Episode 9

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FS 2 – Learning Episode 9 Effective Questioning And Reacting Techniques

My Learning Episode Overview

This Episode dwells on types of questions, questioning and reacting techniques that
teachers make use of. The type of questions that teachers ask and their manner of
questioning and reacting to student responses has a bearing on class interaction.

My Intended Learning Outcomes

In this Episode, I must be able to:

 identify my Resource Teacher’s questioning and reacting

 select types of questions, questioning and reacting techniques that
promote/ discourage interaction

My Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following:

1. quality of my observations and documentation,

2. completeness and depth of my analysis,
3. depth and clarify of my classroom observation-based reflections,
4. completeness, organization, clarify of my portfolio and
5. time of submission of my portfolio.

My Learning Essentials
Here are time-tested principles of learning:
 Effective learning starts with questions, not answer.
 Interactive teaching is made possible with teachers’ effective questioning and
reacting techniques. (Refer to Observation Sheet # 2 for questioning and reacting
 Questioning enables teachers to check learners’ understanding. It also benefits
learners as it encourages engagement and focuses their thinking on key concepts
and ideas.
My Learning Essentials
Below are types of questions that Teachers ask.

Types of Questions that Teacher Ask

1. Factual/Convergent/Closed/Low-level Who, what, where, when questions with one
acceptable answer

2. Divergent/Open-ended/High-level/Higher- Open-ended; has more than one acceptable answer


a. evaluation

b. inference e.g. When the phone rang and Liz picked it up, she
was all smiles. What can you infer about Liz?

c. comparison

d. application

e. problem-solving

3. Affective e.g How do you feel?

Integrated Theory and Practice

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. I wasn’t satisfied with Student B’s yes as an answer and so I asked her to explain
why? Which did I do?
A. Probing
B. Asking non-direct question
C. Prompting
D. Rephrasing
2. Teacher Leticia claims she can’t accept an “I don’t know” answer. So she does _____.
A. probing
B. asking non-directed question
C. prompting
D. repeating the question
3. To obtain well-thought out answer, which questioning behavior helps?
A. Involving as many as possible
B. Asking open-ended questions
C. Asking non-directed question
D. Allowing sufficient time
4. This is my questioning behavior: I ask question I pause for a while then call on a
student. Which is this questioning practice?
A. Asking non-directed question
B. Asking for non-volunteers
C. Directing a question
D. Involving as many as possible
5. You get a partially correct answer. You say “yes but a part needs improvement”.
How did you handle the response?
A. provided a corrective feedback
B. provided an acceptance feedback
C. Gave appropriate praise
D. criticized student’s response
6. A question is raised by one student. You don’t answer it but throe back the question
to the class. Which is this reacting behavior?
A. Redirecting questions to other pupils
B. soliciting students’ questions
C. providing corrective feedback
D. asking follow up question
7. Which practice doesn’t promote interaction?
A. soliciting students’ questions
B. rejecting student’s answer outright
C. rephrasing the question
D. Repeating and expanding on a student answer.
8. You want to develop students’ critical thinking skills. Which type of questions
should you ask?
I. closed questions
II. convergent questions
III. divergent questions
IV. open-ended questions
A. III and IV
B. II and III
C. I and II
D. I and IV
9. Which type of question will least promote interaction among students?
A. divergent b. conceptual               c. convergent               d. inference

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