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In this issue

Editorial............................................................. 2
News & World Roundup......................................3
All about DVB­T2................................................ 8
Touchscreen using ANNEX BASIC..................... 11
Down­East Microwave 10 GHzPre­Amplifier
­ Product Review.............................................. 19
From the vault..................................................23

The CQ­DATV editors gratefully acknowledge

all those authors that have contributed
articles for this free magazine.

Production Team
Ian Pawson G8IQU Trevor Brown G8CJS
Terry Mowles VK5TM Jim Andrews KH6HTV

Contributing Authors
Jim Andrews KH6HTV Trevor Brown G8CJS
John Hudson G3RFL

CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 1

Editorial I believe it is important to support TV engineering we have
lost so many engineers to the relentless march of technology.
Welcome to issue 100 of our electronic ATV magazine. At every step we either lose engineers, or they limit out
Well, all good things must come to an end and CQ­DATV is no impaled on the glass ceiling of progress. To stop this, we
exception. This is the final ever edition of the magazine! need to support each other along the lifelong learning curve.
The editors would like to thank all the people who have We can do that if we share our ideas our plans, designs and
contributed articles and pictures over our 100 issues. our understandings. To this end we need communication
mediums and I hope CQ­DATV magazine has provided one of
If you would like to continue reading about ATV then the those mediums.
Boulder ATV Club’s newsletter is also a Free, via the internet
publication. Any CQ­DATV readers who would like to read CQ­DATV delivered its support via digital only publishing. This
news about ATV could contact Jim via e­mail was a brave step but having lost the Dutch ATV magazine
[email protected] and ask to be put on the distribution list. “Repeater” and the German ATV Magazine “Der TV Amateur”,
it was time to try a different approach. Ian Pawson was the
Trevor power behind digital publication, he introduced the
technology when he was the editor of CQ­TV and by the time
Let me introduce myself, I am Trevor Brown an author of he left over 90% of the membership had switched to
numerous articles published in “Ham Radio Today” Electronics receiving their magazine digitally.
Today International, Radcom and CQ­TV. I am or was the
force behind the ATV handbooks that are now preserved in When Ian started CQ­DATV magazine, the format was e­book
digital format in the CQ­DATV on­line library. only, but with Terry joining the team and producing a PDF
version we had all the bases covered. Were we successful ?
For me ATV and television engineering are the same thing. I well with more than half a million downloads in 8 years I
have held an amateur licence since 1966, callsign G8CJS. I would say yes, no other ATV magazine has done this! It was
also had another callsign, G6AGM­T again dating back to the the result of digital publishing, coupled with producing a
60’s and was necessary to be able to transmit television publication every month and free distribution. This would not
pictures. When I started ATV, the technology was valves and have been possible unless we had embraced digital publishing
CRT’s. The only band a TV picture could be exchanged on was technology.
70 cms, but it did extend to 450 MHz I have also spent the
majority of my working life in ITV, I started as an engineer in Digital only as a formula does not inhibit anybody from
1972 and left as a videotape editor in 1998, to build my own reading CQ­DATV, there is no justification to produce a paper
TV production company. copy too. If we had, we would have to have faced the
dilemma of the inevitable charges that would have been the
My role in the production of CQ­DATV has been in the actual only way to fund printing and posting costs. These suffer
copy, writing it, editing it, and encouraging others to from the economy of scale and even for something as well
contribute. I have been part of the CQ­DATV magazine read as CQ­DATV they are just not economical in these
production team from the very first issue and contributed to numbers.
every issue.
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 2
This is before we question the green credentials or rather the Like many, I too have done my time in the TV broadcast
lack of them that distributing a magazine in paper format industry, both in production and on the technical side, in
would incur. CQ­DATV has been green or as green as places from national broadcasters to small 3 person outfits in
electronic publishing can be and the whole team is proud of the private sector. This was back in the days when the ability
that. to do the job was more important than the piece of paper
from some (useless) educational facility saying they think you
The production team is now 8 years older than when we know something about it.
started and also 8 years wiser. Our magazine has a varied
content and is not just, how to put a picture onto a carrier Travelling from the very top to the very bottom of New
wave in the amateur radio band, we have taken a wider Zealand was one of the perks of the small private outfits,
approach from making your own video’s to almost anything while the training and inspiration of places like the national
TV related. We have supported construction wherever broadcaster was worth more than any classroom was ever
possible. The 29­part conversion of a Grass Valley mixer going to give.
panel, which can be used to control Vmix is probably
testament to that. I loved every minute of it and given the chance, if I could go
back in time, I would do it all again.
Sorry CQ­DATV is resting, it sounds so much better than
ending and less final. We have proved it can work, we have While I had never really settled in any one place for any
also proved its value, we have just failed to rally the length of time, I did occasionally get to dabble with the
production support it deserves to keep the presses rolling. We amateur side of tv and there are still some remnants of those
are not short of readers we just needed a larger production days still hiding around the place. The 1200MHz
team to continue. There have been a lot of outstanding downconverter and antenna, a full spec, big and heavy ENG
contributions . The downloadable electronic index credits camera sitting on top of the wardrobe (and yes, it still works)
everyone who has contributed, and I would like to say a and various other bits and pieces of a bygone era.
personal thank you to you all, without you we would not have
survived the 8 years we have. As witnessed by the content in this magazine, the amateur tv
sector has moved on considerably what with digital tv,
Our Facebook will continue, and the download site and library incredibly small and light cameras and various other modern
will still be there, what will not be there is CQ­DATV 101 as a devices in the electronics field that can enable an amateur to
downloadable magazine, sorry we did our absolute best. Will do a full studio setup in their own home.
we rise like the Phoenix ? this is unknown at this time , but
please add your details to the mailing list and join the CQ­ Along with producing the PDF version of the magazine, I was
DATV Facebook and then we will be able to contact you. also learning new things related to ATV and boy is it an
interesting and fast moving niche in the ham radio world.
My hope is that someone, somewhere may just come along
Well, what can I say? It was great journey while it lasted and and have a go at doing something similar ­ yes I know there
yes, it is sad to see it go. is the internet, but you have to go hunting and it is nice to be
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 3
able to access one point ­ like this magazine ­ that has a All past 85+ issues are archived on my web site at:
wealth of information at your fingertips.

Jim Ian

I am sorry to see the demise of CQ­DATV. Ian, Trevor and Well, it has been an interesting time in the ATV magazine
Terry have put together a very slick, professional, electronic world. Most of the ATV magazines, both printed and
magazine documenting the events of our ATV hobby. electronic, have gone to the great bit­bucket in the sky and,
sad to say, CQ­DATV is joining them.
However, I have full sympathy for the "burn­out" factor. In
the past I was the editor of club newsletters for a couple of We have had a lot of readers for each issue, but, sad to say,
ham clubs. When readers fail to provide material, it becomes not many authors. So we have been forced to find content by
increasing harder to put out a quality publication month after scouring the Internet for suitable material, a situation that
month. can't continue.

I am a bit of a new­comer to CQ­DATV. Ian asked me to join The ePub and PDF versions of this magazine were created
them in the fall of 2018. That same year, I had started a using combinations of:
newsletter for our Boulder, Colorado, USA ATV group of about
20 hams. I wrote some articles directly for Ian and he also
picked up articles from our club newsletter which he felt
deserved wider circulation.

Since 2018, our club's newsletter has grown to become the

"de­facto" ATV newsletter for the USA. It's distribution has
grown to over 450 hams nationwide and some overseas. The
newsletter is not a professional one like CQ­DATV, but more
the home typewriter style with pasted photos. It is only
published in .pdf format. I keep it to a readable, short length
of about a dozen pages. It is published at least monthly, and
usually more often as material becomes available.

All is not lost for CQ­DATV readers. As Ian mentioned above,

if readers want to continue to read about news and
developments in ATV, they can subscribe to our FREE, on­line
TV Repeater's Repeater. Simply send an email to me with
your name, call sign, email address and say you were a CQ­
DATV reader. Our newsletter will be sent to you as an email Sigil­ebook, Gimp, Ghostwriter, Calibre, PaintShop Pro &
attachment. Scribus
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 4
News and World Round-up of the QSO party complete with photos of all the many
participants. It is published in the latest North East Victoria
World Wide ATV QSO Party Amateur Radio Club NEWS newsletter for Sept. 2021. It is
available in .pdf format from:
The event was held on Friday, August 27th. Peter, VK3BFG,
again organized the ATV activity involving ATV hams in the My sincere apologies to those participating and watching. For
USA and Australia. Various repeaters' signals were sent to our Boulder portion, I had asked for a 1/2 hour time slot on
Peter over the internet and then redistributed from Australia Friday evening. I had arranged for us to present a program
via YouTube and Zoom. with myself first talking about how we recruit new hams, then
Ed, K0JOY, was to talk about our weekly nets, then Chris,
K0CJG, about his experiences as an ATV newcomer, and
finally Don, N0YE, about our off the repeater ATV activities.

Well, the result was we ran way over our allotted 1/2 hour
time slot and totally screwed up Peter's schedule. I take full
responsibility for the screw­up. I should have had our group
do a "dry­run" on our own ATV net ahead of time to find out
we needed to severely tighten up our presentations. I wish
Peter would have exercised his program director prerogative
and simply turned off our TV feed to him.

I guess we really proved we are AMATEURS at TV. Thus the

acronym ATV is very appropriate. The ATV QSO party was
definitely an amateur production and not up to the quality
standards of broadcast TV such as from the BBC, ABC, NBC,
CBS, etc.

Source: Jim, KH6HTV, Boulder, CO

$17 DVB­T Receiver

Peter Cossins VK3BFG, Friday night opening address Bob, WB0NRV, has discovered a really low cost receiver for
DVB­T that actually works on the amateur 70cm and 33cm
The video is presently archived on YouTube at Ian, VK3QL's bands. It is made by Pantesat and the model number is HD­
site: 99T2.

It is recorded in four parts of lengths: 1:31, 1:20, 5:36 & It is sold on E­Bay for a ridulously low $13.69 + $3.39
0:17 hours. Mick, VK3CH, has written an excellent summary shipping from China.
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 5
Bob brought it by KH6HTV's QTH recently to be checked out.
We were able to easily program it successfully in the same
manner as with the more expensive ($50) GT­Media
receivers. Unlike the GT­Media V7 Plus for both DVB­T & S,
this receiver is strictly for DVB­T. The receiver is quite small
as seen in the above photo.

It comes with an attached AC power cord for 100 ­ 230Vac.

The power plug is the European 2 pin. It can also be powered
with 5Vdc via a USB port. The antenna connector is a PAL. It
provides simultaneous 1080P HDMI and 480i composite video
+ stereo audio.

Source: Jim, KH6HTV, Boulder, CO


For a summary of what is happening in the rollout of the new

USA digital broadcast TV system, ATSC 3.0, check out this
URL link:

At the SBE NextGen workshop, one of the speakers put up a

map showing ATSC 3.0 coverage. Expected to be 30% of the
country expected to have at least one station available by the
end of the year. More than three dozen NextGen TV sets now
on the shelves from LG, Samsung and Sony. This is rolling
along faster than expected!

Source: Dan Rapak ­ WA3ATV, Trevose, PA

Portsdown 4 Update with Touchscreen RX

Volume Control

Dave, G8GKQ reports,

I have just released a Portsdown 4 update (Version

202109051) which introduces a touchscreen­driven volume
control for the DATV receiver.
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 6
is a major deterrent for drone pilots. Unfortunately the low
latency firmware does not meet DVB­T commercial broadcast
standards. Thus, a Hi­Des, low latency DVB­T signal will not
decode in other manufacturer's DVB­T receivers, nor Hi­Des
receivers with standard firmware. It can only be received by a
Hi­Des receiver with the special firmware installed. Likewise a
Hi­Des receiver with the low latency firmware will not decode
a broadcast standard DVB­T transmission. This makes it
incompatible with DVB­T Amateur TV repeaters which all try
to adhere to broadcast standards. I have had to deal recently
consulting with several hams who experienced non
functioning Hi­Des equipment which they purchased and it
traced back to the wrong firmware being installed. We
discussed this issue back in April in our newsletter #75. I
recommend everyone re­read it. If you are experiencing such
issues, contact Calvin Yang at Hi­Des [email protected]
Simply touch the far right of the screen, above centre for and request he send you the proper firmware. You will need
volume up, and below centre for volume down. Details here: to follow the detailed instructions in the manual to install the correct firmware.
Jim, KH6HTV, Boulder, CO
The idea is those who have built Langstone designs with the
soft or rotary volume control can use their equipment for Italian ATV
DATV reception without needing a hardware volume control.
Volume settings are persistent between reboots.
Note this control only currently works for VLC (not
OMXPlayer) when receiving DVB­S/S2 or DVB­T. The other
media players will gain the facility as I migrate them away
from OMXPlayer (which is no longer supported by its original
author) to VLC in future updates. Welcome to this site, which aims to be a
meeting point for radio amateurs interested in ATV
Source: broadcasts.

Hi­Des Firmware Issues Everyone's contribution is required to enrich it with news and
information. Each contribution can be sent by email to
We have a major problem with equipment now coming from [email protected]
Hi­Des in Taiwan. Often times it is being shipped with Low
Latency firmware installed. Hi­Des is trying to sell to the
drone market and long latency (i.e. delay) with digital video Continued on back page...

CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 7

All about DVB-T2 The new DVB­T2 specification provides the facility to select a
variety of different options to match the requirements of the
network operator.
Reproduced from NEVARC NEWS VK3ANE, Volume No: 08,
Issue 8, August 2021 For error correction technology, that used for DVB­S2 has
been incorporated. This comprises LDPC (Low Density Parity
Digital Video Broadcasting ­ Second Generation Terrestrial Check) coding combined with BCH (Bose­Chaudhuri­
DVB­T2 is the next development of the Digital Video Hocquengham) coding. The combination of these two
Broadcasting ­ Terrestrial standards. techniques has been proved to provide excellent performance
in the presence of high noise levels and interference.
It builds on the technology and on the success of DVB­T to As before, several options are available in areas such as the
provide additional facilities and features in line with the number of carriers, guard interval sizes and pilot signals, so
developing DTT or Digital Terrestrial Television market. that the overheads can be minimised for any given
Although some may see DVB­T2 as a competitor to the transmission channel.
existing DVB­T standard, this is not the case; it is planned
that the two standards will co­exist for many years, with DVB­T2 specification highlights
DVB­T2 allowing additional features and services.

DVB­T2 basics

The DVB­T2 standard uses Orthogonal Frequency Division

Multiplex as the basic radio transmission medium. This form
of transmission is particularly robust and allows for the
reception of data signals (in this case television data) in the
presence of some interference or missing channels as a result
of effects like multipath.

Note on OFDM

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex, OFDM is a form of

signal format that uses a large number of close spaced
carriers that are each modulated with low rate data stream.
The close spaced signals would normally be expected to
interfere with each other, but by making the signals
orthogonal to each other there is no mutual interference. The
data to be transmitted is shared across all the carriers and
this provides resilience against selective fading from multi­
path effects.
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 8
While DVB­T2 represents the next evolution for digital
terrestrial television, it is planned to operate it alongside the
current DVB­T standard for many years and evolve the
changeover to DVB­T2.

This evolution should occur in much the same way that has
occurred between DVB­S and DVB­S2.

As DVB­T2 offers additional facilities, it will enable the

broadcasters the possibility of offering new and captivating
services to ensure that they are able to keep their viewers.
Building on the success of the existing digital television
services, DVB­T2 is bound to see a significant level of take­up
over the coming years.

System differences with DVB­T

The following table (top right) is a comparison of available

modes in DVB­T and DVB­T2.

For instance, a UK MFN DVB­T profile (64­QAM, 8k mode,

coding rate 2/3, guard interval 1/32) and a DVB­ T2
equivalent (256­QAM, 32k, coding rate 3/5, guard interval
1/128) allows for an increase in bit rate from 24.13 Mbit/s to
35.4 Mbit/s (+46.5%). Another example, for an Italian SFN
DVB­T profile (64­QAM, 8k, coding rate 2/3, guard interval
1/4) and a DVB­T2 equivalent (256­QAM, 32k, coding rate
3/5, guard interval 1/16), achieves an increase in bit rate
from 19.91 Mbit/s to 33.3 Mbit/s (+67%).

The uptake of DVB­T2

When the digital terrestrial HDTV service Freeview HD was The earliest introductions of T2 have usually been tied with a
launched in December 2009, it was the first DVB­ T2 service launch of high­definition television. There are however some
intended for the general public. As of November 2010, DVB­ countries where HDTV is broadcast using the old DVB­T
T2 broadcasts were available in a couple of European standard with no immediate plans to switch those broadcasts
countries. to DVB­T2.

CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 9

Among countries using DVB­T for nationwide broadcasts of
HDTV are France, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Spain,
and Taiwan. These are usually using MPEG4.

Australia started broadcasting HD content over DVB­T with

MPEG2, although in 2015 some Australian broadcasters
switched to MPEG4.


Please note: articles in this magazine are provided

with absolutely no warranty whatsoever; neither the
contributors nor CQ­DATV accept any responsibility or
Framing structure of DVB­T2 liability for loss or damage resulting from readers
choosing to apply this content to theirs or others
computers and equipment.

CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 10

Touchscreen using ANNEX BASIC
Written by Trevor Brown G8CJS

Sad this is the last issue of the CQ­DATV magazine and I will
do my best to conclude this article, or at least get it to a
point where it can control the Robot Camera and pave the
way for the development of interfaces for other equipment in
the shack. CQ­DATV the magazine may be resting, but the
download site and our Facebook site will remain active and
open for developing this and other ideas. It would help if you
joined our Facebook or mailing list or both, then we can
contact you should the CQ­DATV magazine be resurrected.

In the previous two issues we have programmed an ANNEX

32 with a resident language ANNEX BASIC and connected it
up to an ILI 9486 TFT touch screen and set up an I2C
communications bus. I have received one or two emails about
the different versions of ESP 32 development kits, there
several different versions. I used the 38­pin version of this
module, but there is also a 30­pin version around, so I have
purchased one and put my engineering hat on to configure it
for I2C and the touch screen TFT as per the previous issue.

CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 11

There is one small problem in that the 30­pin module does back to the splash screen and enter your next selection.
not have a GPIO 0 brought out to one of the edge pins, it Friendly ANNEX BASIC makes this not only an achievable
exists, but it is permanently wired to the top of the small task, but one we can all do once we get those little grey cells
right hand push button. Sorry, this is due to circumstances engaged. Remember there is always the on­line manual
beyond our control, as they say in television. The missing available by using the F2 key, and when that fails you can
connection on the board, can still be used it just requires a always ask for help on the ANNEX forum. Don’t be afraid
pin soldering to the top connection of the push­button. there are a lot of my dumb questions there.

I have redrawn both diagrams and indicated the TFT Touch Now back to the I2C bus and a return to the Robot Camera
screen and I2C bus connections. There may be other versions which was part of the GVG project that first appeared in CQ­
of this module so take care. All the pins are printed with their DATV 88.
functions; the print is small, and the pins are multi­
functional, but there is a lot of help available on the net. Just This uses a custom servo module (SG90’s) and an interface
ask Mr Google to show you some ESP 32 modules and you module based on the PCA 9685 chip. This module connects to
will soon find yours. the ESP 32 using the I2C interface. It works just as well on
an ESP 32 as it did on the ESP8266, (note the SDA and SCL
The challenge of this technology was never hardware are on different I/O connections), so the software commands
interconnects, it was always going to be software and yes, we now use GPIO 21 and 22 instead of 4 and 5.
have walked into one or two challenges. One was the PDF
version of our magazine, I wanted to push the value of an Unlike the SPI bus, I2C modules all sit at unique addresses
electronic magazine to the hilt as I feel it is the way to go, and respond to commands sent to their specific address
with its green credentials, https links and now cut and paste which is carried on the I2C bus. All we have to do is discover
of software. We have been bitten a little with that last feature which address the device is located at. We do this by
in that the PDF version does sometimes corrupt the software. scanning the I2C addresses with a software routine. This
The eBook version does not present that problem. won’t tell us what the device is, only that there is an I2C
device responding at that address. If you have multiple
Fortunately, this clever friendly software points to lines with devices, then you can individually remove them and see
syntax errors and although the errors don’t always show which address disappears.
most times a quick retype of the syntax error line will cure it.
Once this process has be completed and the save button Because the PCA 9685 module supplies the motors in the
pressed then you have a trouble­free version of the code SG90 modules I have stopped drawing power from the ESP
stored as a text file inside the ESP 32. 32s and pressed a regulated PSU into service for the servo
motors. I covered most of this in the GVG project in CQ­DATV
The splash screen in CQ­DATV 99 can easily be edited to call 88, so this is just a recap. If you want to start controlling
any programme stored in your ESP 32 memory. This makes it hardware with a Touch Screen, then you need to have some
function perfectly as an opening screen, taking you out to hardware and this inexpensive module was ready to hand. I
any programme you desire, but you will have to customise have put this project together so far with plug and socket
any existing software with a return button in order to get leads.
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 12
I have managed to leave my soldering iron out of the
equation! The new challenge is to write some ANNEX BASIC
that will control this new hardware configuration.

Once you have it connected then you need to check that the
I2C bus is working and the easiest way is to do this is to run
the I2C scanner software. This is the same as we used for the
ESP 8266 in the GVG project, but the setup pins are no
longer 4, 5. The ESP 32 uses pins 22 and 23 and these are
not physical pins on the module they refer to GPIO outputs.

'I2C Address Scanner ESP32s

'print in the console the address of the devices found
I2C.SETUP 21,22 ' set I2C port GPIO 21 and GPIO 22 The modules I2C bus is configured with two 10k I2C pullups,
for i = 0 to 120 so no external resistors are required.
i2c.begin i
if i2c.end = 0 then The duty cycle for each output is adjustable from 0% to
wlog "found decimal address "; i 100% with 12­bit resolution (4096 steps). This is used to
pause 10 control the SG90 servo actuators which have a slightly lower
end if resolution. The PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is set at a
next i frequency of 50Hz by the software.

My scan showed 3 populated I2C addresses as indicated


device found at decimal address 0

device found at decimal address 64
device found at decimal address 112

The module OE (Output Enable) needs grounding, but this

does not stop it talking to the I2C bus.

Note: the PC 9685 has a separate side connection that The power for the module
powers the SG90’s and is connected V+ which in turn
supplies the red row of the connectors. Vcc +3v3 and is V+ is the power for the red row of connectors. The Vcc (3v3)
supplied by the ESP 32 and powers the onboard interface can be provided by the ESP 32. The Vcc is more demanding
chip only. and needs to be an external power supply.
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 13
number between 100 and 500 which is the position you want
the SG90 to rotate to. So, varying it between 100 and 500
when a touch screen pad is pressed will pan the camera
screen. You can repeat this with 'socket 1, b' and varying 'b'
will tilt the camera.

You can also add additional cameras to the other sockets and
expand the software.

The SG90 responds to the mark space ratio of the 50Hz

signal by the PCA 9685 module (yellow pins). There are 4
banks of sockets each with 4 SG 90 control sockets so 16 SG
90’s or 8 robot cameras with pan and tilt. This is a lot of
hardware being controlled down a 2­wire bus. The commands
sent along the I2C bus to the PCA 9695 are all that is
required. Just send a number to the module EG socket and a
value and the motor will rotate to that position. It really is as
simple as that.

V+ is also brought out to a tag block on the side of the

module, so you are spoilt for choice on how to connect an
external power source. Don’t forget to ground OE (Output

The software to set it up is easy and uses only three

commands. The last one is the actual control.

pca9685.setup &h40, 55
pca9685.setfreq 55
pca9685.pwm 0,a

0 is the socket used to connect the SG90 to, and 'a' is a

CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 14
I have written the software called robot1.bas to pan and tilt a store2 = GUI.Button(235, 40, 100, 100, "store 2",4,10 )
single camera and the screen looks like this. The screen can 'x,y,w,h,text,fontsize, radius
be called from the splash screen and exit will take you back store3 = GUI.Button(135,140, 100, 100, "store 3",4,10 )
to the splash screen. 'x,y,w,h,text,fontsize, radius
store4 = GUI.Button(235,140, 100, 100, "store 4",4,10 )
You will need to edit the end of the splash screen to the 'x,y,w,h,text,fontsize, radius
saved name of the Robot camera software and rename the
push button. load1 = GUI.Button(20, 250, 100, 20, "load 1",2,10 )
'x,y,w,h,text,fontsize, radius
let a=100:let b=100' set global variables load2 = GUI.Button(130, 250, 100, 20, "load 2",2,10 )
let pan1=100: let tilt1=100 'x,y,w,h,text,fontsize, radius
let pan2=100: let tilt2=100 load3 = GUI.Button(240, 250, 100, 20, "load 3",2,10 )
let pan3=100: let tilt3=100 'x,y,w,h,text,fontsize, radius
let pan4=100: let tilt4=100 load4 = GUI.Button(350, 250, 100, 20, "load 4",2,10 )
pause 10 'x,y,w,h,text,fontsize, radius
pca9685.setup &h40, 55' Setup servor module
pca9685.setfreq 55 'set up touch screen
pca9685.pwm 0,a' Set pan to mid position gui.setEvent ext, TOUCH, ext
pca9685.pwm 1,b' set tilt to mid position gui.setEvent right, TOUCH, right
gui.setEvent left, TOUCH, left
'write screen gui.setEvent up, TOUCH, up
gui.init 20, Yellow 'reserve memory for 20 GUI objects. clears gui.setEvent down, TOUCH, down
screen to black gui.setEvent store1, TOUCH, store1
txt = GUI.Textline(85,5,300,30, "Robot Camera Control", 3) gui.setEvent store2, TOUCH, store2
'x,y,w,h,text,fontsize gui.setEvent store3, TOUCH, store3
right = GUI.Button(35, 40, 100, 100, "RIGHT",5,10 ) gui.setEvent store4, TOUCH, store4
'x,y,w,h,text,fontsize, radius gui.setEvent load1, TOUCH, load1
left = GUI.Button(335, 40, 100, 100, "LEFT",5,10 ) gui.setEvent load2, TOUCH, load2
'x,y,w,h,text,fontsize, radius gui.setEvent load3, TOUCH, load3
up = GUI.Button(35, 140, 100, 100, " UP",5,10 ) gui.setEvent load4, TOUCH, load4
'x,y,w,h,text,fontsize, radius
down = GUI.Button(335,140, 100, 100, "DOWN",5,10 ) gui.autorefresh 30, 1 'display gui items automatically each
'x,y,w,h,text,fontsize, radius 30ms including touch
ext= GUI.Button(135, 280, 200, 35, "EXIT",4,10 )
'x,y,w,h,text,fontsize, radius wait

store1 = GUI.Button(135, 40, 100, 100, "store 1",4,10 ) 'sub routines

'x,y,w,h,text,fontsize, radius right:
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 15
let a=a+1 return
if a>499 then let a=500'right limit
wlog a load4:
pca9685.pwm 0,a let pan4=a
return let tilt4=b
let a=a­1 store1:
if a<101 then let a=100'left limit let a=pan1
wlog a let b=tilt1
pca9685.pwm 0,a pca9685.pwm 0,pan1
return pca9685.pwm 1,tilt1
let b=b­1 store2:
if b<101 then let b =100'right limit let a =pan2
pca9685.pwm 1,b let b=pan2
return pca9685.pwm 0,pan2
pca9685.pwm 1,tilt2
down: return
let b=b+1
if b>499 then let b =500'down limit store3:
pca9685.pwm 1,b let a =pan3
return let b=tilt3
pca9685.pwm 0,pan3
load1: pca9685.pwm 1,tilt3
let pan1=a return
let tilt1=b
return store4:
let a =pan4
load2: let b=tilt4
let pan2=a pca9685.pwm 0,pan4
let tilt2=b pca9685.pwm 1,tilt4
return return

load3: ext:
let pan3=a wlog bas.load "/splash.bas"
let tilt3=b end
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 16
That leaves work to do interfacing kit to the remaining I will leave you with some helpful links, you are never on
buttons on the splash screen, but unfortunately there won’t your own, there is a lot of help out there.
be a CQ­DATV 101 next month! I will keep on with adding to
the software and Ian will update the software downloads Sorry to say goodbye and I hope that reading CQ­DATV has
page. Mike is investigating a PCB to hold all the kit together. brought some enjoyment. It has been a pleasure to write for,
This will become available and again I can only urge you to and a chance to work with, a brilliant and supportive
join our mailing list and our Facebook page. The R&D will production team.
continue and if we can find a way to kick start CQ­DATV we
will be able to contact you. In the meantime, let me leave Annex forum
you with the links where you can find help and improvements
as others above me develop projects for this clever module. ESP32 connections

The last thing is to make the Splash screen autorun, this is ESP 32 help manual
an entry in the Config menu. The splash screen will the
appear at switch on and the PC is not required other than to Annex tool kit download
provide +5v down the USB connection. If you supply this (The password for the zip file is annex )
power from an external source via pin­ 19 on the 38­pin
module or pin 15 on the 30­pin module and the USB PCA9685 modules
connection is not required. There will be a WI­FI connection
should you wish to edit the software. SG90

This is a brief look at a TFT control and a specific interface to Pan and tilt head
the CQ­DATV Robot Camera. It is software controlled project
and is the other side of a door some engineers wish to keep ESP32s (38 pin)
firmly closed. The choice of ANNEX BASIC was used as a
gentle way of opening the door and trying to entice you
through. There are more complex languages around but
BASIC has been around along time and was written to try
and help people through that particular door.

It compliments the hardware design skills and may provide a

link into the software world. That’s up to you as technology More pics next page...
evolves, we lose engineers or they hit a glass ceiling which
limits their skills.

This and the earlier GVG article have been an attempt at

least denting that ceiling with a friendly language that has
some well established credentials for ease of understanding.
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 17
Top left: The tilt motor just about to be fitted

Bottom left: Robot Camera excuse the scuba weight

Above: The bracket ­ one SG90 fitted for Pan

CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 18

Down-East Microwave 10 GHzPre- 10GHz. For 10GHz, their pre­amp costs $150 assembled, or
$105 in kit form.
Amplifier - Product Review
I recently purchased the DEM, 10GHz pre­amp kit. The
model number is L3­2ULNA. The DEM specs. are minimal
and consist of only: Frequency range = 10 ­ 10.5GHz, Gain
= 22dB, Noise Figure = 0.8dB, Supply Voltage = 7 ­ 16Vdc at
< 50mA. DEM says the LNA was designed by Texas
microwave legend, Al Ward, W5LUA using PHEMPT
technology. The DEM spec. sheet does include this photo
below showing the internal construction.

(photo from DEM spec. sheet)

(photo from DEM spec. sheet)

A key building block for any microwave transverter is a good,

low­noise, pre­amplifier, or often referred to as an LNA or
Low Noise Amplifier. If a pre­amp is not used, then the noise
figure of a transverter is no better than the RF to IF
conversion loss of the down­converting mixer, which is
typically 6dB or worse.

Two suppliers of microwave pre­amps for the amateur radio

market are Kuhne Electronic in Germany­
and Down­East Microwave in the USA The pc board is very well designed and built on thin,
microwave quality substrate with gold plating. The reverse
Kuhne offers a large selection of pre­amps for 144MHz thru side is a solid ground plane, The rf input is on the left and
an astonishing 76GHz. For the 3cm, 10GHz band, they offer the output is on the right. SMA connectors are used. DC
four models with prices of the order of 209 ­ 229 €. Down­ power comes in via a feed­thru capacitor on the upper right.
East Microwave (DEM) offers pre­amps for 50MHz thru
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 19
The circuitry is seen to consist of two, RF, FET transistors in markings on the FETs to be able to orient them properly.
cascade. In the upper right is a 78L05, +5V voltage The bottom line ­­ If you are not totally comfortable
regulator. The 8 pin IC is a 7660 +5V to ­5V switching assembling tiny SMD parts, then you are well advised to not
regulator to provide negative gate bias voltage. In the purchase the kit, but spend an extra $50 to buy a completely
upper center are seen two mini trim pots for independently assembled and tested pre­amp from DEM.
setting the gate voltages for the two FETs.
The initial test procedure is setting the proper DC gate bias
for each FET. The 1 KΩ trim pots are adjusted to set the
FET's drain voltage to +2Vdc and drain current to about 10
mA. There are no other adjustments to be made. For mine,
the current drain from a +12Vdc supply was 22mA. At this
point, you should now have a working pre­amp. W5LUA did
provide on the pc board a few tiny stub pads which could be
jumpered in/out if one wanted to do some really fine tuning
of the frequency response and/or noise figure. I did not
make any changes, but took the pre­amp "as is".

DEM provides a very nice kit. It comes with a well written set
of assembly/test instructions. All of the various tiny parts
come in a sealed plastic tray which is well marked to ID the
contents. The mechanical parts for the enclosure are well

I was able to assemble and test the pre­amp in one evening.

However, a word of caution, this pre­amp is built with surface
mount components (SMD) and some of them are very tiny.
Several are 0805 size and one resistor is 0603. I had to put
on two pairs of magnifying reading glasses to see the
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 20
My first test of the amplifier was to measure the gain, S21.
I used my 30 year old, Wiltron 5447A, network analyzer
which covers from 10MHz to 20GHz. The other instrument
on the top is an HP noise figure meter which I used later to
test NF. The frequency response shown on the CRT is with
the top cover not yet installed. However, when I placed the
cover on the amplifier, it took off oscillating. This is a very
common problem with microwave amplifiers. The small
metal box, when completely closed up makes an excellent,
high Q cavity resonator. The LNA's box internal dimensions
was actually very similar in size to a piece of X band

At my old company, Picosecond Pulse Labs, we built

extremely broadband amplifiers with ­3dB bandwidths
extending from a few kHz up to the microwave range with
some as high as 60GHz. We had the same oscillating issue.
We solved it by using what we coined "Magic Rubber". This
was a special EM absorber material containing carbon and
ferrites. I still had in my ham shack some left over magic
rubber from PSPL. I cut a rectangular strip of it and S21 vs. Frequency: sweep 0.01 to 20 GHz, 2 GHz/div.
attached it to the lid of the DEM preamp. The magic rubber Pin = ­36dBmVertical scale = 5dB/div. 0dB reference
comes with an adhesive backing. This solved the oscillation line is 3 divisions up from the bottom.
problem with the DEM preamp.
to most hams is to forget purchasing the kit. Spend a few
I have communicated with DEM on this issue. I expressed more dollars and just buy the assembled and tested LNA from
the opinion that I felt that they should include a piece of DEM.
microwave absorber in their kit along with instructions on
precisely where to place it. They felt it was not necessary as So, let's go back to testing the finished product with the
not all 10 GHz LNAs oscillate. They did admit they needed to magic rubber installed and lid attached. In the above S21
use microwave absorber in some of the amplifiers that they photo, I am sweeping over the full range up to 20GHz. The
assemble and test to sell. Their position was that anyone amplifier is seen to have it's peak gain at 8GHz with a
building the LNA kit would be a very knowledgable microwave second peak at 10GHz. On the lower slope it still has
ham with suitable test equipment and would have their own appreciable gain at 5.8GHz.
microwave absorber to use if necessary.
The photos (next page ­ right side) show the amplifier's gain
Based upon DEM's reply and their explaining how completely plus input and output return loss sweeping over X band from
they test the LNAs they assemble, I feel that the best advice 8 to 12 GHz.
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 21
Return Loss measurement ­ sweep from 8 to 12 GHz,
500 MHz/div, Pin = ­36dBmInput S11 (left) & Output
S22 (right), 3dB/div, 0dB ref. line is 1 div. from top

The final test was for Noise Figure. An HP­8970A Noise

Figure meter was used with a Noise Com model NC346B
(0.01 ­ 18GHz) noise source head. The 8970A only
measures up to 1.5GHz. Thus a down­converter was setup
This is the S21 Gain over X band from 8 to 12 GHz. using a local oscillator, mixer and band­pass filter to reject
500 MHz/div. The vertical scale is 5dB/div. The 0 dB the unwanted sideband. The noise figure was measured at
reference line is 3 divisions from the bottom. 10.36 GHz. The results were 21.7dB gain and 1.06dB noise
Pin = ­36dBm figure. This NF value was felt to be quite acceptable.

At the center of the 3cm ham band, 10.25GHz, S21 = 20dB, Jim, KH6HTV, Boulder, CO
S11 = ­13dB and S22 = ­6dB.

The next test was to determine the max. output power

capability of the amplifier. The Wiltron network analyzer in
the CW mode was used as the signal source, plus a Weinschel
rotary step attenuator was used to set the rf input levels. RF
power was measured using an HP­432A power meter with an
HP­8478B thermistor power head. The ­1dB gain
compression was found to be P(­1dB) = ­9 dBm. The max.
saturated output was found to be P(max) = ­8 dBm. Thus
this amplifier is strictly for low level, weak signals.
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 22
From the vault - Inexpensive home I was fortunate to find suitable heat sync in my junk box,
something I suspect was left over from a computer upgrade.
constructed dummy load It was a simple task to drill the heat sink and mount the
resistor applying a liberal dosage of heat transfer compound.
Written by John Hudson G3RFL
Appropriately, this article first appeared in issue 1. I folded the TAB back over itself onto its top and filed an "N"
type connector plug, filing the centre pin down as much as
In a senior moment, I managed to damage my RF dummy possible as this goes over the resistor and compression
Load, by using it on a 13cms transmitter that was more than touches the resistor tab, carefully not over tightening it or
capable of delivering 120W. So it was time to consider a you will break the resistor.
replacement and an upgrade to cope with the higher power
Levels. In theory the unit should work up to 2GHz, but my first test
was on 2m with just 50w, the heat sync soon got too hot to
I started by purchasing a 50ohm 250W surface mount hold, after only a few minutes.
resistor. The resistor I chose has a specification. (see data
sheets below) So I decided to add a fan, quick search of my junk box and I
failed to come up with a suitable fan for the heat sink,
That will enable it to be used up to at least 2GHz,and cost £7. probably why the heat sink was in my junk box, so it was
I have seen some on eBay for about the same price, but only time to invest some of my children’s inheritance in a
150W versions. commercial product.

The 12V fan I chose came from CPC and was designed for
use used on PCu/P and cost just over £7.

When the fan arrived I fitted it and repeated the experiment

with the two meter source, once the heat sink became to hot
to hold, I powered up the fan, and after only a few minutes
the temperature dropped to just a few deg above room

I was well pleased with my £7 investment, in what proved to

be a very quiet fan, well worth the £7. The fan also has the
third wire which provides pulses to indicate the fan is
spinning, this might be useful for the future when I develop
the unit further, but my first addition will be a Voltage
detector interfaced to a PIC so I can read out the POWER via
a USB this space.

CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 23

Completed unit far

Data sheets

CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 24

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CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 25
Is this the latest issue of CQ­DATV? Click here to go to our Home computing pioneer Sir Clive Sinclair dies
web site to check to see if there is a later edition available. aged 81
Sir Clive Sinclair, the inventor and entrepreneur who was
CQ­DATV is published on the last day of the month. The cut­ instrumental in bringing home computers to the masses, has
off day for submissions/corrections/alterations is 5 days died at the age of 81.
before the day of publication.
His first home computer, the ZX80, named after the year it
appeared, revolutionised the market, although it was a far
cry from today’s models. At £79.95 in kit form and £99.95
assembled, it was about one­fifth of the price of other home
computers at the time. It sold 50,000, units while its
successor, the ZX81, which replaced it, cost £69.95 and sold
250,000. Many games industry veterans got their start
typing programs into its touch­based keyboard and became
hooked on games such as as 3D Monster Maze and Mazogs.
The ZX80 and ZX81 made him very rich: in 2010 Sinclair
told the Guardian: “Within two or three years, we made
£14m profit in a year.”

A Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Photograph: Stephen

In 1982, he released the ZX Spectrum 48K. Its rubber keys,
strange clashing visuals and tinny sound did not prevent it
being pivotal in the development of the British games
industry. Much­loved games – now in colour – that inspired a
generation included Jet Set Willy, Horace Goes Skiing,
Chuckie Egg, Saboteur, Knight Lore and Lords of Midnight.
CQ­DATV, the electronic magazine supporting the DATV
hobby, has now ceased publication.
CQ-DATV 100 - Final - October 2021 Page 26

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