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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

Name of Teacher Ansherina Y. Cadorna Grade and Section Grade 5

Quarter Quarter 4 Learning Area Science

Date and Time May 15, 2021 Lesson Plan No. 1


I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:

a. identify the characteristics of stars

b. relate color with temperature of stars
c. explain the factors that may affect the brightness of a star

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic : Characteristics of Stars

b. Reference : Teachers Guide pages 4, Learner’s Materials pages 213-216
c. Materials : Power point Presentation, pictures,
d. Value integration: Appreciate the Beauty of God’s creation

III. Procedures

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance

3. Motivation

Before we formally start our lesson, let us watch

the video entitled Characteristics of stars. After
that I will ask you some questions and you can
raise your right hand if you want to share your
ideas. Is that clear class? Yes madam.
Yes madam
So class did you enjoy watching the video?
The video is all about the stars madam.
What is the video all about?
Yes madam.
Very Good!
Star is a natural luminous body visible in
So, What is a star?
the sky especially at night
Yes madam
Did you see stars at night class?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation

Do you want to know more about the

Yes madam
Characteristics of Stars?
Yes madam
Now, are you ready to start our travel in the sky?
We find stars in the sky during at night
But first where do we find stars?
You have sometimes watched stars at night.

What are some of your observation class? Stars vary in color, size and brightness
You know that the sun is a star. What is the Yellow madam
sun’s color?

What are the different colors of the stars have

you seen? Stars maybe yellow, red, blue or white in
color madam
Are all the stars of the same size? Have you
In size, some stars are bigger or smaller
noticed that some stars smaller, bigger than
others? than others madam.

Where do stars get their light? Do all the stars

show the same brightness? Not all stars that appear at night shine with
the same brightness

Excellent class!
2. Analysis and Discussion.
Super giant stars are those that are a thousand
times bigger than our sun

Giant stars are those that are smaller than super

giant ones but bigger than our sun.

Medium stars are average-sized stars like the


Dwarf stars are stars smaller than the sun Some stars are so large, yet they cannot be
What are the kinds of stars as to size? seen by the naked eye because they are too
far away madam

In size, our sun is an average star. It is not

How does the sun compare in size with other too large or too small madam.

The sun is an average stars. It’s not hot or cool.

It’s not large or small.

We can compare stars by temperature, size and

brightness. The sun is larger than 95% of the
stars. Stars range in color from red, orange,
yellow, white to blue.Stars range in temperature
from 2000 degrees celsius to 50,000 degrees

The 2000 degree Celsius are red in color

The 50, 000 degrees Celsius are blue in color.

Size and temperature madam
Which 2 things does the brightness of a star
depend on?

Brightness is related to the distance from the

earth and the age of a star. Hipparchus
developed the idea of classifying stars by their
brightness. 1st magnitude stars are the brightest
and the 6th magnitude stars are the weakest.

Apparent magnitude refers to the brightness of

stars as appears to us.
Absolute magnitude refers to the actual amount
of light given off by a star at a standard

Now, How is the color of star related to its The color of a star depends on its
temperature? temperature, from red and orange (cool
stars) to yellow and white (hotter stars) to
blue (very hot stars).

Explain why a cooler star could actually appear A cooler star could actually appear brighter
brighter than a hotter star? than a hotter star because in is not just
about the temperature is also depends
which one is closer or further away from
Earth. Therefore if a cooler star was closer
to Earth than a hotter star then the cooler
one would appear brighter.

3. Skills Development

C. Post Activity

1. Application

Individual Activity

This time, let us have an activity. I have here

some pictures of stars and identify if it is a
Super Giant Star, Super Gigantic Star, Giant
Star, Red Dwarf Star and White Dwarf Stars.

1. Picture of White Dwarf Stars

2. Picture of Red Dwarf Star
3. Picture of Red Super Giant Star
4. Picture of Blue Giant Star
5. Picture of Super Gigantic Star

Very good! I know you understand our lesson

very well class. You all did a great job.

2. Generalization

Let us have a simple recall on the lesson we’ve


Brightness, color, surface temperature, size

1. What are the characteristics of stars. and mass

2. Explain the factors that may affect the Three factors control the brightness of a star
brightness of a star as seen from Earth: how big it is, how hot it
is, and how far away it is. Magnitude is the
measure of a star's brightness. Apparent
magnitude is how bright a star appears
when viewed from Earth.

IV. Evaluation

Identify the sentence that states truth or fallacy. Write T for true and F for false.

_____1. Brightness, color, surface temperature, size and mass are classified as
characteristics of stars.

______2. Super giant stars are those that are a thousand times bigger than our sun.

______3. The color of a star depends on its temperature, from red and orange (cool
stars) to yellow and white (hotter stars) to blue (very hot stars).

______4. Star is a natural luminous body visible in the sky especially at night.

______5. The brightness of a star depend on Size and temperature.

V. Assignment

Make a graphic organizer about the life cycle of a stars.

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