Principles of Industrial Chemistry

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Principles of

Industrial Chemistry
2nd stage (2020-2021)
Chemistry Department

Karim Ali Younis

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Industrial Chemistry
• Industrial chemistry is the branch of chemistry,
which applies physical and chemical procedures
towards the transformation of natural raw
materials and their derivatives to products that
are of benefit to humanity.
• The chemical processing industry is essential to
the modern global economy and plays a vital
role in almost every other industry in existence.

19/10/2020 2
Classification of

General Industrial Industrial Organic
Chemistry Chemistry

Chlor- Fermentati
Introduction alkali, Petroleum,
Unit Extracti on,
to ammonia, Petrochem
operatio ve ethanol,
industrial sulphuric i-cals
ns metallur Pharmace
chemistry acid, and
and unit gy uti-cals,
and fertilizer, polymers
processe soaps and
chemical cement
s detergents

19/10/2020 3
Major Products of Chemical Industries and their Area of Application
Group of Product Areas

Plastics and Agricultural water management, packaging, automobiles,

Polymers telecommunications, health and hygiene, education

Synthetic rubber Transportation Industry, Textile, Industrial equipment lining

Synthetic fiber Non-woven and woven fibre in automobile , hosiery, textile

Soap and
Synthetic Health and hygiene domestic as well as industrial
Industrial Drugs & pharmaceuticals, pesticides, explosives, dyes, lube additives,
chemicals adhesive oil field, antioxidants, chemicals, printing ink, paints

Sugar & Alcohol Food, alcoholic beverage, Chemical Feed Stock, Ethoxylate, biofuel

Writing & Printing Paper, Culture Paper, News Printing Paper,

Pulp & Paper
Tissue Paper, Packaging Paper

Fertiliser Agriculture, Chemical industry ( ammonia and urea)

Agrochemicals Pesticides

Mineral acids Chemical industry- organic and inorganic 4

Industrial Chemistry Processes

Feedstock Mixer

By-product Product
19/10/2020 5
The Structures of a Project:

Process Process
Research Design

Process Bench-
evaluati scale Evaluatio
on studies Marketin n of
g Design

Plant Constructi Plant
Technical on Design
19/10/2020 6
The Structures of a Project
• Process Research
1. Process evaluation (Construct a preliminary technical, economic, and
financial feasibility of a process)
I. Construct a preliminary process flow diagram
II. Approximate equipment sizing.
III. Economic evaluation
IV. Locate areas requiring research.
2. Bench-scale studies (The objective is to obtain additional design data
for process evaluation)
I. Plan experiments
II. Design experimental setup
III. Correlate data
IV. Revise flow diagram
V. Revise economic evaluation
VI. Locate area requiring development

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The Structures of a Project

• Process Development (The objective is to obtain more design

data and possibility product for market research).
a. Plan development program
b. Design pilot plant
c. Supervise pilot plant constrictions
d. Supervise pilot-plant operations
e. Correlate data
f. Revise flow diagram
g. Revise economic evaluation

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The Structures of a Project
• Process Design (To establish process and equipment
Process design is the design of processes for desired physical
and/or chemical transformation of materials.
A. Construct flow diagram
B. Perform mass and energy balances
C. Consider alternative process designs
D. Size equipment
E. Design control systems
F. Conduct economic studies
G. Conduct optimization studies
H. Evaluate safety and health
I. Conduct environmental impact studies
J. Design control systems
19/10/2020 9
The Structures of a Project
• Plant Design and Construction (To implement the process
A) Specific equipment
B) Design vessels (mechanical design of reactors, separators tanks)
C) Consider alternative design
D) Design process piping system
E) Design data acquisition and control system
F) Design electric-power distribution system
G) Design steam-distribution system
H) Design cooling-water distribution system
I) Purchase equipment
J) Coordinate and schedule project
K) Monitor progress

19/10/2020 10
The Structures of a Project
• Plant Operations (To produce the products)
a) Plant start up
b) Troubleshooting
c) Process improvement
d) Production
e) Plant engineering

• Marketing (To sell the product)

A. Market research
B. Product sales
C. Technical customer service
D. Product development

19/10/2020 11
Factors Affecting the Manufacturing Costs

Production Costs

Variable costs Fixed costs

Capital costs
(Direct costs) (Indirect costs)

The one-off cost of The cost that The annual cost of

constructing the changes throughout the staff, local rates,
plant and all the the year and is advertising and
dependant on how
associated costs utility bills.
much product is
of all buildings.
19/10/2020 sold. 12
Factors Affecting the Manufacturing Costs
1. Direct Costs
• Raw Materials
• Catalysts
• Solvents
• Utilities (includes steam, electricity, fuel, cooling
water, process water, compressed air, refrigeration,
and waste treatment)
• Fuel costs
• Labor
• Operating Supplies
• Quality Control
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Factors Affecting the Manufacturing Costs

2. Indirect Costs
• Depreciation
• Local Taxes and Insurance
• Plant Overhead Costs

3. General Costs
• Administration Costs
• Distribution and Selling Costs
• Research and Development

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