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Race 1: Names Eyes Descriptors

Race 2: Names Hair Descriptors

Race 3: Names Clothing Descriptors
Body Descriptors

Put yourself at risk to protect your allies or the innocent. When you spend uninterrupted time (an hour or so) drawing upon the Currents
of Magic around you to replenish your reserves, roll +INT.
 KNOWLEDGE IS POWER *On a 10+, you generate 5 Prana.
Uncover a hidden truth or reveal corruption. *On a 7-9, You generate 3 Prana.
 DEFIANT *On a miss, generate 2 Prana anyway, but the GM gives you a Complication.
The maximum Prana you can have at any one time is 7
Defy the plans and machinations of an authority.

Weave a Spell
Backgrounds When you reach out and weave together the elements of creation. (See full Move on pg.3)
Declare your Effect "I am (pick one)" and name your target (a person, place or thing)
 NON-EUCLIDIAN ACOLYTE (DETAILS ON PG. 3) Choose a range: (Default is Hand)
When you bend space to teleport somewhere within your line Choose one or two Extras: These are tags and modifiers to your spell.
of sight, roll. Complications: Sometimes there are small but harmful backlashes as reality resists your
meddling, the GM may give you a complication as a consequence of your Evocation roll!
When you scourge your soul and use your own life-force to
power your magic, take a debility and gain 2 Prana. Evocation (BOND)
When you focus your will and cast a woven spell, describe it and roll +ARCANE
 AW, CRAP! (DETAILS ON PG. 3) BOND. *On a 12+, your spell defies expectations, working above and beyond what you
You are a master at reading probabilities and thinking on your intended. Do not spend Prana:
feet, when things go from bad to worse, you're in your element. *On a 10+, the spell is successfully cast and does not cost Prana (choose one):
 PETITIONER OF THE ABYSS (DETAILS ON PG. 3) *On a 7-9, you spend 1 Prana, and the spell is cast, but (choose two):
*On a Miss, Something's gone horribly wrong. Spend Prana (and choose three), the spell
When you commune with the ruinous entities beyond reality does not work:
and Seek their Counsel, Ask any question you like.
 Your outburst of power warps and twists the fabric of reality, activate a Complication.
 THE CETERI (DETAILS ON PG. 3)  The GM removes an Extras tag of their choice from the spell.
When you kill a powerful monster or other enemy, you  Nothing happens...yet. (GM, make note to activate a Complication later)
harvest some of its power.  The stress of bending reality to your will affects you. Take -1 ongoing to Evocation
until you have a few minutes to clear your head.
 The spell drains your reserves, and you spend 1 extra Prana.

Discern Lore, Spout Realities

Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: When you spend 1 Prana to view the world with your Mage's Sight, Your senses are
____________ shares my hunger for knowledge! opened to the true nature of everything you lay your eyes on. You analyze spells, magical
____________ fears death, I can feel it. effects, pierce illusions, and see things that have been hidden. The GM will describe the
____________ has no respect for magic, I'll show them. area before you, ignoring any illusions and falsehoods, magical or otherwise.
 You may treat all Spout Lore rolls of 7+ as if they were 10+.
____________ owes me their life,whether they admit it or not.  You may add the following to your list of Discern Realities questions:
When you sacrifice a bond for Arcane Power, X out the . o Is there anything here that is magical and if so, what does it do?
ARCANE BOND _____. o What is the function of any active or recently cast spells?


Your load is 8+STR. You start with Dungeon Rations (5 Uses, 1 Weight) and  Longsword (+1 damage, Close, 2 weight)
your personal Grimoire, describe it (0 weight). Choose your defenses: Choose two:
 Enchanted clothing (1 armor, 0 weight)  Adventuring Gear (5 uses, 1 weight) and 2 Healing Potions (0 weight)
 Leather Armor (2 armor, 1 weight)  Bag of Books (5 uses, 2 weight) and 8 coin
Choose your weapon:  Halfling Pipeweed or equivalent (1 Weight)
 Staff (Close, two handed, 1 weight)  Enchanted Lantern (Cold Light, 1 weight) and 5 coin
 Dagger (Hand, 1 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves.
 ARCANE DEFENSE When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
When you wear no armor, have at least 1 Prana, and carry less than your
Load, you have 2 armor.
Replaces: Arcane Defense
When you weave a spell like normal, but anchor it to a place of Power
When you wear no armor, have at least 1 Prana remaining, and carry less
You may make its effects permanent. Doing this is always possible, but the
than your Load, you have 3 armor.
GM will give you one to four of the following conditions:
• It’s going to take days/weeks/months  GIFTED
• First you must ____ You may choose a second Effect when you weave a spell, but you take a -2
• You’ll need help from ____ forward after casting it due to the strain.
• It will require a lot of money, or rare ingredients
• The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited  PHYLACTERY
• You and your allies will risk danger from ____ When you take damage that would kill you, Sacrifice a bond.
• You’ll have to disenchant ____ to do it
You stand back up, gravely wounded and at 1HP.
Add the following to the effect list for Weave a Spell: Requires: Arcane Adept
• I am Fortifying/Refining ____
• I am Summoning ____ You may add these to the effect list for Weave a Spell:
• I am Warping/Shaping ____ • I am Perfecting/Improving ____
• I am Wounding (Deal b[2d6] 1 Piercing, Forceful) [Replaces: Harming] • I am Transforming/Transmuting ____
• I am Creating/Making ____
 REFINED SPELLCRAFTING • I am Destroying/Unmaking (2d8dmg 2 Piercing Messy Forceful)[Replaces:
You may choose one additional Extra tag when you Weave a Spell. You Wounding]
may also increase the maximum amount of Prana generated by Arcane  THE BUILDING WAS ON FIRE, BUT IT WASN'T MY FAULT
Focus. You may spend 1 extra Prana to choose your own complication when
*On a 10+ generate 6 Prana you cast an Evocation, rather than having the GM do it, but you must
*On a 7-9, generate 4 Prana choose 2 from the list.
*On a Miss, generate 2 Prana
The maximum Prana you can have at any one time is now 9.  MASTER SPELLCRAFTER
 COUNTERSPELL (INT) Replaces: Refined Spellcrafting
You may choose 2 additional Extras instead of one when you Weave a
When you attempt to counter an arcane spell that will otherwise affect Spell. You may also increase the maximum amount of Prana generated by
you, Spend 1 Prana and roll+Int. Arcane Focus.
*On a 10+, the spell is countered and has no effect on you. *On a 10+, generate 7 Prana
*On a 7-9, the spell is countered but you must spend an extra Prana. *On a 7-9, generate 5 Prana
If the countered spell has other targets, you may spend 1 extra Prana per *On a Miss, generate 3 Prana
target to protect them. When you roll 12+ on any roll (for any move), you gain 1 Prana.
 MULTICLASS DABBLER The maximum Prana you can have at any one time is now 12.
You get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for  THE GILDED PATH
choosing the move. Requires: The Balance of Opposites
 SPELL AUGMENTATION You have ascended to the next level of understanding, you have realized that
you can maintain a balance between your arcane explorations, and the people
When you cast an Evocation, on a 10+ you have the option of choosing closest to you. Gain a new bond (Maximum raised from 5 to 6)
from the 7–9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these options to add to
your spell:  SPELL EXPANSION
• The spell’s effects are maximized (any damage rolled, or healing done is applied as if Requires: Spell Augmentation
you rolled the highest possible on your die, such as 6 for a d6 or 10 for a d10) Add these to the Extras list for Weave a Spell:
• The spell’s targets are doubled • Contingent : Describe a trigger condition. When you cast the spell, it is held until
 THE BALANCE OF OPPOSITES that condition is met.
• Sympathetic: affects targets outside normal ranges, or line of sight
Through effort and meditation, you have reached a compromise between
your humanity and the terrible mastery of creation, It might be possible to
maintain a middle ground. Gain a new bond (Maximum raised from 4 to 5)
Bonds and Magic
POWER OR HUMANITY? Every time you 'sacrifice' a bond connecting you to this world and the
ARCANE BOND represents your direct connection, and fine control of the people in it, you must mark off that bond and add +1 to ARCANE BOND
arcane fires of creation, and an equal distancing from your own humanity. (to a maximum of +3)
When you cast spells, you are drawing on that bond, and becoming a little When a bond is sacrificed, you can no longer gain XP from it, and it is gone
more alien as time goes on. permanently. When all bonds are sacrificed or otherwise lost, you take a
permanent -1 Ongoing to Parley, Defend, and Aid or Interfere moves.

Weave a Spell
 WEAVE A SPELL • Debilitating: Gives the target a Debility of your choice

When you reach out and weave together the elements of creation. Complications:
Declare your Effect and name your target (a person, place or These are small but harmful effects born of the friction reality resisting the
thing): spell, the GM will choose one of the following Complications for your spell:
• I am Commanding/Controlling _____ ! • Spread to an adjacent area, or Grow in intensity or depth
• I am Altering _____ ! • Leave a lingering effect on a place or Leave a permanent mark on a person or
• I am Concealing/Hiding _____ ! creature
• I am Harming (Deal your Damage) _____ ! • Dampen magic or increase its effects in an area for a period of time (+n or
-n forward or ongoing to cast spells)
Choose a range: (Default is Hand) • Summon forth a lesser monster from somewhere else
• Close, Reach, Near, Far • Deal damage to an innocent or allied character
Choose one or two Extra tags: • Turn their spell back on them
• Focused: +n Damage, Spend extra Prana 1 for 1 • The spell puts someone else in a spot or causes collateral damage
• +Bane: This spell is extra effective against _____ (eg faerie-bane) • Tell them the consequences and ask "What do you do?"
• Versatile: Choose an additional Range • Change the Environment
• Unstoppable: Breaks Armor, Spend 2 Prana • The spell takes on a life of its own (it becomes a Front or a monster in its
• Deadly: +n Piercing, Spend extra Prana 1 for 1 own right)
• Area:-1 to Cast Evocation roll, but covers an area, describe it • Choose between sacrificing a bond, or losing all Prana
• Extra Target: Spend extra Prana 1 for 1 A finished spell will have a declared effect, a target, and one or two Extras,
• Elemental: The spell is formed from an element in some way along with the prana cost and any roll modifications like in this example:
• Disturbing: the spell is creepy and unsettling
• Obvious: Easy to detect, loud or bright, etc
• Painful: It hurts, but does stun damage instead of normal damage. “I blast the troll with a wave of concussive light that eats through flesh like
• Subtle: Hard to detect, hard to counterspell acid.”
• +n Armor: Adds armor to target, spend extra Prana 1 for 1 I am Harming the Troll. Reach (d6 damage), 2 piercing (Deadly), Area
• +Bonus: +/-n forward, spend extra Prana 1 for 1 3-Prana, -1 to Evocation roll.

Background Moves
When you bend space to teleport somewhere within your line of sight,  PETITIONER OF THE ABYSS
roll +DEX. When you commune with the ruinous entities beyond reality and Seek
*On a 10+ you instantly appear where you wanted to, and choose two. their Counsel, Ask any question you like and roll +Abyss.
*On a 7-9 choose one: *On a 10+, you gain an answer to your question, and there will be no price;
• You aren't very far from where you started this time.
• You aren't in a difficult or dangerous position *On a 7-9, something is required of you; a sacrifice, or a deed, or something.
• You know where you are *On a Miss, you learn what you wanted to know, but the abyss gains a
• You aren't stunned or confused
foothold in your soul; sacrifice a bond and corrupt a sacrificed bond for 1
 INITIATE OF BLOOD MAGIC Abyss, if you end up with 4 Abyss your soul is devoured and your body is
When you scourge your soul and use your own life-force to power your warped beyond hope into a crazed abomination. (You become an NPC
magic, take a debility and gain 2 Prana as long as you don't already have that monster and must make a new character.) ABYSS _____.
debility. When you have time with a willing or helpless subject, you can
scourge them for Prana instead.
When you kill a powerful monster or other enemy, you may harvest some
of its power by replacing one of your body parts with a part from the
You are a master at reading probabilities and thinking on your feet, when monster. For every part you transplant, choose a move and a tag from that
things go from bad to worse, you're in your element. When you take a creature's list and roll +CON.
needlessly risky action, take +1 to Defy Danger for any one consequence of *On a 10+ the transplant is a complete success.
that action. If you fail to Defy Danger, however, the consequences of your *On a 7-9, there were complications, you only receive the move or the tag,
failure will be especially catastrophic. not both.
*On a miss, your body completely rejects the transplant, leaving you
disfigured until you can fix it. Because of your monstrous appearance, you
take a permanent -1 Ongoing to Carouse, Recruit, and Supply.


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