunsmithing services. Making dards, mags are cheap, holsters are
Glocks more "perfect" has spawned a available from several companies, and Photo by Howard Karger
wide array of excellent sights, light shooters can replace the pyramidal Great ergonomics, cheap mags,
triggers, guide rods and recoil springs. sights with more accurate notch and with new sights, what's not to love?
These aftermarket parts are turning posts. With only a small tweak the
even Production Glocks into race- Steyr can be made as reliable as some for less than $350.
horses. Without gunsmith support and of the best polymer guns. The M9-A1 is a true leave-it-alone-
aftermarket parts, Steyr owners are and-just-shoot-it kind of gun that's a
forced to shoot their guns stock. Only The M9-Al's street price of $475
puts it in the mid range of quality good choice for the USPSA competitor
PT Night Sights makes aftermarket who doesn't want to tinker. It's also at-
sights, and no fiber optics or aftermar- polymer pistols. I've seen lightly used
M9s selling for as little as $200-$250 tractive for shooters who want to com-
ket recoil springs are available. I know pete using their house, car, or carry gun
of no reputable smith that race-tunes a at local gun shows. A used $240 Steyr
M9 combined with a $35 Kydex and don't want — or can't afford — to
Steyr. buy a Production-only gun and gear.
Grandfather Oak (www.grandfa-
The M-series was designed as a holster, two $20 Uncle The M9-Al may be the kind of gun for
carry gun and its 4-inch barrel puts it at Mike's pouches, and three extra 10 which the Production division was
a competitive disadvantage to 5-inch round mags (the gun comes with two) originally intended.
Production guns like the Glock 34 or would get a shooter into Production "ollt

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18 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

,......._ ____



$600.00 REWARD!!

$350.00 REWARD

$250.00 REWARD
Summer Blast Georgia State Florida Open TX State Limited
STI will participate in a contingency program for IDPA matches in 2006 that have attained prior approval from STI.
Match Directors should contact STI for approval. STI will pay S350 (product at retail price) to class winners in the
CDP and ESP Divisions who have registered (this form) and worn an eligible STI shirt for duration of the match.
Shooters must shoot an STI International frame and must be registered with STI International to be eligible.
Anyone who shoots an STI International frame is eligible to register! Awards will be in product only at retail prices.
Shooter must wear STI shirt; or if wearing an individual or team shirt STI must have equal billing on shirt.
This could change in 2007. See below:
NOTICE: CHANGE IN PROGRAM FOR 2007 All shirts worn by program participants would need to be either a

regular factory STI shirt ( arty type) or if wearing an individual or team shirt—it would need to be a red, white and
black colored shirt and equal logo size would still apply.

If you have registered before. you do not have to register again but are subject to changes in the program as iisted on this form_








IDPA Member #

" Shooter must: Represent STI International by vvearina _an STI elaibie shirt for duration of match. Must shoot STI International frame for
the duration of rnatch. Shooter is eligible for one prize per match. STI International has the right to use shooter's name and likeness in
advertising. Prizes distributed from match results. STI International must receive match results from shooter vvithin 30 days of match.
Shooter must represent STI International with professional conduct. !, X
understand conditions in which to be eligible for STI International contingency program. leg,ature please)

ST1 International
114 Halmar Cove, Georgetown TX 78628
Winter Reflections On Chronography
owdy Shooters!

In reflection on the past

graphs) and Charles Hardy from CED
and from personal experience.
The instruction manuals that I
I've run tests with three different
manufacturer's chronographs, on the
year's competitions first got acquainted with suggested same day, within the same hour and
where I served as Chronographer, I using the chronographs throughout come up with differences of 100 feet
came across fewer shooters who fell the day and then taking an average of per second (usually faster in sun-
into "Minor Power Factor Hell." the readings. This is to eliminate or light). This is the problem most
This is a good thing. While having at least average-out the negative af- shooters have when they have trou-
absolutely no shooters falling into fects of variations in intensity and an- ble at the chronograph station: the
this abyss would eventually eliminate gle of the sunlight used to operate the bullets aren't going fast enough.
tny job on the Nationals staff, I don't equipment.
enjoy sending anyone to the showers. As you can imagine, this would be So What's A Shooter To Do?
an onerous path to take just to check Well, test them loads throughout
The same questions do keep rais-
out one load. Naturally, shooters a whole day or make you a box with
ing their ugly heads 11( \% ever:
take the easier path of using the some lights in it. I'll be happy to send
chronograph whenever the mood/ you a .jpg of a fancy one, or walk you
"What's A Chronograph?" through making one out of card-
weather/planetary alignment and
The chronograph senses the need coincide. "Oh @ #$%#$, Na- board and flashlights.
shadow of the bullet passing a start tionals is next week and I need to
and stop "gate" that activates a timer The worst method is to take your
check this load! Three rounds over
and electronically converts the read- loads that made major in the sunlight
the screens in this blazing July sun
ing to feet per second. and bump the load up another 10 to
should do! Is that a funnel cloud
15 percent. I don't recommend this
over there?"
due to the possibility of power fac-
"It Made Major At Home. How
Bad shooter. tors rising over 200, not to mention
Come It Didn't Here?" dangerous pressures in the gun.
(if you've already heard the standard This is where we have problems
reply, enjoy the rest of the magazine) where the big kids play. Shooters still consider the
Chronograph Stage the most intimi-
The funny answer: Since Nationals and other major dating of any given match because it
matches operate over the course of has that "unknown" quality to it.
"Well shooter, your bullets several days, and since the sun tracks This shouldn't be the case given the
weren't going fast enough." across the sky each day, all kinds of general availability of chronographs
varying conditions that adversely af- and the readily available and free in-
As this response rarely is appreci-
fect the chronograph come into play. structions on how to use them accu-
ated outside of choir practice at the
To counteract this, we operate the rately. If you're going to take the
Ritz Bar and Grille, here's...
chronograph in an enclosed box with time to chronograph your loads,
The serious response: artificial lights mounted directly over please take a little more and do it
the sensors. This procedure just hap- right. I hate saying, "sorry,
Chronographs, being sensitive pens to match what chronograph
pieces of equipment, like consistent shooter..."
manufacturers recommend for the
conditions in order to give consistent Shoot well and feel free to drop
results. Most importantly, they like me a line.
READINGS and most have available
consistent lighting.
lighting packages just for this pur-
Variations in intensity and angle are pose.
the two most common points of error [email protected]
in home chronography. This informa- Now you might be asking your-
tion comes from conversations with self, "can this really make a differ-
both Ken Oehler (Oehler chrono- ence?"
Uarnely. Uubbleaum. and the
'Pattie Cver "IFIIDSC"
BY RON AVERY, A-1503 by—no worries about target identifica- real test of skill and I don't know about
it's time for a bit of tongue-in- tion. you but I had a real love/hate relation-
cheek humor. Let's address a ship with 50 yards. It made me work
growing trend in IPSC that my fel- Then we have the infamous "pro- harder on my long range shooting and
low teammate and Grand Master peller" targets from the Nationals. that helped me get better. How about
Law Enforcement officer Ara Maljian Wind 'ern up and let 'ern rotate. I have 20-yard head shots? Where did all the
refers to as "Bubblegum" IPSC or to wonder when the last time anyone 6-inch steel head plates go? How about
"BIPSC." shot at a bad guy rotating in this man- holster tests? Concealed carry in a Na-
ner? tional-level tournament anyone?
This is not to be confused with
1DPA, also known as "Taliban IPSC" or At a recent Area championships, we
I am telling you, we are heading in
"TIPSC" where they can read your had several carnival-style stages, in- the wrong direction with this and it
mind and give you a "failure to do cluding one with three targets rotating
will cost us as an organization more
continuously using a small electric mo-
right" penalty if they think you lack the than it already has. For years it has
right tactical mindset or you are wear- tor. been fashionable for gun scribes to
ing an IPSC shirt in a blatant fashion. Fantasy stages a la "Star Wars," bash USPSA as being "nothing but a
memory stages that test how well you game." Are they right?
You've seen "bubblegum" if you've
been shooting IPSC a while. It is a stage can remember the places you need to Part of the draw of IPSC is the rel-
that has targets or a theme that doesn't be and the sequences you need to
evance to reality: real-life shooting
shoot; targets that bear little relevance
even come close to matching the origi- skills in scenarios that could be a part
nal intent of practical shooting. to targets you might engage in a des-
perate fight for your life, using Disney 8113SC continued on page 59.
One major tournament comes to or TV characters, silly start sequences,
mind where we were shooting targets and things that have little to do with Micrometer Powder Bar Kit
that were inside "voting booths." You tests of defensive shooting proficiency For Dillon Powder Measure
ripped the curtain back and blasted the simply cloud the shooter's mind with Upgrade your Dillon powder bar to a
occupants and then went on to the trivia. micrometer powder bar. No
next tsooth until you were finished. more guessing how many
All Bubblegum. turns of the adjuster bolt
I remember feeling really weird will get you back to that
about this one and hoping the press Having started shooting IPSC in
perfect powder weight.
didn't cover that particular stage. You 1980 and having known and shot with
most of the original founders, I have a • Precision micrometer
have to wonder what the intent of the • All metal construction
stage was about and what the relevance strong historical perspective on the ori-
gins and intent of the sport. I can assure • Fits Sm, Lg, ExSm &
was to reality? Maybe they were just Magnum powder bars
voting for the wrong candidate? We'll you that it was designed to test combat • Fits Belted Magnum with
put that one in the hubblegum cate- skills and equipment in simulated de- minor modification
gory. fensive situations. It was not designed • Works with all Dillon presses
to be shot as a "carnival side shoot." that utilize the Dillon Auto
Then we have the bubblegum tar- Powder Measure
gets. It started way back when with During the walk-through, you were • Powder bar not Included
"Kansas City Floppers." You shot a not only told the information on start
positions, etc., but they also did a para- — It's not just unique,
steel target and the paper target rotated
graph on the intent of the stage itself, It's UniqueTek!
extremely fast up and over. You flung
shots at it on the way by, hoping to hit including what it was supposed to rep-
the darn thing. resent. I always found that interesting UniqueTek.ccu-n
and I miss not having it anymore. An-
F'roducts for Shoming. Reloading & Competitive Marksmen
Now we have the "Texas star" and, other casualty of watered-down IPSC.
if that is not enough, we have the UnIqueTek, Inc.
"Texas star" that can only be shot When is the last time we shot a 50- 222 L. Sionebridge Drive, Gilbert. AZ 85234
through specific ports. Blast as it goes yard standards at nationals? That was a Phone: 480-216-2041 / Fax: 480-807-5330

March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 21

Safety Area
George Jones
Playing It 13y The Book

Kim: Why don't you tell us a practice for a year in some faraway
little bit about yourself and place. I finished my army tour as a
your family? flight instructor for two years, and
then started flying commercially after
George: Although I've lived in
leaving the army. I've been doing it
numerous places, including six ever since.
years in Hawaii, I've been in
northern New Jersey since Kim: How long have you been in-
1977. My wife Maureen has volved with USPSA?
been very supportive of my
George: I started in 1997, getting back
shooting interests and USPSA
involvement, although she into shooting after a 30-year layoff. I
Photo courtesy of George Jones. doesn't shoot. I have an older
was on a plane bound for Vegas for a
George Jones: Area Director, Range Master daughter who has two daugh- one-day business meeting. I was mind-
ing my own business, reading one of

rotor-wing pilot, husband, father. ters of her own, six and two.
They live north of Seattle, so I the gun mags when the guy sitting next
tireless supporter of USPSA to me asked, "Do you shoot?" Well, I
across many levels, the focus get out there at least once a year to
visit. I've used that trip as an alibi to was trying to stay low profile, so I po-
of this issue's Safety Area is litely gave him a non-answer. Later, he
rea 8 director and newest shoot a few matches in Area 1 over the
years. Maureen and I have a son, asked if he could read it when I was
addition to the NROI Instructor done. That's different, I
Corps, George Jones. Fellow instructor Bryan, who is in his first year at Yale.
We're pretty proud of that boy. My we struck up a conversation. It turned
Troy McManus and I teamed up to in- out he was going to Vegas for a shoot-
terview George for this piece. Here's "real job" has been flying helicopters.
It will be forty years this coming Sep- ing competition and he invited me to
what we got when we managed to get come to the range to watch. He also
him to sit still long enough for an in- tember since Uncle Sam taught me
how, then gave me an opportunity to gave me a copy of GunGames maga-
terview. zine and told me about IPSC and
USPSA. So, the next day, after my
New Range Officers, Dec. 2005/Jan. 2006 meetings, I headed to the range to
watch. I was impressed; it looked like
RICHMOND, JR., GENE A. A-8880 RO great fun.
BASHAM, EDWARD A-54191 RD ROLLINS, LYNN A-52462 RO My airline passenger friend turned
out to be none other than Bruce Piatt,
CAMPBELL, DANA A-54303 RO SHINN, BRETT A-46842 RO and he was shooting the Soldier of For-
DORMAN, SCOTT B A-54099 RO SMIT, JOSEPH A-52164 RO tune match. Within two weeks, he
helped me find a suitable gun (which I
FISHKIN, JOEL TY-43708 RD THOLE, MARK A-54931 RO still shoot regularly) and here we are.
GONZALEZ, ADRIAN I. A-52146 RC UPTON, JEFFREY FY-52637 RO Kim: Why did you decide to become a
GRAVES, CARL E. A-51430 RO VAUGHN, THOMAS J. A-40753 RO Range Master and instructor? Are you
nervous about teaching?
GEORGE JONES continued on page 24.

22 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

Watching For a Classifier? Get an E-Mail Notice Automatically! postings for a large match such as an
Area Championship. If you receive
On-Line Score Notification three emails notifying you of the same

match, it's most likely not a problem
Now Available with the USPSA site, but a notification
for each upload.
BY ROB BOUDRIL — LI57 1 easier to remember that the one
SPSA ofters a local match re- printed on the Front Sight label, and to If your club is not currently up-
sults service which gives set a personal profile, including your loading all match results to the USPSA
match staff the ability to post email address, and match results notifi- web site, you may want to consider of-
the results of every match di- cation preferences. fering this additional service to your
rectly to the USPSA site. Currently, a members. The process is very simple —
This email address will not be pub- if you can use EzWinScore and a web
bit over one third of our clubs use this
lished on the web, or made available to browser, you can upload results with
free USPSA service.
match directors. The USPSA web sys- virtually no effort.
Thanks to a suggestion by USPSA tem will process results from each
member Tom Dings (TY4136.5), mem- match, and send notification to the Major matches must have a results
bers may now elect to receive an email email addresses corresponding to area set up in advance (email
notification automatically whenever member numbers appearing in the [email protected] to have a results
any club uploads results for a match match results. Once you're "in the sys- area set up). Local matches require a
that member attended to the USPSA tem," you'll receive an ernail notice any "club account" (which may also be
web site. This does not require any ex- time a participating club posts results used to upload classification scores). If
tra action on the part of the match staff from a match which contains your your club does not yet have a club ac-
— in fact, they don't need to know your member number in the results. count, Roger Maier ([email protected] )
email address. can provide you with one.
It is not unheard of for match di-
There is a link on the USPSA mem- rectors to upload match results several If you'd like to use this service, fill
bers site labeled "Password and Profile times. Local matches may have cor- out a profile on the USPSA members
Management." Members may use this rections after the initial posting, and page — the rest is automatic.
link to set a personal password that is there may be several "interim results" •mt

AR-I5 SPRINGS 1911 SPRINGS Glock springs

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MAGAZINE SPRINGS Available Ji)r most popular 170mm length, 14 coils. $11.75
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40 round $12 75 STI/SVI, Para 140mm . .$10.25 For Models 19, 23, 25. 32
30 round .$10 15 Single stack-Standard and narrow Standard/plus and plus 2 $10 13
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P.O. Box 204 CARTHAGE, IN 46115 1-800-773-1940

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March ■ April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 23


JONES continued from page 22.

George: Not at all nervous. I've been
a military and civilian flight instructor
and have spent countless hours teach-
ing flight students or standing in front
of a class. I actually enjoy it. The ex-
perienced (never say "older") guys pass
on the knowledge to the younger ones.
That probably explains my interest in
becoming an RMI. I think I can do an
effective job.
Becoming a Range Master had
more to do with helping to maintain
Photo USPSA Staff
Horne on the range. George Jones and his son Bryan stand at right, flanked
by Richard Riccioni and Fred Choyanec at the 2003 Factory Gun Nationals.
rhe high standards (and sometimes Christianson. He was the CRO on the
All 1911'A style, LDA Para & raise the bar) with major match offici- stage when I worked my first major
Browning Hi-Power, too. ating. I've been fortunate to work with match (the 1998 AWARE). I worked
some remarkably competent CROs with him again for the next two
Doug Jones and RMs early in my RO career. Now, AWARE matches as well. I admired his
2271 Star Court maybe it's my turn. cool control, stage presence, and
Bldg. 4 knowledge of the rules. He was the
Kim: Who have your mentors or role first guy to scold me when I took a
Rochester Hills NI1 models been in the organization? shortcut on a range command. I never
48309 Why? forgot. Arnie was the instructor for my
(248) 852-6490 George: My first mentor was Arnie CRO class as well. My other role
model was (he'll blush if I say "is") Troy
McManus. Troy was the MD when I
worked the Area 4 match two succes-
sive years. He has also been the RM
for some of the Nationals I have
worked. The work ethic and the at-

Hear the Difference

Your ear is as personal as
tention to detail were obvious.
learned some of what it takes to debug
a match before it starts. Troy was also
your own fingerprint with no two my mentor when I took the RM
ever the same. Great electronic course.
hearing protection starts with a Troy: Thanks, George, you were an
perfect fit. A custom molded set apt pupil. Tell me what you think we
of ESP's for that all day comfort. can do to improve within NROI. Do

Call Today!
Esp Electronic
you see better range officers because of
NROI's efforts?
George: By the very nature of its re-
sponsibilities, NROI will always have
to adapt. Technology and innovation
It's never too Mountain Hawk, Inc. (I did not say "gaming") constantly
late to protect
your hearing! challenge the playing field. Changes in
the rules, either due to direct rule book
--.4a1111111111 updates or rules interpretations require
I1P Ist
NROI to react. New rule books, new
[email protected] training materials, and modernizing 15290 Gadsden Ct • Brighton • CO—• 80603
GEORGE JONES continued on page 70.

24 FRONT SIGHT • March/AprIl 2006

Doug Koenig
• 11 Time MasterS
International Champion
• 9 Time Bianchi
Cup Champion

ce Platt
- 3 Time Bianchi
Cup Champion
• 16 Time USPSA N Todd Jar
E.nforcemen1 Ch 9 Time
• 5 Time 3-Gun Tact' National
Match mpion • 4 Time


Proven to Perfo CALMER 250 PAK 500 PAK 1000 PAK
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L ike these champions, Starline knows what it takes to become

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38 LONG COLT 058.00 $98.00
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March/April 2006 • FRONT SiGHT

11114 H
BY B,11 J. Mr r , TY-491,82

Two months earlier, Mother prize table. The prize rabic +■-is phe- shooters. Stages were tilled with the
Nature's fury brought de- nomenal! Sponsor and vendor coordi- usual doors, ports and movers but also
struction of life and property nator Gary Thibodaux worked relent- included some Louisiana lagniappe ("a
to Louisiana, causing the lessly to produce a spread that would little extra"). "Duck" started shooters
match to be rescheduled, but now the be the envy of all other matches in the kneeling in an unstable pirogue (a
tables had turned. Clear skies, cool South, and he succeeded. 10 Smith Sc small flatboat), with paddle in hand.
mornings and gentle breezes made Wesson guns, a Dillion 550 press, CED "Space Invaders Redux" put shooters
conditions perfect at the inaugural timers, CED range bags, Hogue grips, in a turret-style swivel chair with port,
Louisiana Gator Classic (LAGC), held a Magma Lubrisizer, GAT bullets, trying to clear a battery of Classic tar-
October 28-29 in Thibodaux, La. Montana Gold bullets, a set of steel gets and cross-activated clamshells.
challenge plates, loading components, "Boudreaux Strikes Back" turned
The Southern Shooting Center
gun parts from: STI, SV, Jim Clark, Jr., shooters into Jedi Knight Boudreaux
served as host range for the match.
Brazos Custom, Dawson, and Hi-Viz, using "the Force," running past Yoda,
The facility's 12 pistol bays are
Brian Enos books, Blackhawk holsters, engaging single targets, swingers and
arranged in one continuous row, mak-
gun stands, cleaning supplies, caps, double clamshells, only to face the
ing the haul to the next stage, a mere
shirts, gift certificates
50 feet, downright easy. Thanks go out
from Shooters Club and
to owners Ricky and Merrill Pellegrin Brownell's, and still more
for allowing us to use their new place
were there for shooters to
and for their hospitality. claim. Every shooter
Browsing the range prior to the went home with prizes in
match left no doubt that you had ar- hand. Shooters also had
rived somewhere on "the bayou." Al- the chance to pick up a
ligators, egrets, turtles, raccoons and Doug Koenig S&W
other assorted swamp creatures were 1911, a DPMS "Lite-16"
everywhere among the palmettos, AR-15, and a set of Steel
adorning the stages. The Cajuns who Challenge plates in the
live and shoot here had done their best match raffle.
to add some Louisiana flavor to the
Shooters were facet.]
stage names, descriptions and decora- with 12 challenging
stages ranging frorn the
Despite hurricane-related cancella- 10 round "Paper Pop-
tions, 110 shooters showed up at the pers"(03-05) to the 34
LAGC ready to compete. With a com- round "Closer Quarters,"
bined 15 GM's and M's in attendance, designed and built by a
the race was on for first shot at the team of dedicated local
Shooters crowd around the "Wailing Wall."

26 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

Gator Classic 2005 Sponsors
Smith & Wesson, Clark Cus-
tom Guns Uim Clark, Jr.),
DAMS, STI/Tom Duchman,
Brazos Custom, and Clark
Guns & Personal Safety,
Hogue, Magma, Louque's
Firearms, Hi-Viz, Brian Enos,
Dillon Precision, Black Hills,
Dawson Precision, Montana
Gold Bullets, Shooter's Club,
. •
Houma Auto Parts, Academy
James Logue takes on Sports, Starline, Brownell',
' "Space Invaders." SVI, and JME Enterprise.
the finish between Texan Trapr Swon-
son and Louisianans Jim Davis (not the
former Governor) and Walt Latapie, all
shooting Glocks. At the end of the
Death Star of spinning steel plates at outstanding performance to fend off march, Trapr's name was at the top of
the end. "Twisted" forced shooters to GM Dean Makkos and Stephen the list and he was first at the Produc-
address targets by repeated right and Lasavia of St. Bernard Parish for the tion prize table.
left turns. Long field courses domi- top prize in Open. Junior marksman
nated the designs with high round Forrest McCord finished an itnpressive Louisiana's own GM Jerry Miculek
count run-and-gun stages being a fa- seventh overall, taking High Junior was one of the eight Revolver com-
vorite in the Bayou State. Honors over Ridge Miguez. petitors in attendance. Miculek won
all but one stage to take first place. A
Limited gun shooters held nothing Production was a three-way race to local favorite, Elliot Aysen, ran in the
back as they blazed through the stages,
vying for the top position on the score
sheet. GM's Blake Miguez and Bryant Competition Seating Die
Chaffin were the guys to beat. Bryant
celebrated his birthday at the range.
for Handgun Cartridges
taking four stage wins, but Blake
scored seven stage wins to top all oth-
ers in match points and take High Lim-
ited. Other top shooters including
Tony Phan, Daniel Hidalgo, Gordon
Lee, Robert "Lightnin" Konrady, and
Steve Miguez put in outstanding per-
L10 was a very tight match-up be- "The Mast Advanced
tween two of Louisiana's best, James Bullet Alignment Available!"
Louque and Lloyd Landry (Senior). • UNIQUE SPRING LOADED SEATING STEM - guides the bullet all the way
Louque scored six stage wins but ran a into the case while maintaining positive bullet-to-case alignment.
couple of less-than-perfect stages, and • ADJUSTABLE MICROMETER - simplifies setting, recording, and returning
to a prior setting by simply 'dialing it in'.
left the door open for Landry to give • PROGRESSIVE PRESS COMPATIBILITY - longer die body threads and
the young guns a lesson on consistency oversize die mouth to ease bullet and case entry.
Available For: 9MM Luger, 38 Super Auto, 38 SpV357 Mag, 40 S&W/10MM Auto.
(Lloyd's a teacher). Louque's scores 41 Mag, 44 Sp1/44 Mag, 45 ACP, 45 Colt/454 Casull, 38-40 Win, 38-55 Win,
held to take first place over Landry by 40-85 Win, 44-40 Win, 45-70 Governrnent
only .81%.
A total of 30 Open shooters arrived
in Thibodaux to compete for top hon-
ors. Soon-to-be-father and A-Clas,,
Mississippian John Bean turned in an 1089 S arr Road • Cortland, NY 13045 • (607) 753-3331 • Fax (607) 756-8445

March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 2



it's "race day," as they say, for the
first-ever Kentucky 3-Gun State
Championships, and a fine day for
a race it is. The cloudless blue sky
and brisk still air are typical fall days in
rural Western Kentucky. It's the type of
frosty October morning that compels
the whitetail bucks to slip soundless'
along forest and field with amorous in- CRO David Ball and Bob Dietrich oversee the preloading of shotgun maga-
tent. The riotous colored leaves of the zines for (front to back) Albert Pilkington, Berry West, Dan Marlow, Tactical
eastern deciduous forest have begun to State Champion Michael Foley and David Crager.
fall as a result of fewer daylight hours shooters' meeting is about to start tors having perfect clarity, i.e. that the
and lower temperatures. somewhere down the row of bays. purpose of a shooting club is to shoot,
Competitors are moving about, check- approved the funds. Three bays were
Seated against a prop wall, eyes
ing gear, conversing and laughing with constructed across the ridge from the
closed, I await my duty as RO. The
nervous energy. The cacophony floats main range. We held our first USPSA-
easily to my ears on the crisp morning approved match in March of 1990
Lees meke2006yvermast air. The ROs shot yesterday, so for us with the help of a sister Club, KAPS,
seecessfulshootingseeson the best part of the match is over. It the Kentucky Association of Practical
ever How? Order your was a fun match despite the hectic pace Shooters ( ) lo-
copy of ''The Shooter's
Approach TO Practice"' by
of last-minute preparations. I find my- cated near Bardstown. In 1999 Albert
Sam Conway and improve self wishing to be among those prepar- Pilkington set up a club website, or-
your shooting skins in the ing to shoot today., and added steel pistol and 3-
following areas: Draw,
reload, fixing malfunctions,
Gun to our repertoire of monthly IPSC
Waiting for the first squad to arrive, pistol, bullseye, and benchrest
target transition, and
he shooters I think of the events that brought the
pproach To movement Than order matches. When he moved away, Wayne
Practice- $19.95 your copy of "The Shooter's Owensboro Rifle & Pistol Club Inc., to Patmore assumed responsibility for the
S3.95 h Organizer" and have all of this point. The Club was incorporated
your shooting information 3-Gun matches and I continued as
in one location. In the in 1955. Typical of modest rural gun match director for the monthly pistol
"Organizer" you get Trip clubs, it was primarily an NRA and matches.
Planner, Trip Record of DCM bullseye club. Its membership
Expenses, Monthly Calen-
dar with notes, weekly lay included a national record holder and Membership levels continued to
out and much, much more. several distinguished riflemen. During show modest growth with 160 happy
the mid-130s our members became in- members and only a few soreheads.
Taion Publishing
P.O. Box 831
terested in this new kind of shooting The club was also able to build two
I Ile Shooter's Brunswick GA 31525 sport called IPSC. At the time, I was more pistol bays, one shotgun bay and
Organizer'. the only club member to have attended a parking area with a little help from
$17.95-- $3.95 .s,th
an IPSC match. It did not take much the F.N.R.A. The club now consists of
arm - twisting to start I PS C - style a 48-point 100 yard rifle/pistol range,
Order online at matches on the 100 yard rifle range. trap range, five gravel pistol bays and We soon outgrew the facilities. While one gravel shotgun bay on 136 acres of
we pondered the problem, then club rolling Hancock County hills.
we accept ALL major credit cards! president Dave Moredock said, "let's
Then in 2004 the always-exuberant
go to the directors and ask for money
Wayne Patmore proposed our tiny
to build pistol bays." The club direc-

30 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

corps of faithful host a 3-Gun state match in 2005. Our col- plates hidden behind a wall pierced with six small high and
lective's carefully measured and learned response was "if low ports. A further complication was some plates were
you feel froggy ...jump!" We settled on the fifth weekend in close, just outside the minimum requirement of five meters.
October for the match. Fifth weekends don't usually inter- The smaller scattergun patterns at close range rook a bit
fere with other area club activities and October
provided a ready-made theme of Halloween.
Wayne and a work crew of about a dozen did a
stellar job preparing the match. (A special thanks
goes to the Silver Creek Conservation Club near
Louisville for their generous loan of props and
As I was marveling over the history, Range
Master Frank Thompson walked past my wall,
waking me from my reverie. Thompson is from
KAPS and was immersed in the task of making
the day run as smooth as a tuned 1911. That's
no easy task with nine stages to watch over:
three rifle, three shotgun, and three pistol. I
dusted myself off and set to work. The match
was underway!
The Kentucky State stages ran the gamut
from 100-yard rifle to inside-the-bathroom pis-
tol courses.
Stage one was all shotgun with eighteen steel Kevin "Hollywood" Elpers (the student in the Matt Burkett instruc-
tional videos) engaging targets under the wall with CRO Jerry Dillard.

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March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT

more time and caused not a few misses. "Amityville Horror" was the first ri- bourbon bottle in hand. On start signal
Open Class Tony Holmes, Tactical fle stage. The classic targets and copi- movement was needed to engage four
Steve Southerland and Limited Mike ous use of hardcover made this 32- paper with no shoots and hardcover
Welch won the stage in their respective round rifle speed shoot not so speedy. from around the bathroom wall then
divisions. A low doorway didn't help much ei- plop down to engage four more targets
ther. Tony Holmes had a major equip- from beneath the stall wall. The first
Stage two, "Friday the 13th," was ment malfunction that he later traced place outhouse competitors were Steve
also shotgun only. Thirteen rounds of to a bent charging handle. (Bet'ya he Griffin Open, Gary Welborn Tactical,
Comstock-scored shooting included a has a steel handle now.) Although the and Mike Welch Limited.
Texas Star and two aerial clay targets. problem cost him a lot of time on the
Discussions centered around the two The charcoal grill was fired up and
stage he came back to win the match in
ten point disappearing aerial clays. ready at noon. The Hancock County
Open Division. Bryan Butcher took
Was the 20 points worth the time to 4H served hamburgers and hotdogs to
first in Open for the stage. Mike
load two more rounds and engage the the hungry competitors and staff. The
Moore was first in Tactical five seconds
targets? The answer must have been concession profits went to support the
ahead of second place and Andy Fer-
maybe as Tony Holmes broke the clays local 4H shooting sports program. (All
guson won Limited.
and took first in Open Division. Gary Club facilities are made available free
Welborn ignored the clays for first Tac- The first pistol stage, "C.H.U.D.," to the local 4H Shooting Sports pro-
tical and Mike Welch took both clays was a 16-round mini field course in a grams.)
for first in Limited. simulated bathroom. The shooter be-
gan paying homage "Poltergeist" was the last pistol
stage. The start was back to targets,
to the porcelain
holding a candle overhead. On signal,
throne, Kentucky
three metric targets covered with whitc
Sluggin' it out. bags to resemble ghosts were engaged.
Local veterinarian Next the competitors opened a door to
George Steedly find the remaining ghost targets
engaging slug tar- around walls and through doorways.
gets on "Dusk to Top scores went to Tony Holmes
Dawn." Open, Albert Pilkington Tactical, and
Mike Welch Limited.
Congratulations to the match win-
II • • ners Tony Holmes in Open, James
Hust as Open State Champion,

ld West shorPh time machine*. Michael Foley in Tactical, and Mike

Welch in Limited. Thanks to all the
sponsors for their support. Among
these we want to give special mention
to Grant Morgan of Saber Defense,
." -•
who donated two custom AR uppers
after the match started. A complete
listing can be found on our web pages
."•• . Another thank you for
your support goes to the staff for all
their hard work. Several of the staff
have multiple years' experience offici-
Joi n SASS and preserve the spirit ofilie Old West. Members ating on the national level.
riCeive a numbeted Shooters badge, aliairegisitatioii, an To all in attendance thanks for
nnual subscratiOn Chr gild much more coming out and ya'll come back and
shoot with us again.
Toll Free: 1- 77- 1. - S

32 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

Para's Todd Jarrett is
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Para® To get a copy of Para's Catalog, Send $2 to: Para-Ordnance,

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The most advanced shooting CED Professional Range Bag
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March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 3

happening in the Southwest made for
interesting magazine articles, but PPC
was the game of choice for cops and
what we now call "practical" shooters
nationwide. Compared to Bullseye,
PPC was downright racy. Its devotees
shot at a human silhouette, leaned
around a 4 by 4 post "barricade," even
reloaded against a par time. PPC was
considered so avant garde that only po-
lice officers were welcomed. Under the
NRA's management civilians were
grudgingly allowed to compete, but
could not earn a classification - a situa-
tion that continues to this day. The Co-
lumbia Conference of May 1976
changed the landscape. Immediately
word spread through the pistol clubs
that there was a new game in town.
Like Promethean bearers of the flame,
conference delegates returned to their
home states, lighting a grassfire of vol-
unteer club activity.

st.t/Witfox, rAm-
In September 1976, a dedicated
young PPC shooter named Bill Wilson
strapped on his revolver (a Colt

IPSC Pioneer Python) to shoot his first non-PPC

combat pistol'' event. That match
changed Wilson's life. Since 1972
shooting had been Wilson's dream, and
this new venue offered huge possibili-
ties. Using stopwatches to 'factor" your
score was revolutionary, and the idea
of a ballistic pendulum to ensure every-
Wilson competes in the 1986 Nationals using one of his prototypes — a sin one was using like-power ammunition
gle-stack Super with a single-port compensator and weighted frame. It's had never been tried. Wilson became a
volunteer, later a section coordinator,
the ancestor of both the modern .38 Super comp gun, AND the "extended

dustcover" Limited pistol. The SPS "Pelican" can be traced here as well.
opularly credited with revital-
izing the .38 Super cartridge,
Bill Wilson holds a place of
until at last the International Practical
Shooting Confederation (IPSC) came
into being. Its seminal event was the
and went on to serve in every volunteer
position within the USPSA/IPSC orga-
"I was the first SC for Cooper in the
honor among USPSA's pioneer famed "Columbia Conference" in Co- Midwest, in about 1978 or 1979 when
gunsmiths. Indeed, one cannot do a se- lumbia, Mo. The year was 1976. he first started organizing IPSC into
ries about USPSA history without shin- something other than a local thing,"
ing a light on Bill Wilson, USPSA num- Cooper's experiment exploded says Wilson.
ber CL-15. onto the competitive firearms world
that year, with Columbia delegates car- Dozens of new clubs sprang up, and
In the waning days of the Vietnam rying rhe seeds of what would eventu- "IPSC" was growing like crazy.
War, Jeff Cooper and his compatriots ally become the United States Practical The way the rules were laid our,
in Big Bear Calif., were holding their Shooting Association back to their Wilson saw that revolvers simply
famous "leatherslap" matches and just home clubs. couldn't keep up. By his second match
beginning to organize into something he had abandoned his Python and
other than an ad-hoc laboratory exper- In 1976 "combat pistol'' meant Po-
lice Pistol Combat (PPC) competition, picked up his first autoloader, a
iment. Against the backdrop of the Wa- Browning Hi-Power. He'd been shoot-
tergate scandal and with anti-war and anybody who was interested in do-
ing any sort of "combat shooting" was ing a revolver intensively for half a
protest music blaring on the radio, decade, and the transition to an auto
their movement started gaining steam, involved. Rumors of something new

36 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

was, er, less than graceful. Wilson went through all of the my parents' jewelry store talked dad
usual jam-a-matic frustrations, and into also opening a retail gun shop. Re-
"Back then it was all wheelguns . soon found himself being asked to help tail guns and my interest in competi-
I was a pretty accomplished revolver others with their guns. tion shooting led to doing custom gun
shooter, but when I got my first 1911 I work. As they say, the rest is history."
could hardly hit the ground," he says. "My actual trained profession was
as a watch/jewelry maker," says Wilson. Demand for 1911 gunsmithing ser-
To make matters worse, a 1970s "My parents were in the jewelry busi- vices was huge, but Wilson also noticed
vintage 191i wasn't much of a gun. It ness for over 50 years and wanted me a demand for IPSC-oriented competi-
worked, in a sense, but in many cases to do the same. However, my interest tion 1911 parts. Here again, the sky
that was only after several hundred was in guns, so while [ was working in was the limit, and Wilson jumped into
dollars worth of modifications. Lower-
ing the ejection port, changing the
sights, and throating the barrel to ac-
cept wadcutters were just three of the
major changes considered mandatory
for any entry-level 1911. Trigger jobs,
beveling the magazine well, you name
it, there was a lot of stuff that
NEEDED to be done. (For years
USPSA published lists of recom-
mended fixes.) Everyone shot .45 ACP
191 Is in those days, burning Bullseye,
Unique, or Winchester 231 powder
and lots of H&G 68 200-grain wad-
cutters, or - if you could afford it - mil-
itary 230-grain ball. (The H&G 68s
were the gamy low-recoil load, but mil- Gold Team alternate.
itary ball worked reliably in a stock Wilson at the 1983 World
barrel.) You would see the occasional graboot
Browning Hi-Power, but the 1911 had *1'4.
the [PSC world by the tail.

Me Revolution
Has Begun. VOW le•

The New GSR Revolution Pistols from SIGARMS:

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by new SIG SAUER' custom wood grips. Each one covered by the SIGARMS'' Limited Lifetime ro.,! 1.0,11

Warranty. At FriAPMS we don't mPet st3ndards — we pt tPnl

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Manufacturing in Exeter Ne* iiinrshre To-Hell-and-Back Reliabilitym sigarun efmi

March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 37

Think "Miami Vice." Bill Wilson and J. Michael Plaxco in the shootoffs at the 1986 USPSA Nationals. Note the
bent-elbow "Chapman" stances, short shorts, and way-cool baseball caps. Also notice the big crowd of fans.
Michael Mann and his gun coach imitated this generation of IPSC pros. Compare Bill's posture to Sonny Crock-
ett in Miami Vice, or to Tom Cruise in the recent Michael Mann film "Collateral."

the market, offering match triggers, 1980, and Wilson Combat has been on "I think our current statt is 48 peo-
shock buffs, and a set of fixed sights in a steady rise ever since. ple," says Wilson. "IDPA is another
rapid succession in the years 1978 and four, but that's a completely separate
Today it's a multi-million dollar
1979. The still-famous Wilson maga- deal."
corporation, located in Berryville, Ark.
zine for the 1911 came out in roughly

Bullet Feeder
Works with 650 & 1050 Loaders

9mm .38super 40s&w 45acp

$139.00 shipped

Gaspari & Associates

852 E. Old Elm Road
Lake Forest, IL. 60045
847 295 5998
38 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006
,:cjah:c-Y• c/o- ewe eoiri9
• USPSA Ladies Production PERFECTION MB • USPSA Production
2-Time National Champion 4-Time National Champion

• USPSA Ladies Limited-10 ,-.M1114110,F, CI

;-• ▪ USPSA Limited-10
National Champion
National Champion 111.
• USPSA Production Point Series
• IDPA Ladies Stock National Champion
2-Time National Champion • IDPA Stock
4 5-Time National Champion
• SCSA Ladies Stock
2-Time World Champion • SCSA IDPA
2-Time Stock World Champion
• 14 Area. Regional ete State Titles • 13 Area, Regional de State Titles

Wilson The Organizer
In those early days the SC's ran
organization, until Wilson, along with
a handful of others, put their names to
paper to officially incorporate the
United States Practical Shooting Asso-
ciation (USPSA) in 1985. As a founding
member, Wilson served on the USPSA
Board of Directors for most of a
"When I quit being involved in
USPSA/IPSC, John Sayle was the only
one who had been on the board longer
than I had."
Although he helped shape the top-
fuel nature of the sport, Wilson felt the
equipment race had gone too far from The 1983 USPSA GoIci team. From left, Ross Seyfried, J. Michael Plaxco,
being really "practical." When he was Tom Campbell, Brian Enos, Rob Leatham, and the alternate, Bill Wilson.
invited to the 15th IPSC reunion shoot race had hit, optics were part of the sions as a means of containing the
(where shooters were required to sport, and the price point for a pistol "arms race." He and Sayle were instru-
shoot guns from the 1976 era), a light was skyrocketing. mental in launching Limited division in
went on. 1992.
That 15th Anniversary match
"I shot that match with a 5-inch helped spur Wilson's desire to use "I felt obligated to shoot it aftel
gun," he says, "and that was a blast." more-traditional equipment, specifi- John and I worked so hard on it," Wil-
By this point Wilson, by his own ad- cally the single-stack 1911s of yore. To son says. "I shot the first Limited Na-
mission, was thoroughly burned out on that end, he and John Sayle worked to- tionals. (Laughs.) Well, I was there an ■
pistol competition. The high-capacity gether to help launch the idea of divi- way."


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40 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

The first few Limited National ti- son camp and USPSA in general. After
tles went to shooters using single-stack a long period of animosity, the two or-
guns, but the move to Hi-Cap was un- ganizations now run more or less in
stoppable. Frustrated by this, by the parallel. USPSA takes the lead in push-
continuing move toward competition- ing the technique and technology en-
only equipment, by frequent Limited velope, while IDPA focuses on con-
Division rules changes, and by prob- cealed carry, and defensive-tactics ori-
lems with sponsor relations (among ented competition, specifically avoid-
other things) Wilson led a schism ing attempts to take advantage of new
within USPSA to form the Interna- technology. In fact, USPSA's newer di-
tional Defensive Pistol Association visions were designed in part to wel-
(IDPA). Sayle, Walt Rauch, Ken come IDPA shooters. "Crossover
Hackathorn, Dick Thomas (all found- shooters" have become common, using
ing members or directors) and others nearly identical gear on both sides of
broke away with him, leading to a long the tactical divide.
season of bad blood between the Wil-
Phone: 419-829-2242
Fax: 419-829-2107

All IPSC targets are now the new wide shoulder specification.
• Target Barn sells only the highest quality official targets.
• Target Barn provides world-class service for all your target and pastel-
• We have supplied the USPSA Nationals with targets and pasters for
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Check these FREE TARGET packages

Package 1 — FREE 100 !PSC or Classic targets Wilson The Innovator
With purchase of 500 IPSC targets and 20,000 pasters $ 350.00 Bill Wilson's vvork as a gunsmith
Package 2 — FREE 200 IPSC or Classic targets laid the groundwork for a great many
With purchase of 1,000 IPSC targets and 45,000 pesters $ 680.00 of the pivotal designs that drive com-
Package 3 — FREE 400 1PSC or Classic targets petition and defensive firearms today.
With purchase of 2.000 IPSC targets and 90,000 pasters $ 1,360,00
His central achievement has to be
Call about our TARGET DELIVERY SERVICE to 31 states in the the revitalization of the .38 Super car-
eastern half of the U.S. You could save up to 50% on shipping costs!
tridge - then dimly remembered as a
Visit our new website for monthly specials! depression-era effort to defeat bullet- resistant vests worn by bootleggers and
mafiosos. Where the compensated
GLOCK parts and accessories from many .45ACP ''pin guns" of the day could of-
NOW different quality companies. fer eight rounds plus one, switching to
IN Hi-Cap magazines, holsters, sights, grips, 3-1/2#
a .38 Super offered 10+1, with less felt
STOCK trigger connectors, magazine extensions, etc. recoil thanks to higher pressures in the
compensator. In an era where police-
Your supplier for electronic shooting products men still carried six-round revolvers, a
Timers. Chronographs, Horns, Display Boards, Electronic Ear Muffs, normal 1911 carried 7+1, and a fancy
from Competitive Edge Dynamics, Competition Electronics, R,U. 1911 carried 8+1, 10+1 rounds of
Ready Electronics & Dillon Precision. "major'' caliber anything was "high ca-
Your full-line, full-tinze target supplier! pacity" and very, very much in demand.

Serving Shooters for 24 Years "We were pretty much the first ones
that started getting really aggressive
PO Box 352454, Toledo, Ohio 43635-2454 about making those," says Wilson.
We Accept MasterCard, VISA & COD
The 1986 Safariland poster that

42 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

Or THE t SI 11

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111111IIVALL FO-R-A-200
hangs here in the USPSA office
shows Bill Wilson, member of

NILSON COOT" the USPSA Silver Team, shoot-

ing a weighted version of the
single-stack .38 Super that really
"made" the reputation of Bill

PIECIS1ON Wilson and Wilson Combat. It's

the same gun you see here in the
photographs - single port comp,
iron sights mounted on the
compensator, and a frame
weight suspended from the dust
cover. Wilson himself was win-
ning and placing in matches
across the United States, while
the new Arizona hotshots Rob
Leatham and Brian Enos were
literally setting the world on
fire, and doing it with Wilson
° •
Even today's 1911s in Lim-
ited show a family resemblance.

Bill Wilson served in virtually every capacity possible Look at a top-flight ST1 or SV
within the USPSA world. As a member of the board of and what do you see? A 1911
directors, as a major sponsor, pioneer gunsmith, and al- with the front sight on the bar-
ternate to the U.S. Gold team in 1983, Wilson con- rel, and a heavy dustcover. Iron-
tributed to every facet of the game. ically, that prototype Super
shown in these 1986 photos was

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The Millennium Difference Cu stom

FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006
the last IPSC racegun Wilson ever built super-cutting-edge fancy, but it always
for himself. worked. It was always there, and it was
'That was the last competition gun
available. You could wait forever for
Jim Boland to give you something
Kimber 1911
I shot before I quit shooting IPSC. In
about 86 or 87 I burned out and went
back to shooting revolvers and stuff
more competitive, or you could have
one now from Bill. That really did a lot Accessories
to give people a way to get into the Available from dealers or
like that." sport...He really accomplished a lot." direct from Kimber.
Wilson's gift to Open division was-
I caught up with Wilson on a busi-
n't so much ''inventing'' the compen- ness trip and asked him about this.
sated .38 Super as a competitive gun. It
lay more in making that technology "We've always strived to deliver the
available. product," he says. "We haven't always
been as successful at it as we'd like to
The Devel corporation produced
be, but that's important."
the very first .38 Super compensated
guns, building on the ideas found in Tbday, one might think he's a victim
Jim Clark Sr.'s famous "Pin Guns" used of his own success. Despite having a
by John Shaw and others in the early staff of 17 gunsmiths, the Wilson name Kimber' Rimfire Target'
1980s. However, getting such a gun commands enough respect in the conversion kits ,H IR and
1 i Nlach la 1911 !wands aml
out of Devel, or out of any of a range crowded 1911 market that shooters
%%Amu! to<ds in me minute.
of other gunsmiths could rake, literally, encounter delays.
"If you wanted a Standard-grade
Bruce Gray built those original .38 gun now, you can get that in 3-4 weeks.
Supers for Devel, and was competing Or if you wanted a Super-Grade gun,
hard in California ''back in the day." we're running four or five months."
"Bill is a very, very smart business- Understand, however, that all Wil-
man," says Gray. ''His stuff was never
BILL WILSON continued on page 64. 1 iw KimPro-Tac-Mag- tile
Him-Haw „wvi 1911 . Act)
Designed for competitive shooting
niagazine. Both Full size and compact
tactical versions art, available.
and low light operations

The Ultimate
Retention Device Attaches and
removes in

T11, Kimber Custom Shop

ofkrs 1911 pips, night sights.
performance parts and refinishing witli
the lii.:211-1(1.11 KimPro

r transitions and
For comptete information on Kimber firearms
retention. and accessories please send $2 to:

finger sizing rings. Kimber Dept 706.

One Lawton Street, Yonkers, NY 10705.
call (800) 880-2418 or vrsit
of lights.

Did we mention ? Patent Pending

SECTIONatactical, Inc.


March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT

Just When You Thought You Coul
Ignore S&W Autos..



f you took a survey of the sidearm

seen in most police holsters, rhe
answer would be Glock. Of those
durable against most abuse, simple to
use, and they don't cost a lot. Many
have tried to capture market share
Size and Shape
The initial M&P production is very
much Glock 22-like. It has a barrel
Glocks, the majority would prob- against the polymer gorilla, but none 4.25" long, fixed Novak three-dot
ably be in .40. The Glock 17 started the so far have succeeded. sights, 15-round magazine capacity
landslide to the pistol as the police and a lack of external safeties. In
sidearm. Less than a decade later, the That may change.
weight, size and bulk it fits the bill. If
.40 became the caliber of choice in pis- The S&W M&P is designed to be you were to lay them down side-by-
tols. Despite an attitude towards prod- better than the Glock in its shortcorn- side, you'd see the sight radius, overall
uct change reminiscent of the original ings, as good as the Glock in its length, height, thickness are so much
Henry Ford, Glock pistols have prolif- strengths, and unabashedly Made in the same that you'd think it was delib-
erated. They do have a number of ad- America. erate. It even fits some of the same hol-
vantages: they are ultra-reliable,
46 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006
S&W M&P Glock 22 Interchangeable "gripstraps" adjust
Weight Empty 24.8 22.9 the grip bulk and the length of pull.
Magazine 3.1 2.0
Length same same
Height same same
Width same same
sters, too, although holster makers are already making hol-
sters specifically for the M&P Safariland, Blackhawk and
Uncle Mikes had holsters to show and test at the S&W sem-
inar 1 attended. I know that Bobby McGee at Blade-Tech al-
ready' has an Mi&P to mould holsters around, so getting hol-
sters isn't a problem. Many "one size fits all" holsters for
your generic medium-sized pistol will
work just fine as well. 1 know that isn't
what high-speed, low-drag USPSA shoot-
Practical Shooting Volu ers want, but new shooters can buy a $20
How to Practice
holster to start, just as they could with the
What this DVD includes: Glock. In weight, the M&P is a bit more,
but not enough to matter. The empty pis-
• Over 110 minutes of pistol training tips tol weighs 1.9 ounces more than a G-22.
and drills.
The magazines are 1.1 ounces more each.
• Learn how to practice more effectively. So, standing there on the line, waiting for
the beep, your M&P with four magazines
• Focus your practice sessions with
printable tips and drills to take to the weighs a whopping 6.3 ounces more than
range. your Glock would -- most of which is in
your magazines. If that 6.3 ounces mat-
• Tips cover nearly all aspects of tral
including how to get into postions fa ters to you, I don't know what to suggest.
movement, draws and much more!
Volume?. Pistol Tips and Drills Where does the M&P differ from the
• Only $39.95 + s&h Glock? The magazines are steel tubes, not \ 4110.61,
polymer, but any mag pouch that holds
double-stack 40 mags will hold the M&P
Practical Shooting Volume 8
Shotgun Mastery
OTGUN mags. The M&P mag catch can be
swapped to work from the other side. You
What this two DVD set includes:
TENT southpaws out there can switch it over in
less than a minute. All magazines are cut

It • Over 270 minutes of shotgun training

tips, accessories, and drills.
' • Beneill and Remington shotguns are
vered in-depth including complete
ke-down, cleaning, spare parts
eeded, tuning suggestions and how
to work either way. As with all things
S&W today, it has an external lock and a
magazine safety. However, the external
lock is an option, have it or not, your
choice. The magazine safety is an option
for law enforcement only, but is easily re-
- to accessorize them.
moved. Unlike many other magazine dis-
• Tips and drills for your shooting connectors, it does not influence trigger
ance, gun mount, reloading, and a hit 1 PM 2 pull. It acts to un-link the trigger mecha-
iscussion on competition strategy and MIN $,
e mental game! nism, so when the magazine is in place the
111111 magazine disconnector parts are not in-
Only $39.95 + s&h trimiribleb
volved in your trigger pull. Leave it in,
take it out, the trigger pull stays the same.
The trigger itself looks like the Sigma, but
Order today online or call the appearance is the only Sigma-thing
Toll Free[8661 Gun-11110S about it. The pull is very much like a light-
ened double action revolver pull: no
49 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006
bore and fire a round behind stamped. Combined with the cast-in-
it. All they got for their ef- polymer skeleton of the frame they are
forts was a bulged barrel. pinned to when assembled, the M&P
The test M&P still worked frame is stiffer, anti the rails larger,
even with a bulged barrel. than the Glock.
They repeated the test with a
Second, the frame is designed to ac-
bullet right in front of the
counr for a minor annoyance 1911
chamber. Same thing, except
the bulge was in a different shooters have encountered: the Glock
points at a different angle. If you tran-
location. They filed case
heads to induce a case sition from one to the other, you have
blowout. While the experi- to spend some time getting used to a
ence was more exciting, they slightly different presentation so your
found the M&P would still
work. How? The barrel, MitP BREAKTHROUGH continued page 55.
slide, and the locking and
slide rail blocks are all
through-hardened. The bar-
rel and slide are then surface-
hardened to Rockwell 68. At
Magwell view of the MEW and the Glock. The kc-68, they are harder than a
MErP has eliminated some of the holes and lot of cheap imported files
sharp edges that tend to foul a smooth reload you can buy at the big-box
in the Glock. hardware stores. Note to
gunsmiths: if you plan on in-
stacking, no increase in pressure, just stalling Bo-Mar sights, use your car-
the same pull all the way through. The bide end mills. The locking and frame The pin that holds the gripstrap
re-set is short. The mechanism is obvi- rail blocks are both made of stainless plugs the grip void and acts as a
ous in function, easy to take apart, and and robustly dimensioned, not simply take-down tool. How cool is that?
looks very amenable to polishing for a
lighter and smoother pull. The maga-
zines drop free even when empty. The
slide stop is ambidextrous but com-
pact. It takes some practice to get the
hang of using the slide stop to drop the
slide on a slide-lock reload. However, Shooting Glasses-
larger slide stops are an option,and are
wrap-around styles 'ftor

Where has the M&P improved on Single vision, bifocal

the Glock ? First, the barrel of the
M&P is designed, as all S&W barrels and progressive
have been, to work just fine with lead lenses available
bullets. If you want to use cheaper lead
reloads for practice, go for it, the M&P visit
won't care. While you won't need an
aftermarket barrel to shoot lead bul- All tints and
lets, premium barrels will be available. coatings available:
I know that Iry at Bar-Sto already has
polarized sunglasses,
the M&P barrel dimensions. The feed
ramp of the barrel is cut such that the transitionsTm,
chamber offers much more support to antiglare coating
the case than the Glock does. It appears
that the rarnp does not uncover case We specialize in hard-to-make prescriptions?
wall unsupported by the case head. --■••■••14.110.

The engineers at S&W tried as much as SafeVision LLC (888) 254-7406

possible to make it bomb-proof. Part of
the testing was to lodge a bullet in the or

March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 49

bo are Mbetie radical ipbooterti?
BY DAVE THOMAS, USPSA ED ingly overnight. His design guaranteed demographics of the group that USPSA
GRAPHICS REPRODUCED WITH PERMIS- that only members could take part and represents. It is only good business to

VOL. 1
No. 11, 2006

uring the months of Decem-

ber and January, USPSA
conducted a demographic
that no one could post multiple re-
sponses, thus insuring the integrity of
the data. Eventually more than one
thousand members answered some or
all of the 26 survey questions.
be certain that advertising dollars are
used to address those with the interest
in and ability to purchase the products

survey on the web site at So, who are these practical Although such an ef- The IIR issue featuring the survey
fort has been discussed for several results is being printed as this report is shooters?
years, it remained only a thought until written and will be available at the The typical practical shooter is
the National Shooting Sports Founda- NSSF-sponsored SHOT Show in Feb- male (only 4% of the survey respon-
tion (NSSF) provided the impetus. ruary. That provides additional benefit dents were women), between the ages
They contacted us last November, ex- to USPSA as it will be provided to all of 36 and 59, has no more than three
attendees at the show, some of whom children left at home (65% have no
pressing interest in preparing an issue
do not belong to NSSF and might not children under the age of 18 in their
of their monthly Industry Intelligence
Report (IIR) dealing with the shooting otherwise see the report. household), is educated beyond high
sports with USPSA as the center piece. Aside from the indisputable value school (47% have at least a four year
The IIR is distributed to the entire of such visible acknowledgment of the degree), and have family income of at
NSSF membership which includes economic significance of the shooting least $75,000 (31% are at
most elements of the shooting industry, sports within the shooting industry, $100,000+). A large minority (45%)
including manufacturers, distributors, USPSA derives considerable down- are professional or technical people
dealers, wholesalers, and retailers. stream value from having the resulting with another significant (2647o) group
data. It is usual for potential sponsors managing or owning a business.
Rob Boudrie sprang into action,
creating an online polling system seem- and advertisers to want to know the The typical practical shooter is will-
(under 18 }

S751(499.9 011111.111.11111111111.111W7

S6OK 575K Immumumerrl

S4OK S60 11.11011111111.11111.11r1
ess $401( 011.11F1
1 Children
Female 10
I5 20
It is estimated that women make up approxrnately Children 2%
32% of all handgun target shooters. (Four percent of Over half (53%) of practical shooters surveyed earn Over three in 10 practical shooters surveyed have

USP5A survey respondents were women) an annual family income of over $75,000. children under the age of 18 in their household.



30'r TECHNICAL 24%

25 23%
SO 17% Practical
40 15 shooters come
.40 10 OTHER from every 119'o
walk of life and
14% RETIRED 1096
1B or under 19-35 36-59 60+ „0,1'4 44.91° 41,csre't tee S,
Practical shooters come from every age group Over six in 10 practical shooters surveyed have some
college education or higher degree.

50 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

ing to spend money to pursue his sport. shooter doesn't intend to let a few dol-
Seventy-nine percent of respondents lars stand his way of making the next
report spending more than $500 on a class jump.
firearm last year and 570/0 expect to do
that in 2006. Other categories about The most encouraging set of num-
bers for USPSA are those illustrating
which the survey inquired included
the trends in participation. Sixty-six
loaded ammunition, reloading compo-
nents, and accessories. Our typical WHO ARE THEY? continued on page54,


During the past 12 months 01 those that did purchase equipment. how much did they spend'
pvtchased the Firearm firearm
following Loaded
equipment Ammunition Loaded
related to
shooting_ Accessories
Components (Stainless steel)
Purchased EA uipment Oid Not Purchase Equipment

Dvrog the nest 12 months Of those that will purchase equipment how much will they spend-
Firearm 30% 1%
expect to Firearm (S50041,5001 (Less than $5001 ,
purchase the loaded
fOliGwinq Ammunition Loaded 33%
equipment Reloading Ammunition (Less than 5 120mm magazine:
related to
(Less than 5500.
cal.38/9: capacity 20+1
shooting: 40S&W: capacity 18+1
20 40

Wig Purchase Equipment El Will Not Puichase Equipment eng

(Less than 5500i 45ACP: capacity 14+1

$ 56,00
I compete locally in I.354.5A events... limy& more than 200 miles to compete in
140 mm magazine:
USPSA events... (01.38/9: capacity 24+1
cal. 40S&W: capacity 21+1
Nearly seven
Four in 10
cal. 45ACP: capacity 16+1
in 10 USPSA members
members surveyed
surveyed stated that
owed that
they compels.
they teaVei
more than
' 170 mm magazine:
locafty 13 or
more times
200 miles to cal.38/9: capacity 29+1
per year! compete in
USP5A events
three or more Magazine body
times a year
/ (stainless steel)
I compete more/less I compete more/iess I compete more/less 120 mm: $ 42,00
than I did year ago: than I did 2 years ago: than I did 5 years ago: 140 mm: $ 45,00
Nearly seven in 10
170 mm: $ 58,00
USPSA practical
shooters surveyed
stated that they are Extended mug. pad
competing more
(5 colours)001
today than they did
five years ago,

I expect to I expect tO
compete In travel High capacity magazine kit
I J Na Change
(2 pieces) ,-),"
local practical
L ..1= Less
more/less to
compete in
events next
year than I
Half of the shooters surveyed
matches next
expect to compete more and
have this year. travel further to compete year than
than they did fast year, s% have this year. 4.1‘C-°16,-
in addition to practical shoot.n.- I regularly COMpet,
) Sporting Clays
IS:1 • . at shooters participate
. in a diverse number of
visit our web site
Steel 3ulls-eye Shooting spor rs. They will WWW•SpS•dCaCOM
IDPA 35% High power
111;2 • they use your shop and range.
for equipment, accessories
Tiap/Skeet 16%

Cowboy acliOn
In 71 and shooting hme for a
variety &disciplines.
• $ prices as per Panda
currency converter.
Sowling pin Srlhouette
March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 51
fflisi ts tis Xtriss Pawl
SW Pro sr

Speed, handling, and balance in one package

Radically lightened, short slide for extreme speed
Balances, points, and handles like a limited gun
Poppieho/es drilled in barrel for flat shooting performance
Poppleholes combined with Thundercomp 2 create a tuned compensation system
Tuned and balanced compensation system results in a flat, soft shooting gun
Pressure is directed away from the shooter allowing better dot tracking

Check out the website for more technical details on why this is the gun for you

r 117„,„ tll ° ° ° 421

BCG Pro Series Limited

Tuned for ultra reliability BCG Pro Series — Open

Low total weight for fast transitions Tuned for ultra reliability
Reciprocating parts lightened for reduced recoil Extensive lightening cuts for quick transitions
Configured to match your shooting style: 13-port compensator shoots flat and soft
Long/Short dust cover, Bull/Bushing barrel, Offset scope mount for ejection clearance
Tungsten/Steel guide rod Designed from the bottom up for performance

What is true custom work?

Custom work is more than just letting you pick your options. All (Amy guns are designed from top to bottom with
one thing in mind — to maximize fit and performance for each individual customer. I consult with you to learn what
type of gun you need, what size your hands are, how well you control recoil, which set of options works best for you,
and many other factors. Only after this consultation will we decide what your gun will look like — what it will weigh —
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Bob Londrigan — Pistolsmith
11348 FM 56 Morgan, TX 76671 Phone: 254-622-2245

52 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

A Closer Big number display, easy
to operate, detailed informa-
tion on sub-screens, what's
Look At: not to like? (Okay, the sur-
face is a little slippery.)
CE's Pocket or in the rain.
I also found the new style LCD
Pro II display to be a bit dark for my
taste. The numbers are larger,
but the blue on green back-
ground does not give as good a
contrast as the older black on
light gray display. When used
outdoors this will not be an is-
sue, but it could be a problem in
darker conditions and indoors.

We used the timer in cold con-
REVIEW BY JAY WORDEN L-870, PHO- battery leads were brokcii. in the ne%%.
ditions and noticed the display was a
TOS RY ROBIN TAYLOR, US,PSA STAFF design the battery is mounted flat and bit sluggish. While I am sure the num-
have mixed feelings about the the battery can only be put in one way. bers will end up correct, the time lag
New Pocket Pro II timer from This is a great improvement. was significant.
Competition Electronics. I under-
stand that manufacturers are al- The timer has several modes that Overall, the changes to the Pocket
ways trying to improve their products, are useful for training and practice. It Pro II make it a very good timer for in-
and the new timer has some features still has a random delay timer. You are dividual practice and training. The
that are an improvement. On the other now allowed to set the range of the
ability to set the random delay makes it
hand, there are some changes that are random delay between .5 to 9.9 sec- much more useful for training and
not. The overall package has some fea- onds. You can also set it up so the de-
practice. For a competitor who needs a
tures I would really like to have, but lay is actually a fixed delay. These fea- timer for practice, this is a great up-
unless I did not have a timer, I would tures make it a great timer for training grade.
not give up my current Pocket Pro. and practice.
The small size and various features
PROS: One of the strengths of the Another new feature I like is the also make it a good timer for clubs that
Pocket Pro is its small size. It was de- ability to set a shot dead time. This al- need to purchase new timers. It has the
signed as a small timer you could throw lows you to prevent the echo issue — ability to do Par Time if needed. The
into your range bag for practice, and in especially indoors. However, you need
elimination of the plate feature is no
that it has succeeded. It is slightly to be careful about those really fast loss to 99 percent of the clubs that use
longer than the original Pocket Pro, but shot-to-shot times. The default is .11 these timers for their ROs. In quick
the same width and thickness. It ap- seconds. I like this better than adjusting start mode it is a simple, easy to under-
pears the change to the battery com- the shot sensitivity, as that can be a stand timer for your RO staff to use.
partment may be the reason for the ad- two-edged sword.
For club use, I would consider the
ditional height. One of the weaknesses The problem with adjusting the Pocket Pro to be a minor upgrade to
of the old Pocket Pro was the pigtail for shot sensitivity is that you can start to an already great timer.
the 9-volt battery. At many matches, it -11
lose shots, especially if you are running
was not uncommon to have two or shooters around obstructions and bar-
three timers out of service when the riers.
CONS: I found the new case to be
a bit slick to the touch. It would have 243511am Am' Costa Masa, CA 9262?
been nicer if the pebbling on the case
were more aggressive. While I tend to
carry the timer on my belt or pocket, Visit us at our website:
many ROs carry the timer in their
hands and it needs to be easier to hold
Handy detail screens abound on on to. The shape is good for people
Phone: 949-548-3745
Pocket Pro II. You'll find everything with smaller hands, but the slick-feel-
Fax: 949-548-8122
from splits to battery level. ing surface may be an issue over time

IVIarch/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 53

WHO ARE THESE expect to in future years.

PRACTICAL SHOOTERS! continued from page 22. The bottom line is that NSSF and the online poll have
provided USPSA with a substantial promotional benefit, a
percent said that they compete locally 13 or more times each great tool for future marketing, and a valuable insight into
year and more than a third travel at least 200 miles three or our own members. Many thanks are extended to NSSF, Rob
more times per year to shoot. In addition the numbers show Boudrie, and all USPSA members who participated in
that most compete more than in past years and less than they the survey. "it
As with many ,
other shooting The majority of practical shooters
TV SHOW sports, the first 80
surveyed own their homes.
typically begins
INTERNET with an invitation
OTHER from an experi-
enced shooter. 20

An invitation to try a shooting sport is the 5% 3%

most effective way to recruit, retain .5se
and grow the industry. %.**

ciurNEssoR RAN G E
The demographics from the UPSPA survey show that practical
shooters offer an affluent, educated and diverse audience for
both firearm and accessory dealers as well as ranges.

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54 FRONT SIGHT • March/Aprit 2006


BREAKTHROUGH continued from page 49.

sight comes up correctly. The M&P have a choice ot three sizes, and once
uses the same grip angle as the 1911. At the aftermarket people get involved I
the top, the frame has a beavertail that imagine there will be more. The grip-
extends over the web of your hand. straps are not only user-changeable,
While the bore line of the M&P ap- the tool to lock them in place is both
pears a fraction (and a small one at the disassembly tool and a compact
that) higher to the hand than the and subtle mag funnel. The big change
Glock, the grip also incorporates a is in disassembly: you do not dry-fire
"gripstrap" that is replaceable — a la the M&P to take it apart. Lock the
the Walther P99. You can swap out one slide back. Make sure it is empty and
for either of the other two sizes. You the mag is out. Use the gripstrap pin, a
ball-point pen, small knife or
even a clean stick, and push
down the yellow lever, just like
on Ruger pistols. Turn the disas-
sembly lever on the frame down
and ease the slide off. You're
done. The recoil spring is a cap-
tured unit.
As far as reliability is concerned, Compare the MEW magazine, with
we'll have to put tens of thou- its dual mag release notches, to the
sands of rounds through them Glock 22 at right.
to be sure. But in this day and
market share, would put out some-
ve the very idea that a big
Quirky takedown. See the yellow piece? a- ' thing unreliable is too silly to even en-
company, obviously gunning for
Push it down to take the slide off. tertain. I haven't been able to make

TE,.C1-1 I/VimA 2/1

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March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 55

mine malfunction yet, despite limp-
PRICE LIST wristing it until I almost dropped it. I
(Pnces subject to change without notice) Prices Move May 1. 2005
don't expect it to malfunction with any
full-power .40 ammo, based on pre-
At ALCO Target Company, we have a complete line of paper and cardboard liminary "wimpy load" testing. I im-
targets, competition and custom targets for police training and qualification.
mediately started working on Minor
IPSC, IDPA, NRA D-1, IALEFI, Port-A-Fold, Archery Targets, and more loads for the M&P, for use in Produc-
We Carry the Port-A-Fold Target System tion Division. What I found was that
(Steel Plate option also available as shown belowj nnine will reliably cycle (although not
(.7; Ideal for IPSC, lock open) when firing a 135 grain
iDPA. 131 and plated bullet at a mere 750 fps. I have
Steel Plate
Targets. a pretty firm grip, and lots of pistols
When Open lie will cycle for me that won't cycle for
55'' Width 20
other shooters. But come on, if it cycles
When FOlded
Closed. Length. reliably at a 97 Power factor, can we
30 25' x Width: 20" x
Height 2 5" expect any malfunctions at 130?
TARGETS Accuracy? Just fine. I was handed
.... Target Prices Include
one at random at the S&W seminar
.. with which I managed to put the first
I.PS.C. Royalty Fees
"7". B five shots into a cloverleaf at 10 yards
offhand. The next 140 rounds went
onto a fist-size group without spending
TM TARGET RASTERS a whole lot of time trying to force the
1000 3/4" x I" pasters Per Roll
\ OFFICIAL Price Per Roll sights onto the initial cloverleaf. I was-
TM -1 KFtAFT - $3.40
•--R ■ n't shooting at "Bill Drill" speed, but I
7•AGE7 1M -2 WHITE • $3.40
uC .71,102
TM -3 BLACK - $3.40 wasn't taking my sweet time about it,
1PSC IM -4 BUFF $3.40
46 CM.X 58 CM. O.A either.
18 1/8-x2915/16"0.A. TM -1 KRAFT - 48 ROLLS & UP $3.00
Weight per 50: 20 # Weight per 50: 16 # As a medium-size carry gun, with
Weight per 100: 38 * Weight per 101:17 30 #
all the power of the .40 available, the
50 Lot @ 59 ..... ...$29.50 50 Lot [email protected] S29.50
100 Lot .. [email protected].. S53.00 100 Lot @.56 $56,00 M&P sure has a lot to recommend it.
500 Lot @.48 $240.00 500 Lot @.51 S255.00 You won't have any problems tracking
1000 Lot (0.45_ ..$450.00 1000 Lot @.48 $480.00
down holsters, mag pouches, maga-
ROLL PATCHING TAPE zines or other gear. The frame has a
light rail, so you can pack a light if you
TANNEUTRAL WHITE BLACK wish. Sights are standard Novak-dove-
almost ,nyisible, 3,4" x 60 yds roll 4 x yds rail 3 4 x 60 ycls roki
tail dimensions, so the vast panoply of
1/$2.65 $2.65 1/$3.40 $3.40 1/$3.00 $3.00
sights are open to you. And you can
6/$2.45 $14.70 6/$3,25 $19.50 6/$2.80 $16.80
12/$2.30 $27.60 12/$3.10 $37.20 12/$2.70 $32.40
easily lean-back .40 reloads to shoot
24/$2.20 $52.80 24/$2.95 $70.80 24/$2.50 $60.00 Minor and Production if you wish. But
48/$2.05 $98.40 48/$2.80 ....$134.40 48/$2.35 ....$112.80 it gets better. Recognizing that "one
size fits all" is not a realistic campaign,
TARGETS. phone or wnte 10f COSI and one that was specifically men-
T-M INDUSTRIES tioned at the seminar; a 5" 9mm M&P
USPSA / IPS nse #TM- 102 with adjustable sights. Once that one
MasterCa VISA
hits the market, with a 17-round mag-
azine, we'll have some real scrambling
in Production. Yes, 10 shots is the rule
ALCO T RGET COMPANY here, but Internationally the rules call
N ti A. L ■ conse 4'32
for hi-caps. With a 5" and adjustable
sight M&P, the field is wide-open.
Louis Wurth. General Manager Anyone who thought Production was
2048 Central Avenue • Duarte, CA 91010
Tel. (626) 358-4814 • Fax (626} 301-9084 • Toll Free: (888) 258 -4814 the "Glock Division" will be very much
Visit our on-line store at

56 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

ki4EMBERS' to "show him my hands." Well my Least important, know that a deto-
hands were fine BECAUSE they were nation is not a DQ. I gave myself
MAI LBAG continued from page 2. away from the ejection port — if they the boot and none of us knew a
that run big bores off the range hurt had not been I would be short some detonation is not a DQ. I don't
the sport. fingers today. Scott took a pretty good know if I could have kept shoot-
piece to his chest (and ruined his 2004 ing anyway.
John Gross, A 32893
Nats shirt, lots of blood) and I dug
some brass out of my leg, but that was Nate Martin, A-37009
Bennie Cooley's Brotvning Gold was the extent of the damage. It could have with Scott Giesick, A-43100
originally built by the gunsmiths at Bri- been much, much worse. This brings
ley. They should be able to help you,
up a few important points:
but if you need a custom tube length 3-Gun Stage Design
for that BPS, assistant editor Robin Keep your hand away from the ejec- I have the misfortune of having a
Taylor bad his extension for his 3.5" tion port. large build, two football-damaged
SX2 built by Sean Carlock at knees and torn rotator cuffs in both . Mechanically the Win- If you load your rounds long, make shoulders. My left shoulder is attached
chester SX2 and the Browning Gold are sure they completely clear the bar- with less than 20% of the tendon. In
almost identical, except for the Gold's rel and ejection port when eject- normal shooting on my feet and shoot-
speed-load feature.– Editors. ing a loaded round. Mine were ing through squat height ports or
too long for that gun. higher I don't experience any physical
Detonation Report: limitations. However:
Buy and wear good safety glasses!
I went to Libby for the Montana I'm right handed and, when kneel-
Stock Gun Championships Uuly 17, ing, I can only go down on my left
Ask your gunsmith about the length
2005) and had an important experi- knee which eliminates good support
and shape of your ejector.
ence. I was shooting my friend Scott for a long gun. It would take too much
Giesick's Para and had just finished time to switch knees so, once I am
Go easy when ejecting a stuck
shooting a stage. At the "unload and down, I shoot offhand.
If I go prone with a long gun, I

Shooters Connection
Photo by Nate Martin
Debris left behind by a detonation
Need Stuff ?
at the Montana Stock Gun Cham-
pionships. Additional bits of
1-800-387-4045 (38S„,-4045)
brass were dug out of nearby
competitors' flesh.
show clear" command I looked down
to see the gun was not quite in battery
and showed Scott who was the RO on
All You Need To Know !!
the stage. Wow, how lucky can you get, Call Chuck, and talk to a Grandmaster Shooter about your shooting needs!!
a failure to feed AFTER you're done "Put my knowledge and experience to work for you! !" Chuck Bradley
shooting. I dropped the mag, put my
Shooters Connection's
hand at the back of the slide and tried
to eject the round but it was in pretty Tournament Series
tight. I moved my hand to the front
cocking serrations and hit the grip
with my shooting hand and it did start ---A;451-13116.—
Shooting Bag
to extract the round. Unfortunately it Best Bag Made Today!
pulled the round into the extended
ejector and the round went off. Frank
Cook was score keeper and asked me
March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT
\ Prone — 5 seconds to either get down or up. An up and
down requirement would be charged 5+5 seconds If a stage
MAILBAG continued from page 57. ended in a prone position only a 5 second penalty for the
need to first lay my gun down and get both knees on the `get down' penalty would apply.
ground before picking up my long gun to finish going
Kneeling — 3 seconds to get up or down to not exceed a
prone. To get up to a standing position I again need to
total of 6 seconds per position.
ground my long gun and it is a very difficult, painful, delib-
erate, slow and embarrassing process to get up fully before As I said, all such penalties should just be enough to dis-
I can then retrieve my grounded gun. There are also serious courage anyone taking an advantage. The stage should then
risks of further injury when trying to get up and down fast be designed to allow alternate shooting from a half squat to
from prone. a full standing stance. in prone rifle positions there should
be available side support for shooters to compensate for the
Low ports suffer from the same issues.
prone shooters ground support. Having the available higher
As a consequence I'm unable to be competitive in my shooting position might also offer an added challenge to
category and class when faced with such stages. I enjoy prone shooters to remember to go prone. Incidentally,
shooting six or more matches a month. When I face my ICORE offers this same penalty option from the 50yd
physical limitations I score very poorly on those stages. I prone position on the standardized "Far and Near" stage
measure my personal success by how I did on my run `n used in every ICORE International Revolver Champi-
shoot stages. I would like to see a policy that would allow a onships and the practice is well accepted.
shooter to declare, before "load and make ready," to the
The goals are to be safe, have fun and be allowed to be
CRO who in turn informs the RO that the shooter will not
reasonably competitive.
be able to shoot from the prone and or lcneeling positions
and has agreed to standardized time penalties. Such a Steve Harris, TY- 48646
penalty should be stiff enough to discourage anyone trying
for an advantage but not be unnecessarily punitive. There Editor's Note: The current procedure for applying penalties
would then still be a chance to focus harder on the other in lieu of course requirement appears under rule 10.2.11.
stages to 'play catch up', like in golf. Below are some sug-
gested per position time penalties:


SATISFACTION If one of our targets fails to perform the way we say it will, we will
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FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

Or is it that people want to shrink come to a match like that and then try
from what IPSC represents? To sugar- to go back to his reality where a head
IIIPSC continued from page 21. coat it in the hopes that it will be ac- shot is a head shot and a hostage is a
of real life. Shooting a scenario that has
cepted by the general public? hostage. It loses something in the trans-
lation when you sugarcoat.
some relevance to a defensive situation Maybe it's just me, but I don't think
is engaging. It allows one to use the you are going to get general acceptance I guess there are literally "liberals
imagination and see the correlation be- shooting targets on a backdrop of a and conservatives" in the sport of
tween what you are shooting and a combination of Barney the dinosaur, IPSC: those who just come to play and
real-life situation. That is a good thing, the seven dwarves and Sponge don't carry a gun off the range, and
and it is good to keep that real-life per- Bob/Square Pants like what we shot at those who want to practice martial
spective in mind. That will help you if Area 2. OK, maybe Barney I can see... skills under competitive stress. I would
you ever get into a lethal force engage- fall squarely into the conservative
ment. That was the original intent of In looking at the rule book, most group. It is not that I don't enjoy the
IPSC. No games, just skill. Let the best parts addressing the original intent sport. I still do after all these years. But
man win. have been deleted. Since we no longer I would like to keep it more in line with
have these guiding principles to help the founding principles and not let it
When you design stages that look shape the sport, we have, by default, al- turn into a glorified, real life Nintendo
like a carnival side show, or you have lowed the sport to change into a simple game.
targets that don't represent anything guided video game that may be fun but
real or that you couldn't identify in real is missing the practical reality and How about you? I have voiced my
life as being a threat, but you are fling- mindset that was the initial draw in the opinion on what I see and I recognize I
ing shots at them anyway, I question first place. may well be in the minority on this is-
what you are gaining from it? Is it sup- sue. Nonetheless, felt strongly
posed to be all about fun? Is there no And now we discourage terms like enough to say something about it and
practical purpose anymore to what we "head shot" or "hostage" and call it try to get some practical back into
do? In this day and age of crime and "upper A/B zone or "no-shoot" target? practical shooting.
terrorism can we not come up with It sure sounds like political correctness
more relevant stages? has invaded the sport. It's hard for a
cop or concealed carry practitioner to

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March/April 2006 FRONT SIGHT 59

\EILL 0\
[email protected]

On Canting angle from vertical. In practical shoot- Guy has been reloading since
"I don't understand it. I had a good ing we frequently shoot with a slight
1969, including a period as a com-
rest leaning around that barricade, and cant in order to accommodate an awk- mercial reloader. He began practical
I kept missing to the right. I checked ward position. Under low ports,
pistol competition in 1977. He has
my zero, and everything is right on. around barricades, or whatever, know- tvorked on two major reloading
What's going on?" ing what happens when we shoot the manuals and answered questions on
gun canted is important to performing
"Was the gun straight up and reloading and reloading problems
down?" daily for more than fourteen years.
Many shooters, when shooting Contact Guy at [email protected]
"No." their handgun with the weak hand, .com
cant the gun to bring the sights in front
"I think we found your problem." will be lower.
of the dominant eye. This will affect
One of the less-understood prob- bullet impact by moving the point of When we stop to think about it, this
lems found in rifle shooting involves impact in the direction of the cant and is intuitive. Gravity. works on the bul-
the effect of "cant" on a rifle's point of lowering it. In other words, if you cant let from the time it exits the muzzle.
impact. When you fire the gun with the the gun to the right, the bullet impact With the sights aligned vertically, the
sights tipped at angle, that's called will move to the right. If you cant to fall (drop) of the bullet is compensated
"canting," and its impact can be dras- the left, the impact will move to the by adjusting the sights so that the bul-
tic. The degree of cant is the amount of left. In both cases, the bullet impact let actually starts out going up, then
falling back. This trajectory is based on
rY1 the line of sight. If the sights are not
vertical, gravity does not change, but
now the bullet is flung to the side
slightly instead of up. The bullet is still
falling, but now instead of going up a
WHAT IS THE BLACK BULLET? little and settling back down onto the
J target, it falls away as it flies to the side.
Swaged with certified 6/2 lead alloy. The tough coat protects the bullet from
We then apply our unique dry-lube damage and is a natural lubricant. It Exactly how much the point of im-
formula. This process completely keeps the bullet at tight factory dimen- pact moves from the expected point of
encases the precision lead core. sions and goes through the bore intact. impact depends on the angle of cant,
the trajectory, and the drop of the bul-
Safe for indoor ranges. No leading in That means no lead on your hands. no let. The drop, as mentioned, is a func-
the barrel, Fire more rounds down- lead dust and no toxic fumes.
range between deanings. Load twice tion of gravity, but the velocity- figures
as long and twice as much before Even long sessions at the loading in as to where the bullet is at a particu-
deaning your dies. Less smoke since bench or when shooting on indoor lar time. At handgun ranges, the
no messy wax lubricants are used. ranges. It means dean hands. clean amount of drop is small since the
guns, clean reloading dies - and dean ranges are short, so the change in the
Precision Bullets cost only a few air.
dollars more than the cheapest cast point of impact due to cant is small.
lead bullets, but they give you jacketed And you get a bullet which is highly With rifles, though, where the ranges
bullet ballistics. uniform in weight and dimension. and flight times are much greater, drop
is more significant, so canting the gun
Precision Bullets means the point of impact changes
more. The change is directly propor-
33112 CR 2142 Kemp, TX 75143-6339
tional to the drop.
Voice 903-498-8451 Fax 903-498-8451 bullet@orecisionbuilets corn Without going too far into the
math, let's look at some examples. For
60 FRONT SIGHT • March/Aprif 2006
handguns, let's say we are shooting a .45 ACP With a 55-Grain .223 Remington, 3250 fps, 45 degrees.
range of 20 yards, the drop for a typical 200gr bullet ar
850 fps would be about 1.13 inches (from computer gen-
erated ballistics). When canting the gun at 45 degrees, Range Drop Overall X Y
the bullet point of impact would move 0.9 inches: 0.8 Change Change Change
inches to the side and 0.3 inches down from the point of
aim. Lesser angles will lessen the effect, and greater an- 0 0 0 0 0
gles will magnify it. 100 2.01 1.54 1.4 0.6
Moving to a higher velocity round, such as the 38 Su- 200 8.41 6.44 5.9 2.5
per, firing a 125gr bullet at 1400 fps, that same 20-yard 300 20.66 15.81 14.6 6.1
range would show only 0.5 inches of drop. This corre-
sponds to a total shift in impact of 0.35 inches, 0.3 inches 400 40.83 31.25 28.9 12.0
to the side and 0.1 inches low. 500 71.94 55.06 50.9 21.1
These figures show that handgun shooters do not
55-Grain .223 Remington, 3250 fps, 10 degrees.
need to worry greatly about canting. Unless you are
shooting very near a no-shoot target, canting the gun will
not be too much of a concern - with handguns.
Range Drop Overall X Y
Change Change Change
With rifles, firing at extended ranges, the picture
changes. Let's look at a popular combination, a 55gr bul- 0 0 0 0 0
let in the 223 Remington with a muzzle velocity of 3250 100 2.01 0.35 0.3 0
fps. 200 8.41 1.5 1.5 0.1
These values are for the gun being canted 45°. This 300 20.66 3.6 3.6 0.3
would be an extreme cant for a rifle. Remember also that
the Drop value is actual drop, not the trajectory or bullet
400 40.83 7.1 7.1 0.6
path value. The trajectory will vary with the zero range, 500 71.94 12.54 12.5 1.1
bur the drop is constant for the bullet, independent of tra-
ectory. 150-grain .308 Winchester, 2600 fps, 10 degrees.
Even for a slight, 10-degree cant, we see meaningful
changes at range. For the 223 above with a 10° cant we
Range Drop Overall X Y
see meaningful dispersion to the right and left (see table). Change Change Change
And for the Heavy Metal shooters. Looking at a 308 0 0 0 0 0
with a 150gr bullet having a ballistic coefficient of 0.4 100 2.98 0.5 0.5 0.0
and muzzle velocity of 2600 fps, we see the following val- 200 12.15 2.1 2.1 0.2
ues for a 10° cant.
300 28.77 5.0 5.0 0.4
As you can see, the changes as the range (drop) in-
creases magnify the importance of either keeping the ri-
400 54.37 9.5 9.4 0.8
fle vertical, with zero cant, or knowing the amount the 500 90.91 15.9 15.8 1.4
point of impact will shift. This is the primary reason some
tO ry.
of the old long range rifles had levels built inro rhe front
sight. The use of levels has been coming back in recent years On first pass, it is common to believe that the sight height
for varmint hunters and long range shooters. There are even will affect the changes associated with canting the gun.
scopes with levels built in. However, 10° cant is 10° cant regardless of how far the sight
line is from the bore line.
With the increasing popularity of 3-Gun shooting and
the use of rifles under speed, where the odds of canting are The above shows that it is important to know your am-
increased, being aware of the effects is important for best re- munition in order to perform your best. We always strive to
sults. Check your ballistics tables and see what your rifle is do our best, and knowing the ammunition and gun are per-
doing for various amounts of cant. If the math looks to be forming as they should allows us to concentrate on our own
too much, I can provide the basics upon request. The re- performance. Eliminate problems with the guns and am-
quired value to figure the change due to cant is, as men- munition and you can focus on improving (or maintaining)
tioned above, the drop and the cant angle. In order to get your performance. We may not be able to eliminate canting
the drop, the muzzle velocity and bullet ballistic coefficient the gun, at least on all occasions, but we can understand the
are needed. Most ballistic programs will also ask for the effect it will have, and compensate for the change.
sight height and zero range to allow calculating the trajec-
March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 61
GUN TALK By Bob Loodrigan, Brazos Custom Gunworks,

Fitting an Ambi Safety trigger components, the last step of rween on and off. The safety should
Installing an ambidextrous safety is that process needs to be checking the rotate back and forth between safe and
one of the most often-requested after- operation of the safety'. It may need to off without binding. In the off position
market modifications I get. That's be- be adjusted as a result of your trigger it should go down enough so that the
cause there are several situations that modifications. Therefore, do any top of the safety allows the slide to
require fitting of a safety: you may planned trigger work before you begin pass. It is very common for the safety
want to install one on your new gun, installing a new safety. to not go down far enough. If this is
you may need to replace one that's bro- the case, check the width of the key slot
The first step to fitting an ambi in the sear stop stud. This slot needs to
ken, or you may be doing a trigger job safety is to completely disassemble the
that also requires fitting a safety. With be wide enough so that it can slide
gun. We covered this in an earlier arti- down over the engagement surface in
a little knowledge about how the safety cle but if you need a refresher course
works and with only a minimum num- the frame. If it is not, then widen it a
you can check this link for more info: little. Look through the back of the
ber of tools, this is a modification the
average shooter can successfully per- frame and you will be able to see where
art/0501.htm . You do not need to dis- it needs to be adjusted. Sometimes the
form. assemble the grips on a 2011 pistol, but stud may need to be filed where it hits
if you have a 1911
the frame. Check and relieve that area
you will need to until the safety drops down far enough
take off the grips. so that the safety lock plunger fully en-
Once you have the gages the detent in the safety. Ar this
gun torn down, point make sure that the top of the
check your new safety does not extend up to where it
safety to see if it in- drags on the bottom of the slide. If it
stalls in the frame does, take a little material off the top of
without binding. the safety until you have at least 0.025
First look at the inch clearance with the bottom rail of
left-hand side (as the slide.
viewed from the Now that you have the left side slid-
rear). It will insert ing well, fit the right side. If you are in-
Figure 1: Does the new safety allow the slide to pass? into the frame only stalling the safety in a 2011 you will
if you have it in the have to shorten the bottom leg so that
The thumb safety is the primary correct position — about halfway be-
safety on 1911-style guns. It works by
physically blocking the sear when the
safety is in the up position. When
properly installed and adjusted, the
thumb safety prevents the sear from
moving even if you puII the trigger. As
such, any work performed on the
safety must be checked thoroughly to
make sure that when the job is com-
pleted the safety still works as intended
in this design. Do not undertake any
safety work unless you are willing to
take the time to complete the safety
checks mentioned towards the end of
this article. If you are doing a trigger
job or whenever you change any of the Figure 2: Relieving the key slot in the sear stop stud.

62 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

it will move into the slot in the frame.
Go slowly — you need only to be able
to clear the top of the slot. Take off too
much and you won't have anything to
hold the safety in the frame. On a 1911
you can leave the leg long but you will
need to clearance the underside of the
grip panel so that there is no interfer-
ence. You should also check for inter-
ference when moving the safety up and Figure 4 : Two left-side safeties, one fitted (left) one not. Note the amount
down. You may need to take a little off of material missing from the corner of the sear stop stud.
the inside of the paddle to clear the sear when in the up position. Check slide to the fully engaged position. Pull
frame. Now blend the safety into the the photos for the angle and approxi- the trigger and watch the sear. The
frame removing any sharp edges and mate amount of material to be re- sear should not move at all. Move the
any material that might bite into your moved. It is important to try to match safety to the off position while again
hand. the angle of engagement with the leg of watching the sear. There should be no
the sear. This will give you a solid movement. Next pull the hammer back
Once you have the safety moving
lockup with the sear and prevent it a little. You should not hear a click. If
smoothly with no other parts in the
from moving. Go slowly and keep try- you do then the sear moved when you
gun and it's nicely blended in, it is time
ing the fit in the gun. Once you can just pulled the hammer back. If the pistol
to do the actual fitting. Reinstall the
barely get the safety to go in move it up fails any of these safery checks it is un-
disconnector, sear, hammer, sear
and down. This movement will likely safe to shoot because the gun could fire
spring, and mainspring housing. Now
be stiff as the safety when the safety is released. If the
will be rubbing the safety needs just a small adjustment,
sear. It should leave you can fix it by peening a little mater-
a mark on the safety ial on the safety stud to get some more
lock stud. Remove a engagement. Place a shim in the stud
little material where key slot, place the safety on a flat sur-
the safety is marked face, and hit it with a hammer so that
and try again. You you move a little material to replace
should eventually the excess that you filed off. It should
get to the point not take much. Re-install the safety in
where the safety en- the frame and check for engagement.
gages with just a little If there is still movement, you will need
resistance — this is to have the stud welded up or fit a new
good. safety.
Now check the Now reassemble the entire gun
safety for engage- and, again, check the safety operation.
ment. Put the slide If everything checks out you are ready
Figure 3: Bottom safety leg failing to clear in a 2011. back on the frame to take your gun out and test fire it.
The portion of the safety leg marked with black marker
and move the safety
must be removed to allow insertion into the frame.
into the notch in the

cock the hammer leaving the grip

safety off so you can see both the sear
arid safety. Notice that the stud on the
left side of the safety has excess mater-
ial for fitting. This must be adjusted so
that the safety can be inserted in the.
gun yet still block the sear from any
motion when rhe safety is engaged. If
you place the left side of the safety par-
tially in the gun, you will see where the
material needs to be removed. You
want to remove enough material so
that the safety can be inserted but so
that it still makes full contact with the

March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT

Rill cO\ Branching Out: Long Guns petition for 11 years, and was at the
Wilson Combat has plunged into top of his game. These were the "glory
IPS( PIONEER continued from page 45 long guns as well, building custom AR- days" of !PSC.
son pistols are very much a CLISt0111- 15s built on their own receivers, and ''Shooting back then, I just felt like
rnade proposition. You specify the op- purchasing Scattergun Technologies to it was a very prestigious thing. The
tions and they build it to order. Some address the shotgun market. The trio 1979 world match in Roodepoort,
waiting is inevitable when you build a lets him offer one-stop-shopping for South Africa was held at this absolutely
gun up from scratch this way. law enforcement customers and practi- amazing range. The mayor came out
cal shooters alike. and did the opening ceremonies, some
'We've always been a custom shop,"
says Wilson. "Our mentality has fo- ''Long guns have been going real General came out and attended a big
cused on hand-building stuff." well so far," says Wilson. "If we were parade. The team members had both
broken into different divisions, long dress and competition uniforms. All
Curiously, Wilson Combat didn't guns would definitely be the most prof- the national teams came out with their
make the leap to Hi-Cap in the early itable portion of the company, but flags. There were sponsor flags all over
1990s. The Clinton Crime Bill may shotgun would be the least prof- the range, flags from soda rnanufactur-
have had something to do with that, itable... Of the gun building, probably ers, makers of potato chips, etc. And
but as USPSA/IPSC went Hi-Cap with 30 percent of it is long guns." the match was RIGHT IN TOWN.
verve, Wilson Combat stuck with sin- Housing developments all the way
gle-stack guns. around the range. Like it was a golf
Wilson The Competitor tournament. You felt proud to be in-
"I really believe in sticking with As the illustrious Nyle Leatham volved in something that was appreci-
what brought you to the dance, so I pointed out, Bill Wilson has lived ated that much."
think we'll always be building custom through some heart-tvvisting conflicts
1911s as long as there is a market for on the way to financial success. As a The 1983 World Shoot in Virginia
them," Wilson says. competitor, Bill devoted himself to be- saw Wilson's goals of shooter and busi-
coming the hest he could be, shooting nessman in maximum conflict. The
His catalog today includes the new
more than 100,000 rounds in 1980 U.S. team to the Worlds would be five
Wilson KZ-.45, an 11+1 round .45
alone. He rose to become one of the men plus an alternate. To win the
ACP, built around a Kevlar-reinforced
top shots in the world in the early Worlds with his own gun would be a
polymer frame.
1980s, winning back-to-back "master dream come true, and benefit Wilson
blaster" titles at the now-defunct "Sec- Combat for years to come. Unfortu-
Action ond Chance'' championship - a match nately, Wilson's scores weren't up to
scratch. Although he finished third at
Shotgunners...! second only to the Bianchi Cup in
terms of financial rewards. He'd that year's nationals, he didn't have the
placed fifth at the 1979 World Shoot, depth of scores to make the team. They
and third in the USPSA nationals in were good enough to secure the slot as
1983. an alternate, but for hinn to share
World Shoot gold, one of the five
"I always felt that consistency was would have to fall ill or DQ. Of those
my strong point. I got to where I did- five, Rob Leatham and Brian Enos will
n't have big up and down swings from shoot Wilson Accu-Comps.
day to day or match to match. No
tremendous high spots, and no disas- Put yourself in his shoes for a mo-
Unlike any shotshell holder ters. Back in the early days Jerry ment. The 1983 Worlds are Wilson's
you've ever seen! (Barnhart) was famous for smoking opportunity to stand on the World
Belt-mount-ambidextrous two or three stages, and then he stage. The team has welcomed him as
with forward and back would absolutely crash and burn on the alternate, knowing he's a strong
cant adjustment! the next one. First couple of years he player, and Wilson poses in the Gold
was really inconsistent, but he figured team photographs.
Competition Shotshell Holders
(patent pending 200--1 it out and the record speaks for itself." In the first few stages everything is
Ambi Firearm Forearm Mount, Wilson went on to tell me that in going well. Wilson builds on his strong
easy-on-easy-off...! those years, his heart's desire was to be suit - consistency - to establish a strong
Does not interfere with the world's top gun; yet he was on back-up score for the team. He's lead-
normal operation of your gun'
track to become one of the World's ing the Silver team, shooting well.
best-known gunsmiths instead. When Then Rob Leatharn gets hurt. the 1983 World Shoot came into view,
innova© he'd been training hard at pistol com-
BILL WILSON continued on page 73.

64 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006



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March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 65
"Real" holsters
in Limited / L10
The Blade Tech DOH
RY ERIC STANLEY, L-2443 (Note: I would've said
I confess; I love high-end sexy gear. 1DPA too but the latest fax
-High Zoot" as my buddy Matt from IDPA HQ outlawed it.)
calls it. But I don't shoot a race
For me it all started at a
rig. My holster costs about half
tough, three-day, Level III
what a "real" race holster costs.
1PSC match in Santa Cruz,
Wanna' see it? 'There's a picture almost
Bolivia last October. Con-
any time you see a top Production guy
stant 15 - 20 mph winds
like Ted Puente or Mathew Mink in
Front Sight, or Limited GMs like gusted to over 40 all day,
blowing baby-powder-like
Manny Bragg, Dave Olhasso, Yong
dust into everything. It blew
Lee, or Benny Hill. It's the Blade Tech
right through the zippers in
"DOH" or "dropped, offset, holster"
and if you are looking for a fast but se- our shooting bags and we had
to hide our guns in Ziplok
cure holster for 3-Gun, Production,
Single Stack, and yes, even Limited / bags.
L10, it is definitely worth a look. At the time I was shooting a mini- the gun right where my race rig had —
malist "bikini" type holster. Those are a little out and a little down. A little
the quickest thing since greased light- practice and I "felt" crisp and fast,
ning, right? Not after nine long hours maybe faster than before. It seems 1
in the blowing dust they aren't. When was afraid of "going after" the gun in
1 got the "load and make ready," 1 the race rig, and with rhe Kydex 1 could
could get the gun into the holster (from really get aggressive.
the Ziplok) but it wouldn't come out.
1 looked a little deeper. Were
At the beep [did the ole' "pull your belt
there others who were fast from kydex
up 'round your ears" and nearly ripped
and not just in Production? Limited
the trigger guard off trying to draw. I
and L I 0 shooters who, like rne, found
tried flushing the holster with water,
security in the DOH (and similar) with
and then hosing it down with "break no loss of speed? 1 was reminded that
free" to get through the last few stages,
Ted Bonnet has won several World
but it just wasn't right.
Shoots from a "real" holster, and spon-
Since 1 was in the midst of simplify- sored to do so or not, Todd Jarrett is
ing my gear and converting to interna- now drawing out of a "real" holster for
tional "Standard," this got added to the Limited, and is obviously still compet-
list. We all know fast is good, but reli- itive.
able and smooth is better. No more
Veteran Limited "Super Squadder"
huge mag button, gaping magwell,
Manny Bragg emailed me from
belly button mag pouches or bikini hol-
Ecuador to say that he was happy with
ster. That also meant fewer mags
DOH, but changed away from it for
falling out, no dropped gun DQ's, no
the World Shoot. Why? Not for speed
speed unloacis or stuck 'nags. Sounds
but because he felt with all the un-
like a pretty good trade, huh? 1 still
loaded, and table starts likely at the
think so.
World Shoot, he needed skateboard
I went looking for a replacement tape on the top of his slide, and you
P11010 by Roger Maier. can't get the gun in and out of kydex
holster and, on a hunch, I tried one
Matthew Mink in action with his with that stuff on there. Okay, point
from Blade Tech. To my surprise it put
DOH at the 2005 Nationals.

66 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

taken, but in the United States, we ac- factor would be averaging 1.0 for
tually use our holsters and generally each alpha draw. Don't get excited,
load our pistols before we use them. I am no super squad GM you've
heard of, and I know Robbie or
I kept looking into this and found Todd Jarrett will average in the .60's
quite a few Master and Grand Master out of an ankle holster. I'm just a
level shooters who are starting to be- regular, garden-variety shooter who
lieve that "race holsters are more trou- strives for that 1.0 second per "A"
ble than they are worth." The general average. The first time I ran this was
consensus is that race rigs may be as a month or so after I switched to the
much as a tenth quicker for their early DOH. For 10 one-shot draws on
release, but that traditional-style hol- amoebas I had a total time of 9.49
sters do more to encourage a proper seconds, hitting 8As and 2Cs for a
presentation of the pistol. The net re- S.0.57 hit factor. That's better than
sult is that while a race rig is admittedly I ever was out of a race rig. Heck,
sexy, and may be a short cut to a last week I hit a .87 in a match.
quicker first shot, a traditional holster
generally lends itself to consistency and With modern kydex designs that
better points with that first shot. Ask make the pistol accessible and don't
yourself how many points is that tenth drag like leather, we're not losing
really worth? much if anything over a holster
where the gun floats in space, orbit-
One thing I like about our sport is ing your hip. You're not "Yoda," calling than how soon the holster releases the
its objectivity, it's either faster or it's your gun to your outstretched hand; gun.
not. Period. So, to finally prove it to you still have to make a proper draw
myself objectively I set up a simple 1.0 second for an "A." How much
stroke. If you do it right, then you still faster than that do you really need to
draw test. Ten yards, ten draws, from clear a kydex as fast as a "race" rig. For
a true "hands relaxed" posture (no be? I may not be GM (yet?) but you'll
me at least, it's more about the reaction never hear me whine that the
"IPSC monkey"). Score the target, add to the beep and consistent presentation
the times, figure your results. A 5.0 hit holster is holding me back. -ti


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March/April 2006 • FRONT SGHT 67

2006 Area 1 3-Gun Championship TEAM
14-16 July, Marysville, WA
A Northwest Section Production Gary Wail, MD A. 10 Stages, 21/2 days

Name: USPSA # (req'd!!)

Address: Phone: (
City: State: Zip: E-mail:
Please circle all that apply... The_Match Store...
Tactical Regular Entries @$100 ea
OPen Limited
Junior Entries g$50 ea
Pistol: mai./min. Rifle: maj./min. Shotgun: major
Short Sleeve Tees (by separate pre-order only; ordering
Current pistol classification... Long Sleeve Tees information will be includexl with your
GM A entry confirmation)
Match Polos
Special categories...
Hvy. Metal Senior Super-Senior Lady Junior

Please try to squad me with

Make cheques payable and post to:
MRCPS, 3829 104th St. NE, Marysville, WA 98271
For more information, email [email protected], or call 1-360-629-4417
(NOTE: Entries close 01 July 06 - there will be NO MATCH DAY ENTRIES!!!)

The 2006 USPSA Area 6 Championship

May 5th-7th at South River Gun Club, COS ington, GA

11 Stages, Trophies, Cash Payback based on # of entries

Detailed information at'
Limited to first 350 shooters
Questions: Contact Cindy Noyes, Match Director — 770-460-7436

We need Friday RO's and
Address: Saturday/Sunday RO's. For details.
see information at `www.uspsa-
City: State: Zip: Phone:' and contact Cindy Noyes
with any questions.
Email: Squad with:
No Refunds After 4/25/06!
Shirt Ordering Information:
1 Polo Shirt Included in cuAr of Errirr Prod SS Rev
CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY: Division: Open Ltd L 10
Please indicate your size helms -

For additional shirts, please indicate Class: GM M ABC DU Category. JR SR SS FFM PF: Major Minor
size/quantity and include SS vs ith
entr) fee. — Entry Fee Includes I Polo Shirt —

Polo Shirts
First Come/First Serve Basis
(swims 525 S-XL
T- Shirts SIS Regular Entry Fee $150
2XLAXL) Please make two choices and
Late Entry ( after 5/01) $175
Size Ouantitk Price Size OuantIty Price indicate your preference with a I or 2:
Juniors $75
All Day Fri (shoot it all in one day)
Sat/Sun RO's SO (FREE!)
hi All Day Sat (shoot it all in one day) Fri RO's $75
Sat Mom/Sun Mom Extra Shirts $
2XL 2XL Sat Aft/Sun Mom Total Amount Enclosed
Make checks payable to: SRGC/IPSC
Send entries to : SRGC/1PSC, P. O. Box 390445, Snellkille, GA 30039

68 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006


NROI continued from page 4.

class, which is in Open, to shoot a .45 Picatinny Rails in Single Stack?
with only 8 rounds in the mag. was reading through the single L Precision
stack rule book and noticed that guns John Larson Master PisIolsmith
ANSWER produced with attachment points for "Specializing in 1911 Style Pistols"
Classifications: Individuals who lights are not acceptable. My .45 is a
chose to participate in the provisional Kimber TLE/RL2 and has, of course, a Pistoismith Services
division will be assigned their highest lower rail for a light attachment. I am
Custom competition pistols
classification on record. No classifier wondering about the rationale behind
data will be input into the classifica- this rule. Not to promote any contro- Machine work for the home
tion system at this time, though the versy, as I enjoy USPSA matches more gunsmith and hobbyist
scores will be archived for future use if than IDPA, but the pistol is acceptable
in IDPA. I don't notice any discernable 425-869-1855
the Division becomes permanent.
difference in recoil, for example, as
Redmond, WA
compared to another .45 without that
9-Round Single Stack .40 small attachment rail. long as the gun fits in the IPSC box
Magazines? with an empty magazine inserted in
I am interested in shooting in the the gun. The box will be the restrict-
1911 SS Division and have read ing feature of the mag wells, as it is for
Since these are provisional rules, the slide/barrel length
through the "provisional" rules posted
they had to start somewhere. The au-
on the USPSA website. The "rules"
thor chose to use some of the Single That is it for now, remember to
state that the "Maximum ammunition
Stack Classic and some of the USPSA shoot fast, shoot straight, but most im-
capacity" for major is eight. I drive a
rules as a benchmark. The Single portant, shoot safe. ■git
Springfield 1911-A1 in .40 caliber and
Stack Classic does not allow them; it
use a nine-round IOmm magazine.
was decided to start with this. Yes,
This magazine meets all of the dimen-
sional criteria for magazines in this di-
IDPA allows them, as long as they do New Masters
not go over a given weight, but the au-
vision... but the way I have interpreted
the rule (...Maximum (of eight) after
thor decided to go with the Single Nov.-Dec. 2005
Stack Classic on this issue for now.
the start signal...) is that these maga-
zines would be illegal, simply because New Open Grand Masters
Abed, Reynaldo D. L2617
they have a capacity to hold more than Single Stack Slide, Barrel Ong, James G 1Y36874
eight rounds. Style, Magwell Design? Saiti, Nairn TY49393
Tyler, Keith P L2525
Can you confirm whether this is Slide length: Are they restricted to
the intent of this rule for the 1911 Di- 5-inches or shorter? (How about a six- New Open Masters
Moore, Thomas TY44905
vision? Other divisions with round inch long slide?) Morin, Gene A20812
constraints (L-10, Production, and Re- Barrel STYLE: Are fully-sup-
Wakal, Alexsander L2484

volver) specify either a maximum ported/ramped barrels okay? New Limited Masters
nutnber of rounds in the magazine, or Folger, Chad TY45471
maximum number of rounds fired be- Magwells: Are weld-on magwells Lamb, Kevin L. FY24902
Saiti, Nairn TY49393
fore a reload, regardless of the "capac- like the Ed Brown considered an "add- Tyler, Keith P L2525
ity." The 1911 rule seems inconsistent on" or does it have to be removable, a
in that it specifies a magazine "capac- la the S&A? New Limited 10 Masters
Abed, Reynaldo D L2617
ity" as opposed to "rounds loaded" Ong, James G. TY36874
constraints. ANSWERS Pitt, Steve TY29880

The gun will have to fit in the box, New Production Masters
ANSWER so barrel and slide length are restricted Abad, Reynaldo D L2617
Maljian, Ara A23079
Yes, you can use the mag as long as by that feature.
Seib, Nan TY49393
you have only eight rounds in it at the Vogel, Robert G A49056
Supported barrels are fine, this is a
start signal and it fits into the gun
while in the box.
good safety feature and very common New Revolver Masters
nowadays. Abed, Reynaldo D. L2617
Kettells. Torn L465
Mag wells of all kinds are fine, as Williams, David M. L593

March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 69

N EW RM o tin ue d from page 24.

the RO seminars all represent an un- Troy: You were elected as Area 8 di- slowly erode our member base and re-
seen and very' much underappreciated rector by write-in vote. Were you sur- duce our available shooting venues.
workload. But, the bottom line is that prised? Why did you want to be an It's not just a USPSA thing; it's affect-
it does raise the bar on the quality of Area Director? ing all shooting disciplines.
our range officers. I have seen such
George: Surprised? You bet! I hon- Kim: Speaking of kids and shooting,
great improvements over the last sev-
estly thought it was an uphill effort your son Bryan is a pretty decent
eral years.
without hope. But, I had the support shooter. He has his Open Master card
Troy: Since you've been both a com- of a number of people who cam- and performed very well last year. Can
petitor and an official at the USPSA paigned for me and helped me get the you keep up with him, or do you find
Nationals, can you give us some ideas word out. I never "wanted" to be an yourself having to resort to the "age
for improvement? AD, but I felt the organization could and treachery" angle?
use my help. It's a time-consuming and
George: That's a tough one. It's always George: Treachery doesn't work any-
challenging job with few rewards. I'd
easy to find fault, it's another thing to more. As he started to improve, his
still rather just go shoot. Heck, I never
give constructive feedback. I guess I times became faster (damn kids) but I
even get to drive the company yacht.
have to say that we need to assure the could bear him with better hits. Then,
quality of the officiating and apply a Troy: What do you see as the biggest about two years ago, think he found
continuous improvement model for challenge facing USPSA in the coming the sights. I didn't stand a chance. It's
the Nationals staff. While it's very im- years? been great seeing him improve his abil-
portant to use experienced CROs at ity to figure out a stage.
George: Undoubtedly, it has to be the
the Nationals (and other major
continuing assault on our gun rights Troy: I've worked with both you and
matches), we also need to methodically
and the loss of our shooting ranges and Bryan at major matches, and you are
nurture new ROs who will someday
hunting lands. Fewer kids grow up both excellent Range Officers. Have
develop to be the next Nationals
hunting and shooting. Fewer people you learned anything from that young-
serve in the military. All of those things ster, and have you taught him a few
tricks along the way?
George: He has taught me to keep
Corrections, Omissions, Goofs an eye on the details. He doesn't
By ROBIN TAYLOR, Tv- / 9724 USPSA STAFF 0 ur last issue feanired a miss much, whereas I would some-
number of little er- times take the small things for
rors. So far we've granted. At the 2000 Limited Na-
identified three: tionals, we were working the Stan-
dards stage from hell. By the third
day in the heat with no shade, I was
Wrong Emphasis running out of gas. By that time in
Front Sight overlooked Jerry the match, you figure everyone's
Miculek's performance at 3-Gun. gear is up to par, so I was not paying
This is explained in detail in Dave that much attention to the rype of
Thomas' column on page 5. guns in the holsters. I'm getting
ready to start a shooter when Bryan
Wrong Shooter taps my shoulder and says, "He's
In the cover caption in the last is- shooting a XX gun in Production."
sue we mis-identified Chris Perez It took three tries for me to under-
as Gilbert Perez. Thankfully we stand that the shooter was shooting
got it right in the story. Production with a single-action gun.
This very new shooter didn't know
any better and it not been noticed by
Forgotten Sponsor anyone on any of his previous stages.
Lastly, we forgot to mention Charles Hardy's continued contribution of chrono-
graphs to the USPSA National Chmmpionships. Hardy's firm, CED, has donated I have taught him a lot about how
chronos to the nationals for the last several years. We use the chronos to run the to work and manage a stage over the
chrono station at the match, then put the chronos on the prize table when we're fin- years. I think that's why he devel-
ished. Without Charles, our chrono situation would much more complex, and our oped into such a fine RO so quickly.
prize tables meaningfully lighter. Thank you Charles, and sorry for the oversight. He has an amazing memory of the

70 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

rules, and I taught him how to apply it times very well meaning, hard working the table about one foot away. That
on a stage. We used to play "what if" people bite off more than they should. same CRO ran every shooter in the
on the way to and from matches. I match in spite of losing his voice on
would use anecdotes and actual events I understand the frustration of Day 2 and refused every offer to read
shooters who complain when a major the written course description for him.
from matches, or would challenge him
with rules scenarios to get him thinking match is not run in accordance to the The man is an animal!
outside the box. I think it helped both rule book. They have taken the time
of us. and spent their money trusting a match We welcome George to the NROI
to be run a certain way. When that trust Instructor Corps. If you should get the
Troy: Good man. Tell me George, as is broken, no one wins. opportunity to take a class with
an NROI RMI, what's your mission? George, do so. You'll benefit from it
At Level I matches, it is under- immensely. He has the knowledge and
George: I'd better open the rule book standable to help new shooters experience from those that came be-
and see what it says (grinning). Beyond through the match, giving them assis- fore him plus his own that make him an
passing on my experience and knowl- tance not normally allowed. When it
invaluable resource to the organization
edge, I hope to promote respect for the comes to safety infractions, however,
and to shooters of any level.
rule book. By that, I mean that the there should be no "mulligans."
rules should be followed, logically and Shooters will not take the safety rules
fairly, even when they appear inconve- seriously if they are not taught
nient or we may disagree with them. to respect them from the start. NROI SEMINAR SCHEDULE
That's what the shooters expect. DATE: 3/18-3/19 LEVEL: CRO
Kim: George, it's been a plea- HOST CLUB: Western Nevada Pistol League
Kim Are there any matches that stand sure. In closing, do you have CONTACT: David Buell (775) 997-9055
out as the best for you? Or perhaps the any amusing anecdotes you'd INSTRUCTOR: Carl Schmidt
worst? like to share with the mem-
bership? DATE: 3/25-3/26 LEVEL: CRO
George: There are a number of HOST CLUB: Springbrook Practical Shooters
matches that would fall into a "best" George: Working major CONTACT: Jay Rock (920) 203-3081
category. I'll never forget my first ma- matches is always an experi- INSTRUCTOR: Perry Wilson
jor. The 1998 AWARE and the ones ence. Every time I think I've
that followed at Watervliet were a seen it all, along comes a new DATE: 3/25-3/26 LEVEL: RO
whole lot of fun. The whole atmos- form of entertainment. There HOST CLUB: Racoon Hunters
phere of the match was contagious, was a time when I was helping CONTACT: J. LaFave (517) 404-1908
and it started with Match Director Pat on a stage at the Area 1 match. INSTRUCTOR: Gary Stevens
LeGere. I made some good friends A certain Executive Director
DATE: 3/25-3/26 LEVEL: RO
there. There have been a number of we both know was the CRO HOST CLUB: Wabash Valley Practical
others over time, but I will drop my on the stage with a table start CONTACT: David Ball (812) 8794936
modesty and say that the recent Area 8 (you also had to pull a lever) INSTRUCTOR: Jay Worden
matches have been excellent matches and running the shooter. He
to shoot. I saw them as a worker, not had to stand more directly be- DATE: 4/1-4/2 LEVEL: RO
as a shooter (the perspective is defi- hind the shooter than normal HOST CLUB: San Luis Action Pistol
nitely different), but I was very pleased because of the shooter's direc- CONTACT: Souzan Nelson (805) 528-1462
with them. tion of movement after the INSTRUCTOR: Carl Schmidt
start. I was holding the clip-
I have worked matches that were board to the shooter's left. In DATE: 4/8-4/9 LEVEL: RO
racked with problems, yet the shooters HOST CLUB: Riverdale Practical Shooters
the middle of the
loved the match. I see that as a great CONTACT: George Jones (201) 236-0255
draw..."Bang!" The CRO INSTRUCTOR: Troy McMeanus
compliment to the hard work of the had no idea where the shot
range officials who plod on anyway went because he had no view
and make the problems invisible to the DATE: 4/8-4/9 LEVEL: RO
of the gun when it went off, HOST CLUB: Magic City Action Shooters
but he kept his cool and CONTACT: Scott Nielsen (406) 238-0166
The worst? I'll take the fifth. I do cleared the shooter. Well now INSTRUCTOR: Jay Worden
recall a match or two that I would I was getting a very wry,
never shoot again. Fortunately, those quizzical look from the CRO, DATE: 5/13-5/14 LEVEL: RO
plainly saying "What, where, HOST CLUB: Springbrook Practical Shooters
matches are rare and usually the prob-
huh?" Whereupon, I calmly CONTACT: Jay Rock (920) 203-3081
lems are addressed if you take the time INSTRUCTOR: Perry Wilson
to explain it to the match staff. Some- stuck my pen into the hole in

March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 71

USPSA Board Meeting
Telephone meeting of Jan. 10, 2006
6:15pm - Meeting called to or- Passed words "Other Level III Match"
shall replace said words.
der Motion 7 Second AS
Areal, Area2, Area3, Area4, AreaS,
Area6, Area7, Area8, President, Vice A6 Moves that the Points Series Pro- Passed
President and Executive Director at- gram be amended as follows:
tending Beginning immediately, the Execu- Motion 8
tive Director of USPSA shall revise
Motion 1 the USPSA Points Series as follows: President moves US 5.8 be amended
to read:
President moves to approve at- 1. The provisions as to cash payback US 5.8 - The provisions of Appendix
tached NROI Form A Course De- are eliminated and only trophies D11 shall apply to competitors us-
sign (visible at, un- will be awarded along with suit- ing official match ammunition.
der "meeting minutes.' ) able publicity in Front Sight.
Second AS Second A5
Passed 2. The entry fee shall be $25.00 per Passed
Motion 2 shooter per division. All members Motion 9
participating in the Points Series
President moves to approve at- Championship shall register di- President moves Appendix D11 be
tached NROI Form B Stage Info rectly with the USPSA national of- adopted:
Sheet (visible at fice.
under "meeting minutes.") Appendix Dll - Official Match Ammo
3. The USPSA Nationals will no
Second A5 longer be a Points Series Match. Rule Addition to the 13th Edition
adopted January 11, 2--6, US 5.8 - The
Passed 4. The words "other Tournament" provisions of Appendix D11 shall ap-
are eliminated from the Points Se- ply to competitors using official
Motion 3 ries policy and in lieu thereof, the match ammunition. -41
President moves to approve at- f---
tached NROI Form C Tournament US Appendix D11
Sanction (visible at
under "meeting minutes.")
Officia1 Match Ammo
Second A5
Competitors using Official Match Ammunition are exempt from the requirements of rules
Passed or as appropriate for the declared power factor.
Motion 4 Source of ammo Ammo must be delivered to the competitor only at the match where
President moves to approve at- it will be used and designated official by the US Regional Director,
tached NROI Form D Match Ref- Power Factor Specific ammo products may be certified as meeting Minor or Major
erence Notes (visible at power factor for specific divisions by the US Regional Director under "meeting Competitor A competitor who wishes to use official match ammo at the certified
Declaration power factor must file a declaration with the Match Director stating
the official ammo product they will use for the entire match. This
L declaration must be filed before starting the match.
Second A5
Withdrawal of A competitor who has declared they are using only official match
Passed Deciaration ammo may withdraw their declaration by informing the Range
Master prior to use of any non-official ammo.
Motion 5 Ammo Samples At any match where competitor ammunition will be chronographed,
a competitor using official match ammo will be required to provide
President moves to approve at- 8 rounds of this ammo at the time they pick up the ammo (delivery
tached NROI Stage Review and sample), they will also be subject to the provisions of rule
Sanctioning Policy (visible at Ammo At any match where competitor ammunition will be chronographed, under "meeting Verification a competitor using official match ammo will have ammo samples
minutes.") collected during the match and chronographed according to the
Second A5 provisions of Rule 5.6.3. Should the ammo so tested fail to meet the
declared power factor, it shall be compared against the average of 3
Passed rounds collected from the official delivery sample. If the samples
collected during the match measure more than 10 power factor
Motion 6
points below the delivery samples, the measured power factor of the
A6 moves above motions 1-5 will be ammo collected during the match shall be used for score and the
effective for 2007 matches provisions of Rule or shall apply.
1 Unsportsmanlike The use of ammo other than official match ammunition, while
Second , Conduct declaring use of official ammunition, shall be considered
unsportsmanlike conduct.

72 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006 to assure onships the best matches in history. To
that accuracy and function is 100 per- that end, response to USPSAs request
USPSA continued frorn page 2. cent before that big match. for Nationals stage submissions has
impact on participation. Several other been fantastic.
MultiGun matches have sold out Planning Efforts Ongoing What is on your 2006 schedule?
quickly, be sure to get your applica- As I write this, I'm leaving for a Na- There have been several large matches
tions in early! tional Championship planning meet- fill in a matter of a few days. The
ing in Tulsa. Match directors, range USPSA major match calendar is filling
Ammo Program Undenvay masters as well as key USPSA and fast, be sure to enter the matches to
Our new Official Match Ammo match staff will spend a weekend shar- wish to attend early!
program is in effect! Test packets of ing match production knowledge to
make our future National Champi- See you on the range!
ammunition are available online at
mentary running in Afrikaans. Schoe- KP, ESS, PSS, TKW
— -- man went with him and verbally blud- Books, Videos
IPSC PIONEER continued from page 64. geoned the local medical staff. He Lubes & Oils
Range Bags
made the American doctors drain his Rifle Cases
Rob's shooting a tremendous Arredondo
swollen knee so that Robbie could get
match, surprising a worldwide audi- Mil-Comm
down on his knees and shoot. He Holsters
ence. To save time he opts to hurdle an
couldn't bend it until Schoeman forced TruGrip
obstacle that the older shooters are the American doctors to drain it. i-Shot
stopping to vault, and twists his knee ...and more!
badly. He's now in the hole on points "Now Robbie had to convince his PALE Shooting Sports
because of that stage and headed for teammates that he would still win the
the emergency room. Robbie's shoot- match. If he couldn't, then Bill was in. ■1111111111.111"" Target St-ands
Ear Protection
ing an amazing pace, well ahead of the Cleaning Supplies
others. If he drops out, Wilson joins the "The smart choice probably would Signature Stuff, too!
U.S. team trying to hold off the power- have been to hospitalize Rob. (But)
Rob went on to win with his Wilson competition. Wilson himself recently
ful South African squad. Enos or flew back to Roodepoort, South Africa,
Plaxco will probably win the match, gun, despite his injury. This 21-year-
old kid from nowhere became the to participate in the IDPA African
and Wilson's supporting score should championship on the same range
carry them to victory. If Robbie stays in World Champion.''
where he placed fifth in the World in
the match, the Gold team's chances "Bill was in the top end of things 1979. Walking amid the range's old
hinge on Robbie's bad knee, and Wil- too, ...Next Worlds, Bill went into the berms made of gold mine tailings, Wil-
son leads the Silver Team into shootoffs and it came down to Robbie son couldn't help but reflect on the
anonymity. and Bill. They were often finalists." past.
What ensues is a little-known Leatham won the Worlds in 1983, It's pretty eerie to go back and
sports drama recounted to me by Nyle 1986, and 1988, before eventually los- shoot on the same range 30 years later,"
Leatham, Rob Leatham's father and at ing to Doug Koenig in 1990. He has he says. However this time he was to
the time the lead sports photographer since become a dominant figure in finish first instead of fifth by winning
covering the match for the American Standard division. CDP division with his CQB compact
Handgunner. carry pistol.
Wilson lasted another three years,
''Consider this, Bill built the gun before succumbing to burnout. Today, 20 years after Wilson hung
that Rob was shooting with. He stood up his Open-division cleats in 1986,
to benefit if Robbie or Brian won. But "At least up until 1985, shooting
Front Sight is proud to remember Bill
also consider that Bill himself had was my dream. By 1986 shooting was
Wilson's exploits as a competitor, a
earned a right as a shooter to represent just part of the job."
gunsmith, and his service as a founding
the United States on the Silver Team. director of USPSA. We're happy to note
"Second day of shooting Robbie
Continuing Legacy that although fate passed him over for
twisted his lcnee badly, can't walk. The Bill Wilson continues to influence glory in 1983, Bill Wilson's influence
South African tearn's sports doctor the industry, most prominently and visibility in the world of handguns
(Pierre Schoeman) terrorized the local through IDPA, but also through his and gunsmithing has never been
medical staff, trying to help Robbie. continuing ingenuity in firearm design. higher. Should you run into Bill at a
Schoeman was a shooter, and a tearn match near you, tell him you read
IDPA claims 13,000 members in 19 about him in Front Sight!
shooter for the South Africans. They countries worldwide, and largely in-
actually had their own television docu- vented the idea of ''Production" pistol ••lit
March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 73
+ Ilar.
N5e MAY 6 6c 7
Central Arkansas Shooters Association (CASA) - Little Rock
$60 Entry Fee Each Day (S85 if postmarked after April 22nd)
Make Checks Payable to "Arkansas Section" and mail entry to: David Hyden,
960 Bramblewood Lane, Cave Springs, AR 72718 EMAIL: [email protected]

2006 Area 1 Championship

June 16th-18th 2006 011:4kOOTIlii
Level IPSC and Points Series Match
Staff Match and shoot thrus June le-15th
Hosted at Tri-County Gun Club, Portland, OR

Name: USPSA#:
Cit): State: Zip:
Email: Phone:
Division (check one) Open Limited Limited 10 Production Revolver
Classification (check one) GM A BCDU
Power Factor (check one) Major Minor
Category (check all that apply) Lady Junior Senior Super Senior LaNk
Squad Requests:

Match Entry Fee S95.00 if postmarked by May 1, 2006 ($50 for Juniors)
Entry fee after May 1, 2006 is S125.00. No refunds after June 1, 2006. Area 1 members are guaranteed
registration if postmarked by February 28, 2006. Match Po10 $25, Size: & Qty:

12 Stages, Trophies, Cash Awards, Prizes Make checks payable to: Area Championship
Detailed Information at Send to: Everett Mastrich
Questions: Contact Everett Mastrich, 1267 Rosemont Rd.
Match Director at 503-691-4325 West Linn, OR 97068-9234
or emastrich(acomeastnet

74 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

2006 Area 7 Championship
PETICHL,SHOGIING' - June 8-11, 2006 pan SHOOTING
Rochester Brooks Practicai Shooters, Rochester NY
Name:_ USPSA0

Address: City

State: Zip: Phone: Email:

Circle all that apply This is a plaque only match. Club is 18 miles from Rochester, NY. No
Open - Limited - Limited 10 refunds after May 21; $15 fee on all refunds requested prior to May 21.
Production - Revolver - Single Stack This will be a point series match. Contact us at a7md( if you
want to work for a match discount
Major - Minor
Lady - Junior - Senior - Super Sr. Match Fee $100
Late Registration (received after 5/21/06) add an extra $15
USPSA Match Ammo Service
Postal copy of results (optional, also posted to ) $5
T Shirts (S XL $15
Se/ect shoot time
Donation to USPSA Junior Program (optional)
Thurs: Staff Fri AM
Total Enclosed
Sat AM Sat PM Sun AM Make check payable to
You will be able to modif> your squad/shoot -Rochester Brooks Gun Club", mail to:
time selection using an on-line system. Send USPSA Area 7, PO Box 370, Ashland MA 01721
applications together if you want us to put you
508-881-8997 [email protected]

2006 Silver Creek Open/Kentucky State Handgun

June 2-4
VIATES Hosted by Silver Creek Conservation Club in Sellersburg, IN
This is a Trophy Match featuring 10 FUN stages, shot in two days.
Registration $85 * Juniors $40 * Point Series Match
No refunds after May 19

Name: *T-shirt S M L XL XXL XXXI.

Address: _ _ USPSA #: Division: _

Phone: Email: Class:

Major Minor Law Mil Jr SS Sr Lady

*T-shirt is included with registration fee if received before May 12. Extra shirts are $12. Indicate quantity of each size
above. Point series Status applied for. Those that previously paid the 10.00 will be refunded upon registration.

Maps & Information: Wayne L. Patmore 812/634-1527 email [email protected]

Send checks or money orderspayable to SCCC to: Wayne L. Patmore, P.O. Box 36, Celestine, IN 47521
RO's and Staff shoot June 2. Match sanctioning has been applied for

Plaques awarded:
Match winner in each division, KY State Champ in each - KY ST Champion can also be
Match Winner. ist in class in each division (gm, m, a, b, c, d - Revolver shoots heads
up, unless entries warrant class awards), 2nd in class (at least 4 in class ), 3rd in class
fat least 7 in class) Too Lady. Junior and Senior in Open. Limited.

March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT

4 0-

e t;tt
RPRIL 29 E. 30, 2005
CV 5 to 8 Stages * 200 Plus Rounds
Limited ta the first 100 Entries
Unique laser engraved throphies awarded to lst - 3rd <> GM - D in Open and Limited only.

C ALL stages will be shot in one day so a contestant can shoot both Open and Limited divisions if they so desire.

Sidematches will also be available.

Action Shotgun <> Pistol <> 22 Rimfire Rifle
Prizes to be awarded to winners
Please have entries in by Apri( 21, 2006,
Contact Greg Peine :
Phone 432 686-8692 after 6PM Central Time

Email peine@ridgewoodcable_com

For detailed info log on to

NAME : USPSA # . _ _
DIVISION,: Open GMMABCDU Number of Saturday night banquet tickets
@ $10 each. Make checks payable to AMPC :
Circle Applicable)
Limited GM M A B C D U Send to Greg Peine :
1600 SCR 1133
For a single gun, circle the day you want to shoot, Sat Sun Midland, TX. 79706

jp Enterpris iin ea; 3.Gun

" 1. New York State Rifle Contact: Joe DeS imone, (360)
CALENDAR" , JP Enterprises (651) 426-9196
Alei Championship 629-4417 [email protected]
Maine, NY., April 29- 30,2006
Contact: Louie Mastronardi (607) 748 7. International Tactical Rifleman's
8104 hockeydad@stny,mcom 4. USPSA Multi-Gun National Challenge
Alternate Contact: Chris Brinser (607) c Championship Gillette, Wy., Aug. 11-13, 2006.
786 5714 [email protected] Albany, Ore., July 27-30,2006 Contact: Dave Lauck, (307) 686-4008 Contact: USPSA Headquarters
(360) 855-2245 [email protected] NOTE: The precision rifle training class
2. Mason/Dixon 3-Gun prior to the match will be Aug 7-9,2006.
° Thurmont, Md., June 16-18, 5. DPMS Tri-Gun Challenge 8. KY State Multi-Gun
2006 Contact: Bill Allred, matchad- Del-Tone/Luth Gun Club, St. Cloud, MN >6 Championship
[email protected] Aug. 18-20, 2006 Lewisport, Ky., Sept. 1, 2006
Contact: DPMS at (320) 258-4448 or Contact: Wayne L. Patmore (812) 634-
3. Area 1 3-Gun Championship [email protected] 1527 [email protected]
Marmille,Wash.,July 14,2006
6. JP Rocky Mountain 3-Gun World 9. Area 7 3 Gun Championship

Championship Harvard, Mass., Sept, 8-10, 2006

Whittington Center, Raton, N.M., Aug. Contact: Dan Hurley (978) 486-
24-26,2006 9195 [email protected] or Gary
SHP OF JP, INC. WWW.JPR1FLES.COM Contact: Michael Field, jprm3g@ Barna (978) 486-9195

76 FRONT SIGHT • March(April 2006

1. Double Tap Championship Contact: Richard Heinie (217) Pointseries: State/Sectional Level: Level 2
March 24-26 , 2006, Wichita 228-9500 Pointseries: State/Sectional
Falls, Texas Contact: MD 12. SpudGun 2006: The Idaho (Pending)
Robert Porter (940) 692-3846 Level: 3 State IPSC Championship
2x-tap@ Points Series: No May 20, 2006, Emmett, Idaho 17. Area 7 Championships Contact: Mike Brown (208) June 7-11, 2006, Rochester,
Level: 2 7. Space City Challenge 835-3734 New York
Points Series: No April 28-30, 2006, Houston, [email protected] Contact: Bob Urban
Texas burban@
2. Florida State Championship Contact: Tom Neal CC/tri- Level: Level 2 Level: 3
March 24, 2006, Frostproof, ne* houston. Pointseries: State/Sectional Point Series: Area Champi-
Fla. onship
Contact: Derek Janowicz (561) Level: 3 13. Iowa Section 2006
628-2127 Points Series: Other Tourna- May 26-28, 2006, Osceola , 18. Area 4 Championships
derek@ ment Iowa June 8-11, 2006, Princeton, La.
Level: 2 Contact: Chad Rutherford Contact: Kenneth Hicks,
Points Series: State/Sectional 8. Golden Bullet Championship (515) 321-0205 chadruther- Area4@
(Pending) April 28-30, Sloughhouse, CA [email protected] ,
Contact: Steven McCormick [email protected] Match Level: Level 3 (Pending)
3. Alabama Section Champi- (916) 549-2316 Pointseries: Area Champi-
onship steve1911 Level: Level 2 onship
March 24, 2006, New Hope, Pointseries: State/Sectional
Alabama gbc2006 (Pending) 19. Area 1 Championship
Mike Gettemy (256) 316-6141 Level: Level June 14-15 (staff) June 16-18 Pointseries: No 14. Colorado State Champi- (main) 2006, Sherwood, Ore.
Level: 2 onship Contact: Everett Mastrich
Points Series: State/Sectional 9. Area 6 Championship May 27, 2006, Pueblo West emastrich@ ,
(Pending) May 5-7, 2006, Atlanta, Ga Sportsman Assoc Areal@
Contact: Cindy Noyes, (770) Contact: Bill Burkard (303) Level: 3
4. South Carolina Sectional 460-7436 cgnoyes@ bellsouth 485 8137 Point Series: Area Champi-
April 7, 2006, Columbia, S.C. .net or Bill Noyes, or Roger Briden (303) 485 8137 onship
Contact: Linda Chico (803) wgnoyes@ rcbriden(
787-9693 20. Area 3 Championship
LChico@ 2006_Areab_entry.pdf Match Level: Level II June 16, 2006, Lenexa, Kansas
Second Contact: Donnie Level: Level 3 Points Series: No Contact: Scott Hattrup (913)
Bryson (803) 787-9693 wd- Point Series: Area Champi- 492-8812
[email protected] onship 15. West Coast Dual Champi- HotrodSS@ onship: Production/Single Stack Level: 3
Level: Level 2 10. Mississippi Classic June 2-4, 2006 Hogue Range, Point Series: Area Champi-
Point Series: State/Sectional May 19, 2006, Jackson, Miss. San Luis Obispo, Calif. onship
(Pending) Contact: John Heiter (601) Contact: Mike or Souzan Nel-
925-5372 jheiter@ son (805) 528-1462 mn- 21. Summer Blast, 2006
5. Wisconsin Sectional MSCIassic@ [email protected] July 6-9, 2006, York, Penn.,
April 23, 2006, Hohen, Wis., Level: 1 Contact: Larry Houck sum-
Contact: Ronnie Casper (715) Level: Level 3 (Pending) Points Series: No. [email protected]
896-1965 Point Series: State/Sectional Level: 3 Pending
ronnie@ (Pending) 16. Silver Creek Open / KY State Point Series: "Other Tourna- Handgun Championship ment"
Level: 2 11. Sunflower Classic (Kansas June 2-4, 2006 Silver Creek
Points Series: State/Sectional Sectional) Conservation Club in Sellers- 22. Agnus Dei, Targeting Edu-
(Pending) May 19, 20006 Topeka, Kansas burg, Indiana cation Benefit
Contact: Jerry Nelson jwnel- Contact: Wayne L. Patmore July 28-29, 2006 Romulus, MI
6. Single Stack Classic/USPSA [email protected] (812) 634-1527 waynep@ full- Level: Level 3 - Pending
Provisional Single Stack Na- or Lee Leonard (812) Point Series: Pending
tional Championship stol/ccps.html 634-1527 leedvc@ Contact: Jeff LaFave
April 27, Barry, Illinois Level: Level 2 (517) 404-1908 -rnt
March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 77
toiessier ravinapvtatir
june 10-1 1 th 2006
PASA PARK Barry II - 12 Stages 200 Rounds - Production Only - Plastic Lowers Only
Two Special Sub Divisions - Compact - Big Dog (10mm- 45acp)

City State Zip
Tel I i USPSA #
USPSA Class GM MAB C DU DIV Standard Compact Big-Dog
Shirt Size XXXL XXL XL L M S

9 Stages
3 Pistol, 3 Rifle
3 Shotgun
September 8-10, 2006 145 ShoOter
Harvard, Massachusetts
One-day match, shoot Sat. or Sun. ROs shoot Fri.



C ty State Zit)

E-mail Phone
Division: Limited / Tactical / Open Handgun Major / Minor
Rifle. Major / Minor Shotgun Major / Minor
One day match, circle choice, Sat / Sun Squad mate request

, Mail application with check for $120 entry fee 111ort will be made to meet squadding requests
payable to Harvard Action Shooting: if all applications are submitted towther.
USPSA Area 7 3-Gun Champshionship You may adjust your squadding using the on-
Rob Boudrie line squadding system.
P.O. Box 370
This is a trophy match. Other prizes awarded by drawing.
Ashland. MA 01721-1810

78 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

The 2006 Mississippi Classic
The Mississippi Section USPSA Champtionship Match
8+ Stages, 200+ Rounds, Cash, Plaques, and Prize Raffle
May 19-20-21, 2006 - Magnolia Rifle & Pistol Club Range - Jackson, MS
200 Competitors Max Using Current Edition of USPSA Rules - Entry Confirmed by E-mail before May 13th

Match Fee: $100 payable to ''2006 MS Classic" ($125 after May 7th) - Ladies and Juniors shoot for 1/2 price
Mail Entry To: 2006 Mississippi Classic - 311 Royal Oak Dr. - Clinton, MS 39056-5831
Match Info: John Heiter - (H) 601-925-5372 (C) 601-259-1504 Match E-mail: [email protected]
Jeff Carey - (H) 601-825-2881 (C) 601-906-8984 Match Website:

Name: USPSA No:

Address: Phone: )

City State: Zip: E-mail:

Emergency Contact: Phone: (

Division: Open Lim Lim-10 Prod Revolver Class: GM M A BC D Unc.

Category: Lady Junior Senior (50+) Super-Senior(60+) Power Factor: Major Minor

Match T-shirts $14: S M L XL XXL XXXL(+$2) Circle your choice and include payment with entry.

RO's Needed. RO's, Vendors, & Shoot Throughs shoot on the 19th. RO's get match fee & shirt discounts

Squadding Request:

Blow the dust off your trusty revolver and join us. At
ICORE, we have several Regional Championships in
the USA and Australia and-are best known for the
International Revolver Championship. The IRC is leg-
endary for its prize table. In 2005 the table consisted
of 37 guns and topped $80,000. Our sport combines
elements of the Bianchi Cup, IPSC, and the Steel
Challenge into demanding competition exclusively for
revolvers. Join us and plan on having an exception-
ally good time.
Midwest Regional 8th Annual Central States Regional
March 4th, 2006 Series Sponsored by June 18th, 2006
Ozark Wheelgunners Smith &Wesson Bend of the River Conservation Club
Tontitown, Arkansas Buchanan, Michigan
Mike Luttrell 479-443-7090 Jim Barbour 317-258-5545
Southern Regional 15th Annual Smith St Wesson 1RC
March 25th SI. 26th 2006 June 16-18, 2006
Lafourche Speed Shooters Hogue Action Pistol Range
Thibodaux, LA San Luis Obispo, California
Annette Aysen 985-633-9397 Nelson Dymond 818-388-6191
9th Annual Southwest Regional 6th Annual Australian Regional
Saturday, April 22, 2006 September 9-10, 2006
Team Lopez Townsville Pistol Club
San Fernando, CA Townsville, Australia
Nelson Dymond 818-388-6191 Ian Bond 61 7 47232367
8th Annual Rocky Mountain Regional East Coast Regional
May 6-7, 2006 Please visit our website TBA
WCFW High Plains Shooting Range
Galeton, Colorado Gateway Rifle and Pistol Club
Jacksonville, Florida
Bud Bond 970-224-9476 Bob Hunt 321-377-3265

March/April 2006 • FRONT SIGHT 79

Advertisers Index
2006 Area 1 3-Gun Championship ..68 DPMS 5 Rugged Gear 9
2006 Area 1 Championship 74 Electronic Shooters Protection 24 Safariland 54
2006 Area 6 Championship 68 E-Tac 4 Safe Vision 49
2006 Area 7 3-Gun Championship .78 . Gaspari 6. Associates 38 Section 8 Tactical 45
2006 Area 7 Championship 75 Glock, Inc . 39 Shooters Connection 57
2006 Arkansas Sectional 74 Grams Engineering 53 Sigarms 37
2006 Golden Bullet Championship .80 . Hogue 40 Single Action Shooting Society 32
2006 Mississippi Classic 79 ICORE 79 Speed Shooters 13
2006 Paper Et Iron 76 Innova Products 64 Springfield Armory 41
2006 Plastic Fantastic 78 Integrated Systems Management Inc. .23 SPS, Inc. 51
2006 Silver Creek Open/Kentucky State JPL Precision 69 Starline 25
Championship 75 Kimber 45, Back Cover STI International 19 24 Krieger Accu-Rail 2 Strayer Voigt IFC
Action Target 58 28 Tactical Shooting Technology 3
Alco Target 56 Matt Burkett 48 Talon Publishing 30
Arntzen Steel Targets 10 Mike Gibson Manufacturing 65 Target Barn 42
Bag-lt o f Bellingham 7 Millennium Custom 44 Target Taper 6
Brazos Custom Gunworks 17, 52 MLE Shooting Sports 14, 73 Target Taper 6
Caspian Arms 29 Nolan Innovation 15 Techwear 55
Clark Custom Guns 59 Para-Ordnance 33 Universal Shooting Academy 11
Competition Electronics IBC Precision Bullets 60 29
Competitive Edge Dynamics 35 Precision Delta 12 Zero Ammunition . ... 18
Dawson Precision 31 Redding Reloading Equipment 27
Dillon Precision 16 Rose Distribution 67

Northern California Section Competitor Entry Form

Golden Bullet April 28, 29 & 30, 2006 Open Squading
Championship Sacramento Valley Shooting Center Match officials shoot Friday, April
28, only. All other competitors shoot
Sioughhouse, California
all day Saturday, half day Sunday.

Name: USPSA #:
City: State: Zip:
Phone: E-Mail:

Class: GM M AB C DU Entry Fee:

$100 pre-entry by April 15 / No refunds after April 15
Division: Lim Open L-10 Prod Rev SS S65 for working Range Officers/Match Personnel

Power Factor: Major Minor Send entry form and payment (check or money order onl.
payable to GBC 2006) together to: GBC 2006. do Steve
Category: Lady Junior Senior Super Senior McCormick. 10074 Hampton Oak Drive. Elk Grove, CA 95624

Polo Style Shirts: $18.00 each. indicate quantity of each size (2XL & 3XL add $2.00)
Size: S L raLi
Quantity: Shirts Subtotal: $
Hats: $8.00 each (one size fits all), indicate quantity: Hats Subtotal: $
Use this form to pre-enter by April 15. After April 15, contact the match director Entry Subtotal: $
about a walk-in post-entry fee of $125. Walk-ins may be turned away due to a limit
of 150 shooters. Cut off for pre-ordering shirts and hats is March 31. GRAND TOTAL: $
For more information contact Steve McCormick at (916) 549-2316 or [email protected] or w.actionpistolorg

80 FRONT SIGHT • March/April 2006

Check out the advanced features.
Plus shipping
X Review four shot at a time with shot numbers, times & splits.
3 types of main screens selectable
_ X A) Old Pocket Pro emulation (single number).
B) Shot time with shot number, 1st shot time, start delay
71111110 type, time, date & battery condition.
C) Shot time with number of shots, 1st shot time, start delay
IA (Mad' -1410"0"46 416
type, time, date & battery condition.
Review directly or set par time directly with up/down
X buttons.
Set shot dead time to eliminate echos.
X Digital shot sensitivity adjustment.
4•110111111.11111.11111111116— x Random start delay minimum and maximums are settable
X between .5 & 9.9 seconds. Defauit is minimum 1 sec and 'The Pocket Pro timer is the fastest way
maximum of 4 seconds per USPSA. Setting min. and Max. to see results on the range—end for 18
the same gives a fixed start delay. years Competition Electronics has been
part of my winning style! "
'art #CEI4700 - Blue
Todd Jarrett - VVinner of dozens of major
'art #CEI4705 - Coyote tan IFIle matches and multiple National

P1)1:-.41tet Pit) Timer wall

Plus shipping

Timer emits start beep then senses sound of shots to record time.
X Par Time mode allows setting of a stop beep to indicate allotted time has expired for
Ir Review forward or reverse up to 50 shots saved in memory for current shot string.
X Start beep may be started instantly or with a random delayed start of 3 to 3.5 sec.
for self practice.
X Ergonomic design-Start button on side so right or left hand doesn't cover micro-
phone or buzzer.
X Saves batteries with automatic power down after 10 minutes of non use.
X Non Confusing large display with ,4" no's. Displays time to 199.99.
X Clothes Pin type belt clip for easy on/easy off.
X Adjustable sensitivity for light loads.
X Revievv, Split time and Par time standard.
Official Timer for 1997/98/99 Winter Range and End of Trail Cowboy matches.
Part gCEI2800

$119.96 P_ED ..r.;'..01

21Us shipping IP 111P Velocity measurement for: Rifles, Pistols, Arrows, Paintball Guns, Shotguns, Pellet Guns

art #CEI3800
X 9 Strings of fire with Review OPTIONS AVAILABLE:
of 99 shots each. X Lighting Setup (requIred
X Statistics for each string- Hi, for Indoor use) NZ "
Low, Average, Number of shots, ir Extra Diffusers for bright
Standard deviation and Extreme sunny days. (Includes 4 •
spread. wire aiming guides)
X Delete current shot. ip Digital Remote Control with
X Delete current string of fire. Computer and HP IR Printer Digital Remote
X Metric/FPS selectable. Interface (shown) part #CEI4000
Dims: 16"x4"x3-1/4" Retail $89.95

Competition Electronics Inc.

3469 Precision Dr., Rockford, IL 61109 815-874-8001 FAX 815-874-8181
r‘ Rafter 5erst. from. Kindrere.i, Tv

S An inspired blending 1
of technology and
classic design. 1
The Raptor Series of .95 ACP pistols from the •
Kimber. Custom Shop combine unequaled
Kimber dependability and performance with
a dynamic cosmetic package. Slides have
lizard-scale serrations in gripping areas,
plus a back-cut feathered row of large scales
on top to prevent reflection. Feathered logo
grips and front straps compliment the look.
Each Raptor has Tritium night sights,
ambidextrous thumb safety and match grade
barrel, chamber and trigger. Highlighted
with polished flats, both the.Grand Raptor tr
and Raptor Ir are full-size pistols ideal
for competition or carry. The Pro Raptor tr
has a four-inch bushingless bull barrel and
steel frame with full length grip, and the
Ultra Raptor ll has a three-inch barrel and
compact, lightweight aluminum frame for
easy carry. Both have matte black finishes.
Like every Kimber pistol, Raptors are proudly
made in America. Carry one, and compromise
somewhere else.
The new Raptor if" & Grand Raptor If- (front)
.45 ACP pistols from the Kimber Custom Shop
combine performance with dynamic cosmetics.

Rimh-re Target Conversion

Kits in .22 LR ($305) and The Ultra Raptor (above) with 3-inch
17 Mach 2 ($341 & $376) barrel weighs just 25 ounces. The Pro
easily install on most 1911 Raptor (similar) features a 4-inch
pistol brands. Available through barrel and heavier full size frame.
dealers or direct from Kimber

For complete Information on Kim ber firearms

Information and specifications are Me reference or* and subiect to change without notice Firearm safety is meg gun owner's responsibility Use and
please send $.2 to Kimber. Dept 673,
store all forearms solidly leach everyone in your home, especially children, googol Ilraaral SalPty !Umber firearms shoald only be purchased and ased
complete compliance with all national. state ami local lam, All suggestions lor use in this ad or any Kr mber literature must be taken within the context One Lawton Street. Yonkers, NY 10705
these laws. Kr mber Warms are shipped with a Calikomia approved cable loci as a safety measure. Additionally, pistols are shipped in a lockable hrgh
impact case Use of the cable lock at all limes ls encouraged when a firearm is in stmage !limber moans may request a free cable lock by marl Include
call (800) 880-2418
510 tor onstage and handling. Copyright 2005, Kimter Mfg , Inc. or visit

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