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1. He will get really jealous if his girlfriend _______ up a friendship with another man.

A. holds B. strikes C. makes D. puts

2. I find it so difficult to _______ awake during history lessons.

A. make B. let C. get D. stay

3. My father was an engineer, and I plan to _______ in his footsteps and study
engineering in college.

A. chase B. track C. follow D. return

4. My colleagues _______ a sympathetic ear to my complaints but could do nothing to


A. lent B. paid C. sent D. took

5. I am really excited that I will _______ a date with Camilla on Friday night.

A. keep B. take C. have D. make

6. Bill is on good _______ with the people he works with.

A. terms B. marks C. points D. deals

7. The other children were always _______ fun of him because he was fat and wore

A. taking B. making C. having D. getting

8. Parents often have trouble _______ good carers for their children.

A. to find B. being found C. finding D. to finding

9. I will consult colleagues before _______ a final decision about how to proceed.

A. making B. doing C. taking D. keeping

10. I have complete confidence _______ her. She'll be perfect for the job.

A. at B. on C. about D. in

11. We had to _______ permission from the city to build an extension to our house.
A. earn B. get C. take D. make

12. You should _______ a time limit for your studying each night.

A. fix B. set C. install D. make

13. Anyone caught _______ will be automatically disqualified from the examination.

A. stealing B. losing C. cheating D. trailing

14. She found herself in conflict _______ her parents over her future career.

A. about B. on C. towards D. with

15. I had a pleasant evening in the _______ of friends last night.

A. head B. company C. pair D. corporation

16. I deal with customers on the phone and rarely meet them _______.

A. head to head B. face to face C. ear to ear D. heart to heart

17. Right then and there, I _______ up my mind that I would become a police officer
when I grew up.

A. took B. faced C. made D. put

18. If you _______ your mind about coming tonight, just give me a call.

A. alter B. transfer C. tailor D. change

19. She was worried that they would not _______ the deadline and that penalties would
be imposed.

A. reach B. meet C. rush D. lose

20. Most people _______ the people just by looking at their appearances because that's
the first thing visible to us.

A. judge B. complain C. appraise D. abandon

21. You're not the star player on the team, but you always _______ your best, which
encourages the rest of us to do the same.

A. take B. do C. put D. keep

22. Your behavior is absolutely unacceptable. I'm at a _______ as to what to do with you.

A. loss B. fuss C. miss D. failure

23. Sarah has a lot more experience than me in this aspect of the business, so I tend
_______ to her opinions on such matters.

A. deferring B. to defer C. being deferred D. to be deferred

24. Since I passed the entrance exam to university with flying colors, I have had to live
far from my family and _______ my independent life.

A. led B. made C. taken D. reached

25. It’s hard to _______ friends as an adult because most of us are pretty set in our

ways. We have our friends, our routines, and it's hard to deviate from them.

A. strike B. invent C. install D. make

26. The sales team have _______ themselves a series of goals to achieve by the end of the

A. set B. put C. made D. kept

27. If we could all _______ an effort to keep this office tidier it would help.

A. take B. make C. create D. cause

28. She _______ a few half-hearted attempts to join in their conversation.

A. created B. did C. took D. made

29. Globally, the results show that a large proportion of people in the surveys _______ a
positive attitude towards the idea of having intelligent service robots as small 'domestic

A. form B. have C. keep D. show

30. The university has _______ a campus-wide campaign to reduce use of fossil fuel

A. launched B. published C. made D. invented

31. The campaign has certainly succeeded in _______ public awareness of the issue.

A. launching B. creating C. reaching D. raising

32. A recent survey found that private investors are two and a half times more likely to
_______ advice in a newspaper column than from a financial adviser.

A. chase B. pursue C. follow D. abide

33. I'd like to _______ a small donation in my mother's name.

A. devote B. dedicate C. make D. create

34. Do you think I'll be able to _______ my goal of losing five kilos before the summer?

A. complete B. finish C. break D. achieve

35. In their senseless killing of innocent people, the terrorists have _______ their lack of
respect for human life.

A. proved B. shown C. broke D. put

36. Many people have difficulty _______ rebuilding their lives when they come out of

A. at B. on C. in D. towards

37. The suspect's statement is not in _______ with the information witnesses have given

A. match B. suit C. fix D. accordance

38. He _______ a very generous contribution to our church restoration appeal.

A. shown B. made C. reached D. took

39. Some beautiful old buildings were torn down to make _______ for the new parking

A. road B. path C. route D. way

40. Certain chemicals have been banned because of their _______ effect on the

A. complete B. thorough C. accurate D. severe

41. You'll have the opportunity _______ any questions at the end.

A. asking B. to asking C. being asked D. to ask

42. The equipment could be used for a(n) _______ of educational purposes.

A. amount B. little C. variety D. area

43. The reason _______ the disaster was engine failure, not human error.

A. into B. about C. at D. for

44. She’s doing extra work to _______ up with the rest of the class.

A. come B. make C. catch D. put

45. There's an Egyptian art collection on _______ at the museum at the moment.

A. display B. illustration C. demonstration D. network

46. After so many years of neglect, the house is practically _______ ruins.

A. at B. under C. about D. in

47. The college principal promised _______ into the matter.

A. to look B. looking C. being looked D. to be looked

48. The two scientists both _______ the same discovery independently, at roughly the
same time.

A. took B. made C. kept D. invented

49. My doctor put me _______ a diet of nothing but fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

A. up B. at C. on D. into

50. The power failure was _______ to the recent storms and high winds.

A. blamed B. complained C. acclaimed D. attributed

51. Life _______ for both men and women has improved greatly in the past 20 years.

A. expectancy B. measure C. dimension D. expectation

52. Because Donna refuses to _______ by her parents' rules, I worry that she'll be told to
move out of their house.

A. obey B. comply C. abide D. follow

53. There are serious penalties for failure to _______ with the regulations.
A. follow B. obey C. abide D. comply

54. College coaches have to _______ to the rules about recruiting high school students.

A. abide B. comply C. adhere D. dedicate

55. I tried to convince the other board members, but my efforts were in _______, and
they outvoted me.

A. time B. vain C. ruin D. hope

56. He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he'll _______ over it.

A. go B. take C. think D. get

57. People with chronic conditions or compromised immune systems will _______ the
risk of more serious illness if they are infected with coronavirus.

A. raise B. elevate C. increase D. foster

58. _______ healthy by eating well and exercising regularly.

A. Turn B. Lead C. Appear D. Stay

59. I was under the _______ last week, but I'm feeling much better now.

A. sky B. star C. cloud D. weather

60. She _______ a 20-minute workout every morning to keep fit and stay healthy.

A. makes B. keeps C. does D. takes

61. Endangered animals are animals that are in _______ of becoming extinct. This means
that there will be no more of these animals alive on earth.

A. risk B. threat C. danger D. verge

62. Putting up some new wallpaper has _______ all the difference to the place.

A. made B. created C. taken D. kept

63. We don’t get on well with each other because we don't really _______ much in

A. get B. take C. turn D. have

64. I really admire Jame’s talent because she _______ a new world record in the high

A. get B. set C. own D. make

65. "Born This Way" went on to _______ the record for the fastest selling song in iTunes

A. demolish B. reach C. break D. leak

66. That she _______ a gold medal in the Olympics made her parent proud of her.

A. attained B. got C. owned D. won

67. He learnt Chinese for the _______ of starting a business there.

A. fear B. aim C. view D. purpose

68. The event has _______ a lot of media attention.

A. reached B. gotten C. attracted D. had

69. Organized sports can _______ teenagers occupied.

A. remain B. maintain C. keep D. Make

70. This voyage _______ an important milestone in the history of exploration.

A. set B. broke C. marked D. reached

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