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Analysing the Social-Economic Impact of Wireless

Mobile Services During and Before COVID-19 Using

Topic Modelling and Sentiment Analysis on Tweets

Applied Data Science Masters Thesis

Wehel Hadi
[email protected]

First supervisor
Dr. A.A.A. (Hakim) Qahtan

Second supervisor
Dr. M.W.(Mel) Chekol

Department of Information and Computing Sciences

Utrecht University
August 2021

Social media platforms can be used as a data source for measuring public opinion on
various topics such as wireless mobile services. Twitter is a suitable platform that is
able to map the sentiments. In this research the influence of wireless mobile services
on values such as user satisfaction (social effect), affordability (economic effect) and
willingness (social effect) is researched. This research is conducted through a created
system that uses topic modeling and sentiment analysis. HDP, LDA and LSI are the
topic models used to map the various topics. While Multinomial Logistic Regression,
Naive Bayes, Decision Trees and Random Forest are the sentiment models that map
the sentiment per value. All these models are evaluated for their performance with the
aim of choosing the best model for the system. This research will also determine the
sentiment over time for each value and the sentiment for the companies Mint Mobile
and Infinity Mobile. These companies differ from policy, so this analysis provides
insight into the influence of company policies on these values. The analysis has shown
that the overall sentiment for user satisfaction, affordability and willingness is negative.
It can also be seen that the pandemic has played a major role in this negative sentiment.
For both willingness and affordability, a clear trend break can be observed at the start
of the pandemic. Finally, it is also observable that for all values the company with
a more flexible company policy(Mint Mobile) has a less negative sentiment than the
company (Infinity Mobile) with a traditional company policy.


I would like to thank the people who played an essential role in the completion of this
research paper. Without the help of these people, the quality of the report would not
have been the same. First of all, I would like to thank my thesis supervisor, Hakim
Qahtan, for his guidance and commitment during the thesis project. During the thesis,
Mr. Qahtan always took the time to answer all my questions and gave me feedback
at all times. I would also like to thank him for joining a new thesis project halfway
through the last quarter. This is something that is not taken for granted, and for
this I am very grateful. I also want to express my gratitude to the study coordinators,
David van Balen, Mel Chekol and Matthieu Brinkhuis, who have put a lot of effort into
finding me a new supervisor. I would like to say a special thank you to Mel Chekol
for the extra role he has taken as second examiner. Finally, I would like to thank
my family for their support during this thesis project. They have always supported
me throughout my studies and always believed in my abilities. My accomplishments
and success can largely be attributed to them. All in all, I really enjoyed the process
of doing research and writing a scientific paper. That’s why I look back on it with


Abstract 1

Acknowledgements 2

1 Introduction 5

2 Related Work 7

3 Theoretical Background 10
3.1 Topic modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1.1 Latent Semantic Analysis/Indexing(LSA/LSI) . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1.2 Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1.3 Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.1.4 Selection Criteria for Topic Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2 Sentiment Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2.1 Multinomial Logistic Regression Classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2.2 Naı̈ve Bayes Classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2.3 Decision Trees Classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2.4 Random Forest classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4 System Architecture 16
4.1 Data extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.2 Data preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.3 Topic Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.3.1 Selection topic models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.4 Sentiment Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.4.1 Selection sentiment model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.5 Data Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

5 Evaluation 22
5.1 Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.2 Evaluation metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.3 Baseline methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.4 Experimental setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.5 Comparison of the models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.6 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.6.1 Sentiment companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

5.6.2 Overall Sentiment Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.6.3 Time analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

6 Conclusion 34
6.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.2 Answers found for the research questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.3 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6.4 Ethical considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.5 Further work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

A Appendix: More Figures. 41

A.1 Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
A.2 Appendix B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
A.3 Appendix C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
A.4 Appendix D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Chapter 1


Over the past twenty years, wireless communication has undergone a technological
revolution. Wireless mobile services have become the fastest growing part of the
telecommunications sector[7]. The use of a mobile phone has become an essential
part of today’s society. Today, 90 percent of the world’s population over the age of
six has access to a mobile phone, i.e. billions of people[10]. This makes wireless mo-
bile communication a worldwide phenomenon, for developed countries as undeveloped
countries. The rise of mobile technology therefore has a direct social-economic im-
pact. Wireless mobile services are thus indispensable in our society today, but this
has not always been the case. The wireless technology industry has evolved over the
years, leading to a mobile revolution with fundamental and major consequences for
the world. However, this revolution has not yet come to an end, innovations are made
every year. This requires adaptability from both society and the economy. However,
the advantages of these emerging technologies outweighs the disadvantages. A disad-
vantage of this emerging technology was researched by Subramani Parasuraman. The
study of Parasuraman et al. [27] showed that a significant number of the participants
of the research had an addiction to mobile phone usage. Another interesting result
was that the majority of these participants didn’t recognized that they were addicted.
On the other hand, the mobile revolution has made it possible to obtain more easily
available data so that decision makers can make better decisions. It has also had a
positive influence on communication between people, but also between institutions and
people. The government had been given a tool that made it easier to reach the people.
Companies also had this advantage with regard to their customers[36]. Wireless mo-
bile services, have also made a positive contribution to personal security. Nowadays
it is possible to immediately ask for help in dangerous situations with the help of al-
ways available internet and mobile phone calls. In addition, the rise of this technology
has also created a completely new industry. This has created many jobs for people,
which has had a positive impact on employment and the economy[7]. This emerging
industry is made up of different companies with different perspectives and ways of
providing services. Two companies that differ in their way of delivering services are
Infinity mobile and Mint Mobile. While Infinity mobile opts for the traditional fixed
plan approach[25], Mint Mobile opts for more flexible plans for their customers[24].
Therefore, this paper examines the social-economic impact of wireless mobile services

for the companies Infinity Mobile and Mint Mobile. These two companies contradict
each other in their way of delivering services. This makes it interesting to investigate
whether a company’s policy influences the sentiment of core values such as user sat-
isfaction (social effect), affordability (economic effect) and willingness (social effect).
The research question for this paper is therefore: ”How does wireless mobile services
impact values as user satisfaction, affordability and willingness?” The analysis will be
performed using topic modelling and sentiment analysis on data from twitter. Topic
modelling will reflect the various topics discussed in the data. The sentiment analysis
will determine what the sentiment is for each of these values. During this analysis, the
changes in the sentiment score over time will be determined. Based on that, it will be
clear whether COVID-19 affected the sentiment score or not. The first sub question for
this paper is therefore:” Did the pandemic change the impact of wireless mobile ser-
vices on user satisfaction affordability and willingness?” The last sub question of this
paper is: “To what extent do company policies influence values as user satisfaction,
affordability and willingness for wireless mobile services? “
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: section 2 is the related work,
where the different theories and models of other researchers are discussed. Section 3
is the theoretical background; this chapter will introduce the different models that are
used for the analysis. Section 4 is the system architecture, this chapter discusses the
different steps of the system; the data collection, data preparation, topic modelling,
the sentiment analysis and the evaluation. Section 5 is the evaluation, this chapter
describes the evaluation procedure of the system and also discusses the analysis results.
Section 6 contains the conclusion. This chapter describes the summary of the research,
the limitations of the research, the ethical considerations and the further research that
needs to be done. Section 7 is the references and the last section is the appendix. The
appendix also contains a link to GitHub for the code.

Chapter 2

Related Work

The aim of this paper is to gain insight into the impact of wireless mobile services on
user satisfaction, affordability and willingness (to use). The impact is investigated by
using topic models and sentiment analysis techniques. The exact way in which this will
be investigated is based on theories, models and concepts. The various studies that
contribute to the theoretical framework of this paper will be discussed in this chapter.
User satisfaction, also called customer satisfaction, is one of the values that will be
explored in this paper. This value was defined in the study of Lee et al.[20]. Accord-
ing to Lee, user satisfaction is the extent to which the expectations of the product
or service are met. If the expectations were higher than the experience, it leads to
disappointment. If the service is better than expected, it can lead to a very satisfied
customer. Affordability is another value that will be explored. The paper by Pau
et al. [30] examined to what extent mobile and media communications services are
still affordable for an average family, balancing the necessity of these services and the
financial risks. It emerged from this paper that affordability is mainly a balance issue.
Affordability is keeping the balance between the important mandatory expenses and
the costs for mobile services. The last value that will be examined in this paper is the
willingness to use. Hong et al.[14] has researched customer satisfaction and willingness
to use self-service kiosks in hotels. In this research, the value of willingness was de-
fined as follows: ”An individual’s openness to a new opportunity”. These values have
a direct relationship with society and the economy. Sarwar et al.[33] has investigated
the influence of wireless mobile services on society. This research also investigates how
this technology will structure the society of the future. This paper has outlined all
the pros and cons, however, this study did not compare the societal effects caused by
different providers of these services. This is a research gap that will be filled in this
The relevant values should be extracted from the data; this can be achieved using differ-
ent topic models. Negara et al.[26] analyzed the performance of the Latent Dirichlet
Allocation(LDA) method. In this research Indonesian tweets were clustered in four
topics; military, technology, economics and sports. These clusters were also visualized.
This research showed that LDA was an excellent topic model, the model was found to
have a 98 percent accuracy score for the 4 topics. However, the LDA model showed

some problems with non-English tweets. Merchant et al.[23] analyzed the performance
of the Latent Semantic Analysis(LSA) method. The aim of this study was to cluster
court data in various topics. The clustering of this data was realized with the help of
LSA. Clustering this data had major advantages for both lawyers and citizens. This
method enabled stakeholders to obtain useful information more quickly. This research
showed that this topic modeling method was eventually approved for use by profes-
sional lawyers. Hoffman et al.[13] have researched the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process
(HDP) method. Hoffmann researched clusters within recorded songs. The aim of his
research was to determine similarities between songs using the HDP model and to
divide these songs into categories. The result of this research was that the HDP model
was a fast and accurate method, which also outperformed the G1 algorithm. This
algorithm had a lot of trouble distinguishing the songs that were similar to the other
The already mentioned topic models have yielded good results according to the respec-
tive studies. However, one of these models will have to be chosen for this paper. As
a result, these models need to be evaluated. In the paper by Stevens et al.[37], vari-
ous models were compared with the help of an evaluation parameter. This evaluation
parameter is called topic coherence. Topic coherence is a measure for the semantic
similarity between words in topics. The coherence score varies between 0 and 1, but
generally the higher the coherence score, the better the topic model[12]. The average
value of this coherence score determines the quality of the relevant topic model. The
hyper parameters that ensure that a model functions optimally were also discussed in
this paper. The coherence score of a model depends on the number of chosen topics.
The optimum number of topics must be found to determine an accurate coherence
score. This research compared the LSA, LDA and NMF models. Stevens et al.[37]
concluded that each topic model had both advantages and disadvantages, however the
LDA model had the highest coherence score followed by the NMF model and then the
LSA model. The last step of the topic modeling process is to visualize the results.
Jelodar et al.[16] has researched research papers on topic modeling in the period 2003
to 2018, looking at developments and trends around topic modelling. The empha-
sis of this paper was on the problems that come with the visualization. This paper
has included research papers related to different sciences, aiming to cover a spectrum
as broad as possible. Jelodar et al.[16] concluded that topic modeling can provide a
good view of all terms together, but also the individual documents and their mutual
The end goal of this paper is to determine the sentiment per value. A sentiment
analysis is therefore the next step after the topic modeling. Kaur[17] has researched
the sentiment surrounding COVID-19, using a Naive Bayes classifier. Kaur et al.[17]
has mined the data from Twitter through the twitter API. This study showed that the
accuracy of the neutral sentiment was insufficient. The share of neutral sentiment in
the data was too high, thus indicating a malfunction of the Naive Bayes classifier. A
research gap in this paper was examining the sentiment over time, which could provide
a more insightful view of the sentiment. This research gap will also be filled in this
paper. Parmar et al.[29] has researched the sentiment regarding movie reviews. The
researchers performed this sentiment analysis using a Random Forest classifier. In this
research, a lot of attention was paid to the optimization of the Random Forest classifier
model. This optimization was performed using hyper parameter tuning. This paper
described that Random Forest has the following three hyper parameters; number of

features, number of trees and the depth of the tree. This paper also indicated that these
hyper parameters must be tuned manually, and described in detail how this process
works for each parameter. The following applies to the number of trees, the more trees
the better, the stopping point is the number of trees for which the accuracy of the model
no longer increases. When selecting the number of features, the selection of random
features must be taken into account. The following applies to the depth of trees, the
smaller the better, but under fitting must be taken into account. Parmar et al.[29]
concluded that Random Forest was an excellent sentiment classification model, the
model was found to have a 91 percent accuracy score. The already mentioned sentiment
models have yielded good results according to the respective studies. However, one
model will have to be chosen for this paper. As a result, these models need to be
evaluated. Hossin et al.[15] describes the various evaluation metrics; recall, precision,
accuracy and f1 score. These evaluation metrics will be discussed in chapter 5.2.

Chapter 3

Theoretical Background

This chapter describes the different models used for topic modeling and sentiment
analysis. The mathematical background behind these models will be presented in this
chapter. Topic modeling and sentiment will also be generally introduced.

3.1 Topic modelling

A topic model in machine learning and NLP is a statistical model that is able to dis-
tinguish the various topics that appear in the set of documents. This machine learning
technique is able to automatically analyze text data and assign this data to a cluster [3].
Topic modeling is therefore an unsupervised machine learning technique; it does not
require trained data that has already been classified in advance [3]. Topic modeling is
therefore a popular technique that is mainly used in natural language processing, this
method can reveal the hidden semantic meanings of the data. As mentioned before,
this technique will divide the data into clusters with the same words, these clusters
are called the topics [3]. Topic modeling can be performed using various techniques.
In this paper, the following three techniques will be applied: Latent Semantic Analy-
sis/Indexing(LSA/LSI), Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA) and Hierarchical Dirichlet
Process(HDP). These techniques will be discussed below.

3.1.1 Latent Semantic Analysis/Indexing(LSA/LSI)

Latent semantic analysis(LSA) is a statistical model that is able to determine the
semantic word similarity between text data. Latent semantic analysis is also called
latent semantic indexing, this is due to the purpose of the method, which is indexing
text. The aim of this method is to improve the effectiveness of the matching of the
semantic value of words [11] . This is achieved through query semantic matching
instead of direct word matching. This makes it possible to recognize synonyms and
thus assign them to the same semantic meaning. The idea behind this method is
that there is a latent structure in the pattern of words usage across documents. This
method also assumes that statistical techniques can be used to approximate this latent
structure. However, this takes a number of steps.

Before this technique is able to analyze the text, the LSA method creates a matrix
with the occurrences of each word in each document. The next step is that LSA uses
singular value decomposition (SVD). SVD splits the original matrix into three smaller
matrices, which after multiplication are equal to the original matrix. This is called the
decomposition step. After this step, the three matrices are again further reduced in
80 this is accomplished by6choosing a smaller
Semantic number of dimensions
Space Representation [5]. ThisAnalysis
and Latent Semantic process
is is shown in figure 3.2.

documents documents
Σk k VTk
terms Ak = terms Uk

Fig. 6.3 3.1:

Figure SVD process in
Singular LSA,decomposition
value based on Martinprocess
and Berry
in (2007)
latent semantic analysis Based on

In the isfigure,
used Ain issemantic space
the original modeling
matrix, also to create
called thesmaller approximations
term-document matrix, of large
U is the
document-term matrices. The truncated matrix created through SVD has four
left singular vector of words and V is the right singular vector of documents and Σ is
aimportant purposes: latent meaning, noise reduction, high-order co-occurrence, and
weight matrix. This gives the following formula:
sparsity reduction (Turney and Pantel 2010, pp. 159–160).
AT= U × Σ × V T . (3.1)
In SVD, we calculate A = UΣV , where A is the term-document matrix, U is the
left singular
The rank of thevector of words,
matrix Σ ismethod
is r; this a matrixwillwith weight values
approximate on the diagonal,
the original and
matrix during
V isdimension
the the rightreduction
singular (from
vectorr of documents.
to k) r is theofrank
[5]. An advantage this of the matrix
method is that A. If we
reduce r to is astill possible
smaller even for
number, documents
k, we create anwith no words in of
approximation common.
the original matrix.
r can then be reduced to k, where Ak is then a lower dimensional, rank k approxima-
tion of theLatent
matrix A. InAllocation
addition, the(LDA)
dimensions of the three component
Latent are adjusted
Dirichlet from r to k. isSVD
Allocation(LDA) can be applied
a probabilistic to any
mixture rectangular
model, which ismatrix
used to
find a larger
latent topics matrix
in text data. into
The the
Latent of three
in the smaller
name matrices.
LDA shows thatFigure  6.3
this model
tries the hidden
to find SVD oftopics
the Afrom
the documents. While the word Dirichlet indicates that
the topics in the documents and the words in the topics have a Dirichlet distribution.
Allocation refers to the distribution of topics in a document [8]. This model assumes
that each document contains a number of different topics and that the words in these
6.2.2 LSA
documents Exampleby these topics. Another assumption of this model is that
are generated
each document has a different topic distribution [35]. The idea behind this model is
that the words in the documents help determine the different topics that appear in
the performing
document. EachSVD,
inTDM is known isasassigned
the document the A matrix,
to its which
topic. isThis
the allocation
matrix of
is we want
determined to conditional
using create a three-component representation.
probability estimates. The isrank
This process of our
shown A
in the
figure r, is 10, which is the minimum of the number of rows and number of col-
After in our A matrix.per
probabilities More formally,
word rankthe
are known, is words must be assigned to the different
topics. This can be done in two different ways. The first way is to set a certain
r = min  ,
11  n

where m is the total number of terms and n is the total number of documents.
If the number of documents in the TDM is larger than the number of terms in our
TDM, the rank will be equal to the number of terms. On the other hand, if the num-
Figure 3.2: Topic probabilities for each word. [35]

probability threshold. As a result, only words with probability equal to or greater

than this threshold will be assigned to the corresponding topic. The other way is
to say the top x probabilities of words are assigned to the corresponding topic [35].
Determining how likely a document di is related to a topic tk is done using the following
p(tk /di ) = (nik + α)/(Ni − 1 + K × α), (3.2)
where nik is the total number of words in the i-th document that are related to the
k-th topic, K is the number of topics, Ni is the number of words in the i-th document,
and α is a hyperparameter.
Moreover, determining how likely a word wj is related to a topic tk is computed by
the following formula:

p(wj /tk ) = (mjk + β)/(σmjk + V β) (3.3)

where mjk is the assignment of the j-th word (Wj ) to the k-th topic, V is the Vocabulary
of the corpus, and β is a hyperparameter.

3.1.3 Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDP)

Hierarchical Dirichlet process(HDP) is the last topic model that has been applied.
HDP is a model that clusters grouped data using a Bayesian approach. Like LDA,
HDP uses a Dirichlet process for each group of data, meaning that the entire data
has the same distribution, which is the Dirichlet distribution. An advantage of this
method is the statistical strength that arises, because clusters contain data that belong
to several groups of data. HDP shows many similarities with the LDA method, HDP
is after all an extension of the LDA method. However, HDP has the great advantage
that the number of topics do not have to be clear in advance. The disadvantage of
this method is that it is difficult to apply, especially for projects where the number of
topics do not necessarily have to be unbounded [38].

3.1.4 Selection Criteria for Topic Models

The above topic models should be compared. However, the question is: how to evaluate
topic models? Topic models can be evaluated in three different ways.

Coherence scores Valuation
0.3 Bad
0.4 Mediocre
0.5 Sufficient
0.65 Great
> 0.65 Unrealistic

Table 3.1: Coherence scores

• The first way is using human judgement. This can be observation based, namely
by looking at the top N words in a topic. However, it can also be interpretation
based, namely by looking at the words that do not belong to a topic, this is also
called topic intrusion [12].
• The second way is using the following quantitative metrics: perplexity or coher-
ence calculations. Perplexity is a measure for comparing probabilistic models.
Perplexity is an indication of how well a probabilistic model is able to predict
a sample. Usually, the lower this perplexity value is (around 0) the better the
topic model functions. Coherence is a measure for the semantic similarity be-
tween words in topics. The coherence score varies between 0 and 1, but generally
the higher the coherence score, the better the topic model. The coherence scores
and the respective valuation are shown below [12].
These coherence scores are computed for a topic T using the following formula
2ΣSim(Wi , Wj )
Coherencesim(T ) = , (3.4)
where Sim(Wi , Wj ) is the Similarity between the i-th and the j-th words, and n
is the number of words in a topic.
• The 3rd way is the combination of human judgment and quantitative metrics.

3.2 Sentiment Analysis

A sentiment analysis is a process in which it is determined for textual data whether the
intent of the data is positive, negative or neutral. Sentiment analysis is a natural lan-
guage processing technique and is one of the most well-known text classification tools
[17]. Sentiment analysis is used on a regular basis in business, through this technique
companies can gauge customer opinions on various topics such as user satisfaction or
the affordability of a product. This is why sentiment analysis is also called opinion
mining [19]. This technique enables companies to provide a more appropriate service
to their customers. A sentiment analysis can be carried out by means of various classi-
fication methods. The classification methods used for this paper are described below,
namely Multinomial Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes(TextBlob), Decision Trees and
Random Forest.

3.2.1 Multinomial Logistic Regression Classifier
Multinomial Logistic Regression is an extension of the logistic regression method. Lo-
gistic regression was only able to classify data into two classes, for example positive
and negative or pass and fail. Multinomial logistic regression has the ability to classify
the data into multiple classes. This is a major advantage of this method over logistic
regression [6]. Multinomial Logistic Regression uses a set of predictor values to clas-
sify data into multiple classes. The model determines the probabilities for all possible
outcomes for a dependent variable, given that a set of independent variables is used
[6]. However, this method has an assumption that must be met before it can be used.
This assumption is as follows; the dependent variable must be an ordinal variable or
a nominal variable. A nominal variable is a variable that contains several classes and
where the order of these variables is not important. Ordinal variables, on the other
hand, also have multiple classes, but the ranking of these variables among themselves
is in this case very important [34]. Multinomial Logistic Regression is a method with
more advantages than just multiclass classification. This method provides good insight
into the mutual relationships of variables in a dataset. This method also has a smaller
standard error for the parameter estimates than the logistic regression method [34].

3.2.2 Naı̈ve Bayes Classifier

Naive Bayes classification is a supervised learning algorithm; this classification method
mainly classifies textual data into various classes. This classification method is known
as a fast, simple and accurate technique. The classification is done using the Bayes
theory, hence the 2nd term in the name is Bayes. Naive, on the other hand, stands
for the fact that this method assumes that the occurrence of a feature is completely
independent of another feature. So this is naive [32]. The Naive Bayes classifier is
a probabilistic classifier; this means that conditional probabilities determine which
object belongs to which class. A conditional probability is a probability determined
using prior knowledge. The formula on which this classifier is based is shown below
p(B/A) ∗ p(A)
p(A/B) = , (3.5)
where p(A/B) is the posterior probability, p(B/A) is the likelihood probability, p(A)
is the prior probability, and p(B) is the marginal probability.
In short, Naive Bayes classification has both advantages and disadvantages. Naive
Bayes is a fast and easy classification technique; it is also capable of performing multi
class classification in addition to binary classification. However, the major disadvan-
tage is that this method assumes that the features are completely independent of each
other, which is of course not the case in the real world.

3.2.3 Decision Trees Classifier

Decision Trees is a supervised machine learning technique, best known for being used
for classification. This classification method is an insightful method due to its tree
structure. In this tree, the internal nodes represent the features of the dataset while
the branches represent the decision rules. In addition, the leaf nodes represent the
results. Classifying data using decision trees involves a number of steps. The algorithm

starts at the root node, this root node will be compared by the algorithm with a record
attribute, after this the algorithm will determine which node will be the next one. In
this new node this process will be repeated, this process will be repeated a number of
times until the leaf node of the tree is reached. An advantage of this method is that
it is very clear and corresponds to how people actually classify things. As mentioned
before, a tree structure makes this classification technique more understandable [4].

3.2.4 Random Forest classifier

Random Forest is a supervised machine learning technique, best known for being
used for classification. This classifier is based on a concept called: ensemble learning.
Ensemble learning is the process of combining multiple classifiers with the aim of
solving a complex problem and increasing the final performance of the model. A
Random Forest model combines multiple decision trees where it ultimately takes the
average, with the aim of increasing the accuracy of the model. In general, the more
decision trees, the better the predictive accuracy of the model. There are not only
advantages to this classification method, there are also some assumptions that the
Random Forest model must meet. The correlation between the predicted values of
each tree must be very low. In addition, this model also assumes that the feature
variable in the dataset consists of actual values [4].

Chapter 4

System Architecture

The purpose of this paper is to determine the sentiment per value, but a number of
steps are required to achieve this result. This chapter describes the various different
research steps that have been carried out. These research steps are schematically
represented in an overall workflow. This can be seen in figure 4.1. The remainder of
data science flowchart
this chapter will focus on the specific techniques per research step.
wehel hadi | August 4, 2021




Figure 4.1: Overall workflow

4.1 Data extraction

The first step of the research was to obtain the data. In this study, data was mined for
two wireless mobile companies, namely Mint Mobile and Infinity Mobile. This data was
mined from Twitter using Twint. Twint is an advanced python tool and scrapes tweets
using keywords or hashtags. In this study, the tweets were mined using the keywords:
Mint Mobile and Infinity Mobile. Twint is a method that scrapes tweets without an
API. The advantage of this is that there is no longer a limit on the maximum number
of tweets that can be mined. This research step has thus resulted in two different
data sets, which contained 67k tweets in total. These tweets have been extracted for
the period 1 January 2019 to 1 June 2021, a period that coincides with the pandemic
but also includes a period before COVID-19. Due to the size of the data, the data
was mined in steps of three months, and the data was merged afterwards. The data

contains the following relevant variables; the userid (the unique code of the user), the
tweetid (the unique code of the tweet), the date (date of the tweet), the tweet, the
retweet (whether it is a retweet or not), the language (the language of the tweet),
nlikes (the number of likes of the tweet) and the hashtags (of the tweet). The tweets
have an average character length of 80. The distribution of the character lengths and
the word clouds of the data can be seen in Appendix A.

4.2 Data preparation

The first step of the data preparation is the data cleaning; the dataset must be cleaned
before a data analysis can be performed. The cleaning has been done in several steps.
For the research it was relevant to only use English tweets. The first data cleaning
step was therefore to remove all non-English tweets from the dataset. The 2nd step
was deleting the retweets. In the dataset, some tweets turned out to be retweeted very
often, which could lead to distorted results in the sentiment analysis. An added benefit
of deleting retweets is that the chance of bots also decreases, bots retweet more often
than real accounts. The 3rd step was a checkup step. In this step, the tweets were
checked for uniqueness based on the tweetid. This step shouldn’t shrink the dataset,
otherwise something would have gone wrong when deleting the retweets.
The data is now cleaned but the data must be fully prepared before it can be used for
topic modelling. After the cleaning there will be several steps to complete the data
preparation phase. The first step is to adjust the format of the tweets, so that the
result of the topic model will be better. The tweets will therefore be converted into a
BOW (bag of words) corpus. In this corpus, the tweets will be split into a list of words
containing each tweet. The order of the words in such a list is not important for a bag
of words corpus. The next step is essential for the format change described above to
be successful. In this step, hyperlinks, punctuations and numbers that appear in the
tweets will be removed. This results in a clean list of words per tweet. The next step
is to remove the stop words from this list. This step is very important as stop words
like “the”, “is” or “on” have no semantic meaning and are therefore not relevant for
both the topic model and the sentiment analysis. As a result, the quality of the topics
will be higher and we will not have topics with the same top words. Finally, the upper
case words must also be converted into lower case words.
The last step is to remove outliers, for example words that barely occur in the corpus
or always occur (stop words). Words that barely occur are, for example, names of
twitter users or specific language that is only known in the informal circle. Reducing
this noise is done with the help of two hyper parameters namely MINDF and MAXDF.
MINDF is a threshold value; the minimum number of times a word must appear in the
corpus in order to not be deleted. While MAXDF stands for the maximum number of
times a word may appear before it is removed from the corpus. Because the stop words
have already been removed from the corpus, the MAXDF is set to 1, which means that
a word is only removed if it occurs in all documents. The MINDF has been set to 20
after much experimentation. Experimentation has led to an optimal threshold. The
entire data preparation process is summarized in figure 4.2.

Raw text Remove Remove Remove
of Cleaned
punctuations Tokenization stop Lemmatization words <
tweet Tweet
and symbols words 20 char

Figure 4.2: Data preparation process [1].

Figure 4.3: Topic modelling visualization user satisfaction for Mint Mobile

4.3 Topic Modelling

After the data extraction and preparation, the data is ready for the topic modeling
step. In this step three different topic models were built namely Latent Semantic Anal-
ysis(LSA), Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA) and Hierarchical Dirichlet Process(HDP).
The operationalization of these models were already discussed in the subchapters 2.1.1,
2.1.2 and 2.1.3, however the topic modeling process will be described in this step. This
process is the same for all topic models and is realized using the python library pyL-
DAvis. Using this library is the first step in the topic modeling process. This library
visualizes the different topics in a figure, which consists of several circles. Where each
circle must represent a topic, the further the circles are from each other, the more
different these topics are. The size of these circles gives an indication of the amount of
data that belongs to this topic. PyLDAvis also visualizes the 30 most relevant terms
for each topic, whereby for each term the estimated term frequency within the topic is
displayed in relation to the overall term frequency. PyLDAvis visualizes this by means
of a histogram on the right side of the figure. This makes it possible to read per topic
which words specifically belong to the relevant topic. This makes it possible to see per
topic what is being discussed and to assign this topic to a category. The next step is
to perform this process for the values user satisfaction, affordability and willingness

for each company separately. Figure 4.3 shows the visualization for the Mint Mobile
dataset for the value user satisfaction. The visualizations for the values affordability
and willingness are shown in Appendix B. The last step in the topic modeling process
is to assign the corresponding topic to each tweet in the dataset. This gives you 3
different datasets for each company dataset. Examples of tweets associated with user
satisfaction, affordability or willingness are shown in Appendix C.

c 0.53 c
0.52 0.51
Coherence score

Coherence score
0.50 0.50
0.46 0.47
0.44 0.46
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Number of Topics Number of Topics

(a) (b)

Figure 4.4: Optimal number of topics estimated using (a) LDA (b) LSI. In the figure
legend, c refers to the cohernece score.

4.3.1 Selection topic models

In this step, the three topic models will be evaluated. This step will consist of two
sub steps. The first sub step will be the optimization of each topic model using hyper
parameter tuning. There are two hyper parameters that directly influence a topic
model, namely the number of topics and the number of iterations. However, the HDP
model automatically extracts the number of topics from the data, so the number of
topics is not tuned for this model. The number of topics are very essential, as too
few topics will result in existing topics being ignored/hidden. Too many topics can
lead to wasted topics, topics that belong together will be separated. In this research
two ways were used to analyze the number of topics; manually and quantitatively by
means of coherence scores. In the first method, the results of the topic models for
the range of 5 to 15 topics were manually examined. The result was assessed on the
meaning of the words in each topic and the weight of the words. This analysis had
shown that 8 to 9 topics gave the best results. The next step was the quantitative
analysis in which the coherence score was determined for each number of topics. The
cut-off point (elbow method) for the coherence score turned out to be at 8 topics. The
corresponding graphs can be seen in the figures below. This study therefore showed
that the best results were obtained for 8 topics.
The number of iterations was determined by means of manual experiments in which
a number of iterations were chosen within the range of 50 to 1000. This experiment
showed that there was hardly any difference in the result if the number of iterations
were between 100 and 200. As a result, 150 iterations were chosen for this study. The
last sub step was comparing the models with each other, based on the coherence scores.
The model with the highest coherence score has the highest semantic similarity within
the topics. This model will be selected as the final topic model. The evaluation showed

that the LDA model with a coherence score of 0.55 gave the best result, followed by
the LSA model with a score of 0.52 and finally the HDP model with a score of 0.19. As
a result, the LDA model was chosen as the topic model in this study. The coherence
scores for each model are summarized in a plot in Appendix A.

4.4 Sentiment Analysis

In this step the different sentiment models will be trained. In this research, the follow-
ing sentiment models will be discussed: Multinomial Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes,
Decision Trees and Random Forest. Multinomial Logistic Regression, Decision Trees
and Random Forest are models built in the same way. For these models, a dataset
was used with tweets of which it is already known in advance whether these tweets
were positive, neutral or negative. This dataset was used to train the models. This
dataset was split into a training dataset and a test dataset, with a ratio of 4:1. The test
dataset was used to map the performance. The next step was vectorising the dataset
with a BOW (bag of words) model. The first step to achieve this was to create a
dictionary, which is a list of unique words. After that, it was possible to describe each
document as a vector with words in the dictionary. The next step was to determine
the frequency of each word in a document, which was accomplished using the TF-IDF
step (term frequency, inverse document frequency). This also determines how distinct
a word is compared to other documents. After this, the appropriate classifier classified
the test data tweets. Now that the relevant classifier was trained, it was possible to
start with the last step. The last step was to classify the tweets of the research dataset.
The Naive Bayes model deviates from this step-by-step plan because Text blob is an
unsupervised learning method. Text blob is able to calculate a polarity score for each
tweet in the dataset. The polarity scores range from -1 to 1, with anything below
zero being classified as negative and anything above 0 as positive. If the polarity is
exactly 0 then the tweet is neutral. An advantage of this classifier is that it works with
polarities, which gives some insight into the extent a tweet positive or negative is.

4.4.1 Selection sentiment model

Prior to this step, the different sentiment models were built. In this step, the sentiment
models will be evaluated on the basis of a number of parameters. These parameters are:
accuracy, recall, precision and f1 score. However, a sub step is required to achieve this
result. In this sub step, the various sentiment models will first have to be optimized,
using hyper parameter tuning. For the Multinomial Logistic Regression model the
solver hyper parameter is set to ’sag’ while for logistic regression the default solver
is ’lbfgs’. The reasoning behind this is that with multi classification, ‘lbfgs’ leads to
multinomial losses and therefore a less accurate model. The penalty parameter for a
Multinomial Logistic Regression model is set to ’L2’, this parameter prevents under
fitting. For a Random Forest and Decision Tree model, the complexity of the model
plays a very important role. The hyper parameters that needed to be tuned directly
depended on it. Hyper parameters such as the depth of the trees, the maximum
amount of trees and the number of features. The maximum number of trees has
been determined manually by testing a range from 50 to 400 trees and looking at the
accuracy of the model. This experiment showed that after 100 trees the accuracy no
longer changes. This is also known as the stop criterion. The maximum depth and

number of features were tested using exactly the same method, but the default values
showed the best results. For the Naive Bayes classifier (Text blob) no hyper parameter
tuning was applied as this model was totally unsupervised. In the last sub step, a
classification report was drawn up for each model, in which the parameter values
were shown for each sentiment. The closer the parameter values are to 1, the better
the score. In addition, a confusion matrix was also drawn up for each model. This
matrix showed how many tweets from the test data set have been classified correctly
and how many tweets have been classified incorrectly. The confusion matrices and
the original classification reports are shown in the code. Finally, on the basis of the
average accuracy, the final value judgment was given. The results of the evaluation
and the evaluation steps in detail will be discussed in the next chapter.

4.5 Data Visualization

The previous steps made it clear which sentiment model and topic model perform best.
The next step in the system is therefore the visualization of the results. However, this
again takes place in several steps. The first step is to visualize the sentiments per
company, so that these companies can be compared with each other. The second step
is to visualize the sentiments for each of the values. The entire dataset will be used for
this step. This step will provide insight into the extent to which there are differences in
sentiment between the values; user satisfaction, affordability and willingness. The last
step is to provide insight into the sentiments over time using a time analysis. This step
will consist of two sub steps. The first sub step is the weekly mean sentiment values
over time, this analysis aims to determine the trend. It can also be concluded from
this analysis whether COVID-19 played a role. The 2nd sub step is the monthly mean
sentiment values over time, this analysis aims to get a better view of the months that
deviate from the average sentiment values. This analysis will also map the transition
between pre-COVID and COVID better.

Chapter 5


This chapter will describe the two data sets used to evaluate the system, the evaluation
metrics used to gauge the performance of the system will also be discussed. The applied
baseline methods will also be explained in this chapter. In addition, the models will
be compared and a comparison will be made with the literature. Finally, the results
of the analysis will be presented.

5.1 Datasets
To determine and evaluate the prediction accuracy of the different models, two different
datasets were used. These are datasets that are regularly used for research papers on
sentiment analysis. The two datasets are; the Twitter US Airline dataset and the
tweet sentiment extraction dataset. The choice for these datasets is based on both the
domains and the size of the datasets. The Twitter US Airline is a dataset ideal for
gauging sentiment around a service or product, while the tweet sentiment extraction
dataset is a COVID-19 related dataset. These domains both fall within my research;
despite they differ from each other. There is also a size difference between the datasets,
the US Airline dataset is the smaller dataset while the COVID-19 dataset is the larger
dataset. The contrasts between this dataset will deepen the evaluation of the different
The Twitter US Airline dataset is a dataset released by CrowdFlower. It is a dataset
containing 14640 tweets for 5 major US airlines; Delta, Virgin America, Southwest,
United and US airways. These tweets are pre-labeled negative, neutral and positive.
The dataset was scraped in February 2015 from Twitter, since then, this dataset has
become one of the most well-known sentiment datasets. The tweet sentiment extrac-
tion dataset is a dataset released by Kaggle for a Kaggle competition. It is a dataset
containing 27481 COVID- related tweets. These tweets are pre-labeled negative, neu-
tral and positive. The dataset was scraped in 2020 from Twitter, since then, this
dataset has been used frequently by competitors aiming to win the 15,000 dollar prize
Before the datasets were ready for use, there were a number of data preprocessing
steps. The first step was to remove the columns without data for the purpose of

Datasets Twitter US airline senti- Tweet sentiment extrac-
ment tion
Domain US airlines COVID-19
# of attributes 8 5
# of instances 14640 27481
# of sensitive attributes 1 1
Name of the sensitive attribute tweet tweet
Variables Tweetid, sentiment, Tweetid, tweet, selected
label, negativereason, text, sentiment, label
negativereason c, airline,
name, retweet count
Decision labels Negative (=0), Neu- Negative (<0), Neu-
tral(=2) and Positive(=4) tral(=0) and Positive(>0)
Binary labels No No

Table 5.1: Dataset details

dimensionality reduction. The next step was to delete the rows with missing data.
The last step was to homogenize the decision labels. The Twitter US Airline dataset
linked different values to the different sentiments than the tweet sentiment extraction
dataset. Ultimately, the values of the tweet sentiment extraction dataset were taken as
the yardstick, i.e. negative (between -2 and 0), negative (=0) and positive (between 0
and 2). Lastly, both datasets have one sensitive attribute and have multiclass decision
labels. The details for each dataset are described in Table 5.1. The variables mentioned
in the table are the variables that contain data. The completely empty columns are
therefore not listed in this table. The values listed in the rest of the table are the
values associated with the data before preprocessing started.

5.2 Evaluation metrics

Several classifiers have been applied on the datasets, these classifiers should be as-
sessed on their functioning. How these models are evaluated will be discussed in this
subchapter. There are several metrics that determine how good the predictions are
of your sentiment classifier model. These metrics are the accuracy, precision, recall
and F1 score. However, before these metrics can be determined, the terms True Pos-
itive(TP), True Negative(TN), False Positive (FP) and False Negative (FN) must be
defined. True Positive(TP) stands for the positive values that have been correctly
predicted. This means that a tweet that is positive has actually been recognized as
positive by the model. True Negative(TN) stands for the negative values that have
been correctly predicted. This means that a tweet that is negative has actually been
recognized as negative by the model. False Positive(FP), on the other hand, represents
a positive prediction while the actual class is negative. This means that a tweet that is
negative has been recognized as positive by the model. Hence the term false positive.
False Negatives (FN) is the exact opposite, so a tweet that is positive is recognized as
negative by the model [28]. The confusion matrix is a matrix that can map the TP,
TN, FP and FN well. This matrix will give you a better understanding of what these
terms mean. Table 5.2 shows this confusion matrix.
The accuracy is one of the most well-known evaluation metrics. This metric measures

Actually Positive(1) Actually Negative(0)
Predicted Positive(1) True Positives(TPs) False Positives(FPs)
Predicted Negative(0) False Negatives(FNs) True Negatives(TNs)

Table 5.2: This table shows the confusion matrix. This matrix shows the performance
of a classifier on test data for which the actual values are already known. [15]

the ratio between the correctly classified observations, so the True Positives and True
Negatives and all classified observations. Generally, the higher this accuracy, the
better the model. However, there is a caveat to this metric, this metric works best
with symmetrically distributed datasets. This means that the ratio of False Positives
and False Negatives must be around 1. This means that other metrics should also be
considered in combination with the accuracy metric for a better insight into how a
model works [15]. The formula for computing the accuracy is:
Accuracy = . (5.1)
TP + FP + FN + TN

The precision, on the other hand, is a measure of the amount of correctly classified
positive observations relative to all positive predictions. This metric says something
about how well positive tweets are recognized by the classification model [15]. The
higher the value of this metric, the better the model is. The formula for precision is
shown below.
P recision(P ) = . (5.2)
The recall or sensitivity is yet another evaluation metric. This metric is a measure
of the amount of correctly classified positive observations relative to all positive ob-
servations. This metric therefore determines the ratio between the positively labeled
observations and the number of actual positive observations. If this metric value is
higher than 0.5, it is a good score [15]. The formula for the recall is shown below.
Recall(R) = . (5.3)

The F1-score is an evaluation metric that takes the average of the recall and the
precision. As a result, this metric will include the False Negatives and False Positives
in the evaluation. It also has the great advantage that the dataset does not have to
have an even class distribution as with the accuracy. This makes the F1-score one of
the most important evaluation metrics [15]. The formula for the F1 score is shown
F1-score = . (5.4)

5.3 Baseline methods

Before the different models can be evaluated, a baseline model must be built. This
is a simple model that aims to make the classification process more transparent. For
example, a baseline provides insight into the classes that are more difficult to distin-
guish or certain aspects of the data that are missing from the model[18]. In this study,

a baseline model was built for each dataset using the dummy classifier. The dummy
classifier classifies data using a few simple rules, resulting in a baseline performance.
The baseline performance is the prediction accuracy that is achieved by betting the
correct classes. The intention of a baseline performance is that the other classifiers
should deliver a better performance on the same dataset. So it serves as a lower bound.
These baseline methods have a very good effect on unbalanced datasets, which shows
the benefit of using a baseline. As indicated earlier, the baseline depends on simple
rules that are also called strategies. The operation of the classifier is therefore inde-
pendent of the training data[18]. The dummy classifier has a number of strategies, in
this research the following two will be explored; stratified and uniform.
• Stratified is a method where the predictions follow the classes distribution in the
training data.
• Uniform is a method in which the predictions of the classes are totally uniformly
These baseline performances will be compared in chapter 5.5.

5.4 Experimental setup

The experimental setup of the model evaluation will consist of several steps. These
steps are listed below.
• The first step is to compare the baseline results. This comparison will be between
the two different strategies but also between the different datasets. The highest
performance of the baseline model will be the lower limit when comparing the
more complex models.
• In this second step, the performances of the classifiers; Multinomial Logistic
Regression, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees and Random Forest; are compared using
the previously mentioned evaluation metrics.
• In the last step the performances of the classifiers; Multinomial Logistic Re-
gression, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees and Random Forest; are compared with
the performances of the same classifiers in an already existing research paper.A
research paper that has built a similar system.
These steps will result in a final model that will be used for the analysis.

5.5 Comparison of the models

Table 5.3 shows the baseline results for each strategy and for each dataset. The values
in this table are the weighted averages for the precision, recall, F1-score and accuracy.
This table shows that the stratified strategy yields a higher accuracy for both datasets
than the uniform strategy. This is in line with the theory since the uniform strategy
assumes that the predictions of the classes are totally uniformly random, while with
the stratified strategy the predictions follow the classes distribution in the training
data. However, the difference in the accuracy between the strategies for the tweet
sentiment extraction dataset is small. The maximum accuracy for the baseline models
are 0.47 and 0.35, these values are an evaluation benchmark for the more complex

Dataset Splitting Precision Recall F1-score Accuracy
US airline dataset Stratified 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47
Uniform 0.47 0.32 0.36 0.32
Tweet sentiment extrac- Stratified 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
tion dataset
Uniform 0.34 0.33 0.34 0.33

Table 5.3: Classification performance for the dummy classifier.

Classifier Sentiment Precision Recall F1-score

Negative 0.86 0.90 0.88
Multinomial Logistic Regression Neutral 0.64 0.61 0.62
Positive 0.76 0.69 0.73
Negative 0.88 0.35 0.50
Naive Bayes Neutral 0.32 0.57 0.41
Positive 0.33 0.76 0.46
Negative 0.78 0.81 0.79
Decision Trees Neutral 0.45 0.45 0.45
Positive 0.60 0.53 0.56
Negative 0.75 0.96 0.84
Random Forest Neutral 0.67 0.37 0.47
Positive 0.82 0.46 0.59

Table 5.4: Classification performance of the framework with different classifiers on US

Airline dataset.

models. The more complex ones should have a higher accuracy than 0.47/0.35. It can
also be observed that the values for the different evaluation metrics are close to each
other. The variance in the baseline values is therefore small.
Table 5.4 shows precision, recall and F1-score for each model. These evaluation val-
ues are the result of the classification on the US Airline dataset. From the table, it
can be seen that all models have a lower evaluation metric score for a neutral sen-
timent. Correctly recognizing neutral tweets therefore seems to be a weakness of all
models. However, the Random Forest model with a score of 0.37 is the model that
has the most difficulty in correctly classifying neutral tweets. In contrast, the evalu-
ation metric scores for a negative sentiment are excellent. In addition, it is striking
that the baseline accuracy benchmark is significantly improved by Multinomial Lo-
gistic Regression, Decision Trees and Random Forest models, while the Naive Bayes
classifier is even slightly below this benchmark. The Naive Bayes classifier is the only
unsupervised classifier and shows a worse performance than the supervised classifiers.
The values in the table can be summarized by the model accuracy.The Multinomial
Logistic Regression model gives the best result with an accuracy of 0.80, followed by
the Random Forest with an accuracy of 0.75 and the Decision Tree model with an
accuracy of 0.69. Finally, Naı̈ve Bayes is the worst model with an accuracy of 0.46
(below the baseline benchmark). For this dataset, the Multinomial Logistic Regression
model performed the best, for the tweet sentiment extraction dataset, the same models
will again be evaluated.

Classifier Sentiment Precision Recall F1-score
Negative 0.69 0.62 0.66
Multinomial Logistic Regression Neutral 0.65 0.73 0.69
Positive 0.78 0.72 0.75
Negative 0.66 0.46 0.54
Naive Bayes Neutral 0.60 0.51 0.55
Positive 0.54 0.80 0.65
Negative 0.58 0.58 0.58
Decision Trees Neutral 0.61 0.63 0.62
Positive 0.70 0.67 0.69
Negative 0.73 0.54 0.62
Random Forest Neutral 0.62 0.79 0.69
Positive 0.79 0.68 0.73

Table 5.5: Classification performance of the framework with different classifiers on

Tweet sentiment extraction dataset.

Table 5.5 shows precision, recall and F1-score for each model. These evaluation values
are the result of the classification on the tweet sentiment extraction dataset. From
this table it can be seen that the differences in the evaluation metric scores between
the models are much smaller than with the US Airline dataset. It can also be seen
that the models don’t have a very bad evaluation metric score for a specific sentiment.
For the US airline dataset, this was the case for the neutral sentiment. In this case,
the evaluation metric scores of the various sentiments are closer to each other. The
variance in the evaluation metric scores is therefore lower, but it is also striking that
the average evaluation scores are lower than with the US airline dataset. In addition,
it is also striking that for this dataset the positive sentiment has a higher evaluation
metric score than the negative sentiment. In the US Airline dataset, this was the other
way around.
The values in the table can be summarized by the model accuracy. The Multinomial
Logistic Regression model gives the best result with an accuracy of 0.70, followed by
the Random Forest with an accuracy of 0.69 ,the Decision Tree model with an accuracy
of 0.63 and then the Naı̈ve Bayes model with an accuracy of 0.59.Another important
point is that the baseline accuracy benchmark is significantly improved by all models.
So the Naı̈ve Bayes classifier has a much better performance for this dataset than
for the US Airline dataset. However, it still remains the worst-functioning sentiment
model. Lastly, the difference in accuracy between Random Forest and Multinomial
Logistic Regression has become smaller for this dataset, but the Multinomial Logistic
Regression model again has the best performance.
The final step of the evaluation is to compare the results of the system for this study
with similar systems mentioned in research papers. Table 5.6 contains the evaluation
metric scores for each dataset. Rane and Kumar[31] investigated the performance of
multiple multiclass classifiers using the US Airline dataset. Liu et al. [21] investigated
the performance of multiple multiclass classifiers, but then using the tweet sentiment
extraction dataset. Table 5.6 shows that for the US Airline dataset the Random For-
est model gives the best result with an accuracy of 0.84, followed by the Multinomial
Logistic Regression with an accuracy of 0.81 and the Decision Tree and Naı̈ve Bayes

Dataset Classifier Precision Recall F1 score Accuracy
Multinomial Lo- 0.81 0.82 0.82 0.81
gistic Regression
US Airline Naı̈ve Bayes 0.64 0.65 0.64 0.64
Decision Trees 0.63 0.64 0.65 0.64
Random Forest 0.85 0.86 0.86 0.84
Multinomial Lo- - - - 0.68
gistic Regression
Tweet senti- Naı̈ve Bayes - - - 0.55
ment extraction
Decision Trees - - - 0.60
Random Forest - - - 0.63

Table 5.6: Classification performance from [31] for US Airline dataset and from [21]
for Tweet sentiment extraction dataset.

models with both an accuracy of 0.64. The Random Forest model has the highest
accuracy while for our system Multinomial Logistic Regression had the highest accu-
racy. The reason for this is that the system described in the paper by Rane[31] does
not use topic modeling before the sentiment classification step. This results in the
fact that the complete dataset is used for the sentiment classification, and Random
Forest models are known for their good performance with larger datasets. It can also
be seen that for the tweet sentiment extraction dataset, the Multinomial Logistic Re-
gression model has the highest accuracy, which corresponds to the result obtained for
our system. From this three-step evaluation it can be concluded that the Multinomial
Logistic Regression model is the best working model for the system. As a result, this
model was chosen as the final model with which the analysis was performed.

5.6 Results
In the previous subchapters, the various models were evaluated and the model with
the best performance was chosen. This subchapter will display the analysis results
achieved using the chosen model. Chapter 5.6.1 will present the average sentiment
analysis results for the companies Infinity Mobile and Mint Mobile. Chapter 5.6.2 will
display the complete sentiment analysis results for each value. Chapter 5.6.3 contains
the time analysis.

5.6.1 Sentiment companies

Figure 5.1 shows the average sentiment scores per company for each value. The senti-
ment scores range from -2 to 2 with between -2 and 0 being negative, between 0 and 2
being positive and 0 being neutral. Figure 5.1 shows that for user satisfaction, Xfinity
mobile has a sentiment score of -1.3 which is a very negative sentiment while Mint
Mobile has a sentiment score of -0.6 which is an average negative sentiment. From
this plot it can be seen that for affordability, Xfinity mobile has a sentiment score of
-1.0, which is a negative sentiment while Mint Mobile has a sentiment score of -0.3

Average sentiment score

1.2 Mint Mobile
User satisfaction Affordability Willingness

Figure 5.1: Sentiment bar plot companies.

which is a slightly negative sentiment. For the value willingness, Xfinity mobile has a
sentiment score of -0.4, which is a slightly negative sentiment while Mint Mobile has
a sentiment score of -0.05, which is very close to 0 and can therefore be classified as
neutral sentiment. These sentiment plots show that Xfinity mobile has lower sentiment
scores than Mint Mobile and therefore a more negative sentiment. This applies to all
the different values.

5.6.2 Overall Sentiment Distribution

Figures 5.2 and 5.3 show the overall sentiment distribution for each value. In this
analysis, no distinction has been made between the two different companies. The
figure shows for each value, how many tweets are classified as negative, neutral or
positive. For user satisfaction, by far the most tweets were classified as negative,
about 2100 tweets, neutral about 1100 tweets and positive about 250. The negative
sentiment is twice as much as the neutral sentiment, while the positive sentiment is
negligibly small.
For affordability, the differences between the negative and neutral sentiment are closer.
Most tweets for this value are classified as neutral with about 3750 tweets, the negative
sentiment has about 3200 tweets and positive 750 tweets. Positive tweets again occur
considerably less often than the neutral and negative tweets.
For the willingness, the positive sentiment is quite significant which makes the differ-
ences between the sentiments narrower. Most tweets for this value are classified as
neutral with about 2500 tweets, the negative sentiment has about 1900 tweets and

3500 Positive



Amount of tweets 2000




User satisfaction Affordability Willingness

Figure 5.2: Overall sentiment distribution (count).

positive has 1600 tweets. This resulted in the sentiment ratios that can be seen in
Figure 5.3.

5.6.3 Time analysis

In the time analysis, the sentiment changes over time were examined separately for
each value. The time period for which this was studied was from 01-01-2019 to 01-
06-2021, with the aim of determining sentiment and mapping out the possible effects
of the pandemic. The analysis was performed by creating a scatter plot with the
weekly average values. In this analysis, a second degree polynomial has also been
fitted through the data points, making the trend more visible. The starting point of
the COVID pandemic has been set at 01-03-2020, this represents the vertical line in the
plots. The horizontal line represents the transition line between positive and negative.
As mentioned before, the sentiment scores range from -2 to 2 with between -2 and 0
being negative, between 0 and 2 being positive and 0 being neutral.
Figure 5.4 shows the time analysis plot for the value: user satisfaction. The figure
shows that the sentiment for user satisfaction is around -1, which is clearly a negative
sentiment. It can also be seen that the variance in sentiment over time is very small.
The data points are all in the negative sentiment range. This results in an almost
horizontal trend line.
Figure 5.5 shows the time analysis plot for the value: affordability. The figure shows
that the sentiment for affordability is slightly negative. However, it is clear that sen-
timent before the pandemic has been trending upwards towards neutral sentiment.
Around the start of the COVID pandemic, a clear trend break can be observed. Dur-
ing the pandemic, we see a downward trend towards a sentiment value of -1. The

60 Negative
50 Positive





User satisfaction Affordability Willingness

Figure 5.3: Overall sentiment distribution (ratio).

variance of the data points over time for affordability is therefore greater than for user
Figure 5.6 shows the time analysis plot for the value: willingness. The figure shows that
the sentiment for willingness was positive before the pandemic and negative after the
start of the pandemic. However, it can be clearly seen that pre-pandemic sentiment was
already trending downward towards neutral sentiment. Around the start of the COVID
pandemic, a clear trend break can be observed. The downward trend just before the
pandemic initially appeared to be decreasing, but at the start of the pandemic, a
downward trend is set again towards a sentiment value of -1. The variance of the data
points over time for willingness is therefore very large, the sentiment ranges from 1.25
(very positive) to -1.25 (very negative).
In Appendix C, the corresponding monthly time analysis figure is shown for each value.
The monthly time analysis aims to map out the outliers. For user satisfaction, as with
the weekly figure, it can be seen that there is a negative sentiment with very small
variance. However, there is one month that can be seen as an outlier, namely March
2019. This month has a sentiment score of -1.6 while the average sentiment score
is -1. In addition, it can also be seen that for user satisfaction, the transition from
pre-COVID to COVID has no influence on the sentiment score.
As with the weekly figure, the value affordability shows a negative sentiment. A few
months stand out from this figure, these months can be labeled as an outlier. March
2019 and January 2021 stand out because they have a very negative sentiment score.
These months have a sentiment score of -1.0 while the average sentiment score is -0.6.
Another month that stands out is December 2019, this month stands out because of its
less negative sentiment. This month has a sentiment of -0.3 while the average is -0.6.
In addition, it can also be seen that for affordability, the transition from pre-COVID
to COVID does indeed influence the sentiment score. The months surrounding the
transition have a less negative sentiment score as both the months before and after the
transition months.

As with the weekly figure, the value willingness also shows both negative and positive
sentiment. A number of months stand out from this figure, which can be labeled as
an outlier. April 2021 is notable for a very negative sentiment. This month has a
sentiment score of around –0.8 while the average is 0.0. Another month that stands
out is January 2019, this month stands out because of its positive sentiment. This
month has a sentiment of 0.8 while the average is 0.0. In addition, it can also be seen
that for willingness, the transition from pre-COVID to COVID does indeed influence
the sentiment score. The months surrounding the transition have exactly a sentiment
of 0.0 and are exactly the months in which the sentiment changes from positive to

Pre-Covid Covid

Sentiment Score


Date user satisfaction

Figure 5.4: Time analysis 2021-07

Pre-Covid Covid

Sentiment score


Figure 5.5: Time analysis affordability

Sentiment score




Figure 5.6: Time Date


analysis willingness

Chapter 6


In this chapter, the summary, answers to the research questions, the limitations of the
research, ethical considerations and further work will be discussed.

6.1 Summary
Wireless mobile services have become the fastest growing part of the telecommunica-
tions sector. The use of a mobile phone has become an essential part of today’s society.
Today, 90 percent of the world’s population over the age of six has access to a mobile
phone, i.e. billions of people. This makes wireless mobile communication a worldwide
phenomenon, for developed countries as undeveloped countries. The rise of mobile
technology therefore has a direct social-economic impact. Therefore, this paper exam-
ines the social-economic impact of wireless mobile services for the companies Infinity
Mobile and Mint Mobile. These two companies contradict each other in their way
of delivering services. This makes it interesting to investigate whether a company’s
policy influences the sentiment of core values such as user satisfaction (social effect),
affordability (economic effect) and willingness (social effect). The research question
for this paper is therefore: ”How does wireless mobile services impact values as user
satisfaction, affordability and willingness?”
The analysis for this research is performed by a created system that consists of several
components. Components such as data extraction, data cleaning, data preparation,
topic modeling and sentiment analysis. In the data preparation phase, the data is
converted into an appropriate format called the BOW (bag of words) corpus. In
addition, the hyperlinks, punctuations and numbers that appear in the tweets are
removed. Also, the upper case words are converted into lower case words. Outliers
are also removed; these outliers are words that barely occur in the corpus or always
occur (stop words). Words that barely occur are, for example, names of twitter users
or specific language that is only known in the informal circle. Reducing this noise is
done with the help of two hyper parameters namely MINDF and MAXDF. MINDF is
a threshold value; the minimum number of times a word must appear in the corpus in
order to not be deleted. While MAXDF stands for the maximum number of times a
word may appear before it is removed from the corpus.

In the topic modeling phase, three different topic models are built namely Latent
Semantic Analysis(LSA), Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA) and Hierarchical Dirichlet
Process(HDP). These models are optimized using hyper parameter tuning. The two
hyper parameters that directly influence a topic model are the number of topics and
the number of iterations. Finally, the best working topic model is selected on the basis
of the coherence score. In the sentiment analysis, four different models are built, which
their performance is assessed on in the evaluation.
The proposed system is evaluated based on the performance of the models. This eval-
uation is carried out through a number of experiments. In the first experiment, a
baseline is determined for each classifier using two different baseline methods. These
baseline results are compared with each other. This comparison is between the two
different strategies but also between the different datasets. The highest performance of
the baseline model is the lower limit when comparing the more complex models. In the
2nd experiment, the performances of the classifiers; Multinomial Logistic Regression,
Naive Bayes, Decision Trees and Random Forest; are compared using the evaluation
metrics. This experiment is performed for two different datasets, which are datasets
that have also been used for research papers. In the last step the performances of the
classifiers; Multinomial Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees and Random
Forest; are compared with the performances of the same classifiers in an already exist-
ing research paper. A research paper that has built a similar system. The final model
is chosen based on the results of these experiments. All these experiments point to
the fact that this system strives to obtain the best performance. A performance that
is competitive with system performances from the literature.

6.2 Answers found for the research questions

The answers to the research questions and sub questions can be found in the results
which are given in Chapter 5. The first experiment result answers the second sub
question: “To what extent do company policies influence the values as user satisfaction,
affordability and willingness for wireless mobile services? “. Figure 8 shows that
Infinity Mobile has a much more negative sentiment for all values than Mint Mobile.
For the value willingness, Mint Mobile even has a neutral sentiment, while Infinity
Mobile has a negative sentiment. The difference in policies between the companies is
because Infinity mobile opts for the traditional fixed plan approach[25], while Mint
Mobile opts for more flexible plans for their customers[24].
So, consumers seem to have less negative sentiment for Mint Mobile’s more flexible
approach to providing services. This leads to a less negative sentiment for user sat-
isfaction, affordability and willingness. It is clear from this that a business strategy
does influence values such as user satisfaction, affordability and willingness. However,
the average values remain negative or just about neutral, how much does this have
to do with the current pandemic? This is the second sub question investigated. The
time analysis also called the third experiment result provides an answer to this ques-
tion. This analysis has shown that the sentiment for the value user satisfaction has
hardly changed as a result of the pandemic. The variance in the sentiment values is
small and therefore remains negative. With regard to affordability, there is clearly a
trend break at the start of the pandemic. Before the pandemic, negative sentiment
appeared to be moving towards neutral, however, the pandemic has turned this trend

into a downtrend. The sentiment for willingness was positive before the pandemic
and negative after the start of the pandemic. However, it can be clearly seen that
pre-pandemic sentiment was already trending downward towards neutral sentiment.
Around the start of the COVID pandemic, a clear trend break can be observed. The
downward trend just before the pandemic initially appeared to be decreasing, but at
the start of the pandemic, a downward trend is set again towards a sentiment value of
-1. Finally, the main research question was answered by the second experiment result
of the evaluation. Figure 10 shows the ratio of negative, neutral and positive sentiment
for each value. By looking at the tweets of the months with exceptionally high or low
sentiment scores per value, the following things have been observed. As can be seen
from figure 10 the sentiment for user satisfaction is mainly negative. Despite the fact
that there are enough positive statements from consumers about the positive influ-
ence of wireless mobile services on telephone accessibility and therefore safety, there
are many negative statements. These statements are mainly in the service domain,
consumers criticize the poor customer service, the poor internet quality but also the
lack of flexibility of the services.
For affordability, consumers are positive about the flexibility of the services, i.e. being
able to choose which service you need. This can lead to a cost reduction. However,
the pandemic still plays an important role for this value, from the statements it can
be seen that people complain about the price because their own financial situation has
deteriorated. Consumers also complain about the fact that wireless mobile providers
do not take the financial situation of the customers into account. The willingness
to use or switch from a service provider has also decreased due to the pandemic.
Consumers are making hesitant statements about switching due to the uncertainty of
the pandemic. Before the pandemic, consumers regularly indicated that they would
switch their respective provider to their competitor if the service did not improve.
Many comparisons were also made with companies such as Verizon or Virgin.

6.3 Limitations
There are some limitations for this research. The first limitation is that the social
media platform Twitter was used to collect the data. It’s assumed that the users
of Twitter are a representative target group for the users of wireless mobile services.
Research by Statistics Netherlands[9] has shown that in reality young people are over-
represented on this social media platform. However, this research will be an indication
of the actual sentiment.
Another limitation is that only English tweets could be examined. This allows you
to only measure the sentiment of English-speaking users. Non-English tweets would
cause problems in the sentiment analysis as the classifier would label these tweets as
neutral. For topic modelling, these tweets would pose no problems. In addition, there
are also a number of limitations to the system architecture. The result of this system
is highly dependent on the quality of the data. The quality of the data is determined
in the data extraction, cleaning and preparation steps. In the data preparation step,
the dimensionality reduction can damage the quality of the data by removing valu-
able information from the dataset before the analysis. Another limitation is that the
functioning of a topic model is highly dependent on the number of iterations and the
number of topics chosen. Too few topics can result in multiple topics in one topic.

This can also lead to a distorted end result of the system.

6.4 Ethical considerations

There are a number of ethical considerations that must be taken into account dur-
ing the research. After collecting the data, there were attributes containing personal
information about the users. This concerns the username and the tweet attributes.
From the username it is usually easy to find out what the real name of the user is.
This is sensitive information that should be handled with care. The same goes for the
tweet attribute. Twitter users regularly give away personal information in their tweets
without realizing that this information can be used for wrong purposes. That is why
the privacy of the users was treated very carefully in this study. The anonymity of the
users is guaranteed and the data is only used for this research and is not shared with
third parties. These steps meet the requirements of the GDPR.
In addition, ethical considerations must also be taken into account during the clas-
sification process, since it concerns information about real individuals. Decisions or
statements can be made based on the classification; these statements must also be
ethically responsible. This can be achieved by not including privacy sensitive data
such as username/name in the classification process. That’s why I removed this col-
umn before the classification. Tweets officially do not belong to sensitive attributes
according to the law, so they can be included in the classification process. However,
the rules regarding anonymity and privacy continue to apply. Lastly, work by other
researchers I have used for this study, has been referenced through APA.

6.5 Further work

The research can be expanded or modified in a number of ways. In this research, the
data was collected from one platform/medium called Twitter. As mentioned before, the
system is very sensitive to the quality of the data. In further research it is possible to
mine the data on this subject from different platforms and to compare the functioning
of the system with each other. The evaluation can also examine which models work
best for the relevant platform. Another extension of the research is to obtain data
such as the gender of the users, the location of the users and the age of the users. This
data must be handled very carefully as these are sensitive attributes and the analyzes
must comply with the rules of the GDPR. For example, the location data makes it
possible to compare the Western world with the Asian world. This allows you to gain
insight into the sentiment on a separate continent for user satisfaction, affordability
and willingness. This analysis can also be performed for the gender data, whereby
the sentiment of women and men for these values can be examined. This analysis
can also be performed for the age data. Finally, it would also be possible to perform
a combination of these analyses. For example, you could compare the sentiment of
women under a certain age limit in the Western world with women under the same
age limit in the Asian world. This would provide a better overview of the sentiment
for the various values and make it more transparent.


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Appendix A

Appendix: More Figures.

A.1 Appendix A

2000 1000

Number of Tweets

Number of Tweets



0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
Tweets character length Tweets character length

Distribution tweet length Mint Mobile Distribution tweet length Xfinity Mobile

Word cloud Mint Mobile Word cloud Xfinity Mobile



Coherence Value





Bar plot coherence scores

Topic models Coherence scores

LDA 0.55
LSI 0.52
HDP 0.19
Coherence score topic models

A.2 Appendix B

Topic modelling visualization affordability for Mint Mobile

Topic modelling visualization willingness for Mint Mobile

A.3 Appendix C
User satisfaction Tweets
’Still waiting for mintmobile to honor their 7-day money back guarantee from
01/14/21. I 1st tweeted mid 04/21, now 05/31/21. There is no excuse to take
over a month when I have provided my receipt and information here and through
emails to mint mobile. Mismanag @VancityReynolds’

’@dbrower @Mintmobile Mint buys wholesale extra network capacity access from
T-Mobile at wholesale prices and resells it. Mint is a middle-man making a deal for
extra data capacity T-Mobile would be wasting if someone else didn’t make a deal
for it.’
’@Mintmobile The 5gb hotspot cap on on the unlimited plan was a deal breaker for
’@VancityReynolds Wish I could feel as good about my #MintMobile The customer
service is horrible... spent hours with multiple people and all they offered was “We’re
sorry you aren’t pleased, he’s a 10 dollar credit (Note: ONLY IF YOU RENEW
SERVICE) That’s one way to try and keep us, NOT! #RyanReynolds’
’@Mintmobile lovely service!!’

Affordability Tweets
’Looking to save some serious cash on your cell phone? Give @MintMobile a try!
It’s great, uses TMobile network and saves tons of #money! #savings #cellular
#savebig #rt’

’@dknycbd @JohnLegere @TMobile @Mintmobile They have a plan for 55+ with
Netflix on us is very cheap’
’@SixteenthLight @Verizon @Mintmobile If you want to save 15 dollars more on
your first renewal (not the initial plan purchase), you can use the referral link in
my twitter profile. They’re also running a 3 months free promo right now, so yeah
its 45+ dollar tax for 6 months. Double check the coverage map in my profile. ty’
’Just switched to @MintMobile ,No dead spot in my home. Still need to check my
office but already smiling with the budged low price. Hehe ’
”Switch to @Mintmobile and save lots of dollars’

Willingness Tweets
’@MintMobile Any particular reason why my bill has slowly shot up by $10 since
last year in the checkout’s hidden fees department? I’ve been with you guys since
2017, but if it climbs any higher and I’ll go somewhere else.’

’@VancityReynolds just signed up for @mintmobile. If it’s sucks; I’m sending

@deadpool after you!’
’OK I would probably switch to @Mintmobile if I could just because of
@VancityReynolds, this ad, and more importantly, this desktop. Fav folders:
SadRyan/BlueSteel/SmartRyan and Books to say I’ve read. ’
’”@darklands23 We’re so glad you made the switch! ’
”Officially switching to @Mintmobile! The fact that @VancityReynolds (or Berg as
my wife and I refer to him) is an owner caught my attention, but the commercial
with my parenting role model, Rick Moranis sealed the deal. All the money we will
be saving helped a bit too.’

0.0 0.0
Sentiment score

Sentiment score

0.6 0.4
1.0 0.6


Monthly mean sentiment user satisfaction Months
Monthly mean sentiment affordability

Sentiment score


Monthly mean sentiment Willingness

A.4 Appendix D
Code can be found in the GitHub link:


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