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of the Philippines
Department of Labor and Employment
Quezon City


14 September 2021

In the interest of the service and pursuant to the IATF Guidelines on the Pilot Implementation of
Alert Levels System for COVID-19 Response in the National Capital Region (September 13, 2021) and
with the implementation of ALERT LEVEL 4 for the National Capital Region starting September 16,
2021, the following guidelines are hereby issued:


1. The NCR Arbitration Branch (NCRAB) shall be fully operational and shall observe at least
20% on-site capacity while implementing alternative work arrangements, specifically,
skeletal workforce and work-from-home (WFH) arrangements.

2. All Office/Unit/Division/Department in the NCRAB shall maintain at least 20% skeletal

workforce, except for the Complaint Unit and SENA Unit which shall maintain the existing work
arrangement and shall continue to process complaints and Requests for Assistance (RFAs) on
real time basis.

3. For walk-in settlement, parties are advised to submit their notarized Compromise Agreement
and/or Quitclaims, Release and Waiver at the NCRAB Records and Docket Unit to be
endorsed to the ELA for raffling.

4. The filing of appeals and pleadings shall resume on September 16, 2021. The running of the
reglementary period for the filing of appeal shall resume on September 16, 2021.

5. Filing of position papers and other pleadings shall resume on September 16, 2021 .

6. All SENA conciliation and mediation conferences via videoconferencing which were
suspended during the quarantine period shall be rescheduled by the handling SENA Con-

7. All mandatory conciliation and mediation conferences via videoconferencing which were
suspended during the quarantine period shall be rescheduled by the handling Labor Arbiter.

8. All auction sale suspended during the quarantine period shall be reset by the sheriff fifteen
(15) calendar days from September 16, 2021 in accordance with the requirements of the law.

9. Those not scheduled to work on site are on a work from home arrangements . Their respective
supervisors may, however, require them to report for work as the need arises.

Ben-Lor Building, 1184 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City

website: email address: [email protected]

10. All decisions and orders prepared by the Labor Arbiter during the quarantine period shall be
signed, promulgated, released, and mailed starting September 16, 2021.


1. The NLRC Main office shall be fully operational and shall observe at least 20% on-site
capacity while implementing alternative work arrangements, specifically , skeletal workforce
and work-from-home (WFH) arrangements.

2. All Office/Unit/Division/Department in the NLRC Main Office shall maintain at least 20%
skeletal workforce.

3. The filing of Motions for Reconsideration (MR) and Petitions for Extraordinary Remedies (ER)
shall resume on September 16, 2021. It is recommended that the applicable law,
jurisprudence, and rule on suspension of the running of the reglementary period is to be
considered in resolving the timeliness of the filing of the Motion for Reconsideration and
Petition for Extraordinary Remedies.

4. Considering that the filing of appeals is suspended during the period of quarantine, it is
recommended that the applicable law, jurisprudence, and rule on suspension of the running of
the reglementary period is to be considered in resolving the timeliness of the filing of the

5. The running of the reglementary periods for the filing of Motions for Reconsideration (MR),
Petitions for Extraordinary Remedies (ER) and other pleadings shall resume on September
16, 2021.

6. Those not scheduled to work on site are on a work from home arrangements . Their respective
supervisors may, however, require them to report for work as the need arises.

7. Routing of the recommended decisions/resolutions, prepared by the Commissioner during the

quarantine period, to the other Commissioners in their Division for their comment and/or
observation will start upon resumption of regular operations.


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