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8 July 2020

Drs. Aleksei Chmura and Peter Daszak

EcoHealth Alliance, Inc.
460 W 34th St
Suite 1701
New York, NY 10001

Re: NIH Grant R01AI110964

Dear Drs. Chmura and Daszak:

In follow-up to my previous letter of April 24, 2020, I am writing to notify you that the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), an Institute within the National Institutes
of Health (NIH), under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has withdrawn its
termination of grant R01AI110964, which supports the project Understanding the Risk of Bat
Coronavirus Emergence. Accordingly, the grant is reinstated.

However, as you are aware, the NIH has received reports that the Wuhan Institute of Virology
(WIV), a subrecipient of EcoHealth Alliance under R01AI110964, has been conducting research
at its facilities in China that pose serious bio-safety concerns and, as a result, create health and
welfare threats to the public in China and other countries, including the United States. Grant
award R01AI110964 is subject to biosafety requirements set forth in the NIH Grants Policy
Statement (e.g., NIH GPS, Section 4.1.24 “Public Health Security”) and the Notice of Award
(e.g., requiring that “Research funded under this grant must adhere to the [CDC/NIH Biosafety
in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL)].”). Moreover, NIH grant recipients
are expected to provide safe working conditions for their employees and foster work
environments conducive to high-quality research. NIH GPS, Section 4. The terms and conditions
of the grant award flow down to subawards to subrecipients. 45 C.F.R. § 75.101.

As the grantee, EcoHealth Alliance was required to “monitor the activities of the subrecipient as
necessary to ensure that the subaward is used for authorized purposes, in compliance with
Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the subaward . . .” 45 C.F.R. §
75.352(d). We have concerns that WIV has not satisfied safety requirements under the award,
and that EcoHealth Alliance has not satisfied its obligations to monitor the activities of its
subrecipient to ensure compliance.

Moreover, as we have informed you through prior Notices of Award, this award is subject to the
Transparency Act subaward and executive compensation reporting requirement of 2 C.F.R. Part
170. To date you have not reported any subawards in the Federal Subaward Reporting System.

Therefore, effective the date of this letter, July 8, 2020, NIH is suspending all activities related to
R01AI110964, until such time as these concerns have been addressed to NIH’s satisfaction. This
suspension is taken in accordance with 45 C.F.R. § 75.371, Remedies for Noncompliance, which
permits suspension of award activities in cases of non-compliance, and the NIH GPS, Section
8.5.2, which permits NIH to take immediate action to suspend a grant when necessary to protect
the public health and welfare. This action is not appealable in accordance with 42 C.F.R. §
50.404 and the NIH GPS Section 8.7, Grant Appeals Procedures. However, EcoHealth Alliance
has the opportunity to provide information and documentation demonstrating that WIV and
EcoHealth Alliance have satisfied the above-mentioned requirements.

Specifically, to address the NIH’s concerns, EcoHealth must provide the NIH with the following
information and materials, which must be complete and accurate:

1. Provide an aliquot of the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus that WIV used to determine the viral
2. Explain the apparent disappearance of Huang Yanling, a scientist / technician who
worked in the WIV lab but whose lab web presence has been deleted.
3. Provide the NIH with WIV’s responses to the 2018 U.S. Department of State cables
regarding safety concerns.
4. Disclose and explain out-of-ordinary restrictions on laboratory facilities, as suggested, for
example, by diminished cell-phone traffic in October 2019, and the evidence that there
may have been roadblocks surrounding the facility from October 14-19, 2019.
5. Explain why WIV failed to note that the RaTG13 virus, the bat-derived coronavirus in its
collection with the greatest similarity to SARS-CoV-2, was actually isolated from an
abandoned mine where three men died in 2012 with an illness remarkably similar to
COVID-19, and explain why this was not followed up.
6. Additionally, EcoHealth Alliance must arrange for WIV to submit to an outside
inspection team charged to review the lab facilities and lab records, with specific
attention to addressing the question of whether WIV staff had SARS-CoV-2 in their
possession prior to December 2019. The inspection team should be granted full access to
review the processes and safety of procedures of all of the WIV field work (including but
not limited to collection of animals and biospecimens in caves, abandoned man-made
underground cavities, or outdoor sites). The inspection team could be organized by
NIAID, or, if preferred, by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.
7. Lastly, EcoHealth Alliance must ensure that all of its subawards are fully reported in the
Federal Subaward Reporting System

During this period of suspension, NIH will continue to review the activities under this award,
taking into consideration information provided by EcoHealth Alliance, to further asses
compliance by EcoHealth Alliance and WIV, including compliance with other terms and
conditions of award that may be implicated. Additionally, during the period of suspension,
EcoHealth Alliance may not allow research under this project to be conducted. Further, no funds
from grant R01AI110964 may be provided to or expended by EcoHealth Alliance or any
subrecipients; all such charges are unallowable. It is EcoHealth Alliance’s responsibility as the
recipient of this grant award to ensure that the terms of this suspension are communicated to and
understood by all subrecipients. EcoHealth Alliance must provide adequate oversight to ensure
compliance with the terms of the suspension. Any noncompliance of the terms of this
suspension must be immediately reported to NIH. Once the original award is reinstated, NIH
will take additional steps to restrict all funding in the HHS Payment Management System in the
amount of $369,819. EcoHealth Alliance will receive a revised Notice of Award from NIAID
indicating the suspension of these research activities and funding restrictions as a specific
condition of award.

Please note that this action does not preclude NIH from taking additional corrective or
enforcement actions pursuant to 45 CFR Part 75, including, but not limited to, terminating the
grant award. NIH may also take other remedies that may be legally available if NIH discovers
other violations of terms and conditions of award on the part of EcoHealth Alliance or WIV.

Digitally signed by Michael S.
Michael S. Lauer -S Lauer -S
Date: 2020.07.08 21:43:41 -04'00'

Michael S Lauer, MD
NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research
Email: [email protected]

cc: Dr. Erik Stemmy

Ms. Emily Linde

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