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Unless otherwise specified on the reverse side hereof, Seller will deliver all products to Buyer F.0.B. Seller's factory. Seller reserves the right to make partial deliveries
and to ship products as they become available. Delivery dates are approximate and will be calculated from the date that Seller has received all information necessary to
permit Seller to proceed with work immediately and without interruption.

Seller reserves the right to supply the products and/or services ordered by Buyer from any of its world-wide manufacturing facilities.

If any or all products are not delivered when ready due to the request of Buyer or cannot be delivered when ready due to any cause referred to in the "Delays" Article
hereof, Seller reserves the right to invoice Buyer at any time thereafter and to place such products in storage. In such event, (1) Seller's delivery obligations will be
deemed fulfilled and title and all risk of loss or damage will thereupon pass to Buyer, (2) any amount otherwise payable to Seller upon delivery will be due and payable
upon presentation of Seller's invoices and its certification as to such cause, and (3) all expenses incurred by Seller such as for preparation for and placement into storage,
handling, storage, inspection, preservation, and insurance will be due and payable by Buyer upon submission of Seller's invoices.

If Buyer wishes to pick up products from Seller's designated manufacturing facility, such pickup must be made within three (3) working days after Buyer has received
notice from Seller that such products are ready to be picked up. If Buyer fails to pick up the products within the three (3) day period after receiving notice from Seller,
Seller may deliver products to Buyer at Buyer's expense.
The sales price(s) for products will be the list or posted price(s) of Seller in effect at the time of delivery, and will include the cost of Seller's usual factory tests and
inspections. The cost of packing and crating in accordance with the standards of Seller is an additional charge and will be added to the sales price(s).

Unless otherwise agreed to by Seller and Buyer in writing, prices applied to this order are firm for the duration of the order.
All prices are exclusive of any applicable U.S.A. federal, state or local sales, use, excise or other similar taxes. All such taxes will be for Buyer's account and will be
paid by Buyer to Seller upon submission of Seller's invoices. If Buyer is exempt from any applicable sales tax but fails to notify Seller of such exemption or fails to
furnish its Sales Tax Exemption Number to Seller in a timely manner and Seller is required to pay such tax, the amount of any such payment made by Seller will be
reimbursed by Buyer to Seller upon submission of Seller's invoices.

Any taxes (including income, stamp and turnover taxes), duties, fees, charges, or assessments of any nature levied by any governmental authority other than of the
U.S.A. in connection with this transaction, whether levied against Buyer, against Seller or its employees, or against any of Seller's subcontractors or their employees, or
otherwise, will be for Buyer's account and will be paid directly by Buyer to the governmental authority concerned. If Seller is required by law or otherwise to pay any
such levy and/or fines, penalties, or assessments in the first instance, or as a result of Buyer's failure to comply with any applicable laws or regulations governing the
payment of such levies by Buyer, the amount of any payments so made by Seller will be reimbursed by Buyer to Seller upon submission of Seller's invoices.
Unless Buyer and Seller otherwise agree to terms other than those specified herein, payment will be made in U.S. Dollars as follows:
(i) On orders by shipment to countries other than the U.S.A., payment on all sales over five thousand U.S. Dollars (U.S. $5,000) will be made through the medium
of a Letter of Credit to be established by the Buyer at its expense including any bank confirmation charges. All Letters of Credit will be in favor of and
acceptable to Seller, will be maintained in sufficient amounts for the period necessary to meet all payment obligations, will be irrevocable and issued, or
confirmed, by a bank satisfactory to Seller within fifteen (15) days after acceptance of any order, will permit partial deliveries and will provide for pro -rata
payments upon presentation of Seller's invoices and Seller's certificate of delivery F.O.B. Seller's factory, or of delivery into storage with certification of cause
therefore, and for the payment of any termination charges.
(ii) On all other orders payment will be made within thirty (30) days after the actual date of Seller's invoice(s).
(iii) A monthly interest charge at the rate of one and one-half percent(1 1/2%) or the maximum legal rate, whichever is less, will be assessed on all past due

If Buyer fails to fulfill any condition of this Article, Seller may suspend performance and any costs incurred by Seller as a result thereof will be paid by Buyer. Seller
will be entitled to an extension of time for performance and its obligations equal to the period of Buyer's non -fulfillment whether or not Seller elects to suspend
performance. If such non-fulfillment is not rectified by Buyer promptly upon notice thereof, Seller may terminate performance and Buyer will pay Seller its
termination charges upon submission of Seller's invoices.
For non-export sales, risk of loss and title to products will pass to Buyer at the time of delivery specified in Article 1 hereof. Buyer will pay, or reimburse Seller for,
all freight and in-transit insurance costs from time of delivery.

For export sales, Seller reserves the right to request that the Buyer agree that title to, beneficial ownership to, right to possession to, risk of loss on, and all property
rights in products will remain with Seller and pass to Buyer at the port of entry of the ultimate country of destination (but prior to unload ing or customs inspection at
such port) specified on Buyer's order and/or declared as a country of ultimate destination on Seller's invoices.

Neither (i) the time, method, place or medium of payment provided for herein, or any combination of the foregoing, nor (ii) the manner of consign ment provided for,
whether to, or to the order of, the Buyer or its agent, will in any way limit or modify the rights of Seller, as the owner of the products, to have control over and the
right to possession of the products until the title thereto passes to Buyer as provided for above. The term F.0.B. (Free on Board) or other commercial abbreviations, if
used on any documents related to the transaction contemplated herein, will not be deemed to relate to the time when or the place where the ownership of and
responsibility for the products is transferred from Seller to Buyer.

Buyer will pay all freight and insurance costs from the point of delivery specified in Article 1. In -transit insurance to the point that title passes to buyer as provided
above will be purchased for Seller's account and will be in an amount in U.S. Dollars not less than the aggregate prices of products delivered hereunder. Any
insurance proceeds collected by Buyer for Seller's account will be promptly remitted to Seller in U.S. Dollars. The insurance policies purchased by Buyer will be for
the benefit of Seller, whether or not Seller is named as an insured in such policies, until title and risk of loss to products passed to Buyer pursuant to this Article 5.
Where possible the policies will provide that they are for the benefit of Seller and/or Buyer "as their interests may appear." Seller agrees that any insurance proceeds
which Seller may receive in excess of amounts payable by Buyer for the products will be promptly remitted to Buyer.
Seller reserves the right, with respect to any and all goods purchased for export pursuant to these Standard Conditions of Sale, from time to time, to request and obtain
from Buyer a written statement or statements certifying that such goods were in fact exported within one (i) year of the date of Seller's invoice(s) therefor.
Prior to the delivery of any products, Seller will perform its standard acceptance test applicable to such products, and, upon request by Buyer, Seller will certify in
writing that the products have satisfied the requirements of such test. Buyer will be deemed to have accepted the products upon receipt, and title thereto, will pass to
Buyer in accordance with the terms of Article 5 hereof.
manufactured by Seller, only the warranty, if any, given by the manufacturer thereof, will apply. THE FOREGOING ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,

In those states which do not allow limitations on the duration of an implied warranty the above limitation will not apply. Similarly, in those states which do not allow
the exclusion or limitation of consequential damages, the above limitation or exclusion will not apply. This limited warranty gives consumer specified legal rights and
they also will have all other rights provided by law.
If Buyer receives a claim that any product or part thereof manufactured by Seller infringes a United States patent or copyright, Buyer will notify Seller promptly in
writing and give Seller all necessary information and assistance and the exclusive authority to evaluate, defend and settle such claim. Seller, at its own expense and
option, will then (i) settle or defend against such claim or (ii) procure for Buyer the right to use such product, or (iii) replace or modify the product to avoid
infringement, or (iv) remove it and refund the purchase price less a reasonable amount for depreciation. Provided such timely notice has been given by Buyer, should
any court of competent jurisdiction hold such product to constitute infringement, Seller will pay any costs and damages finally awarded on account of such infringement
and, if the use of such product is enjoined, Seller will take, at its option, one or more of the actions described in (ii), (iii) or (iv) above. With respect to any product or
part thereof not manufactured by Seller, only the patent indemnity, if any, given by the manufacturer thereof will apply. The foregoing indemnity will not apply to any
product made to the specification or design of Buyer. The rights and obligations of the parties with respect to patents and all other industrial property rights are solely
and exclusively as stated herein.
The total liability of Seller (including its subcontractor) on any claim, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, arising out of, connected with, or
resulting from the manufacture, sale, delivery, resale, repair, replacement or use of any product will not exceed the price allocable to the product or part thereof which
gives rise to the claim. In no event will Seller be liable for any incidental or consequential damages including, but not limited to, damages for loss of revenue, cost of
capital, claims of customers for service interruptions or failure of supply, and costs and expenses incurred in connection with labor, overhead, transportation, installation
or removal of products or substitute facilities or supply sources.
Buyer will indemnify Seller and hold Seller harmless from and against any liability, damage, loss, expense, claim or judgment arising from injury (includ ing death) to
any person (whether an employee of Buyer or any other person) or damage to any property, however caused, whether by Seller's sole or concurrent negligence or
otherwise, arising from the sale, resale, repair, replacement or use of any products delivered pursuant to this order.

If requested by Seller, Buyer, at its own expense, will defend any claim, suit or action which is brought against Seller and is within the indemnification set out in the
preceding paragraph provided that Seller promptly gives Buyer notice of such claim, suit or action, furnishes a copy of all documents and instruments served upon Seller
in connection therewith and reasonably cooperates with Buyer in such defense. Seller, at its own expense, will have the right to be represented in such defense by
advisory counsel of Seller's selection. If Seller does not request Buyer to defend any such claim, suit or action, Seller, at its own expense, will undertake the defense
thereof and Buyer, at its own expense, will have the right to be represented in such defense by advisory counsel of Buyer's selection.

Buyer will pay any judgment finally awarded in any claim, suit or action which is brought against Seller and is within the indemnification set out herein above, whether
Seller or Buyer directs the defense thereof, and Buyer agrees to pay any amounts payable in settlement or compromise of any such claim, suit or action, provided that
Buyer agrees in writing to the settlement or compromise amount and to the terms of settlement or compromise.
Buyer and third parties will not use any product or part thereof in connection with any activity or process involving nuclear fission or fusion or use or handling of any
nuclear by-product material, as those materials are defined in the U.S, Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (as amended), unless Seller's written consent has been obtained prior
to such use, and until such time as Buyer at no expense to Seller, will have arranged for insurance coverage, indemnities and waivers of liability, recourse and
subrogation, all acceptable to Seller, and all fully adequate in the opinion of Seller, to protect Seller (and its subcontractors and suppliers) against liability of any kind
whatsoever whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise.

Seller will not be obligated to deliver the products until such indemnities, insurance and waivers have been procured and are legally operative in Seller's favor, failing
which Seller may rescind the sale without liability of damages of any nature.
The date on which Seller's obligations are to be fulfilled will be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of any delay arising directly or indirectly from (i)
acts of God, unforeseeable circumstances, acts (including delay or failure to act) of any governmental authority (de jure or de facto); war (declared or undeclared), riot,
revolution, priorities, fires, floods, strikes labor disputes, sabotage or epidemics, (2) inability due to causes beyond Seller's reasonable control to timely obtain
instructions or information from Buyer, necessary and proper labor, materials, components, facilities, or transportation, or (3) any other cause beyond Seller's reasonable

The foregoing extension will apply even though such cause(s) may occur after Seller's performance of its obligations has been delayed for other causes.

If delay resulting from any of the foregoing causes extends for more than sixty (60) days and the parties have not agreed upon a revised basis for continuing the work at
the end of the delay, including adjustment of the price, then either party, upon thirty (30) days written notice, may terminate the order with respect to the unexecuted
portion of the work whereupon Buyer will pay Seller its termination charges.
Buyer will be responsible for the timely obtaining of all required authorizations, including Export Licenses, Import Licenses, Exchange Permits and all other
governmental authorizations, even though such authorizations may be applied for by Seller. Buyer and Seller will assist each other in every manner reasonably possible
in securing such authorizations as may be required Seller will not be liable if any authorization is delayed, denied, revoked, restricted or not renewed and Buyer will not
be relieved thereby of its obligations to pay Seller for its work.

All sales hereunder will at all times be subject to the export control laws and regulations of the United States Government and any amendments thereof. Buyer agrees
that it will not make any disposition, by way of trans-shipment, re-export, diversion or otherwise, except as said laws and regulations may expressly permit, of U.S.
origin goods purchased from Seller, other than in and to the ultimate country of destination specified on Buyer's order and/or declared as the country of ultimate
destination on Seller's invoices.
Seller reserves the right, by written notice of default, to cancel this order, without liability to Seller, in the event of any default on the part of the Buyer, the
discontinuance of business by Buyer, or the sale by Buyer of the bulk of its assets other than in the usual course of business.
(i) Any order resulting here from will in all respects be construed and be given legal effect in conformity with the laws of the State of Utah, U.S.A.
(ii) These Standard Conditions of Sale supersede all prior discussions and writings and constitute the entire agreement between Buyer and Seller with respect to the
terms and conditions governing all orders. No waiver or modification of these Conditions will be binding upon Seller unless made in writing and signed by a duly
authorized representative of Seller.
(iii) Seller's obligation hereunder will be dependent upon Seller's ability to obtain the necessary raw materials.
(iv) The remedies Provided herein will be cumulative and in addition to any other remedies provided by law or equity. A waiver of a breach of any provision hereof
will not constitute a waiver of any other breach hereof.
(v) All correspondence pertaining to this order, or to any of the terms and conditions covered by this order, will be in the English language.
(vi) All prices are subject to change without notice and may be subject to any increase which may be in effect on the date of shipment.
(vii) Any provisions in any purchase order, quotation, acknowledgment, or other forms or contract documents applicable to sales of Seller's products which are
inconsistent, or in conflict, with any of the provisions herein are hereby objected to and will be deemed to be inapplicable to such sales.

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